April environmental events. Ecologist's Day is a modern holiday. World Whale and Dolphin Day

Various International Ecological Days are celebrated all over the planet. Their list is very extensive and covers all areas of environmental science. Professions related to the protection of nature are honored, actions are being taken to protect birds and animals, and a struggle is being waged for the purity of land, water, and air. There are both little-known International Ecological Habitats Conservation), and those held officially or massively (for example, Earth Hour). The most famous will be listed below.

March 22 - Water Day

It has been celebrated regularly since 1993. Thematic events dedicated to the role of water in human life are held every year. On March 22, environmentalists remind all of humanity how important this resource is for all living things. In Russia, the Clean Water Marathon is also held the day before, when schoolchildren and students are introduced to how urban water supply systems are arranged. Children's drawing competitions are held for schoolchildren. Traditionally, scientific and practical conferences dedicated to the problems of water resources protection are held at the end of March.

Earth Hour

These International Ecological Days do not have an exact date. In Russia and around the world, the event is held on the last Saturday of March. More than 100 countries and large cities take part in the action. On this day, the inhabitants of the planet turn off electrical appliances that are not vital for 1 hour, the lights go out in the windows of government institutions, the backlight is removed from advertisements and decorations, etc.

April 1 - Bird Day

Some International Ecological Days have a long history. For example, people have been interested in birds for a long time, and in Russia, since the end of the 19th century, a tradition has been established in the spring to make houses and feeders for migratory inhabitants. Officially, the holiday has been celebrated since the beginning of the last century. Children are especially eager to take part in the activities.

On this day, young naturalists from all over the world unite to take care of birds: they make and hang houses for them, make feeders, and collect food. Also, on the eve of the holiday, propaganda teams operate in many cities. They talk about the behavior of annual guests, food habits, put up posters, feed the birds, etc. Schools, environmental and youth centers hold holidays dedicated to this day.

April 22 - Mother Earth Day

On this holiday, humanity is encouraged to think about how it relates to Ecologists are trying to convey that only people can take care of their home, the planet on which they live. The term "Mother Earth" perfectly reflects the relationship between man and the environment. On International Ecological Days, publications about our planet appear in the media, various amazing facts are told. In many cities, subbotniks and cleaning of the territory are timed to coincide with this date. And indeed, this day is the best suited to take care of your planet.

May 22 - Day of Conservation of Biological Diversity

One of the most comprehensive ecological holidays. It used to be celebrated on December 29th. Biological diversity is life on the planet in all its many forms and manifestations. And, unfortunately, it is constantly decreasing: plants, birds, fish are disappearing. More and more of them fall into the Red Book. And most of the time it's the fault of the person. His unreasonable economic activity (pollution of the environment, destruction of ecosystems, hunting, etc.) leads to such sad consequences. Ecologists have been sounding the alarm for a long time and trying to urge people to a more rational and careful attitude to nature. Otherwise, humanity runs the risk of remaining alone and thereby ruining itself.

June 5 - Environment Day

The main purpose of this holiday is to make people want to take care of the places where they live, about the world. On this day, thematic events are held, and the UN chooses their motto. In many cities, there are rallies and parades, actions in schools and camps - green concerts, contests of crafts, posters and essays. One of the obligatory attributes is subbotniks. International Ecological Days should contribute to people's awareness of numerous problems.

October 4 - Animal Protection Day

Numerous events are held on this holiday. They are designed to draw public attention to the problems of the animal world. And this applies not only to wild inhabitants, but also to pets, since acts of violence and abuse are increasingly occurring. One of the most humane and kind holidays encourages people to think not only about environmental problems, but also about their own behavior and attitude towards animals, awakens the best qualities of a person.

Attract people's attention to various problems International Ecological Days. It is not difficult to give examples: in each month there are several holidays aimed at protecting nature. Unfortunately, as yet a small percentage of people know about them and attach importance to them.

Ecologist's Day is a professional holiday for specialists who carry out environmental protection activities. Among them are public organizations, government agencies. Their relatives, friends, close people take part in the events. The holiday is considered by teachers and students of educational institutions whose profile is environmental protection.

Meaning: The holiday is timed to coincide with World Environment Day.

Scientific and practical conferences, lectures, exhibitions, promotions, educational events are held for the celebration. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates, orders, medals, and the Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation award.


Ecologist's Day in Russia is one of the youngest holidays. It does not have a long history. Its founder was the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, who signed the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2007 No. 933 "On the Day of the Ecologist". For the first time after its publication, events dedicated to the event were held at the official level in 2008. The date has a symbolic meaning: it is timed to coincide with World Environment Day.


On June 5, employees of state environmental organizations, social activists, their friends, relatives and close people gather at the tables. The wishes of health and success in vital activities are pronounced. Colleagues exchange congratulations, toasts sound, completed by the clink of glasses. Public organizations hold exhibitions. Scientific and practical conferences on the problems of the industry are arranged.

Ecologist's Day 2019 is marked by actions, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the attitude towards the environment of industrial enterprises, the state and ordinary citizens. They are urged to use resources carefully, to carry out separate collection of household waste. Television and radio stations broadcast programs dedicated to nature and its protection. It tells about major man-made accidents and their consequences for the planet.

The first persons of the state in their speeches mention the date, achievements and difficulties in the industry are noted. Authorities, local self-government jointly organize educational events. Under their auspices, lectures are held, the listener of which can be anyone.

Large companies sponsor shares. In their course, leaflets, ribbons, plant seeds are distributed. Certificates of honor, orders and medals are awarded for outstanding services in maintaining the cleanliness of the planet and prudent handling of its resources. One of the most honorable and prestigious awards is the Honored Ecologist of the Russian Federation.

Task for the day

Share information about Environment Day with family members and fellow activists. Work together to make the planet cleaner. Arrange a community work day in the yard of your house, in the park, on the beaches or on the promenade. Tidy up areas that you frequent and would like to see clean.

  • The Amazon rainforests release more than a fifth of the oxygen in the atmosphere.
  • American scientists have put forward a theory that cats pose a serious threat to the planet's ecosystem. According to studies, they are responsible for the extinction of 30 animal species. In the United States, cats kill about 20 billion mammals and 4 billion birds a year.
  • About 80 tons of garbage are imported into Sweden every year. In this country, a government program was launched to generate electricity by burning garbage, which turned out to be very effective. Norway is the main waste exporting country.
  • About 1% of garbage in the US consists of baby diapers. Such waste decomposes within 250 years.
  • According to studies, Tasmania, Australia, has the cleanest air in the world.
  • A 1.5 million square kilometer garbage patch is drifting in the North Pacific Ocean. It consists of 100 million tons of plastic waste from Asia and America.


“Today is a professional holiday for those who have taken on a great responsibility to take care of our environment. On Ecologist's Day, we wish everyone transparent air, clean water and a balance of all environmental variables. Your work makes our life better!”

“On Ecologist's Day, we congratulate our nature keepers on their professional holiday. Thanks to their merits, humanity has a chance to keep its “home” in its original form in order to show its descendants how beautiful and rich our Earth is. May luck and high professionalism help these guards of the nature of the environment to protect our Earth from destruction.

“Environmentalists make an invaluable contribution to the improvement of the entire planet. You watch forests, seas and lakes. For your work, not only people express gratitude to you, but also other inhabitants of the whole Earth. We wish you health and well-being. Let the number of air pollution be reduced to a minimum. Let poaching disappear completely. Thank you for your invaluable work!


Eco bag. An eco-bag for travel or shopping, made from natural materials, will be a practical and useful present.

Solar battery. A solar-powered portable charger will allow you to charge your gadgets using an alternative ecological source of energy.

Ecological products. Honey, herbal tea, cold-pressed natural vegetable oils, spices, dried fruits and nuts harvested in an ecological region will be a pleasant and healthy gift for the body.

Energy saving technology. Energy-saving lamps, batteries, household appliances will be a useful gift that will be useful for the home and allow you to take care of the environment.


Settled the planet
Each participant is given a balloon and a felt-tip pen. At the command of the host, the contestants begin to draw little men on the balls. After the signal, the participants stop working and count the number of people drawn. The one with the most inhabitants on the planet wins.

In the animal world
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare forfeits with the names of animals in duplicate. Participants of the competition take turns pulling out forfeits and, at the command of the presenter, they begin to portray the animal that has come across. The main task of the contestants is to recognize their partner and form a pair with him.

earth map
Two teams take part in the competition, each of which is given a piece of paper and a marker. The task of the teams is to draw a map of the Earth from memory. After the contestants complete their work, both maps are compared to the map of the Earth. The winner is the team whose work will be closest to the original.

About the profession

Ecologists conduct environmental protection activities. They control the implementation of environmental legislation, study the processes taking place in the Earth's biosphere. Specialists are at the junction of many sciences. Among them: biology, chemistry, law, geology, mathematics. An important task entrusted to these workers is the development of measures to minimize the harmful effects of industry and human activity.

The path to the profession begins with obtaining specialized education in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Their graduates can conduct research activities, work in departments of the environmental prosecutor's office, forestry, public organizations.

This holiday in other countries

On June 5, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries of the world celebrate World Environment Day.

In Ukraine, on the third Saturday of April, Environment Day is celebrated.

Well, tell me, which of us is indifferent to nature and animals? Of course, everyone loves nature, plants, and animals. There are so many beautiful places on the planet, looking at the photographs of which or just with their own eyes, people are surprised at where all this beauty came from. But a person does not think that thanks to scientific and technological progress, he receives comfort, and the environment suffers. Only with the help of the selfless work of ecologists, nature has not yet died for the sake of human comfort.

What number is marked

The professional holiday Ecologist's Day is celebrated on June 5, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2007 No. 933 "On the Day of the Ecologist". The holiday is official, but, unfortunately, has not acquired the status of a "day off". Therefore, if June 5 falls on a working day, then the holiday is celebrated in a working environment.

Who is celebrating

The very word "ecology" came to us from Ancient Greece and in translation means: "ekos" - dwelling, house; "logos" - science, concept. So, in simple terms, ecology is the science of housing or a house, and in the scientific world, ecology is the science of the interaction of living organisms, their communities, both with each other and with the environment. And the people who study this science are ecologists. It is they who accept congratulations on the Day of Ecologist on this day.

A little about the profession

An ecologist is a specialist who monitors, analyzes and develops measures to reduce harmful effects on the environment. Ecologists monitor the condition of rivers, seas, lakes and oceans, as well as forests, fields, lands, etc. They find out the reasons for the drying up of lakes or rivers, the disappearance of certain animal species, and explain the causes of climate change on our planet. Various measures are being developed to reduce the impact of industrial enterprises necessary for humanity, but harmful to the surrounding world. And how many species of animals were saved due to the fact that ecologists paid attention in time.

Today, environmentalists work in almost all industries. Not a single construction at the design stage is complete without an environmental expert opinion. Of course, not everything is as rosy in ecology as we would like to believe, but over time and with the right environmental policy, people will begin to think about preserving nature more than now.

At the moment, a whole system of measures, both public and state, is aimed at harmony in the relationship between society and nature, as well as at preserving nature and its resources for future generations. Today, environmental problems occupy one of the leading places and predetermine the stage of development of the whole world and Russia. Our country, with its vast territory, which contains various ecosystems, plays a huge role in the global fight against environmental problems and in maintaining balance in the global ecosystem.

Background of the holiday

This holiday is young, and in 2014 it turned 7 years old. Ecologist's Day appeared in 2007 thanks to the Decree signed by the President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V. Also in Russia, Ecologist Day coincides with World Environment Day.

Our nature is the most valuable thing we have. Many fantastically beautiful and fascinating places delight and impress humanity. But there are not as many of these magnificent places on the planet as we would like, and why? It is because of the influence of man and the progress of scientific and technological activities. People do not think about the fact that the formation of personal coziness and convenience negatively affects their very environment.

Ecologists are involved in the preservation, protection and restoration of the environment. It is they who contribute to the introduction into the scientific and technical process of technologies that will have the most favorable effect on the climate, biosphere, atmosphere and other components of the environment.


On May 5, Russia celebrates the Day of the Ecologist and the Day of Environmental Protection. On this day, congratulations are accepted by students, teachers, environmental engineers, specialists in the protection and rational use of natural resources, and everyone who is somehow connected with this industry. It is our most important duty to congratulate specialists in this field.

The date of the celebration of Ecologist's Day coincides with the International Environment Day. Officially, the holiday was approved by the President of the Russian Federation in 2007.

The specialty of an ecologist is one of the most important professions at this stage of human existence. More and more specialists annually graduate from universities and colleges, because the problem of environmental protection has become a worldwide issue. Everyone who is not indifferent to the future fate of mankind is trying to protect our nature from the harmful influence of people and their technical activities on it.

An ecologist is a specialist who analyzes, monitors and develops measures to reduce the impact of harmful substances on the environment. The main objectives of environmental research are:

  • identification of the main types of ecological systems and landscape units, assessment of the features of their composition;
  • development of methods for collecting and analyzing information to characterize the state of the biosphere as a whole;
  • providing an assessment of the level of resilience of the biosphere and individual ecosystems in relation to external influences;
  • development and creation of protected and protected areas;

There are more and more people in the world who want to connect their lives with ecology and environmental protection.


Every year on June 5, environmentalists organize many events in honor of their professional holiday. Campaigns are being held by which environmentalists lure people to rationally use natural resources. Exhibitions of children's drawings, scientific conferences and presentations are organized.

Cleaning of the territory of forest plantations and parks, planting trees and flowers is also carried out. Television broadcasts many programs aimed at protecting nature.

Celebrations are held in groups, with family and friends.

Ecologist's Day is a relatively young holiday, which began to be celebrated in Russia quite recently. Ecologist's Day was officially introduced by order of the President in 2007. In general, ecology and environmental protection are concepts that have appeared in our everyday life not very long ago, although the best minds of mankind have been concerned about these issues for many years.

The term "ecology" was first used by the German biologist Haeckel about 150 years ago, defining ecology as a branch of biology. Subsequently, ecology was given the status of a science that determines the relationship between living organisms and plant components in an environment modified by man (or left unchanged). The concepts of "ecology" and "health" are inextricably linked. After all, atmospheric air or groundwater polluted with emissions often become the cause of various diseases.

This is what science is about. But in the everyday life of the inhabitants, this concept is often used in phrases of this kind: “ecology is to blame”, or “bad ecology”. Here, ecology is defined as a set of living conditions, and this environment is changing not for the better, thereby attracting the attention of the public, which shows its civil activity by holding various rallies and pickets. These actions are aimed at protecting their health and preserving a livable environment. Therefore, the profession of ecologist is becoming more and more popular.

The work of an ecologist is not easy, because not all citizens understand that the future of our planet depends on every inhabitant. Everyone can contribute to the improvement of living conditions. Today, such a specialist as an ecologist is needed at every enterprise and in most organizations. The purpose of this position is to monitor compliance with environmental legislation in the divisions of the enterprise and contact with regulatory authorities (state). In addition, many environmental volunteers are involved in various activities (such as cleaning up sea water and rescuing animals from spilled oil, or environmental education of residents).

Entire departments and ministries are working for the benefit of environmental protection today. These are, in particular, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor, the Environmental Prosecutor's Office, the Committee and the Department of Natural Resources. In addition, some enterprises specialize in maintaining normal ecology: they create equipment used to protect the natural environment, develop various projects that can minimize the negative impact on nature.

Ecologist's Day is celebrated on June 5th. It was on this day that the UN held the first conference on issues. It was in 1972, and from next year this date became the establishment of this holiday - a way to attract people's attention to environmental issues and problems. This holiday is accompanied by various "green" actions and pickets, in schools - competitions of children's drawings on the theme of nature protection.

But Ecologist's Day is not only a professional holiday, it is a holiday of all those who are not indifferent to their future and the future of the descendants of people. On this day, I would like to wish everyone fresh air, clear water and clean land. In addition, it is simply necessary to encourage the population to pay even more attention to the preservation of a favorable natural environment, the protection of all living things and our ecological future!