Asphyxia of newborns during childbirth: consequences, causes, help, what will happen at an older age. Complications during childbirth and delivery

This is one of the most exciting topics for both the expectant mother and her family. Especially, if a pregnant woman is an impressionable nature, then waiting for the day of childbirth as they approach becomes a real test. But is it worth it to worry? After all, it’s not at all a fact that something will be wrong with you. Especially, if pregnancy runs well and without complications and physically you are fit. About horror stories from the lips of "experienced" it is better to forget. Many people are good at embellishing and exaggerating how they felt or what someone told them. But, unfortunately, there are also real cases when the birth process is complicated by one or another phenomenon. You need to know about this in order to respond in time and take the necessary measures. Do not worry, competent specialists and modern technology allow them to solve all the difficult tasks that arise in front of them at the moment when the baby is born.

Modern medicine makes it possible to identify and prevent possible causes complications long before X-day. Therefore difficult childbirth is a rare occurrence these days. The doctor, as a rule, immediately sees what needs to be done. Perhaps he will administer to the woman drugs that enhance labor activity, perhaps he will decide to use one of the well-known methods of pain relief, etc. Let's look at some of the complications that can occur during childbirth.

lingering childbirth

There are, however, circumstances in which childbirth really last longer than usual, and in this case, protracted childbirth usually ascertain when there is a slow progress of labor activity, assessed by how the baby's head descends and the cervix expands.

There are three main reasons for delayed labor. It can be:

  • Complications associated with labor activity. For example, a woman has non-periodic contractions. They may be too short, weak or rare. On the contrary, they can be very strong and frequent. Both in the first and in the second case, contractions are ineffective and do not lead to full-fledged labor activity. If contractions are too sluggish and rare, stimulation of the uterus can be used. For this, a woman is put on a drip. If on the contrary, they try to calm the activity of the uterus, using painkillers or epidural anesthesia.
  • Complications related to the child. It is possible that it is difficult for a woman to give birth, because the child is very large or not positioned correctly. It is known that some time before birth, the baby is installed head down. At the same time, his head is lowered, and his chin is pressed to his chest. This is a successful, thought out by nature, pose, the most favorable for birth. But it happens that the baby did not lower his head, and at birth, the chin “wants to come out” first. In this case, the diameter facing the pelvic opening increases, and although the baby's head may be quite normal in size and shape, its position artificially increases the size that must pass through the birth canal, leading to a certain delay in labor. If in the second phase of labor, the baby has not turned the head correctly (and this usually happens), then the doctor will make a decision and turn the head with the help of obstetric forceps or a vacuum extractor. If and it does not help, perform an emergency caesarean. It is very rare, but it still happens when the baby's head is facing the pelvic opening with its side, and in some cases the presenting part may be the face or even the forehead of the child. Based on each specific situation, a decision is made on the method of conducting delivery. The same applies to situations regarding the breech (breech) presentation of the fetus. natural childbirth with a breech presentation, they are more dangerous, because when the child passes through the birth canal, all the “work” is performed by his buttocks, and the child’s head simply does not have time to adapt to the pressure exerted on it, modifying its shape properly. Since the head during natural childbirth with breech presentation is more vulnerable, exceptional caution is required on the part of obstetrician-gynecologists. The most common method of delivery in this case is a caesarean section. Especially, if primiparous woman. If the fetus is very large and there is a risk of perineal rupture, or if there is acute fetal hypoxia, it is possible to perform episiotomy (dissection of the perineum from its center to the side) or perineotomy (incision towards the anus). These manipulations are also carried out with breech presentation, premature birth, or when it is established that the waters are green.
  • Complications associated with the birth canal. To this type complications refer to a narrow pelvis. This implies that the birth canal, formed by the pelvic bones as well as the soft tissues of the cervix and vagina, may be much narrower than usual. In this case childbirth carried out by caesarean section. If the pelvis is narrowed slightly, natural childbirth. A situation is possible in which the pelvic dimensions are normal, and complications are the result of other anomalies of the birth canal (tumor formations such as uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts; tight perineum).

Premature childbirth

Premature childbirth to some extent, it can be attributed to complications, since a baby born between 28 and 37 weeks of pregnancy is very weak and suffers during the birth process. In such a baby, the organs and systems are not sufficiently developed, the weight is 0.5-2.5 kg. Premature babies are more likely to suffer birth injuries during childbirth because their bones are very soft. Many babies born prematurely require observation in the pediatric intensive care unit.

Fetal distress

Talk about distress if the fetus is deficient in oxygen. There are several reasons for the occurrence of this condition: clamping the umbilical cord, entwining it around the neck or body of the child, bleeding caused by premature detachment of the placenta. Distress often occurs as a result of excessive pressure on the baby's head during short, intensive or prolonged labor. In this state, the heart rate and heart rate of the child changes (it can be above 160 or below 100 beats per minute at a rate of 120).

If amniotic fluid is yellow or brown in color, indicating the presence of meconium in it. This is a consequence of stress. In this case, especially if there is a violation of the heart rhythm, conduct a thorough electronic monitoring of the fetus. It may be decided to take a small sample of the child's blood through a puncture in the scalp. Using an electronic machine, the level of acidity is measured, which will determine the severity of the fetal condition. Based on the results obtained, a decision is made on the method of delivery.

Cord prolapse

This is a dangerous situation, because the clamped umbilical cord does not supply oxygen to the baby, which threatens with hypoxia, and, with prolonged compression, death. In this case, urgent childbirth. A situation arises when the loop of the umbilical cord is below the presenting part of the child and protrudes into the vagina inside the amniotic sac or falls out, if the membranes of the fetal bladder have already ruptured.

Bleeding during childbirth

Bleeding can develop during childbirth or in the early postpartum period, posing a serious health risk (and sometimes life) to the mother and the unborn child. The most common cause of bleeding are problems associated with the condition of the placenta. This is especially true if chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterine mucosa (especially untreated or undertreated), there were “old” injuries of the pelvic organs and scars on the uterus, a woman was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and other diseases of the internal genital organs, hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases, severe cardiovascular vascular diseases, some diseases of the kidneys and liver. Moreover, the cause of bleeding during childbirth can be trauma during pregnancy or a large number of abortions, miscarriages and / or childbirth in a woman's life.

If bleeding still opened, the doctor will act in several directions at the same time. In this case, the woman will be infused with special blood-substituting solutions and blood products through large veins. Also (to improve blood clotting) - fresh frozen plasma, erythrocyte mass. Often, a mask with humidified oxygen is applied to a woman's face. At this time, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen saturation of the mother's blood are carefully monitored. The woman is put into a state of anesthesia in order to carry out further surgical treatment.

Breaks during childbirth

Tissue rupture during childbirth is one of the most common complications generic process. They may have different origins and consequences. These can be tears in the perineum, vagina, cervix, or the uterus itself.

Perineal tears are usually superficial in the form of cracks and abrasions, do not bleed and heal within a few days after the baby is born. As a prevention of perineal tissue ruptures, it is recommended to prepare the perineum for childbirth even during pregnancy (limiting the consumption of meat products and increasing the consumption of vegetable oil, performing special exercises for pregnant women, etc.). A woman should know that relaxation during childbirth is an excellent prevention of perineal ruptures, because with tense muscles, the likelihood of tissue ruptures increases significantly.

Vaginal tears, just like perineal tears, can be spontaneous or violent (as a result of the activities of doctors). Causes of spontaneous vaginal ruptures - rapid childbirth, if a woman has an underdeveloped short (or narrow) vagina, or a narrow pelvis. Usually, spontaneous vaginal ruptures are a continuation of ruptures in other parts of the birth canal, most often the perineum. Violent ruptures of the vagina occur due to the use of obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction of the fetus, and other others. When treating vaginal ruptures, the doctor sutures them with separate catgut sutures. Deep vaginal tears are sutured under general anesthesia. It is very important that this operation is performed by a professional.

Sometimes it happens that soft tissue ruptures can be quite significant and lead to serious consequences. This is especially true for rupture of the uterus or its cervix. Unfortunately, such breaks often lead to the death of the baby and (or) the woman in labor. Possible uterine rupture if the woman had previously had a cesarean or, if for some other reason, there is a scar on her uterus. In the event of uterine rupture, labor activity is urgently stopped by introducing the woman into general deep anesthesia and performing the necessary manipulations. If the rupture itself did not occur, but there is a threat of its occurrence, or the rupture is just beginning, an emergency caesarean section is performed, since in this case there is a chance to save the baby.

postpartum hemorrhage

Certainly, without blood loss during childbirth and some time after it is impossible. Every wound bleeds. During childbirth, the area of ​​the resulting wound is large enough, so bleeding continues for several days. However, sometimes bleeding after childbirth can be quite heavy. It is possible that the reason for this is an episiotomy or a rupture of the perineum (sometimes the cervix). If there are no tears or damage, then the doctor determines if the uterus is too relaxed or if a fragment of the placenta remains in it.

Sometimes bleeding can occur several days later or even three to four weeks after childbirth. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is hormonal changes. Infectious inflammation can also be the cause. If a small fragment of the placenta remains in the uterus, the doctor will prescribe medication. If it will be ineffective, curettage of the uterus may be required.

The fear is completely justified, because quite often during childbirth a woman has to deal with certain complications. In this article, we will analyze the most common complications during childbirth.

Breaks during childbirth

Tissue ruptures during childbirth are the most common complication - the perineum, vagina, cervix, and the uterus itself can suffer here. Tears can be mild - small cracks and abrasions that cause little discomfort, but heal quickly without surgery.

Ruptures are the result of medical intervention, and there are spontaneous ones. Spontaneous ruptures most often occur due to too rapid delivery, when the vagina does not have time to open on its own, and also because of a too narrow vagina. Violent ruptures occur due to medical intervention using obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction, etc. Most often, violent ruptures occur precisely when.

How to prevent?

Only weak breaks in the form of cracks and abrasions can be prevented. To do this, it is necessary to prepare the perineum during pregnancy - to do special exercises, for example, to do a light massage using vegetable oils. Nutrition will also help - a large number of plant foods increase tissue elasticity. It is recommended to learn how to breathe and relax properly - relaxed muscles are less torn from childbirth than tense ones.

During childbirth, the doctor pays attention to the condition of the vagina - if it begins to turn white, then the pressure in it increases, in which case the doctor will make an incision in the perineum (episiotomy). The incision will later be sutured, and it will heal much faster than multiple tears and abrasions.

Violent and spontaneous ruptures of a more severe nature cannot be prevented. In this case, doctors apply stitches under local anesthesia.

Whatever the nature of the gaps, in the next few days after childbirth, the woman will not be able to sit, as the seams may disperse.

Labor disorders

There is a weak and violent labor activity, which can lead to certain complications.

Weak labor activity is most often found in primiparas and is characterized by weak and rare contractions, due to which the cervix cannot fully open, as a result it is possible.

Violent labor activity, on the contrary, proceeds too rapidly, is characterized by strong and frequent contractions. Most often occurs in multiparous. Rapid childbirth can lead to trauma to the child, fetal hypoxia, perineal ruptures in the mother.

What to do?

In case of weak labor activity, doctors give drugs that stimulate contractions, usually. If the drugs do not help, a caesarean section is prescribed.

In the case of violent labor activity, doctors give drugs that reduce the tone of the uterus. Most often, epidural anesthesia is done - the anesthetist injects pain medication into the spinal canal, which causes uterine contractions to return to normal.


It can occur both during childbirth and in the subsequent postpartum hours. Bleeding threatens both mother and child. The causes of bleeding can be uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes in the uterus, hormonal disorders, placenta, scars after a previous caesarean section, etc.

If bleeding occurs during childbirth, a catheter with blood substitutes is installed in the pregnant woman, and an emergency caesarean section is also performed.

Oxygen starvation (hypoxia)

During childbirth, the umbilical cord can wrap around the baby's neck, the umbilical cord can be clamped, and it can also occur - all this can lead to fetal hypoxia, i.e. oxygen starvation. Also, the cause of hypoxia can be too fast and too long childbirth. In this case, the only way out is operative delivery.

Summing up

Childbirth is a difficult test for the mother, both physically and psychologically. But you must understand that a lot also depends on you - the ability to breathe properly, relax, moral readiness can help you endure childbirth quickly and easily. Try to prepare yourself for this significant event in advance and do not forget to do gymnastics, strengthen internal muscles so that there are fewer complications and the recovery process goes quickly.

It proceeded perfectly, during the birth of the baby and up to 28 days after the mother may experience complications. Sometimes they are so unpredictable and dangerous that one can only rely on the providence and professionalism of doctors.

1. Damage to the soft tissues of the birth canal and perineum

The head circumference of the smallest full-term baby is more than 30 cm. In just a few minutes, the tissues of the mother's perineum should stretch to such a diameter in the straining period for the baby to be born. How high the risk of surface cracks or deeper fractures at this point depends on a variety of circumstances. This is not only the “dimensions” of the little one, but also the elasticity of the woman’s skin, her behavior, the swiftness of her attempts, the presence of varicose veins, the experience of the midwife taking delivery.

Cracks in the mucous membrane quickly heal on their own. Deep ruptures of the vulva, labia, cervix and vagina often become inflamed, take a long time to heal with the formation of rough, painful or deforming scars. Their failure is one of the main reasons for the development of genital prolapse in the future, up to uterine prolapse. A ruptured cervix during a subsequent pregnancy can cause a threatened miscarriage or premature birth, due to dense scars, its delayed opening or repeated ruptures are possible. A rectal sphincter tear is a crippling complication that requires long-term treatment and even reconstructive surgery.

During the eruption of the fetal head, if there is a threat of rupture of the perineum, the mother makes a neat incision - an episiotomy. Immediately after childbirth, its edges are sewn together, and the “fresh” seam is regularly treated with antiseptics to avoid suppuration. Such healed postpartum scars do not interfere with sexual life, do not interfere with conceiving and bearing more children. But the risk is very high that the mother will again have ruptures in subsequent births, which means an episiotomy.

2. Abnormal labor activity

Such a situation can arise at any time: from the very first to attempts. Doctors know which of the expectant mothers is at risk. But it is impossible to predict for sure who and when will become pathological.

From "sluggish" in strength or short contractions, the cervix smoothes out and opens slowly. The fetus “stands” for a long time at the exit from the small pelvis, squeezing the soft tissues of the woman’s birth canal with bones. This increases the risk of ruptures, atonic in the mother, and in the child - the appearance of a large birth tumor or cephalohematoma on the top of the head. Both are more likely to experience postpartum infectious complications, for the prevention and treatment of which antibiotic therapy is required.

If it is not possible to cope with generic weakness with medication, it is necessary to perform an operation or use traumatic obstetric aids (forceps or vacuum extraction).


The muscle fibers of the uterus do not come into tone at the same time, but separately. As a result, there are no normal contractions that smooth the cervix and gradually push the fetus out. Chaotic convulsive sharp contractions of the muscles of the body of the uterus is a huge danger of its rupture or detachment of the placenta - conditions that threaten the life of the fetus and the woman in labor. If medication fails to cope very quickly with the first symptoms of discoordination that have arisen, an emergency is performed.

Violent labor activity>

Excessive in strength, frequency or duration of contractions is debilitating pain for the woman in labor, the risk of rupture of the uterus and perineum. The crumbs also get: birth injuries, the consequences of oxygen starvation from mild neurological disorders up to intrauterine death.

3. Premature discharge of amniotic fluid

The longer the anhydrous interval, the higher the risk of developing infectious complications in the child and in the puerperal. And giving birth "dry" is much more painful than with a whole fetal bladder.

4. Infections

A woman's immunity always decreases during pregnancy, childbirth is difficult for her body. Cracks in the mucosa, ruptures of the cervix, an incision in the skin of the perineum, a huge bleeding surface in the uterus in the area of ​​​​the placenta discharge - places where pathogenic microbes seek. With their rapid reproduction, complications are possible: inflammation of the wounds, endometritis, uterine, up to sepsis. Sometimes the only chance to save a mother's life is amputation of the uterus. The fungus is also activated, causing an exacerbation of the thrush, which interferes with the healing of the sutures. For the prevention of infectious complications and their treatment, strong, regular examination of gynecological smears and sanitation of the birth canal before and after childbirth are used.

5. Placental abruption

Infections, abnormal labor, and a short umbilical cord increase the risk of premature separation of the placenta from its attachment to the uterine wall before the baby is born. There is severe uterine bleeding, and oxygen suddenly stops flowing to the fetus. Detachment is a life-threatening complication that requires urgent delivery or an emergency caesarean section.

6. Narrow pelvis

A large fetus in a miniature woman - anatomical discrepancy between the size of the birth canal and the fetus - an indication for planned operative delivery.

The risk of clinical discrepancy between the circumference of the pelvis in the mother and the size of the crumbs occurs with facial presentation (so the head is larger), with postmaturity (there is no configuration of the skull bones). Outgrowths on the sacrum from the inside, tumors and cysts on the head and neck of the child, not identified before childbirth, can become an insurmountable obstacle to the progress of the baby through the birth canal.

Both anatomically and clinically a narrow pelvis lengthens childbirth, takes all the strength in painful attempts. To extract the baby, doctors often have to use obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction, or all sorts of old traumatic methods of “squeezing” out of the uterus. There is a high risk of not only deep ruptures of the neck and perineum, but also a bruise of the spine, stretching of the cartilaginous pubic joint. The result is long-term, symphysitis and the need for long-term special treatment.

7. Bleeding

Any childbirth is necessarily accompanied by a small (up to 0.5% of the mother's body weight). Fibroids in the uterus, infections, large fetuses, multiple pregnancies, birth weakness, tight attachment of the placenta are just a few situations in which incomplete delivery of the baby (hypotonic bleeding) is possible. Then the huge wound surface at the place of attachment of the placenta continues to bleed. Much more dangerous is atonic bleeding, when the uterus not only does not contract, but relaxes even more. A woman loses liters of blood in a few minutes and cannot survive without the active help of doctors.

Rare Complications

8. Chorionic carcinoma

In one case out of a hundred thousand, the tiny remnants of the placenta after childbirth (including cesarean section) are not rejected, but continue to grow, acquiring the features of a malignant tumor. The resulting nodes in the uterus provoke recurring bleeding of varying intensity. Penetrating into the lymphatic vessels, chorioncarcinoma villi can spread to all organs, taking root there and forming metastases. The disease can begin during pregnancy, and already manifest itself as complications only a few months after childbirth.

9. Amniotic fluid embolism

Normally, from the amniotic sac they do not penetrate into the mother's circulatory system. But with rupture of the veins of the uterus during childbirth, with premature partial detachment of the placenta, absorption of water into the vessels is possible. The situation develops catastrophically quickly: as soon as the liquid reaches the lungs of a woman, gas exchange stops in them. The head ceases to receive oxygen, the water provokes a fall (shock) and the sharpest violation of blood clotting (DIC) with bleeding from literally everywhere. Mortality from massive embolism exceeds 80% even in the best medical centers in the world.

10. Rupture of the uterus

A postoperative scar after a previous caesarean section or after removal of a tumor node on a pregnant uterus can stretch and become excessively thin. A “fresh” suture will become viable, that is, it will be able to withstand all loads, not earlier than 4-8 months after the operation. Any physical effort on the part of a pregnant woman or a woman who has recently given birth, a blow to her stomach or a fall, not to mention contractions in childbirth, and the uterus will burst along the scar. Only the emergency help of surgeons can save the mother from pain shock and massive bleeding.

The end of pregnancy is childbirth - the most important stage in bearing a child. Usually the body is already fully prepared for labor. But due to the individuality of each female system, complications sometimes occur. This can be due to many circumstances, for example, the presence of chronic diseases or a difficult pregnancy.

Complications during childbirth

Sometimes doctors already presume the presence of complications during or after childbirth. This may be due to such circumstances:

  1. Toxicosis, which developed later than usual.
  2. Chronic pathologies in a pregnant woman, especially organs such as the liver, kidneys or heart. Diabetes is also dangerous.
  3. HIV infection in a woman.
  4. Started preterm labor, which began before 37 weeks.
  5. Multiple pregnancy.

All these circumstances should encourage doctors to carefully monitor the pregnant woman until the very birth. Already at 37-38 weeks, the patient is placed in a hospital to prevent possible complications, such as premature birth.

But there are situations when doctors cannot anticipate predetermined complications.

- pathological preliminary period

This period is called the time when the body is preparing for the onset of labor. The cervix softens. Thus, it will be easy to stretch at the time of contractions.

If the preliminary period proceeds well, then the woman does not feel severe pain, and contractions at the time of uterine contraction are not so frequent. Often this period occurs at night. At this moment, the woman in labor wakes up after frequent contractions have begun. If a woman in labor has a feeling of fear and excitement, then labor pains can be painful.

The preparatory period in the normal state lasts 7-8 hours, but sometimes this time increases significantly. Doctors consider such a preliminary period to be a complication and often call it pathological. Its characteristic features can serve as such manifestations of the body:

  1. Contractions are irregular and exhausting, pain is present not only at night, but also during the day, while labor does not begin.
  2. When the body is preparing for childbirth, characteristic changes may not occur in the uterus, it is just as dense and long.
  3. In the preliminary period, the fetus does not press against the exit to the small pelvis, this is discovered by the gynecologist during examination.
  4. Increased uterine tone.
  5. Contractions in the period of preparation for childbirth continue for a long time.

These complications can be treated with medication. Among them:

  1. Medicinal dream.
  2. Taking analgesics.
  3. Prescribing sedatives.
  4. Vitamin complexes.
  5. Antispasmodics.

The therapy lasts about 5 days. Then the contractions stop and resume only when the uterus is ready for childbirth. If such treatment does not bring results, then surgery is performed.

- weakness of labor activity

Sometimes a woman in labor does not have the strength to complete the birth. This condition is called weakness of labor activity. It is primary and secondary.

In primary weakened childbirth, it should be noted that this condition occurs at the very beginning of childbirth. The existing contractions are too weak to push the baby out.

Secondary weakness develops when, with normal strong contractions at the beginning of labor, they weaken towards the end of the process.

This condition threatens the child with oxygen starvation.

At the time of the onset of the problem, doctors apply emergency medication. Oxytocin is usually administered to stimulate labor. If there was a primary birth weakness, then the woman in labor is given temporary rest.

If all else fails, then a caesarean section is performed.

- violent labor activity

The condition is the exact opposite of the one described above. Childbirth proceeds rapidly. All this threatens with breaks in the reproductive system of a woman and injuries in a child.

Of particular danger is the possibility of early placental abruption.

Despite severe pain at this time, this complication responds well to medical correction. As a result, the tone of the uterus decreases, soreness is reduced.

- earlier rupture of amniotic fluid

When the cervix opens to the end, amniotic fluid is poured out. After a certain time (no later than 18 hours), a baby is born. If this time is delayed, then infection of the baby, prolapse of the umbilical cord or pen from the uterus may occur. If the waters have departed before the opening of the uterine cervix, then labor is stimulated or surgical treatment is performed.

- premature detachment of the placenta

If the management of labor goes according to plan, then placental abruption should begin after the baby is born. Only after the birth of the placenta can the birth be considered completed.

If premature exfoliation of the placenta has begun, then this may indicate strong contractions or problems with blood clotting. If this process is not prevented in time, then the woman begins to bleed, and the fetus may experience hypoxia. Usually, premature detachment leads to surgical delivery, that is, a caesarean section.

- breaks in a woman

If small gaps have occurred, then they are considered the norm, after childbirth, treatment is prescribed and everything passes in a short time. But large gaps are considered a complication, they can appear due to the large size of the fetus, or as a result of violent labor activity.

Doctors can predict such gaps, so a surgical incision is made in advance, which will later be sewn up. Such an incision is tightened much faster and easier than natural breaks.

- narrow pelvis

The diagnosis is made either immediately before childbirth on the last ultrasound, or already during labor. The reasons for this diagnosis are the large head of the fetus in relation to the female pelvis. It is also possible that the baby is turned in such a way that it cannot pass through the pelvic opening.

- fetal hypoxia

With each contraction, the child experiences a short-term lack of oxygen. For this reason, a woman is taught to breathe correctly before childbirth, since during this process oxygen is freely supplied to the child. Sometimes fetal hypoxia occurs, which ends with the death of the child. This can happen during violent labor, as a result of suffocation due to wrapping the umbilical cord around the neck, as a result of early placental abruption. Under such circumstances, it is very important to prevent complication in time.

- prenatal trauma

Such an injury can happen to a child during childbirth. This happens as a result of violent labor activity or when premature birth has begun, when the fetus has not yet fully developed, therefore it is distinguished by its weakness. Also, the reasons may be the incorrect position of the head during the passage of the pelvic opening or the wrong actions of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Postpartum complications

After childbirth, the possibility of complications will depend on the individual characteristics of the mother's body. Such a threat may be present for 6-10 weeks. It is this period that determines the time for recovery and the return of prenatal indicators. Sometimes this period is accompanied by a deterioration in health.

The reasons are such factors:

  1. Weakened immune system.
  2. Significant blood loss during childbirth.
  3. Vitamin deficiency and thin blood.
  4. Surgical intervention.
  5. Early discharge of water.
  6. Health problems during childbearing.
  7. Formation of cracks in the nipples.

Under such circumstances, it is necessary to see a doctor in time and not delay it, trying to fix the problem on your own.

The following are possible complications for the mother after the birth of the baby.

- abnormal bleeding

After childbirth, bleeding is normal for several days. The discharge is like heavy menstruation. 3-4 days they are bright red. After selection, they are not so plentiful and their color is not so bright. By the end of 6-8 weeks the bleeding stops.

Complications include postpartum hemorrhage:

  1. After 2 weeks, the discharge is still as plentiful.
  2. They have an unpleasant pungent odor.
  3. They have purulent patches.
  4. Bleeding, on the contrary, can be meager with a delay, such discharge is also considered pathological.
  5. The daub was completed 4-5 weeks ahead of schedule.

There is no discharge if there is a bend in the uterus. This problem is eliminated by a gynecologist.

- postpartum endometritis

This disease can develop due to the following reasons:

  1. Inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium).
  2. With uterine violation of the outflow of blood.
  3. STD.
  4. The presence of interrupted pregnancies in the past.
  5. Use by the gynecologist of poorly disinfected instruments.
  6. Lack of personal hygiene.

In this case, treatment is mandatory, in severe cases it is carried out in a hospital. Cleaning is carried out, which is called vacuum aspiration. Be sure to carry out antibiotic therapy, washing the uterine cavity, and medicinal suppositories are used.

You may need to stop breastfeeding.

- inflammation of the urinary tract

This condition is observed in the following cases:

  1. The use of obstetric forceps.
  2. Injury to the bladder during childbirth.
  3. The use of a catheter.

If after giving birth for several days there is discomfort when urinating, then you need to see a doctor. The following actions will not be superfluous:

  1. You need to drink more often.
  2. Wash more often.

Such actions will help if the inflammation is minor.

Even if everything is in order with the urinary system, careful personal hygiene is still necessary.

- peritonitis

Peritonitis is not uncommon after a caesarean section. It can happen due to the penetration of infection into the suture area on the uterus or inflammation of the appendages. Signs of the disease can be bloating and pain in the abdomen, as well as fever.

The only way to get rid of peritonitis is by surgery.


All of these complications are quite treatable, the main thing is to detect and eliminate them in time. Otherwise, they will lead to more serious consequences, which will have to be treated for a long time and thoroughly. There is not always a guarantee that everything will pass without consequences.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

In Russian obstetrics, many birth options are considered to be complicated in advance, even if everything proceeded normally during the birth of a child. For example, they include all genera:
in women with (preeclampsia);
with diseases of the kidneys, heart and other organs, diabetes;
in HIV-infected people;
premature (before 37 weeks);
multiple, regardless of the number of fruits;
after .
In all these cases, the process of childbirth itself can go quite normally, but because of the potential danger to the health of the mother and baby, they are classified as complicated.

In addition, complications may occur during childbirth. This is any dangerous situation that could not be foreseen in advance.

Pathological preliminary period. This complication even before the onset of regular contractions and the opening of the cervix. It lies in the fact that, for unknown reasons, the muscles of the uterus contract uncoordinated and preparatory contractions do not turn into labor for a long time. A woman gets tired even before the start of childbirth. It responds well to drug treatment.

Premature and early rupture of amniotic fluid. For some unknown reason, the waters may break before the onset of labor pains (premature effusion) or before the cervix is ​​fully dilated (premature effusion).
The period from the moment of outflow of water to the birth of a child should not exceed 18 hours. A long anhydrous period can lead to other complications: the development of infection and inflammation, prolapse of the umbilical cord or baby's pen from the uterus. Therefore, after the water breaks, you must rush to the hospital.

Premature detachment of the placenta. May occur with very strong uterine contractions or in women with bleeding disorders. The placenta separates from the uterus before the baby is born. Since the child does not yet breathe on his own and receives oxygen from his mother through the umbilical cord, he begins to experience oxygen starvation.

The size of detachment can be different, from a few centimeters to half or more of the placenta. The greater the magnitude and speed of detachment, the higher the likelihood of severe bleeding in the mother and lack of oxygen in the child. In most cases of placental abruption, doctors resort to an emergency caesarean section.

Weak labor activity. With this complication, a woman does not have enough of her own body forces to complete childbirth. Most often it is primary - when from the very beginning the contractions are very weak and do not intensify, it is more typical for nulliparous women. Less commonly, secondary weakness occurs - contractions that are normal in strength gradually weaken.

With weak contractions, the cervix opens very poorly, the child may develop oxygen starvation. In mild cases of weakness of the birth forces, doctors resort to stimulation with oxytocin and other drugs, in more severe cases, it can even reach a caesarean section.

Violent labor activity. This is the exact opposite of weak labor activity, but it is less common and more typical for moms with experience. With this complication, childbirth proceeds so quickly and rapidly that they threaten to break the mother and injure the baby.
In addition, it is painful and can sometimes lead to premature placental abruption. For treatment, drugs are used that reduce the tone of the uterus, and for pain relief - epidural anesthesia.

Clinically narrow pelvis. It occurs when the mother's pelvic bones are of normal size, but for some reason do not allow the baby's head to pass. For example, this may be with a large fetus, as well as with an incorrect location of the head at the entrance to the pelvis. The diagnosis is usually made already in the process of childbirth, which are delayed, and the child does not move along the birth canal for a long time. In this case, an emergency caesarean section is necessary.

Fetal hypoxia. In other words, oxygen starvation. If the access of oxygen to the child stops completely, this is called asphyxia. Normally, short-term hypoxia occurs at each contraction, and during breaks, oxygen supply is restored.
Prolonged hypoxia can develop when the umbilical cord is entwined (then its blood vessels are clamped), during violent labor activity with strong prolonged contractions, with premature detachment of the placenta and some other conditions. Treatment consists in eliminating the cause of hypoxia and the speedy completion of childbirth.

breaks. Small tears are not considered a complication of childbirth. Deep ruptures can occur with violent labor, a large fetus, or unskilled care. If the obstetrician during childbirth sees the danger of a deep rupture, it is usually done perineotomy or episiotomy, - an artificial perineal incision, which is then sutured and heals more easily than a tear.

prenatal trauma. This refers to the trauma received by the child in the process of childbirth. Unfortunately, in our time, the percentage of children born with prenatal trauma is still quite high. Injuries to the child can occur during violent labor with strong contractions, and in addition - during premature birth (the child is still immature and weak), with improper insertion of the head into the pelvis, with unskilled obstetric care.