Week 23 what's going on. What happens in a woman's body? All these diseases are manifested by nonspecific secretions.

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The second trimester of pregnancy is usually well tolerated. Now for the expectant mother, a pleasant and serene period has come. At the 23rd week, it is already possible to clearly distinguish the movements of the child by placing a hand on the stomach. A woman rejoices at these sensations and feels truly happy.

23 weeks pregnant is how many months

There are exactly 4 weeks in one obstetric month. And this means that 23 weeks of waiting for a baby is 5 months and another 3 weeks. At this time, the age of the fetus from the moment of conception has already reached 21 weeks.

This period is not characterized by rapid changes in the maternal body. The uterus gradually continues to grow in size and puts pressure on the internal organs (bladder, intestines, stomach). Now it is located 4 cm from the navel. And the distance between the uterus and the pubic bone is about 23 cm.

At the 23rd week, hypotension of the digestive tract begins to increase. Such changes are usually not abrupt and unexpected - they grow smoothly. However, the manifestations of hypotension of the intestinal muscles are rather unpleasant. Expectant mothers have problems with bowel movements, i.e. constipation occurs during pregnancy.

There are other unpleasant digestive symptoms. Because of the grown uterus, the stomach is squeezed. It moves back and up, pressure grows inside it. The value of the angle of connection of the stomach and intestines changes. There is a reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which is why expectant mothers often suffer from heartburn.

The reason for gaining excess weight at this time may not be the accumulation of fat, but excess fluid in the body. The arms, legs, thighs, and sometimes even the abdomen may swell. In this case, they speak of obvious edema. But there are times when excess fluid is distributed evenly throughout the body. At the same time, edema is imperceptible, but the function of many internal organs is disrupted. If dropsy of pregnant women is ignored and no treatment measures are taken, blood pressure will begin to rise, and protein will appear in the urine. And this is already late toxicosis, which in some cases is very difficult and can lead to serious consequences.

Feelings of a woman at 23 weeks pregnant

Symptoms of toxicosis, characteristic of the early stages, are already behind. A woman feels a surge of energy, she has more strength. But doing the usual household chores is no longer as easy as before, because the grown tummy gives the expectant mother some discomfort. And it increased noticeably by this time, because the fetus develops quickly, raising the bottom of the uterus by 1 cm per week.

The movements of the pregnant woman become awkward, changes in posture occur. Due to the shift in the center of gravity, the stomach begins to bulge, and the shoulders, on the contrary, are laid back. At this time, a woman can walk a little "waddle" due to the appearance of pain in the hip joints, pubic joint and in the area of ​​the sacrum.

The behavior of a pregnant woman also changes. The expectant mother is so absorbed in thoughts about her child that she begins to show absent-mindedness and forgetfulness. Do not reproach yourself for forgetting to call someone or not turning off the kettle on time. This condition is normal for this period. The people around you should treat your actions with understanding and not be too demanding.

At the 23rd week, unusual sensations may occur in your body: numbness of the hands, numbness, goosebumps. These phenomena are caused by the fact that nerve endings are squeezed due to excess fluid. Due to the lack of calcium, muscle cramps can occur from time to time.

Often, women feel unpleasant tingling and pain in the lower abdomen. They are associated with the movements of the muscles of the uterus, which periodically contract and relax, preparing in advance for the upcoming birth. At this time, it is better to lie down, relax and rest. After 15 minutes, the pain will subside. A good rest will benefit the whole body, so do not overwork and sleep more - your sleep should last at least 8-10 hours.

The movements of the child are now perceived by the woman as something familiar. The sensations from them are sometimes unpleasant, but the discomfort does not last long. If the baby shows excessive activity, mom needs to have a snack with something sweet. Thanks to this, the fetus will receive more glucose and stop showing anxiety. If you feel tension in the uterus, relax and gently stroke your stomach. This will help relieve the spasm. Remember, if discomfort is caused by fetal movements, they should not be accompanied by suspicious discharge or other warning signs.

Discharge from the genital tract at 23 weeks pregnant

By the nature of vaginal discharge (which largely depends on the microflora and hormonal background), one can judge how the pregnancy proceeds. Normally, the discharge is not abundant, their color is milky, the consistency is homogeneous. Their smell is mild, slightly sour.

If a woman notices that the discharge has become strong, clots, impurities of mucus and pus have appeared in them, you need to consult a doctor. These symptoms most likely indicate the presence of an infection.

The most alarming sign is vaginal discharge with blood. In this case, the woman needs urgent medical diagnosis. The situation becomes especially dangerous if spotting is combined with abdominal pain. In this case, doctors talk about the threat of premature birth. The fact is that too intense uterine contractions lead to placental abruption and damage to its blood vessels. But blood may not always appear at the same time - if the place of detachment is far from the cervical canal, then the discharge usually does not appear. The only symptom of the threat in this case is pain.

Bright spotting is often due to placenta previa, especially if this pathology is combined with isthmic-cervical insufficiency or uterine hypertonicity. Isthmic-cervical insufficiency is a condition in which the cervix gradually opens, and the blood vessels of the placenta are destroyed, which is why blood appears.

Belly at 23 weeks pregnant

It is too early to estimate the average circumference of your abdomen, this can only be done in the last trimester. In the meantime, at each examination, the doctor will measure your weight and volume of the abdomen in order to monitor these indicators in dynamics.

HCG rates at 23 weeks pregnant

Starting from the 18th week of pregnancy and up to the 23rd, the hCG levels continue to fall and are in the range of 4720-80100 mIU / ml.

Weight at 23 weeks pregnant

By the 23rd week, the total weight gain from the start of pregnancy should not exceed 8 kg. If body weight is growing too fast, think about your diet and review your diet. Also, we must not forget that excess weight can be caused by latent edema. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo additional examination.

Fetal development at 23 weeks gestation

This period is characterized by the active formation of the respiratory organs of the baby. Alveoli form in his lungs, and the synthesis of a specific substance, surfactant, begins. The accumulation of surfactant continues until the end of the term. It is he who prevents the fall of the lung sacs of the child when he begins to breathe. If this substance is not produced in sufficient quantities, the alveoli can stick together, causing the newborn to develop severe respiratory failure.

By the beginning of the week, the child already has all the basic life skills. He is already swallowing, sucking, “drinking” and “eating”. He also makes “breathing” movements and regularly reminds his mother of his presence with tangible jolts (on average, once every 10 minutes).

In addition, the child often urinates - up to 10 times a day, while the reserves of amniotic fluid are regularly updated. Sometimes at this time, meconium (original feces) is already excreted from the baby's intestines. But such a phenomenon is not considered the norm at the 23rd week, but speaks of intrauterine suffering of the fetus. Isolation of meconium before the baby is born can lead to dangerous complications, since there is a danger of it getting into the lungs from the amniotic fluid.

The rapid development of the central nervous system continues. The process of functioning of the cerebral cortex is activated. By this time, all its layers had already differentiated.

The fetus is located head up, but can turn around its axis, raise and lower the head. An increase in motor activity is associated with the formation of a mechanism in the inner ear that is responsible for balance.

The baby's eyes are open. He is able to distinguish light from darkness and respond to changes in lighting. In addition, the baby already responds well to sound stimuli.

Nails on tiny fingers by this time had almost completed their formation.
The thickness of the placenta at the 23rd week reaches 24.52 mm.

During this period, the accumulation of amniotic fluid is bequeathed. Soon the growing baby will begin to experience a lack of free space. His movements will be more constrained, and the tremors will become much more noticeable. It will be impossible for him to turn over. But all this is yet to come, and now the baby can move freely and roll over in the uterine cavity.

The pancreas continues to produce insulin. The spleen begins to function actively. It produces monocytes and lymphocytes, and also regulates the quality of red blood cells, screening out defective red blood cells.

The layer of subcutaneous fat is still building up. Reserves of glycogen and brown fat are formed, which will be necessary for the baby immediately after birth.

In the process of the formation of the nervous system, the behavior of the baby becomes more and more complicated, and all his actions are evaluated on a special scale. In the activity of the baby, the following periods are clearly defined:

phase of slow sleep, when movements are not fixed;

REM sleep phase, when certain movements are noted;

calm wakefulness;

a period of pronounced activity - the child moves.

Most of the day falls on sleep - up to 80% of the time.

Weight and height of the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation

By the end of the week, the fetus already reaches 29-31 cm in length. Its mass is approximately equal to 530-600 g. The diameter of the abdomen is 57.6 mm, the chest is 56.5 mm, and the head is 56.3 mm.

Fetal activity at 23 weeks gestation

At the 23rd week, the expectant mother can already clearly feel the movements of her baby. He makes flips, often moves and pushes. Normally, a woman feels about 10 movements in 12 hours (with a daily lifestyle). But this is an average value, in fact, everything is individual. There are very active children, they give women a lot of anxiety and cause pulling sensations in the stomach. And, on the contrary, there are quiet kids who do not make frequent and strong movements. This should not cause alarm. It is worth worrying if the nature of the movements changed suddenly, when the mobile child suddenly sharply reduced activity.

Possible complications at 23 weeks pregnant

A serious nuisance for a pregnant woman can be too rapid weight gain. After childbirth, obesity and the appearance of metabolic syndrome are possible. In the most severe cases, this leads to the development of type 2 diabetes.

At this stage of pregnancy, there is a risk of a serious pathology, which is called "cervical failure". It leads to the entry of the fetal bladder into the cervical canal and its contact with the external environment, which can adversely affect the health and development of the baby. Fortunately, this complication of pregnancy is rare.

In many pregnant women, signs of varicose veins become noticeable at this time. Some face an even more unpleasant problem - hemorrhoids. Due to calcium deficiency and hormonal changes, the walls of blood vessels weaken. Moreover, the veins are compressed by the enlarged uterus. Women prone to constipation begin to feel pain in the anus, bleeding occurs, and prolapsed nodes occur.

In the 23rd week, the risk of infections, especially influenza, increases. Under the influence of viruses, various disorders in the development of a child can occur, primarily for its nervous and cardiovascular systems. For more information on the treatment of colds, read the article on our website.

Pay special attention to pain these days. So, for example, severe pain, in whatever organ they arise, is the reason for a medical examination. First of all, you need to make sure that they are not caused by vascular, cardiac or surgical factors.

Often women are concerned about muscle cramps. Their cause is a lack of calcium, which goes to the formation of fetal bone tissue.

Features of nutrition at 23 weeks of gestation

A complete and varied diet is the key to the health of a pregnant woman and her baby. At the 23rd week, the expectant mother should consume approximately 3000 kcal per day. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the rate of weight gain. It is desirable that the weight is added smoothly, without going beyond the limits of the norm.

The placenta continues to grow along with its vascular bed, and there is a need to increase blood volumes. That is why the proportion of the liquid component of blood - plasma - increases. And this means that the body needs more fluid, that is, a pregnant woman should not lack a drink. But in some cases, against the background of changes occurring with blood circulation, the body can accumulate a certain amount of excess fluid. Sometimes dropsy even develops, and then the amount of fluid drunk per day has to be controlled.

If you notice even slight swelling in yourself, try not to consume more than one and a half liters of fluid per day (this also includes first courses). It is also not recommended to abuse salt. Try to keep it to a minimum, or even replace it with soy sauce. However, a sharp decrease in the amount of fluid consumed is highly undesirable. Because of this, gestosis develops when the fluid leaves the bloodstream, and its excess is collected in the tissues.

The most useful drinks for a future mother will be: ordinary purified water, still mineral water, unsweetened compotes and jelly, juices.

During this period of pregnancy, vital elements - phosphorus and calcium - are actively consumed. Therefore, the diet must be designed in such a way as to regularly make up for their deficiency. So try to use such products more often: feta cheese, cheese, nuts, poppy seeds, wild rose, sesame halva, eggs. Legumes are also very useful in this regard, but they must be used with caution, as they can lead to constipation and flatulence.

Taking vitamins

It is desirable to obtain the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body in a natural way, by properly compiling your diet. Substances contained in natural food are better absorbed. It also reduces the risk of overdose. But it is not always possible to get everything you need with food. Therefore, many pregnant women are prescribed calcium and vitamin D supplements. This is necessary for the prevention of rickets in a child and varicose veins in a woman. In some cases, the doctor may recommend that the expectant mother take special vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women. With reduced hemoglobin, iron and folic acid are often prescribed.

Physical activity at 23 weeks pregnant

Because of the growing belly, even everyday work is difficult for a pregnant woman, so there can be no talk of full-fledged sports. But this does not mean that a woman should lead a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity is very important to keep the body in good shape. A complete lack of physical activity can lead to excess body weight and vein thrombosis. Therefore, try to regularly go for walks, enjoying nature and fresh air. It will also be useful to learn exercises designed specifically for pregnant women. For example, sign up for fitness or yoga for expectant mothers. You can also attend aqua aerobics classes and even go to special dances.

Sex life at 23 weeks pregnant

At this time, many women may increase sexual desire. In the normal course of pregnancy, lovemaking is not prohibited. But if there are problems (inflammatory diseases, spotting, placenta previa, isthmic-cervical insufficiency), it is better to abstain from sex. Also, lovemaking is undesirable in multiple pregnancies.

If there are no contraindications, then sex will only benefit. But for sexual intercourse, you need to select positions that exclude too deep penetration and pressure on the stomach.

Taking medication at 23 weeks pregnant

The placenta has already formed and performs its function well - it protects the fetus from the influence of negative factors. But this does not mean that a woman can take medicines without a doctor's prescription. Many components of medicines easily penetrate into the blood of a child. The gynecologist determines the treatment regimen, taking into account the benefits for the woman and the possible risks to the fetus. If there is no need to start therapy urgently, it is better to postpone it until the baby is born.

The list of allowed drugs is getting wider. A woman may take some of the drugs to improve blood circulation and reduce its viscosity. Blood pressure medications are also allowed. Antibiotics are still prohibited because they can severely damage the formation of a healthy microflora in the fetus. Of the anti-inflammatory drugs, non-steroidal drugs (for example, ibuprofen or paracetamol) are the safest. Their use is acceptable in some cases.

Important to remember! Even those medications that are considered relatively safe can harm the health of the baby. Therefore, never self-medicate - taking any medication must be agreed with the doctor.

Examinations and tests at 23 weeks of gestation

From laboratory studies at this time, only a general blood test, a urinalysis and a blood test for electrolytes are sufficient. Particular attention is paid to the level of phosphorus and calcium. The normal content of these elements is 1.53 mmol/l and 4.1 mmol/l, respectively. The albumin fraction of proteins at this time decreases to 28 g / l, and the level of ASAT and alkaline phosphatase, which indicate the state of the liver, rises somewhat.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week, a planned ultrasound is not performed. It is prescribed only for special indications, when additional monitoring of the course of pregnancy is necessary. So, if there is placenta previa, a woman should undergo ultrasound diagnostics every 4 weeks.
During the examination, the doctor will assess the development of the fetus, examine the condition of the placenta. Normally, its thickness at the 23rd week reaches 23 mm, and the degree of maturity is zero. In addition, the doctor pays attention to the heart rate of the fetus. If it exceeds 180-190 beats per minute, oxygen starvation can be suspected. In this case, a Doppler study is used to assess placental blood flow.

Indicators can be:

BPR - 52–64 mm;
LZ - 67–81 mm;
OG - 190–224 mm;
Coolant - 160–201 mm.

Features of multiple pregnancy at 23 weeks

With multiple pregnancies, childbirth occurs somewhat earlier, so babies develop faster. At this time, the children are slightly behind in weight, but this is a natural phenomenon.

The expectant mother may experience tangible back pain associated with an increase in the load on the organs. Therefore, during this period, a woman needs to devote more time to rest.

Features of IVF pregnancy at 23 weeks

At this stage of IVF pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to take special vitamin complexes. She is also often prescribed iron supplements. Women with multiple pregnancies will need prevention of miscarriage, placental insufficiency and preeclampsia.

23 weeks pregnant: video

23 weeks of pregnancy https://www.kalendar-beremennosti-deti.ru/23-weremennosti-beremennosti/
Read more - photo of 23 weeks of pregnancy

The beginning of the twenty-third week of pregnancy is just the equator of the fifth month. At this time, many expectant mothers, with a favorable course of pregnancy, feel great: basically, there is no toxicosis and heartburn, the stomach still does not strongly restrict movement, the movements and activity of the baby do not cause discomfort. You should not limit yourself in movement, unless, of course, your doctor allows you: go to the park, breathe fresh air, do exercises, refuse the elevator. Watch your weight gain and enjoy every new day of your pregnancy.


What happens to a woman

During this week of pregnancy, women already have a fairly large belly. The figure looks rounded, as the average weight gain is about seven kilograms. The belly of a pregnant woman rises a little higher - about four centimeters higher than the navel. Doctors determine the height of the uterus at regular examinations.

Sometimes a woman may begin. They begin with rather unexpected sensations - like mild uterine cramps, which are accompanied by pain. If a woman puts her hand on her stomach, then you can feel muscle contractions that are still unfamiliar to the body. This is absolutely normal, since these sensations are a preparatory stage that almost every woman goes through before giving birth. Simply, the muscles of the uterus "try" their strength, so to speak, they train before the most important process - childbirth. It is possible that in the future such contractions will manifest more often, moreover, gradually intensifying. Nevertheless, you should not be afraid of new sensations for yourself, and, of course, you should not think that these are real prenatal contractions.

If the expectant mother in the first trimester suffered from frequent, now she will forget about this ailment.

The thickness of the placenta at 23 weeks is approximately 24.52 mm.

Sometimes during this period, a woman experiences swelling, as the chemical components of the blood change, which is why the body retains fluid much longer. In summer, in extreme heat, at the end of the day, women notice swollen hands and feet. Do not be upset - visit a doctor who will tell you what you need to do specifically to alleviate your condition. Sometimes pillows help - they need to be placed under swollen limbs, lie longer without moving in this position. Refuse for a while from salty, drink less fluids.

Some expectant mothers suffer from cramps - this is a "normal" frequent occurrence in the evening and at night. True, sometimes they are so strong that a woman cannot even fall asleep. Massage will help relieve pain - it must be done, moving from the hips to the ankles, and then to the feet. Do not forget about the contrast shower - it also helps a lot. Swimming in the pool is also a wonderful pastime and getting rid of cramps. Food is also very important. For convulsions, doctors advise including foods that contain vitamin E, calcium and magnesium in the diet. But most often, experts advise using vitamin and mineral supplements or complexes designed specifically for pregnant women. Do not treat yourself or resort to traditional medicine - this can negatively affect the health of the baby.

If you are at the 23rd week of pregnancy, you can be safely congratulated on the fact that the sixth month is coming to an end and very soon you will become a mother.

Your baby is 21 weeks old, he is still developing intensively, learning about himself, constantly learning something new.

As for the future mother herself, she already feels a strong emotional connection with her baby, learning to understand the child better every day.

As a rule, at week 23, many pregnant women are concerned about weight gain. It is considered absolutely normal if the expectant mother has gained from five to seven and a half kilograms to her original weight. Then the weight will still increase, about half kilograms every week.

What happens at 23 weeks

Your baby at this time continues its active development in the womb. Since the previous week, his weight has increased by about 100 grams and is now about 450-500 g. The increase in growth is still more modest - about one centimeter, that is, in general, the growth of the fetus should be approximately 28 cm

Such active weight gain the baby is explained by the fact that during this period he accumulates subcutaneous fat. His skin becomes denser, not as transparent as before, but, nevertheless, so far it still looks reddish and wrinkled, because the skin grows at a faster rate than adipose tissue, and therefore the excess skin hangs a little.

As for the future mother herself, her figure by this moment is noticeably rounded. And even if pregnancy can still be hidden behind wide and loose clothing, it is still not difficult to notice an interesting situation, for example, by a changed gait.

Uterus a woman who is 23 weeks pregnant is raised above the navel by more than 3.5 centimeters. The height of this organ above the pubis should be 23 centimeters. About the norm of this parameter, depending on the duration of pregnancy, read Accumulation of amniotic fluid by this time is completed.

Now the growing baby will experience some lack of space as he develops. Its movements and jolts will become more and more tangible, but much less sweeping, but the grown fetus will no longer be able to roll over intensively and often.

Of great importance during this period is condition of the amniotic fluid, which throughout the entire period of pregnancy change their properties and functional purpose.

Amniotic fluid contains various biologically active substances (vitamins, hormones, free amino acids, etc.). It is thanks to such a rich composition that amniotic fluid can take part in metabolic processes. In addition, it protects the fetus from injury.

Many expectant mothers around the 23rd week of pregnancy begin to notice that the baby has a daily routine. Now it is easy to track the phases of his sleep and wakefulness. All these changes delight pregnant women, because there is nothing more pleasant for them than to feel and understand their own child, even if he has not yet been born.

Well-being of a woman at 23 weeks

In principle, the sixth month of pregnancy can be called the most favorable, because debilitating toxicosis is far behind, and there is still time before the birth to enjoy yourself and your unusual situation.

During the normal course of pregnancy, a woman should feel good, however, depending on individual physiological characteristics, various phenomena may appear, including some that are not very pleasant.

Of course, no expectant mother will be happy with unwanted skin pigmentation or, for example, hemorrhoids, but it is important to remember that all these difficulties are temporary, they will pass after the birth of the baby.

Possible physical sensations

As already mentioned, week 23 can proceed differently for each individual woman. For some, this time is really calm and cloudless, when you can relax enough before future maternal worries, take care of yourself, enjoying every minute of your position. And for some, this period of pregnancy can be overshadowed by various unpleasant sensations, among which there are often:

  1. Training bouts or Braxton Hicks contractions at 23 weeks may or may not be. In principle, this phenomenon is quite common, which manifests itself in the form of mild spasms in the uterus. You should not worry about this, training contractions are absolutely normal, because they are an important part of preparing for future labor activity. So, if a pregnant woman puts her hand on her lower abdomen, she can feel muscle contractions. The closer the birth, the stronger the training contractions can be. How to distinguish training fights from real ones, read
  2. Weight gain- the phenomenon is also quite natural, because the uterus of a pregnant woman continues to grow, and at the same time the amount of amniotic fluid increases, the placenta grows. Some women think that their belly is too big or, on the contrary, too small for a given period, but do not panic, because every child develops differently. In addition, slightly increased appetite can also affect body weight.
  3. Feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs at this time appear more and more often. It is connected, first of all, with increase in weight of the woman.
  4. Phlebeurysm also very often appears precisely by the 23rd week of pregnancy. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the wall of the veins under the influence of hormones relaxes, and the outflow of blood is disturbed due to the uterus, which presses on the veins located in the small pelvis. Read more about varicose veins
  5. Increasing the size of the foot in a woman, as well as varicose veins, it can occur due to a large load on the legs, as well as under the influence of the hormone relaxin, which weakens the ligaments. Because of this, sagging of the arch of the foot can be observed, its bones diverge a little, and the foot itself becomes flatter. Old shoes in this case may be small, so you have to buy new, more spacious ones. It is also useful to wear special orthopedic insoles that can provide effective support for the arch of the foot.
  6. Haemorrhoids at week 23, it can appear and cause a lot of inconvenience to a woman, especially if, along with this nuisance, constipation also begins to bother. Because of this, there are characteristic pain sensations, bleeding during defecation, prolapse of nodes. As a rule, hemorrhoids go away after childbirth, but sometimes special treatment may be required, which should only be carried out by a doctor.
  7. Skin sensitivity to ultraviolet often occurs in pregnant women due to high levels of hormones in the blood. So, lovers of sunbathing often get age spots instead of a pleasant tan. To prevent this from happening, be careful in the sun and preferably in a wide-brimmed hat.
  8. Skin pigmentation most often expressed in the darkening of the nipples. Also, for expectant mothers, the path to the bottom of the navel darkens significantly.
  9. Nausea, which at this time is explained by the fact that the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on the bile ducts and somewhat disrupt the normal functioning of the digestive system. If nausea inevitably appears after eating, experts advise taking knee-elbow pose. Being in this position also improves kidney function.
  10. Discharge from the genital tract at the sixth month can be called one of the indicators of a successful pregnancy. The nature of these secretions is always determined by the state of the woman's microflora. Those discharges that do not have an unpleasant odor are considered normal, except that they are slightly sour, have a milky color and a uniform consistency. If the discharge begins to have a pathological character (becomes too plentiful, smells bad, etc.), most likely there is an infection in the woman's body. Immediate contact with a doctor requires spotting, which may signal placental abruption. Read about the nature of discharge during pregnancy
  11. pain with an uncomfortable position of the body, they can appear in the lower back, sacrum or abdomen. The baby is already very actively kicking and changing its position several times a day, which can cause pulling pain. In addition, sharp pain can occur with tension in the ligaments of the uterus, but it will quickly pass if you change the position of the body to a more comfortable one.
  12. Heartburn- one of the most common complaints at 23 weeks. This phenomenon occurs very often during pregnancy because under the influence of hormones between the stomach and esophagus, the sphincters relax, which means that gastric juice can freely enter the esophagus. To avoid heartburn, experts advise sticking to a special one;
  13. Change in gait and posture in the sixth month becomes very noticeable. Due to the divergence of the pelvic bones, the gait becomes “duck”, the shoulders deviate more and more, and the tummy, on the contrary, protrudes forward.

As you can see, the 23rd week of pregnancy can be accompanied by a wide variety of sensations.

Moreover, only the most common symptoms are described above. However, even if you have been touched by some of the troubles that sometimes accompany pregnancy, or you just feel discomfort, try not to think about it, because everything will pass very soon, you just need to wait for the baby to be born.

Possible emotional experiences

At week 23, expectant mothers usually experience very mixed feelings. On the one hand, every woman experiences joyful excitement from the fact that very soon she will have to play a completely new role for herself - the role of a mother. But the appearance of a child is accompanied by certain changes in life, which can be frightening, and the process of childbirth itself causes jitters even in women who have already given birth. In addition, absolutely all mothers are worried about the health of their baby.

It should be noted that such conflicting feelings absolutely natural. Often at week 23, expectant mothers experience mood swings, and these emotional swings will become sharper as childbirth approaches.

During this period, a pregnant woman needs to share her experiences with loved ones. Discussing your own fears helps you get rid of them sooner.

The main thing is not to dwell on your own worries, especially if you have no reason to fear for the health and life of the child.

Very emotionally helpful at week 23 can be communication with other expectant mothers that you can meet, for example, in your antenatal clinic. In addition, discussing your own emotions and feelings during pregnancy is much more pleasant with those who completely understand you.

Perhaps the expectant mother will want to communicate with other people's babies - the children of her friends and acquaintances, in order to get used to them a little. Often pregnant women have never met a single baby at all, so it is only natural that they develop a fear that they will not be able to cope with caring for a newborn. But even if other people's children do not cause any delight, you should not worry about this, you will definitely love your baby and become a wonderful mother to him.

The fact is that the maternal instinct that makes a woman take care of her own child is awakened during childbirth, at the sound of the voice of a newly born baby.

Reviews of women about 23 weeks

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of every day when your future son or daughter grows and develops under your heart. For every pregnant woman, this time is associated with excitement, a sense of pleasant anticipation and a little fear. Here is how some expectant mothers describe their feelings at week 23:

Marianne: “I am now at 23 weeks, I feel just fine! But if before I didn’t even think about the upcoming birth, now every day I’m getting more and more scared, after all, this is my first baby. I’m starting to think about partner childbirth, but I still can’t decide if I really want my husband to be with me directly when the baby arrives and see it all with my own eyes.

Svetlana: “Now I feel my baby so clearly, I know all the tastes. For example, she just hates loud music, starts kicking me with all her might so that it really hurts me a lot. And by the way, my stomach became noticeable to others only by the 23rd week, before that it seemed to be completely non-existent.

Nelya: “Yesterday my husband and I were at the antenatal clinic for an ultrasound scan, we found out that our son is already 30 centimeters tall, and he weighs as much as 480 grams. Now we are looking at his photo, we think who he looks more like.

Elena: “I just started my 23rd week, but instead of moving much more actively, the baby completely calmed down. I’m very worried if this is normal, it’s good that I have an appointment tomorrow.”

Ksenia: “I also had it so that the baby practically did not move for two days. Frightened, I ran to the doctor, but she told me that there was no cause for concern. The thing is that the child has his own regime and, perhaps, at the time when I expected some activity from him, he was just sleeping.

Vlada: “I started my 23rd week, and I finally fully realized that I was pregnant. Walking became difficult, lying on his stomach was completely impossible. I feel constant drowsiness and some kind of passivity. I also became very lazy, sometimes I can’t force myself to get up and, for example, clean up the apartment or make tea.”

Irina: “And I haven’t slept on my stomach for almost two months, but this was the most comfortable position for me! It seems that 23 weeks is not such a long time, but my stomach is huge. Yes, and my weight gain of almost 8 kilograms worries me very much.

Elmira: “I became very tired. Now it is difficult to climb the stairs to the third floor. But the baby in my stomach is constantly moving and responding to my touch. We are already thinking about a name for our son.

Evgenia: “My baby also actively kicks! The only pity is that the ultrasound does not show who we will have. By the 23rd week, I began to feel a slight heaviness in my legs and even noticed the first signs of varicose veins, now I'm worried about this. I heard that there is some kind of special compression underwear and tights, at the next appointment with the doctor I will find out if I can wear these.

Fetal development at 23 weeks gestation

The growth of the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy is already 28-30 cm, and the weight is approximately 520-530 g.

The diameter of the baby's head at this point becomes approximately 53.6 millimeters, the breast - 56.5 millimeters, and the tummy - 57.6 millimeters. The thickness of the placenta during this period should be 24.5 millimeters.

Now, with an increase in the gestational age, the weight and height indicators of babies will vary more and more, because each child is individual and develops in his own way. As a result, by the beginning of childbirth, the weight of the fetus can be 2500-4500 grams.

Required tests

Usually at a scheduled visit to the antenatal clinic at 23 weeks pregnant a woman passes the following laboratory tests:

  • general analysis and ;
  • if necessary, re-analysis for sexual infections.

In the analysis of urine infectious processes are detected, if suddenly they are in the body. Also, this study allows you to identify the presence of serious abnormalities that occur, for example, with an increased level of sugar or protein.

Blood analysis makes it possible to assess the level of hemoglobin, glucose, platelets, leukocytes and erythrocytes. With the help of this analysis, anemia can be detected, which causes oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks pregnant

At week 23, it is imperative to carry out if it has not been done yet. This study allows the specialist to carefully examine the fetus for possible malformations. The circumference of the baby's head, his chest and tummy is also measured, and the size of the limbs is also noted. In addition, the size of the uterus and the diameter of the blood vessels that feed it are noted on ultrasound. The maturity and location of the placenta is assessed.

However, the most expected information that can be obtained from this ultrasound is the gender of the unborn baby. You can understand who will be born in about 90% of cases, in the remaining 10% the baby is “hiding” from curious parents. However, sometimes in the course of this study, you can get unreliable information when, during the third planned ultrasound examination, it suddenly turns out that instead of the promised boy there will be a girl.

To prevent the development of various unpleasant symptoms that are frequent companions of the second half of pregnancy, as well as to alleviate well-being if they could not be avoided, women are recommended the following:

  • move more and try not to sit for too long, as a lack of activity leads to congestion in the pelvis and legs;
  • if professional activity involves a long stay in a sitting position, periodically it is necessary to get up from the workplace and warm up, just walking around the room;
  • the work chair should have comfortable armrests, a firm seat and a straight back;
  • to avoid hemorrhoids or alleviate the course of an already existing disease, several times a day you need to rest lying on your side - this will help unload the veins in the pelvic area. Also, one should not forget about nutrition, which in this case should also be special.

Nutrition at 23 weeks

As already mentioned, proper diet during pregnancy will help improve a woman's well-being and avoid many problems, including hemorrhoids and constipation, which are especially unpleasant. To prevent their occurrence in the daily diet, it is necessary to include foods rich in coarse fiber. You should also observe the drinking regime, drinking at least one and a half liters of fluid per day.

Otherwise, the diet at 23 weeks of gestation does not differ from the diet recommended earlier. For the body of the baby and his mother, vitamins, calcium and other useful trace elements are still important. All kinds of semi-finished products, smoked meats, sausages and other foods with many artificial additives from the diet should be excluded for now. Also it is desirable to limit And salt intake, because it will help to avoid swelling.

Instead, pregnant women should lean on fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, dairy products, nuts. Meat, poultry and fish are best stewed or steamed, cereals should also be included in the diet, as well as products made from wholemeal flour. If suddenly the expectant mother wants to taste something unusual, you can safely turn to exotic fruits, such as kivano or mango. Also, the use of seafood is not forbidden: mussels, shrimp, etc. however, if a woman has never eaten these products before pregnancy, then it is better not to do this, as an allergic reaction may occur.

sensitive questions

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, certain restrictions appear that must be observed in the sexual sphere. And future mothers themselves are often afraid that sex can harm the baby.

Certainly, You don't have to stop having sex completely., especially if the woman herself wants intimacy, because this is how she receives positive emotions, which are then transferred to the baby. But the choice of positions for this lesson becomes very limited, and the process itself should be carried out very carefully. Read about safe sex positions for pregnant women.

In general, it can be said without exaggeration that the sixth month of pregnancy is the happiest time. Perhaps it is time to think about the name of the unborn baby. A dictionary of names will be of great help in this, which also explains what each name means.

Video about 23 weeks pregnant

23 weeks of pregnancy is the beginning of the 6th month or 2nd trimester

At this time, the baby becomes stronger and more and more actively makes various movements in the womb. Although these movements are very noticeable for a woman, they do not cause her any discomfort, on the contrary, when she feels her long-awaited child inside herself, she becomes more pleasant. The baby's skin has become more compacted, there are more fatty tissues. But on ultrasound, fatty tissues cannot be seen, since they are under the skin.

The mass of the fetus is about 450 grams. The hair is already visible, the nails are getting stronger, which can be seen more clearly. The gastrointestinal tract is already perfectly formed and works well, the child has the first feces. Sometimes the expectant mother may feel her baby hiccuping inside, this is due to the ingestion of amniotic fluid.

There are pains in the uterus, which will intensify over time. This is due to the activity of the child. But there is no need to be afraid, this phenomenon is considered the norm, moreover, these pains stop very quickly. Putting your hand to the place where the pain comes from, you can feel involuntary movements provoked by uterine contractions.

Now the gestation period is five months. There is very little left before the start of the third trimester, how the baby is developed at the moment, what physical properties it has.

What happens to the child

The child's brain is developing very actively, his weight has increased tenfold. Now his weight is 20-24 grams. But this is not the limit, it still has to increase five times, which will happen in the next two weeks.

Frequent walks in the fresh air are simply necessary in such a position for the future baby, which will allow oxygen to be delivered to his brain. Stressful situations of a woman are also harmful for the successful development of the brain. Therefore, it is harmful for pregnant women to be nervous. This can lead to oxygen starvation of the child.

The twenty-third week of pregnancy for a baby is a period when he is quite well developed, but until the end of pregnancy he will still continue to gain strength and health. Digestion has completely completed its development and began to work actively: the esophagus, stomach, pancreas, large intestine and small intestine. The lungs gain experience by swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid, making movements similar to breathing 60 times a minute. Why does the hiccups appear in the unborn child in the womb, which feels it well. Amniotic fluid entering the esophagus is synthesized with sugar, which provokes the formation of the first feces in the baby.

This period will already determine whether a boy or a girl should be expected. You can find out by conducting an ultrasound examination, which you have clearly been looking forward to. After all, of course, every parent is very interested in this issue. After all, as soon as you find out the gender of the unborn child, you can choose a good name, as well as prepare clothes and other necessary accessories for the baby.

At this time, the child weighs about 500 grams, and the height is about 29 centimeters. The hairline acquires a clear color, the nails also become clearly visible, as they gained strength and hardened.

For a period of five months, the child almost always sleeps, waking up briefly every hour, then sleep again. This became known after conducting special studies, in addition, he had his first dreams.

What does a woman who is pregnant feel at this time

The movements of the baby have become so characteristic and tangible that now you certainly cannot confuse them with anything else. The 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by the sensations of a baby who stubbornly turns over in the womb, or just plays. You can feel or see, when moving, some clear part of the body protruding from the abdomen. It is possible to calm the child who has been playing out. He hears his mother's voice well and feels her intonation, so you can sing him a lullaby, gently stroking his stomach. This will certainly help to calm the spoiled baby, who is most active in the evening, when the expectant mother is about to go to bed.

Heartburn is a problem for almost every pregnant woman. It appears due to the growth of the abdomen. Each expectant mother finds a way to overcome it on her own, eating any foods that she likes, let it be chocolate or seeds, everyone's body and needs are different. In no case should you try to treat heartburn with soda, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation. In addition to heartburn, a woman may feel short of breath. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus compresses the sternum, which leads to rapid breathing.

It is advised to take less liquid, especially before going to bed, as the uterus squeezes all organs, including the bladder, which provokes frequent trips to the toilet. Although during the day you can drink as much as you like, at the request of the body. Do not be afraid of swelling, at this time it is normal, since the placenta needs a lot of fluid. If the swelling is very strong, exclude salt and other salty foods from the diet. At least try very hard, because during pregnancy it is very difficult to refuse salty.

Reddening of the hands indicates that hormonal changes are taking place in the woman's body, do not be afraid, this strange phenomenon will soon pass. Also, pigment spots can accompany pregnancy, this is also a temporary phenomenon. There is no need to look for ways to get rid of them, only the time that is worth a little experience after the birth of the baby will help here. It is necessary to take care of the elasticity of the skin in order to avoid stretch marks and gusts, it is better to do it in the early stages, since then it will be too late and the stomach will remain scarred from ruptures, which does not bring any joy and does not please the eye.

Pay special attention to personal hygiene. Especially oral and dental hygiene. Since during pregnancy, problems are often observed when teeth deteriorate due to a lack of calcium. Teeth require special attention and care.

Photo of the tummy at 23 weeks

Feeling pain during pregnancy

Due to the lack of calcium, leg cramps can occur, especially during sleep. An unpleasant feeling when it seems that there is nowhere to throw your legs, which makes it very difficult to sleep at night. It is necessary to fight this problem, take vitamins containing calcium, as well as eat food that has this substance. In connection with the growth of the baby, its weight increases, which affects the back, coccyx or lower back. The pain increases with exertion. To ease the suffering, first you need to choose more comfortable shoes and without heels with solid soles.

Comfortable shoes will greatly facilitate your condition when walking. Also for such cases in pharmacies there are special bandages that must be purchased after consulting with your doctor. The bandage is prenatal and postpartum, after childbirth it must be worn to remove the stomach. Prenatal is convenient in that taking the load on itself, the pain in the spine caused by heaviness is significantly removed. It is not advised to make sudden movements, you also need to keep your posture even.

Pain appears in the abdomen, when coughing or laughing, which are considered the norm for this period. If the pain is accompanied by fever or poor condition, it is necessary to sound the alarm and consult a doctor.

Condition of the uterus

In the twenty-third week, you should expect training contractions, which can cause discomfort and mild pain. If you feel the beginning of contractions of a kind of pain, you should lie down, preferably on your left side. Pain will be reduced. But if they do not pass and continue at a rapid speed, more and more painful, for more than an hour, or rather five times an hour, an ambulance should be urgently called. In no case can not be tolerated, this is not the norm.


Ultrasound (ultrasound) is able to detect pathology or other various problems of the child, if any. Absolutely every woman expecting a baby is sent for an ultrasound in order to identify problems in time and take the right measures to prevent them. You can not disobey the doctor, you need to act on his recommendations in order to safely and without problems go out and give birth to a healthy child. Do not miss a scheduled visit to the doctor, as well as prescribed procedures and tests.

Thanks to this procedure, the doctor will determine whether the size of the child and its development are appropriate, whether it lies correctly. How the work of the heart proceeds, which is very important to know. You can also find out the gender of the unborn child, but already for a long time.

Ultrasound at 23 weeks

Mandatory tests

With the onset of pregnancy, repeated trips to the biochemical laboratory begin in order to pass urine and blood tests. The doctor with whom you are registered must know and record all the indications that are revealed during blood donation. Regular urinalysis is observed.

Through testing, the doctor can notice problems in the body so that he knows what problems to expect and how to prevent them.

Blood glucose levels are one of the most important tests, as a child can gain a lot of excess weight at an elevated level. In such cases, the pregnant woman is treated and put on special diets.

Anemia is very common in a situation such as pregnancy, in order to identify it, blood is taken for hemoglobin.

If there is some kind of pathology, then all tests will show it at the same time. So, if any one analysis is bad, the final diagnosis should not be rushed. It just needs to be reanalysed.

Observed discharge during pregnancy

If you find abundant secretions from the genital tract of a curd consistency of yellow, green, or with a bloody presence and all this is accompanied by a pungent odor, you must immediately notify the doctor, since the health of the woman, and hence the baby, completely depends on these secretions.

The doctor will order a smear test that will identify the problem. If there is some kind of malignant infection, there is a possibility of infection of the child during childbirth during its passage through the genital tract. It is very important to fight infections at an early stage, as there are microorganisms that can cause great harm to a child even in the womb. So do not ignore and consider such unpleasant phenomena as trifles.

If the discharge is clear, watery in the twenty-third week, do not panic, this is normal. When accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs, pain during urination, it may be an infection. With such a problem, you urgently need to go to the doctor and take measures to eliminate it.

The threat of miscarriage at this time has decreased significantly. Bloody discharge that may appear after sex or a doctor's examination should not cause concern, unlike the initial stage of pregnancy. If there are suspicions that amniotic fluid is leaking, of course, you should immediately contact a doctor.

Sexual relations at this time

It is not advisable to refuse sex, unless of course everything is normal and there are no contraindications and instructions from the doctor. During pregnancy at this time, a woman's desire intensifies, and the sex that occurs between people expecting a child becomes more interesting and original, as well as relationships.

Despite the fact that situations in life are very different, it is forbidden to change a sexual partner for a woman. Foreign microorganisms entering the microflora of the vagina can cause infections that adversely affect the unborn child.

It is worth abstaining from sex if the woman has already had miscarriages before this pregnancy, or the placenta is omitted. Also, with multiple pregnancies, doctors recommend sexual rest even with careful proximity. Often couples continue intimacy, for example through oral sex. There are no doctor's recommendations on this issue. Of course, with such a rapprochement, hygiene must be observed.

Nutrition at 23 weeks

A pregnant woman's diet should be very varied and rich in vitamins, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Especially important is the high content of proteins in food. Fresh greens, fruits and vegetables will fully provide the body in need of vitamins.

Calcium is a very important substance that needs to saturate the body of a pregnant woman every day. The presence of foods in the diet that are rich in iron is very important, since hemoglobin should always be normal. Eat less fried, smoked and salty food, no matter how difficult it is in this position, think about the future child, it may become easier to do this.

Plentiful drinking is very appropriate during pregnancy, you can drink compotes, fruit drinks, but the best thing is to drink just pure water. As for herbal teas, take it seriously with caution.

It is very important now to carefully control your weight, so completely give up flour and sweets. If you want to eat something sweet, eat dried fruits, but be very careful, as they contain a lot of calories.

Closer to childbirth, a woman begins to feel discomfort, which carries a heavy weight, which affects breathing, which becomes increasingly difficult, pain in the legs and back. It becomes increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping, which is why insomnia occurs in pregnant women. And all this is considered the norm, because the long-awaited miracle will soon be born. The recommendations of your supervising doctor should not be ignored, in order to avoid problems in the future and during childbirth.

Extra pounds really harm both the unborn baby and the future mother herself. Therefore, carefully and seriously consider the issue of controlling your weight. Remember to weigh yourself every day. At this time, excess weight of five to seven kilograms is normal. If you notice that this number is exceeded, immediately consult a doctor for advice on controlling your weight, which you must undoubtedly follow and unconditionally follow the recommendations given by your doctor.


To safely reach the rest of the term and give birth to a healthy child, beware of infectious diseases. Try to avoid places where people with colds can accumulate, take care of yourself from the flu. The virus, entering the body, can provoke a halt in the development of the baby, and pathology of the cardiovascular system can also develop. The nervous system can also be affected.

If Braxton Hicks contractions continue ten or more times a day, you should definitely call an ambulance, if less, then there is no cause for concern, since these contractions occur due to the baby moving inside the mother. Varicose veins are relevant, both in the early stages of pregnancy and now.

Do an ultrasound to find out the condition of your baby and be calm. Do not be nervous over trifles, keep yourself in control, remaining constantly in a great mood. Your baby feels the mood very well, being inside you. Be sure to pay attention to nutrition and maintain weight at the same time. Get plenty of fresh air, if possible, rest and sleep more. If you think it is necessary and pleasant, then have sex.

Twin pregnancy at 23 weeks

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, each of the twins already weighs about 500 grams. At this stage of development, babies in the event of premature birth are unlikely to survive. But it will take about a month, and they will become viable.

A woman is transformed, prettier before our eyes - the condition of her hair and skin improves. This is due to the action of hormones. But do not forget that there are risks associated with multiple pregnancies.

The expectant mother of twins should pay attention to the health of their teeth. The fact is that the body during pregnancy feels a lack of calcium, which affects the condition of the teeth. Legs may ache and swell. Due to the fact that there is a redistribution of the load, a woman may be disturbed by her back. Possible anemia. Therefore, you should do everything that the doctor advises.