Katya Sambuca: biography, age, professional activity. Katya sambuca escaped from the beating of her husband-porn director bob jack Katya sambuca and her daughter

A well-known adult film actress said on social networks that she fears for the life of her little daughter Zvana.

Famous St. Petersburg porn actress Katya Sambuca ran away from her husband Bob Jack. The singer and showgirl on her social network page spoke about the brutality of the porn director and published her photos with traces of violence as evidence. In the photo, a young blonde shows numerous bruises and abrasions.

- I was forced to leave my beloved St. Petersburg for another city. The only reason is fear. I have been afraid for years! I was afraid to breathe wrong, walk wrong, look and even think differently than Bob wants. Now I plucked up the courage and ran away ... - the model writes on the VKontakte social network, referring to her fans and everyone who is interested in her life and work.

“Years of torment and fear for myself, for little Zvana. I was beaten more than once by a man who, in theory, was supposed to be my support and protection. Now I live in another city, but he continues to demand money from me, blackmails me with compromising evidence, namely photos “without photoshop” and family archives, the owner of the “porn Oscar” added.

- This whole situation is unpleasant for me, but there is no more strength to be silent! writes Katya Sambuca. The porn actress claims that Bob Jack not only promises to disrupt all her performances in the near future if she does not return to him, but also threatens her with prison, as well as sophisticated reprisals.

- Beating me again, he forced me to write and sign a contract with him. He threatens me with a lawsuit if I do not send him money for Surgut, and he is not at all interested in how and on what Zvana and I live and what we eat. All his threats sent to me are with me and those to whom he wrote. But all this will be considered by the court, if, of course, I live to see it. Yes, I will live!!! He told me many times that I could be doused with acid or maimed if I tried to escape from him, writes Katya Sambuca.

The porn star admits that she endured the bullying of her husband for a long time, whom she married at the age of 16, only for the well-being of her daughter Zvana, but now the cup of patience has run out. Sources close to Sambuca told LifeNews that she plans to divorce Bob.

However, Bob himself told LifeNews that in no case would Katya let him divorce him.

“Let us live in different cities, but I think that our family should remain in the status in which it is now,” the porn director commented briefly. In addition, Bob Jack said that he did not beat his wife, and the photos published by Sambuca were taken after plastic surgery, as a result of which bruises remained.

Ekaterina was born on August 27, 1991 in St. Petersburg. The father of the future star of adult films worked as an ordinary builder, his mother was a professional gymnastics. Katya studied at a school with in-depth study of the Polish language, and after graduating from the 9th grade, she entered the culinary college, where she studied for only a year. After the release of the scandalous program on NTV about child porn, in which she was one of the heroines, the directorate of the educational institution decided to expel her. After being expelled from the technical school, Katya got a job at the Liverpool restaurant. One day the institution was visited by Mick Jagger himself, who came to St. Petersburg on tour. The legendary leader of the Rolling Stones, who appreciates and knows a lot about female beauty, immediately drew attention to the bright girl and invited her to visit his homeland. Thanks to an influential admirer, Catherine became famous in the United States. Her business went uphill after filming in erotic photo shoots, porn films. A well-known manufacturer of children's toys in her image and likeness specially released a line of dolls for girls. Such an honor was previously awarded only to recognized megastars of show business. Currently, she is almost the only star of Russian porn films, which is highly rated in the West. Two years ago, there was even a serious scandal and proceedings with the designer Philip Penn from Germany, who dared to put the image of Catherine in the nude on his T-shirts. Moreover, the Russian sex star did not give any consent to the demonstration of her divine body on them. She threatened the German designer with a huge lawsuit, but after a while, both sides, having cooled down, agreed amicably. No less in demand are photo shoots of a busty blonde, who has repeatedly graced the covers of Ukrainian XXL, Estonian Qogo. Three years ago, Katya Sambuka made her debut as a TV presenter on the 2x2 channel, where the sexy girl was entrusted with hosting the Fashion Device program. In 2014, she solemnly cut the ribbon at the opening of a rehabilitation center for women in Estonia. And not far from it, the fashionable Russian sculptor Alexander Vrublevsky installed a bronze statue in the form of a little mermaid on a pedestal, very similar to Dolgova.

Katya Sambuca is a famous Russian sex bomb, the owner of the fifth breast size, a porn star, TV presenter and model (real name is Ekaterina Dolgova). She became world famous after she turned out to be the prototype of the Bobby baby doll, very popular among European teenagers. This allowed the 15-year-old girl at that time to become on a par with such stars as N. Kidman, D. Alba, A. Lavigne, who were also faces of the puppet series. Even greater fame came to Sambuca after filming in porn films. Today she is considered the main Russian star of this difficult genre.


In social networks, Katya Sambuca is generally one of the most famous people. Many personal pages, fan clubs are dedicated to her, in 2011, visitors to VKontakte recognized her as the most beautiful woman in Russia. She also tries herself as a singer, several of her videos are so scandalous that they caused an incredible flurry of criticism on the network and were soon banned from showing.

As for the erotic and porn direction, then in this field her performance is admirable. So, in 2008, readers of the Chilean version of Playboy recognized her as the girl of the year. A few months later, she became a participant in the annual festivals of the best pornographic films in Spain. Well, the main award for Katya Sambuque was presented in Portugal - at the Eros Porto festival she was given the main prize for the best episode with anal sex and was named the best actress in Europe.

One of the most famous porn stars in history, Cicciolina, shedding tears, even called Catherine her successor. In connection with this story, resourceful Italian journalists released an erotic comic book, where Cicciolina and Sambuca became the main characters.

Katya Sambuki also has her own page in the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of 18, she arranged a sex marathon on a pleasure ship in Petrozavodsk. 84 cadets of the local maritime school alternately did cunnilingus to the buxom beauty, while trying to satisfy themselves with their hands. Almost all of them got an orgasm, which caused a lot of pleasure for Sambuca. After the sex experiment, the newly-made record holder even stated that she felt her complete superiority over the young guys.

Personal life

The Russian sex bomb claims that she first knew a man only at the age of 16, however, in fairness, she says that she does not remember who exactly it was. Around the same time, Catherine got married. Although it is impossible to get married at such a young age, the leadership of the registry office went to meet the newlyweds and issued a certificate of registration. Perhaps they managed to pull off such a trick because of the fame of Katya's husband Sambuka - he was none other than the St. Petersburg adult film director Bob Jack (Sergey Mikhailov).

Soon the happy couple had a daughter, who was named Zvana. The strange name of the girl is explained by the fact that her dad became a man in Volkhov, in a hotel of the same name. Katya Sambuca is reluctant to talk about her child in an interview, arguing that she is afraid of the banal evil eye. For the same reason, she does not allow posting photos of Zvana in children's magazines and social networks.

Last summer, many were shocked by the scandal involving the star couple. On her own page on the social network, the actress said that, together with her daughter Zvana, she ran away from her husband, fleeing the beatings. She posted photos that clearly showed bruising on her face and the marks of Bob Jack's punches. In turn, Mikhailov said that this was not the first time his wife had escaped from the family nest, and the traces of “beatings” on her face were only a consequence of plastic surgery and injections for rejuvenation. And with scandals, she tries to attract more attention to herself and, as a result, an even greater increase in her rating.

Katya Sambuca is a show business star, famous for her erotic photo shoots and shows. Participant and winner of European pornographic festivals, singer, TV presenter of the 2x2 channel, prototype of the British Bobby doll.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Dolgova, better known under the pseudonym Katya Sambuca, was born in St. Petersburg in August 1991 in a simple family. Dad worked as a builder, mom is a housewife, a former gymnast. According to the girl, she has Swedish-Estonian roots from her grandmother.

Katya Sambuka

Katya attended a city school, where the Polish language was studied in depth. After the 8th grade, the girl entered the local culinary lyceum, but she failed to get an education: at the end of the 1st year, the student was expelled. According to some reports, due to the release of a scandalous program about the porn industry. Katya did not receive a secondary education.

While studying at the culinary lyceum, Dolgova had an internship at the Liverpool restaurant. According to Katya, the soloist "" saw the girl there and invited her to go with him to America. It is known that 15-year-old Katya was chosen as the prototype of the Bobby doll, which is produced in London. Previously, a line of popular dolls was made using the appearance, and.


Katya got the pseudonym Sambuka after meeting with the St. Petersburg director of adult films Sergei Mikhailov, known in show business under the pseudonym. Acquaintance with the director played an important role in the development of the girl's biography. Collaborating with Mikhailov, Dolgova gained considerable popularity. Sambuca began to appear regularly at erotic festivals.

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Model Katya Sambuca

Candid photos of the girl were published in men's magazines, among the most famous are the Ukrainian "XXL" and the Estonian "Qoqo". Unlike other porn stars, Katya did not star in adult films. Sambuca promoted the image of a sexy blonde with appetizing forms.

In 2007, porn director and producer Bob Jack released the book POR-NO! with a circulation of 5 thousand copies, where he outlined his own attitude to sex, details of his biography and interesting facts about his film career. Bob made his wife Katya Sambuca one of the heroines of the novel. The popularity of the model was gaining momentum - in 2011 she was named the most attractive girl of the VKontakte social network.

Trailer of the film "Silicon"

In 2012, with the participation of the artist, 2 films of provocative content were released - the film "Silicon", in which the girl played herself, and a video called "Deep Hole", where Anatoly Shmel, an actor in the comedy project of the 2 × 2 TV channel, acted as Sambuka's partner. Reutov TV. The last picture was created in a humorous genre.

In 2013, Katya Sambuca made her debut as a TV presenter of the Fashion Device project on the 2x2 channel. The following year, the actress opened a women's rehabilitation center in Estonia. In the same place, in the Estonian city of Haapsalu, in 2014, a bronze statue of the Little Mermaid by Russian sculptor Alexander Vrublevsky appeared. The statue has the face and figure of Kati Sambuki.

In the same 2013, the artist visited Barcelona with an erotic show. The festival, which took place in Catalonia in the autumn days, gathered about 100 thousand spectators. As a result of the performance, the girl received the Grand Prix at the XIV FICEB International Adult Film Festival "Klic-Klic". In addition to the main award, the artist, who was present at the ceremony, being completely naked, was also awarded the award in the nomination "Special Guest of the Festival" and the Audience Choice Award.

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Katya Sambuca as the Snow Queen

In 2015, Katya Sambuca continues to build a television career and gets the place of the leading program of the 2x2 TV channel, Chicken Wealth. The program was created in the format of a brutal video magazine for men, in which the sexy presenter talked about the latest in the field of fishing, hunting, the automotive industry, and technology.

The actress from St. Petersburg has become the only Russian porn celebrity in the Western world. In 2014, men's T-shirts by the German designer Philipp Plein went on sale, which depicted Katya Sambuca in the nude. The artist did not consent to the use of the image, so she threatened Plein with legal proceedings. But it looks like it didn't happen.

Trailer of the film "Egor Shilov"

In 2015, the film "Egor Shilov" was released, where Katya Sambuca played the role of the wife of authority. For the sake of some scenes, the girl was naked in front of the camera, but she refused to kiss and hug with her partner in the frame. The action movie was directed by a film enthusiast from Chuvashia, Yuri Spiridonov.

For the main roles, the cinematographer invited actors unknown to the general public. After the failed premiere of the film, the filmmakers decided to re-shoot and supplement the video footage.

In 2016, at a concert in Kirov, a celebrity shocked the audience. Several thousand residents of the city came to watch Sambuca's performance at a local nightclub. On the stage, Katya showed frank numbers, including with the audience from the audience.


Since 2010, Katya has launched her own musical project. The artist, together with a team of model girls, prepared a number of numbers for the show. With concerts, the Sambuki group began touring the country. The audience came to the singer's performances, who were interested not so much in the vocal abilities of the show business star as in the seductive forms of the soloist. The musical group visited 70 cities of Russia.

Glamorous and sexy Ekaterina Mikhailova is a porn actress, model, and TV presenter, better known as Katya Sambuca. At the age of 23, the girl has achieved great success in the porn industry, starring in several videos not without an erotic connotation, mastering the skills of a TV presenter and singer. As for vocal data, Katya's creations did not cause much enthusiasm among the public, which cannot be said about her performances, which make a splash in many cities of Russia and the entire European continent. In addition, under the guidance of Ekaterina, a group of girls with a model appearance performs for true connoisseurs of the beauty of the female body.

In the portfolio of Katya Sambuki, there are more than one hundred candid photos without Photoshop, where the star is presented in all its glory: bright, provocative makeup and a minimum of clothes. Her photos adorn the covers of expensive glossy publications, delight the eye and excite the imagination of readers.

A little biography

The story of Catherine could be called somewhat banal, if not for her scandalous popularity and extraordinary approach to this kind of activity. Katya's producer is her husband Sergei Mikhailov, or better known under the pseudonym Bob Jack. The couple legalized the relationship when the girl was less than 16 years old. In the same year, they had a daughter, Zvana.

The girl was born in an ordinary average family, her childhood and early teenage years were not much different from her peers: a school with a Polish bias, then a culinary college, which Katya never managed to finish. Except that about a year before her marriage and the beginning of her exhilarating career as a porn star, Katya became the prototype of the British Bobby doll. It was from that moment that a new stage began in Catherine's life: dynamic, full of bright events and.

Katya Sambuca - beauty secrets

Katya Sambuca achieved incredible success and popularity thanks to her scandalous fame and the desire to shock the public, but her attractive appearance and practice also played an important role. With a relatively low growth of 170 cm, its weight is 51 kg. Of course, not without the participation of plastic surgery, but the silhouette of a celebrity is also as close as possible to the cherished "90-60-90".

Katya Sambuca practically does not go anywhere without makeup, so meeting an actress on the street without makeup - a bright and transforming face beyond recognition, is almost impossible. This fact somewhat upsets fans who are eager to see the natural beauty of the blond beast. But Katya Sambuca steadily adheres to the chosen image and does not leave the house without makeup. However, according to eyewitnesses and acquaintances, Katya Sambuca without makeup looks much younger, which once again reminds her of her young age.

What the actress certainly does not hide is her body. The ideal parameters of the figure and the smooth toned skin of Katya Sambuka are visible even in the photo without photoshop. Which indicates that the girl carefully monitors her appearance. According to Ekaterina, she does not adhere to a special diet, her main rule is less sweet and fatty foods, a slight feeling of hunger after the dinner table, as well as regular physical activity. Katya also admitted that a great incentive for her to keep herself in good shape is to leave the house as often as possible, visit public places and various events.

As for the sexual outlines of the female figure, there is no better assistant than strip plastic. But in general, every girl can choose classes to her liking, the main thing is that they bring pleasure, and the effect will not be long in coming.