What is celebrated on April 19. Environment Day in Ukraine

April 19, 2018 - Thursday 109th day of 2018 in the Gregorian calendar. April 19 corresponds to April 6 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays April 19, 2018 in Russia

  • Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry. Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry cannot be found in the list of professional holidays in Russia. However, the enterprises utilizing metal waste independently set April 19 as such a date. On this day in 1922, the USSR Labor and Defense Council issued a decree on an agreement between five departments. NKVT, VSNKh, REVVOENSOVET, NKPS and NKZ agreed to establish the Metallotorg association. Since then, all issues related to the collection and sale of scrap metal have been coordinated by a new organization.
  • Day of Russian Printing Industry. The Day of Russian Printing Industry is a Russian professional holiday, which is celebrated on April 19. It was established in 2013 at the initiative of printers and with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications. Printing is an industry that produces printed products - books, newspapers and magazines, booklets, postcards, labels, packaging products and much more. The founder of printing in Russia is considered to be Ivan Fedorov, one of the first Russian book printers, who published the first accurately dated printed book in Russia.

Holidays April 19, 2018 in Ukraine

  • Holidays on April 19, 2018 in Ukraine are absent.

World and International Holidays April 19, 2018

  • International Snowdrop Day. Every year on April 19, many countries around the world celebrate the already traditional beautiful spring holiday - The Day of Snowdrop. It traces its history from England, where it was founded in 1984. In general, in the world, depending on the climatic zone, snowdrops bloom from January to April. And since in the UK their flowering occurs in mid-April, then this holiday was timed to coincide with this period - the beginning of spring and warm sunny days, and today it has become loved and popular in other countries.
  • International Day of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Action Day is an annual international campaign that takes place on April 19th. The aim of the campaign is to disseminate information about the birth defect of the diaphragm, which is one of the most common causes of infant mortality.

Orthodox holidays April 19, 2018

  • April 19, 2018 in the Orthodox Church: 2nd Week after Easter; there is no post.

The following memorable dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of Saint Eutykhios, Archbishop of Constantinople;
  • Memorial Day Equal to the Apostles Methodius, Archbishop of Moravia;
  • Memorial Day of the Monk Platonis of Syria;
  • Day of Remembrance of the 120 Persian Martyrs;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Jeremiah and Archil Priest;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Martyrs Peter Zhukov and Prokhor Mikhailov;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs John and James Boykov, presbyters;
  • Day of Remembrance of the Monk Confessor Sevastian of Karaganda (Fomin), Archimandrite.

Folk holidays 19 April 2018

  • Eutykhiy Quiet and Erema Proletny. The folk holiday "Eutykhiy the Quiet and Erema Proletny" is celebrated on April 19 (according to the old style - April 6). Believers of the Orthodox Church on this day honor the memory of Saint Eutykhios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Martyr Jeremiah of Rome. Other names for the holiday: "Eutychios Day", "Eutykhios", "Erema", "Eutyches and Erema Day". The names "Quiet" and "Proletny" day were given thanks to the omen by which they judged the yield of bread. It reads: “The quieter the weather, the higher the harvest. If the wind has cleared, you will not collect seeds. " Eutykhios was born in the village of Divine, Phrygian region. He was brought up in Christian piety. At the age of 12 he went to Constantinople to study, but chose the path of a monk for himself. He settled in the monastery of Amasya and accepted monasticism. For a godly life full of strict fasts, Eutykhios was appointed archimandrite. In 552 he became patriarch. During the struggle against dissent for condemning heresy, he was exiled from Constantinople to the Amasian monastery, where he spent 12 years. Little is known about the martyr Jeremiah. Pope Gregory the First mentioned him. Jeremiah lived in the third century. He was martyred during a time of persecution against Christians. By April 19, apple trees usually bloom and flowers appear on a dangling birch. In Russian folklore, the apple tree has always been a symbol of girlish beauty and innocence, therefore, in wedding songs, the bride is often compared to a tree in bloom. On this day, it was necessary to respect the apple tree - bow to it, prop up the branches so that they withstand the future harvest, paint the trunk to protect it from harmful insects. It was not a sin to have a bite of soaked apples, if, of course, they survived until spring. They also baked pies with apple filling. In the villages, girls who dreamed of getting married this year believed that the one who first saw the apple tree flower and brought it to the doorstep of the church would receive the highest blessing to marry for love, and everyone else would be married. On Eutychia, they usually thought about the harvest of peas. If the day was calm and windless, then the harvest promised to be rich. Peas have been known in Russia since time immemorial. This is where the proverb came from: “It was during the reign of Tsar Pea,” that is, a very long time ago. Peas were revered as a symbol of fertility, health and longevity. In one of the tales, the queen swallows a pea, as a result of which her son-hero is born - Pokatigoroshek. Therefore, wishing the young as many children as possible, at village weddings the bride and groom were often whipped with pea whips. Peas were actively used in folk medicine: they were mainly treated for skin diseases. To rid a person of warts, lichens, corns and erysipelas, the healer, reading a special conspiracy, touched the affected skin with a pea. Then such a pea was thrown into a stove or into a well, getting rid of the disease forever. Our ancestors knew a lot of pea dishes: they ate it beaten, strained, grated, spun (fried), Chadian (smoked). They made a stew, jelly from peas, baked pies with pea filling. Even cheese was made from peas. To do this, the peas were crushed, knocked down for a long time, dried and oil was added to them.

Holidays April 19, 2018 in the countries of the world

  • Holiday in Iceland April 19, 2018 - Girls' Day. The first day of the month Harpa according to the ancient Icelandic calendar is the First Day of Summer (Sumardagurinn Fyrsti). If the previous two months were dedicated to the husband and wife, respectively, then the meeting of the first summer month belongs entirely to unmarried girls. The origin of the name of the month of Harpa was lost in the centuries, but with the light hand of the romantics of the 19th century, Harpa began to be portrayed as a young girl, the daughter of Torrey and Goa - the last winter months. By the way, according to one version, Harpa is considered the female name of one of the forgotten goddesses.
  • Holiday in Iceland April 19, 2018 - Sumarsdag. According to the ancient Icelandic calendar, on the first Thursday after April 18, Iceland celebrates the ancient pagan holiday Sumarsdag or Siggblot (Sumarsdag, Siggblot). Summer begins on this day - a great and joyful event after the long northern winter. As you know, since ancient times, the year in Iceland was traditionally divided into two seasons - summer and winter. The first day of summer is still celebrated on the third or fourth Thursday in April, marking the long-awaited awakening of nature. With the beginning of summer in antiquity, the year itself began, the chronology went according to the winters lived. Therefore, it is not surprising that the custom was to give summer gifts instead of the current New Year ones.
    Holiday in Israel April 19, 2018 - Independence Day. Israel's Independence Day (Hebrew יום העצמאות, Yom Hazmaut) is the country's main public holiday. It is celebrated annually on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, coming to 5 Iyar, in commemoration of the proclamation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948 (5 Iyar 5708 according to the Hebrew calendar).
  • Celebration in Cuba April 19, 2018 - Anniversary of the Victory in Playa Giron. Annually on April 19, Cuba celebrates a memorable date - the anniversary of the victory in Playa Giron, dedicated to the events of 1961. On April 16, a counter-revolutionary pro-American landing at Playa Giron followed in order to overthrow the government of F. Castro (Playa Girón, Spanish Playa Girón - a settlement in the Cochinos bay on the southern coast of Cuba). On April 17, 1961, the Americans landed the main forces of a specially formed "brigade 2506" (4 infantry, tank and airborne battalions, a division of heavy artillery and special forces - only 1,500 people). The brigade was manned by mercenaries - mostly Cuban counterrevolutionary emigrants, recruited, trained and equipped by the US CIA. At the same time, the landing began 33 kilometers northwest of Playa Giron, in the Playa Larga area. The invasion was carried out under the cover of US ships and aircraft. The plans of the interventionists were thwarted by the decisive actions of the militia fighters, units of the Rebel Army and the cadets of the Matanzas People's Militia School, led by F. Castro. Of the 1,350 invaders who landed on the shores of the Cochinos Bay, 1,173 were captured, the rest were destroyed. The entrance to the museum of the operation in Playa Giron (Photo: wikipedia.org) On April 19 (in just 72 hours) the counter-revolutionaries were completely defeated.
  • Holiday in Uruguay April 19, 2018 - Thirty-three Patriots Disembarkation Day. On April 19, Uruguay celebrates a national holiday - the Day of Landing of Thirty-Three Patriots. It is dedicated to thirty-three instigators of the Uruguayan uprising for the liberation of the country from the yoke of Brazil.
  • Holiday in Venezuela April 19, 2018 - Independence Day. On April 19, Venezuelans celebrate a public holiday - the Day of the beginning of the movement for independence (sometimes it is simply called the Day of April 19). This is the day the First Venezuelan Republic was founded. The first Spanish settlement was founded in Venezuela in the sixteenth century. Almost three centuries later, the struggle for independence from Spain began in the country. It was led by Sebastian-Francisco Miranda. In 1806, he formed a detachment of volunteers and landed several times on the coast of Venezuela to raise a liberation uprising. On April 19, 1810, in Caracas, an expanded municipal government overthrew the Spanish governor, Vincente Emparan, and took power into its own hands, establishing a junta. Other Venezuelan provinces soon followed suit. This event marked the beginning of the struggle for Venezuela's independence from Spain. Venezuela's war of independence lasted ten years. At first, Francisco de Miranda led the armed struggle, and when he was captured by the Spanish authorities in 1812, he was replaced by Simon Bolivar.

Signs April 19

  • If Eutykhiy gets furious, he hits with the wind - grief for the peasant: the ear will knock him down.
  • On Eutychia, a quiet day - for the grain harvest.
  • February will be covered with snow, April will wash away with water.
Published on 4/19/18 00:29 AM

Today, April 19, 2018, is also celebrated the Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia, the Day of the Russian printing industry, the Day of the snowdrop and other events.

What a holiday today: on April 18, 2018, the church holiday Eutykhiy the Quiet and Erema Proletny is celebrated

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On April 19, 2018, the folk holiday Eutykhiy the Quiet and Erema Proletny is celebrated. The church on this day commemorates Saint Eutykhios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Martyr Jeremiah.

This day received the names "Quiet" and "Proletny" for the omen by which the grain yield was judged: "The quieter the weather, the higher the harvest. If the wind clears up, you will not collect seeds."

According to tradition, Eutykhios was born in the village of Divine, Phrygian region. His grandfather was a priest. He brought up intkbbee grandson in Christian piety. At the age of 12, Eutykhios went to Constantinople to study, but chose the path of a monk for himself. He settled in the monastery of Amasya and accepted monasticism.

For a godly life full of strict fasts, Eutykhios was appointed archimandrite. In 552 he became patriarch. A year later, he was sent to the V Ecumenical Council instead of the Metropolitan of Amasia, due to the latter's illness. When Patriarch Mina met Eutychios in Constantinople, he predicted to him that he would become the new archbishop. The apostle Peter asked the same when he appeared to the emperor Justinian.

At the Meeting, the priests of the Orthodox Church anathematized new false teachings. One of them argued that the body of Jesus Christ was incorrupt even before the Resurrection. The faithful king Justinian succumbed to this heresy. After her condemnation by Bishop Eutychios, the ruler unleashed anger on him and expelled him from Constantinople.

Eutykhios spent 12 years in exile at the Amasian monastery. There God gave him the gift of healing and prophecy. During this time, he performed many miracles and predicted the names of the emperor's successors. In 577, Eutykhios returned to Constantinople. He was restored to the rank of archbishop. But he did not stay at the post for long. In 582 Saint Eutykhios departed into another world.

Little is known about the Martyr Jeremiah of Rome. Pope Gregory I mentions him. Jeremiah lived in the III century. He was martyred during a time of persecution against Christians.

According to signs, if a quiet day and a starry night turned out, peas will be born.

Wild ducks settle closer to water bodies - wait for a dry summer.

Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia

Day of the worker of the scrap processing industry in Russia is celebrated on April 19, 2018. The event was initiated by enterprises utilizing metal waste. The selected date is timed to the publication of the decree of the USSR Labor and Defense Council on the establishment of the Metallotorg association. It managed the collection and sale of scrap metal.

Day of Russian Printing Industry

The Day of Russian Printing Industry is celebrated annually on April 19. The initiators of the holiday were the printers themselves. They have been seeking the right to their professional day for many years. Their dream came true in 2013. Since then, there has been one more event in the Russian professional calendar.

The date of the celebration was timed to the beginning of work on the first printed book in Russia - "Apostle", on the creation of which two book printers worked for a year - from April 19, 1563 to March 1, 1564.

Snowdrop day

International Snowdrop Day is celebrated annually on April 19. It was first celebrated by the British in 1984. Following them, this idea was taken up by other countries. Snowdrop flowers bloom in the UK in mid-April. The residents chose the 19th as the date of the celebration, so that the flower could open and appear in all its glory.

Gregory, Ivan, Pavel, Peter, Prokhor, Sevastian, Yakov.

  • 1783 - Catherine II's manifesto on the annexation of Crimea to Russia was published.
  • 1935 - the voluntary sports society Spartak was founded in the USSR.
  • 1943 - An armed uprising of prisoners of the Warsaw ghetto against the Nazis began.
  • 1943 - The Smersh Main Directorate of Counterintelligence is organized.
  • 1970 - the first VAZ-2101 rolled off the assembly line.
  • Pietro Aretino 1492 - Italian Renaissance writer.
  • David Ricardo 1772 - English economist.
  • Grigory Myasoedov 1834 - Russian painter.
  • Mikhail Muravyov 1845 - Russian statesman.
  • Alexander Ptushko 1900 - Soviet film director.
  • Veniamin Kaverin 1902 - Soviet writer.
  • Georgy Markov 1911 - Soviet writer.
  • Bronislav Vinogrodsky 1957 - Sinologist, translator, writer.
  • Maria Sharapova 1987 - Russian tennis player.

Russians continue to worry about the question of what holiday is today, April 19. And by the way, several holidays are celebrated on Wednesday. Among them are the International Snowdrop Day and the Day of Russian Printing. According to the church calendar, the memory of Saints Eutychios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Martyr Jeremiah, is honored. And in the national calendar April 19 is listed as the Day of Yerema Proletny.

What a holiday today, April 19: International Snowdrop Day and the Day of Russian Printing

International Snowdrop Day is celebrated annually on April 19. The holiday, which was dedicated to him, is designed to give spring warmth, instill hope in people and cause a smile. In all countries, a fragile white flower, a snowdrop, symbolizes the end of winter and the beginning of spring.

It was first celebrated by the British in 1984. Following them, this idea was taken up by other countries. Snowdrop flowers bloom in the UK in mid-April. The residents chose the 19th as the date of the celebration, so that the flower could open and appear in all its glory.

In the world, the flowering period of a flower, depending on climatic conditions, lasts from January to April. In every country, it is considered a symbol of spring and warmth. For a long time, it stood for purity. By the way, according to the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, there are 18 snowdrop species and two hybrids on the planet. 12 of them are found on the territory of the former Soviet Union.

On April 19, our country celebrates a professional holiday - the Day of Russian Printing, established in 2014. The history of the choice of the date for the celebration of this day has much in common with the Day of the Orthodox Book, which is celebrated on March 14, since both are directly related to the founding of the printing business in Russia. It is from there, from the distant 16th century, that the history of printing as a separate industry begins. An important historical and cultural event was chosen as a starting point - the publication in 1564 of "Apostle" - the first printed book in Russia, prepared by Ivan Fedorov.

Today, on the Day of Russian Printing, congratulations will be received by workers in this field.

What a holiday today according to the church calendar: Honoring the memory of Saints Eutychios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Martyr Jeremiah

Eutykhios was born in the village of Divine, Phrygian region. His grandfather was a priest. He raised his grandson in Christian piety. At the age of 12, Eutykhios went to Constantinople to study, but chose the path of a monk for himself. Eutykhios was both an archimandrite and a patriarch. A year later, he was sent to the V Ecumenical Council instead of the Metropolitan of Amasia, due to the latter's illness.

Because of disfavor, Eutykhios spent 12 years in exile in the Amasian monastery. There he performed many miracles, had the gift of healing and prophecy.

Little is known about the Martyr Jeremiah of Rome. Pope Gregory I mentions him. Jeremiah lived in the III century. He was martyred during a time of persecution against Christians.

According to the national calendar, Eutykhiy the Quiet and Erema Proletny is celebrated. Believers of the Orthodox Church of this date honor the memory of Saint Eutykhios, Archbishop of Constantinople and Martyr Jeremiah.

The name "Quiet" and "Proletny" day was given for the omen by which the grain yield was judged. It reads: “The quieter the weather, the higher the harvest. If the wind has cleared, you will not collect seeds. "

On this day, April 19, they pray to Saint Eutykhios for their physical and mental health, as well as those of their loved ones. And girls need to guess at future suitors.

It is believed that if the weather is calm, expect a good harvest of grain and vegetables. In addition, if the day is quiet and the night is starry, then peas will be born. Morning fog suggests that it will be mostly dry until the end of April. Wind all day - to crop failure.