Congratulations to the Defender of the Fatherland Day 23. Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23). SMS congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations on February 23

I hasten to congratulate you -
You became the Man of February!
After all, you are strong, handsome and courageous
Always be the first is your destiny.

You protect every day
From a thousand problems
You help in difficult times
Explore with you even now.

You are unique, perfect
And sexually complete.
In the shoulders of huge broads,
Why words - after all, you are priceless!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Men's Day is a great holiday
On this day the Earth is buzzing,
Because notes
February twenty-third!

On this day they are on fire
Both small and large
Precious diamonds -
Our miracle men!

It's sad without men in the world
There is no mood at all
That is why this is the main
In the happiness of women is a tool!

From 23 February

May February be harsh and snowy
And let the character be cool.
We will tenderly congratulate the men
So that the roses will bloom!
We wish you good health!
Happy National Defenders Day!
We look at you with love,
We need you men!

Congratulations on February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
We want to congratulate you today.
Ever since humanity has existed,
And wars exist with him.
No matter how calm the years are,
The Fatherland always needs warriors,
We wish you to be the most worthy
And to protect the peace of the native land!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

We women can't do without you,
And you, too, without us, of course!
And if the enemy suddenly attacks,
Only the army will help us.

Today is your man's holiday
I sincerely congratulate you on him!
I'm glad to be always with you
When you're not around, I miss you.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in verse

I congratulate you today
On a February day, I wish
So that you are always strong, brave,
Decent, dexterous and skillful!

To show masculinity,
And I never lost heart!
On February 23
May your dream come true!

Verse from February 23

Men are brothers and friends
Fathers, husbands and sons -
We are glad at this bright hour
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

You are our happiness and support,
Our protection and peace.
You are subject to the seas and mountains,
We are behind you like a wall!

We, your faithful friends,
Thank you for being there.
We love you not for your merits:
Male strength, valor, honor -

All this has been given to you by nature,
So that you can protect us,
Become the successors of the family
And be worthy of love!

Verse for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Congratulations to dear men,
We wish you joy and happiness,
Inspiration, tender affection
And love from the heart, for no reason.
It's cold in February
Winter seems to last forever
But remember - loved ones always
You will be warmed by the tenderness of the heart.

Congratulation verse for February 23

Every woman's man is beautiful
Perhaps deserved attention.
I wish you love, passionate wife,
Sometimes I don't even have enough strength ...

Vulnerable to the soul, but stronger than granite
Outside, you are. Capable of protecting.
Men, this life is open to you!
Ahead soon - to conquer the peaks!

Beautiful congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender's Day, guys,
Always be strong
Like gallant soldiers
You walk through the years.

May it be more fun for you
Every moment, every day
There are no guys bolder in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May luck accompany
May success come to you
In every day, let, not otherwise,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Today we will congratulate you.
For the happiness of humanity
Peace must be kept lasting.
May all desires come true
Love and new victories for you,
Health, happiness, prosperity,
And many long bright years!

Beautiful verse for February 23

Men rule this world
And whoever says anything,
Men are power and strength
The Lord gave them strength.

Men, take care of women -
They will warm your hearth
And only live righteously
Consider every step!

Beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in verse

Respecting and loving,
I wish you hello!
To be like you
I dream in the future.

Be respected people
Like you, be a genius.
And today you accept
My congratulations!

Congratulations on February 23 to men

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Let me wish
The sun is bright, the sky is clear,
So that there is grace everywhere!

Be strong and beautiful
Never give up.
And try to make the girls cute
We were always happy with you!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to men

This is how it turns out in life -
We expect support from men.
After all, you are the defenders of the Fatherland,
Keep your hearth and home
We love and respect you,
Sharing all the worries with you,
And congratulations to you today
We are from February 23!

Wish for February 23

You are the man that means so much
You are strong and beautiful in everything!
May life be a straight road
Will lead you to your happiness.

I wish for green light
In beginnings, accomplishments, deeds.
So that life is warm with affection,
To make joy sparkle in your eyes!

Wish for the Defender of the Patronymic Day

I want to wish men
I have only happiness in this life,
Respect your loved ones
And be funny, real

I want to tell you sincerely -
They are worthy of happiness and success.
And you shouldn't give up -
Obstacles are not an obstacle to happiness.

Original congratulations on February 23

To be the defender of the fatherland -
Doesn't mean to be in the military
Who was in battle
Served or prisoners.

The protector is a man
Capable of courage
Ready to survive
Any mess.

Defender is a patriot
Adherent of the Fatherland,
Able to survive
Any disasters!

Original congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Twenty third of February,
A holiday for all men.
And congratulate them today
There are many reasons.

Defend your homeland
Take care of our sleep.
And for this dear
I bow to you.

Be happy, healthy
And laugh more often
Relax in resorts
And bask in the sun.

Congratulations to the defender of the fatherland

Today is the red day of the calendar
All men celebrate their holiday,
Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23,
Accept congratulations from me, dear!

I wish you, my beloved man,
Always be healthy and strong
To achieve success in striving for the heights,
Always be caring, kind and sweet!

Official congratulations on February 23

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! With all my heart I wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! Let the difficulties you meet on your way will always be easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

Official congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is an important holiday for every citizen of our country. On this day, we not only honor our military and remember the feats of arms of our compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men with courage and dedication, who love the Motherland, respect its history. That is why this day is a truly national holiday. We wish you happiness, prosperity, success in your work for the good of the Fatherland!

Cool congratulations on February 23

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism
Health and wealth,
With a dream not to part,

Be mobile, active,
Fit, athletic,
You are the best I have!
Honey, since February 23rd!

Cool congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I hasten to congratulate you
Since the twenty third of February.
And remind you that you are a man
Not a drunken brute.
Stay with them in life
Take care of your homeland,
Cherish your family
And don't become a pig.
Those words are just for your future use.
Here is my rhyme.

Merry congratulations on February 23

On this glorious winter day
Overcoming laziness
Every man looks like a cheetah,
Even if he himself is a seal.

To our dear men
Wish you forever
Strength, vigilance, courage
And a tight wallet!

Cheerful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy February 23!
I congratulate you!
Let there be money in your pockets
Let the beauties love you!

May everything in life be successful
And luck will smile
So that everything is enough for you
What you need to stand!

SMS congratulations on February 23

SMS congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I am with this holiday for men,
February, congratulations!
To be on a horse in life, dashing,
Well, in my heart I wish to be an angel!

Short congratulations on February 23

Let there be new achievements
Victories, true friends,
And the course lies - on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

Short congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Defender, be strong and courageous
Hurry, congratulations,
May everyday life be filled with happiness
And the days will be calm!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Brave and courageous defender, on your holiday, February 23, I want to wish you real victories, but not on the front line, but in ordinary life, let no political decisions destroy peace in your country, albeit fragile, but peace. Let the military planes take to the skies only for exercises and parades, let the alarms be training and the praises real.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in prose

Dear Defenders, thanks to you, we do not forget that the Motherland is not an abstract speck of irregular shape on the globe - this is all of us! May this unity support you in difficult times at work and warm your soul on days of rest! Be loved and respected, cheerful and lucky, calm and happy!

Congratulations on February 23 in your own words

Congratulations on the most brutal holiday of the year! From February 23! I want to wish real men more strength, patience, good luck and good! May there always be peace and quiet in your homes. Let your family be always under your impenetrable protection! I wish that more worthy defenders of the homeland grow up in your families, and that they can always take from you an example of courage, courage and justice!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in your own words

On the 23rd day of February, the holiday of real men, we congratulate our defenders! It doesn't matter whether they serve or not, they are always, every moment ready to stand guard over our freedom and our lives! Allow me on this day, in addition to congratulations, to wish you a peaceful and most prosperous life!

Toast for February 23rd

Let's drink to all those guys who selflessly defended, defend and will someday defend our homeland. For the fact that they would always be strong in body and spirit, for their happy lives!

Toast for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear Men! On behalf of all women, we congratulate you on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! We love you, appreciate and are always ready to inspire you for deeds in the name of the Motherland. Let's drink to men!

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved

Today, on the holiday of all men,
I wish my own husband
Be the master of your life
Live without knowing doubt

So that your words, dear,
Suddenly they did not disagree with business,
So that great success awaits in everything,
So that your loved ones are proud of you!

Congratulations on February 23 to the guy

I met the best guy in the world.
He is clever and kind, and his soul is bright.
How I dream to be always with him
At this time it is winter and under leaf fall.

Become his friend, the very best.
Near him - and sunny, there are no clouds in the sky.
On this February day, I congratulate him,
I wish him to serve with dignity!

Congratulations on February 23 to her husband

I want to congratulate my beloved husband,
And on a man's holiday I will scream out of love,
So that my cry now reaches heaven,
So that God gives you a lot of miracles:

Health, which does not care about everything,
So that we are always together with you,
Success in work, patience and strength,
And so that he loved his wife!

Congratulations on February 23 to a friend

There are so few friends in the world
Each has its own path.
But I was lucky in life -
We have been friends for a long time, in spite of everyone.

I wish you a man's day
To live with a smile, not discouraged.
Always love your relatives
To be happy and contented!

Congratulations on February 23 for dad

Beloved dad! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
I want to say that you are the best!
I want to convey to humanity,
That my dad is the father of dreams.

He will always help, he will listen competently,
On business sometimes scold.
Health to you, dad is the main thing!
And the rest of life is nonsense.

Congratulations on February 23rd to your son

Dear son, congratulate you
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day.
I wish courage to rule you.
I teach you to love your homeland.

If you gave someone a man's word,
You always manage to contain him.
Have a big heart for people
So that they can love and respect you!

Congratulations on February 23 to brother

It's so good that I have a brother!
What would happen without you, I can't imagine
For any girl, you are just a treasure,
Happy February 23rd, brother, congratulations!

I wish you success in everything,
May everything be fine in life
More smiles, perky laughter,
Good friends and a decent salary!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

Hey colleagues, congratulations
Happy February 23rd!
We have been waiting for this day for a long time
We know for sure that it is not in vain!

May everything work out today
And let there be gifts
And the girls will not leave, -
They will dissolve the sadness with their hands!

Let there be a lot on this day;
Wishes, congratulations
And unusual surprises,
And wishes of performances!

Congratulations on February 23 to a colleague

Colleague, since February 23rd!
What can I wish for this day?
Sadness may not touch you
And you should never lose heart.

May every moment bring good luck
Let success accompany your career,
And remember - only those luck awaits
Those who work with dignity are the best!

Congratulations on February 23 to men colleagues

Down with working moments
All the best today is for you:
Flowers, gifts, compliments -
To our colleagues and friends.

Let the frost and wind outside the window,
February blizzard snow -
The best men in the world
To congratulate you, there are no barriers!

Smart, confident, beautiful,
You are ideal for our ladies,
So, it will be fair
In verses in love, confess to you

So that, waking up early in the morning
And after experiencing culture shock
Soulful, gentle and unexpected
You have read our rhyme!

Happy February 23rd to the boys

On this Day of Defenders
Boys - hurray!
We wish them good luck
Joy, goodness!

Be very strong -
Both soul and body.
Remember that the main thing is
Not words, but deeds!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates

To make the day go beautiful
We will congratulate our classmates.
No boys in our class
It wouldn't be very cool.
Even though they are annoying
And they grab us by the braids,
We love them so dearly
That you are ready to forgive forever
All insults and miscalculations.
We won't settle scores
Let's just love them
And to feed with sweets.

To become a man - it's not enough for them to be born,
To be iron, it is not enough to be ore.
You must melt, break
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.

Will be brought to life
Plans, undertakings!
Happy Defender's Day!
Peace! Prosperity!

We honor the sons of the Fatherland in uniforms,
That the glory of the flag is multiplied
And in a difficult and dangerous age
Our peaceful sleep is securely guarded!

May there always be a place for a feat,
Let courage and strength not fail,
So that life is bright and interesting,
And it certainly brought joy!

I wish you to be solid like steel
And proudly wear a medal!
May all your dreams come true
And all desires come true!

For a stable world and peace
We bring you with respect
On a truly masculine holiday
We congratulate you!

With my firmness and strength
You conquered me in an instant.
So reliable and beautiful
You are a real general!

In all ages, Russian men,
They won wars with their heroism,
All - officers, grooms, pages,
They gave their lives for the honor of Russia.
And the Russian spirit has not weakened in you,
We see in you the heroes of the past, glorious,
You will do a lot of necessary things
For lovely women and for the whole country !!!

This holiday has gone beyond the boundaries
He is not just a holiday for the soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they are in the service of the Motherland.
This holiday is a holiday for men
We can rightfully call.
In honor of men today congratulations
From their life companions will sound.

Let them soar up in honor of the holiday
Fireworks and salutes,
Forever remembered
These bright minutes!
Let the military theory
Will never become a practice
In personal life, come in handy
Brilliance of strategy and tactics!

Congratulations on Defender's Day!
In this glorious, special hour -
We respectfully wish
So that everyone is equal only to you.

Let there be new achievements
Victories, true friends,
And the course lies - on achievements!
Happy February 23rd!

February 23 -
The holiday is peaceful and beautiful
May he give joy
Will become bright and happy!
Be confident in yourself
Get results
As it should be in the ranks
A real soldier!

Defender of the Fatherland Day -
Significant date
A holiday of peace, happiness, joy
For a Russian soldier.
Let them remind them of serving in the army
Photos in the album!
We sincerely wish you all the best,
Warmth and happiness in the house!

We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dream be near.
And may of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.

The man is the steel of the spring
A motor that sings in the sky
A single, formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the heights of the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
Master's firm hand
And a loving heart for women.
So let's strike him: "Hurray!"

We certainly wish to become
A hero of our time
Increase and preserve
Baggage of spiritual values!
We wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation,
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temperament!

There is no reason to call women the weaker sex -
Among us are talents, warriors, minds,
But if there weren't men next to us
Could we reach our heights?

Celebrates the whole earth
Twenty third of February.
We set the table for men
And they bought gifts.
Do not hesitate, come through,
Wishes in verse
And smiles on our lips.
May luck accompany
All problems are solved
So that happiness not for an hour
Wouldn't leave you!

Sappers of our souls!
To the communicators of our thoughts!
To the artillerymen of our borders!
To the scouts of our thoughts!
To the marshals of our desires ...
This holiday is dedicated!

Defender of Motherland. Who is he?
He is strong, handsome and brave.
He owns any battle tactics,
He holds the weapon skillfully.

Who would give us names with tender names?
And the coast of us, when would they not?
Who would sing? Who would kindle a flame in us,
In which we burn with love?
Who would shield with strong shoulders?
Who paid with his blood in battles,
So that our lullabies sound
To the sound of rains, to the whispers of the branches ?!
The hearths warm with them,
On the dostarkhans, the dishes are innumerable!
They delight us and our children!
How good it is, men, that you are !!!

Congratulations on the holiday -
Happy Army and Navy!
May service and work
It is not always easy, we will
We wish to live, love, work,
And if a lucky star smiles at you,
Every now and then to the rank of general.

We congratulate you warmly,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
May there be joy
That someone honors and loves.
And let a smile flicker
And let the wrinkles be smoothed out
And let spring sing in my soul
Today is your holiday, men!

Although you do not wear a uniform,
But we know that in a difficult hour
You are just like all soldiers,
Save the Motherland and us.

Very strong and skillful
Energetic, kind, brave,
Sadness and grief are not terrible -
Love is your support for us.
You are the only one in the world!
May luck shine on you
Be healthy and full of strength
And fate, like us, be nice!

In a beautiful name Man
Courage formed and become,
Ability to think and dream,
Be inspired for no reason.
To be able to love, to be able to give.
Then leave, then return.
To be so fickle
To seem like such a support.
Protect his fate
From lies, betrayal, deceit,
And always be supportive
Give life full, without flaw.
And let the words intertwine
About that one, beloved,
Whom nature called
A beautiful name - MAN.

From February 23!
Keeping loyalty to the homeland,
You, defenders of the Fatherland,
Don't spare your lives.
We wish peace to the whole planet,
So that children do not know the war.
Be kind and brave
Skillful in military affairs,
Strong heroes
True worthy glory!

Glorious day of the calendar -
Twenty third of February!
We congratulate all men,
And we wish everyone courage!

We congratulate today
Happy defender of the country
You boys and men
Sons of our Motherland!
Let the muscle grow stronger in the body!
And even if from year to year
Will, courage and strength
With muscle mass it grows!

Of husband and rank
Made up of a man
A real man
Giving us joy!

Congratulating the defenders of the country
We remember the heroes.
Health to those who are brave in spirit
Giving courage an example.
With a strong hand they will shield from troubles,
And there is simply no cowardice in their hearts.
In matters of luck, joy, warmth
Special so that you have a fate
Strong family
Near so that love
Success, hot blood!

Although life is harsh at times,
Be strong
And discover for yourself soon
Safe way.
Don't be able to survive, but live,
Go ahead
Always be friends with luck
And on the way
Catch your success sooner
Be healthy
And you will comprehend the essence of love
And life is the essence!

Do not expect what will happen in life every year
And every day with joy and reward.
Joy can turn into misfortune
Sunrise ends with sunset.
But, no matter how life takes you by the throat,
You are persistent in front of the black disaster
And do not hang your head doomed,
No matter how bitter your deeds were.
The eagle soaring in the blue heights is beautiful.
But he is a hundred times more beautiful,
When he meets a storm, and is scorched by the fire of a thunderstorm -
He conquers the storm.
I want you to be an eagle in an hour of trouble, -
Worthy of admiration and reward!

My best friend! Amid everyday life, bustle
You are a bright holiday, a dream come true.
You have been given so much from birth!
You conquered me a long time ago
So still conquer fate! And let her
Immensely flattered by your attention,
It will give you joy, shine of victories,
Love and happiness light for many years!

What to wish you in your life today?
You serve our Motherland, soldier!
So be faithful to your duty and the Fatherland!
I was very glad to congratulate you!

Never be sad.
It will be difficult - be strong
There will be a wind - do not rot
It will hurt - don't cry
Do not hide your eye in the palm of your hand.
If there are thunderstorms, go
If tears - erase
If it's scary - hold on.
Remember: life is life!
On this day, male, military,
I declare for sure:
I will become a prisoner of war
I will be your prisoner!
I don't mind giving up
You conquered me.
Trust me: on the love front
You are a marshal and a general!
I'm waiting for your brave commands
They excite me blood.
And on the banner on our
I will embroider in silk: "Love!"
May not time destroy
That connecting thread
Our souls will be forever
To keep the banner faithful!

Happy holiday men,
Our glorious soldiers
Protect us!
Well, we will cover your rear,
Let's bake a pie!
Let's kiss when you come back
You are on your doorstep!

Now I congratulate you, my boyfriend,
Happy men's day, everyone
And I wish you, my dear,
Be better than others.
You are very good
And you are my dear
You are invincible
And the coolest.

The holiday in February is for all men!
But only one will hear my congratulations.
In the world, no one can find a person dearer than anyone,
My only protector is you!
You will not leave in trouble and you won’t betray in grief,
And you will even give your life for our children!
May the Lord God always keep you!
Be strong and healthy like a granite rock!

I lived all my childhood without sorrow,
The boys have always protected me.
Many years have passed since then,
Now my protector is my beloved husband.
Congratulations today
Will get you, not others -
You can't find a dearer person
My defender on the path of life!
You won't leave in trouble, you won't betray in grief,
And for children - so you will give your life.
Although a holiday in February for all men,
You alone are worthy of my love!

I'm since February 23rd
I congratulate you, beloved,
Believe me my dear, loving
I share your concerns.
I want to say from the bottom of my heart
So that everything works out for you.
Also wish you health
So that life is not overshadowed by anything.

From February 23rd
Congratulations to everyone today!
And we wish everyone
You were always happy!
So that your hand does not flinch
At the hour of making a decision!
To always love you
Halves without a doubt!

Happy holiday, darling, you!
Today is February 23rd,
You are the defender of the Fatherland, you are my hero,
You are the light of my life, you are the dearest.
I only give all my love to you
Every gesture is yours and I love your smile
On your holiday I wish from the bottom of my heart
Joy, good luck, happiness and love!
You are my tank and battleship!
You are protection and support!
Any enemy
You are straightening out soon.
And for this, my protector,
I adore you!
And you on a February holiday
I give congratulations!

You are a real warrior, I know!
You were able to conquer me
Without a cannon, saber and horse!
I congratulate you today
My general, my love.

Dad congratulations
Happy men's holiday:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.
Means also a warrior,
Not a commander, though.
Worthy of the holiday
Protected the whole world!
You are the main one for me.
You will not give me the abyss:
I am the glorious Motherland
Small part.

Today is my father's day, I congratulate him!
And on the day of the defender, I wish him
With me, as with a man, to reckon with,
And sometimes obey a little.
After all, I, of course, will be a general
And I will not forget my father's courage.

Daddy how strong you are
And also very stylish!
You are a regular soldier,
And, of course, a hefty one.
You know so much
You understand our troubles.
Happy Defender Day
We congratulate, loving!

All our family loves you, dad,
You are our commander, the captain of the ship.
You stand at the wheel, you lead:
Know that we are always with you as a friendly team!

Happy Defender's Day,
I will not leave him without attention.
My grandpa is always a hero
Although already quite middle-aged.
He was still a boy during the war.
I didn’t fight, but I went through a lot.
Let there be no military awards and medals,
The boys defended the country with labor.
I am proud of my old grandfather.
He is number one defender!
He is both a friend and a commander for me -
Loved, necessary, irreplaceable.

You are the future defender of the fatherland,
You are the hope of all mankind
And even though you are still very small
But the holiday has come for you this day.
I wish you were brave
Father and mother so that I never forget
So that the whole family is proud of you,
Congratulations on February 23!

Congratulations, colleague,
Since February 23rd.
And great success
I sincerely wish.
May your work be worthy,
May you always be lucky in everything
Only sincere people
Surround all year round!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
I want to congratulate you, colleague,
May all humanity today
Wish you happiness and success,
May all your dreams come true
And huge avenues await
Let them advance without obstacles
Always working projects!

At work we are colleagues
And in life we ​​are friends
Open wider the doors
I came to congratulate you.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Since the twenty third of February,
Be you the valiant son of all mankind
Always a faithful friend to me!

Congratulations to the entire male team today,
We wish you men long, long years
We wish you on Defender of the Fatherland Day,
So that there is always a light of hope ahead.
Hope you are ours in a difficult time,
Our support in the hour of peace
Being a male protector is not an easy burden
But that's why we love you!

Colleague, my friend, accept congratulations,
Today is a holiday - an hour of amusement,
Today is a holiday - February 23,
Day of Men, Defenders of the Fatherland!
There is a lot of courage and strength in you,
Your words are always smart and fair
So you always stay that way
Warm, kind, young.

Colleagues, wait a minute!
Let's break off now:
After all, there are no defenders in the team
More reliable and loyal than you!
The best sons of mankind
No wonder there is a holiday in the middle of winter;
And you defend the Fatherland,
Which we are!

Our lovely men
Let me congratulate you!
Your kindness and strength
We want to praise today!
Fate is not easy at times
You are not gods - just people.
Our humble heroes
We appreciate you, we love you!

On the twenty third of February
We gathered here for a reason:
We honor our boys,
We wish you more porridge
To grow strong
Save our homeland
If the enemy comes to the border.
And also - to study at "EXL"!

Tankman! Congratulations to you
Happy Army Day, our strong!
We live, only loving you -
You are terrible to the enemy with your fire!
You, keeping your allegiance to the oath,
You will come as a winner again! -
Tank armor guards you
And our great love!

Congratulations, we are a rocket scientist
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You are both a shield and a sword to all of us -
Do you know how to save the world:
Everything is covered by the locator,
You can sleep peacefully, so it’s for us.
You keep the borders of the country:
Don't even miss a mouse!
Many garrisons have passed,
On the shoulder straps of the stars - like milestones ...
Our Motherland loves you,
Well, we are the strongest!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Pilot - Hero of the Motherland!
The enemy will immediately meet in battle
With a strong will - not with a game!
You are friends with MIGs and ILs,
MI, TU, SU - class cars:
Having mastered such powers,
You "cover" us from the sky!
So many landings will you have,
How many new takeoffs into the clouds!
Do not know you sadness and sadness -
Your life will be light, easy!

Congratulations, airborne soldier,
Happy Defender of our Motherland!
The enemy has no hope in war -
You are stronger and smarter, you are fearless!
Do not sick of boredom, longing,
Loneliness does not threaten without friends:
Life - flights, jumps, marches,
To become stronger, more enduring - I want to!
You are a landing, and all the enemies are trembling -
You will doubt them in hand-to-hand combat ...
Take care of the old people and children,
Defending your homeland!

We glorify the signalman: day and night
You unite the troops
So that the service goes exactly like that for everyone,
So that longing does not enter the soul!
Happy to congratulate you
Defender of the Fatherland!
May happiness, will, reason in it
In the circle of friends they will be noted.
Healthy, be loved, do not grieve,
And we will be calm:
Will not go abroad
Countries alien wars!

You carry at least a service under water,
You are always brave, young,
Handsome, smart and broad-shouldered! ..
We are Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Congratulations to you, beloved!
How without you, we can't imagine
(Do you know better? Tell me!),
Keeping home borders ?!
You go on a mission with a submarine
And we are all in bright anticipation:
The door in your heart is open for you!
We miss, we are friends, we love! Believe it!

You are an artillery fighter
And this is the crown of the army:
Strike the enemy with your fire!
From the defender of the Fatherland in the afternoon
We are very glad to congratulate you!
I did not go to serve for awards,
Whatever the title -
Your duty is more important and your vocation! ... And all the same, though
You are free in your wishes:
Be happy!
And - so that there is no war!

Being a protector is not easy!
Both in the capital and in the wilderness
All men of any height
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Guys we do not miss:
An eye will be ripped out for the Fatherland!
Dismembered and buried
If the enemy wants us!

Take a walk, student, with all my heart,
But just remember your norm
Otherwise you can hurry
Change your jeans to a uniform!

The main holiday of all men is approaching - Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. As always before the holidays, cool SMS congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues, friends, brothers, lovers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, classmates are in great demand. Congratulations on February 23 with humor will bring a lot of pleasure to your beloved men.

On Sunday, February 23rd, Russians celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day, women congratulate men, regardless of their age and military rank. With the advent of modern technologies, it has now become possible to congratulate male colleagues, friends, brothers, lovers, husbands, fathers, grandfathers, classmates with the help of cool SMS congratulations. Congratulations on February 23 with humor will surely please your beloved men.

In 2014, Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 fell on Sunday, so it was decided to postpone the additional day off to the May holidays. Congratulating men on February 23, women secretly hope that after such a man they will definitely not forget to congratulate on March 8.

You are our worthy protector

And everywhere is always with you

So safe and secure

Like a stone wall!

The affairs of men are different,

Both amorous and military.

We wish only victories

And on the roads the right color.

I wish you success, I wish you luck,

It is easy to rest and work with dedication.

So that joy in your fate occurs more often,

So that everything works out and everything works out!

So that the heart flames quiveringly,

Love is always to keep you warm.

Well, and for the sake of completeness,

So that in the wallet everything is rank by rank.

With them, the lamps shine brighter!

And the dishes on the festive table are countless.

They are a joy to us and our children.

Thank you, men, that you are!

The best man in the world

I want to wish today

So that children are more likely to please

Love, work, prosper!

Always love your spouse

To reach the heights of life,

Do not be forgotten by your faithful friend

And see a new horizon!

Congratulating the defenders of the country

We remember the heroes.

Health to those who are brave in spirit,

Giving courage an example.

With a strong hand they will shield from troubles,

And there is simply no cowardice in their hearts.

In matters of luck, joy, warmth,

Special so that you have a fate.

A strong family and

Near so that love

Success, hot blood!

Here it developed imperceptibly

Stitch friendly family.

This day is cheerful, bright

I wish you:

For women to love

Do not lose the peasant spirit

Will, courage and strength.

Happy men's holiday, my friend!

Man is strength.

Courage and perseverance

Nature has endowed

No pretense.

Man - you are the protector

Do not forget about it.

I wish you a sweet life!

Let there be summer in your heart!

Happy men's day, my dear friend!

Let not fear take you

Let fears not be scary

Let there be no war in the world!

Congratulations on February 23rd - everything so that the holiday for your men will be remembered and given the most pleasant impressions!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day - Congratulations on February 23: in verse, prose, postcards, video

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

For courage, for valor and courage
Thank you today.
Congratulations to the defenders of your loved ones
And here's what we want to wish now:

Great love, success, peace, happiness,
Luck, good luck in all matters,
Wealth and simple and smooth roads,
Only loyal friends and all sorts of benefits.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
I congratulate you men!
On this courageous holiday
I wish only the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave at heart.
Reach your goals
Never give up!

A real man
It is very easy to distinguish:
The kindest, smartest, strongest,
Can please, love.

So that you remain so
I wish on your holiday -
I had time everywhere, laughed,
If necessary, above yourself.

And patience, health
Don't let you down
So forward, to new victories -
From February 23!

This holiday is for men.
You need to wish
That there is no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On a big planet
Birds sang in the morning
And the children laughed!

Twenty third of February
It was not a weekend in vain -
Celebrating for a reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
So that it is enough for a whole century
So that along the road of life
Success would keep pace with you.

So that army skills
Didn't wait for incarnation
And in our country big
There was always peace and quiet.

On this day we wish all men
Smiles, a sea of ​​joy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless cup of good.

May all adversity become trifles
And on this day everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be next to you,
Support from longing and all sorts of troubles.

We wish our heroes bright blessings,
You are the best example of courage!
Health to you, success and fearlessness,
Victories in any of all possible areas.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days are bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big
Always content to be destiny!

To make everything come true, succeed,
Only joy in life happened,
Laughter, fun without end
On the twenty-third day of February!

We wish to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only hit the target in the shooting range,
Hear no thunder on the horizon.

May 23 February
Brings you our respect,
May the earth be peaceful
And there are no battles on it!

Congratulations to you men
We're hot today.
We always need
Your strong shoulder!

Defender of the Fatherland Day
On a piece of calendar
So congratulations
From February 23!

We wish you health
Faithful, devoted love
So that from troubles and shocks
You could protect us!

May the courage not leave you
Only years of experience bring.
The soul knows no grief
Health always pleases.

And every day with hot rays
Let the dawn begin.
We congratulate you today
Again from February 23rd.

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this wonderful holiday of courage I want to wish you in any life situation to remain a fair and respected person, in any battle to prove yourself a brave and courageous man, in any business to see your perspective and indispensable success, in any day to find your happiness and pleasure.

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and gallant courage. I wish you strong nerves and steel health, real endurance and unfailing justice in life. Let the character show courage in any battle and gentleness in relation to loved ones, let the soul be filled with the light of courage, and the heart with wisdom and love.

Our dear men, I congratulate you on February 23! I wish you strength, health, luck, prosperity, happiness. May peace, tranquility and love always reign in your families. May you never have to defend your hearth with a weapon in your hands. Goodness, sun and joy to you!

I sincerely congratulate you on February 23 on the holiday of courage and courage - on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to be always in a fighting spirit, in excellent mood and in good health. May it always be possible to remain a reliable and loyal defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, to do beautiful and kind deeds, to cherish and deeply love your relatives, to take care of the future and achieve great heights of success.

Congratulations on February 23 - cards, pictures

Defender of the Fatherland Day is the most courageous holiday of the year. On this wonderful day, all boys, future defenders of the homeland, youths, men, receive . We all want to say to them and express our gratitude for the fact that you can always rely on them, we wish them health, always remain the same brave and noble people who will protect us and our Motherland at any moment. The warmest and most cordial words should be. After all, dad is the person next to whom we feel reliable protection and support. He is a true example of a man.

It often happens that those whom we want to congratulate on this holiday are far away. For example, our dear grandfathers. Therefore, we can send them a beautiful greeting card with Defender of the Fatherland Day. This will certainly be a very pleasant gift. should express great gratitude and respect, because it was our grandfathers who showed all their courage and courage during the great war.

Congratulations on February 23, 2020 (Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Congratulations To: | | | | | | | | |
Congratulations format: | | | | | |
Congratulation type: | | | |

I want to congratulate you cordially,
Happy military holiday for men,
You need to give me a gift,
There are many reasons for this,
I wish you good health
In a career so that it grows
I don't know better bosses
Strict at work, simple at home,
May everything be successful with you,
And I will not fail in work,
On the twenty-third of course,
I will come with congratulations!

You are strong in soul and body,
He is very brave in his actions.
Overcome all obstacles
And tenderness is a reward for me.
You are so anxiously protecting
And you protect everyone from problems.
Your beloved smack on the cheek
And I am enclosing my rhyme.

This holiday has gone beyond the boundaries
He is not just a holiday for the soldiers,
It is not only for people in uniform,
That they are in the service of the Motherland.
This holiday is a holiday for men
We can rightfully call.
Congratulations in honor of men today
From their life companions will sound.

You, the defender of the fatherland,
Celebrate the holiday brightly
My beloved, in this life
Trust only those close to you.

I wish you happiness
Never lose heart
It's easy to live, not knowing worries,
Never back down!

My congratulations - not an empty sound!
My congratulations are holy!
It is for you - our former hero,
Our defender is in the form of a soldier!
And may the conquered world keep
Your holy serenity
And may all people, the whole world give you:
Love, gratitude and tenderness!

And I wish you courage and happiness.
Always be so attentive
Do not let your bad weather into your fate.
Stretch out your hand to a friend in life,
Give a woman a big shoulder.
Smile and love more often
Take care of all that is dear to your heart!
This is the twenty-third of February,
As on other days in the world,
May good luck spoil you!
Happiness, a lot of light, longevity!

Congratulations to dear men,
We wish you joy and happiness,
Inspiration, tender affection
And love from the heart, for no reason.
It's cold in February
Winter seems to last forever
But remember - loved ones always
You will be warmed by the tenderness of the heart.

Respecting and loving,
I wish you hello!
To be like you
I dream in the future.

Be respected people
Like you, be a genius.
And today you accept
My congratulations!

Happy day to the brave
Happy National Defenders Day,
Happy day to all the brave and fearless,
Not fleeing the war!

May a reward find you,
May everything come true on time
May you be happy at home
Let the business be useful.

Stay daredevils
Be true to yourself.
And create the world with your hands
Be strong in the fight!

My beloved, you are my joy!
My protector, you are my sweetness,
Unique and dear -
You are my dear man!

Good luck, I wish you happiness
Big love I promise
Let there be enough strength for everything
Since February 23, my dear!

Don't give up your sense of proportion
Do not rush to the one who has gone in pursuit,
Don't defile your creed
On other days of other times.
And, keeping the honor of the uniform,
Leading life to the shores
Do not make yourself an idol,
Don't make yourself an enemy!

We love the husband in him, and we love the son in him,
We love you different - both the weak and the strong.
And in something guilty, and in something innocent.
You are often like children, and often like rakes,
You are just different, and so interesting!
Trying to change you is pointless, stupid
Accepting you as any women is science.
We miss you, it's very sad without you,
Without your love, a woman's heart is so empty.
Men, our defenders and glory,
Sorry for being wrong.
For your love! For patience, for strength!
I want each of you to be happy!
Let there be less reasons for sadness
What a beautiful word - "Man"!

Celebrates the whole earth
Twenty third of February.
We set the table for men
And they bought gifts.

Do not hesitate, come through,
Wishes in verse
And smiles on our lips.

May luck accompany
All problems are solved
So that happiness not for an hour
Wouldn't leave you!

On a glorious holiday day
From all women - a rhyme!

It's an honor to be a protector
It's nice to be a protector
From dogs, from hooligans
And of course, from the war.

Happy February day
Our courageous, brave,
Strong, agile and courageous
Most precious men!

We are gathered here today
To congratulate you men.
And on a day so memorable for us
We want to wish you all.
Always good health
After all, the years flow like water.
Let them not be carried away by the current
All your loyal aspirations.
We also wish you good luck.
You and Us are lucky, and that means a lot!
After all, we sincerely wish you
Success, happiness and love.

Me the best on earth
Got a guy, no doubt about it.
There is a special day in February
And I'm writing a poem

So that you, my beloved,
Congratulations today!
And promise great success,
And only for joy to send!

Congratulations on the men's holiday
And I wish to always be like this
So that everyone always respects you,
For ladies to lose their heads

So that the beloved woman is with you
It was like a stone wall.
Make decisions, dare
Achieve your goal, win.

Always be a protector for everyone.
May success be with you!
We have a reason to be proud -
These are our glorious men!

February is sweeping outside the window,
And frightens with frost!
A special day is coming to us -
All men celebrate!

From February 23!
Let desires come true!
I sincerely wish
Live, love and smile!

Let the sun shine in the peaceful sky
And the trumpet does not call to hike.
So that only soldiers are training
I went forward to the attack.
Let spring thunder instead of explosions
Nature wakes from sleep
And our children sleep peacefully
Today, tomorrow and always!
Strong health and happiness
To all those who defended our world.
And who protects him today
And who gave the debt to the Motherland in full!