Additional sick leave for a cesarean section. When an additional sick leave is issued after a cesarean section

In the event that a caesarean section was performed or the delivery was too difficult, then another 16 days are added to the appointed 140 days. This means that maternity leave for a woman with complicated childbirth is 156 days. Separately, the legislation mentions women who are expecting the birth of two or more children. In such a situation, maternity leave is usually increased from 140 days to 180 calendar days. It should be remembered that even with complicated childbirth with multiple pregnancies, the sick leave period cannot exceed 180 days. In fact, the issuance of an additional sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is carried out quite often and not only after a cesarean section. In recent years, the control over various sick leave certificates has been tightened, and their issuance for no reason can be criminally punishable.

An application for payment of sick leave must be attached to the sick leave itself.

Sick leave for caesarean, paid immediately?

Maternity leave Women, upon their application and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure, are granted maternity leave with a duration of 70 (in case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, at birth two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth with payment of benefits for state social insurance in the "amount" established by federal laws. Maternity leave is calculated in total and is granted to a woman completely regardless of the number of days she actually used before giving birth.
The surgery performed during labor indicates that labor was difficult.



  • When is an additional sick leave issued after a cesarean section?
  • Postpartum rehabilitation. extension of sick leave after cesarean section
  • Sick leave period after cesarean section
  • 403 forbidden

When is an additional sick leave issued after a cesarean section? In addition, poor analyzes after childbirth, as well as problems with the healing of the suture, can become an indication for a sick leave. In such a situation, the doctor can extend the patient's sick leave for a caesarean section and increase it by 16 days. This will serve as a kind of compensation for the patient for a complicated birth, which is prescribed in the labor code.

After a cesarean section, sick leave how much is paid

The employer pays for the additional sick leave after the employee provides him with this document. The deadline for payment of sick leave, as well as the deadline for granting an additional sick leave to the employer, is not established by law, however, Russian judicial practice indicates that when paying for sick leave, there was a rule that payment must occur, as well as the provision of documents, within a month from its issuance ... How to fill out an additional certificate of incapacity for work for an employer? Since the payment of the additional sick leave is the responsibility of the Social Insurance Fund, care should be taken to avoid mistakes that may result in a sick leave not being accepted.

How is sick leave issued after a cesarean section?

  • another obstacle in the way of the child, for example, fibroids in the region of the cervical canal;
  • high probability of scar dehiscence from the previous CS;
  • conditions and pathologies in which a woman cannot push: cardiovascular diseases, previously occurred retinal detachment, kidney disease;
  • pathologies that have arisen during pregnancy, for example, eclampsia;
  • position of the fetus, in which the independent exit of the fetus from the uterus is difficult: gluteal and transverse presentation;
  • several fetuses in the uterus;
  • genital herpes (CS is performed so that the child does not get infected when passing through the birth canal).

Emergency CS is performed if the management of labor was supposed to be natural, but complications have arisen, in connection with which it is necessary to remove the fetus by surgery.

Extension of the certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth

  • the seal of the medical institution should be in the upper right corner;
  • additional stamps are placed so that the main seal and other inscriptions do not overlap;
  • filling out the sick leave is done by hand or in printed form;
  • mistakes, blots and corrections are not allowed;
  • for typed input, the font must be standard;
  • all signatures must be distinguishable and legible.

How is it paid? The term for providing the employer with an additional sick leave is not established by law, however, in Russian practice, there is a rule that it is necessary to submit documents (sick leave and an application of a woman in childbirth for its payment) within a month from its issuance). A woman can do this either independently or by proxy.

An application for payment of sick leave must be attached to the sick leave itself.

Sick leave after cesarean section


An indication for an increase in maternity leave is the presence of the following pathologies in a woman:

  • various types of diabetes;
  • diffuse pathologies of a different nature;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • hypothyroidism.

It is important to remember that a woman can receive an additional sick leave within the walls of a medical institution, but her employer must pay for it. Usually, a woman is given 140 calendar days to prepare for the birth of a child. Postpartum rehabilitation. prolongation of sick leave after cesarean section Attention Pregnancy and childbirth are a whole stage in a woman's life, which radically changes her usual way of life.

During pregnancy, new habits, a different body shape, hormones and mood appear.
A much greater percentage of complications occur precisely in patients who have undergone surgery than usual, respectively, more careful monitoring and observation in the postpartum period is necessary. Discharge occurs on the fifth to eighth day with a favorable course of the postpartum period, depending on the maternity hospital.
Complicated labor includes not only a cesarean section, but also labor that ends with forceps or a vacuum extractor, severe anemia requiring blood transfusion, eclampsia, premature birth after 30 weeks, postpartum endometritis and many serious general diseases of a woman.


An additional hospital doctor who took delivery is issued in a maternity facility (perinatal center). After a cesarean section, the doctor assesses the complexity of the birth itself and the condition of the woman in labor, on the basis of which they decide how many days the sick leave is extended.

The maximum duration of sick leave after cesarean section for singleton pregnancies is 16 days, and for multiple pregnancies - 54 days (this does not take into account the "complication" of childbirth in the form of cesarean section, since it is believed that multiple pregnancies are a "complication" in itself). Important! The payment for an additional sick leave is borne by the Social Insurance Fund, which may not accept sick leave, issued with errors.

Women, at their request and on the basis of a certificate of incapacity for work issued in accordance with the established procedure, are granted maternity leave with a duration of 70 (in the case of multiple pregnancies - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, with the birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth with payment of benefits for state social insurance in the "amount" established by federal laws.

The maximum duration of sick leave after cesarean section for singleton pregnancies is 16 days, and for multiple pregnancies - 54 days (this does not take into account the "complication" of childbirth in the form of cesarean section, since it is believed that multiple pregnancies are a "complication" in itself).

How is the extension of sick leave after a cesarean section formalized? For how many days and how is the additional sick leave paid

  1. Determine the amount of the average salary for the two years of work preceding maternity leave.
  2. Multiply the average salary by 24 months.
  3. Divide the received amount by 731 days.
  4. The resulting number is multiplied by 156 for complicated and childbirth and 194 for multiple pregnancies.

Planned caesarean section is discussed long before childbirth... By this time, both the mother and the doctor already know the circumstances that may suggest an operation. As a rule, this is a threat to the health of the mother or child (tight entanglement, problems with the cardiovascular system, misrepresentation, high myopia, and so on).

Sick leave for cesarean section how many days

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 255);
  • the law "On compulsory social. insurance ... "dated December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ (Chapter 4);
  • by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n (section 8);
  • the law of the Russian Federation "On social. protection of persons affected by the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster ”dated 15.05.1991 No. 1244-1.

The maternity allowance is paid for the period of maternity leave. The procedure for calculating maternity benefits (maternity benefits) in 2017 will remain unchanged, the same as last year - based on the average earnings for 2 calendar years, but taking into account the new limits (limit values ​​of the base for calculating insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund ). The maternity allowance for working women is set in the amount of the average earnings.

When an additional sick leave is issued after a cesarean section

In some cases, the woman in labor is entitled to the issuance of an additional sick leave, and this happens during a prolonged recovery period after the operation. In addition, poor analyzes after childbirth, as well as problems with the healing of the suture, can become an indication for a sick leave. In such a situation, the doctor can extend the patient's sick leave for a cesarean section and increase it by 16 days. This will serve as a kind of compensation for the patient for complicated childbirth, which is spelled out in the labor code.

The birth of a child can take place through a planned or emergency caesarean section. In the event that a planned operation was performed, the sick leave is not always issued. This is done by the doctor who took the woman directly into childbirth. When a patient is discharged from a medical institution, her condition is assessed by a gynecologist. In the event that he considers that the operation was complicated, then the woman will definitely be given an additional sick leave for a cesarean section.

Sick leave period after cesarean section

  1. Records are made in block capital letters.
  2. Black paste, gel or capillary pen is used.
  3. Records should not go outside the cells.
  4. If there are errors in filling out, a new form is drawn up to replace the damaged document.
  5. The stamp is affixed in the upper corner on the right side.
  6. Additional stamps are placed neatly, the main inscription should not be covered.
  7. You can fill out the form by hand or print using computer technology.
  8. Signatures and titles of doctors and other medical workers must be legible.

In a planned operation, the doctor in charge decides whether to give additional rest days or not. The doctor who delivered the baby is responsible for making the decision. The condition of the woman after the intervention is assessed. The obstetrician-gynecologist assesses the general condition and gives an opinion whether the birth was difficult or not.

How many days does sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued at a time, immediately for the entire period established by law. If childbirth turned out to be difficult, the sick leave is extended by 16 days, that is, the postpartum period is 86 days (part 1 of article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the total period of incapacity for work is 156 days. The list of factors, in the presence of which childbirth is considered difficult, is given in the instructions of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for granting postnatal leave for complicated childbirth" dated 04.23.1997 No. 01-97. According to this instruction, the premature birth of a child is also a complication, therefore, if the delivery occurred in the period from 22 to 30 weeks of pregnancy, the sick leave is opened from the date of birth immediately for 156 days.

The prenatal period of disability for women expecting two or more children (with multiple pregnancies) is 84 days, and the postpartum period is 110 days, therefore, sick leave for such mothers is issued at 28 weeks of pregnancy for a total of 194 days (part 1 of article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If multiple pregnancy was detected directly during childbirth, then the 140-day sick leave issued at 30 weeks is extended by another 54 days (clause 47 of Order No. 624n). Thus, the total duration of incapacity for work, even in the case of late detection of multiple pregnancies, becomes equal to the 194 days provided for by law.

Features of the accrual of "maternity" in the case of complicated childbirth

As we indicated above, upon admission to the accounting department of the organization of an additional certificate of incapacity for work due to complicated childbirth, it is necessary to additionally accrue maternity benefits. In the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", this operation must be reflected as follows.

  • the transition period has ended, and the woman does not have the right to choose the option for calculating the benefit (the billing period is two calendar years preceding the year of the beginning of the insured event);
  • as before, if a woman's insurance experience at the time of the insured event - the beginning of maternity leave - is less than 6 months, the monthly wage is assumed to be equal to the minimum wage;
  • the periods that are excluded from the billing period are entered.

How much do you pay for sick leave for pregnancy after cesarean

Further, in the photo you can see a sample of filling out a certificate of incapacity for work: So, a working woman in connection with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth has the right to maternity leave paid by the employer upon presentation of a correctly issued sick leave.

Complicated labor includes not only a cesarean section, but also labor that ends with forceps or a vacuum extractor, severe anemia requiring blood transfusion, eclampsia, premature birth after 30 weeks, postpartum endometritis and many serious general diseases of a woman.

In what cases can the sick leave be extended

For health improvement in diseases not related to serious ones, they give from 3 to 15 days... This is the period for which the doctor writes out a certificate of incapacity for work. If recovery does not occur during this period, the bulletin is extended for another 15 days by agreement with the medical commission. You can “vote” longer in the following cases:

Until 2012, the old norms for extending sick leave were in force, according to which only the opinion of the attending physician was enough to extend the bulletin. The specialist could independently increase the validity of the temporary disability certificate by 10 or 30 days. Such powers of doctors gave the green light for illegal actions related to the purchase of "fake" sick leave. Therefore, since 2012, only the commission can renew the expired primary bulletin.

How much is a sick day after a cesarean in 2018

Pregnancy and childbirth is a whole stage in a woman's life, which radically changes her usual way of life. During pregnancy, new habits, a different body shape, hormones and mood appear. With an increase in the term, it becomes harder to walk, taking care of one's own health and the health of the unborn baby comes to the fore, and work and the world around it fade into second place. All thoughts and actions are dedicated to the future baby. To ensure optimal comfort, care for the health and regime of the pregnant woman, all working women are issued a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth. If a woman is expecting one baby, then she is given 140 days (70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth).

In addition, specialists can decide on the need for an emergency surgical intervention and when there is a threat to the life of the mother or child. Issuance of a sick leave The birth of a child can take place through a planned or emergency caesarean section. In the event that a planned operation was performed, the sick leave is not always issued. This is done by the doctor who took the woman directly into childbirth.

27 Jul 2018 172
  • additional stamps are placed so that the main seal and other inscriptions do not overlap;
  • filling out the sick leave is done by hand or in printed form;
  • mistakes, blots and corrections are not allowed;
  • all signatures must be distinguishable and legible.

How is it paid? The term for providing the employer with an additional sick leave is not established by law, however, in Russian practice, there is a rule that it is necessary to submit documents (sick leave and an application of a woman in childbirth for its payment) within a month from its issuance). A woman can do this either on her own or by proxy. An application for payment of sick leave must be attached to the sick leave itself.

When is an additional sick leave issued after a cesarean section?

In addition, poor analyzes after childbirth, as well as problems with the healing of the suture, can become an indication for a sick leave. In such a situation, the doctor can extend the patient's sick leave for a cesarean section and increase it by 16 days.
This will serve as a kind of compensation for the patient for complicated childbirth, which is spelled out in the labor code. An indication for an increase in maternity leave is the presence of the following pathologies in a woman:

  • various types of diabetes;
  • diffuse pathologies of a different nature;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • hypothyroidism.

It is important to remember that a woman can receive an additional sick leave within the walls of a medical institution, but her employer must pay for it.
Usually, a woman is given 140 calendar days to prepare for the birth of a child.

Postpartum rehabilitation. extension of sick leave after cesarean section


Pregnancy and childbirth is a whole stage in a woman's life, which radically changes her usual way of life. During pregnancy, new habits, a different body shape, hormones and mood appear.


With an increase in the term, it becomes harder to walk, taking care of one's own health and the health of the unborn baby comes to the fore, and work and the world around it fade into second place. All thoughts and actions are dedicated to the future baby. To ensure optimal comfort, care for the health and regime of the pregnant woman, all working women are issued a certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth.

If a woman is expecting one baby, then she is given 140 days (70 days before childbirth and 70 days after childbirth).

Sick leave period after cesarean section

Multiple pregnancies and additional sick leave A rather frequently asked question - is an additional sick leave required if the pregnancy is multiple and ended with a cesarean section? The answer is no. Multiple pregnancies are already complicated, so the woman is given a sick leave for 194 days in advance.
It is advisable for all pregnant women upon admission to the hospital to have a copy of the maternity leaflet with them, because the sick leave after cesarean section (and other complicated childbirth and the postpartum period) is issued on the basis of the maternity leave as its continuation and, accordingly, is paid in the same way as the maternity certificate for average wages. This leaflet is written out by the attending physician of the maternity hospital where the birth took place.

How is sick leave issued after a cesarean section?

  • registration of sick leave on a standard form;
  • the sick leave must indicate: the passport details of the woman who is provided with the sick leave, the signature of the doctor who gave birth, the date of issue, the date of delivery and the way the delivery was made;
  • the seal of the medical institution should be in the upper right corner;
  • additional stamps should not overlap the main seal and other inscriptions;
  • the document should not contain corrections and errors;
  • for typed input, the font must be standard;
  • all signatures must be legible.

Further, in the photo you can see a sample of filling out a certificate of incapacity for work: So, a working woman in connection with pregnancy and subsequent childbirth has the right to maternity leave paid by the employer upon presentation of a correctly issued sick leave.

403 forbidden

In addition, specialists can decide on the need for an emergency surgical intervention and when there is a threat to the life of the mother or child. Issuance of a sick leave The birth of a child can take place through a planned or emergency caesarean section.


In the event that a planned operation was performed, the sick leave is not always issued. This is done by the doctor who took the woman directly into childbirth.

When a patient is discharged from a medical institution, her condition is assessed by a gynecologist. In the event that he considers that the operation was complicated, then the woman will definitely be given an additional sick leave for a cesarean section.
In some cases, the woman in labor is entitled to the issuance of an additional sick leave, and this happens during a prolonged recovery period after the operation.

Extension of the certificate of incapacity for work for pregnancy and childbirth

It is accompanied by a longer rehabilitation period, blood loss is more physiological, often leading to anemia of varying severity. A much greater percentage of complications occur precisely in patients who have undergone surgery than usual, respectively, more careful monitoring and observation in the postpartum period is necessary.

Discharge occurs on the fifth to eighth day with a favorable course of the postpartum period, depending on the maternity hospital. Complicated labor includes not only a cesarean section, but also labor that ends with forceps or a vacuum extractor, severe anemia requiring blood transfusion, eclampsia, premature birth after 30 weeks, postpartum endometritis and many serious general diseases of a woman.

Pregnancy is considered one of the important stages in the life of every woman. Carrying a child is considered a huge burden on the body, and with this in mind, shortly before the baby is born, the expectant mother goes on maternity leave. Unfortunately, not every childbirth is easy and smooth, and the concept of complicated labor is often used. Today, caesarean section is considered a common way of giving birth to a child, and after it is usually given an additional sick leave. Such a document can be obtained from the medical institution in which the birth took place.

Types of surgery

The birth of a child into the world can occur both during normal childbirth and with the help of a cesarean section. Such an operation began to be carried out in ancient times, when too much time passed after the waters left, and the contractions were too prolonged. In such a situation, the patient's relatives had to make a decision about the need to save a woman or a child, and an incision was made in the womb.

With the development of medicine and the advent of anesthesia, the birth of a child by caesarean section has become more and more used in families of wealthy people. With this type of delivery, the patient did not experience contractions and did not suffer, therefore the cesarean section was called royal.

Today, such an operation is considered one of the most common types of childbirth in medical institutions. Caesarean section is a complex operation, therefore it is not performed only at the request of the patient. In order for a child to be born in this way, it is important to have certain indications.

A planned cesarean section is scheduled long before the expected date of birth. By that time, the expectant mother already knows about all the nuances and features that may arise during such an operation.

Usually, planned surgery is prescribed in the following cases:

A few days before the scheduled date of the operation, the patient is sent to a medical facility, where she is carefully examined. The operation is performed on a specific day, and it is not necessary to wait for the onset of contractions.

It is not so rare to resort to performing an emergency caesarean section, and this happens in situations where natural childbirth cannot end on its own. In addition, specialists can decide on the need for an emergency surgical intervention and when there is a threat to the life of the mother or child.

Issuance of sick leave

The birth of a child can take place through a planned or emergency caesarean section. In the event that a planned operation was performed, the sick leave is not always issued. This is done by the doctor who took the woman directly into childbirth. When a patient is discharged from a medical institution, her condition is assessed by a gynecologist. In the event that he considers that the operation was complicated, then the woman will definitely be given an additional sick leave for a cesarean section.

In some cases, the woman in labor is entitled to the issuance of an additional sick leave, and this happens during a prolonged recovery period after the operation. In addition, poor analyzes after childbirth, as well as problems with the healing of the suture, can become an indication for a sick leave. In such a situation, the doctor can extend the patient's sick leave for a cesarean section and increase it by 16 days. This will serve as a kind of compensation for the patient for complicated childbirth, which is spelled out in the labor code.

An indication for an increase in maternity leave is the presence of the following pathologies in a woman:

  • various types of diabetes;
  • diffuse pathologies of a different nature;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • hypothyroidism.

It is important to remember that a woman can receive an additional sick leave within the walls of a medical institution, but her employer must pay for it. Usually, a woman is given 140 calendar days to prepare for the birth of a child. In the event that a caesarean section was performed or the delivery was too difficult, then another 16 days are added to the appointed 140 days. This means that maternity leave for a woman with complicated childbirth is 156 days.

Separately, the legislation mentions women who are expecting the birth of two or more children. In such a situation, maternity leave is usually increased from 140 days to 180 calendar days. It should be remembered that even with complicated childbirth with multiple pregnancies, the sick leave period cannot exceed 180 days.

In fact, the issuance of an additional sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth is carried out quite often and not only after a cesarean section. In recent years, the control over various sick leave certificates has been tightened, and their issuance for no reason can be criminally punishable.

A woman should remember that the additional sick leave received after a cesarean section must be provided at her place of work within a month. Together with the provision of such a document, a woman writes a statement, which indicates the reason on the basis of which she claims to increase maternity leave. It should be remembered that such a statement must be accompanied by an additional sick leave.

Despite the fact that a medical institution issued a certificate of incapacity for work to a woman, the employer is responsible for its payment. Legislation does not specify the exact time frame within which maternity wages must be provided. However, practice shows that the payment must be made within 1 month after the submission of all documents and writing the application.

In some cases, the employer may refuse to pay for an additional sick leave, which was issued to a woman with a cesarean section or complicated childbirth. Most often this happens in a situation where there are some errors and inaccuracies in the preparation of the document.

Caesarean section is considered a rather complicated operation, during which various complications can arise. An additional sick leave is considered to be a good help for a young mother to spend a few extra weeks at home and get some rest. After a complicated birth, it is important to recuperate and return.

Russian legislation contains various legal norms aimed at social support for mothers - and one of such guarantees is the provision of an additional one for caesarean section. At the same time, the procedure for caesarean section is quite accurately defined in the legislation, as well as for how many days it is extended.

Is the sick leave extended for a cesarean section?

Russian legislation provides pregnant women with the opportunity to take maternity leave, which is usually called “maternity leave”. However, this period has a number of features and from the point of view of legislation is also perceived simultaneously with this and as a period of temporary incapacity for work. Accordingly, every woman who will give birth to a child is provided with a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, paid at the rate of 100% of the average earnings, but not exceeding the maximum amount.

Moreover, this sick leave has a duration of 140 days. That is, it is issued according to general rules 70 days before the planned date of birth and lasts for 70 days or until the end of the 140-day period in total after the birth of the child. But carrying out a caesarean section may require additional rehabilitation for a woman, and therefore many Russian mothers, as well as their employers, are interested in the question of how many days a sick leave is given for this operation.

By itself, a caesarean section is performed to remove the baby from the mother's uterus in an unnatural way, but through an incision in the abdomen. Caesarean section can be either planned - if there are medical indications for this and the need for it has been determined in advance, or emergency. In such a situation, it is carried out directly during childbirth in order to save the life of the child or mother.

Russian legislation does not imply the provision of additional sick days for rehabilitation, depending on the type of cesarean section - regardless of the type of operation, additional rest lasts the same period, since in the vast majority of cases it will be enough for the necessary restoration of working capacity.

Laws and legal regulation of extending sick leave for caesarean section

From the point of view of legislative standards, the provision of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth differs from the standard procedure for issuing a certificate of incapacity for work, however, a cesarean section only complements this procedure and requires minimal procedural measures. Legal regulation of this issue in general is provided by the provisions of the following regulatory documents:

How many days the additional sick leave is extended for a cesarean section and how to issue it

According to the aforementioned provisions of Russian legislation, sick leave for a cesarean section is extended by 16 days without fail, since a cesarean section in itself refers to complications during childbirth. Also, with multiple pregnancies, the sick leave period is increased by 14 days before delivery, and by 40 days after delivery. In these situations, a caesarean section is almost always used, however, even with the decision to give birth to several children in a natural way, this will not affect the duration of the sick leave.

In contrast to the issuance of sick leave in connection with illness, the duration of the additional time for release from work duties in this case is clearly fixed in the legislation, and is not determined by the attending physician based on the existing anamnesis.

Additional sick days for a cesarean section are paid in the same manner as for a certificate of incapacity for work issued in connection with the decree - at 100% of the average earnings of a woman who gave birth. At the same time, the obstetrician or the attending physician gynecologist makes a note of the complications and the need to extend the sick leave. Since in fact, in this case, the fact of extending the sick leave takes place, then even though the obligation to pay for these days rests with the employer, in fact the entire given period is compensated for by a payment from the FSS.

In exceptional situations, the process of childbirth and performing a caesarean section can have more long-term negative consequences. In this case, at the end of the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, the employee has the right to issue a sick leave in the general manner in accordance with the testimony of a doctor and lasting up to 30 days. For more than a month, this sick leave can also be continued if there is an appropriate decision of the medical commission, which confirms the need for additional treatment.

Now a vertical incision is made in the most extreme cases, only at a certain position of the child and regardless of the pacemaker or PCL is performed. Better to delete altogether