Children Remember Past Lives: Verified Cases. Stories about children who remember their past lives

"If your child begins to relive past life memories, what will you do?"

This amazing book will perhaps be the most useful of all the Sofia editions. Proving with absolute certainty the reality of reincarnation, Carol Bowman goes much further than simple facts.

You will learn how easy and simple it is to remember your past lives, especially for young children. “After regression, children and adults become more self-confident and calm, recovering from chronic diseases and phobias that have plagued them from early childhood.

For 90 percent of the subjects, the memory of death was the best part of the regression.

Recalling their own deaths, many of the subjects gained confidence in life. They were no longer afraid of death. They realized that death is not the end, it is a new beginning. For everyone, the memory of death was a source of inspiration, giving the opportunity to change the course of all life. "

"... We parents are part of a plan to help our children benefit from these memories."

Has your child lived before?

In her gripping book that explodes all traditional notions of life and death, Carol Bowman provides us with undeniable evidence of past life memories in children. Experiences like these are not just real - they are much more common than people realize.

Bowman's unusual research work was initiated by her son Chase's memories of a past life. He described scenes of military action during the Civil War so accurately that the details were confirmed by an expert historian. Most strikingly, Chase's chronic eczema and fear of loud gunshots have since passed without a trace.

Inspired by this, Bowman collected dozens of similar cases and, after working through them, wrote her extensive work to explain how spontaneously and naturally children recall their past lives. In this book, she describes the differences between true memories of children's past lives and childhood fantasies, gives parents practical advice on how to respond to a child's memories and how to have a conversation with him so that these memories really have a healing effect on the child's psyche. ... "Past Lives of Children" Perhaps one of the most faithfully documented and convincing writings on life after death, which, along with the works of Betty J. Go, Raymond Moody and Brian Weiss, can open up new horizons for us and transform the way we view life and death.

“An outstanding and bold book ... this is a must-know, as children are really trying to tell us about their past lives. One should not remain deaf. "

When a child talks about a memory from a past life, it is as if circles diverge on the surface of the lake. At the center is the childhealed and changed. Parents are standing next to them, spellbound by the truth of their experiences.a truth so strong that it is capable of shaking and crushing all established beliefs. For those who did not become a direct witness to the event, the very reading of a book about a child's memories of a past life can tune the mind and soul to understanding. Childhood memories of past lives have the power to change lives.

Carol Bowman

This book is dedicated to the memory of Ian Ballantine, whose outlook and spirit have changed and continue to change the world.

Words of gratitude

I express my heartfelt gratitude for helping all these people:

To editor Betty Ballantyne, for her wisdom, patience and long hours of work.

Norman Ying, who started it all.

My applause to Eliza Petrini for helping to put all the pieces together.

Thanks to Kyle King for her magic; Joseph Stern for the phone call; Jute Wheelock for her efforts and insights; Ellen Neill Huss, Dr. Emma Mellon, Susan Garrett, Rosemary Pasdar, Amy McLaughlin, and Michelle Magon for taking the time to read my drafts and give their feedback.

I am extremely grateful to all parents who shared their children's stories with me.

Thank you Dr. Hazel Denning, William Emerson, David Chamberlain, Vinafred Blake Lucas, and Colette Long for reporting cases and providing advice.

My admiration and love for Sarah and Chase for letting me tell their stories.

Deepest thanks to Steve, my co-author in life.

Part one. Past life stories

Chapter one. Chase and Sarah

“Sit in your mom's arms, close your eyes and tell me what you see when you hear those loud noises that scare you so much,” psychotherapist Norman Inge told Chase.

My heart was overflowing with excitement. Maybe now we will find out the secret of my five-year-old son's hysterical fear of loud noises. I mentally went back a few months, to the Fourth of July, when it all began.

4th of July 1988

Every year my husband Steve and I have a big July Fourth party at our house. Our friends are always looking forward to this day to celebrate with us. The party always ended with a trip to the golf course, where the whole city gathered to watch the fireworks. A few weeks before the holiday, Chase excitedly talked about how much joy such spectacles had brought him in all previous years, he especially loved fireworks. His eyes widened as he remembered the multicolored lights streaking across the sky. This year he expected to enjoy a long and beautiful spectacle.

On the fourth, at noon, friends came to us with flare guns, firecrackers and sparklers. The garden was soon filled with people. Children were everywhere - swinging on swings, digging in the sandpit and playing hide and seek behind the open veranda. Our normally quiet surroundings were filled with shrill laughter and screams from children. The adults tried to relax on the veranda, while the toddlers ran tirelessly around the house, usually with the red-haired Chase at the head.

Indeed, Chase lives up to his name. He was always on the move, full of energy and curiosity. We always seemed to be two steps behind him, trying to catch him before he turned anything over. Friends teased us, saying that by choosing a name Chase, we got what we wanted.

Our nine-year-old daughter Sarah and her friends retired to the back of the house, where they sat at their own separate table under the fir trees to hide from the eyes of pesky parents. They could entertain themselves for hours on their own, decorating the table with flowers and porcelain toys. It was their personal holiday, where "wild" babies were not allowed. The only time we saw the girls was when they ran in and out of Sarah's room, trying on various outfits, jewelry and hats.

When the sun dropped low behind the trees, painting the garden orange, we realized that it was time to collect the children and go to watch the fireworks. I grabbed Chase as he ran past, wiped traces of ice cream and cake off his face, and pulled a clean shirt over his wriggling little body. Armed with flashlights and warm blankets, we joined the procession towards the golf course.

Carol Bowman

Past lives of children

How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child

"If your child begins to relive past life memories, what will you do?"

This amazing book will perhaps be the most useful of all the Sofia editions. Proving with absolute certainty the reality of reincarnation, Carol Bowman goes much further than simple facts.

You will learn how easy and simple it is to remember your past lives, especially for young children. “After regression, children and adults become more self-confident and calm, recovering from chronic diseases and phobias that have plagued them from early childhood.

For 90 percent of the subjects, the memory of death was the best part of the regression.

Recalling their own deaths, many of the subjects gained confidence in life. They were no longer afraid of death. They realized that death is not the end, it is a new beginning. For everyone, the memory of death was a source of inspiration, giving the opportunity to change the course of all life. "

"... We parents are part of a plan to help our children benefit from these memories."

Has your child lived before?

In her gripping book that explodes all traditional notions of life and death, Carol Bowman provides us with undeniable evidence of past life memories in children. Experiences like these are not just real - they are much more common than people realize.

Bowman's unusual research work was initiated by her son Chase's memories of a past life. He described scenes of military action during the Civil War so accurately that the details were confirmed by an expert historian. Most strikingly, Chase's chronic eczema and fear of loud gunshots have since passed without a trace.

Inspired by this, Bowman collected dozens of similar cases and, after working through them, wrote her extensive work to explain how spontaneously and naturally children recall their past lives. In this book, she describes the differences between true memories of children's past lives and childhood fantasies, gives parents practical advice on how to respond to a child's memories and how to have a conversation with him so that these memories really have a healing effect on the child's psyche. ... "Past Lives of Children" Perhaps one of the most faithfully documented and compelling writings on life after death, which, along with the works of Betty J. Goe, Raymond Moody and Brian Weiss, can open up new horizons for us and transform the way we view life and death.

“An outstanding and bold book ... this is a must-know, as children are really trying to tell us about their past lives. One should not remain deaf. "

When a child talks about a memory from a past life, it is as if circles diverge on the surface of the lake. At the center is the childhealed and changed. Parents are standing next to them, spellbound by the truth of their experiences.a truth so strong that it is capable of shaking and crushing all established beliefs. For those who did not become a direct witness to the event, the very reading of a book about a child's memories of a past life can tune the mind and soul to understanding. Childhood memories of past lives have the power to change lives.

Carol Bowman

This book is dedicated to the memory of Ian Ballantine, whose outlook and spirit have changed and continue to change the world.

Words of gratitude

I express my heartfelt gratitude for helping all these people:

To editor Betty Ballantyne, for her wisdom, patience and long hours of work.

Norman Ying, who started it all.

My applause to Eliza Petrini for helping to put all the pieces together.

Thanks to Kyle King for her magic; Joseph Stern for the phone call; Jute Wheelock for her efforts and insights; Ellen Neill Huss, Dr. Emma Mellon, Susan Garrett, Rosemary Pasdar, Amy McLaughlin, and Michelle Magon for taking the time to read my drafts and give their feedback.

I am extremely grateful to all parents who shared their children's stories with me.

Thank you Dr. Hazel Denning, William Emerson, David Chamberlain, Vinafred Blake Lucas, and Colette Long for reporting cases and providing advice.

My admiration and love for Sarah and Chase for letting me tell their stories.

Deepest thanks to Steve, my co-author in life.

Part one. Past life stories

Chapter one. Chase and Sarah

“Sit in your mom's arms, close your eyes and tell me what you see when you hear those loud noises that scare you so much,” psychotherapist Norman Inge told Chase.

My heart was overflowing with excitement. Maybe now we will find out the secret of my five-year-old son's hysterical fear of loud noises. I mentally went back a few months, to the Fourth of July, when it all began.

4th of July 1988

Every year my husband Steve and I have a big July Fourth party at our house. Our friends are always looking forward to this day to celebrate with us. The party always ended with a trip to the golf course, where the whole city gathered to watch the fireworks. A few weeks before the holiday, Chase excitedly talked about how much joy such spectacles had brought him in all previous years, he especially loved fireworks. His eyes widened as he remembered the multicolored lights streaking across the sky. This year he expected to enjoy a long and beautiful spectacle.

On the fourth, at noon, friends came to us with flare guns, firecrackers and sparklers. The garden was soon filled with people. Children were everywhere - swinging on swings, digging in the sandpit and playing hide and seek behind the open veranda. Our normally quiet surroundings were filled with shrill laughter and screams from children. The adults tried to relax on the veranda, while the toddlers ran tirelessly around the house, usually with the red-haired Chase at the head.

Discussions about the immortality of the soul can be found even in the days of the Ancient World. Then the reflections were more limited to understanding what the soul is, and how it is related to human thinking and consciousness.

With the change of generations, a change in people's outlook on life, more and more new hypotheses appeared. Human history with every century has accumulated more and more mysterious and inexplicable events.

Today there are many views on the topic of reincarnation, many sessions of work have been carried out to

But even the sessions of immersion in past lives, which are unique in their content, are met with resistance from science. And in fact - how to prove what a person takes "from his head"? In this case, accurate data and measurements are mostly powerless.

But there are circumstances in which even the most inveterate skeptics shrug their shoulders. These are children's memories of past lives. In this case, even professors of psychological and medical sciences cannot refute the described events.

Remember, Mom, when we died together?

« I drove my three-year-old daughter by car from the dentist. She has just had silver crowns on her lateral teeth. But she was a good patient - she never cried and listened to the doctor in everything. On the way home, she said with concern: “I don't like silver teeth. Remember when we died together, those bad guys took our silver teeth?»

The fact is that a child, due to his age, is much closer to the moment of birth, to the period when he was still beyond the realm of reality.

The memory of what was actually “there” is so vivid that memories can arise spontaneously. Often an association can serve as a trigger, leading to the revival of events in the child's memory.

The sun is shining like then

« Once my two-year-old daughter and I were driving in a car, she was sitting in a special child seat and looked at the sun glare on the glass. When we passed the bridge over a deep gorge, she clearly and confidently said: "Mom, this very much resembles the place of my death." I even stopped the car and carefully asked a few questions.

And this is what I heard: “The car fell from the bridge into the river. I was not wearing a belt, and I flew into the water. I was lying on the stones and saw a bridge above, sparkling in the sun, just like it is now, and bubbles that were rising up. " I was stunned: my daughter could never see any bubbles in the water anywhere and never. For about a year, Leah occasionally recalled her death and was always worried about seat belts.».

Memories of children are valuable precisely because the child does not yet have the opportunity to receive a large amount of information from the world around him.

His mental processes, from the point of view of psychology and physiology, are aimed at their development: in early childhood - this is the knowledge of space at the objective level, recognition of close people.

In the future, through the game, the development of those norms and rules that he had already seen from communication with adults. But some situations simply do not fit into the framework that a particular family might assume.

The king killed me

« When our son was a little over two years old, one evening my husband began to compose a fairy tale for him and invited my son to choose a name for the main character himself. Nikita immediately called the name - Kanik.

And after the game, he often mentioned this Kanika. When we began to ask him who this man was, Nikita said that Kanik is the king, he rides with a sword on horseback and in one of the battles ... he killed him, Nikita!

For us it was rather strange, but we nevertheless looked for information on the Internet - what if there really was such a person once? Imagine our surprise when it turned out that in ancient Khorezm in the 8th century AD there really was a ruler named Kanik!»

Since the main activity of a child is play, it is often in the process of play that he begins to recall something from past life events. Sensitive parents are not afraid of such statements, but on the contrary, they try to find out what their child wants to say.

I lived in a big house

« My son was 3 years old. He then sat down his toys and began to play with them, as if giving them a tour. “Look - this is our house, yes, this is such a big one. This is a staircase. The portraits on the walls are my relatives. And this is mom and dad.

See how beautiful the flowers are in these vases - our gardener puts them every morning. And on the second floor is my room. From the window you can see the garden - there these flowers grow. Here are the fruits - I can eat as much as I want.

My room is my toys, my books, my clothes. My aunt gave this hat for my birthday last year. My dresses - this is to go to church in this, and this is my favorite! To the hat ... "

And since I'm drawing, I quickly threw in a drawing of a 12-year-old girl - like Becky Thatcher from "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", I show it to my son, he replies: "Yes, it's me!" Then he suddenly looks at me with suspicion: “Wait, mom, how do you know what kind of girl I was ?!»

And here it is important to note that even the presence of the fact that the sex of the child in the past life was different does not manifest itself in his real life. That is, he perceives himself as a boy, remembering that once upon a time he wore dresses. All this speaks not of pathology, but precisely that such memories have their place.

The expression “parents do not choose” is known. And in fact, in the usual sense, a person cannot guess in what family he will be born, and what will surround the first years of his life.

On the one hand, it frees us from responsibility, and we can say to ourselves with a sigh: “ Well, it just so happened ... It's not my fault that my parents are like that ... They didn't teach me anything ...».

On the other hand, this can lead to accusations of their parents, who “did not teach anything,” and not all of us are able to cope with accepting this reality. But is it really so? Are parents not really chosen?

I'm glad I chose you mom

« My son, aged two to six, loved to tell the story of how he chose me as my mother. According to him, he was in a lighted room with a man dressed in a suit. Opposite there were people "like dolls", and the stranger invited him to choose his mother».

« When my nephew learned to put words into sentences, he told my sister and her husband how glad he was that he chose them. He claimed that before becoming a child, he saw many people in a brightly lit room, of which “Chose my Mom, because she had a pretty face ».

How to take such statements of your child? Many parents who face such situations fall into panic and despair - "Is my child crazy ?!" But don't jump to conclusions.

1. Listen to your child, if necessary - ask leading questions: "where was it?", "when?", "What was your name?", "Do you want to tell something else?" You can even ask why right now he remembered something from a past life, and what significance it has.

2. Write down everything your child has to say.... You can do this in the form of a game - for example, in the form of drawings, supplementing them with notes. Maybe in the process of this lesson your baby will tell you something more.

3. Show your child your attention and interest. The feeling that a loved one supports him is especially important at such moments - it will only strengthen your relationship with your child.

4. In no case no need to laugh and joke about what has been said, this can not only offend your child, but also be deposited in his memory. Who knows, maybe he will carry it over to the next life?

Be empathetic and attentive to your baby! Memories of past lives are an important event! This speaks of the subtlety and uniqueness of your child. Look, maybe he will reveal his other talents and abilities. And for the attentive approach to the events of his past life, your child will still thank you as an adult!

Carol Bowman has dedicated her life to researching spontaneous past life memories in children. She is the author of two stunning books: Past Lives of Children and Return from Heaven.

Thanks to her research, she makes you reconsider the views on parenting.

Carol Bowman reveals the reality of children's experiences and points to the origins of children's fears and phobias.

- What led you to the exploration of past lives and spontaneous recollection of past lives in children?

I grew up in American Judeo-Christian culture and never faced reincarnation until I became a college student in the late 60s.

When I heard about it, it seemed to me that it makes sense. Because it explained to me various things that seemed to be overlooked in terms of traditional teaching.

In 1986 I became very ill, I had a problem with my lungs, and in the midst of my illness I had a very vivid vision of me dying of consumption.

I watched my death in that life from the side. I was very puzzled by this and thought it was mine, but I did not know how to connect it.

"Was it just a spontaneous memory?"

- Yes. I was very ill. And then, as if by the will of fate, six months later, a hypnotherapist passed through our city, while I was then living in Asheville, North Carolina. He literally drove through our city, returning from Florida.

A friend heard about him and told me that he is doing past life immersion sessions and that I should probably meet him.

I did it, and that three-hour session changed my life. I saw two past lives where I died of pulmonary tuberculosis.

And when I went through these lives, re-experiencing death, it changed the course of my illness. I began to recover from an illness that developed over four years and became chronic.

That's when I saw that reincarnation can be something very personal and directly affect us.

In one year, both of my children developed a phobia. I did not connect it at all with reincarnation at that time. I just thought that something was the impetus for this, especially with my son.

At the time, he was 5 years old and developed a hysterical fear of loud noise, which we first noticed during the fireworks.

We had no idea where this phobia came from.

When my friend Norman Inge, a hypnotherapist, came to see us, a year after my first regression, I accidentally mentioned a phobia of loud noise.

I thought he might advise my son Chase so that the next time he hears a loud noise, he doesn't have a hysterical fit.

Much to my surprise, when Norman asked his son to close his eyes and tell us what he saw when he heard loud sounds that frightened him, he immediately saw himself in a past life as a black soldier during the American Civil War.

He described this story in great detail. The things that I knew, the five-year-old boy could not know.

He told it from the point of view of an adult who could be there. He described his weapons, his uniform, many small details that were surprising to me.

He explained that in that battle, he was wounded in the wrist. He was carried from the battlefield to a field hospital, where he was bandaged and sent back into battle. And there he died near the cannon.

The session lasted about 15 minutes, after which the son jumped off my lap and ran merrily to do his business.

The result of the session was that the phobia of loud noise, apparently associated with memories of the battlefield, disappeared.

Also, the chronic eczema that he had in that place on his wrist that did not respond to medical treatment was gone. Within a few days, the eczema completely disappeared and did not appear again.

Probably, he had some, received in battle, associated with the difficult emotions that he experienced as a soldier.

These emotions came out when he talked about it. This story opened my eyes to something completely new. I never thought that children could remember past lives.

I experienced this as an adult. I had no idea that it would be so easy for children to gain access to such memories.

The same thing happened with my nine year old daughter and her phobias.

We asked her to tell us about it, and she remembered how she died. She was afraid that our house might catch on fire.

She remembered how she died as a child in a fire sometime in the past. It was not clear where and when it happened, but after she spoke about it, her fear also passed.

Sometimes memories come from attitudes towards people. Especially in my first book, which is about reincarnation in the same family.

Families recognized that the child born to that family was actually the soul of a deceased relative who had reincarnated back into that family in a short period of time.

Living relatives learned this to be true from the child's statements, behavior, or demeanor that resembled the departed.

In some cases, the baby had birth marks or birth defects related to past life wounds or illnesses. Dr. Stevenson has written a two-volume Reincarnation in Biology that describes this. It came out in 1997.

He has 210 cases of birth marks and birth defects related to a past life. These are cases when children gave enough information about their past lives, which made it possible to identify them with someone who lived and died before these children were born.

In the present, a child could have two birth marks on his head and say that he died in his other life when he was shot in the head. He could give his name in a past life and the city where he lived.

Most of these cases Stevenson investigated were in India. It usually happened that they investigated the case and found that there was indeed a person in the city that matched the descriptions of the child, and he died from a gunshot wound to the head.

By checking medical reports, autopsy reports, or hospital records, they found birth marks on this baby that matched the size and location of the gunshot wound to the head.

The child had two birth marks from the wounds, corresponding to the entrance and exit paths from the bullet. He has 19 such cases with double birth marks.

With such physical evidence, it is indeed difficult to ignore these cases. It seems that the Asian cases are much more complete in detail than the American or European ones.

I think it has to do with cultural awareness, as we are not particularly attuned to that.

Children's memories are not so clear.

- And there are such cases in North America when children remember how they were killed and whether those families were where their parents were in a previous life?

- There were several. I only had one case when a child remembered the corresponding names.

It is very rare in the West when names are remembered.

This happens, and I read messages here and there, about children, giving enough details that it was possible to cooperate with living relatives.

This is also a problem in the West, because it is such a new concept for most of us that many parents are afraid to go public with it.

It’s a big problem for me to try to convince my parents to go on television with their stories.

I have a really touching case in my new book, Return from Heaven, where a small child remembers his grandmother's cousin who died in a car accident.

When grandmother found out that her grandson was her reincarnated cousin, then the mother of the child and his grandmother were confused, should they tell the rest of the family, “Look, look, he came back, isn't it amazing?” because some people are not ready for this.

Translated by Olga Chervyakova