Two stories about friendship. Parable about friendship methodical development on orkse (Grade 4) on the topic Short parables about friendship and friends

Parables have been created since ancient times and by various peoples. But the wisdom of life embedded in them has not lost its relevance over the years. Through short parables about life, we can understand the principles that are always and everywhere important.

We have selected short parables about life with morality, the meaning of which will answer some of your questions.

Parable about life lesson

Father and son were walking through the mountains. The boy stumbled on a stone, fell, hit hard and shouted:
- A-ah-ah!!!
And then he heard a voice from somewhere behind the mountain, which repeated after him:
- A-ah-ah!!!
Curiosity got the better of fear, and the boy shouted:
- Who is there?
And got the answer:
- Who is there?
Angry, he shouted:
- Coward!
And heard:
- Coward!
The boy looked at his father and asked:
- Dad, what is it?
The man, smiling, shouted:
Son, I love you!
And the voice answered:
Son, I love you!
The man shouted:
- You are the best!
And the voice answered:
- You are the best!
The child was surprised and did not understand anything. Then the father explained to him:
“People call it an echo, but in reality it is life. Gives back to you everything you say and do.
Our life is just a reflection of our actions. If you want more love from the world, give more love to those around you. If you wish happiness, give happiness to those around you. If you want a smile from the heart, smile from the heart to those you know. This applies to all aspects of life: she returns to us everything that we gave her. Our life is not a coincidence, but a reflection of ourselves.

One well-known artist painted his next canvas. On the day of its presentation to the public, many journalists, photographers, famous people gathered. When the time came, the artist threw off the fabric that covered it from the picture. An explosion of applause followed.
The painting depicted the figure of Jesus lightly knocking on the door of a house. Jesus seemed alive. Leaning his ear against the door, he seemed to want to hear if someone inside the house answered him.
Everyone admired the beautiful work of art. One curious visitor found a mistake in the picture. The door had no lock or handle. He turned to the artist:
- But this door seems to be closed from the inside, it has no handle, how can one enter it?
“So it is,” replied the author of the canvas. “This is the door of the human heart. It can only open from within.
We all expect that in our life there will be Love, Joy, Sympathy, Happiness, Success. But in order for them to appear in our lives, we cannot sit idly by. We need to take action. Even just open the door...

Parable about friendship

There were two neighbors. The first one bought a rabbit for his children. The children of another neighbor asked that some kind of pet be bought for them. Their father bought them a German Shepherd puppy.
Then the first said to the second:
“But he will eat my rabbit!”
- No, think about it, my shepherd is a puppy, and your rabbit is still a child. They will grow up together and become friends. There will be no problems.
And it looked like the owner of the dog was right. They grew up together and became friends. It was normal to see a rabbit in a dog's yard and vice versa. The children were happy.
Once the owner of the rabbit and his family left for the weekend, and the rabbit was left alone. It was Friday. On Sunday evening, the owner of the dog and his family were drinking tea on the veranda when their huge dog entered. In his teeth he held a rabbit: bruised, dirty with blood and earth, and, worst of all, dead. The owners attacked their dog and nearly killed the dog.
The neighbor was right. What now? We just didn't have enough. They will be back in a few hours. What to do?
Everyone looked at each other. The poor dog whined and cried, licking his wounds.
Do you have any idea what will happen to their children?
One of the kids came up with an idea:
“Let’s give him a good bath, dry him with a hair dryer and put him in his house in the yard.
Since the rabbit was not torn, they did so. The rabbit was placed in his house, his head was laid on his paws, it seemed that he was sleeping. And then they heard that the neighbors were returning. The owners of the dog rushed into their house and closed the doors. A few minutes later they heard children's cries. Found! A couple of minutes later they knocked on the door. On the threshold stood the pale and frightened owner of the rabbit. It seemed like he met a ghost.
- What's happened? What's the matter? asked the owner of the dog.
“Rabbit… rabbit…”
- Died? And this afternoon he seemed so cheerful!
He died on Friday!
- On Friday?
“Before we left, the children buried him at the end of the garden!” And now he's back in his house!
The dog, who has been looking for his missing childhood friend since Friday, finally found him and dug him up to save him. And he carried it to his masters to help them.
One should never judge in advance, without checking what actually happened.

Once a butterfly chrysalis fell into the hands of a man. He picked her up and stared at her for hours, seeing her struggling to squeeze her body out of the little hole in the cocoon. Time passed, she kept trying to get out of the cocoon, but there was no progress. It seemed that she was completely exhausted and could no longer ... Then the man decided to help the butterfly. He took scissors and cut the cocoon to the end. The butterfly easily emerged from it, but its body was somewhat atrophied, small, and its wings were folded and squeezed. The man continued to watch her, he expected that at any moment she would open her wings and fly.
But that did not happen. Until the end of its days, the butterfly remained with a deformed body and glued wings. She has never been able to spread her wings and fly.
The man did not know that the rigid cocoon and the incredible efforts applied by the butterfly to get out of the small hole were necessary for the body to take the correct shape and for forces to enter the wings through a strong body and she was ready to fly as soon as she was freed from the cocoon.
Do not help if you do not know how or are not sure that your help will really be useful. Don't interfere with the nature of things you didn't create. Otherwise, you can just do harm.

Parable about nail marks

One boy had a very bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he offended someone, he had to drive one nail into the fence.
On the first day, the boy hammered in thirty-seven nails. In the days that followed, as he began to learn to control his anger, he started hammering fewer and fewer nails. He made the discovery that it is easier to restrain oneself than to hammer a nail later. The day came when he was able to completely control his temper during that day. His father said that now for every day that he managed to restrain himself, let him pull one nail out of the fence.
Days passed, and then one day not a single nail was left in the door. The father took his son by the hand, led him to the fence and said: “It is clear, son, that you have worked hard, but look how many holes are left in the tree. Never again will it be the same as before.”
Every time you offend someone, scars remain after that. You can say something bad to someone, then take back your words, but the scars will remain forever. Let's be careful what we say.

People have always liked parables. They are filled with deep meaning and help people realize the meaning of many things. It does not matter if it is a parable about friendship or the main thing is that this kind of stories has always been, is and will be in demand among people for many reasons.


A parable is a short story with a big meaning. Indeed, once you listen to it, you immediately begin to think about many things that you didn’t really care about before. Most often thoughtful, forcing to understand the nature of something that previously seemed so simple and obvious.

The parable of friendship is one of the branches, of which there are many. However, as in any direction, be it cinema or literature. Some will be interested in a parable about friendship, others - about love, others - about the meaning of life, fourth - about something else. And all are interesting in their own way, all are good in their own way, but it is the first option that interests us.

Most often, parables about friendship are short, since many words are not needed to convey a certain message to the reader, but less often, but still there are more detailed stories that do not even fit on one page. True, it is precisely short works that are in great demand among the people, since some do not like to read a lot (which, of course, is sad, but this is not about that), while others do not have time to waste it almost in vain, so parables about friendship will always be short in greater quantity and honor than volumetric ones. But all are important and necessary.

Friendship in our life

Often a person has close people. And most often they are not just anyone, but friends, because it is they who are able to support a person in difficult times, rejoice with him in happy moments and listen to anything.

Parables about friendship and the fact that they make it possible to understand how important people are in human lives, what a huge role they play. It just so happens that we can't be alone. No matter what a person says, no matter how he convinces himself and those around him that he loves loneliness, and he doesn’t need anyone, all this is complete nonsense, which he wants to hide behind in an attempt to appear stronger than he really is. True loners, who are able to spend at least their whole lives alone with themselves and get pleasure from such an existence, are few.

Prince's sadness

Somehow the king and prince quarreled. And he decided to be the first to take revenge on his friend, to hurt him. The king called the executioner and ordered him to kill his wife and see if the prince would cry. The man fulfilled the king's "request" and cut off the woman's head. prince. The king, without thinking twice, ordered the children to be killed. The prince did not cry. And the king got into a passion, so he was not going to stop; he really wanted to see the tears of strangers, so the next victims of the executioner were the parents. The prince did not cry. Remained from relatives only whom the king ordered to kill, like the rest. Here the prince wept, so sadly that even the cruel and heartless executioner wept with him.

Why, after the death of your parents, children and wife, did you not shed a tear, - the surprised king asks, later calling the prince to him, - and after the death of a friend, were you so upset?

The parents were already old, - the prince answers, - they would have died soon anyway. It is not difficult to find a new wife, she will be able to give birth to children for me. But to find a friend - oh, how difficult. It takes many years to find a real, true friend. That's why I only mourned him.


This parable is about friendship, and that says it all. Yes, it does not show what the person who was killed was, but at least the fact that only his death was mourned by the prince makes it clear that the friend was truly good. Everyone needs to meet in life such a person who can be called close.

Dog is man's best friend

Everyone knows this expression. However, not everyone is aware that there are parables that convey a similar meaning to the reader. Indeed, from time immemorial, a dog has been considered the most faithful friend, at least when compared with a proud cat, for example. No, this does not mean that the latter is bad, each pet is good and beautiful in its own way. Nevertheless, below is a parable about the friendship of a man and a dog.

A true friend is a dog

Once there lived a drunkard in the house. And he had two pets: a cat and a dog. The latter constantly argued among themselves which of them was the master, and each tried to pull the blanket over himself.

Once the drunkard ran out of money, and he wanted to drink unbearably. The cat immediately jumped up to the owner and said, they say: "Sell me, get money, buy a drink, and I, as your best friend, will run away from the buyer and return to you."

The drunk sold the cat, bought a drink, returned home to pump himself up with alcohol, and there he was met by a dog. And not just anyhow meets, but with barking, from which the man drops the bottle and breaks it, spilling a strong drink. The drunkard got angry, beat the dog, and she didn’t even try to run away and didn’t resist at all, she only said:

Beat, master, beat, just don't drink.

At this time, the cat came. She looked arrogantly at the dog and again called the owner to the market to repeat the previous machination. Soon the drunkard returned with a new bottle. And he had already opened it to drink the alcohol of his beloved, as the dog prevented him again. She yelped and growled so much that the vessel with alcohol involuntarily slipped out of her hands a second time. The man got angry more than ever, and with renewed vigor began to beat the dog and say: "I'll kill you!"

Kill, master, - the pet humbly says to him, - kill, but don’t drink!

It suddenly came to a drunkard, what's the matter. He realized who his real friend was. And he began to apologize to the dog, stroking it and hugging it. And the cat, which soon showed up, was sold by the man again, however, this time it was so far away that she no longer found her way home.

The meaning of the parable

The bottom line is that the dog did not want its owner to spoil his health, since alcohol does not bring anything good. The cat, in turn, only wanted to show the owner how good she is, they say, helping him. The man understood this. Maybe not immediately, but still understood.


Love and friendship are closer than it might seem at first glance, much closer. It often happens that two people of the opposite sex are first in a friendly relationship, after which they enter into a different, more spiritual relationship. And this is good, because before that, these people had already developed a certain relationship: they know each other, they know the tastes of their soulmate, they know what she likes. That is why any parable about friendship and love should make people understand how important these relationships are, and how close they are when it comes to two people. True, the downside is that love is more transient, while friendship - real friendship - is forever.

Parables and children

Different stories are needed, different stories are important. Parables about friendship are especially useful for children, because at their age it happens. This means that the children will grow up the way they will be raised, and not only by parents and teachers, but also by books, stories, films, programs and other sources of information. Children's parables about friendship are often especially kind and simpler so that their meaning is obvious even to a child. However, if the story is not clear, perhaps the child will want to realize what's what, which is again good, because in this case the child can grow up inquisitive and intelligent.

Moreover, children are the most sincere friends. After a person grows up, sometimes he has to smile and “make friends” with the right people, for example, at work. This is called hypocrisy, what can we hide, but the fact remains: children, naive little children who do not care about the social status of their peers (at least for the time being), love (in a friendly context) each other for real, sincerely . This is their main advantage. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to keep this piece of honesty in the soul.


Any parable about friendship carries a sense of how important other people are in our lives. And the sooner a person understands this, the sooner he will find a true friend. And it is better to do it at a young age in order to let friendship brew, because it, like wine, only grows stronger every year and becomes “tastier”.

Ivan Krylov's fable

By the kitchen under the window In the sun, Polkan and Barbos lay warming themselves. At least at the gate in front of the yard It would be more proper to guard the house for them, But how fed up they are already - And polite dogs, moreover, do not bark at anyone during the day - So they set off to argue together About all sorts of things: ...

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    Three friends met: present, old and future. We decided to find out which of them is the most worthy. - I will not leave a friend in trouble, - said the real one. - I will remain faithful for all time, - said the old one. - I will tell my friend what he does not yet know about himself, - ...

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    Lost honor cannot be regained Ingush parable

  • A friend is known in ... (A parable about friendship.)

    "If you helped a friend in need, he will surely remember you when he is in trouble again." Chats.

    One young guy asked a very rich man what was the secret of his success. How did he manage to turn from a poor boy into a successful businessman?
    The answer was simple: “I learned how to choose my friends right!”
    Have you heard the expression “a friend in need is a friend”? the businessman asked him.
    - Yes! I am guided by this rule, - the young man honestly admitted.
    - Forget it, it is fundamentally wrong. A friend is known in joy!
    The young man was embarrassed and very surprised by this.
    “Look,” the teacher continued, “when you have a problem, you feel bad, you run and share it with your friend. Now you both have a problem. You are both sad, both puzzled. Right?
    - Yes! – answered the young man, – and my friend helps me to solve it!
    - It may help to solve the first problem, but not all subsequent ones. He will just sit and pity you.
    - That's good too, he supports me! the young man insisted.
    - It's horrible! After all, you also begin to feel sorry for yourself, instead of solving your problem. I was lucky, - continued the teacher, - in my life there were friends who did not feel sorry for me, and even more so did not solve my problems. They just rejoiced with me my success! In fact, if you have a problem, solve it yourself, and only then go to a friend and celebrate your victory together. Feeling sorry for another person is very easy. But sincerely rejoice in other people's success - this needs to be learned. This is true friendship, the one that helped me become successful!

    "Every friendship exists either for the good or for the sake of pleasure." Aristotle.

    “You can’t become famous for good deeds” (A parable about whether it is necessary to help friends)

    One farmer understood the language of animals. He lingered every evening in the barnyard to listen to what they were talking about. One evening he heard the bull crying to the donkey and complaining about his hard lot:

    I have to work and pull the plow from morning till night. No matter how hot it is during the day, or how badly my legs hurt, or how much the yoke rubbed my neck, I have to work. While you are a child of leisure. You are covered with a colorful blanket and do not have to do anything else but take our host if he wants to go somewhere. If he does not need to go anywhere, then you can rest all day and pluck the green grass.

    My dear friend, answered the donkey, you really have a very difficult job, I would like to help you and alleviate your lot. Therefore, I will tell you how you can make it so that you get a whole day of rest. In the morning, when the slave comes to harness you to the plow, keep lying on the ground and mooing loudly so that he can tell the master that you are sick and cannot work.

    So the bull followed the donkey's advice. And in the morning of the next day, the slave came to the owner and told him that the bull was sick and could not pull the plow.

    Then, - said the owner, - harness the donkey to the plow, because the plowing must be continued.

    And all day the donkey, who only intended to help his friend the bull, was forced to do all his work himself. At night, when he was unleashed from the plow, he felt that his heart was overworked, his legs were aching from fatigue, and his neck hurt in those places where the yoke had rubbed it.

    The farmer lingered in the barnyard to listen to the conversation of the animals.

    The bull started first.

    You turned out to be a good friend of mine. Thanks to your wise advice, I got a full day of rest.

    And I, - answered the donkey, - I am like those many simple-hearted people who begin by helping a friend, and end up doing all his work for him. In the future, you will have to pull your plow yourself, because I heard the master tell the slave that you should send for the slaughterer if you suddenly fell ill again. I just want him to be a lazy fellow for your benefit. After that, they never said a single word to each other. Thus ended their friendship.

    If you want to help your friend, then do it in such a way that you do not have to shift all the burdens and cares of your friend onto yourself.

    Parables can be re-read an infinite number of times and constantly discover something new in them. Even if they are written in just a few lines.

    parable of friendship

    A wise man was asked: "How many kinds of friendship are there?" "Four," he replied. - There are friends like food - every day you need them. There are friends as medicine - you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends like a disease - they themselves are looking for you. But there are friends like air - they are not visible, but they are always with you.

    parable of the soul

    One day, several people deliberately loudly condemned a wise man as he passed through their neighborhood. He heard everything, but answered them with a smile and wished to be well. Someone asked him:

    You smiled and wished these people health, didn't you feel anger towards them?

    To which the man replied:

    When I go to the market, I can only spend what I have in my wallet. It is the same when dealing with people: I can only spend what my soul is filled with.

    proverb: always start with yourself

    One married couple moved to live in a new house. In the morning, barely waking up, the wife looked out the window and saw a neighbor who hung out the washed clothes to dry.

    Look how dirty her laundry is,” she said to her husband.

    But he read the newspaper and did not pay any attention to it.

    She probably has bad soap, or she doesn't know how to wash at all. We should teach her.

    And so it was every time: when a neighbor hung out the linen, the wife was surprised at how dirty it was.