How to clean a wool coat. How to easily clean or wash a wool coat at home

Before starting to clean the product, it is necessary to inspect the item in bright light. It is important to pay attention not only to obvious streaks and dots, but also to problem areas that get dirty in the first place, as well as the condition of the lining.

In many ways, the cleaning method is determined by the type of fabric and the manufacturer's recommendations for care methods. To obtain information from the manufacturer, you need to carefully study the tag on which the necessary icons are located. They will help you figure out how to clean a coat at home without washing: woolen, cashmere, wool.

Study the tag carefully

When choosing how to clean a coat at home, you need to be guided not only by the recommendations on the tag, but also based on the type of fabric. Each type of material requires special care, since production technologies differ significantly. The main materials used for the manufacture of outerwear are drape, woolen fabrics, cashmere. All of them are quite demanding on external influences, especially chemicals.

Dry cleaning the coat at home should be carried out only with a high-quality brush and as carefully as possible so as not to damage the structure of the fabric with rough movements and hard tools, and not to spoil the appearance of the thing.

Dry cleaning the coat should only be done with a good quality brush.

Do-it-yourself dry cleaning of a coat at home is a reality if you adhere to the rules for handling delicate materials. The most problematic areas (collar and cuffs) often become greasy. This is due to the usual life processes of the human body. The skin produces oil, and when mixed with dust, it turns into a serious threat to the appearance. How to clean a coat at home if there are sludge spots? To do this, just use talcum powder. This substance actively absorbs fat. Leaving it on the stain for 12 hours can completely get rid of the trouble. If the traces have not completely disappeared, you need to renew the talcum layer and repeat the procedure.

Stubbled spots can be removed using talcum powder

How to clean a cashmere coat at home? These things are subtle. In this case, it is not difficult to wash them in a typewriter. For the procedure, you need to choose a delicate mode, and the temperature is set no higher than 30 degrees.

If you need to wash the collar and cuffs, you can proceed as follows:

  • slightly warm water is poured into a voluminous basin;
  • a mild shampoo or liquid soap is added to it;
  • clothes get soaked;
  • dirty areas are wiped with a brush;
  • conditioner is added before rinsing;
  • the last rinse is carried out with clean water;
  • the product is wrung out by twisting into a roll.

Warm water in a basin
Add shampoo
Soak your coat

Three brushed
Add conditioner
Rinse and squeeze

How to clean a cashmere coat at home to keep it from losing its shape? To do this, it is important to properly dry the item after processing or washing in the machine.

It needs to be laid out on a terry sheet and rolled into a kind of roll. This will produce a delicate spin. After that, the item is transferred to a dry towel, the lining and glued elements are gently straightened, folds and folds are removed. Then the thing is left to dry naturally.

Color features

For many, it remains a problem how to clean a cashmere light coat at home so as not to spoil the color. Sweat stains can be removed with an ammonia solution. And for other stains and renewal of appearance, it is better to use talcum powder or. They will not affect the color, at the same time they will remove dirt and can be easily cleaned with a regular brush.

Sweat stains can be removed with ammonia solution

If you need to choose how to clean your black cashmere coat at home, you should pay attention to the usual drinks: infusion of coffee or a very strong brew. They wipe the surface with a cotton sponge. If this is not enough, you can wash the item with products for dark delicate fabrics.

It is important to know how to clean a cashmere coat at home, as careless handling or the wrong washing regime can significantly alter the shape and even the size of your favorite item.

When deciding how and how to clean a drape coat at home without washing, you should not remember the old recipes of grandmothers. Over the years, it has changed, its composition and manufacturing methods have changed. Therefore, the means used decades ago may not be effective. Professionals recommend the following methods:

  1. If the tag has permission to be washed in a typewriter, you should use special products designed for such fabric. Better to choose a delicate mode or "wool / silk".
  2. In the case when there is no such mark on the tag, it is enough to choose a high-quality brush and treat the contaminated areas.
  3. You can use carpet cleaning foam. Apply it according to the instructions: apply on the surface, and when dry, brush it off. It is better to use a brush with natural bristles.

Drips and traces

If you need to remove the stain, you can wash it with a soap solution:

  • any gel for washing woolen products is diluted with water to obtain a weakly concentrated solution;
  • wipe dirty areas with a cloth soaked in solution. The main thing. Avoid strong friction;
  • leave for half an hour for the agent to work;
  • moisten the drape with water to remove the soap, then blot it with a dry cloth;
  • hang out to dry on a trempel.

Gel for washing
We wipe dirty places We wait half an hour
We rinse with water
We hang to dry

How to clean a black drape coat at home? It is enough to use a brush dipped in strong, freshly brewed coffee. This will clean the surface and freshen up the brightness of the color. Do not use cleaners with chlorine or other bleaching ingredients, as they can cause whitish spots and streaks at the site of use.

Difficulties may arise in the question: how to clean a light drape coat at home. For cleaning it is better to use ready-made dry powder "Vanish". Clothes neatly laid out on the table are sprinkled with a powdery agent, after a certain interval of several hours, the substance is brushed off.

If you know how to clean a drape coat at home, it is easy to save and extend the life of your wardrobe.

Many are interested in how to clean a wool coat at home. Woolen items are often laundered. A special mode has been created for them in the automatic programs of washing machines. For cleaning, it is better to choose developed products for woolen fabrics. They will take care of preserving the structure of the material and will give the surface softness.

Wool coat

How to clean a wool coat at home without washing? To do this, it is necessary to pre-treat the surface of the product with a dry brush to remove the remnants of dust and small dirt, and then use an ordinary soft sponge soaked in a liquid mixture of table and alcohol.

Features cleaning wool coats at home, if the fabric is dark in color. For a dark color, you can use a tea pot in which a rag is moistened and the thing is wiped. If you need to machine wash your garment, use a softener for woollens and add softener to gently wash dark fabrics. Thus, they retain a bright shade.

If you have a problem, you can try using a natural bristle brush, after processing which, steam over the entire surface of the garment. Small dust particles and remnants of threads, fibers, can be easily removed with a velor brush.

Small dust particles and remnants of threads, fibers, can be easily removed with a velor brush

The most difficult is the care of light-colored models. How to clean a light wool coat at home from dirt? If improperly processed, it can acquire a yellowish and grayish tint. Professionals recommend using a special tool "Amway", which is applied with a spray bottle. If the pollution has become large-scale, it is worth trying to wash the product with a special gel for wool in a basin. Do not rub the fabric too much, just gently treat the dirty areas and thoroughly rinse off the detergent. The thing is dried in a natural way on a hanger to maintain its shape.

Stains on clothes are a nuisance that must be dealt with as early as possible. There are such difficulties that are not washed off during normal cleaning.

There are several rules on how to clean a coat at home without washing from dirt and various stains:

  1. It is necessary to process the spot from the edges to the center, so as not to increase the affected area. Rubbing the edge of the stain can be very difficult to deal with.
  2. If it's tricky, take the time to peel off some of the lining to cover with a cloth to absorb the stain remover and removed dirt.
  3. All work is best done from the wrong side. Thus, the surface is not damaged.

You need to handle the stain from the edges to the center.

People's advice will help you decide how to clean your coat at home. For all types of woolen outerwear, the following recommendations can be applied:

  1. Greasy stains are removed with pure gasoline or a mixture of ammonia solution, liquid detergent and lukewarm water. Fresh dirt can be easily removed by sprinkling with talcum powder or starch. But you need to apply it for several hours so that the powdery substance absorbs the fat. After that, it is enough to clean off the powder with a brush.
    1. To do this, you need to manually wash the item in a light conditioner. Afterwards, lay out the product horizontally so that it does not fray.
    2. If there are no pronounced dots and circles, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is diluted with water and wiped with a cotton sponge. Things take on a clean and fresh appearance.

    When storing white items, it is better to cover them with covers or film so that neither dust nor dirt gets on the vulnerable surface.

    For many, it is important to learn how to remove hair from a coat. This cleaning method does not require much effort and cost:

    1. It is enough to buy scotch tape. Having wrapped it around your hand so that the sticky surface is outside, it is necessary to process the entire surface of the clothing. All hairs as well as animal hair will be easily removed. It is better to buy high-quality scotch tape, since cheap analogs can leave small droplets of glue on the surface.
    2. You can use a special cleaning roller available in stores.

    Cleaning roller

    Knowing how to clean the coat from dirt at home, all procedures will be performed as quickly as possible, so taking care of capricious materials will not be difficult. Now there is no need to waste time and money for processing in dry cleaning.

An automatic washing machine can handle any laundry, including outerwear. But some types of fabrics are highly undesirable to wash in automatic machines. And it is easier to remove small specks in other ways than to wash entire clothes. In this review, we'll take a look at how to clean your coat at home without washing it and what you need to do. And in order to make the review as complete as possible, we will touch on the topic of cleaning coats made from a wide variety of fabrics.

Removing dust

If the coat has hung on the hanger for a long time and there is no need to clean it of dirt, then it just needs to be cleaned of dust - it could have accumulated during the period while the clothes were hanging in the closet or on a hook in the hallway, waiting for the next season. And here we can easily do without any kind of washing, using a regular clothes brush:

  • We hang the coat in a ventilated place (in our own yard, on the balcony);
  • Let it air a little to remove odors;
  • We arm ourselves with a clothes brush and carefully remove all the dust.

If necessary, you can let the clothes hang in the air for several hours. If a breeze is blowing outside, then this is very good - it will ventilate the coat, cope with unpleasant odors and remove dust. But remember that it is highly discouraged to expose clothes to direct sunlight - to the greatest extent this applies to coats made of expensive and delicate fabrics.

Place a piece of cloth underneath before cleaning your coat. She will be able to absorb excess moisture and will not stain everything around.

There is another way to clean the coat from dust at home without washing - for this you need to arm yourself with a sponge dipped in soapy water (it is advisable to use specialized products sold in hardware stores). Gently run a sponge over the fabric, applying foam, then rinse it off with water and leave the clothes to dry. To avoid damage to the coat, this procedure should be carried out in a ventilated place, but not in the sun.

Another not the most obvious way to clean a coat of dust without washing is to walk on it with the most ordinary vacuum cleaner.

Steam removal of dust and light dirt

The most ordinary steamer will help to clean the coat without washing - it removes dust, freshens any kind of clothes after a long stay in the closet. The steamers are sold in hardware stores and run on clean water. The steam generated by them straightens the fibers of the fabric, eliminates foreign odors, and effectively removes dust pollution.

The steamers are suitable for all types of fabrics, including delicate ones. But it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the label on your coat before use.


Removing the smell of sweat from a coat without washing is as easy as shelling pears - the simplest airing will help. To do this, the outerwear must be hung on a hanger on the balcony or on the loggia, making sure that no direct sunlight falls on it. Some people advise taking advantage of the frosty winter air by hanging the item for several days in a bitter frost - this will help get rid of the smell of sweat.

If your coat starts to smell like sweat, use special conditioners for outerwear - they will help clean the coat without washing. Apply your chosen product to problem areas of the lining and wait a couple of hours. After the conditioner dries, you can use the item. You will find more detailed instructions on the use of a particular product on its label.

To help clean your coat from persistent sweat odor:

  • Apple vinegar;
  • Dry citric acid;
  • Potato starch;
  • A weak solution of ordinary vinegar;
  • Ammonia.

Apply your chosen product to the lining and leave it on overnight. The odors should completely disappear overnight.

If you are sweating too much and causing your outerwear to suffer, try a better antiperspirant deodorant or see your doctor - sometimes persistent sweating is a symptom of certain conditions.

We go to dry cleaning

The easiest way to clean your coat without washing is to have it dry cleaned. Firstly, dry cleaning specialists are better versed in how to remove contamination from certain materials. And secondly, chemical cleaning is as careful as possible for all types of fabrics. Its undoubted advantage will be the ability to quickly deal with the most stubborn dirt. The downside is the high cost of services and the possible lack of a good dry cleaning service nearby.

Some stains, such as heavy fuel oil or engine oil, are extremely difficult to remove. In some cases, even a high-quality dry cleaning may not cope with such a problem.

If you are going to clean your coat without washing, use the following tools, products and devices:

  • The machine for removing pills - it will return the outer clothing to its normal appearance and effectively remove surface dirt;
  • Manual razor - gently shave your coat with it to help remove dust, pellets and small specks;
  • The adhesive tape roller is an ingenious tool for removing dust and surface contamination. At the same time, the tape will rid the clothes of small hairs;
  • Dry carpet cleaner is ideal for cleaning your coat without washing. Use it according to the instructions;
  • Special garment brushes - suitable for suede and wool coats;
  • Dry stain removers - will help to cope with stubborn stains, including stubborn ones.

Experiment on an invisible area before brushing the entire coat to avoid ruining the item.

Cleaning products

If your coat has any stains, we recommend that you clean it without washing, using special stain removers. They are sold in supermarkets and household chemicals stores. Some people manage to clean their coats with car interior cleaners - a great and inexpensive solution.

Grease stains are very easy to remove with potato starch - you can find them at any grocery store. Apply it on the stain and leave it on for a few hours, then remove it with a brush or sponge. The most common table salt will help to remove stains from wine, but this should be done immediately, and not after a few days. A mixture of denatured alcohol, soapy water and soda will help to remove old stains of wine and fruit (20 g of soda and 15 ml of alcohol should be diluted in 500 g of water).

A soapy water solution is ideal for cleaning a drape coat without washing. To do this, you can use not only soap, but also a liquid product that replaces ordinary powder. Just dilute it in water and brush it onto the surface of your garment. After half an hour, remove the remaining solution with the same brush dipped in clean water - this will refresh the surface of the fabric and remove light dirt.

How to clean a coat of different fabrics

We have already talked about general recommendations for cleaning outerwear and found out how to dry wash coats at home. Let's now make recommendations for different fabrics - they need to be cleaned differently for optimal results.

A regular brush or roller with a Velcro pad will help to clean a woolen coat without washing at home from surface dirt. If you don't have one or the other, use sticky tape - a great tool to get rid of dust, gray deposits and small hairs. You can also treat outerwear with soapy water or a special cleaner, working with it according to the instructions.

A simple mixture of ammonia and table salt will help to clean a coat of wool - from these components it is necessary to prepare a gruel and apply it to the fabric. After 20-30 minutes, the gruel is removed, the surface of the clothes is brushed. If all else fails, use a damp wash in the washing machine on the Wool program (available in many automatic machines).

Talc will help to clean the cashmere coat of greasy stains - sprinkle it with dirt and leave it for several hours. After that, we process this place with a brush, but as carefully as possible, since the cashmere fabric is very delicate. And if you manage to spill wine or tea on cashmere, treat the fresh stains with the most common salt. For stubborn stains, they should be dry cleaned.

If your coat is made of dark cashmere, you can try cleaning it with a cotton pad soaked in gasoline to remove grease stains effectively. It is recommended to use gasoline for refueling lighters, as it has a very mild odor and evaporates quickly.

It is very easy to clean a drape coat without washing - for this we need any washing powder. Fill the stain with a small amount of powder, with three damp sponges. After a while, we repeat the rubbing with a sponge and remove the remnants of the product with a brush. After that, we hang the clothes in a ventilated place and wait for the wet spot to dry completely. If the dirt persists, carry out the procedure again.

The easiest way to clean a tweed coat without washing is. For this we don't even need any auxiliary means. The thing is that this fabric is immune to dirt. And even if they did appear (for example, after walking on muddy streets after rain), they can be easily removed with a regular brush. Stubborn dirt can be easily removed with soapy water (or a solution of gel detergent for washing).

If there are no problems with tweed, then it is more difficult to clean a suede coat - it all depends on the nature of the pollution. Ordinary potato starch works best with greasy stains - sprinkle it over the greasy stain, wait 2-3 hours, and then remove with a brush. Since suede is soft leather, nothing bad will happen from this treatment. Milk with soda (two teaspoons per glass), cotton pads with gasoline and table salt also help from greasy dirt.

Glossy areas of a suede coat can be cleaned with bread crumb - crumb the fresh bread onto a cloth, then rub it over. Bread crumb effectively removes many impurities. Steaming removes scuffs best of all - hold the desired spot over the spout of the kettle or treat the coat with a steamer.

If all else fails, you will have to use the wash. But remember that washing should be carried out in water with a temperature not higher than +30 degrees. Also, the suede cannot be twisted. Drying after washing is carried out in a horizontal position. Faux suede cannot be washed - take it to a dry cleaner.

There will be no particular difficulties in this matter. The skin is easily rubbed off from various impurities, including plain soapy water. For more serious stains, add a spoonful of ammonia to a glass of soapy water - this mixture effectively removes many stains. If the stains are salty (often appear after rains or water ingress from the roads), then the most common vinegar will help to cope with them.

A coat is an indispensable wardrobe item for every woman. Thanks to different styles and materials, it can emphasize the advantages or hide the flaws of the figure. And many men love such outerwear no less than the fair sex. This stylish, elegant piece will never go out of style.

But in order to wear a coat for as long as possible, it must be cared for properly. Most of all, this applies to expensive things of well-known brands. But even a simple model will serve its owner well, if you do not neglect regular cleaning. It is not necessary to contact specialized organizations, you can do this at home. So how do you clean your coat at home?

Reading the information on the label should be the most important thing in carrying out the procedures caring for the product. Because for each type of fabric, certain methods must be applied.

The coat requires daily maintenance if worn constantly. After rare occasions when putting on a thing, it must be cleaned every time you come home. As a regular procedure, it is sufficient to brush over the pile with a dry brush. You can purchase a special device that will not only smooth out the fluff, but also remove the pellets and other debris.

A more thorough cleaning should be carried out every season, when the coat is excluded from everyday wardrobe for several months, or if stains are planted on the thing that require immediate removal. Exists there are several ways in which you can clean your coat.

  • Dry. It is associated with the passage of a special brush over the surface of the thing, as well as the use of other cleaning agents. In this case, water is not used.
  • Wet. This is the treatment of dirty places with water, as well as the treatment of fabric with a steam generator or iron steam.
  • Washing. It only applies to products that the manufacturer has authorized to wash. Information about this can be read on the label for the item. It also usually indicates the optimal temperature regime for water, as well as the permission or prohibition of ironing.

Before starting the procedure for cleaning the product, it is important to properly prepare for this coat.

  1. Clear the outside and inside pockets of any items.
  2. Shake the product well.
  3. Expose coat to bright light to visually inspect for visible dirt and stains.
  4. Use a dry brush to brush over the surface of the garment to remove excess dust and debris.
  5. Decide in what way further processing will be carried out.

How to clean a coat at home without washing? Cleaning a coat when not using water should be based on an individual approach to each type of fabric.

A white coat is a very beautiful, but at the same time impractical thing.

Any slightest contamination on it immediately catches the eye. But if you know how to properly clean a light-colored coat, you can wear it over and over again.

If you have an embarrassment and there is a greasy stain on your coat, gasoline or kerosene will help to cope with it. It is necessary to apply the solvent only from the seamy side. Better to do this with a sponge.

The stain is soaked with gasoline, and sprinkled with talcum powder or baby powder on top. Leave the product in this form for several hours. After the specified time has elapsed, everything can be easily cleaned with a hard bristle brush.

Other stains suggest different methods of exposure.

  • from a white cloth it is possible if you immediately sprinkle the stains with salt and rub thoroughly. The crystals will absorb the red color, you just need to rinse the cleaned area with warm water.
  • Tea stains will come off easily with a highly concentrated solution of alcohol and water. It is necessary to dilute two parts of alcohol and one part of water, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting composition and soak the stains, erasing them with light movements until they disappear completely.
  • at home?

When a lot of dust has settled on the cashmere coat, only wet cleaning will save the situation. You can soak a soft sponge in a mild soapy solution and gently walk over the entire surface of the product. But before starting work, the fabric should be cleaned with a dry brush.

Removing common stains is as follows.

  • Baby powder will wipe away grease marks. It must be applied to all visible dirt, leaving for 12 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, remove the talcum powder with a special brush. If stains remain, the procedure can be repeated.
  • Tea and coffee will wash away a solution of glycerin and ammonia. Prepare a mixture (0.5 teaspoon of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of ammonia), apply to the spots with a cotton pad. Brush.

How to clean a drape coat at home?

The woolen coat is cleaned by placing it vertically on a clothes hanger. First, they pass over it with a brush. Then the item is laid horizontally and powder for wool items is poured onto the dirt. Then everyone just brushes it off.

Grease stains are removed in the same way as for a cashmere coat.

But a weak solution of water and table salt will save you from coffee and tea. In it, a sponge is moistened and passed through all the dirt.

Cleaning a woolen coat is the most difficult, because this fabric is quite capricious. Therefore, it is better to go to the dry cleaner with him.

The coat must be handled very carefully.

It is a delicate and sensitive material. When performing work, you should observe a number of recommendations.

  • Rubbish, lint and other adhering elements need to be removed with a special brush or roller.
  • Areas that are shiny from scuffs or dirt can be treated with a solution of salt (4 parts) and ammonia (1 part). Apply the mixture to dirty places. Remove with a brush after 20 minutes. You can also mix rubbing alcohol with vinegar. This solution will clean greasy stains well.
  • Green tea and soapy water will help remove individual stains on dark fabrics. To do this, dip a cotton pad into any product and wipe the contaminated areas.

You can wash a cashmere coat either by hand or in the washing machine.

The main thing, do it right.

Handwash. It will help to gently remove all visible dirt and not spoil the appearance of the thing. The optimum water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. If the contamination is light, then you can take water of a lower temperature. Powder for delicate fabrics or a fabric softener is suitable as a detergent.

Dissolve the product completely in the water first, then gently dip your coat into the solution. Wash gently, as the slightest overdoing will hopelessly ruin the fabric.

It is also necessary to rinse such a coat, to wring it out - in no case should it be, it is forbidden to use clothespins or a "dryer" for drying. To dry your washed coat, you need to spread it well on a light-colored cloth (the best option is pure cotton). Change the fabric as it gets wet, so the product dries faster.

Washing in an automatic machine. The conditions are similar to the manual method: the temperature is not higher than 30 degrees, a delicate detergent and no spinning. Also select the mode for delicate washing or delicate fabrics.

Can the drape coat be washable?

It is better to wash a drape coat only by hand, but only if the manufacturer gives the go-ahead for such processing on the product label. Due to the weight of the material, going to dry cleaning would be ideal.

If you nevertheless decided to remove the contamination yourself, then take a full bathroom of warm water (no more than 30 degrees), dilute washing powder or other means for delicate things in it. Before washing your coat, empty your pockets and remove any detachable parts.

Dip a cloth in the water and remember gently. It is not recommended to wring out the product. Better to wrap it in a large blanket that will absorb moisture, and then spread it out on a cotton cloth to dry completely. If stains remain on the drape after washing, they must be treated by hand.

For a woolen coat, visiting a professional is also the right decision. But it can also be washed at home by hand or in an automatic machine.

It is necessary to wash a wool coat by hand in compliance with the following points:

  • remove all detachable elements from the product;
  • dilute a small amount of powder in water no more than 30 degrees;
  • immerse the product in water and begin to gently crumple it;
  • after washing, you can rinse the coat in cool water. Add hair conditioner to soften the fabric;
  • lay on a cloth to dry.

It is possible to wash a coat in a typewriter only if there is a corresponding sign on the label. Most manufacturers allow their products to be processed in this way. Preparing and washing clothes is similar to the manual method.

Only for a typewriter you need to select a certain mode. This can be a delicate wash, hand wash or delicate wash. Do not use spinning. Lay the coat on the fabric, as in the first method, letting it dry completely.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

A coat is a must-have item in every wardrobe. It requires special and careful maintenance. Proper cleaning can prolong the life of this outer garment and keep it looking good.

Cleaning a coat is simply necessary sometimes because this outer garment deteriorates very quickly. The reason for this is either too sensitive material, weather conditions and improper wear. During the existence of this clothing, smart housewives have come up with many ways to clean it: from chemical processing to folk methods.

Pills - this is a kind of a piece of a coat that has become unusable and remained on the surface of the clothes. It is not uncommon for the pellets to be called "pilii" - a professional name for those who are engaged in the manufacture and cleaning of clothes. Dry-cleaning your coat is a surefire way to get rid of external imperfections, but it is not the cheapest and not everyone can afford.

There are several interesting ways to get rid of the pellets on your coat using traditional methods, and they will turn out to be no less effective than cleaning with chemicals.

One of the surest and easiest ways - clean the coat with a special machine from the pellets. It is not difficult to get it, it is often sold in stores. You need to look for it in the departments where you buy shoe brushes, dishes and household items. It is not uncommon for such stores to be called “Thousand Little Things”. It is not expensive at all, but it is able to cope with ugly pellets in any part of the coat. It works on batteries and its dimensions are quite miniature.

  • As practice shows, the most receptive fabric is woolen. Often synthetic fiber is added to such fabric. The knitwear is also very susceptible and often pills on the surface. Natural fabrics are not prone to pilling and this is their main advantage.
  • Pilling occurs most often due to frequent friction of the fabric with other surfaces: fabric against fabric, against a bag, against the body. Therefore, the most frequent. susceptible areas are: sleeves, pockets, collars, cuffs, belt area, shoulders.
  • It is not uncommon that the washing itself is the cause of the appearance of pellets. Not every coat owner knows that a coat cannot be machine washed. During washing, the fabric rubs against the fabric and forms a pili. The coat should be cleaned either by hand or dry cleaned.
  • Pills are formed due to improper selection of powder, inadequacy of temperature control during washing and non-compliance with coat care standards.

folk ways of cleaning a coat from pellets
  • You can try to clean your coat with pumice, its uneven surface with numerous holes and slightly sharp surfaces can effectively "catch" pieces of pellets and fold into a larger lump that can be easily removed by hand.
  • You can also clean your coat with a razor machine tool. To do this, you need to lay out the coat and use a new razor to walk with gentle pressure on the "shaggy" places. Anything that the razor collects has to be manually set aside from the coat. This cleaning is very effective, but unfortunately the effect is not long-term and will have to be cleaned again soon.
  • Another unusual way of collecting pellets is rye bread crumbs... To do this, crumble the dried rye bread into an area with pellets and rotate it in a circular motion over the surface. Together with sharp and coarse crumbs, pellets also fall off, it becomes very easy to remove them manually.

Video: "5 ways to get rid of pellets from clothes"

Outerwear such as coats are extremely sensitive to adhesion of hair and wool. Because of this, the clothes look extremely unattractive and give the feeling of an old "shaggy thing". Hair cannot be avoided by any owner of even the most expensive coat. Owners of dogs and cats suffer a greater problem, leaving a "piece of themselves" on any surface at home.

how to clean hair from a coat?

Brushing and removing hair from a coat is fortunately not difficult. There are at least four main ways to do this:

  • Via damp cloth: hair clings to damp material and peels off the surface of the coat. This method is only suitable for clothes that are not overloaded with hair.
  • Via special brush for coats: it is made of soft bristles that gently clean the material without damaging it. You can buy such a brush in any store, it is always available and always in demand.
  • Via roller with replaceable adhesive tape: This is one of the most effective ways to clean coats not only of hair and wool, but also of all debris, dust and pellets. To do this, run a roller over the surface of the coat and all unwanted particles will stick to the tape.
  • Via stationery tape: if you do not have a roller with adhesive tape, you can use ordinary stationery tape, which works on the same principle. Tear off small pieces and stick to the material several times, all debris and hair will remain on the adhesive side of the tape.

Video: "Brush for cleaning a coat"

How to remove dust from your coat?

  • Modern living conditions in a big city, traffic saturation and a huge number of roads make clothes look very unattractive. Clothes that have light colors are especially affected. The coat should be cleaned from dust and dirt twice a year: before the beginning of the spring season and the fall. Even if you don't visually notice dirt on your clothes, cleaning from dust will keep your clothes looking attractive for as long as possible.
  • Any coat should be cleaned with a special velor brush, which is purchased in the store. If this cleaning isn't enough, try a more modern method. In a container, mix water with table vinegar in a one-to-one ratio. With a clean kitchen sponge (soft side), go over the coat, dipping it in the solution and squeezing it out well.
  • It is imperative to move the washcloth in the direction of the villi and not to moisten the coat too much. After that, if the coat remains very wet, wipe it gently with a clean cloth along the growth of the lint. For dark colors: black, dark blue, brown, you can use not vinegar solution, but tea leaves.

how to properly clean a coat from dust at home?

How to clean a white coat?

A white coat is a spectacular outerwear, but along with its beautiful appearance, it has one unpleasant property - to get dirty quickly. Any factors can stain it: dust from the roadway, dirt from carry-on luggage, travel in public transport, food and hot drinks on the street, sloppy passers-by.

It is possible to clean the white coat. To do this, there are a number of useful tips invented by those who were looking for a way to properly care for their outerwear:

  • Try cleaning the dirt off your white coat with hydrogen peroxide. Do not pour the bottles onto the stain or dirty area first. First try it on the part of the coat that is hidden from the eye and check the reaction of your material to peroxide. If you haven't noticed any negative impact, pour a little peroxide on the dirty area, let it dry and brush it off.
  • A dirty collar or stains on pockets can be easily removed with edible salt and ammonia. These components are mixed in a container in a ratio of four to one and applied to the contaminated area with a cotton pad. Clean the coat in small circular motions, then air dry and dry.
  • Fresh contrasting stains on a white food and drink coat can be removed with the vinegar with table salt in a one-to-one ratio. The stain is rubbed and then cleaned off with a solution. The coat must be weathered from the pungent odor and the remaining solution must be washed off with water.

how to properly clean a white coat from stains and dirt?

How to clean a black coat?

A black coat does not require such reverent care as white and light colors. However, along with the purchase of a black coat, you should immediately purchase a brush or glue roller for the care of outerwear. These devices are great for lint, debris, hair and dirt. Removing small clumps from a black coat is not difficult with nail scissors or a sharp blade.

You can clean your black coat with a sponge and a mild soap solution. Care should be taken to ensure that the solution does not leave strong streaks on the material, so thoroughly wash off every suspicious speck. After you have cleaned your coat, be sure to brush it out with an outerwear brush so that it looks decent when dry.

how to properly care for a black coat?

How to clean a leather coat?

A leather coat requires special care, because genuine leather is a special material. He is able to look perfect for a long time if you apply strength to his safety. A leather coat requires frequent maintenance, at least twice a year after the spring and fall seasons. The leather coat should be washed with a special solution:

  • in water, mix liquid soap with ammonia in equal proportions
  • use a sponge to thoroughly wash the coat and rinse off the solution with clean water
  • dry the coat and rub it with castor oil using a cotton swab

Store the coat in the cover as long as you do not wear it. Periodically, while wearing, lubricate especially "active" parts of the coat with glycerin:

  • gate
  • cuffs
  • elbow bends
  • elbows
  • belt area

It is also effective to regularly lubricate the leather coat with orange peel.

leather coat, leather coat care and cleaning

How to clean a drape coat?

  • The woolen coat is made of dense, heavy material. It perfectly warms not only in autumn, but also in winter. However, before thinking about cleaning such a coat, you should carefully read the manufacturer's label. Often it is simply impossible to wash a drape coat. Therefore, you should learn about how to clean it.
  • First, try peeling your woolen coat with rye bread crumbs. Crush a slice of bread onto your coat and roll into balls. The bread crumbs will absorb all the debris and collect the lint. After the bread crumbs, the coat should be thoroughly brushed.
  • Lather the shampoo with water in a bucket or basin. Apply the foam from the solution to the coat and wait for it to dry completely. Use a damp cloth to wipe off any shampoo residue, then wipe the coat with a dry cloth. Brush the coat with an outerwear brush and let dry at room temperature.
  • It is very good to clean the coat with a steam cleaner, which is often found in modern irons. On the iron, set the temperature to no more than two hundred degrees and go through the steam all over the coat. After that, comb the coat with a brush and leave to dry on a tremple.

how to properly clean and care for a drape coat?

How to clean a wool coat at home?

A woolen coat is very demanding and capricious to care for. It cannot be washed and must be cleaned very carefully. It is advisable to clean a dark coat with a sponge dipped in strong tea leaves. It will add shine and color to your clothes. A light coat can be cleaned with a special solution:

  • mix some liquid soap in water
  • add bottles of ammonia to the solution
  • moisten a sponge in a solution and wipe the coat with it
  • after rinsing, brush the coat and let it dry at room temperature

It will not be superfluous to purchase for such a coat not only a brush, but a glue roller. These are indispensable tools for the care of such outerwear.

proper care and cleaning of the woolen coat

How to clean a cashmere coat at home?

  • A cashmere coat is not only very beautiful, pleasant and practical to wear, it is also very easy to clean. As a rule, manufacturers indicate recommendations for washing coats in washing machines. They can be washed in automatic machines, but only at a minimum temperature not exceeding thirty degrees.
  • In the compartment for the detergent should not be an ordinary powder, but a liquid gel or a detergent for cleaning and washing outerwear. Dry the cashmere coat only at room temperature on a hanger or spread it evenly and neatly on a terry towel.
  • If you don't find any washing information on the product, try cleaning it with a steam cleaner. Greasy stains, only if they are fresh, will help remove baking soda, which has adsorbent properties. Purchase a special velor grooming brush and glue roller with your coat.

Video: " How to care for your coat? How do I clean my coat? How to store a coat? "

I like to wear a coat at any time of the year. Convenient and beautiful. But how to clean it or wash it at home if the coat is dirty? I decided to get into the question of cleaning as soon as possible. Winter is leaving, soon it is warm, it is necessary to shake up the wardrobe and prepare old things for use.

Cleaning your coat at home - where to start?

Proper and good grooming can increase the lifespan of your coat. Of course, you can use dry cleaning services, but not everyone can find the time for this. The coat can be easily cleaned at home without any special skills.

Cleaning and maintenance always begins with an inspection.

  1. We hang the coat on a hanger and examine it carefully in good lighting.
  2. We start with problem areas - the inner side of the lining, collar and pockets for stains.
  3. At the same time, we determine from what material or fabric your coat is sewn. Every material, be it drape, cashmere or wool, requires a certain amount of care. More on this below.

Cleaning the coat depending on the material

Woolen coat

Drap has long established itself as an excellent and easy-care material for sewing coats. To clean the drape, you can use the products you use for cleaning, such as carpets. You need to follow the instructions, that is, apply foam to the stain, let it dry. After that, the dirty dried spot must be cleaned off with a brush with natural bristles.

If the coat is light in color , You can apply the popular Vanish cleaner by spreading the coat on a flat surface, sprinkle the powder over the dirty spots, then gently brush off the cleaner with a soft clothes brush.

Pay attention to the label on the inside, it may very well be that the coat is washable.

If washing is not suitable for the product , then you can do with simple dry cleaning or treat small dirt with a solution of soap.

Liquid solution with water , also applicable to woolen products, fits in a wide bowl. After wetting a clean cloth in the solution, we wipe the dirty place with it. The coat material in this place should be thoroughly wet. It is not recommended to rub in the soap solution strongly. The remedy should work within half an hour. Then, wetting the material with water, remove the soapy water with a dry cloth. Dry the product on a hanger.

Wool coat

The woolen coat is cleaned with a brush ... Salted and salted areas can be treated with a sponge soaked in a solution of vinegar and alcohol one to one.

Dark coat clean well with a cloth soaked in strong tea leaves or apply steam.

Fresh grease stains are removed with talcum or starch , not sparing this product, you need to sprinkle the stain and wait a few hours. Then the material is cleared of powder.

Cashmere coat

The cashmere product can be simply machine washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees on a delicate mode, as well as a polyester coat. Remove stains with baby powder or talcum powder. Sprinkle the contaminated area, leave for 12-15 hours, then clean it with a brush.

Light-colored coat

To clean a product made of light-colored material , you need to try twice. It is impossible to selectively clean the stains on the coat, stains from the detergent and drips will remain. Therefore, after cleaning the stains, it is better to rinse the thing thoroughly in cool water. After the water is drained, wrap the product in a towel, let the remaining moisture absorb. Then dry the coat on a coat hanger.

Useful video on how to clean a coat at home

In case of more serious pollution, in order to avoid damage to a good and expensive thing, you will have to turn to specialists - professionals will do this work much better.