How to clean long fur at home. How to clean an arctic fox product at home? How to clean natural fur

The period of service for hats and fur coats is different. Rabbit fur loses its appearance most quickly - up to 4 years old, a fox fur coat can be worn for 6-7 years, a mink hat - 10-12, and otter and beaver fur, which can be worn up to 20 years, will last the longest. During this entire period, the fur product can get dirty and lose its original shine. It will be possible to get rid of dirt and restore its former beauty in the simplest ways, and at home, independently, without resorting to dry cleaning.

When to clean fur

Cleaning of fur products is resorted to in the following cases if:

  • there is dirt on the surface from dust with a coating;
  • the uniform structure of the color is lost;
  • there are debris particles between the hairs;
  • tangled lumps are formed and the tips of the hairs are split.

Self-cleaning of the fur is possible only if it is not too dirty. Otherwise, of course, it is better to find a specialized dry cleaner and entrust your fur to her.

What is forbidden to do at home

It is forbidden to independently conduct the following experiments with a fur thing:

  • wash and wash stains with washing powder or detergents;
  • dry fur over heating devices or near a fire (it should be dried in a carefully ventilated room in a natural way);
  • clean fur with a vacuum cleaner;
  • iron with an iron - the fur will even itself out in an independent way.

It is better to clean and dry fur products in spring and summer, when it is warm and there is a possibility of natural drying. It is also not recommended to dry the fur in direct sunlight, as it will lose its natural color.

  • Before starting the cleaning procedure, the fur product is not strongly knocked out, and then cleaned with a special brush;
  • If the fur is crumpled, it is better to moisten it with a sponge. Then the fur is combed, allowed to dry and, after complete drying, knock out;
  • Potato skins are excellent cleansers. It should be thoroughly washed and mixed with a few drops of ammonia. The mixture is distributed to the contaminated place, lightly rubbed with a brush, washed off and wiped;
  • To restore the softness of the rough fur surface over time, take glycerin, liquid paraffin and egg yolk. Mix everything and add 250 ml of warm water. With the resulting composition, wipe the leather base of the fur, dry, crumple and pull slightly in different directions;
  • You can return a beautiful shine using a cloth dipped in vinegar essence glycerin, lemon juice or citric acid. A fur product should be treated with one of the above substances, and then thoroughly wiped with a napkin;
  • You can clean the faux fur with a soap solution: dilute 2 tablespoons of synthetic fabric detergent in 1 liter of water. Beat the foam and, applying it to the brush, rub the fur over the pile. The remains of the solution are removed with a slightly damp cotton cloth;
  • Artificial fur should be treated with antistatic aerosols. They will help protect the fur from dirt and remove electrostatic charges that attract dust.

Fur cleaning at home

Even if a fur product is in a case in a closet, it is still not insured against contamination, at least with the same dust. Fur shops sell special brushes that can be used to clean fur. She can just comb the villi. A more thorough cleaning of the fur is carried out in different ways, depending on which animal the fur product is sewn from.

  • Give shine to the mink

The first thing for a mink fur is to give it back its shine. It is lost as a result of the leaching of the fat composition. To do this, dissolve 100 g of fish or pork fat and 10 g of soap in 1 liter of boiled water. After stirring, add 10 drops of ammonia and cool the mixture to room temperature (30-35 degrees). The mixture is then applied to the fur using a brush.

  • How to clean a Arctic fox

Take 1 small spoonful of ammonia and the same 3 tablespoons of table salt for half a liter of water, mix. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and start gently removing the stain. The last stage is drying the fur product.

  • Rabbit cleaning

Mix acetic acid and hydrogen peroxide (both 5%). A cotton swab is moistened and the surface is treated in the direction of villus growth. At the end of cleaning, remove the remaining solution without touching the leather base of the thing.

  • How to clean goat fur

The goat fur is cleaned with cool soapy water, then wiped with a damp cloth. After the procedure, the product is dried.

  • Doodle lightening

Hydrogen peroxide (3-5%) will help to lighten the yellowed karakul. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of it in a glass of water and drip a few drops of ammonia.

  • Cleaning beaver and otter fur

For cleaning, the fur product is placed on a clean horizontal surface and sprinkled with hot sand. Then rub it gently with the palm of your hand. The dirty sand is shaken off and clean sand is re-poured. This is done several times.

How to clean dark fur

For dark fur products, ordinary bran and walnuts are perfect. The bran is heated in the oven up to 60-70 degrees. Then gently rub them into the fur, collecting all the dirt. The thing is shaken off. The nuts are crushed and the resulting powder is tied in a gauze cloth and folded in 2 times. With this swab, wipe the fur in the direction of the villi. Walnut oil nourishes the pile well, giving it a lively and spectacular shine. At the end of cleaning, the product is combed with a special bristle brush.

Cleaning light fur

In order to clean light natural fur, you can use the following methods:

  1. Starch is the best cleaning agent for white fur coats, collars or hats made from natural fur. Having sprinkled it abundantly directly on the fur, the product is gently crumpled until the powder collects all the dust. Then the thing is shaken and combed. The procedure is repeated a couple more times.
  2. Wheat or rye bran, semolina, or potato flour are also good for peeling white fur. Sprinkle abundantly with one of the indicated adsorbents and rub gently in the palms of the hands along with the fur. Then the product is shaken and cleaned with a soft brush.
  3. To prevent the white fur from turning yellow, it is wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. To do this, take a large spoonful of peroxide and stir it in a liter of water. Gently blot the villi, then dry. It is recommended to wipe the fur that has turned yellow over time with a more concentrated solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  4. To remove a greasy stain on a white fur product, you should dissolve a teaspoon of ammonia and 3 small tablespoons of sodium chloride in half a liter of water.

Care should be taken to maintain the proportions between the fur cleaning agents. Although they help remove dirt and stains, too much alcohol, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide can ruin a fur product.

An otter or beaver fur coat will last the longest: up to 20 seasons. Slightly less durable mink: 10 seasons. Squirrel and rabbit have the shortest lifespan: 2–4 years. But with proper care, fur items can retain their gloss for much longer.

How to tell if the fur is dirty

Spots and yellowness are visible immediately. The hair dryer test will help to determine the degree of general contamination of the thing and to find the most greasy areas.

Hang the fur coat on a hanger and blow cold air from a hair dryer at it. Do the villi fly freely, and then easily fall into place? The fur is clean. If not, you need to clean it.

But first, remember that in no case should you do with fur products.

Taboo when cleaning fur

  1. The fur cannot be washed! If the flesh (the skin that holds the fur) gets wet, it can become rough and cracked. In this case, the product is deformed and bald.
  2. The fur must not be dried with a hairdryer, on a radiator or in direct sunlight! Can only be used outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Fur is not allowed! Even from the inside out.
  4. Fur cannot be cleaned with household chemicals to remove rust, washing powders with enzymes, bleaches.

Before using any other product, test it on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, under the arms.

How to get rid of dust

Even in a well-closed case, a fur coat or vest can get dusty. Therefore, before storing a fur item, as well as before wearing, refresh it.

Spread a damp cotton white sheet on the floor. Put the fur coat on top and knock it out well first from one side and then from the other side. After that, hang it on a hanger and comb it.

If the fur is tangled and matted, sprinkle the item with warm water from a spray bottle and let dry. Then comb through. The pile will fall into place. For the same purpose, you can gently walk on the fur with a steamer.

How to restore shine to fur

To make your fur coat or collar play in the sun again, treat them with a solution of lemon juice or table vinegar (not essence!).

Dilute lemon juice or table vinegar in water in a 1: 1 ratio. Use a sponge or soft natural cloth to treat the fur. It is important that the sponge or rag is wrung out well. The pile should not be wetted, but wiped off.

When the product is dry, comb it. The effectiveness of this remedy is especially noticeable on the mink.

Another way to bring back its shine is to use walnuts. Chop the kernels, wrap them in cheesecloth and rub the fur. The released nut oil will refresh the look of the product.

In most cases, the measures described - knocking out and returning the shine - are enough to make the fur coat, hat or vest look like new. But with natural fur, more serious problems can arise. It may turn yellow, greasy, and stained.

How to get rid of yellowness

Over time, light fur, as well as fur with a white pile on the tips (silver fox, chinchilla and others) acquires a yellow tint. The product immediately loses its presentability.

There are several ways to remove yellowness from fur.

  1. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of table salt and ½ tablespoon of ammonia in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution using a well wrung out soft cloth. Dry and comb.
  2. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of warm water. Apply the solution to the product, let dry, comb.
  3. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of pet shampoo in a glass of warm water. Whip up the lather and use a sponge to apply it to the nap. After 5 minutes, remove the foam with a sponge or cloth soaked in clean water. Dry and comb.

Products with a short nap can be wiped both over wool and against. On long fur, cleaning agents are applied according to its growth, after which the pile can be tousled.

When removing greasy deposits and stains, the color of the natural fur is also important.

How to clean white fur

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Starch, talc and semolina help fight grease and greasy spots on white fur. They absorb dirt and unpleasant odors.

Take starch (semolina or talcum powder) and sprinkle on the contaminated area. Using a soft brush, spread the substance between the fibers or gently remember the fur with your hands, as if you were washing. Shake the product well to remove any residue.

The dirtier the fur, the darker the starch, talcum powder or semolina will be. The procedure must be repeated several times until the substance stops getting dirty.

It is even more effective if starch, talcum powder or cereals are heated before cleaning. This can be done in a dry skillet or microwave.

It is important to remove all residues of the product, otherwise it will become food for moths. Therefore, the product can not only be well shaken, but also vacuumed with a low-power vacuum cleaner. For example, the one used to clean the keyboard.

How to clean dark fur

To combat dirt on dark fur, the same method is used, but different absorbents.

  1. Rye bran. Suitable for coarse fur (nutria, goat, wolf).
  2. Sawdust. Ideal for muskrat and otter fur. But in no case should you use softwood sawdust: they contain resins.
  3. Sand. It copes well with dirt on the fur of a mole and beaver.

How to remove stains from fur

Stains on fur clothing can be of a different nature and origin. For example, natural suede bags willingly give color to fur if worn on the shoulder. You can get dirty with the sauce when you eat on the run, or put a blot on with a clerical pen.

You can remove a stain from dark fur with gasoline (the white will turn yellow). Refined gasoline with a high octane number. Sometimes it is applied neat, but more often it is mixed with starch or with washing powder without enzymes to the consistency of sour cream. A couple of minutes after application, the mixture must be removed with a sponge dipped in clean water, and the product must be dried and combed.

Stains from light fur can be removed with acetone or alcohol, as well as mixing liquids with starch or baking soda.

The stronger the dye and the older the stain, the more difficult it is to deal with at home. If the above methods did not work, do not experiment: take the fur coat to.

How to care for your flesh

If you notice that the leather base of the fur is roughened, do the following procedure.

Dissolve a little glycerin or petroleum jelly with egg yolk in a liter of warm water. With the resulting mixture, wipe the product from the inside out. Remember a little and stretch the flesh. Then remove the rest of the mixture and lay the garment to dry, inside out.

How to clean faux fur

With faux fur products, everything is easier and more complicated at the same time.

Easier because they can be washed. It is desirable by hand, but it is also possible in a machine with a delicate mode (up to 40 degrees, up to 600 revolutions) using gentle powders and without spinning.

More difficult because it is difficult to guess with a mechanical cleaner.

Do not use vinegar or acetone to clean faux fur.

Otherwise, you can use all the same methods as for natural fur.

Do you know other life hacks for the care of natural and artificial fur? Share them in the comments.

Raccoon fur is extremely practical and, with proper care, is ideal for many years to wear. However, like all furs, after a couple of years, raccoon fur may also fade and no longer look as attractive as before.

The collar is the place that gets dirty the most. After all, we constantly touch it with our hands: we take it by the collar, taking the product out of the closet, wrap ourselves in the collar in a gust of strong wind and simply stroke ourselves on the collar, admiring our reflection in the mirror.

That is why the fur of the collar requires the most careful care for it. Of all types of fur, the raccoon is the most whimsical. Having a lush pile, it absorbs dirt very quickly, so many women ask a reasonable question how to clean a raccoon collar.

Before going to dry cleaning, you can try home cleaning by following the instructions below.

We prepare a solution consisting of gasoline and starch to form a gruel. Gently rub the resulting mixture into the pile and leave the product so that the gruel is completely absorbed. After a while, the smell of gasoline will disappear, and one starch will remain on the surface of the collar, which should be thoroughly knocked out of the pile. If there are grease stains on the collar, use the following cleaning method.
The solution is prepared in a ratio of one to three (1 teaspoon of alcohol to 3 teaspoons of salt), diluted in half a liter of water. Using a cotton swab, we treat the contaminated areas with the resulting solution, after which you should thoroughly rinse the pile with clean water. We leave the product to dry naturally, away from heating appliances.
If there is yellowness on the tips of the pile, wipe the product with a solution of hydrogen peroxide obtained from 1 tablespoon of peroxide diluted in a full glass of water. Spray the liquid over the collar and let it dry. How to clean a raccoon collar if it has lost its original shine?
In such a situation, cleaning the fur with a cloth dipped in vinegar will help, which will revive the color and give the product its former shine. Simple glycerin also helps to give the collar a gloss, with which it is necessary to periodically lubricate the ends of the pile so that they do not fade. If, nevertheless, you are an adherent of dry cleaning of fur, use starch or ordinary talcum powder for work.
This procedure should be carried out in a well-ventilated area; for this, go out at least to the balcony. Sprinkle adsorbent all over the collar and comb the bristles with a thin comb, and then knock out the product with your hands. Particles of starch and talcum powder absorb dirt well, so the collar will look much better after cleaning. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to clean fur at home? Given the great popularity of fur products in the harsh Russian winter, this question is asked by millions of people. Of course, unprofessional cleaning of valuable natural fur, especially of light colors, can harm the products, but if you approach the process thoughtfully and carefully, then even a mink or sable at home is clean without much difficulty.

It is important to remember that the means used often depend on the type of fur, and therefore, before using any folk remedy, it is better to consult with experts.

When organizing the cleaning process at home, it should be remembered that the fur of different animals in its structure can differ significantly from each other.

Products made from natural fur belong to the category of goods with a high value, and they provide their presentability with an attractive rich appearance, emphasizing the wealth of the owner. Naturally, any pollution in such circumstances is considered a major flaw, which should be immediately dealt with, effectively deciding how to clean natural fur at home.

Products made from natural fur belong to the category of goods with a high value, and they provide their presentability with an attractive rich appearance, emphasizing the wealth of the owner.

The most popular is the fur of fur-bearing animals such as arctic fox, fox, mink, chinchilla, muskrat, cat, sable, marten. Cheaper fur is provided by rabbits and nutria. Natural sheepskin and astrakhan fur are widely used. Features of the appearance are provided by the following parameters: thickness and length of the hairline, shine, softness, color, quality and strength of the skin base, tendency to curl pile.

Large and small items of clothing and footwear are produced from fur or using fur elements. Large items include fur coats, sheepskin coats, coats, capes, coats, jackets, vests, etc. Of the small items, hats, collars, gloves, capes, muffs, boots, and finishing elements can be especially noted. Naturally, the question of how to clean fur at home largely depends on the size of the product. Large things are difficult to bring to the proper form at home, and therefore dry cleaners are often preferred. But for smaller products, the problem of how to clean the fur at home must be solved independently.

Cleaning a sheepskin coat at home

The reasons for the need for cleaning can be different. The following factors are recognized as the most typical:

  • significant dust formation with the formation of plaque;
  • loss of color uniformity as a result of contamination;
  • the appearance of debris among the pile;
  • loss of natural shine and silkiness;
  • the presence of lumps, nodules and other felt formations;
  • the appearance of noticeable spots;
  • yellowness on light tones and whiteness on dark fur.

Owners of things made of white fur find themselves in the most difficult conditions, where the slightest yellowness or grayness is striking.

When organizing the cleaning process at home, it should be remembered that the fur of different animals in its structure can differ significantly from each other. Don't look for all-purpose cleaners. The question of how to clean mink fur at home is solved differently than, for example, the question of how to clean rabbit fur at home. Each type of fur product has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when planning work.

Basic principles of the process

The cleaning process can be based on mechanical and chemical principles. Mechanical methods of cleaning fur include the removal of various lumps, hair nodules by combing out. Mechanical methods include the use of a brush to remove dust and dirt. Another option is the use of abrasive materials (starch, semolina, chalk, talc), which actually abrade the dirt (grinding, polishing).

Starch for cleaning fur products

Chemical technologies are based on the use of various substances capable of dissolving fats and other contaminants or reacting with them to form easily removable compounds.

For cleaning fur products

Even washing a product with a detergent can be attributed to chemical attack. When cleaning, various substances perform the following tasks:

  • dissolving grease, paint and other noticeable contaminants;
  • restoration of the natural shine and silkiness of the pile;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin base and others.

Basic requirements for the tools and techniques used:

  • safety for humans;
  • elimination of violation of the structure of the pile and skin base, as well as woven areas when cleaning combined clothing;
  • ensuring the consistency of color and its saturation.

Important! It is especially important that when cleaning light-colored items, streaks do not occur.

In principle, the cleaning process can only affect a specific area (local or local cleaning) or extend to the entire product (general cleaning).

Semolina for cleaning fur products

On a note! If stains are present, local cleaning is usually used.

Features of care for light fur

How to clean light-colored fur at home?

Care for light fur

This is a difficult, but completely solvable task that requires the utmost care. We can recommend the following technologies for cleaning white and light fur products:

  1. Wipe with detergent. It is best to use a shampoo formulated for washing pets, especially dogs. This product is diluted with warm water, after which a woven swab is impregnated with it. Having wrung out a little, it is necessary to process the fur with a swab, passing in the direction of the pile. After wiping, the fur is soaked with a dry towel and hung out to dry in a natural way. Artificial acceleration of drying is not recommended.
  2. Abrasive technique. Dirt can be removed with hardwood sawdust (even better mixed with pine needles). To increase the effectiveness of the impact and eliminate mechanical scratching, the sawdust is impregnated with gasoline. After that, they are evenly distributed over the fur surface and gently rubbed into the fur by hand. After completing the procedure, shaking and combing the thing is done.

Rubbing alcohol for cleaning fur clothes

  1. The chemical effect on dirty light fur is provided by a mixture of baking soda and medical alcohol. The proportion of alcohol-soda is selected in the order of 3: 1. A sponge made of foam rubber is impregnated with such a composition, and then with its help the fur is processed in the direction of the pile.
  2. In the fight against yellowness on white fur, a solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) will help. This solution is half diluted with water and evenly applied to the products, preferably with a spray bottle. Drying of fur is carried out only at room temperature. When carrying out the procedure, you should remember one condition: the composition should not get on colored fabric or suede.

Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning fur clothes

  1. Abrasive method in the fight against yellowness. The method is in many respects similar to the above-described option. Potato starch or wheat flour is recommended as ingredients. The material is preliminarily calcined at 70-75 ° C in a frying pan (burning is strictly not allowed). Used to treat a slightly warm powder that is applied to the macula. Within 5-7 minutes, it is actively rubbed into the contaminated area. The powder is removed by shaking the item and then gently combing the pile.

Features of cleaning various fur

The fur of various fur-bearing animals requires certain conditions.

Salt for cleaning fur clothes

Taking into account these features, the following recommendations can be proposed:

  1. How to clean mink fur at home? Cleaning can be done dry or wet. The dry technology is based on the use of talc, which is carefully rubbed into the dirt by hand. As a wet technology, the use of a mixture of vinegar and rubbing alcohol in equal proportions is popular. The composition is applied to the fur with a sponge and blotted with a dry cloth. If local contamination appears, clean gasoline can be used. The following composition is often recommended: table salt (60-70 g), ammonia (30 ml) and water (1 l).

Mink cleaning can be done dry or wet

  1. When cleaning rabbit fur, a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide is often used according to the following calculation: peroxide - 1 tbsp. l., ammonia - 2-4 drops per 250 ml of water. Such a solution is applied to the fur for 15-20 hours, and it is advisable to provide drying in the sun. Another option is to sprinkle wheat bran on the fur heated to a temperature of 45-50 ° C.

Acetic acid is excellent for cleaning fur garments

  1. How to clean chinchilla fur at home? Chinchilla fur, as well as raccoon and silver fox are dark fur varieties. In dry cleaning, you can use the following liquids: pure gasoline, a mixture of medical alcohol, vinegar essence and water (in equal proportions), a mixture of table salt and ammonia (based on salt - 4 tbsp. L., Ammonia - 1 tbsp. L. Per 1 liter of water Can be cleaned with a vinegar solution (8-9%).

Chinchilla fur belongs to dark fur varieties.

  1. How to clean a sheepskin fur at home? The most popular use of a composition based on hydrogen peroxide. The solution is prepared by diluting 1 tbsp. l. peroxide in 1 liter of water. When cleaning, the top of the pile is moistened in such a way that the base will not be strongly exposed to the liquid. Another solution to the problem is a mixture of potato starch and aviation gasoline. This method is especially useful when cleaning fur-trimmed boots. The problem of how to clean the fur of astrakhan fur at home is solved in a similar way.

As soon as the sun has warmed up a little, all the warm things are hastily put on the upper shelves of the cabinet, where they remain until the next season. But in order for your favorite fur coat or other fur products not to lose their beauty and serve for more than a year, they must be thoroughly cleaned before being sent to the “waiting shelf”.

You can find out whether you need to clean a fur thing by its appearance. If the product is covered with dust, the pile has stuck together, has lost its shine and original color - the product needs to be cleaned urgently.

In order not to bother yourself with such a troublesome occupation, things made of natural fur can be dry-cleaned. However, before deciding on such an action, several factors must be considered:

  1. Aggressive substances that are included in fur cleaners have a negative effect on the product: under the influence of chemicals, things quickly lose their appearance, which is why they have to be regularly replaced with new ones.
  2. Inexperienced specialists can irrevocably ruin a favorite thing.
  3. Fur cleaning is not provided in all dry cleaners, and you will have to pay decent money for it.

Despite all the disadvantages, specialists with a good reputation will quickly and efficiently put their favorite fur coat in order. At the same time, it is not recommended to very often give natural fur to such cleaning.

Fur cleaning at home

Because water can damage treated skin, dry cleaning methods are used to remove dirt.

How to clean natural fur at home if it is forbidden to wash it?

  • A product covered with dust is cleaned as follows: a sheet is sent out on the floor and a fur coat or a large collar is placed on it so that the pile is at the bottom. Small fur items can be cleaned with a steam cleaner. The jet of steam escapes the dust. After manipulation, things are dried away from a heat source.
  • A regular comb will help to get rid of lumps: the pile is carefully combed until all the tousled places take on the correct appearance.
  • To make the dull fur shine again, the vinegar is diluted in equal parts with water. The sponge is moistened in a solution, squeezed well and gently wiped over the fur. After the product is dry, it is combed.

Before proceeding with a thorough cleaning of dirt, you need to determine what kind of fur it is made of.


The product is generously sprinkled with dry substances with small particles (semolina, starch, talc, flour) and crushed a little. Then things are shaken out and vacuumed at low power.

  1. Based on the ratio 1: 1: 1, combine water, alcohol and vinegar.
  2. Dip a brush in the solution and shake it a little.
  3. Wipe the pile. Residual moisture is removed with a sponge soaked in clean water and then squeezed out.

Arctic fox

Wool responds well to the following manipulations.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of yellow spots. The fabric is moistened with a substance and gently wipe problem areas. To remove excess peroxide, blot the treated areas with a damp cloth.
  • Fur products are cleaned with a solution based on detergent and ammonia: add 1 tbsp to 0.5 l of water. l. liquid remedy, 1 tsp. alcohol. The mixture is whipped into a foam, a sponge is dipped in it and the product is rubbed. The remaining solution is first wiped off with a damp cloth and then with a paper towel.
  • For cleaning, finely dispersed substances are used, which were mentioned above.


Rabbit fur products are short-lived, therefore, in order to extend their service life even a little, you need to carefully care for them.

How to clean fur at home without ruining it? Good results are obtained using the following methods.

  • Dusty things are wrapped with slightly damp chintz and carefully knocked out.
  • The treatment with vinegar will give shine to the rabbit hair: the swab is moistened in the substance and the pile is rubbed.
  • Wool is sprayed with hydrogen peroxide from a spray bottle, and then hung in direct sunlight for 12 hours.

Silver fox

The following methods are suitable for cleaning fur.

  • Small spots on the pile are removed with a damp cotton pad, which has been moistened with gasoline. Please note: only purified combustible material can be used.
  • Cotton wool is soaked in soapy water, wrung out, and then wound on a comb. Then the product is combed by the nap. The peeled fur is dried outside in the shade.


This fur is very long and fluffy, which is why it often gets tangled and knotted into lumps. To return the product to its original appearance, the wool is combed with a comb with rare teeth, which are previously wrapped in a cloth. It is better to untangle strongly tangled places with your hands.

How to clean fur at home? For cleaning, use semolina, talc and other fine substances. Rubbing with a sponge dipped in vinegar will help to restore the shine to the product. To make the tough skin and villi a little more elastic, rub them with a cloth dipped in glycerin.

Removal of greasy stains and grease

Traces of fat from the surface of dark fur of different lengths are removed with refined gasoline. Wipe dirty areas with a damp sponge or brush in the direction of the pile. To remove old stains on 1 liter of gasoline add 1 tsp. washing powder and beat well. The resulting mixture is applied with a brush against the pile.

To get rid of grease contamination on a light-colored product, use a mixture of ammonia and salt (3: 1). The spots are treated with a damp sponge.

At the end of cleaning, fur products are taken out to ventilate outside.

Care for light fur

Products made of light fur have to be cleaned especially carefully and carefully, since even small specks are visible on such a pile.

How to clean light fur:

  • A solution based on 3% hydrogen peroxide will help to remove yellowness: the substance is diluted in equal parts with water, and then the fur is sprayed with the resulting solution from a spray bottle.
  • The spots are cleaned in the direction of growth with a sponge dipped in thick foam. Wipe the treated areas with a paper towel.
  • Rubbing alcohol is mixed with baking soda in a 3: 1 ratio. The solution is applied with a sponge in the direction of the coat.

Light fur at home must be cleaned very carefully so that at the end the thing does not become covered with yellow stains

Having made the decision to clean your favorite fur coat at home, you need to remember that there is no universal means for cleaning all types of fur. Therefore, if there is the slightest doubt about whose wool the product is made from, it is better to seek help from specialists.