How to apply to the registry office: instructions for those who decide to get married. How to apply for marriage registration through the Internet portal "Gosuslugi

Before the marriage registration takes place, the newlyweds will have to go through the application process.

Today, a system has been developed to speed up and simplify this process.

By electronically filing an application for marriage registration via the Internet online (Government Services), future spouses can save time and effort.

And I will have to stand in line, as well as spend time visiting the registry office.

There is a certain sequence of actions when applying to the registry office via the Internet.

It is most rational to use the State Services portal, so you should register there in advance.

Moreover, both future spouses must have a personal account.

An application for registration of marriage should be submitted between 6 months and 1 month before the expected date of the wedding.

So, in order to apply for marriage online, you need to follow the following sequence of steps:

  1. Register on the State Services portal if there was no personal account before.
  2. Log in to your personal account using your own login and password, go to the "Electronic Services" section, then "Department for Civil Registry".
  3. Select the "Marriage Registration" tab, fill in the proposed form of information about the bride and groom.
  4. Specify the registry office where the event will take place.
  5. Select the date on which you would like to schedule the registration. The newlyweds have the opportunity to choose two dates, one of which they will specify when they appear at the registry office with documents.
  6. Submit the form, receive confirmation that the application has been accepted for processing.

After the journey has been made, the second future spouse needs to go to his personal account on the State Services portal and confirm the application. This is necessary in order to respect the rule of reciprocity.

To make sure that the application is accepted, you need to monitor its status. A message should appear in your personal account stating in what period of time to appear at the registry office with the original documents.

Basic requirements for registering a marriage

Regardless of the application method, the conditions for successful marriage registration are always the same.

They are fixed in the Family Code of the Russian Federation, including Article 12 establishes that a prerequisite for entering into marriage is the voluntary desire of future spouses.

This means that no one can impose such a decision on them or force them to marry. In addition, the reluctance of parents, relatives or other persons cannot be the basis for refusing to register a marriage.

The second condition, which is obligatory for the smooth registration of marriage, is the absence of still existing marital relations between one of the newlyweds and the other spouse. In addition, the union should be created precisely for the purpose of giving birth to a family, and not with any other. A marriage created to achieve the interests of one or both spouses can be recognized as fictitious, in connection with which it can be subsequently terminated.

The age of marriage, which is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, begins at 18 years. In some cases and subject to certain conditions, it can begin at the age of 16.

A mandatory requirement for spouses is the presence of full legal capacity. If one of them is recognized by the court as incompetent, then marriage with such a person is impossible.

The final important condition is the absence of a closely related relationship between the spouses. If they are related to each other, for example, brother and sister, then the conclusion of an alliance is prohibited by law.

Electronic application to the registry office

To apply to the registry office online, you must correctly fill out an electronic application.

It has a standard form and reflects all the data about the future spouses and the date of the upcoming wedding.

Items that must be filled in the electronic application to the registry office:

  • Bride information. Here you must specify the full name, date of birth, passport details and marital status.
  • Groom information. They are indicated similarly to those that must be reported about the bride.
  • Data about the registry office in which the spouses want to register.
  • An indication of the desire to change the surname, if necessary.

It is important to correctly fill out the electronic application, not to make a mistake in a single letter. Otherwise, it may be canceled after the applicants visit the registry office and check the documents.

In this case, you will have to submit it again, and postpone the wedding date for at least another month.


If the submission is supposed to be in electronic form, then it goes through several stages:

  1. Filling out an online application.
  2. Appearance with original documents for confirmation at the registry office.
  3. Registration directly.

If the newlyweds did not appear at the appointed time and did not confirm the date of the wedding, and also did not provide documents, the application will be canceled and it will have to be submitted again.

If the newlyweds decide to apply by a personal visit to the registry office, then they will have to take a queue, and then fill out a form similar to electronic, but on paper. After that, you do not need to specify anything, since the documents must be with you at the time of writing the application.

What documents do you need to take with you to the registry office?

It is still unlikely to be able to avoid a visit to the registry office. This is required in order for the employees to check the original documents on the basis of which a marriage registration certificate is issued. That is why it is necessary to foresee the availability and compliance with the requirements of the law of all the necessary papers.

The list will definitely include:

  • Passports of each of the future spouses. Moreover, everyone's passport should not be expired.
  • Certificate of divorce or death of the spouse, if one of the newlyweds has already been married. This document is necessary to confirm the absence of a valid marriage relationship with future spouses.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.

Paperwork fades into the background every year, as the maximum number of any organizations, including government agencies, are switching to electronic communication. Couples in love have had the right to apply to the registry office online for several years now. A whole system has been developed in order to make it easier for the population to communicate with government agencies, which earns itself a number of advantages, from saving time for travel and standing in lines to saving their nerves and the patience of civil servants. You can apply for a desire to register a marriage online in Moscow on the official website of public services To apply to the registry office online, you must have a verified profile in the ESIA. More on this below. For those who want to get married in the standard way, by coming to the registry office,.

Registration of marriage in the registry office online Moscow

You can apply online in any city in Russia. And if small towns still use the old method of submitting a package of documents on paper, then those who get married in Moscow, as the cultural capital, already use electronic services to the maximum. The algorithm for applying online to the registry office of Moscow, we will consider below.

  1. We open the Moscow public services tab at the link and check the free dates for the marriage registration ceremony by selecting the registry office where you mainly want to apply and the date.
  2. On the official website of the ESIA (, you need to register to verify your identity.
  3. We upload personal documents into the system, including the couple's passports and SNILS. Information about the account holders is stored in the personal account. The created account is an access to any government portals where user identification is required.
  4. The next step is to apply online to the Moscow registry office -
  5. We go through the authorization procedure through the ESIA. In the "Change in marital status" tab, fill in the data.
  6. We choose the date and the registry office for painting.
  7. After pressing the button to book a time, the user has exactly one hour to complete the application.
  8. Fill out the application and submit.
  9. Payment of the state duty can be made through Internet banking by choosing the electronic payment method. The receipt must indicate the passport data of the payer and the purpose of the payment.

If you do not register in a single register, then you will not be able to book a wedding date online. The only service that will be available is an appointment with the registrar. The advantage of ESIA is to receive an invitation with all the data about the ceremony by e-mail. The wedding invitation must be printed and submitted to the institution.

State duty for registration of marriage via the Internet

The state duty for online registration of marriage does not differ in size from that which is paid during the standard filing of an application. In 2016, the state fee is 350 rubles. To pay for it, you need the exact details of the state agency. When paying through the website of public services, the details for paying the tax are automatically filled in. For additional verification, you can check the information on the official website of the Moscow government -

Features of electronic registration

  1. Significant savings in time and nerves of the spouses, as traffic jams and queues are avoided. All available services and any information on different departments is available on one site, including the FAQ section.
  2. No one will tell you, except for yourself, whether you filled out the application for marriage registration via the Internet correctly. There is no online assistant. If the correctness of the information provided is disputed by the administration, the application will be rejected. Therefore, we carefully read, download, print and check before sending.
  3. If the data is distorted or outdated information about the pair is entered, if the application is rejected, the paid state duty is not refundable.
  4. Transferring the right to register to another couple is not allowed. If you try to make a substitution, the reservation will be canceled and the ceremony will be denied.
  5. And the time indicated in the invitation coupon must be on time. Nobody will wait. The package of documents cannot be forgotten.
  6. Even if the application is accepted, the invitation is received, but the registrar will identify the reasons that prevent this marriage - the ceremony will not take place.
  7. You can view the status of your application in your personal account in the notification center using the "Services" link. The review takes place within 5 business days.
  8. You can choose the date of the wedding for a period of 1 month to six months.
  9. It is impossible to cancel the ceremony, as well as to return the money for the state duty. The only possibility is to simply not show up for the wedding, and then the application will go into the “Cancelled” status.
  10. You can apply to the registry office at once in two registry offices, but the state duty is paid separately for each institution. Additional terms can be found at

Today, no one is surprised by the development of the Internet and the convenience of using it. Public authorities also understood this and began to create services that help citizens perform many operations without leaving their homes. In 2018, the best of them is public services.

The most popular and convenient service for many years has been the public services website. With it, you can find out information about fines, submit all kinds of documents, order reports, and much more. But for several years now, the most demanded service has been filing an application for marriage registration.

This is not surprising, because now the newlyweds do not need to make their way through the huge queues that the registry offices used to have, especially in the summer.

You can forget about the lists that girls made on leaflets, forums and social networks. Now it is enough to fill in the data on the screen of your computer and the job is done.

In 2018, you can apply for marriage registration via the Internet. Both spouses must register on the website, fill in passport details, pay a state duty of 245 rubles and choose a wedding date.

There are many undeniable advantages to filing an application to the registry office via the Internet. Judge for yourself:

  • saving time;
  • lack of queues, scandals and hassles;
  • the ability to independently choose a date for marriage;
  • You can apply even six months before the required date;
  • an advantage in setting a date over those who submit a regular application;
  • the ability to send an application from any place and city.

We think you are interested in this opportunity, so we will tell you a little more.

  1. At the first stage, you must register on the public services website. It is easy to do, the whole procedure takes no more than 10 minutes. If you have already registered, please login.
  2. Go to the "Electronic Services" item, and press the "State Registration of Marriage" button.
  3. In the menu that appears, select the registry office or the Wedding Palace, where you plan to hold a solemn event.
  4. Choose a date that suits you. On the same page, fill in the fields with the passport data of the bride and groom. Just do it very carefully so that there are no further problems in the registry office.
  5. After these steps, save the data. You will receive a notification that your application has been accepted.

Consider also such a moment that both spouses must be registered on the public services portal. One of you will act as the initiator and after filling out your part of the application, you will have to send it to the second one for filling.

Some readers who have not reached the age of marriage are interested in whether citizens who are not yet 18 years old will be able to submit such applications. No, they cannot, they will have to personally go to the registry office. They must also collect a package of documents that will allow them to enter into marriage.

Be sure to track the "My Applications" tab in your personal account of public services. After a while, information will appear there about the acceptance of your application and the appointment of the time at which you must come to the registry office. Don't forget to take your documents with you. You will also need to pay the state fee. You can also pay the fee on the portal or using the online bank.

A nice bonus is the ability to book 2 dates for yourself, for example, July 6 and 15. In the registry office, it will be necessary to finally choose a more suitable date.

If for some reason you change your mind and decide to cancel the wedding, then this will not work through the public services portal. You will need to personally come to the registry office and write an application.

If everything is done correctly, the registry office staff will check your documents and confirm the date for marriage registration.

Registration through the website of the State Service

This is the best option for today. The main advantage is that you can fill in all the data at home, in a relaxed atmosphere, by double-checking everything several times. In addition, from January 1, 2017, if you register through this site, you will receive a 30% discount. And the state duty for you will be not 350 rubles, but 245 rubles.

And of course, the most important advantage is that you can choose any date you need in any registry office. No more waiting in line at night! And you can also choose a date not for 1 month as it was before, but for 12 months. If you want, you will have a whole year to prepare the wedding.

Let's take a look at the registration process itself. Go to the website of public services, enter your username and password. Then go to the tab with categories or enter the phrase in the search - registration of marriage. Then follow the instructions below.

At the first stage, click the Marriage Registration button. The button is located on the left in the Family and children section. In the photo, I highlighted it in a red frame.

Go down below and choose the type of service you receive, either through electronic registration or through a personal visit to the registry office. We recommend doing everything electronically. All the advantages of this option are described above.

Next comes the stage at which you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. Click the button to fill out the application form. We will not show how to fill out this form, since you will have to enter your personal data there, there will be no difficulties in this. But since you are registered through the site, this data will be substituted automatically. Very handy feature, everything is automated. Also at this stage, you are told the conditions for getting married. If you agree with everything, then click on the side of the big blue button with the text - Get a service.

After filling in the data, you must send an invitation to the second participant (bride or groom). And he or she must also go to public services under his own name and fill out a questionnaire. After that, you will be billed in your personal account in the amount of 245 rubles, you can pay it in any convenient way. Among the payment options are: Bank card (MasterCard, Visa, World), Electronic wallet (Webmoney), Mobile phone (Federal operators).

At the very end, you are told how and when it will be possible to sign and receive a marriage certificate.

Here we show you the steps you need to go through if you want to come in person.

And here is the same calendar that will be available to you when filling out the application. This is the option that many dream of. Now you can choose any beautiful date and not a month in advance, but for the whole 12 months. These changes will come into effect on January 1, 2019.

When to come to the registry office and what documents to take

If you did everything correctly, after 5 minutes you will receive a message about the status of your application by mail. If all the conditions are met - both spouses are over 18 years old and neither of you is married at the moment, then you will be informed about the date of your wedding. Be sure to save this letter, or even better - print it out on a printer, this will be your proof in case of any problems.

We strongly recommend that you call the registry office or even go to them in person to make sure that your application is being processed, because sometimes there are failures. And imagine how unpleasant it will be to find out on the day of the wedding that your data is not there or they are filled out incorrectly.

If everything went well, then on the day of the wedding, take the following documents with you to the registry office:

  • Passports of both spouses;
  • Printed coupon from the public services website;
  • Just in case, you can take the letter with the application number that came to your e-mail;
  • If one of you was already married, then he needs to take a certificate of divorce just in case;
  • In addition, we strongly recommend that you print an electronic receipt for payment of the state duty if you made the payment on the site.

After registering the marriage, you will be given a certificate and stamped in your passports.

How much to apply online

Now the application can be left about 45 days before the registration of marriage. For example, if the wedding is scheduled for July 15, then you need to send an application on June 5. But it’s better to play it safe and fill out the information on June 1 so that the desired date is free.

And the maximum period can reach up to 180 days, that is, you can plan your event six months before the wedding. For example, now it is June 1 and I am given a choice of dates from July 14 to January 6. Now it will become much easier to plan all the festive events, order a photographer and so on.

Be sure to download:

Questions and answers

We lived with a man in a civil marriage for 2 years. Then we submitted an application to the registry office on the Internet, we were assigned a date when we should come. But we never got to the registry office. I am currently in my seventh month of pregnancy. Who should I call my father now? Can I get child support?

If a man agrees to register himself as a father, enter him. If you do not agree voluntarily, you can apply to the court to establish paternity. If the DNA test confirms, he will be listed as the child's father on the certificate.

My friend applied online. Then it was necessary to come to the registry office with all the documents. When she arrived, she was told that she needed a registration certificate. A friend is not registered anywhere, so she was denied registration of marriage. Tell me is it right?

Lack of registration is not a reason for refusing to register a marriage. Your girlfriend can appeal the actions of the registry office workers.

We applied online for marriage registration. Then they left for another country on vacation and did not come to the registry office on the appointed day to bring documents. When we returned and decided to go, we found out that our application was no longer valid. They said a new one would need to be filed. What can be done?

You must submit a new application online or directly through the registry office.

We want to apply through the public services website. The problem is that the bride will turn 18 only in 2 weeks. But by the time we come to the registry office in person, she will already be 18 years old. Can we submit an application today?

An application can only be submitted in person or via the Internet when both spouses are 18 years old. There are some exceptions when this can be done earlier, for example, when a girl is pregnant. If you do not have such circumstances, you will have to wait a little longer.

We have a child, we really want to register a marriage as soon as possible. Give advice on how to do it.

The waiting period after filing the application is the same, and is 30 days. There are exceptions, for example, pregnancy, the threat to the life of the mother. If the registry office worker agrees, you can be registered on the same day. But such a scenario is unlikely.

I live in Moscow, I want to get married in Kaliningrad. The problem is that I won't be in Kaliningrad before the wedding. Tell me, is it possible to submit documents at the Moscow registry office, and sign in Kaliningrad?

So it won't work. You must sign at the registry office where you submitted the documents. Each registry office has its own queue and workload.

Tell me, is it possible, after submitting an application and choosing a date through public services, not to go to the registry office of another city, send all the documents by mail or in some other way?

As a general rule, you must come in person and sign the application. But now so-called MFCs (multifunctional centers) have appeared in many cities. They accept documents from citizens, and then send them to the right government agency. If there is such an MFC in your city, you need to contact them and find out if they can send your application to the registry office.

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Many couples will say that marriage begins with church bells, wedding rings, and tears from emotional ceremony guests. In fact, marriage is a completely formal procedure, which implies certain legal procedures and the rights and obligations that follow them. The regulations for entering into a marriage union are quite strict, there is no place for cupids and pink clouds in it. To avoid surprises and approach the solemn day happy and not disappointed in life, carefully read the main stages.

We will tell:

  • how to apply to the registry office through the "Gosuslugi" online and in person;
  • How many months in advance do you need to apply?
  • about the intricacies of the work of institutions that you may encounter;
  • which registry office is better to choose;

Before moving on to a discussion of bureaucratic procedures, let us recall that the Family Code of the Russian Federation determines who can marry and who cannot. Before you start planning the ceremony, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with Art. 12 and 14 of the Family Code.

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Most questions arise for couples who have not reached the minimum age for marriage. What to do if getting married is unbearable, and age imposes restrictions?

According to the laws of our country, persons who have not reached the minimum age for marriage can enter into an alliance only if the following procedure is observed:

  • at the time of applying to the registry office, those wishing to marry must be at least 14 years old (varies depending on the legislation of the subject of the federation);
  • the couple must obtain permission from the mayor's office (you will have to come up with good reasons to defend the interests of the family) and parents (in some cases, permission is not required);
  • make an application.

If you are over the age of 16, under federal law, you can apply to your local government for permission to marry. However, a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation have their own laws allowing earlier marriages - from the age of 14 or 15. Familiarize yourself with the legislation of your own region, but even if it is not on your side, do not despair. You can try to submit an electronic application to the registry office of any other subject of the federation. For this purpose, you will be suitable - Belgorod, Vologda, Kaluga, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod regions (in the registry office you will be welcome from the age of 14), Murmansk, Chelyabinsk (a year later - from the age of 15). It is possible that in order to get permission for an early marriage in another area, you will have to change your residence permit, but can love have limits? The law of the region also determines whether you need permission to marry from your parents or you can do without their participation. If the critical age mark has been exceeded and none of the future spouses has a certificate of incapacity, only registry office employees stand on the way to a long and happy life together, whose formalism, at times, can be annoying.

Required documents

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An application submitted by a couple to the office of the registration authorities or through the State Services is considered the basis for registering a family union. It is not difficult to find the form required for filling out the document - ask for it at the registry office or download it on the State Services website.
What is the content of the application?

  • Questionnaire . Standard positions - full name of future spouses (in a separate column you will be asked to decide on the last name that you will bear after marriage), full age, marital status (not in official relations, divorced, widower / widow).
  • Confirmation of the voluntariness of the union.
  • Date and signature.

What other documents do you need to bring with you?

  • passport, or documents that replace it;
  • certificate of termination of the previous union;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Sometimes circumstances arise in which a couple cannot appear at the registry office to apply in person. In this case, the law stipulates the possibility of presenting the entire necessary list of papers by a representative of one or both lovers. In order for the application submitted by the representative to be considered competent, it is necessary to certify the document with a notary.

How long can a marriage be registered?

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At least 30 days must elapse between filing an application with the registry office and concluding a marriage union. In some cases, the period may be reduced.

What can I do to get you signed up faster?

  • Bring proof of pregnancy.
  • Give a birth to a baby.
  • Get into conditions where something will threaten your life and health.
  • Come up with your own weighty option (conscription of the groom for military service, departure on a long business trip).

Can the application be rejected?

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The answer is yes, you may find yourself in a situation where the confetti shower and the gala dinner will have to be postponed.

The reasons:

  • the fact that the marriage is contracted under duress became known;
  • You still have not reached the established age and have not changed your residence permit;
  • one of the spouses or both have not terminated the previous marriage;
  • the couple are close relatives;
  • at least one of the potential spouses has documentary evidence of incapacity;
  • marriage registration has been canceled or postponed by a court decision or law enforcement agencies due to the existence of a criminal case against one of the persons wishing to legalize the marriage, and marriage will interfere with the investigation / punishment of the criminal.

    What to do if the application is not accepted

    1) ask for a reason;
    2) write an appeal with a request to accept an application addressed to the head of the department that gave you the refusal (the application will not be considered immediately, according to the law, an answer can be given after 30 days);
    3) if the refusal is confirmed by an official letter, but you consider yourself a victim, go to court.

What is the procedure for applying to the registry office via the Internet?

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On a certain day (which we will discuss later), those wishing to enter into a marriage union come to the registry office, having all the necessary documents with them. An employee of the registration authority checks the data of the young, clarifies whether their intentions are valid, and also which names the applicants would like to use after marriage. When the first formalities are settled, the employee of the institution begins to prepare the necessary papers.

Check all data carefully. Based on the papers submitted by you, a marriage certificate will subsequently be issued. If you make a mistake that the registry office employee will not notice, at the very beginning of your life together you will have to enter into a lengthy bureaucratic procedure for restoring documents.

After the marriage is registered, the surname of one of the spouses changes. In some cases, this can be avoided, but sometimes a change of surname becomes one of the conditions for going to the registry office. Decide in advance on the choice of a surname. There is no need to distract employees of a state institution with disputes and scandals.

If the change of surname is a resolved issue, then after registering the marriage in your passport, you will be marked “to be exchanged within a month”. Do not worry, this inscription is not included in the list of corrections in which the document becomes invalid. But it can become one if you do not appear at the FMS within the period established by law - 30 days from the date of marriage registration. Otherwise, you have two options -be brought to administrative responsibility under an article that provides for a fine of up to 3,000 rubles. (and in some cities, for example, in Moscow - 5,000), or indicate a good reason. An employee of the Federal Migration Service, at his discretion, can release the violator from administrative responsibility (for example, if the deadlines were violated slightly), but this will be his generous decision, and not an obligation.

Which registry office is better to apply online?

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The law indicates that marriage can be registered regardless of the place of registration or actual residence. It is not uncommon for employees of a state institution, due to incompetence or other bureaucratic illnesses, to refuse to accept an application. The reason most often becomes the lack of registration in the city. In such cases, only your perseverance and knowledge of the law will allow you to avoid long walks through bureaucratic corridors and the rudeness of the staff of the apparatus.

How is the registry office different from the wedding palace?

The registry office is the civil registry office. This institution not only rings the newlyweds, but also issues birth, divorce, and death certificates.

The Wedding Palace is a narrowly focused place. Only tears of happiness and tenderness are shed there.

How to choose the right place? It all depends on your desire - to hold a modest wedding with a small number of guests or arrange a magnificent reception. The palace will be able to accommodate a larger number of guests, the ceremonies there are strictly planned, so most likely you will not have to wait for your turn in an awkward crowd.

What are the best days to apply for marriage registration online?

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The standard framework of working days does not apply to employees of the registry office. As a rule, the institution works according to its own schedule. So that your first joint trip to the registry office does not end in failure, do not be too lazy to clarify in advance the working days and hours for receiving applications.

How to apply for marriage registration at the registry office and online?

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The application for marriage requires the correctness and truthfulness of the information entered. Do not intentionally change information or provide other people's documents. For violation of the order of filling, criminal liability is provided.

The sheet is divided into two halves. One is filled in by the potential spouse, the second - by the spouse.

Before filling out the application, we recommend that you consult with the registry office employee - the date and time of the proposed ceremony may be busy. To avoid delays and complications - do not fill out the column without prior consultation. An employee of the registry office will suggest days that could suit you.

After all the columns are filled in, you must hand over your documents to the registry office officer. The data will be checked, in the upper corner the employee will put the date of acceptance of the application and his signature.

Be careful when filling out - errors in applications are common. In order not to spend the whole day in the registry office and not start swearing because of constant edits, carefully and accurately fill in the information.

The law defines the deadlines that must pass from the moment of submission of documents to registration. But you need to make a reservation - 30 days is the minimum period, and the limit is not set. It is better to apply for marriage registration in advance (a comfortable period is six months).

In all these complex formal procedures, there is a human factor. Lines, tired employees - anyone can overshadow the festive mood. To avoid this, you can turn to our encyclopedia of worldly wisdom - the Internet.

Technologies for convenience: how to apply to the registry office via the Internet?

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Working with a government services website is not difficult. All you need is some free time and an internet connection.

Benefits of submitting an electronic application to the registry office:

  • saving time and mental strength;
  • the application can be filled out in a convenient place with a comfortable atmosphere;
  • the right time is easy to book in advance;
  • it is not necessary to be in the place where you plan to hold the ceremony - you can draw up papers anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection.

Step-by-step procedure: how to submit an electronic application to the registry office?

  1. Go to the public services website. If you have already registered, you will only have to enter your registration data and select the desired service. If you do not have a password, please register first;
  2. Open the tab with electronic services, click on the section with the administration of registry offices;
  3. Select "Mr. marriage registration;
  4. Let's move on to the graphs:
    in the section with services for working with the bodies of registration of acts, we find the necessary department, select it, fill in the fields with the date and time of registration of the marriage. Click the "next" button. The portal opens up new fields. We fill them in the specified sequence according to the provided form. An asterisk (*) marks mandatory fields, so skipping such a field will return you to the beginning of registration. After filling, click "Next". Similarly, all the proposed fields are filled in. At the end of each page, click Next. At the end, you will be prompted to submit an application. We complete the operation.
  5. If you filled in all the points correctly, your application will be assigned a number that will appear on the screen.
  6. We find the section where your applications are located. Near the name of the service, you can see its status. You need to wait until it is updated to "Waiting for additional information from the user."
  7. As soon as the update has occurred, open the application and get acquainted with the text of the comment. You will be successful if you see that your application has been successfully accepted. The same comment will indicate the period by which you need to personally confirm your intentions at the registry office. If you miss the queue, the reservation will be automatically canceled and you will have to go through the whole procedure again.
  8. The next step is to register with the registry office. To do this, we continue the operation with the page and open access to the appointment.
  9. We choose the date and time of filing the application, we complete the procedure.
    To make sure the procedure is completed, you can call the registry office a few days later and clarify the status of your application.

Now you just need not to forget about the date on which you must appear at the registry office and confirm your focus on creating a strong social union.


both the groom and the bride must be registered on the public services portal. One of you will start filling out the form, and then send it to the second to fill out.

If you decide to cancel the wedding, then you will not be able to refuse the service from home, this requires a personal appeal. But in any case, you need to warn the registry office employees - extra paperwork and a couple frustrated due to lack of time to register will be on your conscience.

How to submit documents to the registry office - via the Internet or without using it depends on your desire and the amount of free time. But since technology has already flooded our lives, why not cut down on paperwork and start preparing for the ceremony?

The state is interested in the birth of new families, so everything is done for the convenience of citizens. Now the excuse “There is no time to go to the registry office to apply” does not work.

From March 4, 2011, young people who decide to legalize their family union can apply for official registration of a marriage union on the Internet portal of the State Service.

To complete the application for marriage online, a citizen must register on the website of the State Service:

If you have already completed the registration procedure, you can use the pre-registration service using your personal account.

Terms of online registration

An electronic application for registration of marriage at the State Services can be submitted by:

An official marital union is not formalized if one of the potential spouses is recognized as legally incompetent through a court due to mental illness.

Electronic registration of marriage is not possible:

In the presence of these circumstances, potential spouses need to apply to the registry office in person.

It is thanks to the registration of the state service of registration of marriage via the Internet that citizens have the opportunity to increase the deadline for filing an application. If the future husband and wife can personally apply to the registry office a month before the registration of family relations, then using the State Services portal, you can sign up for registration in advance - two months, three, even six months.

Users of the State Services website can see that the time for consideration of an online application can be about an hour. At the same time, 20-30 minutes are allotted for registration of the service, and it will take no longer than 15 minutes to wait in line for a personal appeal to the registry office. Having made a preliminary appointment, you can be sure that the reserved date and time of the solemn painting will be kept by the couple.

Registration for the desired date is guaranteed to appear on the portal two months before the proposed wedding ceremony.

Features of working with a resource

When the user gets to the new version of the State Service website, the service prompts him to determine his location. Depending on the location of the citizen, the region of residence, a selection of registry offices is issued for registering the application. Then, step by step, the user goes to write the application:

It is convenient that the entered data does not disappear anywhere, you can save the application several times in drafts and gradually add to it.


First of all, pay attention - depending on the region of residence, the peculiarity of the provision of the service changes. There may be one wedding palace with a hall for solemn registration of marriage in your city, in others the registration of marital relations is not solemn. The portal also notes whether the buildings are not under repair, whether the work schedule of the institutions has changed.

Citizens have the right to apply to any department of the registry office, even located in another region of the Russian Federation.

The document submitted for registration must contain the following information:

When submitting an application, a man and a woman independently choose the date of registration of the marriage union and the time of painting.

If necessary, indicate the day suitable for a personal visit to the staff of the registry office. An application submitted online through the State Services must be confirmed.

If the citizens who booked the day of filing the application do not appear at the set time, they will lose their place in the queue for marriage registration, and will have to re-apply in person to the registry office. After the final save, you will receive a notification that the application has been accepted for consideration. After a certain period of time, you will receive a response.