How beautiful it is to make love to your husband. How to make love right, make love right

In bed, a sensual woman is a real treasure. She reacts to every touch, knows how to get pleasure and deliver it.

A sensual woman likes to hug and caress her partner. In sex, she will appreciate not only a stormy climax, but also tenderness. Almost any pleasant sensation excites her. By bringing you to ecstasy, she herself experiences bliss. She loves to experiment and experience new sensations.

A sensual woman becomes attached to her sexual partner faster than representatives of other types, because she has a heightened sensitivity. Good sex whets her appetite.

Feel free to express your feelings through physical actions. She loves to hug and kiss, enjoys gentle caresses. A sensual woman prefers touching to precede verbal stimuli. Give her a massage, talk about how pleasant she makes you.

Since a sensual woman has a heightened perception of taste and aroma stimuli, be sure to act on all of her receptors. Find out which eau de toilette she likes best. Prepare food for your darling, feed her with your own hands.

If you wear a soft cashmere sweater, she will constantly touch it. A sensual woman loves to touch objects that are pleasant to the touch. When preparing for a date, be sure to shave thoroughly. The bristles repel her more than other women. Your skin should be smooth and your beard should be neatly trimmed.

She may not notice how elegant you look and how great your stereo sounds, but if your mattress becomes lumpy and the sheets are frayed, you will fall in the eyes of your darling. So get out satin sheets, scented candles, eau de toilette, massage oils, vibrators, feathers, and furs. A sensual woman will appreciate it all.

Use sensual words when making love. Tell your partner, "I love touching your tender thighs." Or: "I like it when you touch your tender lips to my lips."

When chatting with a sensual woman, let your imagination run wild. Pour liquid chocolate on your partner and then lick it off. Rub it with scented oil. Kiss her body. Experiment, find new weasels. When touching a sensual woman, tell her that you love her.

A sensual woman likes to take everything slowly. Take your time making love. Penetrate your partner slowly, breathe deeply and regularly. Lack of rush is of great importance for a sensual woman. Feeling rushed, she will lose interest in sex. Haste love is not for her. In a relationship, she values ​​depth. She is able to give you her heart quickly, but she will demand that you devote enough time to her.

One sensual participant in my workshop told me that she fell madly in love with a person after the first physical intimacy with him. She claimed that no one had ever touched her in the way that this person did.

“The evening was warm and gentle. We have already met three times and felt that something was going to happen today. Everything was great.

He said he wanted to show me his culinary skills, and then, if I wanted, he would give me a full body massage. He just finished his massage courses and has already shown me some of his arsenal. One day he gave me a delicious foot massage, another time he massaged my hand, and on the last date he massaged my head and face. Now I was looking forward to a full body massage.

When we arrived at his house, he turned on the air conditioner at full power and lit a fire in the fireplace. “I think it would be fun to imagine that it’s cold outside,” he said. “We will remember how pleasant it is to sit by the fireplace.” As the temperature in the room dropped, he gave me a cashmere sweater. We sat hugging each other near the fireplace. He lit a candle with my favorite scent of wild gardenia. I could smell my favorite men's eau de toilette Vetiver.

I literally bathed in wonderful sensations. Then he served a delicious lunch - pickled mushrooms, lobster, and chocolate mousse. I literally lost my head even before the massage began.

In between dishes, he kissed me with amazing tenderness, touched his fingers to my face and lips. I felt that he admired me. I felt like a fairy-tale princess who had found her prince.

Finally he set up his massage table, played some unusual meditation music, lit some candles with the smell of cinnamon. Starting with my toes, I massaged every inch of my body. In doing so, he used warm oil for massage. I have never experienced such a thrill.

Then we began to study each other. He touched his face to my thighs, I could feel his soft lips, silky beard, even eyelashes. My tongue wandered over his chest.

After a while, he slowly penetrated into my body, and we became one.

Since that evening, I have been constantly thinking about this man, about our closeness, I want to snuggle up to him with my whole body, to feel his gentle caresses and kisses. When I imagine our date, goosebumps run down my skin. ”

If you want to turn on your sensual woman, first touch her, and then say some words. If you need her to listen to you, first of all make sure that she experiences a pleasant sensation while doing so. If you want her to look at something, touch her to reveal the item. Use her love language first, then add your own.

Sex can be devastating or it can be fulfilling. The sexual gymnastics that most people are doing now has nothing to do with true lovemaking, which can lead a person to enlightenment and give cosmic states. How do you know if you are having the right sex? If after the act you are devastated and want to sleep, then you have lost energy, not gained. After proper intercourse, a man feels a huge surge of strength, he wants to create. And a woman after the correct intercourse with consciousness is in other dimensions, she is in incredible bliss, and her orgasm can last for several hours.

One such act is enough for at least a month. That is, there is so much strength and bliss after it that the need for frequent sex disappears, which is very favorable. Because our body is not adapted for frequent intercourse. The production of one drop of male semen requires 1 liter of blood. The body takes 30 days to do this.

If a man spends semen often, then the body begins to take energy from the brain. Why a man's memory begins to weaken, his mind goes away over the years. (About sexual energy and ojas from the book "Aghor. On the left hand of God":

According to ancient tantric teachings, a man should enter a woman only at her will, when she initiates a love game. If a woman really wanted her man, and not just played along with his desire, then she is able to give him space, and she herself is filled with divine energy during the act. A woman is 9 times more erotic than a man, which means that she needs much more time for foreplay, which a man needs to start a few days before the act. Usually a man is busy with thoughts about satisfying his desire, he just needs a release, and he treats a woman as an object of satisfying his feelings, and therefore he is not able to raise a woman to the peak of bliss, and is not able to comprehend the true orgasm himself, which will fill him with divine powers ... But if a man experiences this one day, he will not settle for less. And his goal will be the desire to give the highest pleasure to his woman, because her pleasure is transmitted to him, and through lovemaking they both enter the space of the cosmic mysteries.

The act of love should take place two or three days after the woman's "women's days" are over, her body is cleansed, and her sexuality has increased. A man can start actively courting a woman. His task is to relax her as much as possible, to give her the feeling of her chosenness, so that she herself wants him. Better to devote a whole day to intercourse. Prepare each other's favorite dishes, take a bath together, create a romantic atmosphere with the help of flowers, candles and incense. A man must remember that a woman is many times sexier than him, and therefore her whole body is erogenous zones that must be “turned on”. It is important for her to be stroked, caressed, kissed all over, and not only in the "right" places. Ancient traditions compared a woman to a stove that must be thoroughly warmed up. Because during the act, she takes away the negative energy of the man and during orgasm burns it inside herself. If a man is only interested in satisfying his desire, and his woman does not experience an orgasm, he will get a sick and angry wife who carries all his negativity inside herself. Therefore, bringing a woman to orgasm is an important task for a loving man.

The leading and active role in sex is assigned to the woman. She is energy, she is Shakti, she is the one who dances. A man is Shiva, he enjoys watching his Shakti. With proper intercourse, a man begins to feel like God, holding the whole Universe in his hands, inside which lightning strikes and whole worlds are born. During orgasm, the woman's consciousness flies out into the space of the Vedas (Akashic Chronicles), belted around our planet. WitchMa is the one who is able to receive knowledge from this space. A man can “cleave” with a thin body to a woman during her orgasm, and then she will raise him into this sacred field. This is how a man can achieve enlightenment through love for his woman. If he begins to perceive her as a Goddess and treat her as a Goddess, she will give him states of the highest pleasure, she will give him the opportunity to possess divine energies, to become a true creator, strong, healthy and powerful.

The situation. There is an ugly expression in our language ... study love... How can you study love? Nobody can " study love"However, the expression is used all over the place, and for a reason. People are trying study love; even in love, they remain those who ... this is the greatest opportunity to know what it is to surrender is lost. There are many tutorials on how study love or how to achieve a total orgasm, and so on. Surprisingly, people read things like that ...

https: //

...] for a few moments you disappear. If you are, even if you are here, happiness becomes impossible. If you do love with your beloved, if you really " do" love, happiness will be inaccessible. Love it is forbidden study... You may or may not be in love, but study love impossible. Love should not be harsh, rough, should not be a grip, appropriation of a woman. An onslaught and a quick rollback is impossible ...

https: //

So hate, at one moment you love, at another moment you hate him. This is the conflict, and it exists as long as love is a doing, an occupation. It must be understood that love- not doing. You can love, but you can't "do" love... You can love, but you can't study love... It is not necessary to apply the terms of psychological relationships to love, but rather to use the terms of the state of consciousness. If there's...

https: //

In adults, there is a need for a reliable emotional connection with a partner. Remember: a mother looks at her child with the same love that two lovers with each other. Although in our culture it is believed that being addicted is bad, that it is a weakness ... a defensive position out of fear, or decide everything in a spirit of mutual understanding? Let's say your wife says, “I’m not very in tune study love tonight". You can take a deep breath, remember how much she loves you, and say, “Well ...

https: //

We often regard this categorically: this is the end of love. Meanwhile, in real life together, people agree study(and are engaged) love not only if there is, but sometimes in the absence of a passionate desire. Nothing reprehensible - you just need to carefully ... while striving to destroy the other - in this way everyone can heal the wounds inflicted on his pride. Such " correct»Aggressiveness will also affect sexual relations, in which there is no more poison. Hold him / her It is ...

https: //

Wouldn't betray her, ”he shrugs.“ What else does she want? ” Closeness for Tom is study love two times a week. Marriage for him was an excuse to limit his growth. Tom and Deborah, both ... our selfish attitudes and the vulnerability and fear of intimacy are overcome. When we doing love, we notice and touch Oneness with others. We learn not only to give or receive love but become Love... Relationships (of any kind) that are based on love, not desire ...

https: //

The partner is no longer there. It’s easier for women to feel this way because they’re always are engaged love with closed eyes. It is best to keep your eyes closed while performing this technique. Only then ... in a deep connection with existence itself, and the door, the other, is no longer there. The other is just a door. Catching up love with a woman, you, in fact, do love with existence itself. The woman is only the door, the man is only the door. The other is only a door to the whole ...

https: //

Love for life or insanity

A friend tried to seduce me, but I made my choice a long time ago. After all, with her I have not just sex, as a physiological process. Were engaged love until morning. She said that she loved me, just didn’t say, tried to hammer on my feelings (I live, I am going to get married on September 15). I ... her next day. I tried to make her think bad of me (she reproached herself for her actions, was engaged self-flagellation), and pretended to be interested in her friend, but my maneuver was guessed. In another day I will find out ...

) all night ”- for many, such a statement causes either envy or mistrust.

Psychological conditions

First of all, it is very important to understand: 100% participation and absolute trust of partners is an integral part of sexual intercourse. Psychological factors are key. It is necessary to get acquainted with some psychological and physical techniques. This is very important if you plan on making love all night. Since physical activity alone is not enough, since if it is not possible to master some of the psychological aspects of dealing with a woman and self-control, then the result is often practically "zero". Therefore, it is worth emphasizing the particular importance of trust and emancipation.

To satisfy a girl, you need to relax her both physically and psychologically. Relax her body, then excite and only after that start various manipulations with erogenous zones. It should be noted: " intercourse"As such, this is an additional step, in fact, it is a stimulation of the erogenous zones. It's just that now this stimulation will be carried out in the usual form for men (that is, with the help of a penis).


If you want to make love all night, then, in addition to the above aspects, foreplay is extremely important. Take the lead, use different positions. It is important to start with a long and sensual foreplay. The difference between foreplay and regular sex is that it has to last much longer and be divided into parts. Foreplay is the art of expressing love as well as an invitation to sexual activity.

Knowing your partner's peak limit is critical, as at some point you can help slow her / his orgasm. This is a very sensitive moment. It is impossible to make love all night long if the partners take turns not taking the initiative into their own hands. There are many poses, changing which during sex is dominated by either a man or a woman. If one partner leads, then he must help to restrain the desire of the second, so that the highest point does not reach too early.


Having sex all night does not mean at all that one sexual intercourse should last 8-10 hours in a row. Long term sex it happens with partners who pay a lot of attention to each other, arrange foreplay, play different sexual games. Sex all night is a kind of game that is possible if the couple has a mutual interest and desire, and not something organized on the possession of their bodies and the possession of the technique of sex. Contrary to misconceptions - the possibility of multiple sexual intercourse for the most part depends on the emotions and feelings of a person, and not on his physical and sexual strength.

Too much importance is attached to the duration of intercourse. For example, it is believed that only a man who can withstand at least an hour of continuous "marathon in bed" is capable of satisfying a woman. But is it!? Swiss sexologists conducted a hands-on (i.e., subjects timed and then wrote about their impressions) and case studies. It turned out that, on average, the duration of intercourse is from 7 to 15 minutes, and sexual intercourse is considered to be long up to half an hour. At the same time, many admitted that more than 30 minutes is too long and exhausting. After all, the main thing is not the duration, but how and under what conditions it happens.

The material was prepared by Natalia KOVALENKO. Illustrations from the site: © 2015 Thinkstock.

"Let's say compliments to each other ..." - these words from the famous song of Bulat Okudzhava are known to everyone. The great bard correctly noted: "... to each other ...". This means that compliments are equally enjoyable for both sexes. However, it is often believed that listening to compliments is the prerogative of women, completely forgetting about what men want. And they want the same thing - to hear praise, sometimes even somewhat exaggerated.

However, there is one caveat. Compliments for men and women are very different. The fair sex is constantly expecting admiration, so it is enough to praise a hairstyle, a beautiful new dress or a blooming look - and her mood will immediately improve. The psychology of men is different, therefore compliments are built on a different principle. On the one side, men are waiting for a positive assessment of their deeds or qualities, and on the other hand, they are distrustful of female compliments, constantly expecting a catch and doubting their sincerity.

So what do you do? How to make a man fall in love with you or get him in the right place and become a friend with the help of a compliment? Praise to a man must be justified and objective, otherwise it will seem like banal flattery. For example, you should not admire his strength and beautiful muscles if he is not an athlete at all. Surely, he has other qualities that can be noted and praised. So, in order for the compliment to be effective, we advise you to follow a few rules.

First, the assessment must be substantiated. That is, it is necessary not only to praise, but also to note some specific aspects. For example, if you want to compliment the professional qualities of a man, you need to confirm this with specific examples: “You know, you were so successful in these negotiations. No one else would have been able to do it at such a level and achieve such an amazing result. " The pleasure that your interlocutor will receive from this compliment will be akin to what a man in love feels when his beloved praises him. Believe me, in this case it will be very easy for you to achieve his location.

Secondly, you shouldn't say a compliment and immediately start teaching a man how to live on, or to ask for something. Even if there is such a goal. The fact is that an attempt at manipulation will immediately be revealed. A compliment should be made solely in order to cheer up the interlocutor. Compliments will help you cope with a crisis in family relationships, although a question may arise.

Often during this period, partners find themselves disoriented in their feelings, it seems that love is gone, and they simply cannot imagine how to live on. In this case, psychologists suggest following the principle: “ Do deeds of love and love will come". That is, if you consciously look for positive qualities in your spouse (and they certainly exist, even if you don’t think so), and talk to him about them, your feelings are likely to revive. As you can see, a compliment is a serious weapon with which you can manipulate a person. Of course, in a good sense of the word. For example, it can serve as an incentive for a man to take further action. A duly marked bathroom faucet repair can be the start of repairing other necessary things on the man's own initiative (or at least so it seems to him).