How to understand what hairstyle suits you girl. What hairstyle suits me: modern options for any type of face

Sometimes you want to make a fashionable bob ...

Or pixies...

"But will it suit me?" - that's the main question. “Maybe keep your hair long!”

The head stylist of the British branch of John Frieda Salons Giles Robinson invented his formula. He knows exactly who will suit the haircut, and who - only long hair. Do you want to know? You will need a ruler and a pencil.

Place the pencil under your chin and hold it horizontally. Measure the distance from the earlobe to the pencil.

If this distanceless than 2.25 inches(or 5.71 cm) - then youhaircut will go. If the distance exceeds 2.25 inches, you'd better stay with long hair.

What did you get?

Tip #1: Consider the shape of your face
Short haircuts can suit any face shape, with the exception of a round one. Women with a round face are more suitable for haircuts below shoulder level. Bob on a round face shape looks like a helmet. In this case, it is necessary to visually lengthen the face, and therefore leave the length of the hair.

Tip #2: Do you have beautiful shoulders, chin and neck?
Short hair will certainly emphasize them. If you have a short neck, a double chin, or broad shoulders, you should not cut your hair above your collarbone.

Tip #3: Do you have curly hair? think twice
Curly hair tends to be frizzy if it is short. Some stylists say that curly hair should be cut no shorter than five centimeters below the chin, but I have seen luxurious options for short haircuts on curly hair. The secret is in the layering. Cutting curly hair is an art, so choose your stylist carefully so that you don't look like a poodle after visiting the salon.

Tip #4: Fine Hair Looks Best in Short Haircuts
Very fine hair looks flat if it is long. If you have thin or thin hair, cutting it short will add volume, just be careful with the layers. Try to keep all your hair the same length as possible. A large number of cropped hair can affect the volume.

Tip #5: Trick
I found this tip in Allure Magazine's Beauty Editor Linda Wells' Confession. Take a photo of yourself with a light or dark background, depending on your hair color (if you are a blonde, choose a dark background, if a brunette, choose a light background). Grab your scissors and cut your hair in the photo to see if a short haircut suits you or not. We advise you to start with longer hair so as not to waste the photo.

When you are looking for a new hairstyle, you should consider factors such as hair texture, features and face shape. You can take note of a friend's short haircut or your sister's cascading long waves, but you need to consider the style that suits you the most. Whether your hair is coarse or fine, straight or curly, choose a style that will make people turn heads on the street.


We take into account the shape of the face to determine the length of the hairstyle

    Choose a haircut that suits your face shape. The main rule that you should follow is that your hairstyle is the opposite of the shape of your face. For example, if you have a square face, smooth out the corners with soft layers and curls.

    • Knowing the shape of your face will help you decide on the choice of hairstyle. To determine what shape you have, remove all the hair from your face by combing it with a comb. Stand right in front of a mirror and look at your face. You should be looking at your front, not your profile. Use lipstick, a piece of cold butter, or something else that will be easy to wipe off the mirror, and trace the shape of your face on it.
  1. Round the shape of the face is characterized by smooth lines and a round chin. At the same time, you have a wide forehead, chin and cheekbones.

    Square the shape of the face is characterized by a wide, angular jaw, wide cheekbones and a wide forehead.

    oval the shape of the face has the same proportions as the round one, but the face itself is more elongated. The chin and forehead are about the same width. The cheekbones are usually slightly wider and flow into the chin in smooth lines.

    • People with an oval face type are most often suitable for any hairstyle. Find the one that best suits your style and appearance. Beautiful cheekbones and chin? Try a bob with clear lines. Perfect eyes? Straight or side swept bangs will accentuate them.
    • French knot type hairstyles are suitable for you.
  2. Heart shaped face characterized primarily by a narrowed chin and a broad forehead. The cheekbones can be about the same width as the forehead or slightly wider.

    • Draw attention away from the chin with oblique bangs or deep bangs to the eyebrows. Short haircuts are also a good option. Avoid cascading and ragged haircuts to the jawline.
    • Try a French knot with your hair slightly up at the top.
    • Avoid hairstyles with slicked back hair without volume.
  3. triangular the shape of the face is directly opposite to the face in the shape of a heart - a wide jaw, a narrow forehead.

    • Haircuts with long side bangs will suit you. Short and voluminous haircuts are also ideal for this type of face. You can choose a long haircut, but the length should be below the collarbone.
    • You can try a loose ponytail and let the hair fall over your face.
    • Avoid hairstyles where the hair is slicked back.
  4. Diamond (diamond-shaped) The face shape is characterized by wide cheekbones, a narrow chin and a narrow forehead.

    • Try to create volume with bangs and balance it with strands that start from the chin.
    • A high ponytail or knot with bangs will suit you.
    • Pay attention to hairstyles with straight parting in the middle or where the hair is styled in a voluminous hairstyle on top.
  5. elongated the face is proportional in everything. The forehead, cheekbones, chin are about the same width, while they are rather narrow.

    • Brow-length bangs or oblique bangs are ideal for creating the illusion of a wide face. Keep your hair cut short, as long hair only visually stretches the face.
    • Curls and wavy strands will also help add volume.
    • Give up extreme hairstyles and long hair below the collarbone.

    We take into account the texture of the hair to determine the type of haircut

    1. Choose a hairstyle that suits the texture of your hair. Hair comes in a wide variety of textures - from soft, silky and fine hair to coarse, curly and unruly. You must choose the style that suits you.

      • For example, short and frizzy haircuts that suit people with straight and thin hair will not look good if you have thick and curly hair.
    2. If you have thin, silky hair, avoid straight and long hairstyles. You may look childish. Instead, go for a voluminous, layered, shoulder-length or higher hairstyle.

      • Do not make straight bangs, it is better to choose the option with oblique bangs.
    3. If you have thick, coarse, or curly hair, don't cut it short. You will look like a Christmas tree as you will have a lush, bushy hairstyle at the end of your hair that tapers towards the roots. Curly hair needs length to let it down a bit.

      • Consider options with an elongated hairstyle from the chin and below.
    4. If you have hair of medium thickness and normal texture, you can afford both long and short haircuts. Try different options according to your face type.

    Emphasizing strengths

    1. Play to your strengths. A good hairstyle should draw attention to those parts of the face that you like. Ultimately, the hairstyle should emphasize your dignity and add to your self-confidence.

      • For example, if you like the length of your neck, cut it short or pull your hair up to accentuate it.
      • To emphasize the eyes, make a deep bang to the eyebrows.
    2. Hide flaws. The right haircut will help you hide the flaws in your appearance.

      • If you have big ears, avoid short haircuts, ponytails, and buns (men tend to grow their hair on the sides to give the illusion of volume around the ears).
      • If you have a large, wide forehead, you can cover it with bangs.
      • If you don't like the length of your neck, go with long flowing hair.
    3. Add some color (optional). Colored hair requires constant maintenance, but it can help you even out your skin tone and improve your appearance. Choosing the right tone or color can be tricky, so ask a professional for help. The stylist will tell you which color suits you best.

      • If you want to learn more about how a particular hair color suits different skin tones, then click here.

    Changing your style

    1. Experiment with hairstyles. Of course, it's good to know the texture and features of the face, but you need to experiment to find out what you like best. Stand in front of a mirror and play around with different hairstyles. Pull up your hair like you have a short haircut. Try straightening your hair or curling your hair. Let men try to ruffle their hair or comb it back.

      • In fact, you should have a hairstyle that you feel comfortable and happy with, no matter how it suits your face type. Your hairstyle should reflect your personal preferences.
      • Take care of your hair. If you have split ends, trim them immediately. Avoid excessive heat treatment with a hair dryer or straightener.
      • If you have long but damaged hair, consider getting yourself a short haircut that suits your face. Short hair looks healthier as it needs to be trimmed more often.
      • Nobody, except for people with very thin and oily hair, needs to wash their hair every day. Try to wash your hair every other day and use a natural boar bristle brush to comb out excess oil or dry shampoo to lift your strands. Your hair should look shinier and less frizzy.
      • Find a good barber. If you have a master you trust, a haircut will become a much less stressful procedure for you. Look for and find a professional who is willing to listen to your ideas and evaluate your needs. It can be a little expensive at first, but you'll save money in the long run if you don't have to pay to redo a bad haircut every time.


      • Curly and wavy hair will not look good with short bangs. Do bangs, if you are ready, straighten it every day.

”- every girl asks herself such a question, standing in the morning in front of a mirror with a mop of unstyled hair. How to find out if there is no one to tell? Today we will tell you how to choose a hairstyle for a round, oval and other types of face - so as to emphasize your advantages, hide flaws, and as usual - look great!

We have already talked more than once about choosing a fashionable and stylish everyday hairstyle - for example, one that can be created in a few minutes, which is easy to care for, which looks stylish and original, but at the same time is accessible even to completely unsophisticated “home hairdressers”. But, in our opinion, we paid too little attention to the issue of choosing a hairstyle taking into account the type of appearance - and this is a key question, making the right decision without an answer to which is almost impossible. Yes, sometimes you can find this answer intuitively. But, you see, it will not be superfluous to reinforce intuition with actual knowledge.

What are the shapes of the face

We will not only look at a typical classification - we will tell you how to correctly determine the shape of your face. And although it may seem obvious, the problem actually exists. You will be convinced of this when you begin to delve into the question. But we will not let this problem become yours, and we will solve it in the bud.

So, stylists and other specialists in appearance distinguish the following face shapes:

  • Round

The width of such a face is almost equal to its length, that is, the face in shape approaches an ideal circle.

  • oval

The forehead is not much wider than the chin, the face tapers downward, and the whines protrude - usually not very much.

  • Square

The width of the forehead, cheekbones and jaw line is almost the same.

  • heart-shaped

The cheekbones and forehead are almost equal in width, the chin is sharp and elongated.

  • Rhomboid

The forehead and chin are rather narrow, their width differs slightly from each other, while the cheekbones seriously protrude against the background of the forehead.

  • oblong

The forehead, jaw line and cheekbones are of the same or almost the same width.

Well, were you able to correctly determine your face shape? Doing it right the first time is not easy, as we wrote above. But - again, as we promised earlier - we will simplify this task for you.

In order to accurately determine the shape of your face, it is enough to pass a simple four-step test:

Step one: We stand in front of a mirror, turn on a bright light and comb our hair back. It is better to collect them in a ponytail at the back of the head or at the crown (if the length of the hair allows) so that they do not bother you. Alternatively, the hair can be wetted - especially if it is short.

Step two: To do this, we need a ruler, and quite long. If there is no ruler at hand, you can take an A4 sheet and a pen / pencil to put marks on it. Your task is to measure the length of the face, from the roots of the hair (on the forehead) to the tip of the chin.

Step three: The resulting length must be divided by three. If you measured your face with a ruler, there will be no difficulties. If using a sheet, fold it three times, and exactly one third of your face will turn out on the fold. We will conditionally designate this result as “result A”.

Step four: Now we measure the distance from the base of the nose (nose bridge) to the tip of the chin. Let's conditionally designate this length as "result B".

When all four steps have been successfully completed, determining the shape of the face is quite simple:

1. If result A is greater than result B, the face shape is either oblong or square.

2. If result A is less than result B, the face shape is either round or diamond-shaped.

3. If the result of A is equal to the result of B - the shape of the face is either oval or heart-shaped.

Further - be guided by the criteria from the description of various face shapes, and you can easily determine what shape your face has. And we will tell you how to choose the right hairstyle for each of the forms in order to look irresistible - after all, an unsuccessful hairstyle, even if it is very stylish and chic, can ruin your appearance.

Choosing hairstyles for your face type

If your face has a round shape, it may look fuller despite the fact that you are not overweight. And if there is, then ... well, you yourself understand.

Therefore, the main task of a hairstyle for a round face is to lengthen it by any available means.

  • Curling - it expands the face too much
  • Lush hairstyles - the same reason
  • Hair combed back - give the face excessive roundness
  • Short haircuts - especially for very tall girls, they will add excessive thinness, and the head will seem too small
  • High hairstyles - although they lengthen the shape of the face, they also lengthen the neck, and it will seem unnaturally long

Unambiguous "yes":

  • Layered haircuts, in which each layer has a different length
  • big waves
  • Long hairstyles below the chin
  • Bob haircut, in which the front curls are longer than the back
  • Long, tousled hairstyle - the effect of lack of styling, mess

This shape is considered ideal, so when choosing a hairstyle for an oval face, there should not be any particular difficulties. If your face is oval, almost any haircut, any styling will suit you. However, it is worth paying attention to some points:

  • If you have thin hair, opt for medium length haircuts.
  • If your hair is thick and thick, you will look great with a long haircut.
  • Haircuts with any bangs, as well as without bangs, will suit you - but still pay attention not only to the shape, but also to facial features

Hairstyles suitable for a square face

This is one of the most difficult shapes because it makes your face look more masculine than feminine; overly athletic and overweight. However, with the help of a successful hairstyle for a square face, you can adjust its shape and become a true goddess.

What will help correct the situation:

  • Sparse layered bangs combed to the side
  • asymmetrical side parting hairstyle
  • Wavy hair below shoulder length
  • Ladder haircut
  • Updo

Do not under any circumstances do this:

  • Short haircut
  • Lush styling
  • Symmetrical hairstyle with a straight parting
  • Thick straight bangs

Hairstyles for a heart-shaped face

This face shape is not very successful, but it can be easily corrected with the right hairstyle for a heart-shaped face.

Here's what will help give the face a better look:

  • Bangs, parted and opening part of the forehead in the center
  • Medium Length Haircut - Shoulder Length
  • Smooth, straight hair and some volume in the cheekbones

What hairstyles suit a diamond-shaped face

Many of the rules for correcting this shape with a successful hairstyle for a diamond-shaped face will coincide with the previous recommendations - those that we gave girls with a heart-shaped face. Also, it's worth trying the following:

  • Very long bangs (up to the eyebrows or even longer), lush and voluminous
  • Hairstyles without clear lines
  • Hairstyles with the corners of the hair twisted inward

Hairstyles for an oblong face

Such a face is very similar to an oval, and therefore again almost perfect. A slight correction is enough to remove the word "practically" from his description:

  • Your haircut should not be too long. Optimal - length no more than to the shoulders, preferably shorter
  • Curly hair ends, bob or bob haircut
  • Voluminous hairstyles with knock-out curls that visually expand the face
  • Straight, long and voluminous bangs
  • Asymmetrical haircuts and styling

Well, armed with our parting words? Toga be bolder, correct the shape of the face so that it would never occur to anyone that it is not perfect!

To find the right shape and length of hair, you need to know what face shapes exist and what hairstyles are suitable for them.

How to determine the shape of the face

There are three ways to determine the type of face and its shape. With the help of these tricks, a woman can easily figure out which face shape she has. And it's easy to pick up hairstyles that suit him.

Determining the shape of the face with a mirror

To do this, you need to take an erasable marker or lipstick and stand at a distance of half a meter from the mirror. Light must necessarily fall from above, and not on the face. You need to carefully outline the contours of your face, starting from the chin. Then move on to the cheekbones and forehead.

After that, you can begin to analyze the face: where is its widest part, how much cheekbones protrude, how wide is the forehead. By determining these parameters "by eye", you can calculate your type of face.

With a tailor's meter

  • First you need measure the cheekbones at the protruding parts. These parameters will correspond to the width of the cheeks;
  • The width of the jaw is measured as follows: a centimeter should be attached just below the ear and bring it to the middle of the chin. The resulting figure must be multiplied by "two";
  • The forehead is measured at its widest part: the measuring tape must be laid from one temple to another;
  • Face Length: a centimeter is applied in the middle of the forehead and falls to the most protruding point of the lower jaw.

Method of "four measurements"

With its help, you can accurately determine the shape of the face and conclude which hairstyles are suitable for it.

How to take measurements:

  • Make the 1st measurement horizontal, and draw along the upper part of the forehead;
  • 2nd - along the upper border of the eyebrows;
  • 3rd parameter is measured by the lips, by their highest point;
  • The 4th measurement is made vertically along the border of hair growth, through the nose and up to the lower jaw.

Face shapes are different and hairstyles for them also need to be chosen appropriately.

If you correctly calculate your parameters, you can achieve a perfectly created image.

In total, stylists and hairdressers distinguish 8 standard types.

Stylists distinguish eight standard face shapes. For each of them, certain types of hairstyles are recommended.

Standard face shapes

Oval face

This type is easily recognizable by the sharp protruding cheekbones. Such faces resemble an egg in shape, which is turned upside down with a sharp part. Usually, the forehead and jaw of the owners of this type of face are almost the same, the chin is slightly rounded. Sarah Jessica Parker is a classic example of this type.

triangular face

In this type of face, the width and length are almost the same. But the forehead is the widest part of it. Sometimes there are varieties of this face, in which the forehead and cheekbones can be the same in width. Such a face ends with a pointed chin. A typical example of a triangular face in Legally Blonde is Reese Witherspoon.

diamond face

This type of face is a bit similar to an oval. The only difference is that his chin is pointed. And the forehead resembles a cone. Sophia Loren has such a face. No less impressive is the type of her American colleague "Catwoman" Halle Berry. Madonna is also among the owners of a diamond-shaped face.

Round face

The name of this type speaks for itself. The widest part of such a face is the cheekbones. But usually measurements in width and length are almost the same. Drew Berimor and Cameron Diaz are bright representatives of this type.

Rectangular face

An almost perfect rectangle is achieved by straight lines along the border of hair growth. The cheekbones are angular in shape, and the proportions of other parts of the face are the same. Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Heidi Klum - these universally recognized beauties have rectangular faces.

Square face

Representatives of this type have ideal facial proportions. Their forehead is usually wide, and their cheekbones are angular. Typical examples are Angelina Jolie and Selma Hayek.

Trapezoidal (pear-shaped) face

The width of the face is slightly less than the length. From top to bottom it gradually narrows. The forehead is usually wide, and the hairline is clearly defined and almost straight. Kelly Osbourne, Jennifer Aniston and Mini Driver are the owners of this type of face.

heart-shaped face

It is believed that this type is the most feminine. The shape of the "heart" is emphasized by a special hairline: it clearly shows the "tick" that the hair forms.

This type of face is characterized by a wide forehead, narrow chin and prominent cheekbones. Representatives of this type: Eva Longoria, Kim Basinger and Marilyn Monroe.

The stylists say all face shapes are good in their own way, if you choose the right haircut and hairstyle for each of them, then you can visually correct the shortcomings that each person has.

How to choose a good hairstyle for the shape of your face - what else you need to know.

Make-up artists warn their clients: when changing the image, in no case should you be guided only by fashion trends.

The wrong hair color or haircut style can cause irreparable damage to the overall image.

It is no coincidence that experts have classified the main forms of the face and selected hairstyles for them.

Here are the main tasks that real professionals set themselves when working with a client:

  • We hide flaws. There are no perfect faces. Not all hairstyles are suitable even for an oval face;
  • We emphasize the advantages. With the help of a haircut, you can hide disproportions in the face, and focus on the most attractive parts of it;
  • We avoid extremes. Even the most regular facial features can be distorted as a result of improperly selected hair length and haircut shape.

The choice of the right image is influenced by several factors that the master must take into account:

  • Hair color. Light colors will make the face visually wider. And dark shades will significantly narrow it down. As a classic example, we can cite the main character from the movie "The Addams Family" - Martysha. Long black hair visually lengthens an already narrow face;
  • Hair length. A short "hedgehog" can afford only the owners of a perfectly correct head shape. A round head from such a haircut will look like a soccer ball. A narrow skull should not be framed with long hanging strands;
  • Hair structure. Coarse and curly hair will stand on end if cut short. And thin and light hair is better to cut off than to tighten them at the back of the head.
  • Individual characteristics faces also need to be considered when choosing hairstyles and haircuts.
  • Hair and makeup should match perfectly. A well-chosen make-up will complement the image and make facial imperfections less noticeable.

Stylists advise: before visiting a beauty salon, you need to critically look at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your strengths and see your shortcomings

What haircuts are suitable for a round face

Haircuts for a round face and different hair lengths

This type needs a visual extension. Since the width from the top of the forehead and the distance between the cheeks are the same, it is necessary to balance the proportions. This effect can be achieved on long and medium hair.

Cascading haircuts and large curls are suitable for a round face type. If you make a short haircut, then you need to give it maximum volume so that the hair looks larger.

It will look good on such a face and an asymmetric bob-car. Its length should be well below the chin line, and the back of the head must be raised.

Hairstyles for round faces

With a round face, a classic bob to the middle of the cheek is categorically contraindicated. It is better to completely abandon the parting and short bangs. On such a head, a side parting will look perfect.

What haircuts are suitable for a square face

According to stylists, a square face is very expressive. But it requires a special approach.

To soften the harsh lines of the square, women need to choose haircuts that will make the face softer.

The ideal option is a square, below the level of the chin. But it should not be too voluminous at the cheek line.

What haircut suits a long face

For this type of face, you need to choose hairstyles and haircuts that will visually round it. Women belonging to this type need to forget about long and completely straight hair, stylists say.

An obligatory element of a haircut for an elongated face should be a bang. It can be anything: long, short, straight or beveled.

Hairstyles for a long face

The main goal is to divert attention from an overly long face. For this type, various options for graduated and layered haircuts are suitable. Look great graduated "bob"

What haircut suits an oval face

The oval face shape of hairdressers and stylists is considered ideal. All types of haircuts and styling are suitable for her.

A cascade, a classic square, or a short “hedgehog” - the oval will fit perfectly into any frame. Some stylists still believe that boy haircuts violate the natural harmony of such a face and deprive it of femininity.

Hairstyles for an oval face

An oval face is equally suitable for bangs and their complete absence, you can collect hair in a “tail”, or dissolve it along the face.

Hairstyles for a triangular face.

Certain restrictions in the choice of hairstyles are imposed in the case of a combination of a narrow chin with a wide forehead. With the help of hairstyles, it is necessary to visually expand the lower part of the face. Curls and squares with styling "from the face" are ideal for this type.

Hairstyles for a square face

On a square face, hairstyles with volume at the top of the head look good. Thanks to the light “bouffant” on the bangs, you can visually stretch your face. Side parting, beveled bangs and large curls are ideal.

Hairstyles for a square face

Women with a square face should avoid bob haircuts and ponytails.

Haircuts for a heart-shaped face

Hairstyles for a heart-shaped face

Haircuts that visually reduce the forehead and make the chin wider are ideal.. A square parting and with beveled bangs is the best option. The main thing is to choose the right length.

Ladies with a heart-shaped face will fit a square, the length of which will be below the level of the chin. And the hair should be styled towards the face.

Hairstyles for a rectangular face shape

Even a steep forehead, combined with a prominent chin and well-defined cheekbones, can be beautiful if you choose the right hairstyle. With the help of magnificent forms, you can divert attention from the obvious flaws of the face and turn them into virtues.

Hairstyles for a rectangular face

Suitable for almost all types of haircuts. The main thing is to give them as much volume as possible. No “licked” strands, stylists warn!

Pear-shaped face: haircuts

With this face shape, both long haircuts and medium length hair are allowed. The main task of the stylist is to avoid a large amount of hair near the chin.

Haircuts for pear-shaped faces

You can not choose haircuts with the same length of hair and ultra-short. They will visually increase the top of the head. Haircuts with oblique bangs are welcome, for example, a bob with a length below the cheekbone line.

Hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face

Hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face

Wide and high cheekbones, a narrow forehead and a pointed chin - these shortcomings can be turned into advantages if you visually narrow the cheekbones and maximize the forehead line with the help of hairstyles. If the hair is long, then large curls are ideal.

Stylists say that with such a face, hair cannot be combed in the middle. Lines should only be asymmetrical.

Hairstyles for a diamond-shaped face

On medium length hair, it is appropriate to make a square or an elongated bob. Short hairstyles with this type of face are allowed, but they should be as voluminous as possible.

How to choose a hairstyle for a woman with facial features.

With the help of hair length, their color and volume, many “natural” facial imperfections can be corrected.

A long nose

If nature has not awarded a neat nose, then smooth hair should be abandoned. Volumetric haircuts will "distract" attention from this shortcoming.

If everyday hairstyle involves wearing a ponytail, then the hair cannot be completely pulled together with an elastic band. At the face and behind they need to be given a small volume. The only possible option for bangs is oblique and torn. If this part of the hairstyle is straight and thick, then it will only increase the nose.

Owners of a long nose are better off choosing voluminous haircuts of medium length.

Sarah Jessica Parker is not at all shy about her rather big nose, just with the help of a well-chosen image, she managed to turn this flaw into a clear advantage.

short nose

Smooth hairstyles are contraindicated for a snub-nosed face or with a “potato” nose. For this type of face, voluminous hairstyles are suitable, bouffant is allowed. Style icon Victoria Beckham successfully disguises her not too neat nose with a mop of hair.

Owners of a snub nose are better off choosing voluminous hairstyles

Large curls and large bunches will do. The "lyrical mess" style is a great option. The shape of Sandra Bullock's nose is by no means ideal. But the right hairstyle makes her irresistible.

short neck

To visually lengthen the neck, you can make a haircut "under the boy." This option is not suitable for everyone, but only for the most daring. A low hairline can be easily corrected with a machine. But then you have to visit the hairdresser quite often.

A short bob with elongated strands and the most elevated nape will also help visually make the neck longer. If the hair is long, then they can be collected in a high “tail”, or left loose over the shoulders.

Long neck

To balance the proportions and make a too long neck shorter, you need to abandon the hair collected in a ponytail or shaved nape. A cascading haircut will look perfect. Any version of a hairstyle that covers the neck at least to the middle will visually "shorten" this part of the body.

Big facial features

Stylists advise women with large and expressive facial features to choose voluminous hairstyles. Smooth and too short haircuts “under the boy” are absolutely not suitable for such faces.

Volumetric bob or curls can visually reduce the proportions of the face. This effect can be achieved with the help of properly selected highlighting.

small facial features

Owners of faces with small features, on the contrary, are contraindicated in voluminous hairstyles with large curls. Against the background of a mop of hair, the face will become completely invisible. Such women need to choose short hairstyles that open their faces. Ears should be as open as possible.

heavy chin

This natural flaw can be masked with the right bangs. It will distract attention from the heavy lower jaw. Suitable for a square with a length below the level of the chin. In this case, the hair should be laid “to the face” and the lower part of the hairstyle should be made as lush as possible.

flat face

In this case, stylists recommend not to be shy and completely open your face to the eyes of others, and make the main emphasis on the hair at the back. No need to try to hide a flat face with a bang, it will only emphasize this flaw. For such a face, hairstyles with curls and a lush curl will go.

Each face is beautiful in its own way, and if a woman is unhappy with her image, then you need to choose the right hairstyle. Knowing what face shapes are and what hairstyles are suitable for them, you can completely change your image.

Useful video materials on the topic "Face Shapes and Hairstyles for Them". Straightening curly hair and creating volume at the roots

How to choose a hairstyle according to the shape of the face. Stylist tips:

How to straighten your hair without harm to them:

Surely every woman wants to change, but a sharp change in hairstyle puts many into a stupor. And all because most women do not know what haircuts, hairstyles and hair colors suit them. If you have ever wondered what hairstyle suits me for free, this article is for you. Find out which hairstyle is right for you.

First you need to decide on the shape of your face. To do this, tie your hair, it is better to put on a bandage to remove hair from your face and go to the mirror. Look at the face, what shape it reminds you of. If you can’t determine by eye, take any contour pencil or marker and circle the reflection of your face right on the mirror, so you get the outline of your face.

And so, you did it.

Oval - which hairstyle is suitable for this face shape

This is the classic and most versatile face shape. There are almost no features and prohibitions in the hairstyle with such a face, absolutely all hairstyles suit you, straight, curly, long or short hair. When choosing, you can easily rely on fashion. Try to make an elongated bob or graduated bob.

To minimize roundness, hair should frame the face, cover the ears
For such a face, uneven, oblique bangs, medium hair, soft curls are suitable, a short haircut is possible.

Square - which haircut to choose

With such a face, the haircut should stretch it and smooth out the angularity of the jaw.
Medium to long hair will look good, smooth or slightly wavy.

Rectangle - hairstyle and haircut

Your goal is to make the face shorter and wider. Layered layered haircuts, wavy hair of medium length will suit you. Long straight hair should be avoided. A graduated elongated bob or a medium cascading haircut is well suited.

triangle face shape

In this case, you need to reduce the width of the face at forehead level and add volume to the cheekbones and chin.
Suitable hairstyles with oblique bangs or long straight bangs laid on the side, wavy hairstyles, waves start at the cheekbones. Hair can be long or short.

Haircut for the shape of a trapezoid

Such a face is characterized by a wide lower part of the face. To balance the face, you need to create volume on the top. Thick bangs, voluminous hairstyles with volume on top, curly hair will do. The bottom part of the hair should be straight.