Deepak chopra seven laws of success. Deepak chopra - seven spiritual laws for parents

Chopra Deepak

Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

To my children


Gautama and Samantha


I am infinitely grateful to my family, who have always supported me and taught me to understand the true meaning of success; staff at the Health Centers I run in La Jolla, California, and Opportunity Limitless in Massachusetts; my extended Harmony family, especially Peter Gazzardi, Patty Eddy, Tina Constable and Chip Gibson; and finally, Muriel Nellis, who was the godmother of all my literary endeavors.


The publication of my book "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" caused an immediate and wonderful reaction: after reading it, thousands of people began to apply in their daily lives the principles that Nature uses to materialize everything that exists in it.

Over time, requests began to come to me also from those who happened to become parents. These requests could be expressed in a variety of forms, but they all boiled down to one thing:

“Following these spiritual laws has brought me so much benefit that I can only regret that I did not know them many years ago. Now the value of such principles as giving, openness and faith that the Universe has satisfied my desires seems quite obvious, but this did not come immediately. It took a struggle at first to get rid of the destructive habits I grew up with.

I have kids and I don't want them to pick up the same bad habits and then have to go through the same pain to change them.

How to make sure this doesn't happen?" In response to all these requests, I have written a new book, where I provide an expanded description of the Seven Spiritual Laws especially for parents. For anyone who would like to interpret spiritual laws for children, I want to show you how to do this so that children can understand and use them. I came from the belief that all parents need a tool to help raise their children to a true understanding of how Nature and consciousness work.

Everyone in the world wants something, every person has some desire. From the very beginning, children should know that desire is the main driving force of human nature. This is the energy of the Spirit. When we grow up and begin to search for answers to difficult questions or solve life's challenging problems, we have to deal with the same natural desires that once turned us into curious children, and nothing more.

The one who seeks is just a child who has grown from the need for parental love to the need for the love of God, from the desire for a toy to the desire for endless creation.

In this book, I will try to show parents how their children can better satisfy their desires and successfully achieve in their lives what they want to achieve. And I will try to explain spiritual concepts in a way that children can understand.

But this is not just a book meant for children, because what children need to know is only a modified form of what adults should also know.

In their worship of material success, society has forgotten the basic truth that success depends on who you are, not on what you do.

The source of all achievement in life is Being, essence or spirit - call it what you like. But the concept of Being is too abstract, so people see it as an idea rather than something real and useful. And yet, when we turn to the oldest traditions of human wisdom, we find some unchanging, recognizable, trustworthy principles, following which the spirit from the eternal Being is revealed in everyday life.

It may be difficult for some to understand how it could happen that spiritual laws, having such value in everyday life, were forgotten for centuries.

One can draw an analogy with electricity, which did not enter the consciousness of people until light bulbs appeared, although the entire Universe has been permeated with electricity since its inception. Being (spirit, essence) in the same way remains invisible, although it has a huge impact on everyday life.

Behind the visible universe, the invisible mind works based on the Seven Spiritual Laws. To use the same analogy: if the laws governing electrical energy were not discovered, its practical application would never be possible.

Now, in an age of violence and unrest, parents are required more than ever to take on the role of spiritual guides to their children. The laws by which Nature works are not of a private nature. They apply to everyone and everything. Therefore, understanding these laws is not just a way to help a few people, it is vital for our entire society and even for our entire civilization.

If the number of children raised in the observance of the Seven Spiritual Laws reaches a critical mass, it will have an impact on the entire civilization. Love and compassion, which are often so vulgarized today, can become a vital necessity for every person living on Earth.

I am sure that it is our duty to ensure that as many children as possible grow up with the knowledge of what this spiritual reality is.

Capturing the spirit has always been difficult. One ancient Indian source states that a knife cannot cut it, water cannot wet it, the wind cannot blow it away, the sun cannot dry it. Every molecule of our universe is saturated with Being, every thought that you have, every bit of information that you receive with your five senses is nothing but Being. But Being is impossible to watch because it is completely silent, like a choreographer who choreographs a dance but never takes part in it. From Being we always get support, every breath is saturated with it, and yet it is something that our parents should teach us a little.

We cannot be judged for not knowing anything about the spirit, so that we ourselves can take up the study of the Seven Spiritual Laws with the same enthusiasm with which we teach our children. It was this thought that guided me in the first place when writing this book.

Part one

The Role of Parents and the Gift of the Spirit

And yet, who is God? Eternal Child, forever playing in the eternal garden.

Sri Aurobindo

The deepest desire of any parent is to see their child succeed in life, but how many of us understand that the most direct path to success is through the spirit?




A practical guide to making your dreams come true

This book should be read by anyone who missed Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet.


"Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" is a set of virtual reality tools for the spiritual travelerXXIcenturies.

Peter Gaber, Chairman and PresidentSonyPicturesEntertainment

Of all Deepak's books, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success provides the most in-depth description of how to take your life to a higher and more holistic level. It's great.

"Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" can serve as excellent guidelines for anyone who is trying to build a life or a human organization that is productive and fulfilling.

Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned leader in mind-body medicine and human performance. He is the author of many best-selling books, including "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind", "Quantum Healing", "Creating Abundance", "Way of Magic"Nika", "The Way to Love", as well as numerous audio and video programs that promote health and well-being. Deepak Chopra's books have been translated into over twenty-five languages ​​and he is a regular lecturer in the Americas, India, Europe, Japan and Australia. He is currently the Executive Director of the Institute for Psychiatric Medicine and Human Performance at the Emergency Medical Center in San Diego, California.

His devastating books combine physics and philosophy, the practical and the spiritual, time-honored Eastern wisdom and polished Western science, bringing to life results.


Based on the laws that govern all of creation, this book shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, careful planning, or ambition.

V "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" Deepak Chopra paints a life-changing perspective of success: once you understand your true nature and learn to live in harmony with it, wealth, health, relationships with people will easily and effortlessly rush to you, which will bring you satisfaction, energy and enthusiasm, as well as material well-being.

Filled with timeless wisdom and practical steps you can take immediately, this book will make you want to read it over and over again.

You are your deep desire that drives you.

What is your desire, such is your will.

What is your will, such are your actions.

What are your actions, what is your destiny

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5


I would like to express my love and gratitude to the following people:

Janet Mills for lovingly supporting me from the moment I conceived this book to its completion.

Rita Chopra, Mallika Chopra and Gautama Chopra for following the Seven Spiritual Laws in their lives.

To Ray Chambers, Gaylee Rose, Adrianna Ny-know, David Simon, George Harrison, Olivia Harrison, Niomi Judd, Demi Moore and Alice Walton for their courage and commitment to an inspiring, uplifting, noble attitude towards life, an attitude that will transform that a life.

To Roger Gabriel, Brent Bekvar, Rose Bieno-Murphy and all my staff from SharpCenterforMind-BodyMedicine(Centre for Psycho-Bodily Medicine) for being an inspiring example for all our guests and patients.

Deepak Singh, Geeta Singh and all the staff « QuantumPublication» for their unflagging energy and dedication.

Muriel Nellis for her commitment to complete honesty in all of our endeavors.

Richard Pearl for being a wonderful example of living in harmony with oneself.

Part one

"The role of parents and the gift of the spirit"

And yet, who is God? Eternal Child, forever playing in the eternal garden.

Sri Aurobindo

The deepest desire of any parent is to see their child succeed in life, but how many of us understand that the most direct path to success is through the spirit?

In our society, this is usually not connected in any way - rather, on the contrary. We teach our children how to survive, how to behave in a way that earns approval, how to defend ourselves, how to compete with others, how to withstand disappointments, obstacles and failures. Although belief in God is generally considered a good thing, the spirit is traditionally seen as standing apart from success in daily life.

This is an erroneous approach, and from childhood it has a very strong influence on our whole life.

For many, there is no doubt that success is a purely material concept, that it is measured by the amount of money, prestige or an abundance of property. All this, of course, can play a role, but the presence of all these things is not yet a guarantee of success.

The success that we crave for our children is also determined by many non-material concepts. It should include the ability to love and compassion, the ability to feel joy and convey that feeling to others, the confidence that comes from knowing that your life is serving a purpose, and finally, the feeling of being connected to the creative power of the universe. All this forms the spiritual dimension of success, a dimension that brings inner satisfaction.

If every day the wonderful meaning of your life is revealed to you in all its purity, then you have achieved success, which means that this success is inherent in every baby from birth. Every child's ability to experience the wonder of everyday existence is the strongest evidence that Nature wants us to be successful. It is in our own nature to meet life with joy.

Divine seeds are within us. As we travel the path of the spirit, we supply these divine seeds with moisture. In time, God-given flowers bloom within and around us, and we witness the miracle of the manifestation of Divinity wherever we go.

Therefore, our task as parents is to confidently guide our children along the path and the spirit. This is the best thing we can do to ensure their success in life - better than giving them money, a secure home, and even love and affection.

I invite you to consider this spiritual definition of the role of parenting, which may not be what you see your role now.

To embark on this new path in fulfilling our mission as parents, we must first of all adhere to the principles ourselves, and then we can teach them to our children.

The principles I'm talking about are outlined in my previous book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. In order to turn onto the path of connection with the spirit, knowledge of the Spiritual Laws is very important. When we follow the Spiritual Laws, we achieve harmony with Nature. Any other way of life leads to tension and struggle. Success that took a struggle to achieve may bring us material benefits, but they will never give us the inner satisfaction that we expect from them.

In the language of adults, the Seven Spiritual Laws are as follows:


Law of Pure Potentiality

The source of everything that is created is pure consciousness ... pure potentiality of searching for the expression of the unmanifested in the manifested.


Law of Giving

In our willingness to give what we seek, we support the abundance of the universe that extends into our lives.


Law of Karma

When we choose actions that bring success to others, our karma brings the fruits of happiness and success.


Law of Least Effort

The Mind of Nature works easily and effortlessly... carelessly, harmoniously and lovingly. When we become subject to these forces, we achieve success just as easily and effortlessly.


Law of Intention and Desire

Every intention and desire contains a mechanism for its the field of Pure Potentiality, intention and desire have an infinite organizing power.


Law of Detachment

In our willingness to step into the unknown, into the field of all possibilities, we surrender ourselves to the creative mind that choreographs the dance of the universe.


Law of Dharma

When we combine our unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.

It does not matter whether you call them "Laws" or "Principles."

They are laws because they govern the unfolding of the spirit as it moves from the invisible world of the soul into the visible world of matter.

They are principles because we can take them into our hearts and stick to them just as we stick to the principles of telling the truth or being honest.

Why do we need these principles?

Why don't we just teach our children to love God and be good?

The answer lies in the fact that the Seven Spiritual Laws allow a person to get in touch with the mechanisms that Nature herself uses.

When you consciously submit your life to Spiritual Laws, you turn to the Universe with a request to support you on the path to success and abundance. This is the key to realizing your own Being and using its unlimited power.

The sooner a person learns to live in harmony, using all his creative abilities and applying a minimum of effort, the higher the likelihood that everything in his life will lead to success.

This is what we must pass on to our children, and if we do this, we will experience joy and pride that knows no bounds.

Every spiritual tradition contains some version of these seven laws, but they are revealed in their purest form by the Vedic traditions of ancient India, where the Spiritual Laws were formulated over five thousand years ago.

The Seven Spiritual Laws serve to understand the following principles:

The human being is made up of body, mind and spirit.

Of these, the spirit comes first, because it connects us to the source of all that exists, the eternal field of consciousness. The stronger this connection, the more we enjoy the abundance of the universe, which is designed to satisfy our desires. Only in the absence of this connection will struggle and suffering await us.

The divine design for every human being is to enjoy unlimited success.

Therefore, success is highly natural.

Spirit and children - the doctrine of innocence

When we speak to children, the language of the Seven/spiritual Laws should be different, less abstract. Fortunately, these seven laws can be formulated in such a way that even the smallest child can accept them in mind and heart:


Everything is possible.


If you want to give something, omgive.


When you make a choice, you change the future.


Don't say no - move with the flow.


Whenever you want something, you throw a seed into the ground.


Enjoy the journey.


There is a reason why you are here.

The day I wrote down these simple definitions, I didn’t have time to really think about them myself, but then I was amazed: if I had been taught these simple seven things when I was a child, my life would have turned out quite differently. I would know something precious and practical at the same time, something that would not be erased from memory like a school lesson, but year after year would grow into a mature spiritual understanding.

A child who receives a spiritual education gains the ability to answer the most important questions about how the universe works; he will be able to understand the source of creativity both within himself and outside; he will be able to adhere to non-judgment, acceptance and sincerity. And for interaction with other people, this is more important than anything a person can have - he will be free from the crippling fear and anxiety about the meaning of life, which sears the hearts of many adults, whether they admit it or not.

The most valuable food you can give your child is spiritual food.

I'm not talking about strictly teaching children certain rules, like we teach them to be good under the threat of punishment. Each of the Seven Spiritual Laws should be expressed not as a rule or rigid prescription, but as your own attitude towards life. As a mother or father, you can teach much more effectively by who you really are than by what you say. This is also part of the spiritual perspective.

The life of every child is already spiritual. This is because every child is born into a field of endless creativity and pure awareness, which is spirit. But not every child knows that this is true. The spirit needs to be developed, it needs to be nourished and encouraged. When this is done, the child's innocent spirit develops and becomes strong enough to withstand the harsh realities of the often non-spiritual world.

Losing your connection to the spirit does not affect the infinite field of creative possibilities - it cannot be harmed - but it can greatly affect your life opportunities. Together with the spirit, we are all children of the cosmos; without it, we become orphans and begin to wander in the dark.

Let's look at a small example. The Seventh Law states:

"There is a reason why you are here."

For a child, the reason for being here can be expressed in simple, everyday terms, such as:

What matters to me today?

What talent have I discovered in myself?

What came to me - a gift, a lesson, a wonderful experience - that made me feel special?

What have I done to make someone else feel special?

These are all simple variations on the same basic question: Why do I exist? All of us as kids have asked this question and stopped asking it just because we felt our parents and teachers didn't really have the answer to it.

A child who has not been taught to find meaning in a simple way will one day try to find his purpose in life under much more difficult circumstances. We usually postpone this search to the end of our second or beginning of our third decade, and sometimes to a more mature age, which, unfortunately, are the most turbulent stages of personal development.

The concept of "meaning of life" is beginning to be confused with the open defiance and rollercoaster of emotions that is typical of late adolescence, or with the growing awareness of one's mortality that comes in middle years.

At school we try to fight the ideas of the great religious teachers and philosophers. We are engulfed in arguments about whether our existence has any meaning at all. (I think anyone in their 60s has a hard time identifying with the person who fought all of this.)

But a child who is told at the age of three or four that there is a reason why he is here has a very different future. Such a child will perceive the search for the meaning of life as a completely natural activity, as the spiritual equivalent of learning the alphabet. He will not put off this occupation for years, inner turmoil will not drive him to despair.

The question "Why am I here?" should not become a terrible existential question. This is the most joyful exploration that can be undertaken by man, and we will do our children a great service by presenting it in this way. A child who pays attention to even this one principle will have a much richer life - a more successful life - than countless adults for whom the concepts of "spirit" and "God" have forever remained in the world of abstractions.

Real spiritual growth changes a person in the most paradoxical way. It gives understanding while maintaining innocence. As parents, we are too tempted to keep our distance from our children. We do this because we think we know more about life, when in reality we usually just experience more. We try to take advantage of knowing the rules and avoiding punishment, hiding our weaknesses to show strength, and never letting the mask of invulnerability slip off our face. There is no better recipe for destroying a child's innocence than destroying your own.

In the eyes of the spirit, everyone has innocence, in every sense of the word. Because you are innocent, you do nothing that deserves punishment or divine wrath. You are born again every day. You are the recipient of experiences that never cease to give rise to delight and surprise.

Where to begin

From the moment your child is born, you are his spiritual teacher.

If you create an atmosphere of trust, openness, non-judgment and acceptance, your child learns these qualities as qualities of the spirit.

The role of parents in a perfect world could be summed up in one short sentence:

Show only love, be only love.

But in a world where we have to deal with everything in it, children are constantly confronted with unloving behavior, mostly outside the home, but sometimes inside. Instead of worrying about whether you have enough love to be a spiritual teacher, try to look at spirituality as an art of living, because that's what it is.

I am sure that it is this art that you should pass on to your child as early as possible, and he will be able to understand it.

Infant, 0-1 year old


love, tenderness, attention.

Luckily for our generation, the notion that children need to be educated and disciplined from the cradle has already been abandoned in our day. The baby is pure gold in the spiritual sense. By cherishing his innocence, we can find our way back to ourselves. So those parents who are students of their child are on the right track. Touching your child, taking him in your arms, protecting him from all dangers, playing with him and giving him your attention, you establish a spiritual connection with him. Without these "primitive" reactions from what surrounds it, the human body cannot flourish magnificently - it will wither and lose strength just like a flower deprived of sunlight.

Toddler, 1-2 years old


freedom, encouragement, respect.

At this stage of its development, the child acquires an ego for the first time. Here the word ego is used in its simplest sense, as "I", as the recognition of "I am." This is a dangerous time because for the first time the child experiences separation from his parents. The lure of freedom and curiosity push in one direction, but fear and uncertainty pull in another. Not all experiences associated with being left to your own devices are pleasant. Therefore, it is at this time that parents should teach the spiritual lesson without which no child can truly develop into an independent individual: the world is safe.

If you feel safe as an adult, it means that at one time, when you were not yet one or two years old, you were not conditioned by fear: instead, your parents encouraged your unlimited development, taught you to value freedom, despite the wounds that the child receives from time to time, encountering the things of this world around him. To fall is not at all the same thing as to be defeated, to experience pain is not at all the same thing as to decide that the world is dangerous. Trauma is nothing but the means which Nature uses to tell the child where the boundary lies; pain exists to show the young child where "I" begins and ends, to help him avoid potential dangers like getting burned or falling down stairs.

When parents distort this natural learning process, the result is a feeling of psychological pain, which was not at all the intention of Nature.

Physiological pain sets boundaries that you cannot cross without experiencing deep anxiety about your condition. If a child attributes injury to being bad, weak, incapable of coping, or surrounded by danger, there is no room for inner spiritual growth. Without a sense of security, the spirit is unattainable: a person is always trying to simply feel secure in this world, but this security cannot be achieved until he gets rid of the imprints received in early childhood.

Preschoolers, 2 --5 years old


meritorious, investigating, commendable.

At this stage, the child develops a sense of self-esteem. Self-respect ensures the willingness to leave the family to face the vast world. This is a period of tasks and tests. Until the child is two or three years old, he does not bear any responsibility for the tasks assigned to him - it is enough for him to play and be cheerful. At this time, the only spiritual duty is to feed the delight that the "I" of the child experiences when it opens to the new world.

Simultaneously with the teaching of neatness and the ability to independently hold a spoon, the child begins to realize that "I am" can be expanded to "I can." When the ego of a two-year-old person has realized this, nothing can stop him. It thinks that the whole world belongs to it - and, of course, all members of its family.

The "I" at this time is like a power generator that has just been turned on, and, what is especially scary, the newborn ego uses this power in the most disorganized way. Shouting, yelling, dodging, using the all-powerful word no! and in general, attempts to control reality with the help of one's own desire alone - this is exactly what should happen at this age.

In a spiritual sense, the value of this preschool age is that this power is a spiritual power, and only its distortions lead to problems. So instead of holding back those bursts of energy in your child, channel them into tasks and challenges that teach balance. In the absence of balance, the uncontrollable desire of the preschooler to exercise his power leads to grief, because what he experiences is mostly an illusion of power.

A non-stop chattering two-year-old child is still a tiny, easily vulnerable, unformed character. In our love for children, we allow illusions, because we want them to grow up to be strong, intelligent people, ready for any test. But such a sense of self-respect cannot be developed in a child if, at this age, the feeling that he has power is stopped or suppressed.

Kindergarten age - the first grades of elementary school, 5-8 years


The keywords that apply to the first school years have a more social connotation. Of course, there are many other words, because when a child dies of the world at the age of five, his brain is so complex and active that he learns and tests countless different concepts.

The way we give, at any age, shows how much we empathize with the needs of those around us. If, in giving, we see it as a loss - I have to give up something so that you can have it - then the spiritual lesson at this stage has not been passed. Giving in the spiritual sense means: "I give you without losing anything, because you are a part of me." A small child cannot fully embrace this idea, but he can feel it. Children don't just want to share - they love to share. They feel the warmth that comes from crossing the boundaries of the ego and including another person in their world - there is no greater proof of closeness, and therefore no other action causes such bliss.

The same can be said about truthfulness. We lie to protect ourselves, to prevent the danger of punishment. Fear of punishment implies internal tension, and even if lying does protect against perceived danger, it very rarely, if ever, helps to get rid of this internal tension. Only the truth can do this. When a young child is taught that telling the truth will make him feel good, he is taking the first step towards realizing that truth has spiritual value.

You don't have to resort to punishment. If you teach a child the attitude of "tell the truth or you'll get in trouble," you are teaching a spiritual falsehood. A child who is tempted to lie is under the influence of fear. If the truth about this fear comes to consciousness, the mind quite logically tries to do the best thing by telling the truth.

In any case, you are forcing a child to do better than you think he really is. Teaching to act on the requirements of others is a sure recipe for spiritual destruction.

Your child should feel: "this is what I myself want to do."

Older children, 8 -1 2 years


independence of judgment, intelligibility, insight into the essence.

For many parents, this is the stage of child development that brings the most joy, because it is at this time that children develop personality and independence. They begin to think in their own way, they develop hobbies, likes and dislikes, enthusiasm, an increased desire to discover something that can remain for life, such as a love of science or art. The key spiritual concepts applicable to this age are fully consistent with this exciting phase.

Although it sounds dry, "clearness" is a beautiful quality of the soul. It is much more than just distinguishing good from bad. During these years, the nervous system itself is able to maintain a keen sense of the greatest depth and importance of the future. A ten-year-old child is capable of wisdom, and, first of all, we are talking about the most delicate gift - personal insight into the essence of things. The child is able to see with his own eyes and judge on the basis of what he sees: he no longer receives the world from second hands - from the hands of adults.

Therefore, this is the first stage when any concept such as "spiritual law" can be assimilated speculatively. Until then, the law appears to be like a rule to be followed or at least paid attention to. Instead of using the word law, parents can use the words "how it works" or "why it works the way it does" or "do it the way you feel it's good." This is a more specific way of learning based on experience.

However, at the age of ten or so, abstract reasoning takes an independent turn, and experience now becomes the real teacher, instead of an authoritative person. Why this happens is a spiritual mystery, because the experience was present from birth, but for some reason the world suddenly spoke to the child: a deep understanding comes to him from within why it is right or not, why truth and love mean so much.

Early teenage years, 12-15 years old


self-awareness, experimentation, responsibility.

Childhood ends and adolescence begins, a time that is considered to be difficult and difficult. Childhood innocence suddenly turns into puberty, and the young creature has needs that parents can no longer satisfy. Parents are beginning to realize that the time has come to let go of their children and trust that they are capable of dealing with a world of responsibility and pressure, to which, perhaps, the parents themselves have just learned to adapt, getting rid of the feeling of insecurity.

The decisive thing now is that the lessons learned in childhood begin to bear fruit, sweet or bitter. A child who goes into the world with the imprint of genuine spiritual knowledge will reflect the pride and trust of their parents. A child who moves stumbling, utterly confused, desperately experimenting, and constantly under pressure from his peers, most likely reflects the hidden disorder of his upbringing.

Adolescence is a time of proverbial shyness, but it can also be a time of self-awareness.

When childhood ends, experimentation is perfectly natural, but it should not be reckless and destructive. The whole question is whether the child has an inner self that can be used as an adviser. This inner self is an inaudible voice that has the power to choose between right and wrong, based on a deep understanding of life. Age is irrelevant to this understanding. A newborn baby has it to the same extent as a mature adult. The difference lies in the fact that an adult adheres to the behavior that is determined by the inner adviser, and if you have taught your child to listen to his own silence, you can safely release him into the world no longer as a child.

It is a very joyful experience (albeit nerve-wracking at times) to watch as a growing child grows in self-awareness as a result of experimenting with the many choices that life provides.

How to distinguish right from wrong

Since we all grew up in a society that places so little value on the spiritual life, it may be difficult for you to figure out what it means to be a spiritual teacher for your child. How is that different, for example, from just being a good, loving parent? To demonstrate this, let's turn to a key question that arises when working with any child: how to teach the difference between right and wrong?

I think everyone will agree with me that the old practice of teaching through punishments and reprimands should be avoided. By arrogating to yourself the right to punish, you only emphasize an unresolved moral dilemma for yourself. Children are incredibly quick to pick up on the discrepancy between what their parents say and how they behave. They may learn to obey us out of fear of punishment, but on an emotional level, they intuitively feel that parents who use threats and coercion cannot serve as a model for what “good” means.

Although we are all well aware of this, despite our best intentions, there are times when we really want to punish a child simply because we feel strong annoyance or disappointment. If we take a closer look at what happens at such moments, we will see that we are using punishment to resolve those problems that are not resolved in our hearts.

Do you really believe that you can always be good? Are you afraid of God, who will punish you in the same way if you are bad? Is not evil a force before which we feel helpless, not feeling confident that good can resist it in this world, much less triumph?

The easiest way to teach what the spirit is is to create an atmosphere in which the spirit lives as love. Having a child is a manifestation of such mercy on the part of Nature that all parents feel the desire to return this gift in multiple sizes.

This impulse is familiar to me. I was able to write the book before you because my two children helped me learn the Seven Spiritual Laws.

Because of their innocence, children are ruthless teachers of sincerity and love. Until you fulfill your role as a parent in a spirit of love, no matter what laws you think you teach, they will become just dead rules that your child will give up as soon as there is no one who demands from him. obedience.

When our children were very young, my wife and I found ourselves instinctively following rules, from which certain principles only crystallized later:

We have taught our children to accept spirit as reality, to trust in an infinite source of love that tenderly sustains them. This was our effective definition of God.

We have not put any pressure on them to succeed in the conventional sense of the word. In this way, we tried to tell them that the Universe appreciates them for who they are, and not for what they do.

We never felt the need to punish them, although we made it very clear to them when we were disappointed, angry, or hurt by their behavior. So we taught them with reflection instead of rules.

We always remembered that our children are a gift from the Universe, and let them know that this is how we perceive it. We told them how honored we are to help them grow. We didn't own them. We did not extend our own expectations to them. We never felt the need to compare them - for good or bad - with anyone else. In this way, we let them feel their inner completeness.

We told them that they had a gift. who can change the lives of others. We also told them that they would be able to change and create whatever they want in their lives.

We told them early on about the kinds of success that matter - that lead to goals that are worthwhile, meaningful to themselves, goals that bring them joy. This is the best way we know how to bring joy to others.

And finally, we encouraged their dreams. In this way, we taught children to trust their own desires, which is a direct path to the inner world.

Not being perfect parents and, of course, forgetting our ideals many times, my wife and I found a way to raise children by inspiration. To show what it means to be "in the spirit" - this is the true meaning of the word inspiration, that is, "to breathe what God breathes." Similarly, one can explain what it means to be "enthusiastic" because the word "enthusiasm" comes from the Greek words en theos, "in God."

The last point seems to be the most important. If you, as a parent, really want to practice spiritual laws to your children, you must know whether you have succeeded or not. The easiest way to spot this is to see if your kids show inspiration and enthusiasm. Inspiration, enthusiasm and admiration are spiritual qualities. Without them there can be no spiritual life at any age.

It is appropriate here to express my deep gratitude to my wife Rita, whose instinct of love and kindness has always shown me the way. We have always been guided by her spiritual instincts in what we, as parents, did not do.

We did not demand obedience and did not insist on being an authority for them.

We didn't pretend to know the answer to all the questions.

We did not suppress our feelings and did not demand this from our children.

And every day we tried to raise them up to live their own lives, and not those that we did not manage to live ourselves.

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I am infinitely grateful to my family, who have always supported me and taught me to understand the true meaning of success; staff at the Health Centers I run in La Jolla, California, and Opportunity Limitless in Massachusetts; my extended Harmony family, especially Peter Gazzardi, Patty Eddy, Tina Constable and Chip Gibson; and finally, Muriel Nellis, who was the godmother of all my literary endeavors.


The publication of my book "Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" caused an immediate and wonderful reaction: after reading it, thousands of people began to apply in their daily lives the principles that Nature uses to materialize everything that exists in it.

Over time, requests began to come to me also from those who happened to become parents. These requests could be expressed in a variety of forms, but they all boiled down to one thing:

“Following these spiritual laws has brought me so much benefit that I can only regret that I did not know them many years ago. Now the value of such principles as giving, openness and faith that the Universe has satisfied my desires seems quite obvious, but this did not come immediately. It took a struggle at first to get rid of the destructive habits I grew up with.

I have kids and I don't want them to pick up the same bad habits and then have to go through the same pain to change them.

How to make sure this doesn't happen?" In response to all these requests, I have written a new book, where I provide an expanded description of the Seven Spiritual Laws especially for parents. For anyone who would like to interpret spiritual laws for children, I want to show you how to do this so that children can understand and use them. I came from the belief that all parents need a tool to help raise their children to a true understanding of how Nature and consciousness work.

Everyone in the world wants something, every person has some desire. From the very beginning, children should know that desire is the main driving force of human nature. This is the energy of the Spirit. When we grow up and begin to search for answers to difficult questions or solve life's challenging problems, we have to deal with the same natural desires that once turned us into curious children, and nothing more.

The one who seeks is just a child who has grown from the need for parental love to the need for the love of God, from the desire for a toy to the desire for endless creation.

In this book, I will try to show parents how their children can better satisfy their desires and successfully achieve in their lives what they want to achieve. And I will try to explain spiritual concepts in a way that children can understand.

But this is not just a book meant for children, because what children need to know is only a modified form of what adults should also know.

In their worship of material success, society has forgotten the basic truth that success depends on who you are, not on what you do.

The source of all achievement in life is Being, essence or spirit - call it what you like. But the concept of Being is too abstract, so people see it as an idea rather than something real and useful. And yet, when we turn to the oldest traditions of human wisdom, we find some unchanging, recognizable, trustworthy principles, following which the spirit from the eternal Being is revealed in everyday life.

It may be difficult for some to understand how it could happen that spiritual laws, having such value in everyday life, were forgotten for centuries.

One can draw an analogy with electricity, which did not enter the consciousness of people until light bulbs appeared, although the entire Universe has been permeated with electricity since its inception. Being (spirit, essence) in the same way remains invisible, although it has a huge impact on everyday life.

Behind the visible universe, the invisible mind works based on the Seven Spiritual Laws. To use the same analogy: if the laws governing electrical energy were not discovered, its practical application would never be possible.

Now, in an age of violence and unrest, parents are required more than ever to take on the role of spiritual guides to their children. The laws by which Nature works are not of a private nature. They apply to everyone and everything. Therefore, understanding these laws is not just a way to help a few people, it is vital for our entire society and even for our entire civilization.

If the number of children raised in the observance of the Seven Spiritual Laws reaches a critical mass, it will have an impact on the entire civilization. Love and compassion, which are often so vulgarized today, can become a vital necessity for every person living on Earth.

I am sure that it is our duty to ensure that as many children as possible grow up with the knowledge of what this spiritual reality is.

Capturing the spirit has always been difficult. One ancient Indian source states that a knife cannot cut it, water cannot wet it, the wind cannot blow it away, the sun cannot dry it. Every molecule of our universe is saturated with Being, every thought that you have, every bit of information that you receive with your five senses is nothing but Being. But Being is impossible to watch because it is completely silent, like a choreographer who choreographs a dance but never takes part in it. From Being we always get support, every breath is saturated with it, and yet it is something that our parents should teach us a little.

We cannot be judged for not knowing anything about the spirit, so that we ourselves can take up the study of the Seven Spiritual Laws with the same enthusiasm with which we teach our children. It was this thought that guided me in the first place when writing this book.

Part one

The Role of Parents and the Gift of the Spirit

And yet, who is God? Eternal Child, forever playing in the eternal garden.

Sri Aurobindo

The deepest desire of any parent is to see their child succeed in life, but how many of us understand that the most direct path to success is through the spirit?

In our society, this is usually not connected in any way - rather, on the contrary. We teach our children how to survive, how to behave in a way that earns approval, how to defend ourselves, how to compete with others, how to withstand disappointments, obstacles and failures. Although belief in God is generally considered a good thing, the spirit is traditionally seen as standing apart from success in daily life.

This is an erroneous approach, and from childhood it has a very strong influence on our whole life.

For many, there is no doubt that success is a purely material concept, that it is measured by the amount of money, prestige or an abundance of property. All this, of course, can play a role, but the presence of all these things is not yet a guarantee of success.

The success that we crave for our children is also determined by many non-material concepts. It should include the ability to love and compassion, the ability to feel joy and convey that feeling to others, the confidence that comes from knowing that your life is serving a purpose, and finally, the feeling of being connected to the creative power of the universe. All this forms the spiritual dimension of success, a dimension that brings inner satisfaction.

It is a mistake to believe that success can only be built on calculation and constant efforts. An exclusively rational approach limits the view and deprives a person of many opportunities. There are so-called spiritual laws of success that help a person to reach their potential and achieve more with minimal effort. For the first time, the famous doctor Deepak Chopra began to speak about these laws. Based on them, he wrote many books on self-development, which many successful people still refer to today.

So, the following seven spiritual laws of success will help you better understand yourself and achieve well-being.

Law One: Of Pure Potentiality

The universe is one. And although life is a versatile phenomenon, the same energy lies at the heart of all this diversity. In other words, the nature of all things is the same. Therefore, the name of the law of Unity is perfectly suitable for such a phenomenon.

The energy discussed above is the potentiality. The real, deep human self is pure consciousness. The basis of this consciousness is joy, lightness and creativity. And on the other hand - inner peace, balance.

Understanding this opens up new horizons. The person who has been able to approach his true nature begins to unfold. And he uses all his potential, which until then was hidden in the depths of the subconscious.

The one who knows his essence, is able to realize almost any plan. Because I and the world around me do not have clear boundaries between themselves.

  • 1. Silence

This practice involves absolute silence for several hours. It also includes listening to radio and music, watching TV and reading. You just need to realize your existence, plunge into being.

  • 2. Meditation

Any meditation involves focusing on something. The best option is on the inside. It also helps to achieve silence and balance.

Ideally, you need to meditate for half an hour. Morning and evening.

  • 3. Denial of judgment

Such concepts as "bad" and "good" exist only in the human mind. The world is not black and white. Constant analysis of what is happening, assessments and classifications make it difficult to understand this. And they won't let you get close.

By practicing non-judgment, one should stop this endless stream of thoughts and, as Deepak Chopra puts it, "just Being."

Law Two: About Giving

Life is a stream. Everything that happens is a process of giving and receiving. A certain exchange of energy between elements. The universe is in constant motion. This is necessary to maintain harmony and balance.

So the more you give, the more you get.

This applies to all areas. Including money. For their supply to be constant, they must circulate.

To apply this to its fullest, one must focus on desire and intention. These are the most important aspects. The desire to give must be sincere.

The outer world is a reflection of the inner: what you give is what you get. After all, in essence, receiving and bestowing are one and the same. Different manifestations of one aspect.

Deepak Chopra advises to apply this rule constantly. Every time, for example, when meeting someone, you need to give something away. It can be a compliment, manifestations of love and attention, care. After all, a warm attitude is the most valuable thing you can give.

Law Three: Of Cause and Effect

This principle is closely intertwined with the previous one. Energy is constantly circulating. Some elements affect others. Therefore, everything has its own reason.

What is happening now is a consequence of past actions. And the current thoughts and actions will affect the future in the same way.

Life is a constant choice. Every second we decide what to do, what to do. However, almost all people live on the machine. And their actions are due to reflexes. They live as if according to a script that repeats itself from time to time. To avoid this and make the right choice, you need to know some tricks. Deepak mentions the following:

  • 1. Observation of bodily sensations

Body and mind are inseparable. What happens in the head is inevitably reflected in the body. For example, fear causes muscle tension.

The body is constantly giving signals. And when making any choice, you need to listen to them.

  • 2. Analysis of the situation

In order not to step on the same rake, before making any decision, you should ask yourself the questions: “What will happen if you do this?” and “How will this affect me and others?”

  • 3. Awareness of one's responsibility

Man himself is the cause of what happens to him. It must not only be understood, but felt.

Every event is a consequence of past actions. Any action is a consequence of thoughts.

Law Four: Least Effort

The best thing is what comes easily. This is one of the biggest secrets of any success. After all, nature itself operates according to this principle.

When a person tries, he spends too much energy that he could apply for something more useful. This focus on the result and diligence only takes energy.

To release it and direct it to achieve what you want, you need to listen to yourself. To your spirit. What is of the greatest interest? What gives pleasure? It feeds the energy of love. She is the engine of everything.

Deepak Chopra, in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, talks about the ingredients that will help you achieve a greater understanding of yourself:

  • 1. Acceptance

You have to accept the world as it is. Situations don't just happen. They are revealed to a person as they are destined to be. Trying to change them means fighting the Universe itself.

  • 2. Creativity

Any situation, whatever it may be, is a set of possibilities.

If something bad happened, you should not blame yourself or anyone else. Instead, it is better to be smart and look at what happened from a different angle.

  • 3. Openness

You don't have to hold on to your beliefs. No need to seek someone to change or influence the current situation. This creates resistance.

Any resistance hinders development. Openness to the world makes a person free.

Law Five: Of Intention and Desire

The whole world is permeated with information and energy. In fact, this is the basis of everything that exists. The same pure potentiality.

Man, plants, stones, the Universe - all this is information and energy. At a fundamental level, there are no boundaries between the elements of the world. Everything is interconnected and influences each other.

In the same way, a person's intention influences his actions. Desire influences intention. On desire - attention. That which is given more attention forms life.

Having subjugated these 3 components, a person is able to achieve unprecedented results.

Deepak Chopra believes that the following actions will help increase the power of intention:

  • 1. Awareness of the present

You need to stop the flow of thoughts and concentrate on the state of “here and now”.

  • 2. Making sense of intention

During inner silence, you need to comprehend your intention.

In this state, it is difficult to focus on something. Therefore, it is better to decide on the intentions being worked out in advance.

  • 3. Renunciation of attachment to the result

Continuing to be in detachment, one should “let go” of one’s intention and not worry about the outcome in the future.

Law Six: No Attachment

To achieve something, it is desirable to stop worrying about it. Deepak Chopra mentions this more than once in his books.

Acceptance of uncertainty about the outcome unlocks the potential for creativity. Because the absence of expectations gives additional freedom for action. Refusing a particular result, a person begins to see other possibilities.

Only the inner self can be a true support. And the habit of holding on to externals is conditioned by fear.

You can never be completely sure of anything. Let go and live in the moment. Uncertainty is opportunity. It is from them, in turn, that luck is added.

Law Seven: About Destiny

As mentioned above, nothing happens just like that. Therefore, every object and every creature has its own purpose.

Deepak, in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, mentions the Dharma. This is a concept from Eastern philosophy, which means "life plan."

According to him, a person comes into this world to perform a certain task. For this purpose, he is endowed with a unique talent, which he must further realize.

Indeed, everyone has some ability. Some develop it, some don't. To determine your talent, you should remember your childhood and understand what was interesting then. What caused the enthusiasm?

As a rule, it is with this talent that the true desires of a person are associated. If abilities and needs are brought into harmony, that very spark will appear, thanks to which everything will work out easily.

The Law of Dharma includes 3 aspects:

  • 1. Discovery of the true self

Approaching one's true nature is the main task of man.

  • 2. Expression of talent

Everyone has an exceptional talent. Like no one else has. It needs to be found and implemented.

  • 3. Service to people

Caring solely for your own interests is the result of the work of the ego. It only alienates a person from his spiritual nature.

In order to put these seven spiritual laws of success into action, one must constantly improve oneself. Conduct daily internal work. Only in this way will true self-awareness come, and all efforts will pay off a hundredfold.