How to teach a child to say the letters w, t, d, s, w, l at home? Advice for parents“How to make difficult sounds for a child? Learning hissing letters

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Quite often, parents complain that children have problems pronouncing sounds that are difficult for them. As a rule, hissing sounds are the greatest difficulty for them; in particular, the questions of parents are related to how to teach a child to pronounce the letters “s”, “k” and others correctly. The development of this skill should be given due attention in childhood.

Sound C - problematic in pronunciation

Despite the fact that most parents seek speech therapy help most often when the child is already 5 years old, most pediatricians agree that work on sound pronunciation should be started much earlier.

This will not allow the incorrect pronunciation of the sound to gain a foothold. To carry out such activities, it is not at all necessary to have special skills - it is enough to learn only a few simple tricks.

Tips for pronouncing the C sound

How to conduct speech therapy classes with a child? Tips and Tricks for Parents

How to teach a child to speak hissing, including the letter c? Any parent can provide simple speech therapy assistance to a child. However, the success of the events will largely depend on how well they are carried out.

If the child does not have complex speech disorders and can pronounce most of the sounds, home remedial classes with the parent will be quite enough to bring the sound pronunciation back to normal. In this case, the correct setting of the sound will be achieved by automating pronunciation.

Speech therapy classes should start as soon as possible

Exercises for the development of sound pronunciation skills are useful not only for children who have certain speech problems, but also for quite healthy ones, due to the fact that they perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, making it more mobile and flexible.

In the event that a child has more serious violations of sound pronunciation, and in speech he makes a large number of grammatical errors, solving the problem on his own is still quite risky. And, the sooner parents turn to a speech therapist for help in solving the problem, the more benefit it will bring to the child. And the easier it will be to teach him pronunciation and speak correctly.

How is work on sound pronunciation built?

  • First you need to find out which organs of speech are involved in the pronunciation of sounds that cause problems in the child. You will need to work on them first of all with the help of articulatory gymnastics for one or another letter.
  • The stage of direct sound production.
  • The stage of sound amplification and its learning in special speech therapy verses, texts, songs, etc.

Phonetic charging for the sound C

Let us consider in more detail how to teach a child to pronounce the letter s easily and freely.

Articulation gymnastics and its features

As a rule, difficulties in pronouncing the sound “s” are associated with insufficient mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. This must be done with the help of specially organized gymnastics. What is the best way to conduct classes?

Articulation exercise in front of a mirror
  1. A strict sequence of exercises and regularity are the main principles that ensure the effectiveness of exercises for the organs of speech. It is best to use ready-made sets of exercises that teach you to pronounce certain sounds. They are selected taking into account the age and other characteristics of the child.
  2. In order for the child to more willingly participate in the lesson, it is best to teach him to speak in a playful way, supplementing with riddles that are interesting for him with the desired letter, songs, nursery rhymes and jokes
  3. Do not overload your child with exercises. It is better to do no more than 2-3 in one lesson, but with multiple repetitions - it is easier to teach a child something new.
  4. It is possible to introduce new exercises for the letter “c” only after the child has already properly mastered all the previous ones and copes with them without much effort.
  5. In order for the child to be able to see and correctly understand the technique of the exercises proposed to him and pronounce the sounds, it is best to use a mirror for classes
  6. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the symmetry of the child's face, the accuracy and smoothness of movements, and the correct pace. Without this, the effectiveness of the exercises will be minimized.

Lessons for the pronunciation of the sound C

Useful advice: Before you start articulation gymnastics, you need to do several exercises in order to “warm up” the organs of speech: a simple smile, stretching your lips with a tube or a ring, raising your tongue will prepare them well for the exercises, and improve your student's results.

After that, you can begin the articulation gymnastics itself (in this case, we will consider the complex of Fomicheva M.V.). Such exercises should teach the child the correct pronunciation.

List of exercises for whistling sounds

"Push the ball into the goal"

The exercise teaches the child to direct the stream of air and pronounce hissing sounds. Improvised "gates" of cubes are installed on the table. The task of the child is to drive a cotton ball (“ball”) into them, stretching his lips forward and directing a stream of air at him. It is important that at the same time the child does not puff out his cheeks, and the action is carried out in one go.

Exercise allows you to relax the tongue, as well as form a directed air flow. The child puts the tongue on the lower lip and, holding the mouth slightly open, says "five-five-five." It is important that the lip on which the tongue lies does not tuck, and the air flow goes as smoothly as possible, without interruptions.

Naughty tongue - description of the game

Wide tongue

The wide edge of the tongue is placed on the lower lip and held in this position for up to 5-10 seconds. In this case, the organs of the articulatory apparatus should be as relaxed as possible, and the smile should be free from tension.

Advice to parents: Be patient and try to treat these activities as an exciting game.

Remember that your baby is improving, for him this is something new, which he does for the first time in his life. Try to understand that for him this is connected with serious efforts, and the more interesting this activity will be for him, the greater your chances of a quick result.

Rhymes and riddles with the letter C for repetition

Articulatory gymnastics exercises that teach you to pronounce sounds are quite complex and unusual for a child. That is why you should not expect that he will complete them the first time and completely without errors. In order to teach a child to speak correctly, you need to think over a lesson-game plan. And in case of failure, do not scold him - it is better to support him and offer to try again. Over time, the child will learn both the letter and the corresponding sound.

The lack of pronunciation of all hissing (Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch) is called sigmatism, which is similar to the whistling sigmatism (S, 3, C). This is explained by the fact that hissing and whistling have a common method of formation, in which a directed stream of air passes through the gap, along a groove located along the middle of the tongue.

The types of sigmatism are the same as those of whistlers.

Interdental-lateral sigmatism- the tip of the tongue falls between the front teeth, and one edge of the tongue (right or left) comes off the molars, causing the entire tongue to turn to the side.

Lateral sigmatism- both edges of the tongue (or one) come off the molars, which forms a gap between the edge (edges) of the tongue and the molars. Air rushes into the resulting gap, and the tip of the tongue rests against the palate, which results in an unpleasant squelching sound.

Labiodental sigmatism- Lips bulge forward. The upper incisors are pressed against the lower lip, forming a gap with it, where the air current rushes. The tongue does not take part in the formation of sound, a sound close to F is heard.

buccal sigmatism- the tongue lies passively at the bottom of the mouth. Air puffs out both cheeks.

Softened sound Sh- as a rule, a softened pronunciation of the sound Ш occurs with its lower articulation or as a result of the position of the tip of the tongue being too close to the front teeth.

Nasal sigmatism (or partial nasality)- a defect occurs if, during the pronunciation of Ш, the soft palate descends and air enters the nasal cavity.

Replacing the sound Ш with other sounds(e.g. C, T, etc. both correctly and incorrectly articulated) is called parasigmatism and refers to a specific defect.


If the child has the correct articulation of the C sound or has mastered its pronunciation, staging the sound Sh is not difficult.

1. It is best to put the sound Ш from the sound С. To do this, invite students to pronounce С (long sound с-с) or the syllable SA and at the moment of pronunciation, lift its tip of the tongue with a spatula, probe or finger by the upper teeth, to the alveoli. Instead of S or SA, you hear Ш or ША. Focusing the child’s attention on the upper position of the tip of the tongue (make sure that he does not stick his tongue into the palate!), offer to listen to what happened: “Said SA, but what happened?”

2. It is easy to put the sound Ш from the sound Р by slowing down the vibration of the tip of the tongue with mechanical assistance (probe). You can stop the “peals” of the sound P, for example, with the word “stop!”, offer to hold the articulation and remember the place behind the upper incisors where the sound R was pronounced. At “this place”, behind the upper teeth, say “sa” and listen to what happened . The sound Sh can also be derived from the whispered sound R.

3. In exceptional cases, you can put the lower sound Sh, pushing the tip of the tongue back with a spatula at the moment of pronouncing a long sound C - ss. The delivered sound is fixed in syllables, words and is automated in separate phrases, sentences and texts.

Normal setting of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound "Sh".

  • The tip of the tongue in the form of a "cup" is raised to the front of the palate (near the alveoli);
  • The lateral edges of the tongue are adjacent to the upper molars;
  • The muscles of the tongue are not too tense;
  • The lips are rounded and pushed forward in the form of a "mouthpiece";
  • Small gap between teeth
  • The air is exhaled evenly in the middle of the tongue;
  • On the palm, raised to the mouth, a warm stream of air is felt.
  • The voice motor does not work.

Preparatory exercises for the sound "Sh".

Lip exercises . Close your teeth. Round the lips and stretch forward, as when pronouncing the sound "O". The corners of the lips should not touch. The lips do not cover the teeth. Relax your lips and repeat the exercise several times.

Note. The lips are too stretched forward (as when pronouncing the sound "U"). In this case, the corners of the lips are in contact and, therefore, are involved in the work, while they should be motionless. In addition, an additional obstacle is created for the outgoing air.

Exhalation exercise . Round your lips and, inhaling, evenly, with force, exhale the air. Control of the exercise with the palm of the hand - a warm jet is felt. Ignore the position of the tongue. Repeated exercise to achieve the necessary air strength in the child.

Tongue exercise . Raise the tongue to the front of the palate with a flat stick (the flat end of a teaspoon) placed under the tongue. Raise the tip of the tongue to the palate. Open your teeth to the width of one and a half fingers. Round lips. Hold your tongue up for a while. Repeat the exercise many times.

Repeat the exercise without using the stick. In this case, the tongue should rise freely and be held against the palate.

Exercise . Pronunciation of a long sound "Sh". Raise the tongue to the front of the palate with a flat stick. Without taking out the sticks, close your teeth. Round and stretch the lips forward, while the corners of the lips should not touch. Evenly, with force, exhale air, controlling the jet with the palm of your hand. A long sound "Sh - Sh - Sh" is heard.

Hissing and whistling sounds are not always easy for growing babies. Some features of the pronunciation of hissing can persist until the end of elementary school, and without the control of teachers - for life.

It is important that the child, under the supervision of parents or a speech therapist, trains in the correct articulation of the sound “sh”, then other difficult sounds will give up under the onslaught of exercises.

From this article you will learn

Examination of the pronunciation of the sound "sh"

Usually, kindergarten teachers or teachers point out problems with pronunciation. Parents, on the other hand, can attribute a lot in the child’s speech to individual characteristics and not notice the impending difficulties. It is worth taking a few minutes as part of your daily book exercises to test your child's pronunciation.

There are at least two ways to do the procedure yourself: observation and exercise. In the first case, it will take a long time to notice how the baby pronounces sounds. In the second - you need 25-30 minutes of perseverance and doing a few simple exercises.

Invisible test. It makes no sense to explain to your son or daughter what to do. The easiest way is to involve the child in the game " Repeaters". Start with words and sounds that are not related to the topic. Then let the child set the tasks himself. In the next turn, offer one of the blocks.

1. Syllables.

Start with two-letter combinations:

[sha] [she] [shu] [shi] [sho].

Then move on to three-letter two-vowel ones:

[a-sha] [e-she] [u-shu] [i-shi] [o-sho] [s-shi].

The next block is combinations of "sh" with consonants:

[shka] [ksha] [shki] [kshi].

More complex:

[shish] [shis] [shish] [shush] and [as-shi] [u-shis] [i-shish] [ush-ush].

Pronounce all sounds clearly, deliberately expressively articulate so that it is easy to repeat after you. As you complete the exercise, notice which combinations are most difficult for the child. Similarly, they work with the sounds "u", "g", "h".

2. Words.

To diversify the lesson a little with a new type of activity, prepare in advance cards with known objects that have a difficult sound in the name:

  • Next to vowels: mouse, reeds, shower, lily of the valley, hat, fur coat, car, galoshes, hut, pencil, overcoat, neck.
  • Next to consonants: cat, flip flops, hat, closet, hairpin, bumblebee.
  • Occurs twice: bump, checkers, whisper, rustle.
  • With another complex sound: ball, scarf, skin.

3. Offers.

Automation of the sound "sh" in sentences requires the readiness of the speech apparatus. Therefore, a test with sentences will show how much the child has mastered the art of sh-articulation:

  • The mouse rustles behind the stove.
  • Papa Masha waves his hat.
  • I sewed a shirt for a bear, I'll sew pants for him.
  • The well-known tongue twister about Sasha on the highway, etc..

If you have any difficulty at this stage, do not try to finish the block. Better return to the phrases from the previous block: a cat in a hat, got out of the shower, a scarf for Dasha etc. and end the test on a positive emotional note.

Important! In some children with a normally developed articulatory apparatus, the production of the “sh” sound can occur right during test exercises or the first lessons, simply because directional training is needed to develop a skill. Other kids will need to work in stages over time.

Possible deviations

Pronunciation may be less than ideal. Despite the fact that in the language "sh" is a dull sound, it should be pronounced loudly and clearly. There are speech therapy characteristics of the incorrect "sh":

  • A lisping echo is obtained if the child pushes the tongue between the teeth too much. This is an interdental pronunciation.
  • The nasal connotation (sigmatism) of “sh” occurs when the deep part of the tongue is overly tense, its root, as it were, is pulled up to the sky, a deep hissing “x” appears.
  • With lateral sigmatism, the sound is like cotton.
  • If the tongue rests on the upper incisors, this is called dentitional parasigmatism. As a result, "sh" is replaced by "t";
  • With labio-tooth parasigmatism, "sh" is forced to turn into "f". It is worth checking if the baby has bite problems.
  • If instead of "sh" sounds "s", this is whistling parasigmatism.

You need to tell the child how to properly fold the lips and hold the tongue so that the sound comes out correctly. It is best to demonstrate on yourself and apply visual analogies.

What to do to make "sh" hiss

Among the methods of stimulating speech development at an early age, it is necessary to talk about the necessary stage of crawling, and the dangers of early sitting, and the importance of sensory development. Finger gymnastics, rhymes, nursery rhymes and sand work help kids.

Even a simple wooden ball is a source of sensory experience. It can be rolled between the palms, a finger on the palm, held in different ways, studying its physical properties is also very useful for broadening one's horizons.

Don't limit yourself to sand making and don't forbid your child to play with castles in the yard or on the beach. Bury pebbles and small toys in the sand. Ask your child to guess the shape of the toy without taking it out of the sand. Do the same with other textures: rice, buckwheat, semolina. The role of a sandbox can be played by any wide capacity, even in winter.

When it comes to correcting the “sh” sound in a preschooler, fine motor skills and sensory exercises should not be neglected, but it is already possible to include the child in full-fledged structured classes, logorhythmics. It is necessary to use tongue twisters, tongue twisters and more difficult verses.

Methodical bases for parents

The reluctance to visit a speech therapist can be associated with financial difficulties and parental beliefs. In any case, the parent himself needs to know how to teach the child to say the letter "Sh". If you seriously decide to deal with the child on your own, do it systematically. It is not bad to introduce a kind of ritual of preparing for the lesson so that the child is included in it without conflict. The course itself should include:

  • 1-2 minutes: organizational moment (activation of the child's attention). Do not speak " Now we are going to teach...", it's better to say" Come let's play together!”, because the game is the most effective way to teach a child something important.
  • 1-2 minutes: introduction (activation of interest). Tell us what kind of fun game you offer and why.
  • 10-15 minutes: warm-up 2-3 minutes and main part(actual occupation). Every 3-7 minutes, depending on the perseverance and age of the baby, be sure to spend a physical education minute. This is necessary to switch attention and relieve stress.
  • 1-2 minutes: conclusion: thank and praise the child for his efforts.

When each lesson has a structure, it is easier for parents to navigate the situation, and at the same time the child perceives the exercises as a game and is simply happy to communicate with mom or dad. Lessons become desirable. According to the same structure, you can build any other homework.

Warm-up for the tongue and lips

Before exercising at home, you also need to warm up. At the same time, the child should not be tired, but interested and immersed in a fairy tale story or an interesting competition with oneself. There are many ready-made warm-up programs based on classical articulatory gymnastics.

Warming up helps relieve tension on the lips and tongue, making them more mobile and obedient. Gradually, the warm-up will take less and less time and turn into a fun ritual.

Do not forbid the child to make a little face - this will not harm his behavior if it is built into the training session. Combine gymnastics with training of emotions (for example, use cards or masks) and intonation (facial expressions and intonations should be interconnected). Integrated development is more interesting and effective.

Exercises for the main stage of the lesson

Never try to follow the same algorithm. Change speech therapy exercises from time to time. Give them in different combinations and do not try to do everything in one session!

Exercise "Cup"

The lower jaw is relaxed, a flat, wide tongue rests on the lower lip, while the tip and edge are raised, forming a flat cup. In a similar way, " pancake» - the tongue remains flat lying on the lower lip. It is advisable to periodically alternate two exercises for 10-15 seconds. If the bowl is lowered and raised without changing the shape, then you get " Chatterbox».

Exercise "Focus"

The already familiar cup should be put out of the mouth and, without touching the lips, wrap the tip of the tongue up. On the tip of the nose, you can put a piece of cotton wool or a napkin. On exhalation, the air must be directed exactly to the object.

Exercise "Horse"

All children like to portray the clatter of horse hooves, but as part of the exercise, this must be done not 1 time, but within 10-15 seconds. Naturally, you can combine speech therapy clatter with a game of knights!

After the exercises, you must definitely talk: read poetry, train in speed and clarity of pronunciation of sounds. The more often the repetition occurs, the faster the skill will be fixed.

Exercise "Fence"

Little students love it. Task: smile broadly and fix the smile for a few seconds. This trains the facial muscles of the cheeks.

Other exercises - " tubule"(pull the lips forward with a tube and fix)," Jam"(tasty and wide lick lips in a circle)," Swing”(Open your mouth wide, and alternately move your tongue rhythmically to the upper, then to the lower teeth) - you can leave at the end of the lesson to use all the muscles in turn.

Remember with your child in what situations the sound “sh” is still found:

  • how the trees rustle in the wind
  • how an angry cat hisses
  • how the leaves rustle underfoot in autumn
  • how a punctured wheel hisses
  • how the mouse rustles under the table

All this the child must depict with the help of voice and sound [Ш].

Sound staging and automation

With the help of exercises, the correct articulation of the sound “sh” is developed. But a skill is a mechanical process that needs to be worked out. It will take time to fix. It happens that within the framework of the lesson, the pronunciation improves, and by the next session it turns back into a lisping or whistling. To prevent the opposite effect from appearing, constant supervision of the skill plays a big role:

  • Gently, in a joking way, remind the student to watch the tongue.
  • Control your own pronunciation.
  • Pay attention to the phonemic errors of others and each time ask the child to pronounce the sounds correctly. If he is already a schoolboy, let him read aloud with the correct pronunciation.

Try to use the new skill more often. For example, ask questions, the answer to which will be words or sentences with the sound “sh”, learn corrective nursery rhymes instead of ordinary poems. Clean tongues and tongue twisters in daily household chores on “sh” will help you quickly automate the sound:

  • We knit a hat for a baby, shoo-shoo-shoo, shoo-shoo-shu.
  • Dress up the baby, sha-sha-sha, sha-sha-sha.
  • Collect pencils, shi-shi-shi-shi-shi-shi.
  • Kids love fairy tales, sha-shu-shi, sha-shu-shi.

You can come up with any simple rhymes and combinations, your own rhyme. Name one of your favorite toys with a special name that will help your child learn the sound: " cowardly bunny», « wolf-tail».

Use this name daily in familiar situations to constantly refer to the skill. It is important that the parent himself does not feel embarrassed when using speech therapy techniques. Try to hiss yourself as sincerely as possible.

Important! Throughout the lesson, keep an eye on the volume of the voice and intonation. Do not forget about physical minutes. And, of course, each lesson should end positively. You can even give grades if you find that effective.

When classes become familiar, add similar sounds to them: “w”, “h”, “u”. Teach your child to distinguish them articularly. This will help at the same time put all the difficult sounds and master the Russian alphabet. Pictures and instructions are now available at any bookstore.

Why does the letter "Sh" not hiss

The speech apparatus and the child's speech itself take time to develop. If a child uses the sound “sh” for the first time, then pronunciation imperfection is normal. The only thing that needs to be done is to correct the children's skill in time.

  • Other possible reasons for the wrong sound can make a rating in which the first place will be physiological features: the structure of the bite, tongue, palate, diseases of the oral cavity.
  • The second place has a direct relationship with the first place: too long sucking on a pacifier. It has long been noted that the bite is sensitive to the presence of a nipple, and it is hissing and whistling sounds that suffer in speech.
  • Parental mistakes can give an honorable third place. Think about whether you are too "swaying" and "zasyukali" the child, and whether he is trying to imitate your manner of sound pronunciation. Any violation of the speech of adults can be the cause of children's speech therapy errors. Imitation and copying for children are the same ways of learning about the experience of adults as games or guided learning. Watch your own articulation.
  • Only in a fifth of cases we are talking about really significant difficulties for two reasons: general underdevelopment, inhibiting the formation of speech; hearing impairment and sound reproduction apparatus.

Advice. If you suspect that you will not be able to cope on your own, do not postpone a visit to a specialist. It is more difficult to get rid of the habit of fuzzy pronunciation of a sound than to form the correct pronunciation immediately.

When you can not do without a speech therapist

If the child is unable to speak clearly, his speech is incoherent or too illegible, it is worth seeking the advice of a teacher-psychologist, and then a speech therapist. There are two factors to be considered:

  • the level of formation and readiness of the speech apparatus;
  • level of mental development in accordance with age.

Deviations in at least one factor should be considered as a reason for training with a specialist. Visit them for at least some time and ask for parenting advice on how to work from home. What exercises to use, how to normalize the formation of speech, communication and development in general.

If there is an underdevelopment or defect of the articulatory apparatus, dysfunction of some of its parts, a speech therapist will definitely be needed. Speech therapy massage in combination with articulation exercises is very effective. At home, a speech therapist gives elements of such a massage, depending on the problem. Speech therapy probes are applicable only in the specialist's office.

Sometimes you need to visit a neurologist (for disorders of the National Assembly, changes in the GM, autism spectrum disorders and cerebral palsy, impaired perception and reproduction of information). A method that may be recommended by a neurologist is pharmacological assistance. In some cases, the use of drugs really gives impetus to the development of the necessary brain structures and, accordingly, speech function.

A special place in the formation of sound pronunciation is given to work with deaf children. Their training is based on a special methodology, parents are specially trained in it as part of rehabilitation courses.

Fortunately, serious level problems are rare, and most cases of improper hissing can be dealt with at home by purchasing a ready-made set of didactic pictures or watching video tutorials.

In working on hissing from a child, perseverance and attentiveness are required. These are complex sounds. It is even more difficult for parents: they must maintain self-control, a friendly attitude and endurance along with perseverance and method. But the main element in this work is your love and desire to help.

Valuable Literature. There are several books with the general title "Help Your Baby Speak". These manuals provide comprehensive information on how to teach a child to say the letter "Sh" and others.

Correcting the pronunciation of each sound, of course, is more correct in isolation, in a separate exercise. But the best way to reinforce any skill is to bring it into real life and connect it with others. That is why everything starts with individual sounds, then they add up to syllables, words, phrases and sentences. Thus, the child understands that everything is interconnected, and everything that adults teach is really necessary.

Do not send your child to a class or group where they study foreign languages ​​until he has mastered the sounds of his native language. In no case do not form a negative attitude towards speech defects. This will not only reduce the motivation to study, but can also make the student closed, affect his self-esteem.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the first

Difficult, but possible. You can learn to pronounce the correct sound quickly enough. The difficulty lies in the fact that for quite a long time you will have to constantly control yourself during a conversation. You will have to change the automatic skill that has been established for years.

  • Download video "Your own speech therapist. Course of speech self-correction for adults."

    Because of what, the pronunciation of sounds in adults can be disturbed?

    Quite often, this is the result of a habit that has been ingrained since childhood. As a rule, such a habit is accompanied by weakness and a slight lack of coordination of the organs of articulation: tongue, lips, lower jaw. Often there are various defects in the structure of the speech apparatus (they can be determined by a dentist or orthodontist): malocclusion, shortened hyoid ligament (“bridle”), high palatine vault, etc.

    More serious causes of sound disturbance are usually determined in childhood.

    Can you correct your pronunciation yourself?

    It is best, of course, to study under the guidance of an experienced speech therapist. The specialist will help to cope with the problem as quickly and efficiently as possible. You should also see a speech therapist if you have:

    Violated not one or two, but three or more sounds;

    Violations of the structure of the speech apparatus are possible (malocclusion, short "bridle", etc., see above);

    At least a slight hearing loss;

    neurological problems;

    Speech problems appeared after an injury or severe stress.

    If the above is “not about you”, you can try to do it yourself. However, remember that if there are no results after two or three weeks of regular self-study, you should still seek help from a speech therapist. You may need a few tips, after which you will continue to work independently. Or it may turn out that in your case you need deeper help than it seems at first glance, and only a qualified specialist can provide it.

    Where to begin?

    From determining which sounds need to be corrected. Sometimes people do not notice the shortcomings of their own pronunciation, and learn about them from the words of other people or by recording their speech on a voice recorder. Hearing yourself speak from the outside is a good way to determine which sounds are disturbed in you. For example, you can use the following words and phrases.

    1. A group of whistling (violated, as a rule, all together) - [s], [s], [ts].

    Mow, scythe, until the dew has dried.
    Zina saw different animals at the zoo.
    At the end of the village, an acacia blossoms.

    2. A group of hissing (can be violated both together and separately) - [w], [g], [h], [u].

    Natasha has a new fur coat and hat.
    The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.
    Seagulls were crying at the pier.
    Wolves roam, looking for food.

    2. Sound [l].

    Klava put a white scarf over her head.
    Lenya's left knee hurts.

    3. Sound [p].

    Ships unload in the port.
    Marina will bring walnuts.

    4. All sounds.

    Galin's black puppy frolics near the house.
    Grandmother dries wet clothes on a clothesline.
    Eat some more of those soft French buns and have some tea.

    You can start with any of the disturbed sounds. The main thing is to work on the sounds in turn, and not on all at once. That is, only after one is fixed, you can move on to the next.

    The audio workflow

    includes four required steps:
    - preparatory;
    - the stage of setting the sound;
    - stage of automation;
    - stage of differentiation;
    and also one additional step:
    - the introduction of sound into speech.
    Why it is optional will be discussed below.

    When going through all these stages, continuity and consistency are very important. You cannot skip a stage or move on to the next without mastering the previous one. The result will obviously not please you.

    Preparatory stage.

    Helps to prepare the speech apparatus for the correct pronunciation of sound. Start by learning the correct articulation of the sound, i.e. what position the organs of speech occupy and how they move when pronouncing each particular sound. Perhaps you will immediately get the right sound. If not, you will have to do special exercises of articulation gymnastics, but first, be sure to read the recommendations for its implementation. The articulation pattern of the most frequently disturbed sounds, as well as special gymnastics exercises, can be found in the section "These difficult sounds! .."

    After the speech organs are sufficiently prepared (the exercises are performed clearly, without errors, at a fairly fast pace), you can proceed to setting the sound.

    Sound stage.

    Sound staging can be carried out in various ways, depending on the articulation of each particular sound. For recommendations on staging a particular sound, see the section “These difficult sounds!..”.

    The ultimate goal of this stage is to establish the correct pronunciation of the isolated sound. A sound is considered delivered if you can correctly pronounce it in isolation, i.e. growl: "r-r-r", hiss "sh-sh-sh", etc.


    The delivered sound must be automated, that is, to bring its pronunciation in speech to automatism.

    Automation begins with the pronunciation of syllables - direct (ra, ro, ru, sha, sho, shu, etc.) and reverse (ar, op, ur, ash, osh, ush ...). At first, it is more convenient to pronounce the syllables at a slow pace, stretching out all the sounds, as if singing them - aaa-rrr, rrr-aaa. This allows the organs of speech to take the correct, but not yet quite familiar position for them. Gradually, the rate of pronunciation of syllables can be increased, bringing it closer to the normal rate of speech and even a little faster.

    After successfully automating the sound in syllables, you can move on to words, and then to sentences. Do not rush to immediately take on tongue twisters. This is the most difficult, and therefore the last part of the automation stage, you need to prepare well for it. Material for automating the most frequently disturbed sounds is also in the section “Those difficult sounds!..”.


    This is a distinction, a distinction between similar sounds, for example, [p] and [l], [s] and [sh]. At the stage of differentiation, we learn not to confuse these sounds in speech. This stage is especially important for those who mix these sounds in their speech or mixed them before. However, the rest should not be neglected by differentiation.

    We start differentiation, as well as automation, with distinguishing sounds in syllables (ra-la, so-sho), then move on to words (horns-spoons, bowl-bear) and phrases. At this stage, you can actively use tongue twisters (Sasha walked along the highway. Karl stole corals from Clara, etc.) We also have materials for differentiating different sounds on our website.

    The stages described above must be completed in order to learn how to pronounce this or that sound correctly. As a rule, after the completion of the last stage, children already freely use the previously disturbed sound in their speech. However, this is not always the case in adults. In this case, another type of work comes to the rescue.

    The introduction of sound into speech.

    The introduction of sound into speech is well facilitated by memorizing verses containing words with the desired sound, retelling texts and compiling stories (oral compositions). Since the sound/sounds are introduced into speech already after the stage of differentiation, work is carried out, as a rule, immediately on a group of sounds, for example, a group of whistlers, a group of hissing, sonors ([p] and [l]), etc.

    Work on the text.

    1. Take any text. It is better if it contains words and expressions that you often have to use in your professional activities. For example, you can use a report that will be presented to colleagues or just text from a specialized textbook. But, in principle, any literary text or newspaper article is also suitable.

    2. Read the selected text to yourself, underlining all the letters that appear, denoting the desired sound / sounds. Please note that in Russian, many letters can represent not one, but several sounds. So, for example, the letter “z” can mean the sound [z] in the word “castle”, the soft sound [z '] in the word “winter”, the sound [s] in the word “frost”, the soft sound [s '] in the word "nail". The letter “h” in some words is read as a sound [w]: “what”, “to”, “of course”, etc.

    3. Read the text aloud several times, trying to pronounce the desired sound/sounds correctly.

    4. Retell, trying to pronounce the sounds correctly.

    Oral essay.

    It can be a story on any topic, such as "How I spent my weekend" or "A proposal to increase sales during the economic crisis."

    1. Plan your story. You can sketch it on paper, or you can keep it in your head.

    2. Think about what words with the desired sound / sounds can be found there.

    3. Tell, trying to pronounce the sounds correctly. Record your story on a voice recorder.

    4. Listen to the recording. Were all the sounds pronounced correctly in all the words?

    5. Work on the mistakes, if any. Write down on paper the words that were pronounced incorrectly and say them out loud, trying to pronounce them correctly.

    6. Tell your composition again, trying to pronounce the sounds correctly.

    If you find that you are stuck at any stage for more than a month, or you have questions, consult a speech therapist for advice.

  • Hissing sounds (W, W, W, H) are not always obtained even in a six-year-old child. Instead of the word "bump" you can hear "investigation", "fyfka", "poke", "snicker". These are different variants of the incorrect pronunciation of the sound Sh.

    In order to correctly pronounce the sound Sh, the tongue must take a certain position in the oral cavity. It is certainly wide, the front edge of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the hard palate near the upper front incisors, the lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars. It is important that the tongue is absolutely symmetrical, otherwise the lateral pronunciation of hissing may result.

    The sounds of speech are acquired by the child in a certain sequence. Moreover, the first child begins to pronounce not the sounds that he hears more often, but those that are easier for him to pronounce. Lifting the tip of the tongue up becomes possible for a child at the age of about three years. Therefore, hissing sounds appear in speech at 3-4 years.

    Before trying to teach your child to hiss on your own, we recommend that you undergo a speech therapy examination by a specialist. Perhaps the shortened hyoid frenulum does not allow the tongue to rise up. The tone of the muscles of the tongue can be the cause of the lateral pronunciation. Only a specialist can handle such features of the organs of articulation.

    If the organs of articulation of your baby are in order, we offer you the following plan of action. The sequence of work is strictly defined. Do not rush to move from one point to the next.

    1. Articulation gymnastics. (See Appendix 1)

    First of all, it is necessary to prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation. A specially selected complex of articulation gymnastics will help you with this. In the course of performing articulation exercises, the baby must learn to make the tongue wide, lift it up, blow out the air in the middle of the tongue, while keeping the lips extended. All exercises should be performed without coercion, in a playful way, fun and interesting. Children learn only by imitation. Therefore, before starting classes, learn all the necessary exercises yourself in front of the mirror. Exercises are learned gradually, adding new ones. Articulatory gymnastics should be performed daily, using any routine moments (washing, brushing teeth, dressing, walking, playing). It is important to achieve a clear and correct implementation. A small child quickly switches from one type of activity to another, so it is better to perform exercises in 2-3, but more often during the day. The main thing is to maintain interest and not overwork the baby. Gymnastics can be performed to music, or accompanying exercises with poetic texts. After the exercises are easily completed, you can proceed to the second step.

    2. Calling the sound Sh.

    We draw your attention to the observance of the "secret" of sound. Don't say what sound you're going to make. We will not learn to say the sound Sh, we will learn to hiss like a snake.

    We offer you several ways to call the sound Sh.
    1. Hissing is the privilege of a snake. Therefore, it is worth depicting it using the hand. She will be a snake: the hand is the head, everything else is a flexible body. Here is a "snake" crawling on the table. Then he raises his head, makes a stance (resting on his elbow), pulls his head forward, and, opening his mouth, hisses: “Sh-sh-sh-…. At the same time, it is worth paying the attention of the child to the fact that the tongue - the “cup” is raised up, and the lips are pulled forward by the tube. If the baby finds it difficult to stretch his lips, help him - press with your thumb and middle fingers on his cheeks in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe molars, the tongue from the inside will press closer to the molars, and the lips will come forward as a "mouthpiece". We teach the snake to talk - we use cards with symbols or letters of vowel sounds (SHSHSH - SHA, SHSHSH - SHE, SHSHSH - SHO, SHSHSH -SHU).
    2. We ask the child to make a “cup” out of the tongue. We lean the “edge of the cup” - the wide tip of the tongue, against the points of the upper teeth. There is very hot tea in the cup, you need to blow on the edge of the cup to cool the tea. Exhalation should be felt on the palm of your hand placed to your mouth. An indistinct whistling sound will be heard. Now the cup must be carefully brought into the mouth, so as not to spill the tea. The “edge of the cup” slides from the tips of the upper teeth along the inside of the incisors, then along the palate to the alveoli. All this time we do not stop blowing "on the edge of the cup." The whistling sound will turn into a hissing sound. When you hear the sound Sh, tell the child that this is how the snake hisses. In the future, let the child immediately put the “edge of the cup” to the alveoli and “hisses”. "Hissing falls" on the palm, it is "hot". We round and stretch our lips - a full-fledged Sh will come out. We teach the snake to speak in syllables.
    3. If the child has the correct C sound, we ask him to “whistle like a mosquito”. The lips are in a smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible. Without interrupting the whistling, the child's tongue moves from the inner surface of the lower incisors to the inner surface of the upper incisors, and further to the alveoli. The mosquito must crawl, constantly feeling the road with its proboscis, so as not to go astray, because it is dark in the mouth. The mosquito must turn into another creature, we propose to find out together into whom it will turn. First, a fuzzy hissing sound will be heard. When the tongue reaches the alveoli, an almost full-fledged sound of Sh will be obtained. The mosquito has turned into a snake and hisses. It remains only to round and stretch the lips forward (on their own or with the help of fingers). We teach the snake to talk.
    4. The child puts the wide tip of the tongue to the outer surface of the alveoli and pulls the sound T for a long time. It is followed by a hissing sound. Let the child aim this sound at his palm. While the child is pulling the sound T and the hissing one following it, I will open my mouth. Please put the upper incisors on the lower ones. An almost full-fledged Sh will appear. The hiss should fall on the palm of a wide hot stream. Then you need to immediately hiss like a snake without the reference sound T. The lips are in a wide smile, opening the upper and lower incisors. While the child is "hissing", use your thumb and middle fingers to press on his cheeks, thereby pushing his lips forward with a "mouthpiece". The sound Sh will become quite accurate. In the future, the child will learn to pronounce the sound himself without aids. We teach the "snake" to talk.
    5. If your child correctly pronounces the sound R, i.e., the wide tongue is behind the upper teeth and only the tip of the tongue vibrates, you can use R to evoke the sound Sh. The lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible, the child pulls the sound R. We ask you to pronounce the same sound, but in a whisper, so that the tongue stops its vibration. The sound Sh will be heard. We tell the child that the snake “hisses” like that. Round the lips. We fix the sound in syllables.
    Having learned to pronounce the isolated sound Sh, we remember and look for what and who else can hiss. A punctured tire hisses, an angry cat and a goose, tree leaves rustle in the wind, fallen autumn leaves underfoot, a mouse scratches under the floor.

    3. Automation of sound in syllables and words.

    When automating sound in words, you should exclude those words in which there are sounds that your baby does not pronounce. Those. if the child does not say the sound P, we do not offer him the word BALL.

    Direct syllables (SHA, SHO, SHU, SHE, SHI, SHU)
    = in intervocalic position (ASHA, OSHO, WUSHU, ESHE, ISHI, WUSHU)
    = reverse syllables (АШ, ОШ, УШ, ЕШ, ИШ, УШ)

    4. Automation of sound in sentences, poems and coherent speech.

    This work is carried out gradually, according to the principle: from simple to complex.

    5. Differentiation of sounds.

    This stage of work is necessary if initially your baby replaced the sound Ш with some other one (as a rule, this is the sound C - “sapka”, “masina”).

    Speech therapy notebooks will help you to automate and differentiate sounds (see Appendix)
    Annex 1.

    A complex of articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds

    1. Window.

    Open the mouth wide, the tongue lies freely in the mouth, the tip is at the lower teeth. Hold your mouth in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Close your mouth, keep it closed for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 3-5 times.

    2. Fence.

    The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

    3. Tube.

    The teeth are closed. The lips are pulled forward. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

    4. Proboscis (Doughnut).

    The teeth are closed. The lips are extended forward and rounded. The upper and lower incisors are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

    5. Alternating "Smiles", "Tubes", "Donuts" in different order. Hold each articulatory pose for 4-8 seconds, up to 5 repetitions.

    6. Punish naughty tongue + pancake.

    smile. Open your mouth. Calmly put the tongue on the lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, make the sounds of py-py-py. Keep a relaxed tongue in a calm position counting from 1 to 10. The mouth is slightly open. Lips are not tense, do not stretch into a wide smile. The lower lip does not stretch over the lower teeth. The tongue does not protrude far, it only covers the lower lip. Repeat 3-5 times.

    7. Pancake + delicious jam.

    smile. Open your mouth. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Raise a wide tongue to the upper lip. From top to bottom, remove the tongue behind the upper teeth. Close your mouth. The tongue does not shrink. The lower jaw is immobile. 5-10 repetitions.

    8. Swing.

    Big swing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the nose, and then lower it to the chin.
    Little swing. The mouth is open, but the tongue moves inside the mouth. The wide tip of the tongue touches the inside of the upper incisors, then the inside of the lower incisors. Repeat 5-10 times.

    9. Cup.

    Mouth open wide. Make a “Pancake”, lift the tip of the tongue and the side edges up, giving the tongue the shape of a “Cup”. Hold the count from 1 to 10. Put the Cup in your mouth by the upper teeth and hold the count from 1 to 5.

    10. Painter.

    Open your mouth, stroke the palate with a wide tip of the tongue, making movements back and forth (from the teeth deep into the oral cavity and back). The “brush” tongue paints the “ceiling”. Repeat 6-8 times.

    11. Sore finger.

    Put a wide flat tip of the tongue between the lips (i.e., the lips lightly hold the tip of the tongue) and blow on the finger. The air should go down the middle of the tongue through a small gap between the tongue and the upper lip. Take a deep breath and a long smooth exhalation. Cheeks do not puff out. Repeat 3-5 times.

    12. Horse.

    The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press a wide tongue against the palate, tear it off with a click. Make sure that the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw does not move. The pace of the horse's clatter slows down, then speeds up.

    13. Fungus.

    The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with the entire plane against the palate (the tongue sticks) and hold in this position counting from 1 to 10. The hyoid frenulum of the tongue is the “leg” of the mushroom, the tongue is its “hat”. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the palate, the lips do not stretch over the teeth. Repeat 3-5 times.

    14. Accordion.

    The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. A wide tongue is pressed against the palate (the tongue is sucked) and, without lowering the tongue, open and close the mouth. When opening the mouth, the lips are in a smile and remain motionless, the tongue does not sag. 5-10 repetitions.

    15. Focus.

    Put a small piece of cotton wool on the tip of the nose, stick out the tongue from the mouth, give it the shape of a cup and blow on the tip of the nose so that the cotton wool flies high up. The air stream when blowing is directed upward from the tongue. Repeat 4-5 times.

    Appendix 2

    Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual for speech therapy. Universal guide. M.: T. Dmitrieva, 2015. - 160 p.
    Zhikhareva-Norkina Yu.B. Home notebook for speech therapy classes with children: a guide for speech therapists and parents. Issue 7. Sounds of Sh, Zh. M .: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2005. - 136 p.
    Komarova L.A. Automation of sound Ш in game exercises. Album preschooler. M.: Gnome, 2015.- 32 p.
    Azova E.A., Chernova O.O. Home speech therapy notebook. Learning the sounds of Sh, Zh. M .: TC Sphere, 2010.- 32 p.
    Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home notebook number 3 to consolidate the pronunciation of hissing sounds. M.: Gnome, 2007.- 36 p.

    The article was prepared by Stepanova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher - speech therapist of the speech correction center "Speech therapist and I", Ulyanovsk