Game problem situations in the preparatory group. Lesson summary (GCD) for children of the preparatory group "Twelve months

The use of problem situations in working with preschoolers has a positive effect on the development of creative thinking, cognitive skills and abilities in children. Rubenstein S. L. said that “Thinking usually begins with a problem or question, with a contradiction. The problematic situation is determined by the involvement of the individual in the thought process. There are unknown, as it were, empty places in the problem. For from filling, for transforming the unknown into the known, appropriate knowledge and methods of activity are necessary, which at first a person does not have ”.

A problematic situation is a state of mental difficulty in children caused by the lack of previously acquired knowledge and methods of activity for solving a cognitive task, task or educational problem. In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which the subject wants to solve difficult problems for him, but he lacks data, and he must search for them himself.

A problematic situation arises when the teacher deliberately confronts the life ideas of children (or the level they have reached) with scientific facts, which they cannot explain - there is not enough knowledge, life experience.

Educators often have difficulties with the selection of problem situations. I hope that the card index I suggested will help you with this.

Preparatory group

Problem situations


If your girlfriend (friend) is upset, what needs to be done, how to help?

Develop a benevolent attitude of children towards close people, peers; develop empathy.

Your toy is broken, what will you do: throw it away or fix it?

To foster a respect for toys and things, a feeling of gratitude for the care and attention.

If you pushed a friend, offended the girl, what is your next action?

What would happen if there were no builders, doctors, teachers?

Differentiated perception of the labor process. Concretization of ideas about the work of a doctor, teacher, builder. Recognizing and naming people of different professions.

The girl is crying, how to calm her down?

Develop emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones, peers.

What happens if you open the door to a stranger?

Development of the need for cognitive communication with adults. Responding to negative actions of an adult.

Did you not give way to an older man? Did you do the right thing?

Choosing the right line of behavior towards people of different ages.

You said a rude word to a loved one, what will you do to correct the situation?

Conscious rejection of the manifestation of rudeness in relation to their loved ones, friends.

What would you do if you saw an abandoned puppy or kitten?

Encouragement by the educator of children to actively demonstrate emotional responsiveness, sympathy.

If the lights in the theater are turned off, what are your actions?

Mastering the elementary rules of the culture of behavior in public places.

Passing by the teacher, did you not say hello?

Mastering different forms of greeting, goodbye, expressing appreciation, making a request

You forgot to congratulate your loved one on the holiday, what will you do to correct the situation?

Develop a benevolent attitude of children towards close people, peers; develop empathy and responsibility.

Did you see that they offend a girl or a boy unfamiliar to you, your actions?

Develop emotional responsiveness, responsibility, empathy.

Your favorite book is torn, will you throw it away?

Develop hard work, responsibility, goodwill.

Dressed for a walk, Artyom forgot his mittens at home ...

Develops responsiveness to others, empathy.

Not everyone got new paints in the lesson, what should be done?

Teaches you not to be greedy towards others.

Mom came to kindergarten for you, but you don't want to leave ...

Teach children to find ways to solve problems, even the smallest.

You want to run and play, but Mom is sick.

Empathy towards loved ones.

Did you really like the toy in the store ...

Develops patience.

You are sick, and how can you please your friend's birthday?

Ability to find a way out of a situation.

Do you want to have a pet ...

Sense of responsibility: "We are responsible for those whom we have tamed .."

Carlson the mischievous flew to you, how will you meet him?

Develop a sense of goodwill.

You want ice cream, but mom won't let you ..

Understanding in relation to loved ones

Your friend fell, and the others are laughing ...

Empathy, empathy for loved ones.

My friend doesn't have a handkerchief, should I give him?

It teaches you not to be greedy to help your loved ones in any situation.

There are no empty seats on the bus, but you really want to sit down

Develops patience

The children were in a spring meadow, and everyone wanted to pick flowers, is it possible?

Develops a sense of responsibility

We came to the post office to buy a postcard, an envelope to congratulate grandmother.

The idea of ​​how to maintain family ties (correspondence, talking on the phone, visits), expressions of care, love, respect for each other.

Should I be friends with a slob, with a girl who does not wash her hands before eating?

Deepening of ideas about the child's body, caring for it, about their personal qualities and achievements.

How do I see myself in the future?

What do I want to become?

The idea of ​​the types of production labor (sewing, food production., Construction, agriculture), and service labor (medicine, trade, education).

Where do your loved ones, relatives work, and by whom?

The concept of the value of the work of parents and close relatives

The life of children from different countries.

Expanding ideas about the life of children in other countries (games, favorite activities, respect for elders, love for parents).

Do you have a lot of friends? What interesting things can your friends do? How do you help each other?

Formation of skills to build new varied plots of the game, to coordinate individual creative ideas with peers.

How to call the police, call an ambulance, firefighters?

Developing the need for cognitive communication with adults, building confidence in them.

Do you know everyone, your family members? Is the family big? Who do you look like?

The ability to ask questions about your loved ones, about yourself, express your desires, speak out about yourself, your well-being, mood.

If I were a caregiver?

Demonstration of independence and initiative in the choice of games.

Can you guess why this mood arose?

Fostering goodwill, initiative in communicating with adults, the ability to see the connection between actions and the emotional state of adults.

How do you help your parents? What did your grandparents tell you about their parents? Do you have a family album in your family?

Formation of the idea that everyone in the family cares about each other.

How to behave at the table, the rules of kindness, polite words.

Mastering the elementary rules of the culture of behavior in a children's team: be polite, attentive, share toys.

What do you do if you are hit or hurt by your friend

Responding to negative actions of other children, their consequences

Why do they say that in nature everything is needed, that you cannot do without those who make honey and who make poison; who is scary and who is beautiful. (p. 20)

To foster a love of nature, to develop the notion that in nature everyone is important and everyone has the right to exist.

What do you think? Is it possible to bring birds and animals from the forest to the house? Why?

Develop a sense of pity for birds, teach children not to deprive birds of freedom because of their comfort.

"How to make friends Fox and Crane?"

Develop communicative relationships.

Does it happen that friends bring grief? (p. 41)

To teach children to live in harmony with friends and at the same time not be afraid to tell the truth about him in his eyes.

“All my friends left me. I was left alone and wept bitterly. Help. Please advise. " (p. 41)

To foster in children a sense of collectivism, the desire to think, and take care of those who are around.

"A boy walks through the forest: he is holding a tape recorder - loud music, he knocks and tramples himself, throws stones at birds and insects ... What advice would you give him?"

To cultivate love for nature and the desire to protect it, protect and preserve.

“Vova bought and eats ice cream. His friend Vitya is walking towards him. Vova hid the ice cream, and Vitya came up and treated him to candy. What does Vova feel? What would you do? "

Continue to educate children about feelings of embarrassment and shame, and develop the ability to be generous

You met a beggar ... How will your meeting end?

To develop the ability to compassion and help those who need it.

"What would you ask a goldfish for?"

Teach children to measure who needs help more: you or your relatives and friends.

"Which path will you choose?"

If you go straight, you will meet an old woman who needs help.

If you go to the left, you will meet an old man who is lost, looking for a pharmacy.

To the right, you will find the toy you have dreamed of for a long time.

Foster a desire to help the needy, the weak and the old.

A disabled boy is sitting in a wheelchair, but wants to play ball with you.

How to be?

To teach children to help the weak, even to the detriment of themselves (feeling of kindness).

“Can a sick boy become your friend? Why do you think so? What games can you offer him? "

Develop a sense of compassion, teach to help the sick and disabled.

“Do I need to thank the veterans for the victory? Is it only on holiday to thank? " (p. 124)

To foster a sense of gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the desire to help and please them.

If there were 2 schools, one with lessons and breaks, and the other only with breaks. Which one would you like to study in?

Develop a desire to study at school, despite the difficulties that will of course be encountered.

How to make good deeds on planet Earth multiply? (to do at least small ones ourselves, for good deeds).

Teach children to be kind and not in words, but in deeds.

The boy peeps through the keyhole for his older sister. Is it good or bad? Curiosity and curiosity. "A curious man has bruises all over his forehead" (p. 85)

To teach to distinguish curious from curious children, to appreciate the quality of curiosity and understand the bad side of curiosity.

1. calm down, treat with candy.

2.Help to find the way.

3. make fun of her.

4. pass by.

To develop in children the desire to help those in need, not to pass by those who are in trouble.

"Bored day until evening if there is nothing to do!"

1. Have you ever been bored?

2. Game "it's boring to sit like that, you have to run." (p. 91)

"He who does not study anything, he is always whining and bored."

To cultivate the ability to occupy oneself with useful things, to create a good mood ourselves.

“The girl is crying and demands that they buy a toy for her. Shall we take care of her? "

To teach to care for those who really need our kindness, and not to encourage whims.

“The hedgehog lived at home, and then ran into the forest. Should we return it and take care of it? "

To consolidate the notion that it is better for animals to live in nature, in freedom.

Discussion of the fairy tale "The King and the Evening Dawn" (p. 109)

Foster a sense of generosity.

What is fear? ... Is it useful? (Yes, if there was no feeling of fear, then:

You can fall from the balcony

Let the criminal into the apartment

Get hit by a car;

Get burnt

Start a fire

Be bitten by a dog. ... (p. 115)

To form in children an understanding that fear protects people from rash actions.

The life of animals in a zoo ... Why are zoos built?

1.Where do animals live better?

2. How can you show love for the zoo's inhabitants?

3. What shouldn't be done at the zoo?

4. Reading the story "The Bear is Sick"

5 the educator's story about protecting polar bears

6. Learning Grigorieva's poem "In the zoo" (p. 150)

Fostering a feeling of love for animals, the ability to take care and protect them, to behave correctly in the zoo.

"What can we do for the forest?"

1.Viewing a series of paintings

"What happened to the boy?"

2. How does the forest help us?

3. How will we help the forest?

4. Reading Lesovichk's letter.

5. The appeal: "Save paper - help the forest" (p. 141)

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the riches of the forest and teach these riches to multiply.

How to get out of the situation if you accidentally broke a friend's toy.

Teach the child to worry about what is happening, sympathize and be upset.

The boy had long dreamed of seeing a beetle in his life, which he had seen earlier in the book. And so he met him on a camomile. What will he do next? ..

Learn to take care of all living things, and not destroy.

An indoor flower has bloomed and you want to pick it. What will you do?

Show the children in a pot that without earth and water, the flower will die immediately, and in the pot on the window it will delight you and everyone for a long time.

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Playful activity is the only effective way for a child to enrich his social experience, to expand the boundaries of cognition. Fun cannot be perceived only as a way of entertaining kids, it is a completely separate world, the diversity and potential of which opens up wide educational opportunities for both parents and kindergarten teachers. In this context, it is worth dwelling separately on the games in the preparatory group for children of 6-7 years old, who will soon move on to the next educational level and become schoolchildren. That is, it is important for them not only to achieve a certain level of physical and intellectual development, to master the necessary skills, but also to successfully adapt in a new environment.

The essence of play activities in kindergarten

Play in a preschool educational institution (DOW) is a form of social life of a child, contributing to his physical, mental and intellectual growth, as well as fostering strong-willed, moral qualities and creative abilities.

In play, children learn to be creative


Based on the definition of play activity, it is possible to compile a list of targets that determine its importance in kindergarten.


This group includes:

  • organization of cognitive activity (as follows from practice, in a playful way, children learn new knowledge faster);
  • broadening of horizons (new types of activity or other forms of already familiar games reveal some unknown phenomena and facts for children, for example, conducting a game-research on growing a flower in the preparatory group, the children get acquainted with the concept of "stalk", analyze such a phenomenon as "suspended animation" etc.);
  • the formation of skills and abilities (for example, in the process of playing for a walk, children learn by helping the janitor to remove snow from the paths, while the game task consists not only in the quality of cleaning, but also in speed, which fosters a sense of healthy competition).


In this case, the mission of the game is to develop:


Part of the triad of the target component of education in play is realized by upbringing:

  • independence (in the process of play activity, children of 6–7 years old not only perform play actions themselves, but also come up with rules, for example, for role-playing fun);
  • self-regulation (children learn not to give up what they started, to bring things to the end, not to succumb to momentary feelings);
  • sociability (interaction in most games involves communication with each other and with an adult);
  • feelings of cooperation;
  • moral and aesthetic positions.


In the context of the implementation of the set goals, organizing and conducting games, the teacher solves the following tasks:

Classification of types of gaming activities

There are several approaches to dividing fun into types. In a preschool educational institution, it is customary to use a classification that combines content factors, degrees of independence and a form of organization.


This is the fun in which there is

  • a clear framework for the activities of each of the participants;
  • strict rules;
  • goal and indispensable end result.

These games are used to get acquainted with new material (for example, an experiment game to determine the speed of snow melting at different temperatures), to consolidate knowledge (for example, to work out addition within 10, children put together puzzles in which the missing elements are terms or sums).

Types of didactic games

To formulate conclusions regarding the level of development of the child's play activity, the teacher uses the results obtained, describing them in free form based on the data obtained.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective view of the present are the key lines of my 31-year life. Strong qualities: responsibility, desire to learn new things and improve oneself.

Card file of problem situations for older preschool children


Transport situation (city, rail)

  • You and your grandmother are on the train. She got off the platform and you didn't have time. What will you do? Why?
  • Grandma got on the train, and you stayed. Your actions? Explain why you will do this and not otherwise?

Fire situation

  • The apartment is on fire. What will you do? Why?
  • Smoke in the next apartment. Your actions?

Water situation

  • You see that someone is drowning. What will you do?
  • A tap burst in the apartment. Are you alone at home now. What will you do first, then what? Why?
  • Children receive a letter from the forest that people have appeared there who break young trees, branches, and pick flowers. The task of the children: organize a help squad and suggest solutions to the problem.
  • A carrier pigeon brings a telegram from a hippo about a severe drought in Africa.

The task of the children: organize the delivery of drinking water in special cylinders (they are replaced by plastic bottles); using a geographic map, suggest delivery methods.

  • The dog Beetle brings the news that an avalanche has descended in the mountains, as a result of which animals have suffered, trees have been broken.

The task of the children: collect a special package with bandages, iodine, putty for trees.

  • A bunny sits in the corner "School" with a bandaged paw.

Question for children: why is the foot bandaged, what could have happened?

  • There is a paper butterfly with a torn off wing, around it there are images of "sad" flowers.

Assignment for children: make your suggestions why the butterfly looks like this and why the flowers are “sad”.

  • A magpie flew into the corner "School" with a letter from Berendey: "Alarm, an anteater has appeared!" How can his appearance in the forest threaten?
  • In the corner "School" there is a storyline depicting naked, diseased trees. Assignment for children: think about what happened in this forest and how you can help him.
  • Fairy tale "Turnip" (Grandfather has a bad harvest: the turnip has not grown. How can I help him?)
  • Tale "Teremok" (you need to help the characters build a house without using the forest).

Topic: "Mushrooms"

Dunno calls children into the forest for mushrooms, but does not know which mushrooms are edible and which are not.

Topic: "Transport"

Animals of Africa ask Aibolit for help, but Aibolit does not know how to get to them.

Topic: "Houses", "Properties of materials"

The piglets want to build a solid house to hide from the wolf and do not know what material to make it from.

Topic: "Fruit"

Traveling through the desert, the children became thirsty. But with them there were only fruits. Can I get drunk?

Topic: "Material Properties"

In rainy weather, you have to come to kindergarten, but what shoes to choose to come to kindergarten without getting your feet wet.

Topic: "Language of facial expressions and gestures"

We travel the world, but we do not know foreign languages.

Topic: "Weather conditions"

We went on a trip to Africa, but what kind of clothes to take with you to make it comfortable.

Topic: "Properties of metals"

Pinocchio wants to open the door in Papa Carlo's closet, but the key is at the bottom of the well. How to get Pinocchio the key, if it is wooden, and the tree does not sink.

Topic: "Cardinal points"

Mashenka got lost in the forest and does not know how to report herself and get out of the forest.

Topic: "Volume"

Knowing it is necessary to determine the level of liquid in the jugs, but they are not transparent and with a narrow neck.

Topic: "Weather conditions"

One friend lives in the far South and has never seen snow. And the other lives in the Far North, where the snow never melts. What can be done so that one can see the snow, and the other - the grass and trees (only they do not want to move anywhere)?

Topic: "Measurement of length"

Little Red Riding Hood needs to get to her grandmother as quickly as possible, but she doesn't know which path is long and which is short ...

Topic: "Above, Below"

Ivan Tsarevich needs to find a treasure, which is buried under the tallest spruce. But he can't decide which spruce is the tallest.

Topic: "Medicinal plants"

Dunno in the forest injured his leg, but there is no first-aid kit. What can be done.

Topic: "Soil"

Masha wants to plant flowers, but does not know on what soil the flowers will grow better.

Topic: "Properties of the tree"

Buratino ran to school, and there was a wide river in front of him, and the bridge was not visible. You need to hurry to school. Thought - thought Buratino how he could get across the river.

Contradiction: Pinocchio must cross the river, as he may be late for school, and is afraid to enter the water, because he cannot swim and thinks that he will drown. What to do?

Topic: "Clock"

Cinderella needs to leave the ball on time, and the palace clock suddenly stopped.

Topic: "Air properties"

Dunno and his friends came to the river, but Dunno cannot swim. Znayka offered him a lifebuoy. But he is still afraid and thinks that he will drown.

Topic: "Magnifying devices"

Thumbelina wants to write a letter to Mom, but worries that Mom will not be able to read it because of the very small font.

Topic: "Means of communication"

The elephant's grandmother fell ill. We need to call a doctor, but he doesn't know how.

Topic: "Properties of paper"

Why does she invite you on a trip down the river, but does not know if a paper boat is suitable for this?

Topic: "Properties of carbon paper"

Misha wants to invite many friends to his birthday, but how to make many invitation cards in a short time?

Topic: "Properties of a magnet"

How can Vynik and Shpuntik quickly find the desired iron part if it is lost in a box among parts made of different materials?

Topic: "Friendship of Colors"

Cinderella wants to go to the ball, but they are allowed only in orange outfits.


"Puss in one boot"
The cat from the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" lost his boot. It is uncomfortable to walk in one boot; he is unaccustomed to walking barefoot. How can a cat be now?

"This is the game"
Ira lost her mittens at school, looked, looked, but could not find, and it is very cold outside and far from home. How to reach it without freezing your hands?

"Masha and the Bear"
Masha was friends with the bear and often went to visit him. Once again, going to visit her friend, Masha baked pies and put them in a bundle. She walked for a long time through a dense forest, accidentally caught a knot in a bush - it tore, and the pies crumbled. How can Masha bring them to the place where the bear lives?

"Help Cinderella"
The stepmother ordered to bake pies for dinner. How can Cinderella roll out the dough?

"Preparation for the holiday"
The hare decided to arrange a holiday in honor of her daughter's birthday. Cookies of various shapes were to be the highlight of the program. The hare went around all the shops in the area, but could not buy cookie cutters. How can Zaichikha make cookies of different shapes?

"Absent-minded Petya"
Having decided to go on a hike, the children agreed on who would take what with them. Having packed our backpacks, early in the morning we went out of town by train. Here is the station they need. Everyone got out, the train honked and disappeared around the bend. And then it turned out that Petya, who was "famous" for his absent-mindedness, had left his backpack in the carriage. And in it was a tent, a small shovel, a bowler hat and matches. Everyone was very upset, except for Marina, who offered to think and find a way out. How to spend a night in the forest without a tent? How to do without a pot, a spatula and matches?


"Postcards for Dina"
Dina collects postcards, and friends (and she has 20) decided to give her beautiful postcards for her birthday. At the last moment, it turned out that all the cards are exactly the same. Dina added one of them to her collection. What to do with the remaining nineteen?

"Little Red Riding Hood"
Little Red Riding Hood's hat is completely worn out. She asked her grandmother to sew a new one for her. The grandmother fulfilled the request of her beloved granddaughter and sewed her a beautiful hat for her birthday. The granddaughter was very pleased. But my grandmother, absent-mindedly, gave her granddaughter the same hat for the New Year, on March 8 and for seven more holidays. The girl, so as not to upset her grandmother, took all 10 hats. But what should she do with them?

"Help Olya"
Olya has long hair. For the New Year, mom, dad, grandmother and girlfriends gave her many bright ribbons - so many that Olya could not think of what to do with them, how to use them. Help Olya solve this problem.

"Milk problems of the cat Matroskin"
The cat Matroskin drank so much milk that he filled all the containers in the house with it. How can Matroskin use all this sea of ​​milk?

"Baskets for kids"
Once upon a time there was a goat with kids. Every day the goat went to the forest and brought a basket of grass from there. The basket was large and handy but old. And in the end she made holes, and the grass spilled out. The goat asked the kids to weave a new basket. The kids got down to business together, but soon began to quarrel: they could not share responsibilities among themselves. And then they decided that everyone would weave the basket himself. And soon the goat received twenty-one baskets (!). The goat didn't know what to do with them. Help her.

"Wonderful Forester"
A forester lived in a pine forest. When he got bored, he collected pine cones. And he collected so many of them that they could fill an entire railway carriage. The forester did not know what to do with them. How would you use them?

"Inhabitants of the city of Kiselsk"
A misfortune happened to the inhabitants of Kiselsk: one fine day all the inhabitants of the city cooked their favorite dish - jelly. and there was so much of it that a "jelly" flood began in the city. Tell the residents of the city how you can use the jelly.

"Jam for Carlson"
Everyone knows that Carlson was very fond of everything sweet, especially jam. The kid constantly brought him various jams in metal cans, and Carlson immediately emptied them. As a result, Carlson had a lot of empty cans. Throw them in the trash can? It's a pity. How do you use them?

So, children solve problem situations using the algorithm proposed by them (2nd stage). Using an example of one problematic situation, we will show how the algorithm is used.

  • Pinocchio dropped the golden key into the swamp, but Tortilla's turtle was not nearby. This is the situation presented to children.

    How can Pinocchio get the key? In a situation, a task or question is highlighted.

    Pinocchio must sink under the water, because he needs to get the key, but he cannot do this, because it is wooden and will immediately float to the surface. Such are the contradictions of this problematic situation.

    The next steps will be to find the optimal end result at the lowest cost and identify the resources that will help you get that result.

  • OH and AH got together on a campaign, took canned food and bread. They came to the place and decided to have a snack, but it turned out that they had left the can and table openers at home. How to open a bank?

Contradiction. OH and AH have to open a can of canned food, because they are hungry, and cannot do it, because they have nothing.

  • A circus has arrived in the city. In order for adults and children to know about this, it is necessary to put up posters, but there is not a drop of glue in the city. How to post posters?

Contradiction. It is necessary to put up posters, because they will help the residents of the city learn about the arrival of the circus; it is impossible to stick up posters, because there is no glue.

  • Znayka asked Donut through Dunno to give him a recipe for delicious pies. When Donut began to tell Dunno about what is included in the recipe, they both remembered that they could not write. How to be?

Contradiction. Dunno must give Znayka a recipe for pies, because he cannot do anything without a recipe, and cannot do it, because he cannot write.

  • In the royal garden, on the magic apple tree, only one rejuvenating apple ripened, but so high that the king, even with the help of a large staircase, could not reach it. How can a king get hold of this apple?

Contradiction. The king must get a rejuvenating apple, because only with its help he will become younger, and he cannot, because he does not know how to do it.


In many children, already in preschool age, a negative attitude towards others is formed and consolidated, which can have very sad long-term consequences. Timely identification of problematic forms of interpersonal relationships and helping the child overcome them is the most important task of teachers.

  • -Galina Anatolyevna, if a flower broke, would you be very angry?
    - Probably would be angry. Why are you asking?
    -And I saw how Rita broke a flower. What can you say about Rita's act?
    What proverb do you know that works in this situation?
  • Katya's ball rolled away and hit your leg.
    Nikita shouted, “Can’t you see where you’re throwing the ball?” It hurts me.
    How would you do otherwise? What will you tell each other?
  • Nika came in a new dress. Natasha saw and said loudly.
    - What are you bragging about? Just think, my mother bought me an even better dress.
    Is Natasha right in this situation?
  • Sasha still hasn't learned how to tie his shoelaces.
    Nikita is screaming in the dressing room.
    “Ha, look, she’ll go to school soon, but she doesn’t know how to tie shoelaces.”
    Katya silently approached and helped Sasha.
    Whose deed is correct?
  • The children returned from their walk. Quickly undressed, went to the group. Andrey looked into the dressing room and shouted.
    Galina Anatolyevna, but Seryozha did not put his boots back.
    Galina Nikolaevna looked at Andrey reproachfully.
    Why? What would you do if you were Andrei.
  • Children draw. Olya's pencil broke. She snatched the pencil from Rita's hands. Rita got up and moved to another seat.
    Why did Rita go to another table? What would you do?
  • Elena Ivanovna talks with the junior teacher Tatyana Alekseevna. Masha screams.
    - Elena Ivanovna, but Olya does not give my doll.
    Then he comes up and touches the teacher's hand.
    -Do not you hear, Olya does not give my doll.
    What did Elena Ivanovna say to Masha?
  • A group of boys are building a castle. Alyosha came up and put the board on top. The castle fell apart.
    What did the boys say to him? What would you do?
  • In the morning Slava played with Artyom. When Roma came, Slava began to play with him. Artem came up and said to Slava.
    -You are a traitor.
    Roma was offended.
    How do you think why?
  • Rita and Sasha are on duty in a corner of nature. Sasha said.
    -Rita, let's take the turtle to the girls, let them play with her.
    Rita told Galina Anatolyevna about this.
    Is Rita right? What would you do?
  • In the dressing room Galina Anatolyevna is talking with Artyom's mother. Rita walks over and speaks.
    -And you know that your Artyom is the very last one to dress.
    Galina Anatolyevna made a remark to Rita.
    What do you think Galina Anatolyevna said to Rita?
  • Sveta goes into the dressing room and speaks loudly.
    - I am no longer friends with Nika. She calls me Svetka-candy. Why was Sveta offended?
  • During lunch, Valentina Ivanovna suggested a supplement to Vita.
    Vitya says.
    “I don’t need your supplement.
    What would you say to Valentina Ivanovna?
  • After dinner the children fell asleep. Natasha cannot sleep. She constantly turns to the teacher.
    -Fit me a blanket.
    -I want to go to the toilet.
    - And Sasha sniffs loudly, bothers me.
    What would you do?
  • During an afternoon snack, Sasha put the chair very close to the table. When he began to sit down, he pushed Nikita. He spilled milk.
    Nikita said loudly.
    - Don't you see? I don’t want to sit next to you.
    Is Nikita right? What would you do if you were Sasha and Nikita?


Target: to educate children to respect and tolerance for people, regardless of their social origin, race and nationality, language, religion, gender, age,

personal originality, appearance, physical disabilities.

  • Situation

In the fairy tale "Cinderella", the stepmother and her sisters did not take Cinderella with them to the ball, because they had her

servant, washed and cleaned after them. What would you do if you were your stepmother?

a) I would not take it to the ball, because Cinderella wore an old, dirty dress;

b) would say that there was not enough invitation for her;

c) I would take it with me, because all people are equal.

  • Situation

One morning, when the children were having breakfast, the door of the group opened, the head of the kindergarten with two black girls came in and said: "These sisters, Baharnesh and Alina, have come from Ethiopia and will now come to your group." What would you do if you were children?

a) He laughed and began pointing his finger at the sisters: "They are quite black!";

b) invited the girls to have breakfast together, and then showed his group; no matter what race the girl is;

c) turned to his plate, as if no one had come.

  • Situation.

A newcomer came to the group - a boy from Georgia who did not speak Russian very well. Vania

began to tease him. What would you say to Vanya?

a) I would laugh with him at the beginner;

b) did not pay attention to the fact that Vanya was teasing the newcomer;

c) I would protect a beginner, start playing with him, because it's not the main thing which language you speak.

  • Situation

One day, children were passing by a mosque and saw an elderly man on his knees praying. They

a) laughed, pointing at the old man;

b) began to mimic;

c) step aside so as not to interfere with him, because you need to respect any religion.

What would you do?

  • Situation.

In the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka", the older brothers did not take Ivanushka with them to the city, because they considered him

small and stupid. They said to him: "Sit down, you fool, at home!" What would you do?

a) Just like brothers;

b) would take Ivanushka with him;

c) I would have left at home, but said: "You will stay for the owner."

  • Situation

Inhabitants of the poultry yard from the tale of G.Kh. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling" offended the duckling for being ugly. They called him nasty, no one was friends with him. Did the birds behave correctly? How

would you do?

a) Correct; I would do the same;

b) wrong; don't be friends if you don't want to, but you can't offend;

c) wrong; despite their different appearance, everyone has equal rights; would be friends


  • "... people did not know about the danger"

To survey the level of knowledge and skills of children on life safety; develop thinking, attention; foster a desire to follow safety rules.

  • "... the alarm was announced in the kindergarten"

Teach children to correctly and quickly respond to alarms, consolidate children's knowledge of fire safety measures; develop speed of reaction, coordination of actions of the teacher and children; foster a desire to help each other.

  • "... eat an unfamiliar berry"

To teach to understand that it is harmful and dangerous for preschool children to eat any mushrooms; introduce edible and poisonous berries and mushrooms; teach to speak out in full sentences, develop a sense of caution towards unfamiliar berries; foster a sense of proportion.

  • "... the dog attacked the child"

Teaching children to act in various situations related to pets; reinforce children's knowledge of hygiene skills after playing with pets; to give an idea of ​​the diseases transmitted by animals; teach you to express your thoughts in full sentences; cultivate love for animals

  • "... fly high like a bird"

To acquaint children with the variety of birds, teach them to understand that any birds can be a source of disease; provide insights into safe bird care, including pets; develop thinking, connected speech; cultivate love for the living

  • "... eat only sweets"

To give an idea of ​​the effect of a variety of foods on the child's body; to acquaint with some vitamins (A, B, C, D) and their effect on health; which products are beneficial and which are harmful; develop connected speech, activate the vocabulary of children on the topic; foster a food culture.

A child who appears in this world gets used to his culture, which is passed down from generation to generation through a variety of games and exercises.

Play is a special and very important type of activity that is necessary for the harmonious development of a child. While playing, the kid learns to communicate with the world of people and objects, his personality is manifested in the game and his character develops.

In play, the child develops as a person, he forms those aspects of the psyche, on which the success of his educational and work activities, relations with people will subsequently depend. In the process of playing, new types of preschooler's activities arise and develop. It is in the game that the learning elements first appear. The game creates a "zone of proximal development of the child."

But children are interested not only in play, they are much more eager to communicate - both with each other and with the surrounding adults. An adult must come to the aid of the child so that he master the mechanisms of effective play communication. Thus, it is an adult who can and must create for children the conditions necessary for the development of children's play and full-fledged play communication. These conditions include:

  • enriching children with impressions of the world around them;
  • drawing attention to the content of children's activities and their relationships (conversations, organizing observations, reading together, discussing life events, etc.);
  • active position of the child in activities, primarily joint.

For the development of full-fledged play communication, teachers can use such a form of speech work with children as play learning situations (ITS).

There are four types of situations:

  • illustration situations,
  • exercise situations,
  • problem situations,
  • assessment situations.

V illustrative situations simple scenes from the life of children are played out for adults. Most often, such situations are used in working with children of younger preschool age. With the help of various play materials and didactic aids, the teacher demonstrates to children examples of socially acceptable behavior, and also activates their effective communication skills.

V exercise situations the child not only listens and observes, but also actively acts. Children train in performing individual play actions and linking them into a plot, learn to regulate relationships with peers in the framework of play interaction. This type of IOS is used from the middle group.

The participation of older preschoolers in problem situations contributes to the assimilation of the main vectors of social relations, their "development" and modeling the strategy of their behavior in the world of people. In such situations, the adult draws the child's attention to his emotional state and the state of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds an outlet for his feelings and experiences, learns to be aware of and accept them. He gradually masters the ability to anticipate the real consequences of his actions and, on the basis of this, build the further plot of the game, arbitrarily change his game and speech behavior. In problem situations, each child is in an active acting position. This is their pedagogical value of such situations.

In the preparatory group for school, assessment situations are used, involving the analysis and justification of the decision made, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the game problem has already been solved, but the adult is required to help the child analyze and justify the decision, evaluate it.

The basis of the game training situation is scenario of activating communication. The communication scenario can include various forms of ITS: it is a teacher's conversation with children, travel games, conversation games, dramatization games, improvisation games. Such forms presuppose the inclusion in the script of visual activity, construction, imitation exercises, examination of objects (examination of toys, objects, paintings). It is in such types of children's activities that speech acts in all its diverse functions, carries the main load in solving practical and cognitive problems.

By developing scenarios for activating communication, we solve important tasks: the communicative development of children and the awakening of each child's own speech activity, his language games, dialogues between children, i.e. children's linguistic and communicative activities.

In the process of game communication, the preschooler learns to develop various behavioral strategies that allow him to see the expediency and significance of the results of his own activity and behavior. Knowledge in this case becomes not an end in itself, but a condition for personal development. It is necessary not to accumulate them, but to solve important life tasks with their help.
Game learning situations allow you to successfully solve problems that are already traditional, for example, for the methods of speech development: enrichment and activation of the vocabulary, education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of the language, the development of coherent speech. In order to activate play communication between children, their proactive statements, educators, when drawing up scenarios for activating communication, try to select special speech classes that solve the problems of language development and the establishment of emotional personal contacts between children and surrounding adults.

In the scenarios of activating communication, learning is carried out mainly using indirect teaching methods; it has not educational, but play, communicative motivation. This approach makes it possible to successfully implement it in practice. This makes it possible to synchronize the processes of education and upbringing, to make them not opposed to each other, but complementary, mutually enriching the development of the child. Indeed, in the process of play communication, the child learns to develop various behavioral strategies that allow him to see the expediency and significance of the results of his own activity and behavior. In this case, knowledge becomes not an end in itself, but a condition for personal development. Their importance lies not in their accumulation, but in the ability to solve important life tasks with their help.

Since activities of activating communication contribute to the enrichment of children with impressions of the world around them and effectively use one of the verbal methods - conversation, i.e. purposeful discussion with children of any phenomena, then it is possible to determine the value of the conversation precisely in the fact that an adult in it teaches the child to think logically, to reason, gradually raises the child's consciousness from a specific way of thinking to a higher level of simple abstraction, which is extremely important for preparing a child to schooling. But this is the great difficulty of the conversation - both for the child and the educator. After all, teaching children to think independently is much more difficult than giving them ready-made knowledge. This is why many educators are more willing to tell and read to children than to talk to them.

The development of the preschooler's speech is closely related to the development of thinking. In a conversation, I teach the child to clearly express their thoughts in words, develop the ability to listen to the interlocutor. It is important not only for communicating knowledge to children, but also for the development of coherent speech, the development of speech skills in a team.

In a conversation, I unite children around common interests, arouses their interest in each other, the experience of one child is made common property. They develop the habit of listening to their interlocutors, sharing their thoughts with them, and speaking out in a team. Consequently, here, on the one hand, the child's activity is developed, on the other, the ability for restraint. Thus, conversations are a valuable method not only of mental education (communication and clarification of knowledge, development of thinking abilities and language), but also a means of social and moral education.

The main difference between a learning lesson and a scenario of activating communication is that an adult in a playful learning situation acts as a communication partner who seeks to establish equal, personal relationships. He respects the child's right to initiative, his desire to speak on topics of interest to him, and, if necessary, to avoid unpleasant situations.


Game learning situations allow successfully solving problems that are already traditional for the methods of speech development: enrichment and activation of the vocabulary, education of the sound culture of speech, the formation of the grammatical structure of the language, the development of coherent speech.

These are examples of four situations.

I. Illustrative situation(on the example of the lesson).

Theme: Pets.

Software content:

  • To enrich children's speech with the words: cat, kitten, dog, cow, calf, goat, kid, chicken, chicken, tail, horns, ears, legs, paws, eats, drinks.
  • Ability to listen, answer questions.
  • Cultivate interest in and caring for animals.

Preliminary work

Examining illustrations of pets and young; examining toys - animals; talking about pets; reading poems, stories, nursery rhymes, didactic game "who shouts how".

Course of the lesson

Speech therapist: Children, someone knocked on the door (The door opens. The postman comes in and greets).
Postman: Hello children. I brought you a package from the Wizard (gives the package and leaves).
Speech therapist: Let's see what is in it?
Children: Oh - these are pictures.
Speech therapist: What beautiful illustrations with pets. Let's take a look and name these animals. Who is this?
Children: Dog; cow; goat; cat.
Speech therapist: That's right, the cat. Children, you know the rhyme about the cat.
Pussy, pussy, pussy scatter!
Don't get on the path
Otherwise Mashenka will go
Will fall through the pussy. (Etc. about each animal)
Speech therapist: Well done. Children, name me a cub of a dog, a cow, a goat, a cat.
Children: Puppies, calves, kids, kittens.


Let's jump the goat - three times.
And kick up our legs - three times.
Clap our eyes - three times.
And we will sink our feet - three times.

Speech therapist: What are the benefits of a cow, goat, dog, cat.
Children: Cow, goat (milk), dog (guarding the house), cat (catching mice).
Speech therapist: Children, but what does she call her children: mother-cow, mother-dog, mother-goat, mother-cat.
Children: Muu ...; Woof woof; Mee ...; Meow meow.
Speech therapist: D kids! What do animals like to eat?
Children: Cow, goat - grass.
Dog- a bone.
Cat- milk.
Speech therapist: Children, let us also drink milk, because it is healthy and we will be strong and healthy.
Speech therapist: Children, and now we will go for a walk and feed the little puppy brought by Alyoshin's dad.

II. Exercise situations(didactic game in the middle group, since the d / garden is located next to the forest)

Theme: We are going to the forest.

Didactic tasks:

1. Expand the preschoolers' understanding of wildlife.
2. To acquaint with the animals listed in the Red Book.
3. Promote the use of rare animals in games.
4. To develop the speech of children, the ability to compare, to express their emotions in words.
5. To cultivate respect for animals.

Material: toys, pictures of animals, a pass, food for a hedgehog, a flash drive with a recording of the voices of birds and animals, a Mini USB MP3 player.

A speech therapist makes a "house for a hedgehog" out of a cardboard box. At the entrance to the forest, we meet a forester, where, with a pass, the forester lets the children through (this role is assumed by a speech therapist), who talks to them and talks about the pets (what they eat, how they behave, what kind of character they have). Special attention to animals that are listed in the Red Book and protected by the state. The forester talks about where these animals live, why there are so few of them left, how they are protected.
The children asked the forester if he had seen the hedgehog they had seen on the previous excursion. The forester suggested that the children find a hedgehog together, as the children made a house for him and brought food.
Having found a hedgehog, the children fed him with apple and milk, presented him with a house.
The forester leads a conversation with the children, what they know about this animal, asking him questions. Children tell a poem about a hedgehog, which they learned in class.

The hedgehog lived and lived in the house.
He was small, he was.
In the house, he washed the floor, washed.
The hedgehog's finger splintered.
His finger whined, whined.
Hedgehog iodine opened, opened.
And the hedgehog's finger washed, washed.

(Consolidation of the pronunciation of the sound "s" in words).

The forester praised the children and suggested a game

Ecological game "How to behave in the forest"

On the table are pictures depicting the actions of people in the forest, children are standing in a circle. The forester throws the ball and calls a specific action. The child who caught the ball finds a suitable picture and shows it to the children.
Forester: And now I invite you to play a little, because I really love games, and even more I like to make riddles. Do you love? Then listen carefully to the riddles. ( After each riddle, the children find a solution and show a picture of an animal.)


Long ears, fast legs.
Gray, but not a mouse.
Who is this?.. (Bunny.)

Red-fiery lump,
With a ponytail like a parachute
Rides fast through the trees
He was there ...
Now here.
He's fast like an arrow.
So this is ... (Squirrel.)

Red cheat
She hid under the tree.
The hare is waiting for the cunning one.
What is her name?.. (Fox.)

Gray, scary and toothy
Made a commotion.
All the animals scattered.
Scared those animals ... (Wolf.)

Brown, clubfoot
Wanders through the forest.
Likes to "borrow"
The forest bees have honey. (Bear.)

Forester: Well guys, you made me happy . You know the main rules, but there are still others, they are written in this book, I give it to you.

III. Problem situations (in games)

Problematic situations:

  • Properties of paper. We will tie a paper bow to the Pole doll. What will happen? (younger group)
  • Sand properties. Make dry and wet patties.
  • Why is the hedgehog prickly?
  • Water properties. There are two glasses on the window. One glass is covered, the other is not. Why did the water disappear?
  • Can people, animals, plants exist without the sun?
  • What happens if there are no plants?
  • How did dad know that it was raining at night?
  • Help collect mushrooms for a good fairy and an evil witch. What and why?
  • Why do hare and squirrel shed?

I create a problem situation by encouraging children to put forward their assumptions, make preliminary conclusions and generalizations.

Game "Who needs water?- introduces children to the place of residence of the plant. In what places does he like to grow; on a sunny meadow or on a darkened edge of a forest, next to water or in water (what is it - moisture-loving, drought-resistant, light-loving, shade-tolerant)?

During the game there is an acquaintance with the variety of the appearance of the plant, the peculiarities of the structure of the root, leaves, etc.

Game "Miracle flower"- is aimed at consolidating the knowledge of children about the appearance of the plant, about its structure (root, stem, leaves, flower and fruit).

In the game "Prepare the medicine" children continue to consolidate knowledge about the structure of the plant, about where it grows, about the features of its structure, and also learn about the medicinal properties.

Various games are offered for children:

  • games for acquaintance with flora and fauna, aimed at acquainting children with the way of life of plants and animals;
  • games for familiarization with the environment, aimed at familiarizing with the relationship between living objects and the environment;
  • games for acquaintance with the human-created habitat of people and animals, aimed at acquainting children with various professions and various human activities in the world around them.

Games used in the educational process are an effective means of mental, aesthetic and moral education, and on the other hand, a kind of practical activity of a child to master the surrounding activity.

Game enumeration:

  • "Plants of our forest"
  • "Know the mushroom"
  • "Paired pictures"
  • "Describe the animal"
  • "When it happens"
  • "Find Mom"
  • "Bird's dining room"
  • "House for animals"
  • "Tell me a story"
  • "Journey to the Forest"

The children of the preparatory group asked the question: what are perennial grasses? The speech therapist suggested an excursion to the seed station, since the station is located near the kindergarten. During the excursion, the agronomist told about perennial grasses (clover, alfalfa, sweet clover, millet, rapeseed, fire, fescue) and the children saw how the sorting table works, sorting rape seeds. The children were shown alfalfa and clover seeds and asked the question, how are the seeds similar in appearance and how are they different? (Answers of children).

During the excursion, a problem arose: the sorting table was clogged while sorting rapeseed. What to do? One boy said: you need to twist something and the sorting table will work. Another said: can you remove the seeds from the table, clean it and turn it back on? The third offered to call the master. etc. The seed agronomist listened to their answers and showed how to adjust the sorting table.

At the end of the excursion, a car with fescue seeds came up and the children wondered what the agronomist was doing with the seeds. Checks. The seeds were wet. What to do? One child suggested leaving the seeds in the air under the sun - they would dry out. The second suggested turning on the heater to dry them out. The agronomist showed the children a large dryer where the seeds are dried, so the problem was solved. The children were given seeds of fescue and a fire to feed the wintering birds. The children said thank you.

Output: all situational problems are solvable.

IV. Assessment situations (based on fairy tales and games)

Fairy tales are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Fairy tales strengthen the immunity of kindness, moral and mental health. After all, a causal relationship is traced in them, understood by children, real human feelings are brought up. The heroes of every fairy tale meet with evil and overcome it, because they have a kind, sensitive heart; animals, birds and even the sun come to their aid.

I offer children game situations aimed at developing the social and communication skills of older preschool children. All of them are based on plot tales, the actions of fairytale heroes.

For example: Think of a different ending to the tale.

Remember how the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka" ended, what happened at the end, think: what were their faces when they saw Ivanushka's ring? Show off their amazing looks. And what kind of face did Ivanushka have? (Show).

Think: how else could a fairy tale end? How else could the tsar, princess, Ivan, brothers act? What would you do if you were at that feast?

Situations-evaluations by the children themselves, for example, children in the course of dramatization games take on the role of negative characters, are able to model their behavior in accordance with the characteristics of the hero, compare various character traits: good - evil; honest - deceitful.

The teacher creates an attitude towards the formation of positive character traits in children.

Examples of assessment situations:

- Who is the boss in the house?
- How can you find out the mood of a person?
- My actions.
- If I was (was) a wizard?

I propose to children the game "Pyramid of Good"

Children stand in a circle. What good, good things can you wish each other, all of us? Whoever comes up with it will come out in a circle, say his good wishes, stretch his hand forward and put it on top of my palm. Then the next one puts his hand on the palm of the next child, who has already expressed his wish. I start (for example: "I wish everyone to be friendly, cheerful"). As soon as you express all your wishes, building a pyramid of goodness, I gently rock it with the words: "May our wishes be heard by everyone and may they come true!" - I push the lying palms on my hand up, scattering the pyramid.

Output: children of the preparatory group are able to evaluate different situations (each in its own way).


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashina V.I. Speech development of preschoolers: Textbook. manual for stud. and Wednesday ped. study. institutions. - 2nd ed., Stereotype. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999.
2. Arushanova A.G. Speech and verbal communication of children: Book. for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 1999.- M .: "Mosaika-Sintez", 2004.
3. Arushanova A.G. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: Methodological guide for educators. - 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2005.
4. Klyueva N.V., Kasatkina Yu.V. We teach children to communicate. Character, sociability. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996.
5. Kylasova L.E. Didactic material on the development of speech. Classes with older preschoolers. Volgograd: Teacher, 2006
6. Kuritsyna E.M., Taraeva L.A. Games for the development of speech. We speak correctly. Moscow "ROSMEN" 2007
7. Novotortseva N.V. Development of children's speech. A popular guide for parents and educators. Yaroslavl "Academy of Development", 1996.
8. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.M. Methodology for the development of speech in preschool children: Textbook. method, a guide for educators of preschool educational institutions. - M .: (Umanit, publishing center "VLADOS", 2003.
9. Filicheva T.B., Soboleva A.R. The development of a preschooler's speech: a methodological guide with illustrations. Yekaterinburg "ARGO", 1996.

Scenario of the educational situation on REMP in the preparatory group for school
(integration of educational areas "Cognition")

OS type: discovery of new knowledge

Topic: "Twelve months".

Dmitrieva Svetlana Olegovna, first qualification category, teacher-defectologist, MDOU No. 47, Yaroslavl

Target: Introduce the number and number 12.



Create conditions for familiarization with the number and figure 12;

Create conditions for consolidating the formation of the number 11.


Promote the development of mental processes: memory, attention, thinking;

To promote the development of the perception of temporal representations and the perception of space.


Create emotional motivation to develop a sense of responsiveness in children, a desire to help "months".


1) A sheet in a cage for each child.

2) A pencil for each child.

Demo material:

1) Cards for the composition of the number 11.

2) Cards with names of months.

3) Scheme of the year.

4) 12 "stones".

5) An envelope with a letter from "months".

6) An envelope with a letter from an evil sorceress.


1) Easel.

2) Tables, chairs.

Preliminary work:

1) Reading the fairy tale "Twelve Months" by S.Ya. Marshak.

The course of the educational situation.

1. Introduction to the game situation.

Purpose: creating an interesting motivation for cognitive activity.


· A situation involving children in play activities;

· Appeal to the personal experience of children;

· Creation of conditions for the emergence of an internal need for children to be included in activities.

Children enter the group.

Guys, today we have a lot of guests, let's say hello to them! (Hello!)

Children stand in a semicircle in front of the teacher.

Guys, today I came to kindergarten and on my desktop I found a letter addressed to you. Let's read it! (Let's read.)-I wonder who sent it?

The teacher reads the letter.

“Hello dear guys! Brothers-months from the mountainous country of Bohemia are writing to you. We really need your help. The fact is that an evil sorceress appeared in our country and did terrible things: she confused us, brothers, and hid for one month. And in order to stop the evil sorceress who harms everyone, you need to find magic stones, connect them in order and unravel the code of her magic. We are very scared and there is no one to help us. If you are not afraid of difficulties, then hurry to help us. We are waiting for you!

January and his brothers. "

Do you guys want to help the brothers-months? (We want.)

Can you help them? (Oh sure.)

What needs to be done for this? (Collect all months in order.) (Find the lost month.) (Find magic stones.) (Unravel the magic code.)

Where should we look for months? (Go to the country of Bohemia, where the letter came from.)

- Then we close our eyes and say the magic words: "One, two, three take us to the country of Bohemia!"

2. Actualization in a game situation.

Purpose: highlighting important knowledge in children, necessary for the discovery of new knowledge.


· Actualization of the studied methods of action and knowledge sufficient for the construction of new knowledge.

Guys, here we are in the country of Bohemia!

Where are we going to look for brothers-months?

The teacher and the children come to the tables and find a beautiful envelope.

Guys, what is this? (Envelope.) (Letter.) Let's open up and see what's in it! (Let's)

The teacher opens the envelope and reads.

“If you complete all my assignments in order, you will know where to look for months. Enchantress."

Are you ready to complete the quests of the sorceress to help the brothers-months? (Yes, we are ready to do it.)

The teacher and the children come to the tables, on which are cards with numbers, signs and dots and the first task. The teacher reads the assignment.

« First task: Match the necessary cards with dots to get the number 11 "

2+ =11 5+ =11 8+ =11

3+ =11 6+ =11 9+ =11

How many points did you add to 2 to make 11? (Nine points)

How many points did you add to 3 to make 11? (Eight points)

How many points did you add to 4 to make 11? (Seven points)

How many points did you add to 5 to make 11? (Six points)

How many points did you add to 6 to make 11? (Five points)

How many points did you add to 7 to make 11? (Four points)

How many points did you add to 8 to make 11? (Three dots)

How many points did you add to 9 to make 11? (Two dots)

Well done guys, you've completed your first mission!

Children pay attention to the scattered cards that lie on the floor.

Guys, look what a mess! And what are these cards? (These are months.)

Why are they lying on the floor, who scattered them? (They were scattered by an evil sorceress.) (She confused them.)

What are we to do with them? (Arrange in order.)

How do we put them in order, you know? (Yes.)

Where are we going to place them? (On the board.) (On the table.)

The teacher draws attention to the easel, which shows the diagram of the year and the second task.

Guys, look what is this depicted? (Year.)

Second task for you!

The teacher reads the assignment.

« Second task: Arrange the months in order and with the appropriate number. "

Guys, what month does the year start with? (The year starts in January.)

That's right, this is the first month of the year, and that's where we'll start!

Children put months in order in turn.

3. Difficulty in the game situation.

Purpose: organization of analysis by children of the situation that has arisen, leading them to identify the place and cause of the difficulty.


· Creating a situation of difficulty;

· Fixation in speech of the cause of the difficulty.

The teacher pays attention to the exposed months.

Guys, look, how many months of the year are it now? (Eleven months.)

What month is not here? (December.)

If we do not find December, then the next New Year will not come!

What should we do, where will we look for it?

Maybe the sorceress left tasks for us somewhere else? (Yes, there are sheets on the tables)

We approach the tables, on which are the sheets of the cage, pencils and the third task.

Guys, the sorceress left another task for you! Are you ready to run it to find December? (Yes, we are ready to do it.)

Children write the graphic dictation "Clock" under the teacher's dictation.

Then sit down at the tables, take your pencils and listen to me carefully!

« Third task: Write a dictation: 1 cell diagonally upward to the right; 6 cells to the right; 1 cell diagonally upward to the right; 3 cells to the right; 1 cell diagonally downward to the right; 6 cells to the right; 2 cells down; 6 cells to the left; 1 cell diagonally to the left down; 3 cells to the left; 1 cell diagonally to the left up; 6 cells to the left; 1 cell diagonally to the left down; 2 cells up. "

What did you do? (Watch.)

Guys, what do you think this might mean? (Look for December next to the clock.)

Children search and find December under the clock.

4. Discovery of new knowledge.

Purpose: organizing a dialogue between a teacher and children, aimed at discovering new knowledge.

· Organization of a leading dialogue with the aim of discovering new knowledge;

· Fixation of new knowledge in speech and symbolic;

· Creating a situation of success.

December you found, what should we do next? (Put it in its place.)

Children attach December to the chart of the year.

Now all the months are in place!

How many months are there in a year? ( Twelve months.)

How did we get twelve months? ( It was 11 months, one was added and it turned out 12.)

What digits does the number 12 consist of? (1 and 2.)

What does the first digit in 12 stand for? (One dozen.)

And the second number? (Two units.)

What month is December? (Twelfth month)

Well done, guys, together you found December, put things in order in months and put together a whole year!

5. Incorporation of new knowledge into the knowledge system.

Purpose: consolidation of new knowledge in children through games and exercises.

Requirements for the organization of the stage:

· Correspondence of the games used to the purpose of the lesson;

· Individual difficulties in games;

· A situation of success in joint activities.

Guys, what haven't we done yet? (We didn't find any magic stones.)

Why do you need to find them? (To unravel the magic code)

Why do you need to figure out the magic code? (To stop the evil sorceress.) (So that the sorceress does not harm anyone.) (So that she does not commit evil deeds.)

Look closely, where might the "stones" be?

Children find "stones" on the easel.

Guys, how do we figure out the magic stone code? (Let's remember what was said in the letter.) (Let's read the letter from months.)

In order to solve the code, you need to connect all the stones in order.

Children connect stones.

How do you think of the magic code? (12.)

How did you find out the code? (They added 1 to 11 and it turned out to be 12.)

And from which numbers will we write the number 12 on the stone? (1 and 2.)

Well done, guys, you have solved the magic code, and therefore the evil sorceress will never be able to conjure and do evil deeds again!

And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten! Think and tell me, what will help us do this very quickly? (You need to close your eyes and say magic words.)

Children close their eyes and say “magic words.

"One, two, three, take us to kindergarten!"

Here we are again in our kindergarten!

6. Outcome of the lesson.

Purpose: the organization of reflection and self-assessment by children of their activities.

Requirements for the organization of the stage:

· Organization of the analysis of the child's goal; fixing new knowledge in speech;

· Determination of the fulfillment of an adult goal; creating a situation of success in joint activities.

Where were we with you today? (In the country of Bohemia)

Why did we go there? (We wanted to help January and his brothers; collect all the months in order, find December; find stones and solve the magic code.)

Do you think we've helped months? (Yes.)

Why were we able to help them? (We have completed the tasks of the evil sorceress.)

What tasks did you complete? (They made up the number 11.) (They put the months in order.) (They wrote a graphic dictation.)

What new knowledge helped you to unravel the magic code? (Ability to form the number 12.) (Ability to correctly write the number 12.)

Where will it be useful to us? (At school.) (Let's teach friends.)

What was the most interesting thing? ( Answers of children)

Was it difficult? (Answers of children)

You guys are great! You helped the brothers-months, because you are very brave, kind and friendly guys! I am proud of you!