What to give a dog for the new year. Gifts for friends for the New Year of the Yellow Dog. For wife or girlfriend

: what not to give to men, women, children, adolescents, the elderly - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. New Year is everyone's favorite and very long-awaited holiday. For a long time there is a good tradition to exchange gifts and surprises on New Year's Eve. It is always pleasant to receive New Year's gifts and it is no less pleasant to give them to loved ones.

2018 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This fact and the preferences of this animal should be taken into account when choosing New Year's gifts. It is very important to know that it is strictly forbidden to give for the New 2018, which New Year's gifts in the Year of the Dog are the most dangerous.

The most dangerous gifts for the New Year 2018 Dogs: what can not be given to children - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. In principle, children on New Year's Eve are pleased to receive any gift, because the attention of their parents is important for them by itself. However, in the case of children, there are prohibited gifts for the New Year of the Dog 2018.

Children on New Year 2018 of the Dog do not need to give toys and books with cats. After all, it is known that a cat and a dog are not very friendly. Therefore, such a gift may not please the patroness of the coming year.
Also, do not give expensive shoes and clothes to children as a New Year's gift. The fact is that they simply will not be able to appreciate such a gift.

The most dangerous gifts for the New Year 2018 Dogs: what should not be given to teenagers - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. Teenagers are the same children, only much more vulnerable. Therefore, the choice of a 2018 New Year's gift for a teenage child should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. In no case do not give them plush toys, even if it is a symbol of the year - a plush dog.

Many teenagers are addicted to gadgets. However, if you decide to give your child a tablet or phone as a gift, you also run the risk of miscalculating, because your tastes in this regard may differ.

The most dangerous gifts for the New Year 2018 Dogs: what should not be given to women - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. Many women are not indifferent to jewelry. However, for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, you cannot give jewelry such as necklaces, beads, chains. All these accessories will not be to the liking of the Dog, because they will be associated with a collar, and therefore with a restriction of freedom.

It is also not worth choosing a perfume as a New Year's 2018 gift for a woman. As you know, the Dog has an excellent sense of smell, many smells can simply irritate it.

The most dangerous gifts for the New Year 2018 Dogs: what should not be given to men - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. Even considering that the Dog is a simple and unpretentious animal, refuse banal gifts in the form of shaving razors, deodorants and shower gels.

It is impossible for the New Year 2018 of the Dog to give men any piercing and cutting objects - knives, tools, scissors, and so on. The hostess of the coming year can take such a gift for a threat and become very angry.

You should also not give alcohol, even an elite one. A gift in the form of a wallet for the New 2018 of the Dog is also blacklisted.

The most dangerous gifts for the New Year 2018 Dogs: what should not be given to the elderly - the black list of New Year's gifts 2018. The black list of New Year's gifts 2018 for the elderly includes mirrors and watches. The clock will remind them of the transience of life, and mirrors can draw out vital energy. In addition, dogs often react negatively to their reflection in the mirror, so the Mistress of the Year will clearly not like such a gift.

We wish you a Happy New Year of the Dog 2018 and wonderful gifts that bring joy and pleasure!

The most relevant topic on the eve of the New Year holidays is gifts. Each of us is trying to acquire a high-quality and useful thing that would correspond to the tastes of the person to whom it is intended.

There are a huge number of options for New Year's gifts, but there is also a specific list of what cannot be given for New Year 2018.

Carefully study each of the positions so that you do not have to experience inconvenience and blush for your present at the holiday.

The most useless gifts in the Year of the Dog

2018 according to the Eastern calendar will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. This is an intelligent, good-natured and loyal animal that loves affection and warmth.

In order not to miscalculate with a gift, try to give cute and sincere gifts. Of course, you can find out in advance what your friend, loved one, relative or colleague is dreaming of.

But, you must admit, it is more pleasant to surprise with an original, and most importantly, a successful gift that will show how much you value the existing relationship. There is a list of things that are not meant to be gifted on New Years, especially in the Year of the Dog.

Let's take a look at it right now.

  • Valuable jewellery. This option is allowed, but you should not buy the ones that are worn around the neck or wrist. The patron animal will not approve of such a present and will not allow it to be in long-term use.
  • Various toiletries such as shower gels, shampoos, washcloths, combs and other little things. In addition, perfume is considered bad form in gifts. To present perfumery, you need to thoroughly know the person's preferences, otherwise your gift will be useless.
  • Porcelain figurines. The figurine is a banal and uncomplicated gift that will not reveal the whole bouquet of your feelings for the person being gifted. On the contrary, it will show that you are devoid of imagination and act primitively - you buy the first thing that catches your eye.
  • Animal. If you decide to give someone a dog, cat or any other animal without warning, you risk upsetting your friend. A pet requires attention, care, affection, and before making such a surprise, it is better to ask a person if he needs this animal. This will be very appropriate if your friend has long dreamed of having animals at home and constantly repeats about it.
  • Watch. It is considered bad form to give someone a watch, and many are suspicious of such a gift. Superstitious people believe that the presented watch will bring misfortune, and if it was presented by a loved one, then it also portends separation. If, nevertheless, the gifted person insists on such a New Year's present, let him pay a couple of coins for it, as if making a purchase.
  • Home clothes. Shirts, bathrobe, slippers, towels - all this should not be put under the Christmas tree. You may not be guessing with the size, and the gift will simply gather dust on the shelf.

  • Mirror. Since ancient times, the mirror was treated with special trepidation. People believed that it contained some magical qualities, and most importantly, a part of the human soul. It is not for nothing that they say that the mirror hanging in the house absorbs the energy of the household and contains individual information about them. Therefore, the acquisition of such an item should be dealt with directly by the future owner.
  • Candles. This is a good practical thing, but by no means an option for. Even decorative candles, of which a huge number are now produced, cannot serve as a good present.
  • Socks. Lately, many people think that socks are a wonderful gift that can be presented on any of the holidays. Women, without thinking twice, take them in packs and give them to their beloved. Of course, this is a practical and always necessary thing, but you can buy it just like that, between other things, and not buy it specially for the New Year.
  • Money. Giving money for a holiday has always been considered bad form. Nowadays, of course, an envelope with money no longer seems so commonplace, but it's better to do without it. If you have already decided to use the idea with money, then present a certificate for a certain amount, for example, to a perfume and cosmetics store.

What about flowers?

If you want to please your beloved woman with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then this must be done. There are no signs and superstitions about this among the people are not known. In addition, in European countries this issue is not even discussed - men can give adorable flowers to their lady even without a reason. In Russia, however, a woman gets a bouquet, at most, only on holidays.

For the New Year, you can present a bright ikibana, consisting not only of buds, but also of spruce branches, cones, mountain ash and other winter material.

And what masterpieces are created by modern florists. They are able to create a real miracle, which will undoubtedly become the main decoration of the festive table. Such a bouquet can be given not only to close people, but also to work colleagues, boss and business partners.

Coming to the end, we want to believe that you will be able to successfully choose a New Year's present and approach its choice not only from a practical, but also from a creative side. These are the gifts that are most appreciated and give a lot of pleasure. Do not delay making a list of those things that you will present for the holiday, because the New Year is just around the corner.

Many of the fairer sex love chains and necklaces, but in 2018, this gift can bring bad luck. The fact is that such accessories resemble collars, which are not to the liking of dogs ...

For the New Year it is pleasant not only to receive, but also to give gifts. When choosing them, one should take into account the nature of the new patroness - the Yellow Earth Dog, as well as her preferences, because it is strictly forbidden to give some things.

A wonderful tradition of giving gifts for the New Year has existed for a long time. On the eve of the holiday, shop windows are full of a variety of original things that can be presented to your loved ones as a sign of attention. When the moment comes to exchange gifts, we carefully observe the recipient's emotions. If the present is not to your liking, it can greatly ruin the festive mood.

The Yellow Earth Dog will become the patroness of the next year. Even despite the friendliness and unpretentiousness of this animal, you need to carefully approach the choice of a gift. The team of the dailyhoro.ru website presents to your attention a list of gifts that are forbidden to give on New Year 2018.

What can not be given to children for the New Year 2018

As a rule, children are pleased with any sign of parental attention. Despite this, it would be inappropriate to give a child overly expensive clothes or shoes. They simply will not be able to appreciate your gift, and it will not bring them much joy.

Given the hostile relationship between cats and dogs, it is undesirable to give your child toys in the form of cats or books that depict feline representatives.

If your child loves pets and has long asked you to bring a furry friend to the house, then give preference to puppies, because the patroness of the year does not get along well with cats.

What can not be given to teenagers for the New Year 2018

Teenagers are grown-up children, only more vulnerable. Therefore, a gift should be chosen carefully, because any little thing can offend them and even make them angry. Remember to consider your baby's gender. For example, a soft toy will certainly delight a girl, but a boy is unlikely to be happy with such a gift.

It is believed that giving money is bad form. Despite this, most teenagers will be delighted with such a gift. Adolescence is quite difficult, and in this case it is not at all easy to please a child. Therefore, it will be better if you donate at least a small amount of money, and how he will dispose of it, the child will decide for himself.

Most teenagers love gadgets and are interested in the latest innovations. However, if you decide to give your child a new phone or tablet, first find out about his preferences. It is undesirable to give such a gift based on your tastes.

What should not be given to women

Many of the fairer sex love necklaces, but in 2018 this a gift can bring bad luck... The fact is that such accessories resemble collars, which are not to the liking of dogs. If you want to please a woman with jewelry without angering the new patroness, let it be rings, bracelets or earrings.

Pearls are considered to be one of the most expensive gemstones. It is inappropriate to bring it as a gift to familiar women and girlfriends. Such a present will come in handy if you want to give it to your beloved wife or mother.

Despite the fact that women love perfume, it is not worth giving it in 2018. Dogs have a rather sensitive sense of smell, and most of the odors are annoying. Such a gift will anger the Mistress, and then the next year will not be successful for you.

Many people think that beauty products are a good and useful gift for a woman. It's hard to argue with this, but even here there are certain nuances. It is necessary to take into account the color scheme. Many people love bright makeup and prefer bright shades of lipsticks and eyeshadows. Young girls, on the other hand, tend to prefer less noticeable and more natural tones, but more often it depends on taste. Therefore, such a gift will delight a woman only if you know her preferences well and can make the right choice. It is not recommended to give creams and hygiene products - some of the fair sex may offend.

Try to only give cooking utensils to women who are passionate about cooking and like to pamper their family with new dishes. Otherwise, this gift will be typical and unoriginal. For the same reason, it is undesirable to donate dishes and other household items.

If you are choosing a gift for a female colleague, then try to take into account her hobbies. It is not recommended to donate stationery.

What can not be given to men for the New Year 2018

Despite the fact that the Dog is an unpretentious animal, gifts should not be trivial. Therefore, it is undesirable to give shaving razors, deodorants and underwear.

Like women, men should not be given perfume. By avoiding this gift, you will avoid the wrath of a new patroness.

In the Year of the Dog as a gift to be avoided wallets... While useful, this gift can bring poverty and monetary hardship in 2018.

It is undesirable for young guys to give alcohol, even if it is elite, or cigars. Such a gift is more suitable for adult men.

What should not be given to the elderly

Watches are considered a bad gift for the elderly. Such a gift reminds of the transience of life, so it is best to avoid it.

Do not give old people something that reminds of age. Such a gift is useful only if a person needs constant monitoring of health.

In 2018, it is undesirable to give a mirror to any person. Sometimes dogs react very aggressively to their reflection and are even afraid of it, so such a gift can be dangerous. For the elderly, it will be detrimental, because mirrors draw out vital energy and internal forces.

When choosing gifts, try to make them original, not stereotyped. If you want your token of attention to be special, then take a little time and do DIY gift.

We wish you a Happy New Year!

It is a good thing to give and receive gifts, especially on the kindest and most magical holiday - New Year. Someone likes to give, someone likes to receive, but both want the surprise to be a success. That is: it didn’t turn out to be a useless dust collector, it pleased the eye and soul, the next totem from the eastern horoscope came to taste.

After all, we do not believe in Santa Claus, here you are a mythical patron animal. In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog takes over. At first glance - a strange beast, in fact - a friendly person who values ​​freedom and reasonable comfort. What to give for the New Year Dogs to relatives, loved ones, friends and colleagues, will tell you the characteristics of the character of the ruler, the wise zodiac (since we are talking about esotericism) and the thickness of your wallet. And we will awaken the fantasy.

In this article:

New Year's gifts to attract good luck

Two years of fiery passions will give way to solid ground underfoot. The Yellow Earth Dog is friendly, practical, not susceptible to flattery and external gloss. You can just relax and be yourself. It would also be nice to attract good luck, but the right gifts from the point of view of dog logic will help in this.

The hostess of 2018 appreciates calmness, stability, is not averse to having fun in a company, but only in a friendly one. Noisy gatherings of unfamiliar people cause feelings of anxiety and insecurity. In fact, the Earth Dog is an introvert and a classic man in the street. She will appreciate gifts for home, family, hobbies, sports or handicrafts.

Choosing between an ultra-fashionable thing and a classic, it is better to give preference to the one that will remain relevant for more than one season. The dog does not like to waste money, trinkets will also not please her. If you want to give a figurine or an image of a New Year's symbol, let it be a mug, slippers, a pillow, a blanket, but not a magnet or a figurine, unless a person collects them.

And now let's try to look into the dog's thoughts and consider the New Year's surprises from different angles.

A short forecast for the future will help you choose a New Year's surprise that enhances positive energy and neutralizes unfavorable situations. Remember that gifts by zodiac signs are suitable for family and loved ones, but not too relevant for colleagues.


Changes in the rhythm of life are coming. Dramatization of the situation, exaggerated claims to others will be replaced by vigorous activity, overestimation of opportunities, joy from victories. Give Aries something that will highlight his success:

  • glasses with stylish frames;
  • multifunctional gadget;
  • gold or silver cufflinks;
  • master class in lawn tennis.

A budget option is also suitable - a mug with a motivating inscription, a diary, a song or a verse of your own composition.


Global plans are not destined to come true. Small tasks and day to day tasks, on the other hand, are easy to complete. In this calm period of some stagnation, it is recommended to get rid of boring and out of order things.

Hint or directly invite Taurus to clear space for fresh energy. The idea will surely inspire, and you will have something to give a loved one for 2018. Buy a new, more functional item to replace the old one.


The activity of the impetuous sign will be fueled by the restlessness of the Dog. In general, 2018 is a good year for Gemini, but the desire to be in time everywhere can reduce performance. Help them concentrate and present something that captures attention on important moments in life:

  • camera;
  • video camera;
  • hobby training;
  • diary.

Or a comfortable pair of athletic shoes or a bike for mobility.


Gifts for the Year of the Dog for Cancers should not be associated with the domestic sphere. They will have an excellent opportunity to get out of a secluded refuge, plunge into vivid emotions, and make interesting acquaintances. To start a new life, the following are suitable:

  • a subscription to a spa or fitness center;
  • a ticket to the premiere;
  • solid leather accessory;
  • motivating book.

Expand horizons and desire to change places. Present a tourist package, some camping equipment, a picnic set.

a lion

The fire sign's creed is to be in the spotlight. And in 2018 you won't have to make even the smallest effort to do this. Everything turns out by itself, the reaction of people to actions and appearance is ambiguous, from the extreme degree of denial to delight, but not indifference.

Jewelry will help Leo to attract good luck, attract success and simply shine. Just do not give chains and fashionable chokers that resemble collars. They can be regarded this year as an encroachment on freedom.


It seems that the practicality, frugality, love of order inherent in Virgos do not quite fit into the character of the hostess of 2018. However, the Earth Dog loves to stock up and is absolutely not inclined to share prey. In addition, they have a common element - earth.

Things will go well for Virgos, and at their leisure they are encouraged to do home furnishing. Present things for home comfort - a blanket, a pillow, a picture, a lamp. Household appliances or dishes are also suitable.


Many small gifts in original packaging. The Libra bowl will swing in the direction of success - material, career, in personal life. Allow them to feel the euphoria of unexpected surprises on the eve of a good period.

Pack chocolate, tea, coffee, elite alcohol in bright boxes or paper. Fashionistas - beautiful tights or gloves, practical - a wallet, couch potatoes - cozy slippers. The main thing is that the gift should not be one, but several.


One of the strongest signs of the zodiac awaits a difficult period of doubt, jealousy of other people's successes and the second half. The dog does not recommend indulging in pessimism. Help your loved ones channel potential in a positive direction.

What to give for a Year of the Dog in this case depends on the personality:

  • to mystics - a magic set;
  • careerists - an expensive fountain pen;
  • for outrageous lovers - a stylish hat;
  • adventurers - an exciting quest.

A non-standard thing will attract a dog's eye, and with it good luck.


Restless Sagittarius will be overwhelmed by new plans, goals, dreams. You will want to have time for everything and start implementing your plans immediately. The desire to move mountains will bear fruit, but one should not forget about the rest.

Patroness of the Year will approve:

  • a subscription to the pool;
  • a set of aromatic oils;
  • board game;
  • country hammock or rocking chair.

An unusual New Year's gift is also relevant - a live puppy. But it is better to agree on this surprise beforehand.


The Year of the Yellow Dog will open up many perspectives. Capricorns will be able to realize themselves in the business sphere and in creativity. Preferred are things of status, the quantity that does not overshadow the quality:

  • vintage wine;
  • brand clothes;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • accessories for the desktop.

Capricorn will also delight with fluffy mittens, fur slippers, cozy pajamas. Cost is not a priority, the main thing is the highlight.


Indomitable dreamers will be able to determine goals, bring many of the cases to their logical conclusion. The impulsiveness inherent in Aquarius will take on a more practical character and 2018 will be very fruitful.

But the natural need to be the center of attention cannot go unfulfilled. A New Year's present should be spectacular and even slightly eccentric - a globe bar, bright jewelry, shopping with a stylist, a new-fashioned gadget for a car or kitchen.


Going with the flow is the smartest choice for Pisces in 2018. Gifts that are practical or related to their native water element are suitable:

  • a ticket to the water park;
  • home waterfall;
  • blue bedding set;
  • orthopedic pillow.

Pisces will love esoteric items such as talisman jewelry, meditation kits, incense sticks and candles.

Get creative: DIY gifts

By showing hidden or explicit talents and creating, you will kill two birds with one stone: get the approval of a new patron in your address and attract good luck to those for whom homemade gizmos are intended. Choose an option:

  • photo frame, album, scrapbooking notebook;
  • soft toy or fur slippers;
  • knitted socks, scarf, sweater;
  • homemade biscuits, cake, original decorated jar of jam.

Perhaps you know how to make soap or jewelry, have a carpentry or blacksmith skill. Put it into practice. The material value does not matter, and the Earth Dog simply will not notice small flaws in quality.

Practicality: inexpensive gifts for the Year of the Dog for relatives, loved ones, friends, colleagues

The dog is endowed with a heightened sense of self-preservation. Budgeting overruns is a danger signal, fraught with restrictions on nutrition and comfort. Respect the mentality of the hostess of the year and, if finances are running out, limit yourself to small but sincere gifts.

For colleagues:

  • tea, coffee, champagne;
  • chocolate, cookies;
  • wipes for the monitor;
  • mug or cup holder.

Gifts are always good, especially on New Year's Eve. Some people like to give, others like to receive. In any case, I want the present to be successful, useful and to the liking of its owner. It is also important that New Year's souvenirs 2019 are liked - the symbol of the eastern calendar

What should be gifted in 2019

The previous two years were quite chaotic. It was the turn to go down to the ground and feel its strength with my feet. The hostess of 2019 is a practical animal. She is not characterized by ostentatious gloss and false flattery. Therefore, it is better for us not to strain ourselves, but to be ourselves.

Although the Pig loves to be cheerful, she is unlikely to enjoy noisy companies, which can make her anxious and insecure. She is closer to a stable and calm environment. The patroness of the year is more like an introvert, and more simply - like a classic layman, so she will like gifts that:

  • connected with home and family;
  • help to play sports;
  • aimed at developing a hobby.

The Mistress of the Year will never support squandering. She will always approve of buying something useful rather than trinkets. The pig will be against the purchase of a trendy thing, but will prefer a thing that will be relevant for several years.

In practice, it will look like this. If, for example, you want to please your patroness, then it is better to buy a blanket, sweater, slippers, pillow, dishes as a gift with the image of an animal, rather than a figurine, magnet, etc. Although there may be exceptions if a person is engaged in collecting. Now, let's take a look at the Pig's thoughts from a different angle.

What gifts are better to give in 2019 according to the rules of the eastern horoscope

What to expect for the signs of the zodiac What gifts are suitable


The life rhythm of this sign will undergo significant changes. Last year's grievances against other people will be replaced by vigorous activity. Representatives of this sign will enjoy their victories.

To emphasize the success of Aries, you can give:
  • the latest gadget;
  • expensive cufflinks;
  • stylish glasses;
  • a subscription to tennis lessons.

If you are on a limited budget, you can donate a high-quality diary, a poem, of your own composition dedicated to the birthday man, in extreme cases, a mug with motivating text.


In the life of Taurus, stagnation will be outlined. Large-scale plans are unlikely to be implemented.

To give a boost to new energy, it is better to get rid of old things. Help Taurus start a new life - buy him something new to replace the tired or broken one.


Due to their excessive activity, which will be intensified by the hostess of this year, Gemini may not pay attention to the decrease in the effectiveness of their activities.

To focus on the most important, you can give Gemini an excellent diary or video camera, or vice versa, so that he has time to do everything and is everywhere on time - buy him sports shoes or a bicycle.


In the Year of the Pig, this sign will have to get out of its home confinement. New horizons of life will open before him.

The gift should not be associated with everyday life. In order to finally break free from the shackles of home, give Cancer a membership to a gym or fitness salon. Expand the boundaries of his perception and offer to go on a foreign tour together at a bargain price. You can simply donate a brazier and this will push its owner to frequent visits to the forest with friends.

a lion

For the representatives of this sign, the most fertile time will come. Leos who love to be the center of attention do not need to make any effort to do this. The stars themselves will do everything for them.

In order for the representatives of this sign to shine in all their glory, you can give them silver or gold jewelry. If you don’t have extra money, buy Leo something unusual that will draw even more attention to this person.


The sign of Virgo is associated with practicality, frugality and love of order. Representatives of this sign, like the Pig, love to stock up on a rainy day. In 2019, Virgos will be mainly busy with decorating their home.

For Virgos, the best gift will be something that creates home comfort:
  • good lamp;
  • interesting picture;
  • comfortable pillow;
  • warm blanket;
  • beautiful dishes;
  • multifunctional household appliances.


For this sign, the scales will be on the side of material and career growth. You can emphasize this period for Libra with the help of numerous gifts.

In 2019, Libra needs to give multiple gifts. You can give in a beautiful package, for example, cognac, chocolate and elite tea. If you need to choose a gift for a woman, then you should choose, for example: gloves, tights and a wallet.


Difficult times await the representatives of this sign. They will experience indecision, doubt, and jealousy. The mistress of the year advises not to fall into pessimism. It will be all right soon.

We can direct the energy of Scorpions in the right direction by presenting him with any non-standard item. This will surely attract Piggy's attention, and she will lend a helping hand to the Scorpions. The gift must match the person's personality:
  • an expensive pen or purse is suitable for careerists;
  • for those who love shocking, you can choose an extravagant hat;
  • mystical natures - a magic set;
  • an exciting quest will suit adventurous people.


Sagittarius will be overwhelmed with many plans. They will set themselves numerous goals and objectives, and try to implement their plans as quickly as possible. In this hustle and bustle, they can forget about the need for rest.

The pig will certainly support our choice if we choose as a gift for Sagittarius:
  • rocking chair;
  • backgammon or chess;
  • hammock to the country house;
  • aromatic oils for the sauna;
  • subscription to the SPA - salon;
  • theater ticket, etc.


This sign will open up perspectives in many areas. They will be able to realize themselves, both in business and in creativity.

In 2019, status things are suitable for Capricorns:
  • high quality alcohol;
  • clothes of famous brands;
  • cabinet accessories;
  • items for hobbies.

All gifts should have a zest.


Despite the fact that the representatives of this sign are dreamers, in 2019 they will be able to achieve their goal. The impulsiveness of Aquarius will give real results. The need for attention will continue to bother this sign.

In 2019, an eccentric gift will be very appropriate for Aquarius:
  • shopping trip with a famous stylist;
  • extravagant jewelry;
  • innovative gadget;
  • bar globe.


The pig advises this sign to go with the flow in 2019.

Pisces can be given anything that resembles their native element:
  • a trip to the water park;
  • bed linen with representatives of the marine fauna;
  • pool at the cottage;
  • small waterfall at home.

How to get twice the favor of the Yellow Earth Pig

Did you know that in 2019 you can like the patroness of the year twice? Ask: "How?" Yes, very simple! If you make your loved ones, friends, relatives a gift with your own hands, this will surely please the hostess of the year. After all, she is a domestic animal, therefore she appreciates and loves comfort. By your act, you will attract good luck to yourself and to another person to whom you will present:

  • a frame for photos, made with love with your own hands;
  • a warm sweater or scarf knitted on your own;
  • a jar of jam reminiscent of a warm summer;
  • a soft toy, sewn from bright patches and transferring the warmth of your hands.

You can also try making an unusual shaped soap for your loved one, a scented candle, sewing fur slippers, knitting mittens or socks. The material side in this case does not matter. Even if there are some flaws in your gifts, Earthen Pig will leave them unnoticed.

Thematic souvenirs

Recall that we are going to celebrate the Year of the Yellow Pig, which means that you can choose souvenirs in this theme. It can be:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • fridge magnets;
  • figurines, piggy banks;
  • photo frames, photo albums;
  • calendars, postcards;
  • mugs with festive symbols;
  • paintings (modular in fashion now!);
  • key fobs (for keys or phone).

Such, at first glance, insignificant gifts are most suitable for colleagues at work, acquaintances or friends, whose interests and mores are familiar to you only superficially. In this case, the thematic souvenir will be a reminder of the holiday, of the symbol of the year and of you, of course.

Sweets are always appropriate!

Not only children, but also many adults will answer this way. Therefore, if you do not know what kind of souvenir to give for the New Year, then feel free to choose sweets. These can be various tasty sets from the manufacturer, which are now sold in a huge assortment on store shelves. Their main feature is the presence inside the package of a whole variety of various sweets, chocolate figurines and cookies. In addition, the packaging of such a delicious gift can be very different:

  1. Tin cans and tubes.
  2. A soft toy with a secret (sweets are hidden inside the toy!).
  3. Fabulous cardboard houses.
  4. Artfully engraved wooden caskets, etc.

As an alternative to the candy set, you can take confectionery products that are made in the form of a symbol of the coming year (in our case, the Pig). Finally, you can order a birthday cake decorated with figures of "four-legged human friends" made of mastic. Such a dessert will undoubtedly delight any sweet tooth.

Souvenirs for loved ones

Do you know who a girl's best friend is? Well, then you can't go wrong with choosing a New Year's souvenir for your significant other. The jewelry is exactly the gift “from Santa Claus” that she has long dreamed of! Frankly speaking, no man will refuse precious cufflinks either ...

I'm a jack of all trades myself!

If your budget does not allow you to make a gift so expensive in all respects, then you can present your loved one with a souvenir that you made with your own hands. As a rule, three things are needed for such a gift - desire, imagination and a little patience. And the result will certainly please both you and the person to whom the present will be presented.

So, what can you make as a gift for the New Year 2019? An excellent original souvenir can be:

  • postcard or gift wrap with themed applique;
  • crocheted toy in the form of a miniature pig;
  • paper pig, made using origami technique;
  • Christmas tree decoration;
  • refrigerator magnets;
  • creative textile key rings, etc.

Here are some more ideas to keep in mind:

Pineapple Present

What you need:

  • Champagne 1 bottle
  • Truffle candies in foil (for example, "Ferrero") 40-50 pcs.
  • Tish paper 2 colors (yellow and green), 3-4 sheets each
  • Decor ribbon 1 pc.
  • Scissors 1 pc.
  • Glue gun 1 pc.

Actions step by step:

  1. First you need to prepare the candy. To do this, cut squares from yellow paper, the size of which will depend on the chocolates you choose.
  2. Now use your glue gun to glue each candy to the center of the paper square.
  3. After the glue dries, you can paste over the bottle. Start glueing the candies from the bottom row, placing them tightly enough to one another so that there are no gaps.
  4. Thus, you need to glue the bottle to the narrow part.
  5. Now you need to prepare the top of the pineapple. To do this, cut strips of different lengths from green paper, which will imitate leaves. It is desirable that each strip has a pointed tip, like a real leaf.
  6. Glue the leaves with a pistol, moving from the top of the neck, but not reaching about 2-3 cm to the line of sweets. It is also advisable to glue the leaves tightly enough so that the bottle foil is not visible.
  7. Decorate the junction of the leaves and chocolates with tape.
  8. Your original present is ready!

Unusual postcard "Happy New Year!"

What you need:

  • Beautiful cardboard for the base of any color (advice - it is better to take white cardboard)
  • Several sheets of multi-colored thick paper (advice - it's better to take scrapbooking paper)
  • Clean dishwashing sponge
  • A beautiful pin, bead or decorative stone for decoration

Manufacturing instructions step by step:

  1. Cut 12 rectangles from sheets of multi-colored paper. The width of each of them is 10 cm.The length of the rectangles increases in the sequence: the length of the first is 6 cm, the length of all subsequent ones is 6 mm longer (i.e. the length of the second is 6 cm 6 mm, the length of the third is 7 cm 2 mm, the length fourth - 7 cm 8 mm, etc.)
  2. Wrap each rectangle on a pencil in a tube, fix the free edge with glue.
  3. Glue all the tubes together, from the smallest to the longest.
  4. Glue the resulting Christmas tree on the back of the future postcard.
  5. Cut a small piece from the sponge and glue it to the top of the Christmas tree. Glue the bead on the sponge.
  6. Optionally, add rhinestones or decorative beads to the card.
  7. The postcard is ready!