Exotic shorthair cat: breed description and pet care. Exotic Shorthair: Daily Grooming


This is a calm animal, not prone to fuss and excessive running around. Such cats are devoted to one owner, but with the rest of the inhabitants of the apartment, including, for example, dogs, they behave calmly and confidentially.

An exotic cat is moderately playful and does not make a lot of noise: it hardly gives a voice, and if it meows, it is quite quiet. She does not like loneliness, so more often show attention to the pet, especially when it is still a kitten.

Exotic care

These cats have a powerful body inherited from Persian relatives, and a kind of flat muzzle, the structure of which sometimes gives the animal some inconvenience.

Like the Persians, exotic cats are brachycephalic, that is, they have a flat muzzle. Unfortunately, in addition to the cute appearance, this feature of the structure sometimes causes problems, so caring for exotics requires special care.

First, these cats often have watery eyes. This means that you need to take care of them and clean them of mucus every day.

Second, brachycephalics have difficulty breathing. Cats with these characteristics often suffer from a runny nose, nasal congestion and are forced to breathe through the mouth during such periods.

Thirdly, exotics inherited from the Persians a predisposition to several genetic diseases at once. For example, to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, that is, heart disease, as well as to polycystic kidney disease, which is observed in almost 50% of cases.

It is very important to ask the breeder from whom you take the exotic about these features, and then consult with the veterinarian and conduct, if required, a full examination to identify signs of these diseases.

It is interesting that while exotics live quite a long time, up to 15 years. Another feature: these animals slowly grow up - from a kitten to an adult cat, the exotic turns into an exotic cat for more than three years.

If the kitten has already been weaned from its mother, it has milk teeth, you can feed it. When the animal is 4 months old, put it on the diet. It is universal for all breeds and contains all the necessary set of proteins, fats and vitamins necessary for the normal growth of a kitten. Alternate this product with wet food, and the pet will receive everything from food for proper development.

If your cat lives exclusively at home, after a year, you can transfer it to food. If the animal is sterilized, choose a Sterilized product. Be sure to follow the recommended feeding rates in order to prevent excess weight from exotics.

Despite their strong build and long lifespan, these cats have their weak points, which means that caring for exotics also consists of regular visits to the veterinarian.

If you still have questions about caring for exotics, send them to us!

Short-haired exotic cats need to periodically remove dead hair to prevent it from being swallowed when licked. Removal of dead hairs is carried out using a metal comb with fine teeth.

Shorthaired cats do not need daily brushing. It is quite enough to carry out this procedure 2 times a week. You can also use special dry shampoos, which are sold in large assortments at pet stores.

When combing, you should try to prevent the powder from getting into the cat's eyes and nose. As a rule, with regular grooming, the cat gets used to the above procedures and even enjoys them, especially during the molting period.

At this time, the animal should be regularly brushed with a massage brush, removing dying hairs.

Hair renewal in cats is ongoing. Sometimes the molting process takes a long time, from about September to November and from February to April. During these periods, you should carefully comb out any changing hairs and more often comb the coat, massaging the skin of the animal and thereby stimulating the growth of new hair. The very first molt in a kitten occurs at the age of 5 - 7 months. Molting begins from the head, after which it passes to the body. Typically, this period falls in the fall or spring. But sometimes it can drag on for a whole year or even more.

Every cat has rough papillae on its tongue, with their help, when licking, it removes dead hairs, helping its fur to renew itself. Sometimes she can swallow her own wool, as a result of which fur balls are formed in the stomach, blocking the gastrointestinal tract. Usually the cat will get rid of them by vomiting. Now, without any problems, you can purchase a product for dissolving hair in the cat's stomach.


Ideally, exotic animals are bathed once every 2 months. As a place for swimming, it is advisable to choose a sink of a suitable size or another container located at the height of the belt. If you put your pet in the bathroom and bend over it, it will probably get scared and try to run away. It will be difficult for the owner to hold and monitor the animal while in a bent position.

Before proceeding with the water procedures, you need to stock up on a special cat shampoo (those made on the basis of seaweed and medicinal herbs are good), mouthwash, flea remedy, as well as a soft towel or sponge for washing the face and a large towel to dry the coat. It is advisable to put a rubber mat or towel on the bottom of a sink or other container designed for bathing the cat, so that she feels more confident and less afraid. Then you need to half-fill the container with warm (38 - 40 ° C) water and immerse the pet in it, keeping its muzzle away from you. It is recommended to drip 1 - 2 eye drops to the cat before bathing to protect the mucous membranes of the eyes from irritation due to shampoo that accidentally gets into the eyes. It is advisable to lower the cat into the water with four paws at the same time, usually this has a calming effect on cats.

As soon as the cat is in the water, you should put one hand on her shoulder blades, and the other gently dampen the coat and apply shampoo to it.

It is better to wipe the pet's muzzle with a damp cloth or a sponge dipped in soapy water. It is also best to wipe your ears with a damp cloth in a more relaxed environment.

After applying the detergent, the coat must be thoroughly rinsed, since even a small amount of shampoo remaining on the integumentary hairs can cause poisoning of the animal, since cats after bathing instinctively lick their fur, and the remains of the soap solution fall on the mucous membrane of the mouth. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse the cat three times. The last time you can add 1 tbsp. l. 6% vinegar per liter of water.

Another method is used to wash the cat, which avoids many inconveniences. A bag is made of a material that allows water to pass through. A little shampoo is poured into it and the cat is placed there. The bag is tied, while the head of the animal remains outside, after which the bag is half immersed in warm water. The cat is washed through the pouch. The cat should be rinsed in the usual way. The washed pet should be wrapped in a towel and taken to a warm room, where there are no drafts. First, you need to wipe the wool dry with a towel, then continue drying with a hairdryer, especially during the period of intensive molting of exotics, otherwise, due to the thick undercoat, the wool will remain wet for a long time.

It must be remembered that frequent bathing of the cat can weaken the natural defenses of the skin and hair of the animal by removing grease from them. It is not recommended to bathe a cat that has eaten recently; it will be better if at least 4 hours have passed since the meal.


Cats tend to sharpen their claws, but this is their completely normal behavior does not go well with staying in an apartment. The best option is to set aside a corner for a scratching post.

To do this, take a board measuring approximately 30 x 60 cm and cover it with a thick, coarse cloth. The finished board is hung on the wall. To get the cat's attention, some owners lightly spray it with valerian infusion for the first time. For other pets, it is enough to put a broom on the floor, and they sharpen their claws on the lying broom.

You can wean your pet from scratching furniture in different ways (for example, by sprinkling the animal with water at the moment when it is preparing to sharpen its claws in the wrong place). Most cats do not like water, so if you do this on a regular basis, your cat will give up.

You can also scare an animal preparing to sharpen its claws by throwing a bunch of keys, a thick magazine, or loudly clapping your hands on the floor next to it on the floor. There are also ways - to make plastic coverings on the most frequently damaged areas of furniture, or, if it is upholstered furniture, it is necessary to rub the objects with orange peel or ground allspice. Animals are discouraged by the smell, and they stop scratching the coating.


The owner of the exotic must regularly examine his organs of vision. As the eyes of exotics become dirty, it is advisable to wipe it with a soft, well-absorbing cloth moistened with a 2% solution of boric acid, strong tea or a special preparation Optik gel.

In case of severe lacrimation, it is necessary to drip the cat (2 drops each) eye drops "Vizin" or "Maxitrol". For severe suppuration, tetracycline ophthalmic ointment should be used. The cat's eyes should be rinsed about once a week, but in some cases this procedure can be done more often. For this purpose, a strong tea infusion is usually applied, applied to a cotton swab.

Obstruction of the nasolacrimal canals is common in cats, since the nasal septum is curved, so excess tears flow out through the edge of the eyelid, leaving dark brown marks on the fur under the eyes.

Exotic shorthair cats often have eyelid volvulus. He is treated surgically, the operation almost always gives good results.

If, on examination, the ears turn out to be dirty or filled with large amounts of released sulfur, then they must be cleaned. Usually, cats' ears are cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in warm water, sunflower oil, or alcohol. You need to take a thin wooden stick and wrap cotton wool on it, one edge of which should protrude beyond the tip of the stick. After wetting the tampon in the applied liquid, squeeze it out a little. Cleansing is done very carefully.

The cat begins to experience itching in the ears, which makes it shake its head and vigorously scratch the affected area with its claws. Large secretions of sulfur accumulate in the auricle, acquiring a greyish brown dirty color. The disease is treated with anti-scab drugs, as well as 3% boric alcohol, which is used to treat the ears with cotton wicks. Special care is also required for the cat's nose, especially if the animal has recently suffered a cold or is not accustomed to careful absorption of food.

You can use cotton balls or tampons soaked in water to clear a stuffy nose, but be careful as many cats don't like this procedure. The cat's nose should always be sufficiently moist and cold to the touch.


If the teeth are not taken care of, then tartar forms on them, which in turn can cause diseases of the oral cavity. The gums begin to bleed, lose their elasticity and begin to shrink. In this case, the cat may begin to lose teeth. Dental care does not require a specific course of treatment.

It is much more important to ensure that your cat is properly fed. You should choose such food so that the gums are well massaged and plaque is removed from the teeth.

Undercooked, slightly tough meat, such as offal or sinewy beef, works well for these purposes. Such meat should be given to the cat on a regular basis. This will force her to work more actively with her jaws.


Cutting the nails is only necessary when they reach excessive length.

If the blood vessel does not reach the tip of the claw, then the claw is very long and can be cut off without fear of damaging the blood vessel. If your pet has light nails, it will be easier to trim them than cats with dark nails, as the pink blood vessels are easier to see on the lack of pigment.

In the case when the blood vessel is not visible under the black claw, the location of the cut is determined, following their already acquired experience.

It must be remembered that along with the growth of the claw, the vessel also lengthens, so that when the claw is cut to normal length, it is possible to easily damage the vessel and cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to trim the claw so that it is slightly longer than usual. You can then trim the claw again after 2 weeks.

It is more convenient to trim the claws when someone is helping to hold the cat tightly. Before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that our pet is calm, does not feel anxiety and fear.

It is best to use special clippers or clippers that can be purchased at any pet store. They must be sharp enough, otherwise there is a danger of splitting the claw, which can cause severe pain to the animal. It is necessary to take the cat's foot with two fingers and squeeze it slightly so that the claws protrude from the pads.

You can cut off the tip of the claw strictly across, but not obliquely, so as not to damage the blood vessel and nerve endings. After trimming the nails, you can polish the sharp edges with a nail file or sandpaper. If bleeding occurs, it can be stopped with a styptic pencil. If bleeding is severe, you will need to apply a pressure bandage and see your veterinarian. A haircut is necessary in cases where the claw is broken and a piece of it dangles. You need to completely cut this piece. In case of bleeding, proceed as described above.


It is easy to train a cat to use the toilet, located in a certain secluded place. The toilet should replace a piece of natural nature for a cat living in an apartment. It is best to use a plastic cat litter tray with a perfectly flat bottom for stability.

The bath should be placed in a place where no one will disturb the cat: in the toilet or bathroom. The bath can be filled with sand: it absorbs moisture well and is convenient for the animal, since in natural conditions cats most often bury their excrement in the sand.

Some people use finely chopped newsprint as cat litter. However, the paper damp quickly and becomes a source of unpleasant odors.

Pet stores sell special plastic cat litter trays. Some of them provide for the use of absorbent filler, others are equipped with a plug-in grid that allows the liquid to drain to the bottom.

The latter are much more convenient in that they free the cat owner from having to buy litter every time.

But some animals refuse such a toilet, since by nature it is inherent in them to bury excrement, and pallets with an insert grate deprive them of this opportunity.

The litter box must be cleaned and disinfected regularly. To do this, use hot water with vinegar. It is not recommended to wash your pet's toilet with any strong chemicals that leave a pungent odor. Some cats prefer to use the toilet.

Australian housewife Joe Lapidge has come up with a device that can be used to train domestic cats to use the toilet.

The invention of the Lapidge mission is 3 plastic trays, the shape of which follows the contours of the toilet seat. Moreover, they are all different colors: red has a solid bottom, and orange and green have holes of different diameters. First, a red tray is used, into which cat litter is poured. The litter box is placed first next to the toilet, just like a regular cat litter box. When the animal gets used to it, it is moved to the toilet. Later, the red tray is replaced with an orange one with a small hole in the middle. Then the orange is replaced by the last - green - with a larger hole. As the hole increases, the amount of filler decreases, and, according to the inventor, the cat gradually gets used to do without sorbent and trains its skills to keep balance.

According to Joe, she managed to train her cat to go to the toilet in 8 weeks.

By the way, cats in Russia have been using similar trays for a long time. They are sold in many pet stores, only in the kit there are not three, but two trays.

You can also put a regular tray next to the toilet. Then put something under the tray, gradually lifting it. When the tray is at the same height as the toilet, you can remove it. Most likely the kitten will understand what is required of him. However, do not force the kitten to use the toilet if he is already used to a different place.

It should be noted that many cats are well versed in the intricacies of relationships and turn the problem of going to the toilet into a tool for influencing the owner. Some animals in this way seek to attract attention to themselves, others take revenge for a long absence from the owner's house or for frequent punishments, others mark their territory during the mating season, and still others may have serious health problems. Naturally, in each case, it is necessary to carefully observe the cat for some time in order to find a reasonable explanation for the reasons for its behavior.


“To make safe walks with your cat, you need to accustom it to a harness and a leash. This allows not only to let it out in the park, but also to provide the necessary movement for the animal during long transportation in a car or train. Cat harnesses are sold in pet stores and are made of elastic nylon tape on a soft felt lining. The harness should fit snugly to the body of the animal, only one finger should pass under it. Do not fasten the leash to the collar. Cats do not have such a muscular neck as dogs, and it will not withstand stress. - somehow, the cat can either suffocate or injure its neck. (Kurchevskaya).

In order for the cat to get used to the harness and to feel comfortable, it is necessary to put the harness on the cat before feeding it, or while playing with it. Then the cat will associate the presence of a foreign object on its body with something pleasant for it, and the process of eating or playing will distract it from the sensations that are unusual at first, and it ceases to notice it. When going for the first walk in a cat's life, it is necessary to choose a secluded place in advance, where the cat will not be frightened by either dogs or a large crowd of strangers. To the place of walking, the cat should be carried in your arms, putting on a harness and fastening a leash in advance. It is advisable to take a treat with you, and, holding the cat at the distance of an extended (but not taut) leash, call it to you.

You cannot forcefully pull the cat by the leash, so as not to instill in her a disgust for walking forever. As a rule, when walking with a cat, she moves where she wants, and the owner slowly moves after her.

An exotic cat is an incredibly beautiful animal, outwardly reminiscent of sluggish, imposing Persians, but surprising with a magnificent character. This cute, plush breed was accidentally bred by American breeders in the middle of the last century, becoming a real sensation. And today no one remains indifferent at the sight of this small, fluffy lump.

In order for the pet to always please with excellent health, excellent mood and excellent appearance, it is important to provide proper care for exotics.

Exotic cats: breed features, care and maintenance

An exotic cat is the perfect pet. She is very calm, meek, affectionate, gets along well with all household members, young children and other pets. Of all modern breeds, only this one has absorbed the best character traits of its ancestors.

Despite the unpretentiousness, ease, care and maintenance of such a pet requires a special approach and taking into account numerous nuances. The main procedures that need to be carried out regularly:

  • Combing wool. A shorthaired exotic cat should be brushed every two to three days. During molting, we repeat this procedure daily. When combing, we use special brushes, moving in the direction of hair growth. Periodically we go through the fur with a slicker to remove dead hairs. At the end of brushing, give the coat a natural look with a natural bristle brush.
  • Bathing. Experts recommend bathing the animal once every two months. If you do this more often, then the coat will lose its natural protection, which will negatively affect its appearance. Bathing should be done using a special shampoo, which can be purchased at the pet store.
  • Washing. You should take care of the face of your four-footed friend every day. Remove the discharge in the corners of the eyes with cotton pads soaked in a special solution. We clean the teeth several times a week with a small piece of gauze dipped in a solution of salt and water in a 1: 1 ratio. We regularly check the spout, if necessary, treat it with napkins.
  • Ear care. The veterinary pharmacy sells special products, solutions, with which you should periodically process your pet's auricle. The composition contains substances that can reduce friction, quickly and completely remove sulfur and accumulated dirt.
  • Clipping the claws. We check the claws every week. If they have grown back, then using a clipper, we reduce their length. It is important not to go into an area with visible blood vessels. If the vessel is accidentally damaged, and blood has flowed, he treats this place with hydrogen peroxide.

Exotic cat food

How to feed the exotic? This question interests everyone who is about to become the owner of a small, teddy bear. Cats of this amazing breed are quite sensitive to their diet, but there are some representatives who can eat almost anything. The truly good health of your pet depends on a properly formulated diet, which should contain:

  • Fats.
  • Microelements.
  • Proteins.
  • Vitamins.
  • Amino acids.

All these beneficial substances are contained in the following products, which must be present on the weekly menu:

  • Saltwater fish: cod, mackerel, herring.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean meat: rabbit, beef and veal.
  • Cereals.
  • Greens.
  • Lean poultry: chicken, turkey.
  • By-products.

If there is no time to deal with the preparation of a balanced diet, then you should pay attention to ready-made dry and canned food. Modern breeders highly recommend the products of the following manufacturers, who offer whole breed lines:

  • Bosh.
  • RoyalCanin.

Exotic health

Like all pedigree animals, these are also susceptible to various diseases, including hereditary ones. In most cases, they suffer from diseases of the respiratory system, which is associated with the structure of the nasolacrimal canal. That is why pets are constantly watering their eyes. Also, the list of possible diseases includes:

  • Various lesions of the teeth: gingivitis, tartar formation, periodontal disease, etc.
  • Polycystic kidney disease. With this disease, cysts form on the kidneys. Polycystic disease is often inherited by little kittens.
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The most common disease of the heart muscle, which is very often fatal at a young age.
  • Displacement of the lower jaw. Malocclusion is also common in cats of this breed. If the problem is not diagnosed and eliminated in time, the likelihood of other dental diseases and discomfort when eating is high.

If you do not start the health of your exotic, you can avoid these ailments. It is important to remember that each cat has unique, individual characteristics, so you should take a responsible approach to the issues of hygiene, nutrition, maintenance, taking into account every nuance.

If you suspect that you have any disease, you should immediately contact your veterinarian who will diagnose and cure your pet. Proper care and maintenance is the key to the longevity of your cat. Take care of the animal competently!

The homeland of the exotic shorthair cat is America. It was there, from a representative of the Persian breed, that the first kitten of this breed was bred. Exots have a character reminiscent of their Persian ancestors. They "speak" in a calm and quiet voice, which the owner can hear only when the pet wants to tell, for example, about the desire to eat.

Description of the breed

Exots can be of medium or large size, legs - short and thick, with strong muscles. There are beautiful ears on a round and massive head with a wide skull. Widely set, rounded and large eyes give the animal a somewhat surprised look. One of the main distinguishing characteristics is the original nose, which distinguishes exotic animals from the background of other breeds.

The length of the tail is small, in contrast to the thickness. The weight of a sexually mature cat is 3.5-7 kilograms, cats weigh less - on average, from 3 to 5 kilos.

The coat is dense and soft, with an undercoat. Along with the Persians, exotics boast a thick undercoat. By the way, the exotic has more wool than the representatives of other short-haired ones. Thanks to this and rounded body, the animal resembles a teddy bear. Various colors and colors. You can list them indefinitely. Let's just say that the color affects the color of the eyes.

Exotic nature

"Plush" kitty has an affectionate and cute face that fully corresponds to her habits. If you want to buy a pet for a child, and want to be sure that the animal will be quiet and patient, feel free to buy an exotic shorthair cat. This pet has a calm and self-possessed character.

Despite this, exotics are truly cheerful and active. They do not show aggression towards strangers or other representatives of the animal world. But keep in mind that each exotic is very loyal to its owner.

If you are often not at home, you should not get a pet of this affectionate breed. Exots cannot stand loneliness; they need affection and attention all the time.

Some call the exotic shorthair's affection for its owner excessive. And this is really so: if you decide to have such a pet, take it with you everywhere, including on a long journey. Exot will suffer from being with strangers. Even if your absence is not so long.

Care features

  1. Wool. The short but thick exotic coat should be brushed at least once a week. Otherwise, the animal's fur coat falls off and licking it, your pet may choke. Note that the exotic sheds actively twice a year. During such periods, grooming should be done daily. If you take care of your pet, then his fur will not spread throughout the apartment. In addition, the new coat will be healthy and thick. Exotic should be washed exactly during molting;
  2. Walking. An exotic cat may well do without fresh air. Despite the fact that outdoor trips are not mandatory, you should still pamper your pet from time to time. Be sure to purchase a harness, as the hunting instinct can wake up in a plush home exotic;
  3. The washing up. Exotics against water. However, they usually do not need frequent bathing. Washing the thickest coat is not easy. Don't use regular shampoo, get a special product for short-haired breeds. Purchasing dry shampoo is a good solution. If you want to buy a kitten that will not be picky about grooming, an exotic one is fine for you. You don't have to comb out the fur every day. You can not waste time caring for your pet's fur coat.

The only difficulty is taking care of the eyes, which are constantly watery. Stock up on gauze swabs, visit a pet store and buy a special compound for wiping an exotic peephole.

You should also buy mice, balls, pens, and other entertainment for your pet. There will be no difficulties with litter training. It is best for your pet to have its own sleeping area with bedding. You also need a scratching post. Otherwise, the interior will be damaged.

Exotic catering

Think in advance whether you will be giving exotic natural products or store food. The representatives of the breed have no special requests. In order to protect your pet from genetic diseases, feed him a balanced super premium food. If you choose dry food or canned food, add multivitamin complexes to the menu.

If you are going to feed exotic natural products, give it meat, cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs. One of the characteristics of the breed is that it can easily digest dairy products. Decide in advance where the bowls of food will be located.

Do not overfeed the exotic and do not let him beg for your food. Obesity can also be called one of the characteristic exotic problems. Obesity threatens with numerous diseases, poisoning is great.

Dry food is useful and balanced. However, please note that there are no flavors in the premium grade food (Super Premium and Holistic). It is because of them that lower class food is so attractive to cats. If you decide that you will feed your pet with store-bought food, establish a diet from the very childhood of the kitten. An adult exot may refuse odorless food. read here.

In order not to harm your animal, do not overfeed it. The portion of food should be strictly limited. Otherwise, you will end up with a plump teddy bear with ruined health. The lifespan of such exotic species is significantly reduced.

Do not fall for the persuasion of cute faces and do not feed them from your own plate. The diet of the Exotic Shorthair, like that of other breeds, must be thoughtfully balanced and timely.

Typical diseases

An exotic shorthair cat can be called an "ordinary" Persian. At least in terms of characteristic genetic diseases. If you've ever owned a Persian kitten, then get ready for the same ailments of a new pet. Let's list the most common diseases:

  • Watery eyes. This trouble is due to the fact that exotic animals with their cute little face have short tear ducts. In most cases, animals need to wipe the eyes once or twice that have discharge. A flat muzzle prevents the tear ducts from working as they should.
  • Breath. The short muzzle does not allow the representatives of the breed to breathe “freely”.
  • Gingivitis. This unpleasant disease is common in many cats and cats. And including for exotics. We are talking about inflammation of the oral cavity, which can result in excruciating tooth loss and pain. If you decide to have a short-haired exotic, be prepared to take care of the animal. The general condition of your pet will deteriorate many times over if you do not heal diseases of his oral cavity.

In order not to face feline gingivitis, show your pet to the veterinarian regularly. You should also use a special toothpaste that a specialist can recommend. The tool will not allow tartar to form, remove plaque and clean the exotic teeth. It is not always necessary to purchase a brush. In many cases, it is wiser to use gauze. Wrap it around your finger and your pet will feel calmer during the procedure, smelling your familiar scent.

  • Polycystic kidney disease. A dangerous disease that changes the structure of the renal and hepatic tissues of animals. If you start the disease, then it can lead to exotic death. Pay attention to how your pet behaves in the second half of life. The disease is genetic, transmitted from the parent or parent of the kitten. According to statistics, approximately 40 percent of Persians have this disease. From the Persian, she passed on to the representatives of the exotic breed. It is completely impossible to cure a cat or kitty. However, you can slow down the disease process.
  • HCM or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In this case, the walls of the heart thicken, which also leads to the death of the pet. Please note that the development of the disease is possible at any age. Unfortunately, the disease has no pronounced symptoms.

Before buying an exotic kitten, ask if his mother or father has such diseases? Most of them are inherited.