Glasses for a wedding marine theme. Decor for a romantic wedding in a nautical style. Marine wedding: decor and accessories

What could be more romantic than walking along the sea coast to the sound of the surf and the cries of flying seagulls? The picture is inspiring to arrange a wedding in this spirit. Or maybe you have already firmly decided that the celebration should be just that, but you are wondering how to organize everything? A wedding in a nautical style, the photos of which always turn out to be positive and bright, requires adherence to some nuances. The best ideas for holding such an event have been collected for you.

Place and time of the wedding

There is an opinion that since a wedding is in a nautical style, then it should be held by the sea and, of course, in the summer season. But in fact, you can organize a holiday thousands of kilometers from the coast. Then the atmosphere of the celebration will be much more exotic. The same applies to the timing of the wedding. And in winter you can plunge into the warm summer with the sound of the surf and golden sand. And since the cold season is not considered the most wedding season, you can get good discounts in salons and agencies.

The classic wedding venue is a beach or a boat. But you can arrange an event in any other place: in a cafe, restaurant, even at home or in the country. The main thing is to organize everything in the spirit of sea romance, show imagination and approach the process creatively. In addition, you can choose a venue near the pool of a sanatorium or hotel, in nature - the bank of a river or lake. Or take a trip on a yacht, right on which a decorated arch for painting can be located, which is very fashionable in 2017.

How to choose the right decor for your banquet venue

To keep the whole wedding in one style, you need to take care of the decor of the banquet. The main colors are blue, white, beige, sand and blue-green tones. If, according to the scenario, the holiday will take place as if on the deck of a ship, then drapery is indispensable. You need to make sails from the fabric, let the waves down the bottom, use a fishing net.

The decoration of the hall can be supplemented with a characteristic decor for a nautical style: anchors, lifebuoys, steering wheels, fish, etc. The glasses of the young should be decorated in the same direction.

If the wedding is not related to a ship theme, then the banquet place can be decorated in the style of the sea kingdom or in the spirit of a beach party. The last option is especially relevant when it should be a fun youth wedding. Here it is worth putting covers on the chairs made of striped fabric to make them look like chaise lounges, add shells, fabrics of blue and sand colors. If you choose the design of the hall under the seabed, then use figurines of fish and jellyfish, algae, you can arrange aquariums with live fish.

You can see a photo of the decor of a wedding celebration in the style of "sea" below:

Photo area decor

Decorating a wedding in a nautical style suggests that the photo zone should also be decorated with appropriate elements and objects. A large print of the sea can serve as a good background. And a few meters from the poster, set up a steering wheel stand. Here you can leave binoculars, a sailor's hat, a captain's cap, and a retro-style umbrella for girls. A map of route trips will also be appropriate, for example, to the Island of Love, where the young are to sail.

The image of the bride

The wedding dress of a girl in a nautical style is a romantic and delicate dress with open shoulders and a back. It can be in traditional white, but you can also choose blue, mint or turquoise. The white tone of the dress goes well with a blue belt or other contrasting inserts. Retro style clothes with a wide belt and a flared skirt can be a cute option for a wedding. If you add a white collar to this style, the bride will look like a real sailor. You can see the wedding dress ideas in the photo:

Wedding shoes can be chosen in blue or light blue, decorated with tasteful stones, or you can buy a model with blue and white stripes. Add to the look a small handbag decorated with an anchor or other nautical element.

The bride's hairstyle can be either laconic (for example, an exquisite "shell"), or more romantic (light loose curls). Decorates it with ribbons and headbands to match the entire look, natural objects or stylish jewelry.

The bride's bouquet should also be made in the theme of the wedding. Fresh flowers are complemented with starfish, shells, pearls, and the stem of the bouquet - with blue ribbons, anchor, flagella, chains, etc. You can see examples in the photo below:

Groom's outfit

The groom's suit is a combination of different shades: blue, white, blue and gray. An image in a nautical style can be complemented with a bow tie or tie to match and with a corresponding pattern, as well as a pocket square. And as a boutonniere, you can choose not a classic floral arrangement, but a starfish or a small cord tied in a knot. You can see interesting ideas for boutonnieres in the photos:

If a couple wants to be especially original, then they can dress up as pirates. This will definitely amuse both guests and young people themselves.

Guest appearance

When wondering what to wear for guests, you need to remember that, after all, a wedding in a nautical style requires adherence to some dress code. And the invitees themselves will be interested in taking part in such an unusual event. Therefore, the costumes of the guests should be thought out in advance. If this is a pirate wedding, then you can not dress up too strictly, but choose clothes in style (vests, caps, a cabin boy's hat, etc. will be appropriate). The dress of the bride and bridesmaids may have some overlap in color. In the photo, it will look very stylish and effective.

Wedding cortege in a nautical style

Decorating a wedding in a nautical style is not complete without smart cars. First of all, it is worth considering,. It can (as well as other cars) be portrayed as a yacht or boat. Of course, it will be figurative, but the cortege decorated with white and blue ribbons will fit perfectly into the wedding theme. Add some starfish and shells. The steering wheel and anchor can be installed on the main machine, and it will be exactly like a majestic ship!

Invitations and bonbonnieres

Wedding invitations in this style for guests can be made by hand. An original solution in the form of a shell, anchor or sailboat. If you choose a classic design, then everything should be kept in blue and white, but you can add accessories with a red or purple color (ribbons on the anchor, etc.). Another unusual option is a letter in a bottle. Compose a non-standard, interesting text, inviting relatives and friends on a romantic sea voyage to the Island of Love.

Do not forget to make a present for each invited guest - prepare a bonbonniere. It can be a chest with a traditional sweetness inside, a small boat or a bag made of a piece of mesh, on which you need to hang some details. Inside any bonbonniere, except for sweets, you can put a magnet in the form of a fish, anchor, etc.

Wedding celebration script

A wedding in a nautical style will not be complete without a thoughtful and interesting holiday program. Guests should not only see a beautiful picture, but also actively participate in competitions. An example scenario of a wedding evening might be like this. So, let's imagine that everyone present went on a sea voyage:

  1. the newlyweds meet the invited guests, gifts are presented;
  2. the first table begins, roles are chosen, the "boatswain" is appointed, toasts are made;
  3. stop on a desert island, dance of the bride and groom, speech of the parents;
  4. a lighthouse is lit and an oath is pronounced to each other;
  5. toasts of relatives are heard, a ship log is handed on board for wishes to the young;
  6. pier - funny team contests;
  7. stop on the treasure island - toasts of friends;
  8. second table;
  9. stop Siren Island - they steal a shoe, and then the bride herself, ransom, contests;
  10. stop "Ibiza" - time for dancing;
  11. the third table, toasts sound;
  12. contests, dances and wedding cake;
  13. traditional games - throwing a bouquet and a garter;
  14. pier to the Island of Love, seeing off the guests and ending the banquet.

It is appropriate to add fireworks, fire show, magician performance, etc. to the script. You never know who you can meet while traveling by ship!

Video ideas

To even better present the maritime style for a wedding, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a selection of interesting videos on the selected topic:

Photo ideas

Wedding in a nautical style: script and the creation of a general atmosphere of the sea element is exotic for most people. A nautical wedding requires warmth and water, but it doesn't have to be an ocean. You can hold a festive event on a river or lake, and it will be a real wedding in a nautical style.

Characteristic details and exceptional features of the nautical style

A wedding in a nautical style is created by the presence of water and marine paraphernalia, but, in addition, the mood of a fairy tale. The nautical-style ceremony is just like a Cinderella-style wedding - fabulous, with fairy-tale characters. Only the romance of this fairy tale is "rough", pirate, the wedding itself is filled with the flavor of sea travel. This is a wedding about freedom, wind and water.

Dress code for a naval wedding

As in any themed wedding, a dress code is a common and often obligatory condition for guests. At a maritime wedding, it is better to help guests in this matter by distributing striped ribbons, handkerchiefs, caps with marine symbols, hats at the entrance, since it is difficult to understand and reproduce the maritime style, its distinctive features. The marine style differs from the Greek or Provence - it is faceless in itself and manifests itself only through all kinds of objects and symbols of the ocean, sea travel; through materials - seafood and fabulous, historical images: Neptune, mermaids, pirates, amphibians. In addition to the duet of white and blue, there are no color combinations characteristic of this style. The white and blue stripe is recognizable everywhere and by everyone, but this is not a very suitable color for the fabric for a bride's dress. Therefore, speaking about the style of the bride and groom at the ceremony in a nautical style, most often we mean the search for an image for embodiment.

What is better not to wear?

In this style, fluffy skirts with a long hem, as well as tailcoats and tuxedos for the groom, are not welcome - no classic manners. Blue and blue colors of different shades and warmth in this style can be combined, as in a bride's dress. White with blue in various combinations is the main trend. You need to pay special attention to convenience, the wedding will take place on the shore, and then on a yacht or boat. This is not a clean, flat ballroom floor that needs to be borne in mind, so the length can spoil the mood very much, but the excessive splendor of the skirt can be even more problematic.

What should men wear?

For men, light colors, free style. In a men's suit, it is much easier to embody this style; a loose shirt with a long, voluminous sleeve and a cuff, unbuttoned on the chest, a wide fabric or leather belt that fits the waist several times, trousers and high boots that fit the figure - this is a noble pirate or a captain of a medieval ship. By adding a cocked hat with an anchor or a bicorne hat, the image cannot be confused with any other. It's easy to create a men's nautical-style outfit by looking at Scarlet Sails or Robinson Crusoe, or Pirates of the Caribbean. Even a wedding script can be created based on famous works and films.

What should a woman wear?

With girls it is more difficult, there were no female pirates. Therefore, young ladies will need images of mermaids, mythical sea creatures with a dress stylized to resemble sparkling scales. Open dresses with a neckline, a bare back, a light flowing skirt in the appropriate color scheme will not violate the style of the wedding, if the girl is leaning towards the classics. Side note: This is a rare style where nudity is encouraged. Deep neckline, completely bare back - such liberties are just for the nautical style.

A wedding in a nautical style is somewhat remotely reminiscent of Ivan Kupala's day and the Neptune holiday, which is always organized in kindergartens. Those who remember these events will feel like a fish in water at a sea wedding.

Little things that must be present at a nautical-style event are sand, ropes, ropes, sea knots, shells, stones and all sorts of fossils from the sea. A boutonniere for the groom and witnesses in the form of a sea knot or a shell, with skillful execution, looks very original and fresh. Paper-cut fabulous and real sea characters: fish, skates, mermaids, octopuses, jellyfish. Symbols: anchor, captain's wheel, lifebuoy, net, pearls.

A sweet table at a wedding in a nautical style is desserts in the form of marine life, a tablecloth in blue and white tones and decorations in the form of attributes of sea travel.

Scenarios of the ceremony in a nautical style

The script, decoration, outfits - everything is subordinated to the fabulous theme of the sea-ocean. There are many types of wedding scenarios, but, in fact, these are more variations on several themes.

Scenario # I

Even if a trip on a motor ship is not foreseen, an illusory sea voyage is created. A wedding for the young is a ship on which they sail to their happiness, an island located far in the ocean. You can swim there only by passing by other islands, shores, and each stop is a game-task, a prank, etc. The groom is the captain, the bride is the main mate of the captain, the guests are the crew of the ship. The captain must appoint a boatswain, navigator and pilot to assist. One island, the first stop is the wishes of the parents, the second stop is the wishes from friends. There is an island of dance of the young and their vows to each other. The more interesting, the more original the island, the more fun the wedding.

Scenario # II

The bride is a beautiful sea maiden, a mermaid, whom the sea king Poseidon marries off to a brave captain. But in order to prove that they are intended for each other, the bride and groom with the help of guests - sea inhabitants must complete all the tasks of the king. This is an improvisation on the theme of the Little Mermaid. Tasks are all kinds of contests. From the groom's side, all the gallant sailors and sailors, from the bride's side, fabulous sea creatures. For the first group, marine ammunition is purchased: caps, neck scarves, vests. For the second group, pink, blue and green mud wigs sold for some unknown person are best suited, in addition, shell jewelry for hands and hair. A plot on a fairy-tale theme is always interesting, fun, unexpected.

Scenario No. III

An especially interesting scenario of the event, in which the plot and the costumes of the young and guests are combined. The groom as a filibuster of the 17th-18th centuries in a bicorne hat with a skull, and the bride in a wedding dress stylized as a maid of honor. Dress code for guests. Men are all pirates and sea wolves. In fact, men love to reincarnate in the image of a filibuster, commander, captain, they just need to give free rein. And to admit, this romantic style suits everyone.

The pirate must conquer the beautiful maid of honor, and she, in turn, must prove that she can be the wife of a pirate. On their ship, they will sail past islands and continents, each of which will be a task. In this scenario, there is no division into relatives and friends, here there is a division by gender. All women are on the side of the bride and men are on the side of the groom. This is the Middle Ages. The tug of war is not a competition for a wedding like this. The chief arbiter at the wedding is a small, funny Catholic priest. From the guests, you need to choose a person who will look the most ridiculous way in a cassock. In the movies, there are many comedic images of priests on a ship, you can borrow. He will decide who wins the competitions.

For such a wedding, it is important to create an atmosphere, so everything should sound like the sea, travel. Bridal bouquet and boutonniere; invitations and gifts for guests; decoration and decoration of the table, the hall - everything is filled with symbols of the maritime style. Flowers and candles are essential for any wedding, but candles can stand in the sand, and flowers can be decorated with marine fossils.

Video selection

Themed weddings do not go out of style, just like weddings in shades of some primary color. Well, this is in addition to the classic ones. And each couple of newlyweds chooses for themselves a suitable scenario and, accordingly, design. For those who like the sea element and white-turquoise tones and, of course, everything related to the sea (shells, pearls, sand), we suggest creating several stylish accessories for a wedding in a nautical style. These will be glasses for newlyweds, whipping plates "for good luck" and a shell under the rings in the registry office. Hand-made wedding accessories will surprise all guests, and the young will be remembered!

All items are made using the decoration technique.

We need:

  • Two plates without a pattern and 2 glasses
  • Shells of different sizes, shapes and colors (but preferably light), decorative elements
  • Piece of white coral (optional)
  • Turquoise tulle
  • Narrow satin ribbons in white, milk and blue
  • Scissors
  • Universal glue "Russian titanium"
  • Hot melt glue gun
  • Blue nail polish
  • Small beads (transparent), artificial pearls, half beads

Whipping plates "for luck"

Using whipping cymbals "for good luck" is a sweet thing. Because they decorate a wedding, are made in the same style and their fragments do not leave any "traces".

I will say right away: now it is no longer fashionable to break a bottle of champagne - you can pour yourself on it, or even hurt yourself on the glass. The tradition of meeting young people before a feast with bread and salt and glasses of champagne is a thing of the past. The newlyweds drank and ate, and the glass on the floor for good luck. Also extra chores for cleaning.

Cut out two squares from turquoise tulle (we estimate the size to be larger than the plates), round the corners.

We wrap the plate, carefully assemble and tie the ends at the top.

We tie it with four narrow satin ribbons of different colors. We decorate with shells, pearls. We attach all parts with hot melt glue.

After the young people break the plates for good luck, the fragments will remain inside the tulle "bag".

Glasses for newlyweds

We will also decorate the glasses with shells, beads and pearls.

We wrap the blue satin ribbon around the stem of the glass and attach both ends to a drop of hot melt glue. We glue transparent beads to the base on universal glue, imitating sand

In an eco-style, natural sand will also be appropriate, but we have a more romantic option, therefore, beads.

We supplement with shells, a bow, half-beads.

For another option for decorating wedding glasses with shells, see the TaniDeco video:

Instead of a pillow under the rings in the registry office, we will offer the newlyweds a shell. It is composed of many small elements, collected in tiers. This is how the volume of the composition is achieved.

First, paint the edges of the large shell with blue nail polish and let it dry. On top we will apply the universal glue "Russian Titanium", and on it - transparent beads, like on glasses.

With the same blue varnish we will tint the bottom of the shell in several places. Then glue a piece of coral, blue ribbons, pebbles, and shells on top.

I omit the phased moments of collecting the composition - here imagination will help you. Place half-beads, pearls, small seashells between the shells.

Wedding! What an amazing event! I want it to be unforgettable. Recently, newlyweds have preferred themed celebrations. Not everyone manages to turn to professionals to design and conduct a bright event.

A nautical wedding can be romantic or pirate themed. Depending on the chosen motive, accessories and design ideas will be selected.

Decor elements in a marine style

Before having a nautical wedding, decide on the accessories that will be used in the decoration. In preparation for the celebration, use everything that reminds of the sea.

  • Sand, seashells, large shells, starfish;
  • Kokrabliks, sailboats, yachts;
  • Lifebuoys, anchors, nets and steering wheels;
  • Vests and striped fabrics, as well as all shades of blue and light blue;
  • Marine life: crabs, jellyfish, dolphins and seahorses.

Wedding decoration

  • Location

The installation of an arch in the appropriate style and the organization of an exit ceremony will help to arrange a celebration on the seashore or other body of water. Decorate the arch with shells or starfish and drape it with blue, light blue, turquoise or white fabric.

  • Guest area decoration

Use flower arrangements. Choose blue or white plants. Green is also appropriate.

Cover chairs with covers and tables with white tablecloths. Organza, linen, cotton will do. Use striped fabrics and accessories in white, blue, blue or turquoise.

Decorate banquet tables with candlesticks with marine motifs. As candlesticks, use transparent vases filled with sand and shells, small jars and shells, special closed candlesticks-lanterns.

Decorate champagne and glasses accordingly. The glasses are different for guests and newlyweds. Decorate them with seashells, ribbons, pearls and starfish. Decorate champagne bottles with ribbons or wrap with a cloth, it can be striped and in various blue and light blue shades. White is welcome.

At such a wedding, the cake should be tender. Use a nautical theme. Make the cake (order) in blue, blue and turquoise colors:

  • tiered cake decorated with shells, corals and starfish.
  • portioned desserts decorated with anchors, steering wheels or starfish.

When organizing a ceremony on the seashore, do not forget about weather conditions and insects. Take care in advance to protect yourself and your guests from sunburn.

Invitation options

Wedding invitations are sent to guests at the first stages of preparation for the celebration. They will tell you that something unusual awaits those invited to the holiday.

Make thematic invitations yourself or order from professionals. They should match the overall tone of the wedding.

Decorate invitations with anchors, ribbons, starfish, seashells, and even sandblasted appliqués. There is also a traditional version using images of the inhabitants of the deep sea: seahorses, crabs, fish. Invitations can be made on a striped background (blue and white), which will emphasize the marine theme.

Another design option is to send invitations in glass bottles. Each is written on the scroll in an ornate script using a variety of loops and curls. The paper can be aged by burning the edges. Bottles are decorated with shells, twine or sand.

Wedding invitation text

Dear (names of invitees)

We invite you to visit our solemn event. Come and share with us the sea of ​​emotions on our ship called "Eternity".

The event will take place on a hot summer day (date and time) on the seashore. Many surprises await you and we (the names of the young).

We will be very grateful to you if you can support the style of our wedding in your outfits.

How to dress the bride and groom

The bride and groom at a nautical wedding can stick to the classic style, decorating the image with themed accessories, or create an image entirely in a nautical style.

Bride's outfit

The color scheme of the bride's dress can vary from white to dark blue. Choose a dress in white, light blue, blue, turquoise. Or opt for a blue striped dress. Choose a dress that is knee high or above the knee. Lush outfits will be inappropriate and also not very comfortable.


  • jewelry that will set off the color of the dress: necklaces, earrings, rings, bracelets;
  • blue, white or striped shoes with small anchors or shells;
  • a small purse decorated with seashells, seahorses or dolphins;
  • original garter.

Hairstyle of the bride

Complete your wedding styling with pearls, starfish or seashells. Or weave flowers into your hair and the image of the bride will become more romantic.

The bride's bouquet

Made of white and blue colors. Decorated with small seashells, striped or plain ribbons of blue, white or light blue colors. Complete the bouquet with beads or rhinestones. Or make a bouquet of seashells by excluding flowers.

Groom's outfit

The groom's suit can be blue, white, light blue and all colors in different combinations. A jacket is also suitable.


  • blue or striped tie, or bow tie;
  • boutonniere made of a starfish, anchor, shell or a beautifully knotted rope;
  • blue cufflinks with anchors, steering wheels or starfish;
  • shoes in blue or white. These can be shoes or moccasins. Depending on the chosen outfit.

Friends of the groom

Let the groom's friends wear vests or striped shirts. Discuss the color of the trousers with the invitees. If the groom's suit is blue, then it is advisable for the guests to wear light white or sand-colored trousers.

Keep in mind that not everyone may have things of the right colors and styles, so write about the dress code in advance in the invitations. It will not be superfluous to prepare bracelets, hats and any other accessories with a marine theme for the guests.

What to present for a marine wedding

If you are invited to a nautical wedding, consider making the gift original. can be presented in an unusual way.

So you've decided that money is the best gift. Present them not just in an envelope, but in a chest, or make sails for a frigate out of them. Wrap the money in paper (like a scroll) and close it in a bottle, pre-decorate it with shells, ribbons or beads.

Present as a gift dishes, appliances or other gift, but decorate it according to the theme of the holiday.

Recently, many brides have opted for themed or stylized weddings. For example, a nautical wedding is the most common option for a hot wedding season. But in order for everything to go as it should, it is necessary to think in advance about such moments as: the design of invitation cards, the decoration of the hall and the motorcade, and much more. See also an interesting idea.

Homemade nautical invitation cards:

A wedding invitation can look like a secret message hidden in a bottle. The paper can be artificially aged by placing the leaf in strong tea for a couple of hours. The message, which says where and when the wedding will take place, as well as the subtleties of the dress code, put it in a bottle and tie it up, for more entourage, you can pour sand and seashells inside. Close the bottle tightly. Believe me, your guests will be pleasantly surprised to receive such an invitation and will look forward to their wedding day.

Original ring pad:

A pillow for rings not only to make with your own hands, but also to decorate it in an original way in accordance with the theme of the wedding. You can put the rings in a small box with coins - this will also look very creative.

Marine wedding table:

White and blue are considered traditional sea colors, silver can be used, so the table should be decorated in accordance with this range. A decorative net can be stretched over the tablecloth, to which shells, starfish, and other props can be attached.The net can also be pulled over the ceiling and hung on it with various marine gizmos or children's and adult photographs of newlyweds.

Making bonbonnieres:

Bonbonnieres filled with sweets, nuts or other sweets are perfect as gifts for guests. According to tradition, you need to put five chocolates, the first symbolizes health, the second - happiness, the third - children, the fourth - wealth and the fifth - long life.The sweets are put in a nice bag. And all the bags can be put in a hand-made chest. In addition, the bonbonniere can be supplemented with a cheerful and good wish.

Wedding accessories:

Wedding accessories include glasses, boutonniere, bridal bouquet and other necessary attributes. Each of them should be as close as possible to the theme of the wedding, otherwise the very zest that was conceived at the beginning will be lost.

Glasses can be skillfully decorated with acrylic paints. If you are not endowed with the talent of an artist, turn to professionals. If you wish, you can also make a boutonniere with your own hands. It can be both natural and artificial flowers. And best of all, if it also personifies the marine theme. For example, it can be ribbons that imitate seaweed, a shell or a starfish. Similar attributes should decorate the bridal bouquet so that the boutonniere is combined with it.

Idea for a wedding:

A nautical wedding is best done on the beach, where you don't have to go to the trouble of creating the right surroundings. But if you are planning an indoor wedding, try to arrange it in such a way that the guests feel like they are at a real sea party. For example, a banquet hall can be arranged in the form of a pirate ship.

When planning a wedding in a nautical style, take a look at our album with. They are perfect for this topic.

You should not take on all the hassle of making the attributes of a marine theme, for this responsible and very painstaking work, you can attract girlfriends and friends. The more realistic the design, the more fun and original your wedding will be! You are great fellows for choosing an unconventional option, so do your best to make your dream come true!