What does the handwriting mean to the left. Handwriting is an individual style of writing. Types of handwriting. Examination of handwriting

On what basis do we form our opinion about a person, his character and abilities? Of course, according to many criteria, among which the most significant are usually behavior, speech and appearance. However, appearances are known to be deceiving, speech can be a product of learning, and it takes time to recognize people by their actions. This is probably why there is great interest in methods for a faster and more accurate analysis of the inner world of a person not only among psychologists, recruiting specialists, etc., but also among a wide range of readers.
There are, of course, a large number of specially created tests that allow you to identify certain personality traits. But their application (we are not talking about popular, but about professional tests) and the correct analysis of the results require professional psychological knowledge and skills, so it is better to leave the possibilities of their use for working psychologists. We will consider another method of obtaining information about the inner world of a person - the analysis of the products of his activity. You can study the results of creative activity (drawings, poems, stories, etc.), but not everyone has them, and besides, their analysis cannot be carried out according to a clear unambiguous scheme. Therefore, in this article, we propose to focus on adult handwriting- a product that is easy to "get" for analysis or even take your own sample.
Graphology, or the science of handwriting, reveals the individual characteristics of a person, which are reflected in a certain spelling of letters and lines. Over the years, a certain algorithm has been developed in conducting a comprehensive analysis of handwriting. It should be noted right away that a piece of text written on an unlined sheet and containing a signature is ideal for analysis.
So, before proceeding to a detailed examination, it is necessary to assess the handwriting in three basic directions:

  1. Harmony handwriting - the degree of harmony between the individual letters that make up the word. Pay attention to the overall impression of the handwriting: Do you feel like a whole? If you are leaning towards a positive answer, then the owner of the handwriting is likely to have good taste and culture.
  2. Geometric consistency letters - evenness of lines of lines and fields, the same distance between words and lines, uniformity of pressure. A high degree of this sign indicates that a person has a large supply of internal energy, developed volitional efforts, which allow him to always maintain internal balance, inhibit unwanted emotions, and act deliberately.
  3. Graphology - the degree of deviation from the calligraphic handwriting (which all of us were taught in school). The greater this difference, the more the owner of the handwriting is inclined to show his originality and individuality in life.

Now you can proceed to the consideration of individual handwriting indicators. In general, there are a great many such indicators (including the spelling of individual numbers and letters), so we will focus only on the main ones. It is important to keep in mind that you cannot draw conclusions about personality traits based on only one trait. It is necessary to take into account the entire spectrum of the studied characteristics and the degree of their severity (just as a doctor never makes a diagnosis based on only one symptom).

1. Pressure when writing.

Strong pressure is usually observed in people who are energetic and enjoy the manifestation of their strength and overcoming resistance on the way to what they want.
Weak pressure (thin lines, similar to intertwining threads, not visible from the back of the sheet) indicates the sensitivity of nature. Such people are prone to idealization, subject to the influence of someone else's opinion, although they may well be critical. If light pressure is combined with straight lines, then this can be an indicator of the discipline of the mind and the ability to give birth to creative ideas. If, with weak pressure, the lines are uneven, individual letters are illegible, then this indicates low initiative and inability to deliberate volitional actions.
Sometimes there is uneven pressure - some words, letters or even their elements are written with strong pressure, while others - with thin strokes. This is an indicator of imbalance, impressionability, impulsiveness of volitional acts, the presence of internal conflicts.
If the pressure when writing is weak, and besides, it is uneven, then we are most likely talking about a person who is insecure, prone to constant doubts, for whom decision-making presents significant difficulties.
If the analyzed handwriting is distinguished by uniform pressure, then from its owner one can expect stability in the manifestation of his emotions, the ability to work systematically (without outbursts of activity combined with periods of idleness).
Of particular interest are the cases of a combination of different pressures when writing text and signatures. If the text is written with strong pressure, and the signature is light, then we can assume that this person has a strong character, but for some reason wants to look soft.

2. Continuity of the line.

A "straight" line (almost a straight line can be drawn along the lower part of the letters) testifies to the balance and restraint of the writer, his ability to bring the matter to the end.
"Wavy" lines indicate that the person has the flexibility of thinking and diplomacy that allows him to get around difficulties, although he may lack purposefulness.
The lines going up to the end belong to people who are energetic, self-confident, proactive and striving for success. They may worry about their failures, but they usually find the strength for a new leap towards the goal.
If the lines, on the contrary, fall towards the end, then the owner of the handwriting is characterized, accordingly, by a lack of energy to bring the matter to an end.

3. The slope of the handwriting.

Most people tend to have handwriting with an incline of 45-50 degrees, but the slope can be greater (i.e., the angle is less than 45 degrees). There are also handwritings straight (90 degrees) and inverted (up to 125 degrees).
If the handwriting is too oblique, almost lying, then from its owner it is quite possible to expect the manifestation of extreme features and the display of their feelings and preferences, as well as enthusiasm in the perception of everything new.
Handwriting tipped over to the left often indicates a discrepancy between a person's personal inclinations and the external conditions of upbringing and life. According to our observations, it is most often found in left-handers, which, however, does not contradict the above. In right-handers, such an inclination may indicate self-will, stubbornness, exactingness towards others, distrustfulness.
If the handwriting is vertical, i.e. does not tilt either to the right or to the left, this indicates a balance between mind and feelings and at the same time the restraint of a person, in whose manners you will not see changes under the influence of sudden feelings or thoughts.
The diversity of the slope (the presence of letters written with a different slope) characterizes a person as capricious or subject to a quick change of mood, in which the mind and emotions are in conflict.

4. The connection of letters in words.

If all letters are interconnected, then this type of writing reflects a person's ability to approach problems from the standpoint of logic, critically evaluate them. Such a person rarely trusts his intuition.
If there are practically no connections between the letters, then the person who wrote them is not very practical, prone to daydreaming. It would be difficult for him to work systematically, but he can work well on inspiration, especially when it comes to creativity. Such people more often rely on intuition than on logic, so the motives of their actions are not always clear to others.

5. The size of the letters.

The average height of the letters is 3-4 mm, respectively, a large handwriting is considered to be one in which the letters are higher than this size, and small - lower. The width of an individual letter is usually approximately equal to its height. If the width of the letter is greater than the height, then the handwriting is called elongated, and if less, then compressed.
Large handwriting often indicates sensuality of attraction, vigor in communication and impracticality in life, as well as a lack of objective self-esteem.
A large and elongated handwriting may be an indicator that in life this person neglects far-fetched rules and restrictions, strives to realize himself in various activities.
Small handwriting is more typical for people who are restrained, observant and at the same time very closed, not inclined to talk about themselves.
The compressed handwriting characterizes its owner as very thrifty, thrifty and reserved.

6. Roundness of letters.

"Round" handwriting indicates a person's tendency to mitigate contradictions, to compromise, to be stable in their opinions and tastes.
If you come across angular capital letters in rounded handwriting, then you are probably dealing with a rather gentle person who in certain situations can be persistent and aggressive.
"Angular" handwriting suggests that its owner is characterized by sharpness, exactingness, stubbornness. However, at the same time, he has such advantages as dedication, energy, the ability to work hard. Such people often show a desire for leadership.

7. Writing lowercase letters.

Vowels open from above (a gap in the spelling of the letters "a", "o" from above) are an indicator of peacefulness, trustfulness and the ability to empathize, the presence of deep affections.
Vowels open from below, on the contrary, speak of possible hypocrisy, insincerity and superficiality of feelings.
Long loops in letters (for example, "y", "d"), reaching the bottom line or even overlapping it, indicate an intuitive beginning in a person, whose trust sometimes obscures the ability to think logically.
Small loops are evidence of conciseness in speech and deeds, realism, the ability to speak only on business and taking into account the place and time.

8. Writing capital letters.

If the capital letters are noticeably enlarged, this indicates a person's self-esteem (maybe even excessive), his self-confidence and independent thinking, a desire to stand out. The desire to attract attention and sociability is also evidenced by the large loop in the capital letter.
In case the capital letters are relatively small, the person does not seek to be noticed, takes small and careful steps in life, always adhering to his convictions.
The use of printed capital letters in handwriting characterizes a person as creative, resourceful, with a flexible mind and good receptivity.
Adding eye-catching curls and other embellishments to capital letters indicates either a need to attract attention or a romantic mindset.

9. Signature.

If a person's character can be recognized by handwriting, then his signature is similar to a self-portrait and creates another idea of ​​him among those around him, which, in my opinion, is more conscious and partially controlled.
A signature without a stroke is a testament to taste and restraint.
If the signature is supplemented with a straight stroke, then this indicates the energy of the person, his decisiveness and courage.
A wavy flourish indicates diplomacy and the ability to avoid sharp corners.
Underlining the painting is a sign of developed self-esteem.
The signature going up indicates ambition.
If the signature ends with a dot, we are talking about a person inclined to introspection and who knows how to bring the matter to the end.
If the signature is made in very large letters, this indicates that its owner is worried about his image and, probably, is trying to create a deceptive impression of himself among others.

10. Space between words and lines.

If there are almost no gaps in the analyzed handwriting and it seems that words are creeping over each other, then we can talk about a person's frugality, sometimes turning into stinginess.
If the text is full of empty spaces both between words and between lines, then this is evidence of generosity, sometimes bordering on wastefulness.
If you come across such a combination as small letters and relatively large distances between words and lines, then you have a person who is generous towards others, but who is stingy towards himself.

Of course, the considered characteristics of handwriting by no means exhaust the whole variety of its elements and their combinations. However, this is enough to get a basic knowledge of the principles of the analysis of written text. For those who got a taste for this lesson and decided to advance in the study of graphology, we recommend moving on to reading monographs on this topic.

Do you want to know the most secret things about yourself or your friend? Take a close look at your or his handwriting. He is jealous or amorous, soft or, on the contrary, harsh. Handwriting analysis (in other words, graphology) is a great way to draw up an accurate psychological portrait. In addition, a lot can be said from handwriting about a person's sexuality.

In order to find out the character of a person, it is necessary to analyze the text written by him by hand, preferably on a clean and not lined sheet of paper. The volume is at least 10-15 lines. You can start the analysis of handwriting by studying the general signs, and then move on to the peculiarities of the writing of individual letters.

Swipe through the middle of a few letters vertical axis and see what angle it makes with the string. If the angle is about 45 degrees, then you openly express your feelings, get along easily with people, you like to visit or invite friends. If you fall in love, then you do not hide your feelings

If your vertical handwriting, there is no tilt either to the left or to the right, you have a balance of mind and heart, a restrained demeanor. When you fall in love, you never immediately openly express your feelings, they are manifested only in goodwill.


Sometimes letters tilted to the left... This means that your mind is in control of your senses. You are capable of love only after much thought and thought. Very often, with age, the slope of the handwriting changes and the letters lean more to the right.

There is a letter in which letters are strongly slanted to the right... If so, then you have a desire to flaunt your feelings, you fall in love at first sight. Plus you have a tendency toward jealousy and possessiveness. You enjoy the flattery and admiration of others.

Further worth taking a closer look at the pressure... If you write with light pressure, then you prefer to listen more than talk, you like small companies, you are interested in other people, but you do not show it. Your strong point of character is loyalty.

If, on the contrary, you feel in your handwriting strong pressure, letters have darker and thicker outlines, then you have a decisive nature, a lot of energy, you are attracted by large companies and active people. In matters of the heart, you are distinguished by the ardor of feelings.

In graphology, it is important way of connecting letters... If there is a gap between letters in almost every word, you are more likely to rely on your intuition than on logical analysis. If all the letters are connected, you have a logical mind, the ability to concentrate and good observation, you do not take anything for granted.

Now is the time to study the size of the letters.

Normal in graphology, handwriting is considered in which the height of the letters is equal to their width and is about 4 mm. If your letters are larger than 4 mm, the handwriting is large. It means that you want to draw attention to yourself, you have a developed self-esteem, a tendency to scale, impracticality.

Fine handwriting indicates restraint, self-control, prudence. The compressed handwriting (when the height of the letters is greater than the width) reveals thrift, sometimes stinginess, discretion. Elongated handwriting (the width of the letters is greater than the height) speaks of the ability to easily navigate in an unfamiliar situation, enterprise and quick perception.

The difference in handwriting depends not only on the size of the letters, but also on the style of their writing. Rounded letters indicate a tendency to cooperate, the ability to coordinate their views with the point of view of others, the ability to share joy and anxiety.

Angular handwriting indicates a desire for independence, a desire to carry out their own plans. If angular letters are also written with pressure, you do not like to be in a subordinate position, both in business and in personal relationships.

In addition to the general characteristics of handwriting, attention should be paid to the spelling of individual letters.

For example, according to outlines of the capital letter "K" you can get an idea of ​​femininity. If it is written without pressure, slightly elongated, tilted to the right, has a long upper process and a small lower one, you are original in desires, graceful, full of grace and elegance.

If pressure is used when writing the letter "K", and the branch of the letter goes down, you are distinguished by firmness of character, decisiveness, prudence, dislike of expressing your thoughts.

V writing the letter "M" the consistency of a person and his skill are manifested. We are talking about success in business, school, sports, sex. To identify the character, the ratio of the height of the letter elements is important. If the first is higher, you have determination and sensitivity. You are more concerned with immediate accomplishments than future successes. Everything suits you in terms of sex and you are in no hurry to change anything in your habits.

If the first element is lower than the second, you are feminine, graceful, you like to impress. Therefore, you are prone to changes both in the professional sphere and in the sphere of sex, where you willingly go to change your usual behavior.

In addition to the letters "K" and "M", take a closer look at writing informative in graphology letters "o"... If in your handwriting a closed "o" is more often found, you have a whole character, try to keep your "I", somewhat closed for communication.

If there is a gap in the top left of the majority of “o's”, it means that you only feel confident in familiar situations. Anything new makes you nervous, because you remember your failures in the past for too long.

There is also a gap in the upper part of the letter "o". He talks about wanting to be noticed, which sometimes overshadows femininity and can even scare away fans.

Another thing is the gap in the upper right part of the "o". In this case, you are attracted to new people and situations, sometimes even to the detriment of your “I”. Tradition does not suit you, this also applies to sex. In addition, you are energetic, which is noticeable even by your gait.

Ilya Schegolev

Slope letters

At school we were taught to write askew; it is considered to be the most convenient way to write. At the same time, the letters are tilted to the right, that is, in the direction of movement of the writer. However, some people, for various reasons, did not obey the general rule. Obviously, they unconsciously followed their instinct, which turned out to be stronger than the demands of the teachers.

It’s very difficult to explain why the same instinct didn’t work the same for everyone. It remains only to agree that no matter how hard the teachers try to teach children, each of them chooses a convenient way of writing.

Most people are tilted 45-50 ° (oblique handwriting), but there are straight, vertical handwriting (90 °), and sometimes inverted (tilted up to 125 °) handwriting. In addition, there are many transitional options or combinations of these forms.

The most common handwriting is - tilted in the direction of travel(45-50 °). This handwriting belongs to a warm and friendly nature, openly expressing their feelings. People of this type are not very impulsive, they know how to control emotions. A person with such a handwriting gets along easily with others, he loves the company of other people.

If people of this type fall in love, they do not hide their feelings. They hope for reciprocity. Such people do not stay at home, they are very attracted to social life.

Too slanting handwriting(sometimes almost lying) should be considered a significant deviation from the norm (Fig. 8).

Rice. eight

Such people often show extreme traits, it is common for them to flaunt their feelings. This slope of the handwriting indicates a large supply of energy, a noticeable enthusiasm in the perception of everything new and romance.

If such people fall in love, and this most often happens at first sight, then they are completely immersed in their feelings. They are very jealous. They have a constant desire to communicate and be liked. The energy of these people is very much fueled by the admiration of others.

Tipped left handwriting(135 ° against the direction of movement) most often arises as a result of a discrepancy between a person's personal inclinations and the external conditions of upbringing and life (Fig. 9).

Rice. nine

Overturned handwriting often indicates willfulness, stubbornness, exactingness towards others, great distrust, in some cases it may even be insincerity and secrecy.

When writing with a backward tilt, it means that the mind is in control of emotions. If you want to achieve the love of such a person, then the path to it lies through his head. Such people, as a rule, show their feelings sparingly.

Practice shows that at certain periods of a person's life, the inclination of handwriting can change. Most often this happens in such cases when a young man or girl begins to "play" in adults. One of the manifestations of such a posture is an unconscious change in the inclination of the handwriting, which can mislead the graphologist.

There are times when the inclination of the handwriting to the left is more than 135 °. In such people, the mind also controls emotions, only to a greater extent. The presence of such a slope indicates secrecy. External coldness and restraint does not correspond to the storm of emotions that lurks inside. People of this type cannot restrain their emotions for a long time. Therefore, when communicating with them, be prepared to face the signs of an emotional outburst. Behind a cold appearance, a volcano of passions can rage.

It is difficult to understand what impression others make on such people. Therefore, in the process of communication, it makes sense to allow them to take the initiative into their own hands. Then it will be easier to understand their intentions.

When the handwriting is vertical, then there is a balance between mind and senses (Fig. 10). The behavior of such people is somewhat restrained, they are not influenced by unexpected feelings and movements of the mind.

Rice. ten

If a person who writes vertically falls in love, then he will never immediately show his feelings. Most likely, manifestations of love will be revealed through the expression of devotion in everyday affairs and concerns.

The variety of slope(that is, in some words there are letters with different slopes) indicates moodiness, a quick change in mood, a lack of purposefulness.

In some cases, the diversity of the slope is expressed very sharply. This is already a hint of perversion, decay or splitting of the personality. This is a deeply neurasthenic nature.

The diversity of the slope indicates that the mind and feelings are in conflict. The mind desires one thing, the senses rush to the other side. Caution fights impulsivity. People of this type are not able to control their emotions, so they turn into their victims.

In some cases, if you look closely at the handwriting, you will notice that, in general, the slope of the letters is approximately the same. Only letters with a loop, such as "v", "d", "z", "y", "ts", "u", are tilted to the other side. For example, all letters are slanted to the right, and letters with loops are slanted to the left. It may be the other way around. Here we can talk about the indecision of a person experiencing difficulties when meeting new people or when making responsible decisions.

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It's hard to find two exactly the same people in the world (twins are a special topic). Even if the personalities are superficially similar, it is unlikely that they have all of the same individual characteristics.

A striking distinctive feature is the handwriting of a person. It can be neat and sloppy, small, large, stretched or compressed. With other "freaks" and "bells and whistles". Begins to form from school years. Once there were calligraphy lessons in the first grade, when the teacher carefully watched how the kid deduced letters, corrected them so that they were beautiful, intelligible and without blots. However, such diligent leveling of the letter according to the "rules" did not work. Growing up, each student acquired the psychology of handwriting peculiar only to him, and the teacher, checking school essays, even without knowing the student's surname, could immediately determine who wrote it.

How to determine the character of a person by handwriting, this is the science of writing - graphology. Graphologists are sure that the "squiggles" on paper reveal the main personality traits and can even tell about health.

For example, a pathology of the nervous system such as Parkinson's disease is characterized by hand tremors. The patient intuitively tries to keep them and writes fractionally. As the disease progresses, the handwriting becomes even smaller. In Alzheimer's disease, letters shrink one to one or, conversely, stretch.

People have long shown an interest in handwriting. In ancient China, the philosopher Confucius (551-479 BC) believed that one can learn about generosity or vulgarity from writing. Aristotle (384-322 BC) argued that "the type of recording of each person" is different and indicates the character of the author.

In ancient Rome, under the emperor Nero, handwriting became a political argument when it was necessary to settle scores with someone. The august was slipped the texts of those who fell out of favor, so that by the nature of the letter he was convinced that this person was unreliable.

In the Middle Ages, the English scientist Roger Bacon (1214-1292) wrote "A Brief Guide to the Study of Philosophy", where he stated that the character of a person can be determined by the peculiarities of handwriting.

At that time, such statements were just guesses that did not have a serious scientific basis. The beginning of the scientific history of world graphology can be considered the work of the Spanish physician and philosopher John Huarte San Juan "A Study of the Methods of Scienzias, Which Shows the Differences in the Letters That Have People With Different Genders" (1575). Later, an equally interesting treatise by the Italian physician and philosopher Camillo Baldi "How to recognize the nature and quality of a person by looking at the letter he wrote" (1620) appeared.

Over the past four centuries, many works have appeared in the West, where the authors tried to give a reliable explanation of a person's character by handwriting. Just listing them will take many pages. Let us name only our contemporary Inessa Goldberg, an Israeli handwriting expert with a worldwide reputation, she wrote eight books from the “Secrets of Handwriting” series.

Works on graphology by Russian authors are significantly inferior to Western ones. The reason is in the Soviet past, when the science of writing was considered a pseudoscience. Experts relied on books by pre-revolutionary Russian authors: Zuev-Insarov and Morgenstern, a brochure by F.F. Herman “On graphology. Man by handwriting ”(1934).

Significant works were written by Soviet forensic handwriting experts who are involved in the examination of handwriting in the investigation of criminal cases. However, these works have nothing to do with the analysis of handwriting in psychology. Therefore, it is impossible to consider criminologists as graphologists.

It's important to know! Handwriting is a narrow section of forensic science, where handwriting is examined as material evidence of a crime. This differs from graphology, which studies the relationship between writing and psychological characteristics of a person.

What can be recognized by handwriting

What a person's handwriting speaks about, graphologists will say with confidence. After conducting a psychological analysis of "writing", they will give objective information about the person: they will talk about the positive and negative sides of the character, help to identify the reasons, for example, inappropriate behavior.

And there is no need to be afraid of graphological analysis. He will not only talk about the person, but will make you think that, perhaps, you need to change something in your lifestyle.

If the person is too emotional, you can tell about this by the manner of writing. Let's say all letters are skewed to the right and written with a slight pressure, this is evidence of emotional instability and susceptibility to phobias. Any experience unsettles such a person.

Only stable character traits are displayed in the letter. Such that the personality is inherent for a long time, perhaps from childhood. Constant scandals in the family, homelessness with living parents, soulless attitude, trauma, and other negative impressions of childhood remain in the memory for a long time. It affects the psyche, is fixed in behavior. And outwardly it manifests itself in the manner of writing, which can be called the psychology of handwriting.

When a person is constantly afraid (of someone or something), this is reflected in the writing style. The handwriting becomes unclear and jerky - uneven. Such quick spelling is characteristic of people with a weak character.

If a person is fixated on their mental phobias, the letter will be compressed - a letter to a letter. When there are large gaps between them, this is an indicator that confusion does not tear the soul apart, there are no fears.

When analyzing handwriting graphically, attention is paid to the text. Too small indicates mental fears. They constantly keep in suspense and do not allow you to develop a certain life position. Such a person is afraid of people, avoids communication, is prone to a secluded lifestyle, which may be a sign of mental illness - autism.

"Large-caliber" text is characteristic of a self-confident person who knows how to express his thoughts, forcing him to listen to his opinion. A careful analysis of the handwriting convinces that graphology is not a pseudoscience at all, as they were convinced in Soviet times. A careful study of the graphics written (the size of the letters, the width of the section between them, the slope, pressure, roughness or harmony of the text) allows you to give an accurate psychological characterization of the personality.

It is worth taking a close look at your "writing". And there is no need to be upset if you suddenly discover not very pleasant facets of character. A detailed graphological analysis of handwriting will help you critically comprehend your temper and get rid of its unsightly features.

It's important to know! Graphology is a science based on psychological research methods. But the graphologist is not a psychic; he cannot predict the future. By handwriting it is possible to determine the psychophysical state of a person only at the moment.

Varieties and characteristics of handwriting

Each person has only his own individual style of writing. As a result of scrupulous studies of the manner of writing letters, graphologists have deduced certain patterns that suggest how the character of a person, temperament, appearance and even the type of work affect handwriting.

What is "writing", what a specialist can tell, let us consider in more detail. Handwriting can be:

  • Tilted... This characteristic speaks of emotionality and attitude towards people. The vertical arrangement of letters means high self-esteem, an imperturbable and calm character, restraint in relation to others. A slight right bend is evidence of a gentle disposition, good nature. The owner of such a handwriting is not particularly restrained in feelings. A stronger bevel of letters to the right is an impetuous nature, in constant mental stress. The letters fled to the left - the person is cold, selfish. The small block on the left is a brave and prudent person who rely only on himself. A strong "leftist" bias suggests bad character traits: rancor, resentment. The owner of such a handwriting may be a melancholic with a constantly bad mood, not inclined to art.
  • With a push... Pressing the pen characterizes the emotions of the writer. Weak - a person with intelligence, romantic, but weak-willed, easily amenable to someone else's influence, not capable of deep experience. Strong pressure on "wrote" shows that the personality is emotionally explosive, experiences are always present in sensations.
  • Careless... So write those who are in a hurry, their hand runs ahead of thought. Such people are realists in life, they are harsh and quick-tempered, but they quickly forget the insult, love creativity, often experience bouts of inspiration, and are skeptical about any kind of fortune-telling about their future. A variant of sloppy handwriting - clumsy, rough. It can belong to a generous, sociable and sympathetic, but short-sighted, not always successful person in life. Because of his nervousness, he often gets into trouble, but always successfully gets out of an unpleasant situation.
  • Small and illegible... Belongs to shy, shy people who are unable to overcome serious difficulties. Such individuals have a certain talent and logical thinking, they have something to hide. They are often reserved and uncommunicative.
  • Large... Belongs to a confident person who attracts attention, the leader and the soul of the company, insightful and open, completely unable to dissemble. Negative character traits - excessive gullibility towards strangers, impracticality in everyday affairs.
  • All letters are written together... Such a letter characterizes straightforwardness, the ability to think sensibly, good intuition. Underlining letters, words, phrases indicates diligence, a serious attitude towards the assigned work. The family life of the owners of such a handwriting is happy, they are not tormented by doubts. A solid and compact letter is evidence of a proud and independent character, such people do not like unnecessary acquaintances and try to avoid them.
  • The gap between signs... If a small amount, this is evidence of a clear mind and harmony in the soul. There are many gaps - visual-figurative thinking, a dreamy and "muddy" personality - unclear in his actions, likes to be paid attention to. The insignificant distance between the letters indicates openness, friendly communication. The big gap is the fear of contact with strangers.
  • Angular handwriting... Indicates independence, a critical mindset and a love of competition in any endeavor, be it sports or anything else, to show one's worth. Broken and rounded letters in a letter - an independent person, hospitable, knows how to attract to himself, has excellent taste, always gets his way. However, such a person is very selfish, does not like to be told how and what to do.
  • Curls... Small and lower in letters - an uncomplicated personality, content and quickly adapting to a simple life. With his independent judgment, he does not like falsehood in relationships. A curl on one sign - spiritual development, love for the family hearth, the circle of communication is closed on relatives and good friends. Wide lower "curls" - purposefulness, focus on material wealth and communication. The squiggle below is disproportionate to the letter - a lot of laziness, there is no favorite thing. The same curl below and above is a freedom-loving character, a person gets by with very little.
  • Calligraphic... A person with such a handwriting is very sensitive and neat, an excellent family man. In life, he does not have big changes, problems at work, everything proceeds without adventures that unnerve the soul. They like to be friends with such. The lack of the owner of such a handwriting is lack of confidence in their abilities, this forces them to seek help from someone who is able to listen carefully and support.
  • Pointed handwriting... Intelligence and observation are combined with aggressiveness and cunning, mistrustful, indifferent attitude towards people, their way of life and thinking.
  • On a grand scale... This handwriting characterizes a proud person, striving for self-affirmation, who wants to always be in the first place in any business. This does not at all prevent you from being a romantic who sees everything around in a beautiful light. Such people quickly forget and forgive offenses, they have a loving, kind heart, and therefore often consider them strange.
  • Printed... Some people only write in block letters. This may indicate a complexion: low self-esteem, dependence on the opinions of others, painful perception of criticism. Such a person constantly keeps himself in self-control so as not to break loose and not show his vulnerable soul. Although from the outside it seems sincere and open.
  • Changeable... When the letters are different, and the writing is fast and careless or slow and diligent. This speaks of momentary mood swings. The handwriting suggests that he wrote with high self-esteem or, conversely, an insecure, hidden and suspicious person. Only a detailed analysis of personality can give a clear answer. Another nuance: it is written arbitrarily, regardless of the situation. Here we can talk about the openness, the inner freedom of the author, free from many of the conventions of life.

It's important to know! Graphology is in great demand in practical psychology. As a “reflection of our brain on paper,” it helps psychologists to more accurately determine the nature of the personality.

Method for determining character by handwriting

This technique is objective for people aged 25-45 years, when the psychophysical characteristics of the personality are most stable. Several pages of handwriting are examined. On the first one the person writes constrainedly, and on the following ones he “lets go”, the letter becomes more natural. The last pages are of the greatest interest.

Consider one of the graphological methods for determining character:

  1. Paper appearance... The pages covered with writing can tell a lot about the author. If a person is unkempt and greedy, they are small, greasy and dirty. And the big and clean ones suggest that he wrote pedantic and kind.
  2. Focus on the fields... Narrow - frugality, when too tight can mean pettiness, stinginess. Wide - open soul, openness, kindness. Too spacious - arrogance, bragging, pursuit of wealth.
  3. Letter size... With age, they become larger (vision deteriorates). Small letters - a person who is used to being content with what is, can be withdrawn and suffer from autism. It is impossible to extract any information from the signs of medium size. This is what the overwhelming majority of people write. The expression "like everyone else" is suitable here. Large ones indicate leadership qualities, emotionality and sociability.
  4. capital letter... If with "bells and whistles", the author is not confident in his abilities, depends on someone else's opinion, tries to be noticed. The small first sign characterizes inner stiffness, enslavement, inability to communicate freely.
  5. Pressure research... Characterizes emotions at the moment. The stronger the pressure on the pen (pencil), the greater the experience. Weak pressing - the character is sluggish, weak-willed. The letters are "bold", clear - cheerfulness, energy, sociability.
  6. Focus on strings... Wavy - changeable mood, adventurousness, resourcefulness, deceit in deeds and actions. Neat, even - emotions are "funny", a person looks at life soberly, sensibly evaluates his capabilities. If the line runs uphill, the author is an optimistic person. Sliding down indicates pessimism and low self-esteem.
  7. The slope and shape of the writing... Letters can be angular, sharp, rounded, connected in different ways. For example, too rounded letters emphasize that the personality is weak, susceptible to other people's influence. Such people rarely achieve their goal. And the connection of several signs speaks of calmness and restraint. A large slope to the right indicates dominance. Such a person can be amorous and jealous. A sharp bias to the left characterizes stubbornness, bordering on unreasonableness, when they firmly defend their, even if the wrong, point of view.
  8. Signature... Eloquently testifies to character. Common - self-confidence, well-established lifestyle. With emphasis - enterprise, resourcefulness in business. Curl loops on the letters - observation, discernment. The crossed out - the character of the explosive, belongs to the extrovert. In the "mourning" frame - the author is an introvert or prone to phobias, from timid.

It's important to know! Graphology is a serious science, but not the ultimate truth. Nevertheless, handwriting research can provide quite reliable information about the character and other personality traits.

What a person's handwriting says - look at the video:

Graphology is in demand today. Graphologists are on the staff of serious firms, they are engaged in the selection of personnel, they evaluate applicants by handwriting and give characteristics to competitors. This is the official side of their activity, but it will be interesting for any person to contact them in order to determine character traits from their letter. It is possible that this will help get rid of the bad ones, and therefore improve the quality of your life.

It has been known since ancient times. The first work on this science was published in 1622, it was called "How the character and properties of the writer can be learned from writing" and belonged to the Italian Camille Boljo. In Boljo's time, work on graphology went unnoticed: at that time, a small percentage of the population could write at all.

In the seventies of the 20th century, graphology penetrated into various spheres of life: graphological examination began to be used in forensic science, when hiring. Today, official psychology also has more accurate methods of diagnosing personality.

However, in many Western countries, graphology has become a tradition: until now, when applying for a job in some firms in the USA and Holland, the applicant writes a resume by hand in order to pass the employer's graphological examination.

It is quite simple to determine the traits of your own character or the character of loved ones using graphology: just take a white (not lined) sheet of paper, a ballpoint pen (not a gel one!) And write a few lines about yourself in your usual handwriting. Then we will examine what has been written according to the following parameters.

Handwriting tilt

Handwriting straight, no tilt:
Indicates prudence, restraint, inner harmony. This is what a very balanced person writes.

Slight tilt to the right:
The most common type of tilt. This is what open, moderately courageous and benevolent people write, who sometimes tend to surrender to impulses. Handwriting speaks of emotionality - its owner cannot always control himself.

Strong tilt to the right:
So writes a person of instantly appearing and rapidly fading enthusiasm.

A strong tilt to the right speaks of energy, originality and amorousness.

Slight tilt to the left:
Indicates masculinity of character. Women with this inclination of handwriting are guided by reason more often than others. They are smart, reasonable.

Strong tilt to the left:
In the owner of such a handwriting, there is a struggle between internal emotionality and external restraint.

Tilting sharply "back" indicates that the person is hypersensitive, but very rarely manifests it in people.

Direction of lines

The lines go up:
The owner of this handwriting is an optimist. He can be a little childish, naive, childishly spontaneous. Or maybe he is in a particularly good mood today.

The lines go straight and straight:
Straight lines indicate inner discipline. Even if the lines look even on a non-lined sheet, it means that its owner is neat, prudent and collected.

The lines go down:
You are in a bad mood. Often times, the lines go down when we write something boring or sad. If the lines are always downward, chances are the writer is mildly depressed.

Handwriting size

Large handwriting:
Such handwriting is found in open, warm-hearted and self-confident people. Often indicates high self-esteem.

Handwriting is too large for people who are fixated on themselves. To put it simply, selfish people.

Medium handwriting:
Calm, confident people with adequate self-esteem usually have medium handwriting. If the average size increases towards the end of each line or sentence, its owner is open, independent and free. If the handwriting decreases, on the contrary, the subject wants to hide something.

Small handwriting:
Miniature handwriting can be associated with visual impairment. Also, a small, neat handwriting speaks of an analytical mindset, some pedantry and increased attention to detail. Many people with small handwriting are rather shy.

Handwriting shape

Rounded handwriting:
Most often found in cheerful and rustic kind-hearted people. Its owner is not too cunning and does not like intrigue. She treats others with an almost maternal concern, understanding and kindness.

Sharp handwriting:
Sharp corners can tell us about two things that are often combined: aggressiveness and very high intelligence. Those with a sharp handwriting are often shrewd, cunning, and clever people. Along with this, sharp handwriting is found among not too good-natured people.

Angular handwriting:
When the handwriting is not too sharp, but there is some sharpness in it, right angles, even "sticks" of letters - we are talking about an observant person who deeply understands what is happening around. Often such people are good at managing others.

If the angular handwriting is large enough, this indicates a tendency of its owner to manipulate.

Letter tips

If the "tails" of some letters (for example, the letter "P") go down strongly, this indicates sexual activity, passion and strong sex drive.

If the upper "tips" prevail, for example, when writing "b", then the owner of such a handwriting is a spiritual person, "exalted", often a believer.


A quick scribble indicates that the wearer is unbalanced. In many cases, scribblers do not have a strict daily routine, go to bed late and wake up late, and work on a nervous job.

Besides, scribbles are the handwriting of geniuses. Most geniuses had completely illegible handwriting.

Clear handwriting:
The easier it is to read what is written, the stronger and calmer the person is. Clarity of handwriting is found in people with a stable and healthy psyche, in excellent physical shape.


Iron the back of the paper - can you feel the letters?

Medium pressure:
It is found among strong-willed, purposeful people. Its owners value themselves highly enough, they know how to keep everything under control.

Weak pressure:
It is found in people who are timid and inclined to compromise, who are easy to manipulate. If there is almost no pressure, this may indicate some complexes, low self-esteem.