Monster high makeover games. Bright makeup of the Monster High doll for Halloween: a lesson with step-by-step photos Grim Monster High at home

All girls have in their imagination the ideal of beauty to which they aspire. For some it is a sister, for some a movie actress, and for some a participant in the “School of Monsters”. Those who regularly watch this cartoon know what events usually happen with Monsters High and how they behave, look and even smile. Also, viewers could notice that the characters of this cartoon are very beautiful and stylish. How do they stay so compelling at any time of the day? What is the secret of their flawless faces? If you want to know the answer to these questions, then what are you waiting for, because you can personally ask each of the High Monsters what worries you the most in their appearance and style. Especially for Internet users, we have grouped the games in this series into one heading called "Makeup" Monsters High. Here, each player will find the cartoon heroine that he likes the most, this is Draculaura, Akilina, Cleo, Frankie Stein and others. To find out absolutely all the tricks, we advise you to run each game in this category and see with your own eyes how and what to do. If you are ready to travel to the mystical world of Monsters High and solve this mystery, then go to the "School of Monsters" and learn directly from the masters of their craft.

If one day you watch the colorful cartoon Monster High, you will be fascinated by its heroines. Vampires have a lot of charm! They are not scary. Girls all over the world give their hearts to these monsters. Many little fans want to be like heroines and wonder how to do such makeup


To apply such a Monster High style make-up, you will need:

  • the foundation is dense, rather light;
  • corrector, so that skin imperfections can be eliminated;
  • concealer, which successfully disguises circles under the eyes;
  • bright shadows that do not contain mother of pearl or shimmer;
  • black pencil for shading, preferably soft;
  • black mascara, for volume of eyelashes;
  • pencil or shadows to tint the eyebrows;
  • lipstick varnish. We need a bright one. Choose a dark color or an unusual one: black-purple, purple, bluish tone, violet;
  • grab the brushes to create the Monster High image.

To make the rest of the monsters look similar, follow the tips:

  • make your lips bright. You can outline the contours with purple or blue colors.;
  • decorate your eyes with long, sweeping arrows - this is to add rapacity;
  • dye eyelashes with eyebrows in dark tones. Let it stand out on the face.

Now let's move on to creating Monster High images.

Cleo de Nile

Cleo's makeup is done in Egyptian style. The lips are bright, expressive, like the eyeliner.

  1. With a liner (preferably black), draw arrows on the eyes. For the upper eyelid, use greasy ones. Let them from the outer sides strongly extend beyond the eyes and merge there with the lower ones. There should be a rectangle between them.
  2. Decorate the eyelids with dark blue shadows and gently blend them. Take purple (darker) and paint the upper eyelid with folds. Then blend. Apply a lighter purple to the eyebrows.
  3. Apply powder to the lips as a base. Take a dark beige pencil and trace the outlines. And on top of a coral lipstick.
  4. On the cheeks, you need a blush of a bronze shade.
  5. Take a large emerald-colored rhinestone sticker and place it under the right eye.
  6. Put on earrings in your ears, similar to those of Cleo, and on your head with a wig, whose main color is black and highlighted strands.


In Monster High, she is the daughter of Dracula. If you like vampires, do a festive makeover in her style. By the way, if you are in such an outfit at a party, do not use Bloody Mary, because Draculaura is a vegetarian.

Now all you have to do is choose the makeup you like from Monster High and start creating it. Good luck!

Dolls "Monster High" are very popular and have an unusual and memorable appearance. Naturally, there is a desire to copy them. catchy makeup.

To make it applicable to real life conditions, and not just for theme parties, you need to highlight the main features of this style. Let's tell you more about how to make Monster High makeup.

Briefly about the main thing:

The main features of the "Monster High" makeup

  • Uniform, most often pale complexion without the use of sculpting.
  • The complete absence of blush.
  • All cosmetics in this makeup are matte, without a hint of shine.
  • Well-defined eyes.
  • Defined eyebrows.
  • Lipstick in juicy tones, sometimes even unusual in the usual makeup colors.

To perform makeup in the style of "Monster High" you need to prepare

  1. A dense, light matte foundation.
  2. Corrector for eliminating skin imperfections.
  3. Concealer for concealing shadows under the eyes.
  4. A set of bright eyeshadows without shimmer or mother-of-pearl.
  5. A darker, better black, soft pencil for shading.
  6. Black mascara for volume.
  7. Eye shadow or eyebrow pencil.
  8. Lacquer lipstick - bright, dark, or unusual in color - purple, violet, bluish, or black and purple.
  9. Makeup brushes set.

To perform such a make-up, it is important to fulfill two basic requirements - the skin must be “ porcelain", And the eyes - large, bright and clearly defined... For this, the skin of the face must be pretreated, especially with a tendency to oily.

You can make a special mask, and cover problem areas and pores with a primer that will smooth the relief and fill the pores. Places of redness should be masked with a green primer, and for unhealthy yellowish or earthy skin tones, use a lilac or pink shade.

The tone applied on top will hide all defects and color spots, and the face will look perfect... For durability and greater brightness of the shadows, a base or primer is applied for them. In this case, the eye makeup becomes more persistent.

The sequence of applying cosmetics

  • On a well-moisturized face, apply a layer of foundation, gently blending it with a brush. The entire face should appear smooth, uniform in color and matte.
  • Carefully mask the existing imperfections with a corrector, and bruises under the eyes - with a concealer.
  • If your skin is oily, you can powder your face with translucent powder. The result is a smooth, matte, pale face without blemishes or redness.
  • Highlight eyebrows with shadows and pencil, fix the shape.
  • Cover the upper eyelid with bright matte shades - pink, lilac, fuchsia. The color spot almost reaches the eyebrows and "stretches" in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the tip of the eyebrow.
  • With the help of a soft black pencil, the eyes are traced and shaded with a brush, creating a "smokey eye". The shading should not be very strong, there should remain a rich "cat" contour with a fuzzy edge. The main feature of the "Monster High" doll makeup is large, slightly slanted, brightly lined eyes.
  • Draw an additional black pencil or eyeliner along the lash line to enhance the color.
  • Eyelashes generously paint over in several layers or glue overhead. In make-up for a special occasion, eyelashes can be long, fancy or decorated with rhinestones.
  • Lips should be crisp, luscious and shiny. To do this, you can use a contour pencil and a dense lipstick. If the lipstick does not have a pronounced shine, you can apply additional balm or lip gloss.

Of course, makeup in the style of "Monster High" is intended for teenagers and very young girls and its scope - parties, meetings with friends, clubs and themed performances.

Monster High makeup video

Heroes of the cartoon "Monster High" and dolls created in their images attract girls with their bright make-up. Young women of fashion are eager to do Monster High makeup and look like their favorite vampires from Monster High during the holidays. At home, this is not a problem.

Monster High style

  • Pale complexion and no blush at all.
  • Matte cosmetics.
  • Brightly lined eyes and eyebrows.
  • Luscious lipstick, sometimes in non-standard shades.

To make the makeup look similar to the one presented in the cartoon, you need to follow 2 basic rules:

  • make the face pale and completely matte;
  • clearly bring your eyes.

Before starting work, the skin must be prepared and cleaned of fat. If there are irregularities, wide pores, they will be perfectly hidden by a primer, on top of which a tonal foundation is applied. For long-lasting makeup, the primer can be applied to the eyelids.

What do you need for makeup

  1. A matte finish for the face.
  2. Concealer and corrector to remove visual imperfections of the skin.
  3. A set of matte eyeshadows in various shades without shine.
  4. Black eyeliner pencil.
  5. Mascara.
  6. Eye-catching lipstick in dark shades (burgundy, purple), sometimes with elements of blue (purple).
  7. Makeup brushes.

General sequence of actions

  1. Moisturize your face and apply a foundation (cream or powder) to obtain a matte shade without shine.
  2. Disguise imperfections and irregularities with a corrector or concealer.
  3. If the skin is too oily, it is recommended to apply a layer of translucent powder to achieve a matte finish.
  4. With the help of shadows and pencils, highlight the eyebrows.
  5. Apply eye shadow of pink or purple shades to the eyelids. It is preferable to take shades of cream, matte. Make-up on the eyelids should reach the tip of the eyebrows.
  6. With a black pencil or eyeliner, circle the eyes and slightly shade the "arrow". However, with apparent blur, the shape of the contour should be visible. The eyes should be slanted and well-set.
  7. Visually enhance the lash line with a darker pencil.
  8. Apply mascara thickly to eyelashes. You can use overhead with rhinestones.
  9. Lips with a contour and paint with a rich dark lipstick of burgundy or cherry color. Additionally, you can apply gloss to them.

Draculaura Makeup

  1. Apply the lightest foundation on your face and a small layer of powder on top.
  2. Color the eyelids bright pink. Top with glitter of the appropriate shade.
  3. Apply pink shadows of a darker shade in the corners of the eyes.
  4. Outline the eyes with a black pencil and branch the "arrows" to the tips of the eyebrows.
  5. Apply mascara to the eyelashes.
  6. Draw a heart on the cheek with a contour pencil and paint over it with pink lipstick.
  7. Tint the lips with a bright pink lipstick, you can add a little shine.
  8. Paint fangs on the lips with white face painting or lipstick.
  9. With a black pencil, lightly trace the fangs and heart on the cheek.

How to make Draculaura's makeup, you can watch the video:

Egyptian makeup

Many girls also dream of being like the heiress of the Egyptian pharaohs, Cleo de Nile. She has an unusual make-up, reminiscent of the images of Egyptian queens. To feel like the ruler of the ancient pyramids, you need a little.

  1. Draw bold “arrows” along the upper and lower eyelids with a black pencil, connecting them on the outside.
  2. Next, you should apply the shadows in layers. First - dark blue, on top of them - purple, and closer to the eyebrows - light purple.
  3. Before a layer of lipstick on the lips, apply light powder and outline the lips with a contour pencil. Only then can you start using lipstick.
  4. Apply a light layer of dark golden blush to the cheeks.
  5. On the right cheek under the eye, glue an emerald-colored rhinestone.

The look is complemented by a black Cleopatra-style wig with light strands and large earrings (see ru / wp-content / uploads / 2014/11 / cleo.jpg).

Gulia Yelps - Zombie Makeover

The image of Gulia requires a lot of blues that will contrast with bright colors in the most unusual way.

  1. Blend the light blue shadows all over the face, creating a base out of them.
  2. For the lips, use a lipstick of a bright red shade.
  3. Draw eyes with black arrows.
  4. Apply a thick layer of mascara to the eyelashes.
  5. Tint the eyelids with dark blue shadows so that it is not striking.
  6. Complement the look with glasses with hot pink frames.

Frankie Stein's Unusual Look

Frankie's makeup will require a greenish-gray face foundation. Face painting or ordinary shadows are perfect for this purpose.

  1. Apply light green paint to your face, after mixing it with sulfur. If you are using shadows, apply them in layers.
  2. Draw the eyes with a black pencil, making the upper arrow more bold.
  3. Draw false eyelashes over the lower and upper eyelids, and the upper ones need to be made longer.
  4. Apply blue or lilac shadows, lightening the tone closer to the eyebrows. You do not need to completely paint over the upper eyelid: leave a small distance to the eyebrows.
  5. Contour lips and paint with dark red or burgundy lipstick.
  6. Draw seams on the cheek with a pencil.

The makeup of the heroines of Monster High is bright, attractive. He will surely set you apart at a friendly party among the guests.

What the makeup of some of the heroes of Monster High looks like can be seen in this video using the example of dolls

Whatever image you create, the main thing is to show your imagination. Then any makeup will be the height of perfection.