Children Protection Day. International Children's Day Celebration of Children's Day

Children's Day has been celebrated every year since 1950 around the world. The purpose of this holiday is to draw people's attention to the situation of children in the family and society, to remind adults of the need to respect the rights of the child.

On June 1, numerous entertainment events are organized for millions of children around the world - free rides on attractions, drawing with chalk zhshmernz on the pavement, watching children's films in cinemas, free distribution of balloons, ice cream and other sweets. In addition, schoolchildren begin their favorite summer holidays on this day.

June 1 in the parks of culture and recreation in Moscowyou can see musicals, attend concerts and master classes, watch shows of mimes and soap bubbles, and play football.

In the Hermitage Garden from 17:00 to 19:00 a gala concert will take place, concluding the twelfth festival of the Academy of Children's Musical. The audience will see the brightest fragments of 28 musicals participating in the festival, which young artists, under the guidance of their teachers, have been preparing throughout the year. Each performance is equipped with scenery, costumes and an exclusively designed lighting and sound score.

In the garden to them. Bauman from 12:00 to 15:00 there will be a festive concert of creative teams of young talents. Children will demonstrate dance and vocal numbers. For everyone, there will be a master class on decorating gingerbread cookies of various sizes and shapes, which you can then take with you as a keepsake.

The photo exhibition "Moscow and Muscovites" will open in Vorontsovsky Park at 11:00 a.m. as part of the Art Crossroads 2018 festival of visual creativity. There will be a master class on art photography. At 12:00 in the Vorontsovo estate, children will be taught the basics of classical dance: children from 3 to 6 years old will be able to unleash their creative potential by taking part in the Ballet and Fairy Tale program, children from 7 to 12 years old will attend the Basics of Classical Dance program. The result of the lesson will be a small demonstration performance in front of parents and visitors to the park and the presentation of diplomas to the participants of the master class. At 16:00, a basketball master class for children will begin in the park.

In the Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora from 13:00 to 17:00 you can see a chemical show, a show of mimes and soap bubbles, take part in master classes "The world through the eyes of a child on cardboard", "Decoration of children's hairpins and bracelets", "Postcards children's hands with congratulations for mothers. The mood of the holiday will be supported by animators with a variety of games, contests and relay races.

In the Kuzminki Park, visitors will become participants in the soap bubble show, and will be able to try their hand at table hockey and football. Throughout the holiday, animators will work on the site, and an illusionist magician will present his unique show. A special festive program will be presented by students of the JeeFox dance school, ballet dancers of TODES and the Center Children's Art School. In the evening, cover band artists will perform on the main stage of the park.

The Gardeners Park will host sports games and competitions for children and their parents. Everyone is waiting for performances based on Russian fairy tales, a soap bubble show, an animation program, as well as performances by musical groups.

In Zaryadye Park, on the stage of the Grand Amphitheater, the International Student Theater Festival of the BRICS countries will be held, an educational and entertainment program for children in the park.

Master classes and concert programs will be held in Perovsky, Tagansky and Lianozovsky parks, as well as Krasnaya Presnya and Fili parks.

In Babushkinsky Park from 16:00 to 18:00 there will be a concert of the Laureates of the VI festival-competition of children's and youth creativity "Art Caravan".

Many museum complexes, libraries, theaters, cultural centers, cinemas, entertainment centers, parks, sports palaces, stadiums and others are preparing events for Children's Day.

Lectures, master classes, excursions, theatrical shows and other events for children will be held in historical, natural science, art museums, museum-reserves and exhibition halls.

In theaters and children's leisure centers, you can see interesting performances (for example, in the Grand Kremlin Palace from June 1 to mid-July, you can attend performances with children at affordable prices).

In the palaces of culture and other institutions of Moscow, on Children's Day 2018, there will be performances by amateur art groups, including children's (in particular, a concert dedicated to International Children's Day will be held in the Hall of Church Cathedrals of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a Grand Festival will also be timed to coincide with the holiday schools of metropolitan arts).

Children's sports, play and creative grounds will be equipped in different parts of the city. Each of them will have its own design and theme. Many events for Children's Day on June 1, 2018 will take place in the parks of Moscow - in the park. Gorky, Fili, Sokolniki, Kolomenskoye, Babushkinsky Garden, Kuzminki, Troparevsky, Tsaritsyno, Izmailovo, the Hermitage Garden and others. Theatrical performances, animation programs, excursions, concerts, orientation quests, fun games and competitions will also be held here.

For outdoor enthusiasts, special areas with trampolines and inflatable attractions will be equipped. Fans of various sports are waiting for competitions in field hockey, football, tennis, etc. The children will be able to draw their self-portraits on large sheets of cardboard, take part in the competition of drawings on asphalt, master classes in making various handicrafts with their own hands.

Among the events that are held in Moscow on June 1, 2018, there is even the passing of the TRP standards and orienteering classes, in which you can take part on Sparrow Hills near the House of Pioneers.

  1. The International Democratic Congress of Women after the Second World War approved the date for the protection of children - June 1 - annually;
  2. Since 1950, the first of June officially receives the status of a national one;
  3. Marches for the future generation are designed to protect the rights of future citizens;
  4. In 2012, the St. Petersburg campaign "White Flower" was launched, helping children suffering from oncology;
  5. The world community carries out numerous international actions against abortion;
  6. The funds raised by volunteers are a huge contribution to cancer patients;
  7. The Russian Orthodox Church approves of actions in the name of saving children;
  8. The main activities of the St. Petersburg March 2018 are fundraising to save the seriously ill.

The holiday originates immediately after the Great Patriotic War, which brought a lot of grief and misfortune, especially to teenagers. Many were deprived of shelter, parents, close relatives, family, the most elementary conditions of existence.

Previously, there was also violence against small, unprotected creatures: they were subjected to slave labor, humiliation, starvation, and death.

International Children's Day

Mothers most acutely feel the pain and suffering of children. Therefore, the post-war forty-ninth gives rise to a procession that protects childhood.

The International Women's Congress, held in France, proclaims the first of June as "Children's Day", attracting the public to the problems of adolescents. A year later, this march begins its full-fledged work, rapidly walking around the planet, moving through countries.

1954 was marked by the fact that the UN General Assembly decided to consider the date November 20 as "World Children's Day". Its important direction is to work together, uniting the efforts of the caring masses to create the maximum well-being for all the children of the Earth, including:

  • - health,
  • - education,
  • - provision of housing

These two dates should serve to strengthen national unity in dealing with numerous issues related to children. For 2018, there are big plans for organizing holidays.

The happiness of our children is in our hands

The Day for the Protection of Future Citizens is a reminder to others about the existence of a number of growing up full-fledged residents, about what issues need to be addressed on their life path.

Cancer has become one of the top issues raised by society. A serious illness sometimes resulting in death. Children in cancer clinics are no exception.

Therefore, 2012 gives a start to the St. Petersburg initiative "White Flower", winning the hearts of caring citizens. Now it is widely broadcast on television, urging the public to respond in order to make every effort to help little patients.

  • fundraising for treatment, rehabilitation,
  • opening of oncology centers,
  • volunteer work supporting desperate kids, their parents.

Recently, the Orthodox Church begins to support this direction, the Ros-Registr website informs. Thanks to Patriarch Kirill of Russia, donations are being collected, centers are being opened for pregnant women, single women who need help, support, and comfort today.

The program of this holiday around the world is extensive, very diverse. Cities and villages hold rallies, pickets, marches, religious processions calling on adults to pay attention to priority tasks to improve children's well-being.

Events for 2018 are being prepared and held everywhere

  • car mileage,
  • motorcycle races,
  • cyclist rides,
  • screenings of various films with further discussion,
  • distribution of campaign materials,
  • concerts, theatrical performances,
  • expansion of volunteer work,
  • marches for the existence of newborns.

Our children - peace and love

Whatever events, movements, actions take place in the world for the sake of the future generation, those around should become kinder and more attentive to the tiny inhabitants of the mainland. Give more smiles, care, participation.

After all, any newborn is the future not only of parents, but of the entire globe. From what will be his young time, adolescence, growing up, that he will be able to learn good things from adults, so he will become later, such will be his fate.

So let's give our kids a happy, unforgettable childhood with bright memories, cheerful smiles!

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International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 in more than 60 countries for several decades. It was officially celebrated for the first time in 1950, but the birth of Children's Day took place in the 20s of the last century.

Few people know that in 2016, Patriarch Kirill, on the International Children's Day, timed a special appeal with an appeal to make donations to support women in a life crisis. On May 29, the last Sunday of the month, it was read in every church, accompanied by a collection of funds for the creation of humanitarian aid centers for women who are expecting a child. Fundraising, which took place throughout the country, brought 38 million rubles, which should be used to create new humanitarian aid centers.

Importance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a large scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that schoolchildren's favorite time starts - summer holidays. Sports competitions, competitions, concerts, film screenings and other entertainment events are traditionally held in schools and preschool children's institutions.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Like decades ago, kids draw the sun, the peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the pavement. Loving parents try to spend this day with their child and give him a festive mood with the help of affordable entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to solve pressing issues, and generous sponsors time financial assistance to coincide with the holiday. Particular attention is paid to helping orphanages, large families, children from dysfunctional families and children suffering from serious illnesses.

Background and history of the International Children's Day

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents and organized a national holiday for them - Duan Wu Jie, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international conference was held in Geneva on the first day of June, considering the pressing problems of the well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the birth of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

Officially, the holiday was established in the post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries of the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-childish problems of those who cannot fend for themselves on their own. Above all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which includes a number of articles that ensure the legal protection of underage citizens. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

After 30 years, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document that defines the obligations of states to children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it entered into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the obligations of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. On a rich green background, the planet Earth is depicted, around which there are multi-colored figures symbolizing children holding hands.

On the first day of summer, International Children's Day is celebrated. This is not only one of the most joyful holidays for children, but also a reminder to adults about what a wonderful time “childhood” is.
Cultural institutions of the Mariinsky municipal district held events dedicated to this holiday.

On June 1, the creative workers of KDO Prazdnik for children attending the Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities held a play program called the Country of Childhood.
The boys and girls, together with the presenter, visited the "World of Fairy Tales", where they took part in the fun quiz "Guess the character", cooked porridge with the "Magpie - white-sided", collected "Flower - seven-flower" and made bouquets. With great pleasure, the children took part in such a delicious competition as "Straw". It was almost impossible to refuse to participate in such competitions, because in addition to smiles and laughter, sweet prizes were generously presented to all children.
At the end of the holiday, each child who came to the holiday was presented with a balloon from an individual entrepreneur Elena Prishchits as a gift.
Throughout the holiday, the guests were pleased with their creativity by the vocal ensemble "Smiles" (leader Golovchenko V.G.) and its soloists. With fervent performances, they gave everyone present a festive mood and positive emotions!
The holiday turned out to be kind, cheerful and memorable. Summer holidays are ahead of the guys and this event can be considered their bright start.

On June 1, the theatrical game program "Symbol of Peace and Kindness" was held at the Malopeschansky rural House of Culture.
The theatrical character Leo Boniface from the cartoon "Boniface's Holidays" introduced the children to the "magic flower", which gives everyone a good mood, peace and kindness. Boniface looked after the "magic flower", watered it and guarded it so that the good mood would not disappear anywhere. But unexpectedly for everyone, Baba Yaga flew to visit him on a broomstick. Her broom broke and she turned to the guys for help to help her with the repair of her vehicle. The children helped Baba Yaga and, with the help of magic words and dance, set up a magic broom. But as soon as the broom was adjusted and Baba Yaga made her flight, she, unexpectedly for everyone, cut off all the petals of the magic flower. Immediately it became sad, everyone around began to cry, Baba Yaga realized that she had done a bad deed. To correct the mistake and bring the flower back to life, Baba Yaga and Leo Boniface turned to the guys for help, who helped the flower to bloom again. To do this, they performed various tasks.
At the end of the theatrical program, Baba Yaga and Boniface thanked all the children for their help, congratulated them on the holiday, presented sweet prizes and danced all together around the flower, promising that they would definitely meet them again.

"Happy Childhood Holiday" - under this name, on June 1, a festive program dedicated to Children's Day was held in the Krasnoorlovsky rural House of Culture.
The participants of the event were children attending the summer school camp of the Krasnoorlovskaya school and pupils of the Beryozka kindergarten. The program was based on the motives of the cartoons of the Soviet era, beloved by all children.
On this wonderful day, the children were invited to visit the theatrical characters Masha, Misha and the Old Woman Shapoklyak, who did not let anyone get bored. Children with pleasure and excitement took part in games and competitions: “All friends are in this hall”, “Funny little men”, “Sun and rain”, “Boogie-Woogie” and others.
On "Hurrah!" met young performers of the vocal studio "Na encore" and a member of the children's folklore group "Kudelka", who performed perky ditties.
And although the first day of summer was not very hot, the children played, sang, danced with pleasure, for which they received sweet prizes and balloons.
The final part of the program was the story dedicated to the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture "Suma - Give Mind", presented by the participants of the theater studios "Impromptu".
The children's holiday was a positive start to the long-awaited summer holiday. The guys got the necessary charge of positive emotions for the summer.

On June 1, a children's holiday dedicated to Children's Day was held on the territory of the Belogorodsk KFOR.
The head of the rural settlement Andrei Alekseevich Samsonov addressed the children and their parents with a congratulatory word. Children took part in the concert and game program "Hello, summer". The main characters of the holiday were Pirate Jane and the Good Fairy. Mothers, grandmothers and fathers participated in games, competitions and dances together with the children. While the children were drawing pictures on the pavement, the parents took part in the quiz "Do you know fairy tales?". At the end of the holiday, all the children received sweet gifts from sponsors - Elena Pavlovna Zemlyanitsina and Vera Vladimirovna Semeshko.

On June 1, the Kirsanovsky Leisure House hosted the game program “Summer warmed by the sun”, dedicated to Children's Day. The clowns Tyutya and Putya, together with the children, played different games, shouted loud chants and danced the cheerful Lavata dance, and then together they re-educated the evil Barmaley, who wanted to steal a chest with sweet prizes. After playing with the children, Barmaley became kind and cheerful and returned the chest to the children and treated all the children with sweet prizes.

On Children's Day, all the children who came to the Suslovsky House of Culture were greeted by cheerful colored pencils, who played funny games with the children, guessed riddles, searched for treasure, drew drawings on environmental topics on the pavement. Throughout the holiday, music sounded, those who came ate cotton candy and popcorn, conquered trampolines and mastered fantastic motor vehicles.
This holiday marked the start of the summer gaming programs of the House of Culture. In June, events for the children of the village will be held in the recreation center.

Creative workers of the Pervomaisky House of Culture, together with workers of the rural library, held a festive game program "Childhood Holiday, or Balloon Day", dedicated to Children's Day.
The holiday was opened by cheerful presenters, and, of course, - Summer. The hosts amused the children with interesting contests and outdoor games, they sang a song about summer. The children participated with pleasure in the competitions "Draw the sun", "Plant a flower bed", "Rain", guessed riddles.
At the end of the fun holiday, children from the theater group "Visiting a Fairy Tale" showed the fairy tale "Turnip". The holiday ended with summing up and presenting sweet prizes.

On June 1, a festive program “How much sun! How much light!
Music from cartoons sounded in the lobby. The theatrical group "Fidgets" showed the ecological fairy tale "Gingerbread Man". Then the children traveled through the mysterious forest, where many interesting stations were waiting for them - “Solve the crossword puzzle”, “Multvoprosy”, “Multruzya”, “Recognize the voice”.
The holiday lasted with a disco, and for young artists there was a competition of drawings on asphalt “Here it is our summer!”

On Children's Day in the Literary and Memorial House-Museum of V.A. Chivilikhin hosted a festive event "90 days of summer - around the world" for children living in the area of ​​the railway.
The event began with the viewing of cartoons from the Soyuzmultfilm film studio. After watching, the children answered quiz questions on Soviet cartoons, solved riddles and remembered their favorite characters.
After that, an informative tour of the Yard of Nature took place, and then, under the bright sun, the children drew a whole meadow of flowers on the pavement, played yard games: "Potato", "Ring", "Slow down, you will go further - stop."
The event ended with the wishes of a good rest and excellent summer mood.

On June 1, the employees of the Museum "Birch Bark of Siberia" for the school camp of the gymnasium No. 2 "Solnyshko" held a game program "Let's join hands."
The children got acquainted with the symbol of the holiday: on the green flag - the symbol of the planet and five multi-colored figures around its circumference. The green background symbolizes fertility, growth and harmony, the planet is the common home of all children, and the colorful figures symbolize tolerance and diversity.
For schoolchildren, various competitions and relay races were selected. Schoolchildren answered the questions of a fairy tale quiz, guessed riddles, participated in competitions: “Ants”, developing patience and ingenuity, built towers from cubes; "Accurate", testing dexterity and accuracy; "Spider", weaving a web at speed.
The game program "Let's join hands" was accompanied by music from Soviet cartoons.
At the end of the event, sweet prizes were awarded to all participants.

The Blagoveshchensk Rural House of Culture hosted a competitive and game program of the “Magic World of Childhood” holiday, which included an entertainment program with the participation of animators, fun games with Dunno and Carlson, contests and gifts.
The organizers gave fun and good mood to all the guests of the holiday. The Children's Day holiday turned out to be bright and interesting.
At the end of the holiday, all the boys and girls left their wishes on the Wishing Ball, which flew into the sky, but will definitely return as a dream come true.

On the first summer day, the Kalinin KFOR hosted a traditional holiday dedicated to the International Children's Day. The House of Culture for a few hours turned into a large and joyful "Magic Land", where many surprises awaited the children.

The guests of the holiday were met by the cartoon character Lelik and the earthly girl Bianca. They invited everyone to visit the planet Barbarella, where the guys got acquainted with cheerful and friendly Barbariki - Bonya, Baz and Bibi. Bibi said that each of them has a little friend on earth, and when night falls, they return back home to Barbarella. And today, in honor of the Barbariki holiday, all the guys were invited to meet him with them in the "Magic Land". The children, together with the heroes of the program, sang a lot of funny songs, performed incendiary dances, played different games.
But the holiday didn't end there. Divided into groups, the children went to different parts of the "Magic Land". The guys visited the room of Russian life "Russian hut" at the craftswoman T.N. Nedoseeva, where they learned how to make beautiful butterflies from fabrics. A quiz on fairy tales called "Fairytale carousel" was held for children in the Kalinin rural library.
For young children there was an entertaining game program "Adventures of the Brush". During the entire event, young artists performed on the stage of the Palace of Culture with vocal and dance numbers. All guests of the holiday received sweet prizes as a gift. The holiday continued with drawings on the pavement and a disco.

On June 1, the creative workers of the Primetkinsky Leisure House and the library held a game program for children called "Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood".
The guys found themselves in a country of fun, light, warmth and good mood.
Interesting games and competitions did not leave anyone indifferent. Divided into teams "Solnyshko" and "Summer", the guys competed in ingenuity and dexterity. The atmosphere of competition, the spirit of rivalry caused great delight and admiration of the children. At all stages, the guys strived to win. They jumped, ran, guessed riddles with great interest and shouted cheerful chants.
In the end, friendship won out. The holiday ended with the presentation of sweet prizes. On this day, all the guys received a lot of emotions and impressions.

In Moscow, on June 1 and 2, for Children's Day, many parks have prepared free events at 13 different sites in the city.

The Vorontsovo Estate invites everyone to take up art photography, excerpts from famous musicals will be presented in the Hermitage Garden, and Sadovniki Park will show how ice cream is made using nitrogen.

A professional photographer will tell young talents how best to choose the right angle, create the composition of the frame and build the necessary lighting. In addition, he will teach everyone to take photographs in the style of Impressionist paintings.

At 12:00 dance lessons for young guests will begin. Children from three to six years old will learn the basics of ballet, and children from seven to 12 years old will learn classical dance.

Sports enthusiasts will be able to play basketball together with coaches who will teach them the basic techniques. The lesson will start at 16:00.

On June 2, a gala concert of the festival of children's musicals will take place in the Hermitage Garden. It will be held from 17:00 to 19:00, local residents and guests of the city will be shown fragments of 28 popular productions, among which the following should be highlighted: The Snow Queen, The Naughty Musical, The Nightingale the Robber & Co.

On June 1, from 12.00 to 18.00, Kuzminki will host free workshops for creating kaleidoscopes and colored sand paintings. There will also be a bubble show for visitors to the park.

In addition, festive events will also be held in the parks of Gorky, Pobeda on Poklonnaya Gora, Fili, Perovsky, Babushkinsky, Lianozovsky, Tagansky and Krasnaya Presnya, as well as in the Bauman Garden.

On Children's Day, more than 70 festive events will be held in parks of culture and recreation, according to the organizers of the event, more than 100 thousand people will visit them.

In the park of culture and recreation. L. Tolstoy in Khimki will be presented the program "Rainbow of childhood". All guests will be met by animators and life-size puppets, as well as a children's brass band. Various interactive platforms will be deployed in the park. In Glukhovsky Park in Noginsk, visitors will enjoy an extensive holiday program.

For younger guests, the Street of Joy game program will be presented with competitions, amateur art performances and sweet gifts. The Park of Culture and Leisure in Noginsk will host the "Territory of Childhood" festival, interactive and sports programs, performances by amateur creative teams, contests, a disco and a cartoon screening will be waiting for guests.

Venues where events will take place

International Children's Day is celebrated on June 1 every year. This year events dedicated to this day will be celebrated in:
— Gorky Park;
— Hermitage garden;
- the garden named after Bauman;
- Vorontsovo estate;
— Victory Park on Poklonnaya Gora;
— Kuzminki park;
— Sadovniki park;
— Fili Park;
— Perovsky park;
- Babushkinsky park;
— Lianozovsky park;
— Tagansky park;
- Krasnaya Presnya park.

Extracurricular activities

Children's Day: history, traditions and facts

More than 60 countries around the world start the summer season by celebrating one of the oldest international dates - Children's Day. We talk about the origin of the holiday, traditions and a symbol that unites children from all over the world.

Children's Day began to be celebrated after the Congress held in 1949, at which the Women's International Democratic Federation decided to ensure the well-being of the younger generation. Since then, the UN has considered the protection of the rights, life and health of children as one of the main directions of its activity.

Entertainment events dedicated to this day are held in many countries. Competitions of children's drawings are held on the squares of city parks. Children paint the asphalt with multi-colored chalk: portraits of mom and dad, clear sun and flowering meadows - everything that lives in a child's imagination, and which is understandable without words to every little citizen of any country.

Satya Das, an experienced family psychologist and philosopher, author and host of the popular seminars "Non Boring Family Psychology", will tell you about how you really need to interact, communicate and treat children, how to show what is inherent in them. Your children are wonderful, creative and harmonious personalities! You just need to help them develop this beginning!

In 1950, June 1 was the first International Children's Day.. Subsequently, the holiday began to be celebrated annually around the world. And the main legal document that considers the rights of children at the international level is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN on November 20, 1989. The convention was signed by 61 countries, and in July 1990 it was approved in the USSR.

In Russia, children's rights are regulated by the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated July 24, 1998. The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and interests of the child, prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Many schools and preschools hold sports competitions, creative competitions, quizzes and other entertainment programs dedicated to the celebration of Children's Day. But to entertain the guys is not the main task of the holiday. All creative and cultural events on this day are designed to draw the attention of adults to pressing children's problems. The purpose of the holiday is to remind the state of the observance of the rights of children to life, education and recreation; on protection from violence and exploitation of child labour. It is no coincidence that in most countries childhood is considered one of the most important stages in a person's life: it is during this happy period that the future citizen prepares for full interaction with society and lays the foundation for revealing his creative and intellectual potential.

A new book by a well-known family psychologist, a laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education, the author of the bestsellers "What to do if ..." and "What to do if ..." is addressed to parents of children and adolescents with special behaviors. The publication will help to find a common language with the child, navigate difficult situations and conflicts, get out of them with dignity, maintain patience, restore understanding and peace in the family.

In our country Children's Day has traditionally been celebrated for many years under the auspices of the Russian Children's Fund. The main guests of the holiday are usually orphans, the disabled and children from large families.

International Children's Day has its own flag. On a bright green background, which symbolizes harmony, growth and fertility, figures of children are spinning around the icon of the planet Earth in a round dance - white, yellow, red, blue and black. The figurines of children symbolize diversity and tolerance. And the emblem of the Earth, placed in the center, is our common home.