Family value. Which rodent recently acclimatized in Russia has already taken one of the most important places in the country's fur industry

One of the most important places in the physical education of students belongs to running. At the lessons of athletics, other motor actions are also associated with running technique: long and high jumps with a running start, as well as throwing. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to solve the problems of teaching schoolchildren in running technique.
Scientific data show that about 90% of children aged 7–10 years have a number of irrational movements and mistakes in running, namely: incomplete extension of the supporting leg when pushing off; the stance phase is longer in time than the flight phase; positioning the leg from the heel and the outer arch of the foot; cross leg work, i.e. the right footprint extends to the left beyond the midline.
In this regard, it becomes necessary to form correct motor skills in running from the first years of schooling.
This article is an attempt to help a physical education teacher in teaching the technique of sprint running. The proposed exercises are aimed at the formation of running technique, they do not have a dosage - the teacher must determine it independently.
The material is not distributed by class, since according to the principle of variability, the teacher has the opportunity to select the content of the educational material in accordance with the age and sex characteristics of students, the material and technical equipment of the educational process, the type of educational institution, regional climatic conditions.

Sprint technique training

The running technique is conventionally divided into the following phases: start, starting acceleration, distance running and finishing.

High start

On the command: "Ready to start!" the student approaches the starting line, puts the strongest leg toe to the line, without crossing it, puts the other back, resting the toe on the ground.

The shoulder and arm, opposite to the leg extended forward, are brought forward, the other arm is laid back.

On command: "Attention!" the student bends both legs so that the weight of the body is distributed in the direction of the leg in front (the trunk is tilted forward).

On command: "March!" the runner pushes off the ground with his forward standing leg, the swinging leg (standing behind) is actively carried forward from the hip, the arms work crosswise.

Methodical sequence of teaching high start technique

1. Starts while walking in an incline, performed at the teacher's signal or when approaching a certain mark.

2. Starts by "falling" from a standing position on two legs (on toes) and on one (jogging) leg.

3. Starts by "falling" from a bent forward position (in an incline), hands are lowered down or on the knees.

4. I. p. - standing in a wide step in an inclination forward, the strongest (pushing) leg in front. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, one in front, the other, of the same name with the leg extended forward, is laid back. Simulation of an active forward extension of the standing leg from the hip behind, combined with the cross work of the arms.

5. High start from a standing position with the strongest (pushing) leg forward.

Start with one arm support - a kind of high start

Start with support on one hand - a variant of a high start - is used, in addition, as an exercise leading to a low start.

In contrast to the high start on the command: "Get to the start!", The legs are bent more here, the body weight is shifted more forward. The hand opposite to the leg put forward touches the ground, the other, bent at the elbow, is laid back.

On command: "Attention!" the weight of the body is transferred to the arm and jogging leg.

On command: "March!" the runner pushes off the ground with his hand and both feet. The first steps should be taken with a large slope, gradually decreasing it.

Methodological sequence of teaching start technique with support on one hand

1. Acceptance of a high start position with support on one hand on the command: "Get started!"

2. Shifting the weight of the body forward with support on one arm and standing in front of the leg on the command: "Attention!", Return to the "Start!" Position.

3. Running from a high start with support on one hand without a signal.

4. Running from a high start with support on one hand at the signal of the teacher.

Low start

A low start is the most common way to start a sprint run, as it allows you to get started faster and develop maximum speed on a short distance. Starting blocks or starting machines are used to provide comfort and strength for the leg support.

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The most optimal for school practice is this method of installing starting blocks, when the front block for the strongest (pushing) leg is set at a distance of 1.5 feet from the start line, and the back block is set at a distance of 1-1.5 feet from the front (or at a distance of length shins from the front block). The support platform of the front shoe is inclined at an angle of 45–60 °, the rear - at an angle of 60–80 °. The distance between the blocks in width is usually equal to the length of the foot.

On the command: "Ready to start!" the student steps over the starting line and stands with the pads behind him. Next, the student squats, puts his hands on the ground, rests the foot of the strongest leg against the support pad of the rear block. Then he goes down to the knee of the leg resting on the back block, pulls his hands over the starting line and puts them close to it so that the body support falls on the hands, the thumbs are turned inward, and the rest are outward (you can lean on the hands with bent fingers).

The arms at the elbows should be straight, but not tense, the shoulders should fall slightly forward. The back should be rounded, but not strained. The head freely continues the line of the body, and the gaze is directed forward at a distance of 0.5-1 m from the starting line.

On command: "Attention!" the student lifts the knee of the leg resting on the back block from the ground, raises the pelvis slightly above the shoulders and pushes the body forward upward. The severity of the body is shifted to the arms and in front of the leg. Move from the "Start!" to the "Attention!" follows smoothly. Then you need to stop all movements, waiting for a shot or a command: "March!".

After a shot or command: "March!" the student takes his hands off the track and at the same time pushes off the blocks. The first leg to come off the block from behind is the standing leg, which is brought forward and slightly inward with the thigh. To shorten the time and path of the foot from the last to the place of its setting on the ground, the first step should be creeping, i.e. carry the foot as close to the ground as possible.

Favorable conditions for increasing the running speed in the shortest possible time are created due to the rather sharp angle of take-off from the pads and the inclined position of the sprinter's body when leaving the start.

Methodological sequence of teaching low start technique

1. Starts from various starting positions: from a standing bent position, from a bent position lying down, from a kneeling position, from a support standing on one knee (swing leg), trunk straight, arms down.

2. Stand on a strongly bent jogging leg, body horizontal, take the other leg (straight) back. The arms are bent, one in front, the other behind. From this position, start running, keeping the horizontal position of the torso as long as possible.

3. Tilts of the body while walking. Standing leg in front is bent, arms are lowered. At the signal of the teacher - a sharp forward movement of the head and shoulders. The leg standing behind, with an active movement of the hip, is brought forward along the shortest path, and the leg standing in front, with increasing effort pushes the student forward, he takes a position, as when running from a low start at the moment of leaving the blocks, and goes to run.

4. Execution of commands: "Get started!" and "Attention!" without starting blocks. The teacher checks the correctness of the acceptance of the starting positions of the trainees and eliminates mistakes. Only after all students have mastered the starting positions, you can move on to teaching running from a low start.

5. Running from a low start without blocks (without a signal and at a teacher's signal). Performing a low start without a start signal is necessary so that students can focus on the correct form and rhythm of movements, and not on the speed and strength of execution.

6. Installation of starting blocks.

7. Execution of commands: "Ready!", "Attention!" from the blocks. Command position: "Attention!" keep motionless for 2-3 sec.

8. Ejection from starting blocks without landing step on hands. A mat can be placed in front of the pads to cushion the fall on the wrists.

9. Long jumps from a position from a position of low start from the blocks. Exercises 8 and 9 are performed to master the repulsion technique.

10. Running from a low start from the blocks without a signal.

11. Running from a low start from the blocks at the signal of the teacher (command: "March!" Students are given the mindset to complete the first step quickly.

Exercises to consolidate and improve the low start technique

1. Running from a low start from the blocks up the hill.

2. Running from a low start from the blocks according to various signals replacing the start commands (for example: "Gop!", "Run!", Etc.).

3. Running from a low start from the blocks with the tightening of the command: "March!" after the command: "Attention!" for 3-5 sec.

4. Running from a low start from the blocks after performing a forward roll.

5. Running from a low start from the blocks after a long jump from a place.

6. From the "Ready to start!" medicine ball forward followed by a quick start in an attempt to catch up with the flying ball.

Starting acceleration

Starting acceleration is called running at the initial section of the distance after the start, where the sprinter develops a speed close to the maximum, and gradually takes on a position characteristic of distance running in order to ensure a smooth increase in stride length and, accordingly, running speed. At the beginning of the starting acceleration, the runner must maintain a sufficient forward lean, but not excessive (to avoid falling). The better the sprinter has developed speed-strength qualities, the greater the slope he will be able to hold the torso in order to provide himself with favorable conditions for repulsion.

The most important task of the teacher when teaching starting acceleration is to teach gradual body straightening.

Methodical sequence of teaching starting acceleration technique

1. Running from a low start under a "gate" made of rope, rubber band or a high jump bar 1.5–2 m from the start line.

2. Running out from a low start "on the reins in harness" with overcoming resistance. The partner holds the starter with a long rubber band, a rope passed under the runner's arms.

3. Running out from a low start with the resistance of a partner. The partner, facing the start in the slope, with one foot in front, rests with straight arms on his shoulders. With the runner running out from the start, the partner continues to offer moderate resistance, running backwards.

4. Running from a low start (10-15 m) while maintaining an optimal torso slope.

Distance running (straight)

Feeling that the running speed has approached the maximum possible and it becomes uncomfortable to run further in the slope, the runner gradually straightens his torso and runs along the distance, trying to make running movements freely, without tension.

During the most important phase of sprint running - take-off - the runner straightens the jerk leg in the hip, knee and ankle joints with powerful push-off. At the same time, an energetic extension of the thigh of the swinging leg contributes to effective repulsion. In the unsupported flight phase, the leg, which has finished pushing off and moved first backward upward, bends at the knee and continues moving forward upward. At the same time, the swinging leg vigorously unbends, falls down and is placed on the ground. Elastic positioning of the leg is provided by landing on the forefoot and some flexion of the leg at the knee joint. This allows you to soften the force of impact on the ground, shorten the braking phase of the support.

A slight forward bend of the torso during distance running remains. At the moment of pushing off, the lower back should be slightly bent and tense. The arms bent at the elbows move forward and backward freely and energetically in accordance with the rhythm of the running steps.

Methodical sequence of teaching the technique of running on a distance (straight line)

1. Walking with a high hip lift, hands on the belt, keep the trunk straight.

2. Running with a high hip lift:

a) standing still in the position of the stop at different angles;
b) in place without support, hands on the belt;
c) with slight forward movement, hands on the belt. The hip rises horizontally, and the supporting leg is fully extended at this time;
d) with "throwing" the heel under the thigh and simultaneously raising the knee up.

3. Minced running (the exercise contributes to the mastery of a straight foot position and full extension of the leg at the knee joint):

a) in place with support;
b) without support;
c) with slow forward movement.

4. Mastering rectilinear movement:

a) running along a “corridor” (narrow track) 20–30 cm wide, made of rubber tape, cord or twine;
b) running in a straight line 5 cm wide, the feet are placed along the line and parallel to it;
c) running on gymnastic benches.

5. Jumping from foot to foot. This exercise develops a wide step, the correct position after repulsion and the following flight (the body is held upright, with a slight forward bend, arm movements - as when running). The leg at the moment of repulsion is fully extended, and the other, bent at the knee joint, is brought forward upward.

6. Jumping from foot to foot with the transition to distance running.

7. Running on straight legs (exercise "Scissors") due to flexion and extension of the legs in the ankle joints. Advance forward with minimal knee flexion.

8. Running at a distance of 10-15 m with a high rise of the thigh - the transition to running from foot to foot at a distance of 10-15 m - the transition to running at a distance of 20-30 m.

9. Running at an even, calm pace with the foot on the front, with an increase in speed at the teacher's signal (command, whistle, clap).

10. Running with acceleration. The speed increases as long as there is freedom of movement and their correct structure.

11. Running for a while on the move (20 m, 30 m).

Hand technique when running short distances

Particular attention should be paid to learning the correct work of the hands when sprinting. Incorrect, enslaved hand work affects the violation of running technique in general, leads to a noticeable decrease in the results of running for short distances. Vigorous, relaxed arm movements increase the speed of the legs.

When running, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, the shoulders are somewhat lowered, the hands are relaxed; the fingers are bent, the thumb touches the middle of the index finger.

The movements of the hands are performed in a single rhythm with the movements of the legs forward and slightly inward, and when moving backward, slightly outward.

Methodological sequence of teaching the technique of hand movement

1. I. p. - one hand is on the belt, the other is bent at the elbow joint, as when running. Movements with a bent arm at a slow pace in the shoulder joint. When moving forward, the hand is brought out to the level of the chin, when moving backward - to the stop. The same with the other hand.

2. I. p. - put one leg forward, arms bent, as when running. Perform a running motion with both hands. Combine the tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms with their relaxation. The teacher gives instructions: "Tensely", "Relaxed" - so that the children can feel the difference in the state of the muscles and learn how to perform arm movements in a relaxed manner. The same - when walking, slow and fast running.

3. Hand movements - as when running from the starting position: one leg is in front, the other is behind, the body is slightly tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow joints.

4. The same at a different pace.

5. Running movements with hands with gradual straightening of the body from the starting position, bending forward.

6. Standing on slightly bent legs, hold the ends of the rope thrown over the neck and shoulders with your hands. Move your arms as if you were running.

7. Running at a slow, medium and fast pace with an emphasis on correct hand work.

Methodical instructions

Exercises 2-6 should be performed in series of 10-15 seconds, no more. Long-term performance of exercises causes fatigue in students, which leads to unnecessary movements of the head and body.

Exercises to consolidate and improve the skills of sprinting technique

Running in a straight line

At the lessons of athletics, in order to consolidate and improve these skills, it is advisable to use special running exercises (SBU), in which the main load falls on the muscles that actively participate in the work. It is important to maintain freedom of running movements, perform them at maximum speed, but at the same time strictly monitor the observance of the running technique.

To consolidate and improve it, as well as to develop speed, the following running exercises can be used:

1. Running at a distance of 10-15 m with a high rise of the thigh, followed by a transition to free running.

2. Running by jumping from foot to foot with a gradual increase in pace and the transition to free running (20-30 m).

3. Alternating running with small, but fast and free steps.

4. The same (10–20 m) with the transition to free run.

5. Running with acceleration to maximum speed and subsequent transition to free running (by inertia).

6. Variable running with several transitions from maximum pace to running by inertia.

7. Running on the move for 10-20 m with tasks:

a) perform running steps as often as possible;
b) run with the least number of steps (stride length).

8. Running from a high, low start on command with the transition to running on a distance (20-30 m).

A good effect in mastering the structure of running movements is given by their implementation without the help of hands, as well as in the switching mode - with and without the use of hands.

Running around the bend

When running around a corner, the torso bends slightly to the left to overcome centrifugal force. For better stability, place your left foot on the track facing outward and your right foot facing inward. The range of motion of the right hand is wider than that of the left. At the same time, when moving backward, the right hand is retracted somewhat to the side, and when moving forward, more inward. When running from a low start, to increase the distance run in a straight line, pads are installed at the outer edge of the track.

Methodical sequence of teaching the technique of running on a turn

1. Running in a circle with a diameter of 40-50 m, gradually decreasing its radius (bringing it to 10-15 m), at different speeds. It should be noted that with a decrease in the turning radius and an increase in running speed, the tilt of the body increases.

2. Running in a straight line with the entrance to the turn. Running up to the turn, to overcome the action of centrifugal force, you need to smoothly tilt the body to the left and slightly turn the feet in the same direction.

3. Running on a turn with the subsequent exit to a straight distance.

4. Running from a high and low start on a turn.


Finishing is the effort of the runner in the last meters of the race. The run is considered finished when the runner touches the imaginary finish plane with any part of the body. The runner will be the first to touch the ribbon (thread) stretched at chest height above the line that marks the end of the distance. To touch it faster, you need to make a sharp forward bend at the last step, throwing your hands back. This method is called the "chest throw".

Another method is also used - finishing with the shoulder, in which the runner leans forward, at the same time turning to the finish ribbon sideways so that he touches it with his shoulder.

Methodical sequence of teaching finishing technique

1. Standing in a step, put your left (right) leg forward, hands down. Step forward with a rapid forward bend of the torso and arms back.

2. Bend forward with the arms back when walking.

3. Bend forward on a ribbon with arms back and with slow and fast running.

4. Bend forward on a ribbon with a turn of the shoulders in slow and fast running, individually and in groups.

5. Throw on the ribbon with the chest forward in small groups of 3-4 people from an accelerating run. Each runner should run on the same level with the others (not overtaking them), and 6–8 m before the finish line, at the teacher's signal, speed up the run in order to try to touch the line first.

When teaching schoolchildren to finish, it is important to teach them to finish running not at the finish line, but after it. For the success of training, you need to carry out exercises in pairs or groups of 3-4 people, selecting students of equal strength or using a handicap (handicap).

MOU "Krasnoselskaya secondary school",
Nizhny Novgorod region.

Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace is beautiful in all respects. It is here that many problems are collected that are relevant in our time. The author skillfully managed to portray not only beautiful images of women, picturesque battles of war, courage and heroism of men, but also human vices, those that we encounter almost every day.
One of the most important places in the novel is occupied by female characters and, of course, Natasha Rostova, this beautiful girl, a young flower of charm and charm. It is about her that will be discussed in my essay.
For a start, it is worth noting that Lev Nikolaevich draws Natasha in development, he gives the reader the opportunity to trace her life over a long period of time. So we do not hide the fact that the worldview, ideals and feelings of the heroine are changing.
For the first time we come across Natasha, at the time when she was a child, a thirteen-year-old girl, then she was “black-eyed, with a big mouth, ugly, but alive”, was very kind and sweet.
Emphasizing the external unattractiveness of his heroine, Tolstoy asserts that the beauty of the soul, internal charm are much more important; giftedness, ability to understand, sensitivity, subtle intuition. Natasha's simplicity, naturalness and spirituality conquer intelligence and good manners.
Tolstoy opposes the lively, energetic, always unexpected Natasha to the cold Helene, a society woman who lives by established rules.
Further, on the following pages of the novel, we see a different Natasha, when she wants to be in the center of attention with age and cause universal admiration. We see that the girl loves herself and expects the same from the others. She likes to think of herself from the third person and remarks about herself: "What a lovely Natasha!" And everyone really admires her, loves her. Natasha, with one impression, defines social behavior, makes people see things in a new way.
It is worth noting that one of the main characters, Pierre, says that Natasha "does not deign to be smart." She has a completely different purpose: she influences the moral life of other heroes, renewing and reviving them to life. Solving difficult questions with each of her actions, Natasha herself, as it were, personifies the answer to the question that Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are looking for so long and painfully. The heroine herself has no inclination to evaluate and analyze actions and phenomena.
We know that the Russian national character is originally embedded in the heroine, so the author shows his sympathy for Natasha. For example, the scene after the hunt, when the girl listens with pleasure to the game and the singing of her uncle, who “sang as the people sing,” and then dances “The Lady”, can serve as a proof of this judgment. All those around her are amazed at her ability to understand everything that was in every Russian person. “Where, how, when she sucked into herself from this Russian air, which she breathed, - this decanter, brought up by an emigrant Frenchwoman, this spirit, where did she get these techniques that should have long been supplanted!”.

One of the most important places in the history of the Great October Socialist Revolution, the centenary of which we are celebrating this year, is occupied by the outstanding work of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, most widely known as the April Theses.

Its full title is "On the Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution". The ten Leninist theses, which form the basis of this work, fully reflect the moral, political and socio-economic principles on which the Bolshevik party relied in its opposition to the chaos that gripped the country after the February Revolution. The party was guided by these theses in its struggle to build a new society, to build a socialist state.

Soon it will be 100 years since the day when this epoch-making work of the leader of the world proletariat saw the light of day. Lenin wrote it on April 3 (April 16 in a new style) 1917 and took as a basis two of his programmatic speeches at meetings held the next day in Petrograd - at a meeting of the Bolsheviks in the Kshesinskaya mansion and at a meeting of Bolsheviks and Mensheviks - participants in the All-Russian Conference of Soviets of Workers and soldiers' deputies in the Tauride Palace. On April 7, Lenin's theses were published in the newspaper Pravda and reprinted in other Bolshevik publications.

Time for the great turnaround

This work of Lenin is small in volume, it fits into five pages of printed text. But its historical significance is enormous. It is the most important document reflecting a fateful turning point in the history of the Russian revolutionary movement. The turning point, thanks to which the liberal-bourgeois transformations that followed the abdication of the last Russian monarch from power, were replaced by socialist transformations in a few months. And at the same time, the "April Theses" prove the power of Lenin's genius, the amazing political sagacity of the creator of the Soviet state.

In Russia, which had just survived the fall of a thousand-year monarchy, Vladimir Ilyich returned from forced emigration just a few hours before the April Theses were written. But in this work, he gave such a deep and accurate assessment of the situation in the country and the prospects for the development of the revolutionary movement, which was not capable of any politician from those who observed the events of February from the inside and directly participated in them.

It is here, in the April Theses, that Lenin was the first to unconditionally declare the February historical turn in the history of Russia as an intermediate one, which will inevitably be followed by a new and most important stage: the transfer of power into the hands of the people and the socialist transformation of the country. Lenin declares that February is only a prerequisite for such a transformation, relying on Marxist dialectics, on a Marxist understanding of the laws of history. And therefore, already a month after the February Revolution, he says with all confidence: “The peculiarity of the current moment in Russia consists in the transition from the first stage of the revolution, which gave power to the bourgeoisie due to the lack of consciousness and organization of the proletariat, to its second stage, which should give power in the hands of the proletariat and the poorest strata of the peasantry. "

And then, already in the notes to his theses, Lenin with final clarity asserts the Bolshevik political doctrine as a communist doctrine. Declares the need to dissociate the Bolsheviks from those half-hearted attitudes that turned out to be dominant in the social democratic movement. This also entails the need to change the very name of the party: "Instead of" Social Democracy, whose official leaders throughout the world betrayed socialism, ... we must call ourselves the Communist Party, "writes Lenin.

These Leninist words fully echo the present day, when most of the parties and political movements, primarily Western ones, who consider themselves to be "leftists", have almost completely abandoned Marxist attitudes and are drifting more and more towards liberal ideology. The "left liberals" of Europe and America, in fact, solidarize with the basic principles of global capitalism, only adding to them a limited set of social requirements, the implementation of which cannot solve the problems inherent in the capitalist system as such. Moreover, social and anti-globalization accents in the programs of Western "left liberals" are increasingly often found to be even weaker than in the programs of their opponents from the "right" camp. It is this, in our opinion, that is the main reason for the increasingly obvious crisis of trust in the left-wing parties and political leaders in today's world and the rapid strengthening of the positions of right-wing conservative politicians, which we are now seeing in America and Europe.

The modern "left" elite of the West is increasingly becoming a purely liberal elite, committing the same betrayal of socialism that Lenin spoke about when assessing the situation in the social democratic movement of the early 20th century. And thus, just like 100 years ago, this elite is approaching its collapse. The crisis of these so-called leftists in the West is not at all connected with the fact that genuinely leftist sentiments in the world are weakening, that people's desire for social justice is not strong enough. On the contrary, this crisis is associated with the unwillingness and inability of the "left liberals" to meet the growing demands that are acquiring an increasingly pronounced socialist character.

Realizing this and making sure with what obviousness the laws of the development of political processes outlined by Lenin 100 years ago are being confirmed in our time, we, modern communists, must firmly realize that our position, our choice is correct. Recognize that history itself confirms the correctness of those who firmly uphold the Marxist-Leninist principles and continue to persistently fight for their implementation, seeing this as the only alternative to the current crisis. Lenin's theses remind us of what we must rely on in this struggle, none of which has lost its relevance and value today.

No government support

The April Theses answer the fundamental questions that confronted the communists at the beginning of the last century, and today they confront us, the heirs of the Leninist party. This is the question of the attitude of the communists to the government established in the country and to the system that this government is building. This is the question of property and what kind of state, what kind of system the communists will build, taking power into their own hands. When Lenin announced his theses, his directness and adherence to principles simply frightened many. But time has proved Lenin's rightness. And this should inspire us today, when the political and socio-economic situation in the country is becoming more and more similar to the situation a century ago.

Assessing those liberal-bourgeois forces that came to power as a result of the February Revolution as forces serving the interests of world capital and far from the interests of the people, Lenin categorically excludes any support of these forces by the communists, any alliance with them. He unconditionally insists on "a complete break in deeds with all the interests of capital" and calls on: "No support for the provisional government, an explanation of the complete falsity of all its promises ..." Hence follows the tactics of political struggle, which Lenin formulates in his theses: "As long as we are in the minority , we conduct work of criticism and clarification of mistakes, preaching at the same time the need for the transfer of all state power to the Soviets of Workers' Deputies ... "

The position of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in relation to the policy pursued by the current Russian government of market liberals - the ideological twins of the Provisional Government of 1917, who surpassed their predecessors both in cynicism towards the people and in managerial helplessness - fully corresponds to these Leninist principles and requirements. We are the only political force that consistently opposes all anti-popular initiatives of the Cabinet of Ministers. The only political force that never votes for the budget of degradation and disintegration, which is annually imposed on the country by the government. The only political force that insists on the replacement of the current irresponsible cabinet by the Government of the People's Trust, offers a coherent program of action and is able to ensure its implementation.

The very name "Provisional Government", associated with the specific political circumstances that arose after the February Revolution, has a symbolic meaning. By its actions, this government has fully proved that it is a government of temporary workers, alien to the true interests of the country and the people. The power of such temporary workers cannot but give rise to a fundamental conflict with society, which for them ends in inevitable collapse. But the temporary workers who were brought to power by February did not last even a year. Their rule collapsed as quickly as the monarchy they replaced. And the current temporary workers - the ideological followers of the then - have been holding power in their hands for more than a quarter of a century. Only individual personalities are replaced. But the government that determines the socio-economic fate of modern Russia remains essentially the same. Because the essence of the government's policy, its adherence to recipes that are destructive for Russia, "prescribed" by foreign "curators" hostile to our country, have not changed since the early 1990s.

What allows them to remain in power for so long? By what means has the present "Provisional Government" of the destroyer liberals been held for more than 25 years? Lenin's April Theses help us answer this question too, comparing the current situation with the situation a century ago.

Provisional technologies

Speaking about the favorable political prospects of the Bolsheviks, Lenin in his work emphasizes that after the February Revolution they can act as legally as possible. This is facilitated by the political situation that has developed after the overthrow of the monarchy: "Russia is now the freest country in the world of all the belligerent countries." This was the historical paradox favorable for the Leninist party: the growing chaos and anarchy after February, from which only the communists could save the country, was accompanied by a weakening of political pressure on them, which facilitated the possibility of a struggle for power. And that hastened the transfer of power into the hands of the Bolsheviks, which would save Russia. This is the fundamental difference between the then situation and the current situation, when helplessness and chaos in the management of the economy and the social sphere are combined with the maximum mobilization and toughness of power in the matter of political self-preservation.

Having come to power as a result of the collapse of the USSR, liberal extremists began to rapidly destroy and plunder the country and very quickly lost the support of even that part of society that unconditionally supported them during the years of perestroika that preceded the anti-Soviet coup of the early 1990s. The Yeltsin-Gaidar team enjoyed massive support for a little longer than the Provisional Government of 1917. But to retain her power, she used openly fascist methods, which made themselves felt both during the execution of the Supreme Soviet in October 1993, and during that shameless bacchanalia into which the authorities turned the presidential elections of 1996. So the new "Provisional Government" was able to accomplish what its predecessors failed in 1917.

And with the beginning of the XXI century, it made a bet on what was, in principle, inaccessible to the temporary workers at the beginning of the XX century:

On modern technologies of mass propaganda fooling;

Reinforced implantation of values ​​that contribute to the intellectual and moral degradation of society;

Cynical and criminal election manipulation.

It is on these three "whales" that the illusion of "stability" and "reconciliation" of the impoverished people with the oligarchy that has seized Russian resources and its henchmen in power has been holding for the last decade and a half. "Reconciliation", to which the authorities are hypocritically calling on the country where the incomes of the absolute majority of citizens have been rapidly and non-stop declining for more than two years in a row. Where 72 out of 100 people live on 15 thousand rubles or less per month. Where the industry and the social sphere continue to degrade, and the fabulous wealth of large owners - dollar millionaires and billionaires - is only growing. Where nine-tenths of the national wealth are concentrated in the hands of one percent of the moneybags.

Given such an ugly situation, characteristic only of the most backward economies in the world, normal development of the country is impossible in principle. And to "reconciliation" with this we are urged by the current masters of the country, who are ready to exploit in the most shameless way even the sacred feelings for the people associated with the reunification of Russia and Crimea, with our support for the struggle of Donbass and Luhansk against the Bandera clique in Ukraine. Exploited to justify the destructive policies pursued within Russia and to preserve the system that threatens the country with social and economic catastrophe.

Paying tribute to the genius of Lenin, who stood at the head of the greatest transformations in world history, we must simultaneously admit: the conditions of struggle in which we have to act are even more difficult, more difficult to resolve the issue of power and property than those that fell to the lot of the Bolsheviks. in 1917. It is all the more important for us to remember Lenin's call, voiced in the April Theses, to "adapt to the special conditions of party work among the unheard-of broad masses of the proletariat that have just awakened to political life."

Rescue program

Problems aggravated during the crisis inevitably lead to an increase in protest potential, to the political awakening of society. It is our job to promote this awakening on a daily basis. At the same time, not allowing the potential of protest to grow into anarchy and chaos, which is what our opponents from the camp of the "liberal opposition" are dreaming of and persistently provoking. In a situation where, through the fault of the authorities, the socio-economic crisis entails a political crisis, only the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its consistent allies can channel the growing discontent in society into the channel of a meaningful struggle of the people for their legitimate rights. For the revival of the welfare state, for the implementation of the socialist program declared by Lenin in the April Theses:

- "Nationalization of all lands in the country"

- "Immediate merger of all banks in the country into one national bank ..."

- "The pay to all officials, with the election and replacement of all of them at any time, is not higher than the average pay of a good worker."

The implementation of these proposals is directly reflected in the KPRF program.

We are the only party that has stubbornly resisted the introduction of private land ownership by market liberals. Time has proved that we are right: the transfer of land into the hands of large owners leads to the degradation of the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole. As the international situation aggravates, ensuring the country's independence in the food sector is becoming an increasingly acute issue of Russia's security.

We also demand the nationalization of raw materials industries, as well as the most important industrial enterprises, without which it is impossible to ensure the flow of funds to the treasury that are necessary to ensure the full development of the country, its technological renewal, and modernization of the economy.

Without Lenin's nationalization, the feat of Stalin's industrialization, which made it possible in the shortest possible time to overcome the centuries-old backwardness of Russia, to build a powerful industrial and social infrastructure, would have been impossible. To provide such a defensive capability that allowed the USSR to withstand the most powerful, predatory and ruthless enemy. In the same way, without nationalization, which the Communist Party insists on, it is impossible to stop the further degradation of the economy and social sphere, which threatens the very existence of Russia as a united and independent state.

We insist on freeing the financial system of Russia from external control, which is now directly served by the country's banks, professing the cult of liberal monetarism and directly contributing to the strangulation of domestic producers with the help of extortionate lending rates. Like Lenin in 1917, we today proclaim the need for a centralized banking system. The creation of the State Bank, which will be such not only in name, but also in fact, without which the Russian economy will never wait for the investments it needs vitally.

We are convinced that those who come to power should not come out of a desire for enrichment, but out of a desire to benefit the country and people. Therefore, it is necessary to deprive the selfish incentives going into power, which unconditionally prevail in the power sphere today. This is exactly what Lenin meant when he spoke of the need for legislative restrictions on the income of officials. And this is precisely what the Communist Party of the Russian Federation insists on today.

In the April Theses, Lenin says that one of the main problems slowing down the transition from the liberal-bourgeois stage of the revolution to the socialist stage is the trusting and unconscious attitude of the popular masses "to the government of capitalists, the worst enemies of the world and socialism." The same problem is facing us, today's communists, who oppose the new "Provisional Government", which has lingered too long in power. And this problem can be solved only by persistently addressing the people and using for this any opportunities and the most diverse forms of education, explanation and agitation.

The fact that the problems are growing and becoming more and more unbearable is becoming more obvious to the citizens of the country every day. But we must direct all our efforts to make society realize that the root of the problems, the source of the crisis situation is in the very system of capitalist relations. The fact that the current Russian government is committed to this system in its wildest, most barbaric and destructive forms. And today the ultimate goal, to which it is necessary to strive for the country to begin to revive, is the same as what Lenin's April Theses say. What is needed is not just a change of power, but a change of the system of oligarchic capitalism by a socialist system. A humane and highly spiritual system.

Socialism or unrest

Like 100 years ago, today the opponents of socialism are trying to accuse Lenin and his associates of pushing the country towards civil war by putting forward the program stated in the April Theses. This is a shameless lie. Even then, in April 1917, Lenin convincingly refuted it in the notes to his theses.

All conscientious historians admit that after the Bolsheviks came to power, the bloody confrontation was provoked not by them, but by those who tried to resist the construction of socialism in our country. And they shouted the loudest about the prospects of a civil war in advance precisely because they were ready to unleash it. They were ready to kindle the fire of a fratricidal war - if only to preserve the power of capital, in which the gigantic incomes of a handful of "chosen ones" were provided by the privations and poverty of the absolute majority. Objectively speaking, the war they organized was not civil. It was a war against Russia, unleashed by an international coalition of its external and internal enemies, united by the interests of capital and hatred of socialism, hatred of the awakened people.

But if the Bolsheviks in 1917 had not followed the path outlined in Lenin's April Theses, if they had faltered and agreed to a compromise with the liberal-bourgeois government, Russia, plunged into chaos, would have faced complete disintegration and even larger losses ... Lenin was clearly aware of this at that time, and we must realize this today.

Only the continuation of the current destructive course can push the country towards bloody anarchist unrest. And only the implementation of our requirements and our ideas, inheriting the behests of Lenin, will keep Russia from collapse and return it to the path of successful development. We have on our side the righteousness of the great predecessors, confirmed by history, and their outstanding experience. Our duty is to follow this experience and use it with dignity for the good of the Motherland, whose peaceful existence and prosperity can only be guaranteed by a renewed socialism.

Muskrat... This animal from the family of mouse-like rodents resembles a small beaver in appearance (body length 30 centimeters, tail - 25 centimeters; weight - about 1 kilogram). The life of the muskrat is closely related to water. She swims excellently; the hind limbs act as a kind of paddle blades. The forelimbs are adapted for burrowing activity. Beautiful, thick, smooth and shiny muskrat fur is stronger than squirrel fur. The homeland of the muskrat is North America. The animal was first brought to the former USSR in 1928 from Finland. To date, the muskrat has been released and acclimatized in 73 regions, territories and autonomous republics of the Union; she settled in reservoirs located in more than half of the territory of Russia. In the all-Union procurement of fur raw materials, the muskrat is in 4-5 place, and in some areas - even in the first place. Up to 2.5 million muskrat skins are harvested annually in the Union.

The reservoirs of the southern part of the former USSR, rich in forage, with a warm climate, where this animal brings offspring 3-4 times a year, turned out to be especially favorable for the reproduction of the muskrat. In the delta of the river or flowing into Lake Balkhash, the country's largest state Bakanas muskrat farm has been organized, where about half of all muskrats harvested in the USSR are harvested. In the Kirghiz SSR, where the muskrat began to be produced in 1947, already now this animal has taken the first place in terms of the value of the products given.

Turkish carnation (Dianthus barbatus)

The acclimatization of the muskrat in the USSR, carried out by Soviet zoologists and game managers, is a remarkable example of the enrichment of the commercial fauna of our country.

This unpretentious animal inhabits any water bodies: a small pond, river, sea coast. Muskrat, like a beaver, digs holes, or builds "huts" from plant remains, the latter - in the presence of low banks or in swampy areas. For the existence of the muskrat, it is necessary to have coastal and aquatic plants that serve as food for the animal: cattail, reed, reed, horsetail, water lily. Muskrat can also eat up plants that are poisonous to humans and domestic animals: marigold, iris (iris). In winter, with a lack of plant food, the muskrat feeds on snails, frogs, insects, and sometimes small fish.

Fungal allergy

Mushrooms occupy one of the most important places on Earth. They have in fact mastered the most diverse environments in the biosphere, a component of which is a person who is surrounded by mushrooms, and in some cases micromycetes have entered (or are) interacting with him. Some species have become normal inhabitants of the human body, others - under certain circumstances - cause corresponding diseases - mycoses, and, finally, still others are able to sensitize the macroorganism and induce allergic conditions - mycoallergosis. The vital activity of fungi takes place in conditions of temperature and humidity close to optimal for humans. Therefore, mushrooms are always near a person, fungal cells constantly fall on his skin and mucous membranes, in most cases without causing disease, if the person's immune system is not disturbed. They are widespread in the atmosphere of the city and residential premises. Mushrooms are excreted in large quantities from house dust, fruits and vegetables. The content of fungi in the environment is subject to seasonal fluctuations. They are most often found in spring and autumn in wet weather. Most of the fungal spores during the rainy season.

Mushrooms are genetically foreign to humans, therefore, when they hit the surface or deep into the tissues, the human body seeks to free itself from them. The main role in this process belongs to the immune system. It is she who recognizes genetically foreign structures - fungal cells, binds them and promotes excretion from the body. Some people develop an overly strong response to the introduction of fungi into the body. In this case, allergic reactions or even diseases develop. This is the mechanism of development of mycogenic allergy.

Mycogenic allergies are a collective concept that includes diseases based on a similar mechanism - allergization of the human body with mold antigens.

Mycogenic allergy has various clinical manifestations, which can be divided into 3 main groups: mycoallergosis of the skin, digestive and respiratory organs. Lesions of the skin and digestive organs are relatively rare and are associated mainly with fungi of the genus Sandida.

On the contrary, respiratory mycoallergies are extremely common, since a wide variety of fungi can act as a provoking factor in diseases such as allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. In addition to bronchial asthma, allergic mycogenic conjunctivitis, rhinitis, and nasopharyngitis develop. They can be independent or accompany bronchial asthma. Many patients suffering from bronchial asthma remember that their illness began with a chronic rhinitis, which was difficult to treat. In many cases, asthma joins gradually, first in the form of episodic bronchospasm, the patient feels it as a whistling in the chest, then in the form of a pronounced attack of suffocation or a steadily progressive violation of respiratory function.

Various genera of fungi, when ingested, can only cause sensitization without subsequent growth, reproduction and the development of banal inflammation. Hypersensitivity to various types of fungi in humans varies widely from 7 to 22%. Sensitization more often occurs when fungal spores enter the respiratory tract.

The risk group for the development of mycogenic allergy includes persons with infectious and atopic variants of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and people associated with fungi by occupation (except for poultry farmers, livestock breeders, workers of microbiological enterprises, these are employees of pharmacies, libraries, mushroom pickers, etc. .). Exacerbations of bronchopulmonary diseases in patients suffering from mycogenic allergy are associated with periods of rapid multiplication of fungi, that is, with the seasons (most often this occurs in February-March and September-November).

More often than others, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida and mold fungi of the genus Cladosporium, Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium are guilty of human pathology.

^ A ltemaria alternata is a frequent and ubiquitous variety found on many plants and other substrates, including soil, nutrients and tissues. Known habitats are soil, grain silage, rotten wood, compost, bird nests and various forest plants. Blackheads on tomatoes can be caused by A. alternata. They are often found in window frames. They are seen as molds in open spaces and appear in warm weather. A. Alternata is regarded as one of the most important allergenic molds. Allergies increase towards the end of summer.

^ Aspergillus fumigatus... It is a heat-resistant mushroom with worldwide distribution. This fungus is found in soil, leaves and plant debris, rotting vegetables and roots, bird droppings, tobacco, sweet potatoes, spoiled foods, organic waste. Compared to other airborne allergens, the concentration of spores in the air is low, although there can often be localization there.

^ Candida albicans... The yeast C. albicans is rarely found in its volatile form. It is commonly found in soil, organic debris and in humans, where it exists as a saprophyte in the nasopharynx and feces. Clinically, this can lead to serious infectious diseases such as thrush of newborns, skin infections in patients with diabetes mellitus and sepsis, in immunocompromised patients. Its universal spread, infectious properties and readiness to elicit an immunological response make the assessment of potential hypersensitivity rather difficult. Candida-specific immunoglobulin E antibodies have been determined in asthma and rhinitis.

^ Cladosporium herbatum... It is found in all parts of the world, proving, with a few exceptions, that Cladosporium is the most common mold in the air. Dry spores are easily airborne and transported even across the oceans. Indoor spore concentration is highly correlated with outdoor concentration. This type of mold is often found in unwashed refrigerators, foods, damp window frames, poorly ventilated buildings with thatched roofs, and low, humid areas. They have been isolated in fuel tanks, face creams, paints and fabrics.

Cladosporium is one of the widely studied molds and is the most commonly reported positive skin test in allergy sufferers.

^ Mucor racemosus... Mucor is also the dominant mold found in floor dust in buildings and is considered internal mold. In various clinical studies, Mucor has been identified as an important mold allergen in hypersensitive patients.

^ Penicillium notatum... Penicillium notatum is very widespread in the soil; it is found relatively often in temperate zones in forests, fields and arable soils. It can be isolated from decaying leaves and vegetables. It is also found in harvested grain, hay. It is also considered an important indoor mold. Indoors, Penicillium is a blue-green mold found on stale bread, fruits and nuts and used to make green and blue blue cheese. Penicillium does not show any particular seasonal variation, but reaches peak concentrations in winter and spring.

^ Pityrosporum orbiculare... Pityrosporum is a lipophilic form of the yeast Malassezia furfur (dandruff), commonly regarded as a non-pathogenic saprophyte and can be found on the skin of more than 80% of healthy adults, as well as on animal skin, rarely in young children. Pityrosporum infections occur in hair follicles. There is speculation about a link between P. Orbicular and atopic eczema.

Mycogenous allergy is not overly frequent, but it is not a rare disease either. Therefore, against the background of a wide variety of allergens, it is necessary to skillfully differentiate mycoallergy from other forms of allergic diseases in order to provide timely and comprehensive care to patients.

Diagnostics of any allergic diseases is aimed at identifying antibodies of an etiologically significant allergen with the aim of its further elimination, the organization of preventive measures to prevent the patient's contact with the allergen.

The presence of specific immunoglobulins E in the blood serum is direct evidence of the presence of body sensitization. The research method is based on a fully automated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for allergen-specific immunoglobulins E with a chemiluminescent method for recording the results. The studies are performed on the analyzer Immulite 2000 USA using DPC reagents, USA.

Currently, in the laboratory of the Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of the OKD "CD and CCX", studies of the level of specific immunoglobulins E to the following fungal allergens are being carried out: Penicillium notatum, Cladosporium herbatum, Aspergillius fumigatus, Mucor racemosium, Candida albicans, Alternaria, Prosporium orosporium orosporare In addition, it is possible to study other groups of allergens (household, pollen, epidermal, food, insect allergens, professional allergens).

Svetlana Nikolaevna Nokhrina,


Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology