DIY napkin topiary: photos, master classes, how to make, for beginners, from paper flowers, pictures step by step, wood, video. How to make do-it-yourself topiary from napkins. Step-by-step instructions for a photo Rosebud from topiary napkins

Among the options for decorating a home, the topiary of roses stands out especially. After all, this is a product that is made by hand. This means that you can be confident in the quality of the composition made, as well as in the responsible attitude of the master to the matter.

Topiary types

At the moment, among lovers of needlework, the creation of souvenir trees from music paper is in great demand. The advantage is that the leaves used to create the roses may not be pure white. Moreover, if the paper is discolored and yellowed, it adds a special charm to the composition. There are several options for how to get what you want.

Basically, the petals are cut out, doing this until several rows of blanks are ready. They must be of different sizes. The first petal is rolled up, and the rest are wound on it, pulling together with threads at the bottom. A good substitute for music paper is sheets from books and magazines with Latin script.

You can decide for yourself whether to make the buds closed or open. When the required number of flowers is ready, they are glued over a ball that acts as a base.

Will roses be made from plain paper? Yes! Only it will need to be redone. There are a number of well-practiced techniques. If you paint the paper with a foam sponge, you get a texture visible to the naked eye. It is ideal for making artificial roses. If you use not quite ordinary, but watercolor paper, then you need to paint it in the colors of the same scale, making smooth, unhurried transitions. After that, the petals are cut out.

For many decades, this option has been practiced: an unnecessary toothbrush is dipped into the paint, and then, with the help of a ruler, it is sprayed. Excellent results are achieved when dyeing paper with potassium permanganate or beetroot juice. It is, of course, also possible to make flowers from corrugated paper.

Another method is to apply an adhesive layer, then glue coarse salt crystals, after which the paper is thoroughly crumpled. This is how the imitation of corrugation comes out. Regardless of the method used to create the blanks, they are either wound on a roll, or cut out according to the "snake" pattern. A composition of satin ribbons and roses can also be made with such flowers.

To do this, take a skewer (option - a toothpick) and cut it. The tip of the tape is inserted into the cut. Slightly wind it on a skewer, then bend the tape in the form of a corner away from you, holding it with your finger. This is how a row of roses from satin ribbons is formed. But what about the free edge of the tape? It is hemmed or glued to the base so that it does not dangle chaotically. The wider the crown of the topiary should be, the higher the buds are made.

How to make roses from corrugated paper

The advantage of crepe and crepe paper is that it produces very authentic flowers. The method looks like this: they cut out many petals (of different sizes), use a round object as the center of the rose. Most often these are candies, plasticine balls or something else. Framing is made around it. So the crepe paper stretches perfectly, you can make the flowers the most believable and graceful. Connect the petals with a thread at the very base. And if you twist them with a knitting needle, then the view will turn out to be even more natural and more fun.

Having prepared the roses, you can start creating a topiary. So, step by step instructions.

A base ball (most often made of foam) is taken and a hole is made in it. It serves to insert the barrel. Its role can be played by a polished tree branch, a piece of lath, an electric cable - whatever is right at hand. This trunk is put on hot glue so that it does not fall out inadvertently. Once the glue has frozen, it is time to glue the ball, creating something like a crown out of it. In this case, be sure to paint the ball in the color of the decor.

Now the flowers are very carefully glued to the base. This is done with a thermal gun, taking care that there is not the slightest gap. Then the trunk is decorated additionally, turning the composition into a truly finished piece. And now, a ready-made rose tree, made by hand, is "planted" in a plaster pot. The pot, by the way, also requires decoration. The same crepe paper will be an excellent choice for this.

Dry rose topiary is no less in demand by amateur designers. The problem is sometimes associated with the fact that some flowers in the crown, not diluted with anything, look faded. They are graceful, but still some kind of zest, originality is lacking. Well, the more reasons to show your imagination and ingenuity in full! The formation of flowers occurs in the same way as in all other cases. Take a roll from a sheet of paper, cover it with folded leaves and tie these leaves at the bottom. This composition will look especially good in autumn decor.

How to make topiary from roses (video)

But what besides paper?

You can decorate the crown of the tree with flowers from napkins. There are a lot of options. But it is still better to apply the method, which has been repeatedly tested in practice, that ensures the creation of neat-looking buds.

They take a colored napkin and lay it out on the table. A pencil is placed on top. You need to wrap a napkin on it, leave about 4 cm. Pressing the surface of the napkin with your finger at the center of the pencil, you get something like an accordion. As soon as the surface has become ribbed, it is time to remove the pencil. We will no longer need it for this particular flower.

The next step in creating a rose from napkins is to twist two "skirts" mutually in a spiral. It's almost done. But we must not forget about the thread fastening of the base. With 10 or 15 flowers, you can safely proceed to the next step.

A napkin topiary is also created on the basis of a ball. Foam balls are available in stores. But it is quite possible to make a blank no worse from unnecessary newspapers with your own hands.

Crumple the newspapers to make a lump. Then saturate it with PVA glue and tie it with threads for strength. You should get a perfectly tight ball. The only requirement for it is sphericity, and everyone decides whether to paint the base for a natural color or not. There is no single recipe here, it all depends on aesthetic preferences and the characteristics of a particular composition.

So that the roses from napkins are not accidentally attached in place of the trunk, a hole is made for it and the trunk itself is fixed immediately. This is the very first and integral stage of work.

Then they move on to the crown. Since the napkins are quite fragile, only the base is glued. A hot gun is ideal because it provides a highly accurate yet very strong connection. Watch carefully so that there are no gaps between the flowers.

Re-gluing napkins for topiary is impossible, and the intervals will look very ugly on the finished product, immediately betraying unprofessionalism, haste and inability to work accurately enough.

As soon as a crown appears on the ball-base, the trunk is drawn up. You will need a hollow tube or thick pencil. It is wrapped with a satin ribbon (golden or brown, so that there are no external differences from real wood). An ordinary pot is being finalized in the decoupage style. They take fragments with roses similar to the ones that have just been created (their remnants are also possible), paste over the pot, then varnish it in several layers. After filling the pot with fresh gypsum, quickly insert a tree there. It will need to be held with your hands until the plaster of Paris fixes the composition reliably enough. A pretty do-it-yourself topiary is almost complete. The only thing missing is the decoration of the upper plaster layer. Basically, it is done by laying out satin ribbons or small stones of beautiful flowers.

Corrugated paper roses (video)


Topiary made of paper roses is done differently. It can be voluminous. How exactly can this effect be achieved?

A ball is taken, which is placed on a stand and fixed on it (to avoid any excesses). Cutting off the flower buds, grease their tips with glue. Next, they are stuck into the ball. Going from the bottom up, put the buds as tightly to each other as possible. Having tied the stand with a bow, you can take a step to the side and admire the achieved result.

However, it did not sound where the flowers themselves came from. Rather, how to make them? It depends on the material chosen. Prepare corrugated paper and cut it into strips not narrower than 5 cm, but not wider than 7 cm. On one side, the edge is folded by 1 cm. When twisting, it remains to look outward. From time to time, the paper is twisted, otherwise the volume will not be achieved, and the plan will be under threat. Next, the ends are fixed with glue and the flowers are gently squeezed. Excessive zeal can lead to the fact that the entire composition is broken. Having finished with the flowers, they are pasted on the surface of the ball.

There is an option using fabric. Since it is less flexible than paper, it will take a different approach. A pink felt is taken, it is cut into circles with a diameter of 60-70 mm. And spiral strips are made of circles, each width is 10-15 mm. These strips are curled into the semblance of a flower.

To bring the product to perfection, the ends of the flowers are glued with hot glue.

They are attached to the ball from bottom to top, moreover, without spaces. The composition is over!

Organza can also serve well. It is cut into strips up to 5 cm wide and 50-70 cm long. The ends of the strips are placed between the fingers and, holding tightly, they are wound around the index finger. Then they remove the finger from the bud, but do not stop wrapping the skein until the required volume is reached. As you can see, paper rose topiary is easier to make ... but you cannot be distracted until the work is completed.

A bead is pinned onto a pin and the roses are attached to the surface of the ball with the same pin. Again, you need to monitor the density of their placement. It is recommended to insert green tulle into the gaps, it symbolizes natural leaves. Otherwise, what kind of rose bushes are they? Having decorated the trunk and the pot with an organza ribbon, we can assume that the topiary is made to the end.

How to replace a natural bouquet?

The alternative is very simple - to make a topiary from artificial roses. Not necessarily paper, there are other options. At least an atlas.

A ball is rolled out of newspapers, or something close to it. A harsh thread is randomly wound on top for greater strength (possibly dipped in PVA, although not necessary). Bend the 35-centimeter tape from above and, twisting it along the fold into a kind of roll, stitch it slightly. Then they bend over the corner, and when the tape ends, twist the bud at a right angle. The buds are done.

It's time to sew their base and thereby fix them to each other. Having made 28 flowers, fix them on the ball. The topiary of satin roses is ready!

It is worth considering again the rose tree of happiness made of corrugated paper.

The advantage of corrugated paper lies not only in its original aesthetics, but also in the fact that this material develops fine motor skills very effectively.

After cutting 3 cm strips, fold the end twice and twist like a candy wrapper. This procedure is repeated until the strip ends. Then it is twisted all over and connected with a thread. You need to make 20, and preferably 30 of these roses. If only because any oversight at the next stage does not interfere with making the corrugated paper topiary really holistic and beautiful. Sticks from Japanese cuisine will work to create the trunk. They are tied to each other with a thread and PVA is glued.

Next comes a ball-shaped crown, held from the outside by a rope. A hole is made in the center, poured with glue and the barrel is introduced. Then, as usual, plaster or alabaster is bred in a pot. It remains to glue the roses and decorate the space between them with leaves. That's it, the corrugated paper topiary is ready!

Delicate topiary from napkins "Gift for loved ones". Master - class with step by step photos.

Material description: this material is designed for older preschool children with the support and guidance of an adult, as well as schoolchildren, creative teachers and parents. This master class will help you make a gentle, romantic gift with your own hands.
The modern topiary is a miniature copy of trees and bushes. Topiary is a tree of happiness. Nice decoration for your interior.

Author: Vafina Yulia Vladimirovna educator MBOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 44", Miass, Chelyabinsk Region
Appointment: a master class for beginners, with a photo and explanations of how and when to make this or that detail, a beginner will also make such a gift with his own hands.
Target: creating a tree of happiness from paper napkins.
- to study the technique of making flowers from paper napkins;
- to teach the process of making topiary - a decorative tree;
-develop children's creativity, attention, imagination and fantasy;
- develop fine motor skills of hands, an eye;
- to educate perseverance, accuracy, interest in working with paper.

When it comes to gifts, kids always ask what they can buy. I always answer that the best gift is a handmade gift. After all, such a gift is saturated with love and positive energy. He is the most desirable and expensive. Transform into fabulous fairies and give magic.
And you will need quite earthly and accessible things.

We need the following materials and tools:

Paper napkins in three colors
Foam ball
Bamboo sticks
Satin ribbon
Decorative details (beads)
Glue stick
PVA glue

Let's get to work.

We have prepared everything you need.

Topiary, like a real tree, has the following structure: crown, trunk and root.
Let's start making the barrel.
We take bamboo sticks.

We smear them with PVA glue. For strength, we wrap it with threads. Leave it to dry completely.

While the glue dries, proceed to the crown.
We take a foam ball as the basis of the crown. Now you need to make 40 - 45 flowers.

Let's get started.
Fold the napkin in half.

Half and half again. It turns out a square.

In the center we fasten a cross with a stapler - crosswise.

Cut out a circle from the square.

Layer by layer, collect the petals in the center.

Like this.

If you are passionate about work, while listening to your favorite music and your loved ones are next to you, and love is in your soul, you will not even notice how all the flowers will be ready.
We attach the barrel to the ball. We outline the middle. Slightly press the barrel with sharp ends into the ball. We use glue for secure fixation.

Now we decorate our trunk with a satin ribbon. Winding from the crown to the bottom diagonally.

We fix the end of the tape with glue.

Notice that the wrapping ends at about the middle of the height of the pot in which you will plant your tree.
We plant a tree.
Gypsum was prepared. Diluted it with water.

Poured gypsum into a pot. We planted a tree.

Wait a little while holding the barrel upright until the plaster of Paris hardens.
Attention! Do not dilute the plaster too thin. Otherwise, you will have to wait a long time for it to solidify.
You can put a piece of plasticine on the bottom of the pot and pour plaster on top. This saves you the hassle of holding the barrel.
Check the verticality of the barrel.
The most pleasant thing remains.
We decorate the ball with ready-made flowers.
Starting from the top, from the central flower.

Gradually, row by row, gluing flowers, fill the entire ball.
We alternate the color in a checkerboard pattern or in rows or spirals.
Add the final touches: beads, butterflies.
We close the plaster of Paris with the remaining flowers. We decorate the pot.


A napkin topiary is a modern type of creativity, with the help of which amazing decor elements and compositions for a home or a festive table are created. The products look noble and stylish, even though the simplest and most affordable materials are used to create them.

Napkin topiary is a modern type of creativity

Most often, topiary is made in the form of a circle, but a craft made in the form of a heart or a star will look much more original.

Moreover, flowers from napkins can be collected completely different:

  • roses;
  • carnations;
  • dandelions;
  • peonies;
  • asters;
  • lotus.

Each bud, if desired, is additionally decorated with beads, beads, sparkles and even sweets. The aroma is imparted using aromatic oils.

The future tree trunk deserves special attention. For its manufacture, it is customary to use ordinary twigs, which are simply varnished. In fact, the material can be different: wire, cardboard, plastic tubes. And in this case, it is worth approaching the decor more creatively, decorating the tree with ribbons, small pebbles, braiding with threads.

The cache-pot is another important detail. The standard material for it is a flower pot, but the craft looks much brighter in a cup or tiny bucket.

Ideas for topiary appear in the process. It is enough just to start making the first flower to start fantasizing. If you are not afraid of experiments, you will get a truly unusual, memorable masterpiece that can add coziness and an incredible atmosphere to any home. See the pictures below.

Gallery: napkin topiary (25 photos)

Simple napkin topiary (video)

How to make a flower from topiary napkins

Assembling beautiful and lush peonies step by step will be a simple task even for novice needlewomen. A simple technique for their manufacture will not cause difficulties. Just a little patience and attention is enough.

To create buds you will need:

  • several multi-layered white, green and red napkins;
  • wire;
  • wooden stick;
  • scissors.

A simple technique for their manufacture will not cause difficulties.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Trim the non-unfolding edges of the napkins.
  2. Expand several napkins so that the result is a rectangle instead of a square.
  3. Fold them on top of each other and bend them in the form of an accordion.
  4. Tie the resulting accordion with a wire closer to the center.
  5. Cover the visible part of the wire with a small piece, cut off at the very beginning.
  6. Raise all petals to add volume.
  7. Form the stem from a wooden stick.

Make the leaves from green material.

Topiary from paper napkins

Even schoolchildren will be able to make topiary in this way. The finished craft will be a great gift for someone close. She looks incredibly beautiful, original and extraordinary. Each element in it is thought out, fits exactly into the overall picture and gives the product a special grace.

What is necessary:

  • pots;
  • a mixture of sand and cement;
  • a couple of thin twigs and one thick;
  • threads;
  • newspapers;
  • small stones;
  • napkins;
  • leaves with artificial flowers;
  • stapler;
  • Scotch;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Even schoolchildren will be able to make topiary in this way.


  1. Pour a mixture of sand and cement into the planter, add water and mix everything.
  2. Gently wipe the edges of the planter.
  3. Set branches in the center, sprinkle everything with pebbles.
  4. Gently wrap thin twigs around a thick one, thus forming a trunk.
  5. Fix the structure at the top with adhesive tape.
  6. Crumple the newspaper with your hands and wrap the top of the formed trunk with it.
  7. Make some newspaper layers to make a ball.
  8. Fix the finished ball with threads.
  9. Fold the napkin in half, and then in half again.
  10. Fix the square, which eventually turned out, with a stapler.
  11. Cut a circle out of the workpiece, then lift each layer one by one.
  12. Carefully spread all the petals.
  13. According to this principle, make the required number of flowers, then glue each of them on a newspaper ball.

Give a more natural look to the crown with leaves.

Roses from napkins for topiary: master class

One of the most beloved flowers for most women is precisely roses. Naturally, having made a topiary with these flowers, you will be able to please absolutely any representative of the fair sex. Such a gift will not go unnoticed, especially since it is made with your own hands.


  1. Unfold the napkin completely.
  2. Cut off about five centimeters from one of the edges so that a rectangle forms instead of a square.
  3. Fold the workpiece along so that one of its parts covers the other, but not completely.
  4. Start shaping the rose by winding it around your finger.
  5. This should leave a tight but tapered edge.
  6. Attach the stem of the rose to this edge.
  7. Spread out each of the petals carefully.

Roses are some of the favorite flowers for most women.

Attach the leaves to the stem and straighten them too.

How to make napkin leaves

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces a new problem - making leaves. After all, they must fully correspond to the idea, look harmoniously against the background of roses or peonies.


  1. Cut the napkin into sixteen equal parts. The result will be small squares.
  2. Fold three squares together with a slight offset.
  3. Make a small cruciform incision.
  4. Put the leaves on the bud and fix it with glue or a stapler.

After mastering the technique of making buds, any needlewoman faces a new problem - making leaves

Napkin lotus: step by step instructions

A lotus made from napkins is very difficult to distinguish from a real one.... He looks incredibly gentle and natural. Initially, it is even difficult to imagine that such beauty can be obtained from such a simple material that is always at hand.

What is necessary:

  • 8 green napkins;
  • 24 white;
  • 1 yellow;
  • stapler.


  1. Initially, you need to create foliage from green parts. To do this, fold the napkin unfolded into a triangle.
  2. Roll the corners down from the top.
  3. Wrap the ponytails that have formed up on the other side.
  4. Fold the structure in half to the outside.
  5. Make a total of eight green blanks in this way.
  6. Connect all the elements with a stapler.
  7. Make petals from white material in the same way.
  8. Lay them on top of the greens in three rows.

To add brightness to the design, add yellow stamens twisted diagonally.

Napkin topiary: imitation of marigolds (video)

Topiary art is used most often in landscape design. Trees, trimmed in the form of animals and geometric shapes, are incredible delight and always attract attention. Due to the fact that not everyone has their own personal plot, this kind of creativity began to be used in the home interior. All kinds of materials at hand are used. Particular attention among such designs is paid to those made from napkins. This material is incredibly easy to work with, and accordingly, even schoolchildren can cope with such a craft. You just need to master the basics of technology to start creating your own, unique masterpieces.

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March 21st, 2015 ale4ka

No wonder they say that every man should build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. But this is a man, everything is clear as daylight, just a tree, just plant. But every girl can make a topiary with her own hands, and, moreover, she should not, or maybe because the girl does not owe anything to anyone. Today we will make a do-it-yourself napkin topiary. This tree of magnificent roses will decorate your home or serve as a wonderful gift for any occasion: March 8, anniversary, wedding or New Year's celebration.

In order to make a do-it-yourself topiary from napkins, we need:

  • Napkins in two shades;
  • Stapler;
  • PVA glue and hot melt glue;
  • Hollow barrel tube;
  • Satin ribbons;
  • Plastic pot;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Alcohol-containing liquid;
  • White acrylic paint;
  • Brushes;
  • Acrylic lacquer;
  • Plaster putty;
  • Corsage pins.

Making the base for the crown

The first thing we will do in this master class: we will find a pile of old newspapers and sewing threads, and we will use them. Crumple the newspapers into a tight ball about 8 cm in diameter. Then wrap it tightly with threads to fix it and so that our ball is the most rounded.


Flowers for topiary

  1. For roses in this master class, napkins of 2 shades will be useful to us,
  2. Separate the tissue layers, we only need the top one,
  3. We fold it in half and 4 times,
  4. Next, we cut off a circle of maximum diameter,
  5. As a result, alternating colored circles come out,
  6. We distribute the circles with the colored side up and fix in the center with a stapler,
  7. Then we lift the top layer and crush it so that folds are obtained,
  8. In this way, we process layer by layer to the last,
  9. We made roses of two colors with our own hands - burgundy and orange.

Below you will get acquainted with a short video instruction on how you can make flowers from napkins with your own hands. This method is slightly different from the one demonstrated in this master class, but I think you will like it, as I liked it:

Topiary crown and trunk decoration

Before you is the next stage of the master class, gluing roses to the base of the crown and decorating the trunk of the topiary. It is a painstaking but enjoyable experience.

Napkin flowers are a very delicate and soggy thing. Therefore, it is most convenient to attach them to the ball with hot glue - squeeze a drop of glue onto the ball and apply a flower to this place. It is advisable that the glue gets on the paper clip. If you fix the napkins obliquely to the layer, then, as you understand, it will simply break off.

We cover the entire surface of the ball with flowers, leaving an empty area for fixing the topiary trunk.


Pot decoration

An interesting and exciting stage in the master class is the design of the pots for the topiary. We will perform this in the decoupage style. The surface of the pot is very smooth, so it is not suitable for painting, you need to go over it with sandpaper.

  • Sand the surface of the pot with sandpaper,
  • We degrease with any alcohol-containing liquid,
  • Then cover the pot with white acrylic paint using a sponge,
  • As a result, a snow-white pot comes out,
  • We cut the ribbons of the desired length from an orange napkin and fix them on the surface of the pot with a brush and PVA glue,
  • After drying, we process the pot with acrylic varnish in several layers, waiting between each of them drying out.

In the video below, you can clearly get acquainted with the design of the pot with your own hands using the decoupage technique:

Securing and decorating the topiary

In the next stage of the master class, we need to dilute the plaster putty with water and fill the pot. Let the mass harden a little and immerse the tree trunk with the crown already on it.

After the putty has completely hardened, my favorite stage of the decor of the entire composition begins. I decorate the ground with a raspberry satin ribbon, secured with corsage pins and put one napkin rose in a pot on top. A beautiful bow of a narrow golden ribbon appears on the trunk.

The composition can be supplemented with beads or Christmas tree tinsel, then this charming tree will be a great addition to the New Year's surroundings.

In order for a do-it-yourself napkin topiary to continue to delight you with its beauty, do not forget to take care of it. To do this, periodically remove dust from the tree using a special device (brush for dusting off) or a regular hair dryer (not with a hot stream). Well, of course, you need to try not to drop it or put it in direct sunlight.

I really liked another version of the master class on creating a topiary from napkins, get to know it and you:

DIY paper rose topiary. Master class with step by step photos

Handicraft workshop. Lavender Topiary

This master class is intended for educators, teachers, those who like to decorate the interior, create topiary with their own hands. A tree made according to this master class will be a wonderful decoration for an interior, a group room or a reception room, as well as an original gift for a bride for a wedding or for relatives and friends for any holiday.

Target: obtaining the skills of making a topiary flower tree
-to teach how to make flowers from paper napkins and create compositions from them;
-develop creative imagination, aesthetic taste;
-to cultivate perseverance, accuracy, interest in working with napkins

For work we need:
- three-layer napkins in two colors with a pattern and one-color
- flower pot,
- glue "Moment-crystal",
- wire,
- plastic ball,
- decorative flower net of two types,
- leg-split,
- beads,
- satin ribbons and organza ribbons,
- alabaster or gypsum,
- aquarium stones,
- glue gun,
- sewing threads,
- scissors,
- spray paint (silver color),
- decorative butterfly

Topiary has long and quite firmly entered our life, but not everyone knows what it is and where it came from. It turns out that in ancient times there was an art of curly cutting of plants. Gardeners of the Roman nobility created bizarre figures from the crowns of trees, bushes and half bushes. They carved animals, shaped them into various geometric shapes, and built entire mazes. Such gardens were called Topiary. The word "topiary" comes from the Latin word for decorative garden landscapes, "topiaries". Currently, topiary, or as it is also called "European tree" and "Tree of Happiness", is a decorative artificial tree that can be used in any interior. Depending on the size and design, it can be installed both on bookshelves and on the floor; both in the kitchen and in the living room. I would like to note that topiary is not a miniature copy of any specific trees and do not pretend to compete with them. This is a purely decorative item. Therefore, it depends only on the creator's imagination what shape the crown of his own tree will have.

Topiary - what word
Topiary - what a motive!
Under a colored lampshade
Man-made happiness is worth it.
Outside the window is a blizzard, then a blizzard,
Outside the window - the snows were crazy,
In the quiet pauses of bad weather
The lonely star is staring.
Topiary is a magic word
Draw my happiness to me.
Curved trunk with round crown
On my window blooms.
Topiary - as a symbol of hope.
Happiness flutters like a bright butterfly.
And he will settle in the house as before,
And, perhaps, it will not go away.

(author unknown)

Today I bring to your attention a mk for the manufacture of topiary.
To create it, you need to take a plastic ball, from my dry pool,

make a hole in it into which the wire is inserted, since mine turned out to be thin, I had to weave the two together

We put the resulting workpiece aside and proceed to twisting the roses. To do this, we disconnect the three-layer napkin, we only need the upper part with the pattern and fold it as shown in the photo

Roll up the napkin starting from the lower left edge

We form a rose

At the base, we pull the thread for sewing

Trim the tail

For a tree, we need about 15 roses of each color.

the quantity may be different, it all depends on the size of the ball you take.
Cut the decorative mesh into squares of approximately equal size

We start decorating the ball. We drip glue onto its surface, I did it with a glue gun, but you can use the "Moment-crystal" and apply a grid square

put a rose on it

Close the second one in the same way

and so on until we close the whole ball

We make decorative curls from paper twine by winding it on a pencil

Cut the resulting "snake" into pieces 10-12cm long

Next, we move on to painting. Turn the resulting tree blank "upside down" and cover with a napkin, painting the trunk of the future tree with silver spray paint

We cover decorative curls and a butterfly with the same paint.
Now let's get to the pot. We fasten the remaining squares of the decorative mesh with a glue gun inside the pot along the edges

We place the tree in a pot and fill it with alabaster or gypsum

Until the solution is completely frozen, we immerse the aquarium stones in it.

At the base of the crown we tie several satin and organza ribbons

We glue beads on the crown of the tree in random order,

decorative curls