What does the wedding ring on the left hand mean? Why do Orthodox Christians wear a wedding ring on their right hand, while Catholics wear their left

Today you will not surprise anyone with rings on your hands. However, not everyone knows what meaning this jewelry carries on a particular finger. So, in more detail. What, for example, does the ring on the left hand mean on Is there any definite influence?

The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a common phenomenon. Decoration or sign?

Today, the ring on the left hand on the ring finger is found all the time. This is one of the most "popular" places for this kind of decoration. Although usually a person does not think about which finger to decorate with a ring. Nevertheless, most often it turns out to be precisely the nameless one. By the way, this is not just a decoration. It is the ring on the left hand on the ring finger of a person that can enhance certain traits of his character.

Key features

Let's consider all aspects carefully. The ring on the left hand on the ring finger is a sign that a person lacks happiness. Accordingly, he tries to summon him. The ring finger of the left hand is directly associated with luck, success, and creativity.

By the way, about creativity. It is these abilities that become much stronger thanks to such a ring. They gain extra strength. If a person wears several rings on the ring finger at once, this suggests that the above qualities are clearly not enough. That is, there is a strong desire to strengthen them.

As an example, you can pay attention to Vladimir Kuzmin. The ring, he says, gave him sheer creativity. It helped to draw on his creative qualities from the outside. Although outwardly he looked like a man who has them in abundance. You can also remember about Vladimir Vinokur. His creative potential is enormous, but it is rather unstable.

Family status?

But still it is worth mentioning the most important point. Wearing a ring on the ring finger of your left hand means talking about your own. In Russia, as a rule, it is dysfunctional. In this case, it testifies to marriage only among Catholics. This custom appeared for the first time among the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the so-called "artery of love", leading to the heart, emanated from the ring finger. Egyptians made rings from various metals, ceramics and glass. Only in the days of Ancient Rome a tradition arose to give spouses bronze or iron jewelry as a sign of the inviolability of marriage bonds. In the 3rd century, the usual gold rings appeared.

Not necessary…

However, you should not dwell on family relationships. The meaning of the ring on the left ring finger is not necessarily associated with marriage. This piece of jewelry is simply able to highlight the passion for luxury, beauty and exquisite things. In addition, it is a guarantee of heart connection, self-expression, wealth and celebrity.

If a person wears a ring on this finger regularly, it means that he is thirsty for pleasures, pleasant pastime, sensual pleasures. Moreover, he is a tireless romantic. If on a date with your chosen one you see a ring on this finger, do not doubt that he is positive, has good intentions and serious plans.

A small decoration testifies to the calmness of a person, his self-confidence. A large and bright accessory speaks of the stormy, and even a little hysterical behavior of its owner. An engagement ring speaks of a familiar state for its owner.

Many people do not wear rings at home. The sign "freedom" (position "divorced"), as a rule, is advertised only in public. Although everything depends on the state of mind of the man or woman who is wearing the ring.

But still…

Still, the heart is the most important "thread". Therefore, in most countries of the world, a wedding ring is worn on this finger. On the right, these are positive emotions. Well, the ring on the ring finger of the left hand means parting with a loved one. Sad but true.

Basically, the ring finger ring is associated with marriage in most countries. In the United States, on the right hand is an engagement, on the left is a wedding. As a rule, people choose silver or gold rings. Decorations with large stones are also welcome. They are not always associated with marriage, but they look very beautiful. Especially if you've decorated them with engraving.

"Finger of the Moon"

The wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand is associated not only with creativity and beauty, but also with such a heavenly body as the Moon. Accordingly, with a romantic relationship.

The metal of the moon is silver. Therefore, as a rule, a silver ring is chosen for the ring finger. Except for the engagement party. Most often, these rings are made of gold. However, it is worth noting once again that it is put on the left hand after the divorce. If the ring is selected especially for her, often people turn their attention to jewelry with stones: jade, amethyst, turquoise.

In most cases…

So the left hand is the ring finger. The ring means in most cases that its owner was married for some time, but currently the union is terminated. As already mentioned, it is believed that this custom comes from the belief of the ancient Egyptians that blood from here goes straight to the heart. Engagement rings are also worn on the left hand. Such a decoration suggests that its owner is just about to get married. In addition, the "promise ring" is also put on the ring finger of the left hand. In general, in any case, one way or another, he is associated with matters of the heart. Some young people also wear the so-called ring of purity (chastity) on this finger.

The wedding ring on the left hand is worn in Cuba, USA, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia, Korea, Japan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Sweden, Croatia, Slovenia, Ireland, Great Britain, Italy, France. In Russia, Poland, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Chile, Kazakhstan, India, Georgia, Norway, Greece, Austria, Spain, Germany, it moves there after a divorce. On the left hand, two wedding rings are worn by widowers and widows (their own and their spouse).

However, this is just a tradition. Much depends on the personal preference of the person. There is an anecdote on this topic:

Girl, why are you wearing the ring on the wrong hand?
- Because she married the wrong person!

Therefore, the ring can also say absolutely nothing. Whether it means something for a person or not depends on many factors.

be careful

In short, wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand is most often associated with the marital status of its owner. Moreover, the values ​​can be absolutely contradictory. In some countries, wedding rings are worn on the left hand. In some, they put them there after a divorce or the death of a spouse. Someone prefers to wear engagement rings on the ring finger of their left hand. This indicates that a person subconsciously wants to change his marital status as quickly as possible. The romantic and dreamy natures are easily recognizable by these jewelry.

However, many consider wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand not the best idea. First of all, this is a well-known sign of a widower or a divorced person. Nevertheless, it is not at all necessary to regard the ring from the side of family relations. The rings on the yin-yang finger are worn by creative and inventive people. This suggests that the owner of the jewelry easily solves all his problems. The owners of yang-finger rings prefer to teach others and show how they can creatively use their skills in various situations.

Thus, this accessory is not just a decoration. Many people associate certain life moments with the ring on their left hand. A symbol of creativity or marital status is - everyone decides for himself. Much also depends on the metal from which the ring is made. The presence of a precious stone or its absence also affects the symbolism. The choice is great. And everyone decides for himself whether or not to wear one of these jewelry and what it will be like.

There are many traditions in wearing jewelry. Knowing the symbolism of rings and fingers, you can learn a lot about their owners. Of course, there is no definite set of rules, and jewelry can be worn as anyone wants. But some of the nuances are still known to people. The fingers of the left hand, including the ring one, reflect the psychological side of the human person, speak of his beliefs and character.

Do not forget about just a few important points when choosing rings. If you want to add grace to your hand, turn your attention to models with elongated oval stones. If you are the owner of small stature or too thin fingers, you should not purchase very wide rings. Thin jewelry looks much better on a girl's hand than massive rings. If you are choosing a ring for everyday wear, consider that large gems will be redundant during the daytime. In general, consider these nuances, and the choice is yours!

A variety of modern jewelry can satisfy all the wishes of customers. It remains only to decide on the choice of the model. Be careful also if you plan to present such a gift. With the choice of accessories, you need to be very careful, to know many little things: taste, preferences, size. Therefore, as a rule, you need to know well the one you want to bestow, so as not to be mistaken. However, for a loved one, such a present will surely become something expensive and special!

A wedding ring on the left finger is found in many people's lives. However, others can not always understand what this means. Moreover, no one will surely dare to clarify this issue, so he will only have his own guesses. So, we need to offer several true facts that suggest why people wear rings so strangely.

Catholic faith

First you need to pay attention, the wedding ring on the left finger does not always symbolize a split in the relationship between spouses. It is necessary to remember about religion, since many secrets are hidden in it. After all, only Orthodox people wear a marriage accessory on their right hand. Catholics should wear it on their left hand on their ring finger.

It turns out that a young couple, on the contrary, lives in happiness and unity if they wear a ring in this way. You just need to remember that the number of Catholics in the world is large. Almost all of Germany and part of Europe has a positive attitude towards this faith, and it is the people from these countries that are constantly found in domestic cities.

Divorced or widower

Only most often the reason for putting on a wedding ring on the left hand is the loss of one of the spouses. This is usually a divorce, but widowers continue to do the same. For this reason, people around them quickly understand why a person acted in this way.

True, psychologists usually have a negative attitude towards such a step. The fact is that they argue: you should not wear a ring on your left hand after a divorce. It will continue to remind a person of a past life, therefore it will become a serious obstacle to building new happiness. Because of this, it is better to give it up right away. Although the memories will still not disappear from the daily life of the ex-spouse, so he will only have to give up the accessory that strongly repulses others.

Thus, there are a couple of reasons that make people wear a wedding ring on their left hand. Because of this, it is not worthwhile to relate unambiguously to this issue, otherwise a person will alienate some others who will not be able to understand his state of mind and the reasons for such an act.

Surprisingly, the tradition of giving wedding rings did not appear in the Christian world. A closed in a circle strip of metal (for the rich) or reed (for the poor) was used as a symbol of creating a family in ancient Egypt. The same attribute, but in a more formal setting, was given by the groom to the bride in Rome. Then it was considered an indicator of a man's serious intentions and his willingness to take a woman under guardianship and support. At the wedding ceremony, for the first time, wedding rings were exchanged only in the 4th century.

In most countries, the wedding ring is worn on the ring finger... Moreover, in European languages, for example, in English, it is called “ring finger”. The reason is the discovery made by Egyptian healers five thousand years ago: it is in the ring finger that a vein passes, leading directly to the heart. It is customary for Orthodox Christians to wear a ring. on the ring finger of the right hand... This custom is widespread in Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Serbia, Poland, Georgia, Chile, Norway, Greece, Iceland, India, Venezuela, Argentina, Kyrgyzstan. Everything that happens to the right side of the human body is believed to be correct.

But the inhabitants of Australia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Cuba, Brazil, most European countries, the USA, Japan and Canada wear this symbolic decoration on their left hand, because it is closer to the heart.

Photo: Elena Yakushina, "Evening Moscow"

Muslims, by the way, also wear wedding rings on their left hand. Only in these countries, special nuances relate to jewelry for men. Putting on gold is a sign of bad taste for them. Therefore, they either do not wear an accessory at all, or replace metal with silver.

Especially stands out Jewish tradition: it requires putting the wedding ring on the index finger... This is explained, firstly, by convenience, and secondly, by visibility. However, in the modern world, many Jewish families wear rings according to generally accepted world traditions.

But Buddhists do not recognize wedding rings.... Young people, of course, often succumb to the trends of globalization and still exchange family jewelry. But in general, Eastern wisdom in this regard is most reminiscent of the catch phrase: "Believe it or not in the laws of physics, they still work."


After a divorce, it is customary to get rid of the wedding ring.... Many people prefer to take it to a pawnshop. But it is not worth redrawing the decoration: it can carry away unfavorable energy with it.

After the death of one of the spouses, the accessory must be worn on the opposite hand... Thus, loyalty to the beloved is manifested.

It is not customary to wear a wedding ring before the wedding.... If the couple wants to show the seriousness of their intentions, it is better to purchase a special engagement ring.

Rings with a width of two to five millimeters are considered classics.... In the modern world, it is perfectly acceptable to wear a wedding ring with a stone. So aquamarine protects the peace of the family hearth, turquoise is considered a symbol of loyalty of the spouses, and the ruby ​​speaks of the eternity of love.

By the way, researchers recently told how much is for an engagement ring.

You can read the myths and truths about "wedding" signs.

Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage and marital fidelity.

Therefore, many people give them a mystical meaning. Different peoples have different traditions associated with them.

Today, the custom of wearing wedding rings exists in almost all countries.

However, different peoples have significantly different ways of wearing and wedding signs associated with them.

Even scientists have not come to a consensus about when the first rings appeared and about the reasons for their occurrence.

What does the ring represent?

According to one of the versions, in ancient times, when the presence of any rings: gold, silver, iron, testified to the well-being of their owner.

The future spouse brought them as a gift to the parents of his bride as a sign that he is able to support his wife and she will not need anything.

According to another theory, in ancient times the ring symbolized infinity therefore, putting on this symbolic adornment, the newlyweds made a vow of boundless and immortal love.

The third version says that the rings are the links of the chain that connected the husband and wife. The spouses wore them as a sign of the inviolability of the bonds with which they were tied.

How to wear wedding rings?

On the left hand

As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists have discovered that the first wedding rings appeared in Ancient Egypt.

Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, the poor - copper and iron.

It is known that long before our era, Egyptian healers had a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that runs from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to be worn on this finger.

True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. This is how, according to legend, Saint Joseph became engaged to the Virgin Mary.

During the Middle Ages, autopsies were forbidden to doctors, as a result of which all knowledge about anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve, supposedly connecting the left hand and heart, was poetically called the "artery of love."

However, at that time, the way of wearing wedding jewelry was completely dependent on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, sovereign dukes and earls have issued decrees on how to wear wedding rings. There were exactly ten options: in some countries, rings were even worn on thumbs.

Over time, a historical tradition has developed according to which, in Catholic and Protestant countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand... So it is in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this by the fact that the left hand is closer to the heart.

Muslims also adhere to the custom of wearing the symbol of marital fidelity on the left hand.

However, in many Muslim countries, only women wear such rings, since it is considered a bad omen for men to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim men usually either do not wear wedding rings at all, or wear silver ones.

Gypsies generally prefer to wear them around their necks, on gold chains.

On the right hand

In Orthodoxy, everything related to the right side of the body is considered correct.

Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, are worn on ring finger of the right hand.

Widows and widowers wear their rings on the ring finger of their left hand (in Catholic and Protestant countries, on the ring finger of their right).


Man is so arranged that even in accidents he sometimes looks for secret signs of fate. And it would be strange if a lot of subject and superstition were not associated with wedding rings - a symbol of marital ties.

It is believed that In no case should you give your wedding ring to anyone, either try on or put on.

If such a request is made by a completely obsessive person who does not want to offend, then you can put the ring on the table so as not to pass it from hand to hand.

The ring should be returned in the same manner - across the table, or even better - before putting it on, hold it a little under running water or in a salt solution.

It is considered a happy omen if the newlyweds get engaged with the same rings as their grandfather and grandmother, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, and their grandchildren are still alive at the time of the wedding. Using the rings of divorced or deceased people is for the worse.

In many northern countries, there was a custom to freeze both rings in a small amount of water before the wedding: when thawing, they supposedly remember that they were once a single whole, and will always reach out to each other.

Historically, in most countries of the world, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the right or left hand. The choice of hand depends on the country of residence and local traditions, the rules adopted for the followers of a particular religion. We suggest you order wedding rings in an individual design, but we advise you first to decide on which hand you will wear them.

Who wears wedding rings on their left hand?

The first wedding rings, which appeared in Ancient Egypt, were usually worn on the ring finger of the left hand. This is exactly what the inhabitants of most of the countries of the Middle East, Europe and America are doing now. In Europe, the left hand is worn by the British, Swedes, Italians, French, Irish, Slovenians, as well as people of other nationalities who profess Catholicism. In North America, they are followed by residents of the United States and Canada, and in South America - by residents of Mexico and Brazil.

Where are wedding rings worn on the right hand?

Orthodox Christians living in Russia and the CIS countries traditionally wear wedding rings on their right hand. Residents of Greece, Spain, Germany, most of the countries of Eastern Europe, as well as India, Spain, Chile, Venezuela, and Colombia do the same.

Interestingly, in Austria, it is Catholics who wear wedding attributes on the right hand, in Belgium, the nationalities honor the traditions of the region of residence, so various options are allowed. In Holland, you can also find those who wear a wedding decoration on their right hand, these include everyone who does not profess Catholicism.

When do the rings change to the other hand?

Wearing a ring on the ring finger of a certain hand is a kind of demonstration of your status. The presence of a ring may indicate not only marriage, but also that a person is just getting ready to marry or is free, since he is divorced or widowed. Knowledge of the traditions of other countries and nationalities will allow not to be mistaken in the interpretation and correctly determine the status of the person you are interested in.

So, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, during the engagement, the rings are put on the right hand, and at the time of marriage, the ring is changed onto the left hand. If for women, engagement rings usually differ from engagement rings by the presence of a stone, then for men it is most often the same ring.

Orthodox Christians begin to wear their rings on their left hand in the event of a loss of a spouse or divorce. The Jews, at the time of the wedding ceremony, put a ring on their right hand, and then wear it on their left.

If the spouses belong to different cultures and are followers of different religions, they come to a compromise solution, choosing one way of wearing rings, or follow their traditions separately.

What to look for when choosing wedding jewelry

By and large, it is not so important which hand you plan to wear the ring on. But it is worth deciding on this in advance. After all, it is important to choose a model that is convenient for you - it should not be too loose, cramped or so wide as to cause inconvenience in everyday life. When choosing the shape and presence of jewelry, they take into account whether it will be worn every day or whether it is an option exclusively for special occasions.

If the bridegroom chooses and buys the rings secretly from the bride, it is enough for him to know the size and some of her preferences; subsequently, it will not be difficult for jewelers to adjust the wedding jewelry to the hand.

In preparing the article, materials from the site ringstudio.ru/ were used.