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Crochet heart - 7 patterns and 1 master class

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Hello dear craftswomen. Today I will show you how to crochet a heart as a gift for Valentine's Day. Crocheted valentines can be a gift on their own or decorate a gift box and greeting card.

In our article you will find ready-made patterns, one master class, as well as ideas for independent crochet hearts.

Crochet heart - ON THE BASIS OF A SQUARE.

The most convenient and easiest way crochet openwork heart - this is if first you knit a square napkin, and then on two adjacent sides of this lacy square knit semicircles- separately - first the right, then the left.

You need to start knitting this semicircle from the center point on the side of the square- first, a small semicircle in the center, above it is another row of columns, and more - until you reach the corners of the square. And the same on the other side.

According to this principle, you can crochet hearts, even without a pattern - by eye.

Crochet heart - OPENWORK PATTERNS.

But it is better to knit such hearts strictly according to the scheme, if you are a beginner “crookmaker”. But a master with extensive experience can invent such openwork heart-shaped motifs right in the course of knitting.

Crochet heart - ON WIRE FRAME

When you crochet a heart, you can simply use it as a napkin, or you can put it on a wire frame and decorate a window or wall. Such a crochet heart can become an elegant element of your interior.

To do this is simple, straighten your napkin on the table and made of strong thick wire or cable bend the outlines of the heart, repeating the shape of the napkin.

Next, you need to wrap the entire wire with threads and in the process of winding, pass the thread through the edges of the lace heart. That is, you simultaneously wind the wire with threads and grab, tie the knitted heart itself to this wire in the course of work.

Crochet heart - SIMPLE MASTER CLASS.

Such a garland of hearts can decorate your room if you spend a couple of evenings on the sofa in the company of a crochet hook and balls of thread.

By what principle this heart is knitted is accessible and clearly depicted in step-by-step photographs.

First we type a chain of 5-6 air loops, we close it in a ring. Tie this ring around single crochet- it turns out such a knitted circle (Fig. 1).

Let's start in a circle a new row of columns already double crochet, and in the first loop of the bottom row we knit 5 bars at once with a crochet (Fig. 2) - we did it upper left "ear" of the heart.

We continue tying in a circle, one double crochet in each loop of the bottom row (Fig. 3), until we reach the place where it will be pointed lower tip of the heart- here we knit in one loop 2 columns with 2 crochets.

Again, we continue to knit in a circle, one double crochet in each loop of the previous row, until we reach the penultimate one. There we will knit the second "ear" of the heart- that is, we knit 5 double crochets in one loop of the bottom row at once (Fig. 4).

Last, closing this 2nd row column(the one between the ears) do without a crochet.

Now we take the yarn of a contrasting color and we tie our heart with single crochets- and only where the heart has a pointed lower tip, you can knit a couple of double crochets.

Everything, our crochet valentine is ready.

Crochet heart - WITHOUT SCHEME.

And here are photos of crochet hearts for which I did not find a pattern. But here and from the photo you can figure out how it is connected.


Here is a variant of a heart doily that uses the crochet technique.

Cut out an 8-pointed star from the fabric. You thread a red thread into the needle (the same threads from which we were going to knit the heart) and tie the edges of our fabric napkin with an overcast or other suitable seam.

From these tied edges, you will start knitting heart after heart in turn.

Crochet valentine - INTERNET.

Here everything is just knitting simple strips of columns from threads of 2 contrasting colors. We intertwine the strips with a checkerboard and fix our design in semicircles.

Crochet heart - CUP HOLDERS.

I did not find a pattern according to which these particular coasters are knitted, but I found another pattern suitable for such knitted valentines.

Crochet heart - JEWARD LACES.

And here's a couple more crochet hearts.

Knitting these hearts is very similar to knitting a regular lace collar. Therefore, you can find a suitable pattern among crochet collar patterns and slightly modify it - that is, add knitting elements to it, thanks to which the heart will have a pointed tip at the bottom and round off at the top, forming 2 semicircular ears.

Such a lace heart-collar can be decorated with knitted flowers and leaves. Or thread a bright ribbon and embroider with beads.

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The answer to the question of how to crochet a heart depends on the purpose of its use. If you need an application element, then this will be one way, but if you want to get a three-dimensional version, then it is better to choose a different manufacturing method.

There are quite a few different, simple and complex ways to knit hearts. We will talk about a few with which you can easily crochet crocheted hearts. The schemes are simple and accessible. Which one you choose is up to you.

The easiest and fastest option

The first photo shows an example of a crocheted heart. This is the fastest and easiest option that even a child can knit. It can be a small crochet heart, a medium size or a large one. Any of them are knitted in the same pattern.

Its manufacture begins with knitting a square with single crochets. What could be easier? We knit a chain of 9 air loops, and then continue to work with single crochets. It is necessary to connect 9 rows (this is an approximate number). Depending on the yarn used, it may need more or less, the main thing is to end up with a square.

Now we unfold the work in such a way as if we are going to continue knitting the next row. We make two crochets and knit 10 in the middle loop of the side of the square, alternating them with air loops. Next, you need to make a half-column in the corner of the square, and then on the next side, repeat the knitting of the columns with two crochets. That's all! Your heart is ready. Crocheting in this way, as noted above, allows you to make hearts of different sizes, from very small to large. The size will directly depend on the parameters of the associated square base. And, of course, do not forget to knit more double crochet stitches if you increase the size. For a harmonious appearance in a large specimen, it will be necessary to increase the number of crochets in the columns.

To crochet a voluminous heart, you can use several options. It can be solid knitting with or without double crochets, or openwork knitting. In both cases, you need to knit two identical halves that will be sewn together. It is due to this technique that volume will be created.

Below is a knitting pattern for a heart that explains how to crochet a heart. Knitting begins with three air loops, in the middle of which three single crochets are knitted. Further, according to the scheme, additions are made by knitting two columns into one loop. Decrease is done by leaving the loop of the previous row untied where necessary (according to the scheme).

You need to connect two identical halves of the heart. You can use single crochet or double crochet, as in the next photo.

The next stage involves the connection of two parts into one whole voluminous heart. This can be done using a needle and thread, or with a hook. You can fill a heart with ordinary cotton wool, or with more modern materials, such as holofiber.

If you want to knit a voluminous heart, but with an openwork knit, then this option is also possible.

But the volume in this case will be created at the expense of airspace. The finished heart must be starched and dried using a suitable form. Satin ribbons can be used as decorative elements for this heart.

As for the first volumetric version, made in solid knitting, you can give it originality and sophistication by finishing around the entire perimeter, for example, using the technique of knitting rings from air loops or double crochets. Just in the next photo, a variant of a yellow heart with decoration is presented.

How to crochet a heart, now you know, but how to use such a decorative ornament, decide for yourself. It can be a Christmas toy or a needle bed. Perhaps you will come up with other original applications.

Potholder or hot plate in the shape of a heart

The next option for knitting a heart is suitable for using the product as a hot stand or potholders. It knits very easily and quickly. After reading the description below, you will quickly figure out how to crochet a heart.

Knitting begins with air loops connected in a ring. Further, double crochets are knitted into the middle of the ring until they completely fill the inner space. The next row is also knitted with double crochets. But the third one will be different from the previous ones, and the knitting technique will change. We will continue knitting not in a circle, but first in one direction, then in the other. In the lower part of the heart we will knit single crochets, and in the upper part with a crochet, and for greater expressiveness, you can also use double crochets. The last column of each row must be knitted without a crochet. This way you will get a heart shape. In order to increase the size of the heart, it is necessary to knit a larger number of circular rows at the beginning of work, and then continue knitting in the manner described above.

Napkin from openwork hearts

A napkin made of openwork hearts can serve as a beautiful and refined interior decoration. For knitting its elements, the method described first is used.

You need to tie four identical hearts. Then we finish them, tying around the perimeter in the following way. In the lower part we alternate double crochets and air loops, in the upper part - two double crochets with one air loop.

The next row will be done like this: four air loops, one half-column, which joins through one loop. This is the last row. After its completion, you can proceed to the connection of hearts with each other. The photo shows in which part you need to make the connection. To do this, you can use a thin hook and thread to match the napkin or needle. The finished napkin must be starched. By tying several of these napkins, you can beautifully serve the festive table. Guests will definitely pay attention to your diligence and skillful hands.

Crochet crocheted hearts are the perfect souvenir for Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day. On this day, I want to give a piece of my heart to a loved one. A do-it-yourself knitted heart will convey your feelings in the best way. We've rounded up some super-quick, easy, and heart-shaped motifs that you can use anywhere:

Crocheted hearts can be used as:

  • Hot coasters
  • Potholders for the kitchen
  • Openwork napkins
  • Applications for Valentine, postcard
  • For headband decoration, hairpins
  • Keychain or bag pendant
  • Fridge magnet
  • Brooch
  • Decorative appliqué for clothes
  • And much more…

Knitted hearts - hot coasters

There is a small heart on the diagram.

To knit such as in the photo, you need to dial 11 ch. and knit 10 rows of st b / n., then 1 ch. for lifting and 9 st with 2 / n in the middle of one side of the square, st b / n in the corner of the square, and 9 st with 2 / n in the middle of the other side of the square. Between the columns we knit 1 in.

Crocheted heart pattern

Beginning of work- a chain of air loops, on which 8 rows of loin net are connected with large cells (column with 2 crochets, 3 air loops). For the semicircular top of the heart, 1 ch is made. lifting and 20 st b / n on 5 cells of the grid (red), then turn the work and tie a chain of 10 ch, attach it with a connecting column to the strapping of the grid, 1 more connection. st., turn the work and tie an arc 16 st b / n (green), tie 4 st b / n for 3 ch. cells.

Continue to work with an arc of 6 ch, 1 st with 2 yarns in the green st b / n of the tying of the arc, then according to the scheme, finish the black row of conn. st on red st b / n mesh strapping, ch 3 (blue color), conn. st, turn the work and connect 7 blue st with 2 n on a black arc of 6 ch, finish the blue row according to the scheme. Link 4 st b / n for 3 ch. cells of the grid, turn the work, perform a black row, alternating st with 2n and 1 ch, attach the last column. At the corner of the grid, tie 1 ch, 1 st b / n, 1 ch. (lilac color) and tie the 20th st b / n 5 grid cells (lilac color).

Next, knit the second semicircle of the top of the heart in the same way as the first one - an arc of 10 ch, on it 16 st b / n and further according to the scheme. Openwork strapping (1st row - green) starts from ch 1. and 1 st b / n in the corner, then arcs from 5 ch. along the semicircle of the top, st b / n on two sides of the square of the loin mesh and the arc of 5 ch. in a semicircle of the second top, ch 2 2nd (black) and 3rd (red) rows of strapping - arcs of 5 ch. In the last (black color), denser row, arcs from 2 and 3 ch alternate.

Keychain in the shape of a heart diagram

According to the diagram below, you can crochet a three-dimensional heart and decorate it to your liking.

Knitted hearts crochet patterns

Crocheted heart video master class:

Crochet heart video master class:

Crochet heart - Stand for hot video master class:

On the eve of Valentine's Day, souvenirs, gifts and crafts in the form of hearts become especially relevant. And if we are all used to the paper version of the symbol of love, then such a sign of attention as a knitted heart is already a more original version of a do-it-yourself valentine.

If you already know how to crochet a heart, then here are at least 10 options where you can apply it:

  1. The heart can be used as a keychain or fridge magnet.
  2. It can be used to decorate a flower pot (by planting it on a thick, strong stick fixed inside the bouquet or flower stems).
  3. Crocheted hearts with a special eyelet can be hung on furniture handles, on various hooks, i.e. used as a cute interior detail.
  4. Several multi-colored knitted hearts can be laid out in a glass vase at once - elegantly and modernly. Or such home-made gizmos can be a decoration of the festive table, one has only to arrange them in an interesting way between dishes.
  5. Having fixed a piece of Velcro on the back of the heart, you can attach it to clothes as a symbol of involvement in the holiday.
  6. The heart can be embroidered with a bead or beads, decorated with braid or lace, making it a real little work of art.
  7. You can make a funny little man with arms and legs and a heart-shaped base. Kids will love this surprise.
  8. You can embroider a muzzle on a knitted heart, and let her emotions be an expression of your feelings.
  9. Sewn on lace wings will make such a souvenir more touching.
  10. Finally, a knitted heart in itself can be a self-sufficient valentine.

For those who do not know how to crochet a heart, do not worry. It is easy to do, the process itself will take a little time. When working, we focus on the size of 5.5 by 6 cm.


  • Hook (ideal size - 3.5)
  • Yarn (100% acrylic)

You can choose the yarn for knitting a future souvenir yourself, but you should choose the right hook size for it.

So, to crochet a heart, first we make a magic ring. To do this, we begin to knit a lifting column - three air loops.

Then we connect them with the lifting column into the upper (third) air loop.

And again we knit a lifting column - this, as we remember, is three air loops.

After that, we again knit a chain of three air loops and, using a half-column without a crochet, connect them to the lower (first) loop of the lifting column.

Now we vertically knit a single crochet between the columns of the inner circle of the heart.

We must knit a circle, and then connect to the beginning of knitting (using a half-column without a crochet).

After this stage, we knit along the contour of our heart according to the scheme: 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in a loop, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet in one loop, etc.

Now we need to form a pico: at the bottom of the heart (where two double crochets are knitted), we carefully knit 1 loop into the first double crochet, then 3 air loops, connect the third loop with the first with a half-column without a crochet.

We knit one loop in the next double crochet and continue (as before) to alternate: 2 single crochet, 1 single crochet, 2 single crochet, 1 double crochet, etc.

With three columns without a crochet, we tie the last column of the rise, cut the thread, pull it out of the last loop, connect it with the beginning of the first column of the rise.

From the back of the heart we connect this thread and the thread used for the magic ring. We cut off the tails of the knot, of course.

Here is our souvenir! Now you know how easy it is to crochet a heart.

See 2 more master classes on knitting valentines in the video tutorials: