Anime makeup without lenses and false eyelashes. Anime puppet makeup - how to do it? Pale porcelain skin

Anime fashion has gained popularity not only in Asia, but also in Europe, in Russia. Few people now do not know what it is. The popularity of cosplay, worship of gyaru, constant meetings of lovers of Japanese culture and massive comic sessions only fuel interest in this style. Not spared fashion and makeup.

What it is?

Anime style and makeup techniques look quite extreme. However, trying on such images for yourself, you can very easily hone the art of visage. You will know how you can make really gigantic eyes, how to achieve a perfectly even face tone, how to make a "doll" alluring mouth, and so on.

Yes, this makeup is only suitable for specific events or photo shoots, and not for everyday life, but sometimes you really want to believe in a fairy tale, so why not! Immerse yourself in the Asian makeup culture from scratch.

Style features

The following distinctive features of the style can be distinguished:

  • Big eyes, colors are often unnatural. How to achieve this effect will be described below.
  • Smooth face tone.
  • Perfect eyebrow shape.
  • Very thick and long eyelashes - both lower and upper.
  • Plump cheeks with an unnatural blush that may start from the lower border of the eye.
  • Cute "puppet mouth".
  • The edge of the transition of the nose to the cheekbones is practically invisible, no shadows and contouring.
  • Lots of sequins and sequins.
  • Bright colors in all shades of the rainbow.

The modern look of anime is becoming very close to the drawn characters. Suits, wigs, and colored lenses complement the look very well, but you can start with the face as well.

Miracles of Japanese makeup at home

Of course, the best place to start is with video tutorials. If you do not know who you can be inspired by, then here are two names of real masters of reincarnation - Valeria Lukyanova (Amatue) and Anastasia Shpagina... There are a huge number of images that came out from under their light hand - you will definitely have enough to be inspired.

Most likely, you will not get your makeup the first time (and not even the second). Use patience, materials, and micellar water to quickly correct blurry lines and excess strokes.

How to do it?

Not everyone knows how to do it all yourself. It is worth taking apart the basic techniques in stages.

So, we turn into a geisha. Agree, the first thing that comes to mind when you hear about such an image is incredibly smooth white skin, like a porcelain doll. In the old days, it took Japanese women several hours to create such beauty. Now the task is greatly simplified (thanks to a variety of decorative cosmetics).

It is recommended to proceed step by step. We lay the foundation for everything with white powder or the lightest shade of foundation that you can find. To create a very even surface, you will need to first apply a primer. Work on this "ground" carefully so that the face really looks even, almost perfect.

After covering with the base, you can move on to white makeup. If you are using the baking technique in your daily life, a powder designed to highlight specific areas will help you put on your makeup faster.

Do not forget to paint over not only the face, but also the neck. Most likely, it will be open to the eyes, and the difference between the tones of the natural color and the painted area will seem comical.

When the overall tone is complete, you can take up the eyebrows. Of course, they must be as black as coals. Leave the trendy wide and angular eyebrows. The classic geisha makeup form is much shorter and thicker. The eyebrows are drawn slightly rounded, without angular creases and clearly traced hairs. One solid thick line.

After finishing the work on the eyebrows, you can move on to the eyes. The most important element is the contour line on the top of the eye. Pencil, eyeliner or shadows should be very black, and the line itself should be incredibly straight and crisp. You will have to draw in smooth movements, from the nose to the temples. The line should go to the thickening.

A similar story also occurs in the lower part of the eye, only the tone of the eyeliner should be slightly lighter. When both lines are ready, connect the far corner of the eye in the manner of the Banana technique, achieving an Asian cut.

The final touch to this look will be the lips. Small, but bright - like a bow on the head of a young schoolgirl. The edges can be whitened and shaped like lips folded for a kiss. Lipstick color ranges from scarlet to pale pink.

If you have previously used red shadows to further embellish your look, it would be logical to use such a shade in the lip area.

Another complementary color that can brighten the eyes is yellow. A warm tone can be added to the corner of the eye or over the black arrowhead on the upper eyelid.

Such traditional makeup is not very difficult to replicate. Certain certain points (for example, eye shape correction) are easily transferred into an everyday look. The following types of makeup, inspired by Asian culture, can hardly be used in the ordinary life of a Russian woman, but it is very interesting to try to recreate them.

How to make big eyes with makeup?

The eyes are the mirrors of the soul. In the anime style, these mirrors are so large that you could find out all the ins and outs through them. It is around the eyes that the beauty of the image is built, and it is worth starting with them.

You need to decide with what minimal set of tools you can recreate such a cute and strange image. You will need:

  • base under the eyes;
  • white shadows;
  • white eyeliner (preferably waterproof);
  • taupe eyeliner (to create a shadow effect);
  • black eyeliner;
  • false eyelashes.

As additional "chips" for the image, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, any shades of shadows and colored lenses. If you want really big and unusual eyes, lenses are just what you need.


The first thing to do is to apply the primer to your eyes. It will allow the white pigment, which is much needed for a deceiving visual effect, to manifest in all its glory. Apply the primer not only to the upper eyelid, but also touch the area in which the so-called bags are often formed.

Then remember the Nike logo. Under the eye, you will need to draw a shape resembling this checkmark with white shadows. By drawing this outline, you indicate the bottom border of the drawn eye.

Also paint over the upper eyelid with white, capturing the area above your natural crease. The white color should end almost at the very eyebrow.

Carefully draw the water line of the eye with a waterproof white pencil so that the water line and the tick of white shadows seem to be one.

Then put the white aside and use black eyeliner. Draw a neat arrow from the middle of the eye that points downward. Its bottom edge should follow the shape of the white check mark drawn earlier. This will visually expand the boundaries of the eye.

When you're done with the bottom edge, move on to the top. Now that you have the outline of the recreated eye sockets, you can draw a nice upward pointing arrow. Start drawing from the bridge of the nose. Gently pull the corner up, make the arrow bold enough. You will have to paint in several layers. It will be possible to correct irregularities with the help of the same white waterproof pencil or foundation. Better to use a brush for this, not your fingers. After creating a beautiful wave, move on to drawing additional highlights and outlines.

Where the browbone protrudes most, draw a straight line. For a start, this can be done with the pencil that you left for creating the shadows, but then it will need to be tinted with eyeliner. Fill the space between the black arrow and this line with white. Draw another parallel to the first line, a little closer to the nose, and you need to make it so that it repeats the curve of your eyebrow a little more.

When you draw two lines with black, start adding shadow. Take a taupe pencil and start at the very bottom line that forms the drawn eye.

Duplicate the silhouette completely in pencil - just below the black outline. Do the same for the two drawn eyebrow stripes.

Important: if the shadow of the top strip is drawn from the inside, then the next line after it is drawn from the outside.

Then paint over the corner of the eye, located closer to the nose, with a brown pencil. Start a little from the inside and bring the small arrow outward. Then use the black eyeliner again: at the very edge of the water line, draw a small triangle.

Then the matter remains only for the false eyelashes. You can leave the top row your own, just cover the hairs with mascara for density and color. But on the line below you will need to stick a number of artificial ones. The technology is the same as always, only the attachment point changes.

When watching cartoons, many girls in childhood wanted to be a little like their heroines. Cartoon dolls have won the hearts of many thanks to their appearance. They had huge eyes with lush eyelashes, a tiny, neat nose and bow-shaped lips. You can recreate the semblance of a doll's appearance on your face with the help of special makeup. To do anime makeup, you need to study its characteristic features. You can look at girls with such makeup in the photo on the Internet. And some of them use it every day.

Anime makeup features

First of all, an Asian eye shape is required. And if the girl has a different cut, then you will have to try very hard to create at least a little bit similar. Perfectly smooth skin is needed for this makeup. The eyebrows should be neat and straight. In addition to the fact that the eyes must have a certain shape, they should be painted brightly enough. Eyelashes need extra splendor. And the last thing that distinguishes this type of makeup is the small lips.

It will take more than one hour of time to create such an unusual make-up, so using it in everyday life is difficult. It is best to appear in this manner at a thematic holiday. Despite the fact that he looks interesting, not all girls can decide on such a transformation.

What do you need?

To create the desired look, you need to have a set of shadows with different shades, pencils for the contour of the eyes and lips of different shades, black eyeliner, if you wish, you can use false eyelashes, black mascara with super volume, different shades of lipstick, various makeup brushes, foundation , powder and, of course, an eyebrow pencil.

Anime makeup step by step

Before painting the huge eyes, you need to achieve a porcelain face. To do this, you need to carefully remove all existing imperfections on the skin with the help of a concealer and cover everything on top with a tonal agent. It is best to use a brush for application as this will ensure an even application. As for the color, it is better to choose a shade that is lighter than the skin. After that, you need to fix the result obtained with powder.

Now you can start shrinking the nose and working on the cheekbones. A powder with a bronzer effect works best for this. It is applied to the area under the cheekbones from the ear and shaded well. It is necessary to achieve an imperceptible transition and create a shadow on the face. The nose is reduced using the same tool, only it is necessary to apply it to the side parts and again shade everything well. Makeup should not show any clear lines.

Eyebrows need to be shaped with shadows or a pencil, imitating hairs. But at the same time, they must have an even and clear shape, and also be located far from each other. You should not pluck extra hairs for the sake of one evening in this manner. It is enough just to mask it with foundation. The thickness of the eyebrows should be medium.

Now the most important detail is eye makeup. An Asian cut is required. For this, light shadows, acting as a base, are applied to the entire eyelid. Apply white shadows under the lower eyelid to open the eyes.

You can eyeliner or pencil. The top line should be clear and run across the entire eyelid, extending beyond the outer edge of the eyes, and directed upward. The lower eyelid should be drawn below the lash line, which ensures large eyes and gives the eyes a slight slant. Moreover, if there are no white shadows, then in this case, you can apply light beige or flesh. Both lines connect outside the edge of the eyes.

Then, on the upper eyelid, apply a line dividing the upper eyelid with dark shadows, and shade with other dark shadows. Under the line on the outside of the eyes, a white strip should be drawn and eventually connected to the brown tone of the shadows. All transitions must be hidden.

This eye makeup can be made even more interesting by using colored eyeshadow tones and applying them all over the upper eyelid, right down to the temples.

Eyelashes should be painted with mascara in several layers. If natural eyelashes are not enough, then you can use false eyelashes. The main thing is to get doll eyes.

The lips should be covered with foundation to remove their own contour. Then, with a pencil, draw new outlines of a smaller size and cover with lipstick of the selected tone.

If you wish, you can cover your cheekbones with a light blush tone that will look great against a pale background of the face.

It's a good idea to use rhinestones or glitter to create your look.

With a similar set of cosmetics, you can perform light daytime makeup. To do this, you need to replace the dark tones of the shadows with lighter ones. The lower part of the eyelid, as well as its inner side, must be painted over with a white pencil.

For a more believable look, you need an appropriate outfit and hairstyle. Hair should be either straightened or tied in a ponytail. You can paint individual strands of hair with crayons, this will give a completely puppet look. And yet, such makeup should not be used every day, so as not to look stupid and ridiculous.

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With the spread of Japanese culture throughout the world, many teens and adults became real fans of anime.

This genre of cartoon cinema has long been loved by many for its unusual and funny characters.

Starting from the idol of all girls Sailor Moon or a mega-popular virtual singer Hatsune Miku, the Japanese anime and manga industry has a huge number of characters, whose imitation has turned into another large-scale phenomenon - cosplay.


Verbatim "Cosplay" Is a "costume play". Otaku (fans of anime, manga, etc.) all over the world spend a lot of money, time and energy in order to be like their favorite anime characters. And the key point in this imitation is makeup.

You can learn how to create do-it-yourself vamp-style makeup from ours.

Basic principles

Huge eyes, small nose, doll lips- all this makes us admire the appearance of fictional characters and want to be like them at least a bit.

However, this does not mean that bright eye makeup and visual reduction of the nose will help you. qualitatively embody the image of the character... In fact, there are many subtleties in anime makeup, without which your make-up will be carnival at best.

The correct anime makeup implies the following points:

  • flawlessly even skin tone... Anime characters are the embodiment of the ideal human appearance. And the ideal appearance, as you know, begins with clear velvety skin of the face. In order to achieve this, you need to start with careful skin care. Cosmetics will only be helpers for you, which will hide small skin imperfections and make the tone smoother;
  • special eye makeup... The first and most notable feature of anime characters that cannot be missed is the extremely huge eyes. It is possible to give the eyes a specific shape with the help of a pencil and eyeliner, but you will have to tinker with the enlargement of the eyes;
  • No matter how lush and thick eyelashes mother nature has awarded you, you cannot do without false helpers in anime makeup.

  • perfect eyebrows... Those cosplayers who don't pay enough attention to eyebrow makeup are bad cosplayers. Eyebrows are an element that does more than just complement the character in anime and manga. It is also a vehicle for expressing a character's emotions. So it is sometimes beyond the power of even a professional make-up artist to draw eyebrows correctly in anime make-up;
  • tiny lips... Contrary to popular belief that the girl with the fullest lips is beautiful, the Japanese are more attracted to small and neat bow lips. So the owners of luxurious lips will have to arm themselves with powder and a corrector in order to hide their wealth for a while.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of well-known brands of creams contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalances. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products containing these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial office conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Cosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Instructions for creating

Common mistakes

Perhaps, on the Internet, you have already seen cosplay images of anime characters more than once.

Moreover, some of them were worked out in such detail that it seemed a character appeared before you straight from the pages of "Naruto" or "Gintama"... And some immediately pretended to be newcomers in the field of cosplay.

So, what are the most common mistakes in anime makeup:

  • ignoring the rule "Perfect skin above all else" leads to the fact that in the mirror you see by no means a character from an anime, but a brightly painted young lady;
  • overly bright makeup can also harm your image;
  • refusal to use false eyelashes in anime makeup is quite understandable. For some, false eyelashes are a very cruel measure for the eyes. Yes, you don't need to use eyelashes, but then you run the risk of not achieving the desired huge eyes;
  • Tip: if you are really against fake eyelashes, try adding eyelashes with eyeliner or liquid eyeliner, as Twiggy did.

  • one incorrectly drawn line along the growth of eyelashes - makeup ruined... Be careful that the line needs to be raised only in the middle of the eyelid and then lowered again (this enlarges the eyes), and not lead it up to the outermost corner;
  • sloppy eyebrows also often spoil everything. Even if all the makeup comes off as a jewelry work of a master make-up artist, but the eyebrows are in disarray, you will look ridiculous.

Anime makeup is a very specific type of make-up. This and not evening makeup, and not carnival... Therefore, experts recommend to be careful with experiments.

However your the flight of imagination here in no way should be limited, therefore, for a change, you can revive the make-up with the help of blush of light delicate shades.

In addition, in eye makeup, makeup artists use a wide variety of eye shadow colors: from pearlescent to emerald, from purple to gold, from bright yellow to poisonous fuchsia.

Hair and clothes

Definitely an anime character image does not end with one makeup... It is necessary to think over all the details, down to the color of the nail polish and the protruding strands.

Here are some tips to help you complete your flawless look:

  1. Necessary take care of the wig... Of course, your character may have a hair color similar to yours, but it's still better to get a wig that will allow you to exactly embody the hero's hairstyle.
  2. In order to make your eyes even bigger, you can purchase special lenses.
  3. They will enlarge your iris and give depth to your eyes. Plus, these lenses can change the color of your eyes.

  4. As for the manicure, do not paint your nails in all possible and impossible colors(unless, of course, the appearance of your character requires it). Better to cover them with colorless or beige varnish.
  5. Make sure your clothes match your outfit. It would be weird if Yo Asakura from Shaman King wears blue jeans and goes public without headphones. So try to observe all the details in clothes... Neatness and tidiness are encouraged.

Thus, anime makeup requires a lot of time and very painstaking work from you. But the result will not be long in coming: you are sure to be in the spotlight at any event or photo shoot.

You can learn how to do anime makeup in stages from the video:

Japanese cartoons have long ceased to be something exotic or unusual, but they still remain popular all over the world. Cosplay - stylized costume parties - is of great interest among anime lovers. They come to them, dressed up as a cartoon character. But if earlier it was only the presence of a costume that was important, today young people are fully equipped to go to cosplay: they make a characteristic hairstyle, acquire a costume and accessories, and draw a special anime make-up. We will tell you how to make a beautiful make-up using the "anime" technique further.

Features of makeup in the style of "anime"

The main focus is on the eyes. Obscene large and very expressive eyes are the main distinguishing feature of anime make-up. Those who have ever been fond of watching anime do not need to explain that nobility, openness, spiritual purity in a Japanese cartoon are visually emphasized by the size of the eyes. Look at a selection of photos or pictures in the anime style: an evil character can always be recognized by a narrowed gaze, while the gaze of a positive hero is wide open, sincere, open to the world.

Pale porcelain skin

Japanese women are characterized by a pale skin tone, but at the same time it does not look faded or inconspicuous. The skin of Asian women is even, smooth and sparkles with health. To perfectly match the chosen look, you should choose a tinting agent lighter, but with good hiding power, if you need to mask imperfections.

The shape of the nose should be thin and the cheekbones should be clearly defined. To do this, apply a slightly darker foundation or bronzing powder. We make strokes on the wings of the nose, as if stretching the shape.

Clear eyebrows

In no case should you forget about eyebrows in anime makeup. Well-groomed, clear, not too thick (but not "strings" either) - these are the eyebrow arches of an Asian woman. It is not worth highlighting them too much: let them be as natural as possible. The only feature that should be noted is the large distance between the eyebrows in Japanese women. Therefore, for greater similarity, you can pluck your own eyebrows along the inner edges, but this, of course, is not necessary.

Bow-shaped lips

The lips of anime heroines bear little resemblance to those that we have in real life. If you look at the photo, you will see that their lips visually look smaller and resemble a small bow in shape. To achieve this effect, you should "erase" your own lips by applying foundation on them, and on top of the leveling layer draw a new lip shape, so necessary for anime-style makeup.


You can complement the image with two high ponytails or voluminous curls. It is advisable to make the ends ragged, but not necessary, because anime makeup is a temporary measure, and you still have to walk with your hair.

How to draw eyes using the anime technique

Asking the question of how to make high-quality anime makeup, first of all, you need to evaluate the photos of the girls taken during cosplay. You need to focus on them, but also take into account your own characteristics. The first time you will hardly get a beautiful make-up, but a couple of workouts - and the result will be better.

After the base is prepared and the leveling tone is applied, we proceed to the design of the eyes. On the entire movable eyelid, down to the eyelashes, apply a light shade of shadows (white, beige, flesh). We bring the lower eyelid with a white kayal, and so that we get not a thin strip, but a wide strip. With this technique, we enlarge the shape of the eyes. In any case, the size of the strip is selected individually. The main thing is to make it visible.

The next step is to line up your eyes with black pencil or liquid eyeliner. The top arrow starts from the bridge of the nose and goes along the growth of the eyelashes. The thickness is selected based on the girl's own preferences. On the lower eyelid, the eyeliner is drawn below the strip of white pencil, outlining the contour of the "new" eye section. The lower and upper arrows connect behind the outer edge of the eyelid. Dark shadows (brown, indigo, graphite) emphasize the crease above the movable eyelid and carefully shade up. Apply light shadows under the fold on the movable eyelid and shade all pronounced transitions.

Eyelashes should be thick and curled up. If nature has not endowed its own eyelashes with a suitable size, false ones should be used. The emphasis in anime makeup is on the eyelashes, which are located in the outer corner of the eyes. So, now you know how to make a spectacular makeup in the style of "anime".

Over the years, anime fans have not diminished. Many girls are inspired by Japanese cartoons to create makeup in the spirit of Sailor Moon - with "surprised" doll eyes and "bow" lips. Someone for this takes up makeup and uses all the power of imagination, while someone uses ordinary make-up products from their basic cosmetic bag. Making an anime make-up is actually not that difficult.


All anime heroines have pale, bleached skin. It is enough to look at at least one photo to note this clear feature of this style. Therefore, even out your skin tone, use the foundation of the lightest shade, even if in fact you need a completely different one - for example, medium. You can do without blush. If you have watched an anime at least once, then remember that red spots of blush appear on the cheeks of the heroines only in moments of extreme embarrassment.



Anime makeup can be recognized precisely by the eyes. They are the most visible emphasis. The eyes in anime make-up should be not just big, but huge, almost half a face. But - with an eastern cut.

  • Emphasize the inner corners with the ponytail down. Then pull the outer corners of the eyes upward using the arrows, the "tail" of which tends to the tips of the eyebrows. Connect the two arrows at the corners of the eyes with a general outline.
  • The next step is the lining of the mucous membrane. Use for this. Gently run this product along the lash line on the lower eyelid and a little beyond its border.
  • Next, dark shadows should go. Apply them in a thick haze that diffuses closer to the brows. The smoky effect should be noticeable. Do not apply shadows without shading, otherwise the eyes will look "flat".
  • Finally, the last thing you need for anime style eye makeup is false eyelashes. Large, fluffy and long, doll-like. They don't have to look natural. Glue them and, if necessary, also use mascara.


To get the bow lips you need for anime make-up, try to erase the natural borders of your lips (in particular, the corners) using a dense concealer to narrow them slightly. Then use your fingertips to use a matte lipstick in a bright shade of red or pink into the center of your lips.