How is selection for a football school carried out? Football and children: should I send my child to the sport? Recruitment to the CSKA football academy

  1. Football develops agility, coordination, endurance and communication skills. Training for beginner players lasts 1.5-2 hours and takes place at least 3 times a week. First, the guys do general physical training - they run, jump and stretch, and then they begin to practice hitting a stationary ball and master paired passes. Over time, the program becomes more complicated: children are taught the basics of acrobatics and are asked to play various football situations with each other. But at first, only 15-20 minutes are allotted for playing football.
  2. There are practically no contraindications to playing football. But just in case, before enrolling your child in football, consult with your pediatrician (especially since the child will not be taken anywhere without a certificate anyway).
  3. Children can start playing football at 3.5 years old. Some sports schools have preparatory groups in which children over 3.5 years old can study. Most football sections accept children from 5-6 years old. As a rule, these are serious educational bases (the so-called SDUSHOR), which set themselves the task of raising real athletes from boys. We will tell you where to sign your child up for football a little later. How to choose a sports section
  4. Team sports help you learn to live in a team. This skill will be useful to your child in the future and will help you make friends today.
  5. Football helps a child become active and self-confident. In any children's team, athletes always have the greatest authority. Enroll your child in the football section, and he will not have problems communicating with peers both at school and in the yard. What clubs and sections do children like?

Football sections for children

Sports school "Labor reserves"

Many parents dream of self-realization for their child. They strive to send him to one section or another as early as possible, but how can they avoid being late or in a hurry?

At what age can I enroll my child in the football section?
1 Almost all parents are interested in the age at which a child can be sent to a particular section. According to the recommendations of doctors, children under four years old should not be sent to activities that require strength loads. There is no need to rush here, no matter how well your child is developed. So, what is the most suitable age to start playing football and what needs to be taken into account?

Does your child like football? Does he like to run? Play on a team?
2 If the child’s physical development allows, he can start playing football from the age of 4. The sooner you start, your child will develop the necessary skills.
3 At this age, it is better to play with a child for fun, chasing a children's ball, but not to force him to run around the field, practicing professional exercises.

Today there are teams for girls
4 Today there are also teams of girls in this game, but it’s not worth giving a girl over 4 years old. It would be better if the baby grows up and makes an informed choice.
5 Traditionally, football schools admit children aged 6-7 years in the September or October intake.

An experienced master always recognizes talent.
6 If your child is already 11-12 years old, and he has begun to dream of football, do not be upset, bring your child to a coach. An experienced master always recognizes talent.
7 Most often, a child may be denied access to football for health reasons, the level of which is determined by a specialist at the district clinic. Registration in the football section without a certificate from a pediatrician is impossible.
8 If in the process of training a young football player progresses, tries hard, develops his skills, the coach will definitely include him in the team competing in the city championship. Children as young as 10 years old usually play in international tournaments held abroad.
9 If your child cannot control the ball or feels uncomfortable on the field, the coach decides whether it is advisable for the student to continue attending classes. In this case, your baby will have to try to prove himself in another activity.
10 Lazy people who often miss training without good reason are excluded from the section.
11 The main disadvantage of this sport is injuries. Here, knocked knees, frequent abrasions, and sometimes more serious injuries cannot be avoided. If your baby is ready for constant stress, he has perseverance and perseverance, and you are ready for his injuries, then welcome to the world of football!

Football is a game for developing physical abilities, thinking and communication abilities. This sport not only strengthens muscles and trains endurance, but also strengthens character, teaches you to think, analyze, act as a team, and interact without words with partners.

By playing football, a person develops all aspects of his personality, and of course, many parents strive to send their children to the football section.

When to donate to football

Many football sections begin to accept children from the age of four. However, at first, much attention is paid to general physical training, and not much time is allocated to the ball game itself - only to maintain the interest of the children.

If the cost of such classes is high for you, find cheaper sports sections - at first this does not matter much, all classes begin with general physical training (GPP). There they will also teach the child to run fast, jump, tumble, fall, and crawl.

It is advisable that at this time the child has the opportunity to “communicate” with the ball on his own or that the father plays ball with the child on the street.

During general physical training, the muscles will become stronger, coordinated, and by the age of 6-7 they will be ready for more specialized activities like football. Therefore, enrollment in sports football sections (SDYUSHOR) starts from 6-7 years old.

If you have no other opportunities nearby, besides the football section, to strengthen your child’s physical fitness, send them there. After all, you need to start special physical training at the age of 4 - simple games at home and on the street are no longer enough for children at this age.

Pre-enrollment screening

Before enrolling in a sports section, the coach requires a certificate from the pediatrician stating that the child has no contraindications to playing sports. Often it is formal in nature: traditionally, general blood and urine tests and an ECG are done at the district clinic.

However, the football section does not tolerate a formal approach. Before serious exercise, it is advisable to undergo a full examination. Get advice from not only a pediatrician, but also an orthopedic surgeon, cardiologist, and urologist. A cardiologist can prescribe not only electrocardiography (ECG), but also echocardiography (EchoCG).

It is advisable to do not only a general, but also a biochemical blood test, as well as a blood coagulation test. Football is a very traumatic sport, so the blood coagulation system must work perfectly.

In addition, before serious physical activity, it is important to visit an ophthalmologist (myopia is a contraindication for playing football), as well as an ENT doctor, since impaired nasal breathing will greatly complicate training.

A contraindication to the football section is obesity in a child: excess weight puts too much stress on the joints and heart. Therefore, before entering the section, you will need to undergo treatment with an endocrinologist or simply lose a few kilograms.

Psychological mood of the child

Not only physical condition should be taken into account when enrolling in the football section. Psychological readiness is no less important.

It is believed that football is a game for extroverts who adapt well to a team. However, many goalkeepers have a complex character, but achieve high athletic results. Therefore, everything here is individual. The main thing is to take into account that the child in the section will be subjected to serious psychological stress. He will need to learn to work in a team, control himself, pass the ball (and you always want to score yourself), compete, but not quarrel, compete, but within the rules.

For selfish, capricious and emotionally unstable children, such loads may be excessive and cause them to abandon the section. Therefore, it is important for parents to properly set up their child for work, to teach them to achieve results, not by forcing, but by guiding. This will require parents to have a special instinct, knowledge of their child and good interaction with the coach.

Football uniform and equipment

Football training uniform is of great importance. Most training is carried out outdoors, so clothing should not get wet or retain moisture. A high-quality synthetic form with micropores is best suited - such fabric allows moisture to pass through. It is easy to wash, and it does not lose its original appearance for a long time, and washing will most likely be required after each workout. You can wear a cotton T-shirt or T-shirt under the T-shirt (you need to change it as soon as it gets wet).

Mandatory equipment: cotton socks, boots and comfortable sneakers for playing indoors, shin protection, ankle brace (since this joint is susceptible to sprains and subluxations), in some cases - knee pads.

After training, the child should at least have the opportunity to change clothes so that he can go home in dry clothes. It is advisable to have showers in the locker rooms.

During the training itself, the child should drink clean warm water (cold water passing through the esophagus can cause spasm of the heart vessels) whenever he wants.

Safety rules during training

During football training, special attention is paid to falling technique, coordination of movements, and safe play. But you cannot protect yourself from injuries, bruises and abrasions, and a doctor cannot always be present at the training session. Therefore, it is worth teaching your child first aid. Let him have an antiseptic for treating abrasions and a plaster with him. The child must understand the signs of a sprain and know that ice should be applied to the sore spot.

It is unacceptable to take a child to training if he is feeling unwell, unwell, and especially if he has a high temperature.

A child who is seriously involved in football will have to pay special attention to his daily routine. Such a child must get enough sleep, even if he does not have time to do his schoolwork (the performance of such children may suffer, while parents have to choose what to concentrate on - sports or studies). Increased loads will require a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins and microelements.

What's happened football section? We are often approached by parents whose children want to play football, but are not ready for a full-time, multi-year education at a football academy. In this case, the section is the best option for sports.

We distribute children by five age groups and offer a real sports mode for those who want to feel like a football player!

Trainings take place four times a week - they are led by the club Academy coaches, who know everything about football tactics and physical activity, and also teach the children discipline and teamwork.

Come play football with us and be part of a big team! We are waiting for you at our stadium!

Features of the Lokomotiv football section:

  • The first trial training is free!
  • Classes are held on the fields of the Russian Railways Arena under the guidance of coaches from the club Academy.
  • Interesting workouts and a real sports regime.
  • Children can feel like part of a big team, become more disciplined and organized.
  • Choosing a time for training: classes are held several times a week.
  • Convenient location: the training fields are located at the Russian Railways Arena stadium, five minutes from the Cherkizovskaya metro station.
  • The most talented guys can get into the Academy of the Lokomotiv football club.

What you need to register for the section:

  • Get a certificate from your pediatrician that your child can play football. A health certificate is presented twice a year
  • See the schedule when your age group practices
  • Arrive as scheduled at any time convenient for you. The first training is free!
  • No need to call to sign up for a trial training session!
  • Payment is made per calendar month - on the 1st day of each calendar month. At the first training session, you must have an already paid receipt. You cannot attend training without payment.

    Please note that our bank details have changed. From 01/01/2018 payment must be made using new details. Receipts with new details are in the small arena

  • If you paid for classes for a month and attended only one training session, all other training sessions will be forfeited. Certificates are not valid. Trainings are not transferred or frozen.
  • We do not accept new students later than the 15th of each month
  • After submitting the documents, we take a photo of the child and issue an electronic pass. Children without a pass are not allowed to attend training.

There are more than 40 football schools in Moscow, but most parents strive to send their children to the most reputable ones - Spartak, CSKA, Dynamo or Lokomotiv. Each enrollment in such a school is a mixture of hopes and first disappointments. The weekly “Football” talks about how children are selected for football academies and at what age is it not too late to sign up as professionals.

Guerrilla campaign

On a frosty March day, you can’t crowd among the foreign cars parked near the CSKA athletics arena. All these cars are here for one reason - parents brought their children to sign up as football players. Among them all, a man with the appearance of a very gray Richard Gere and his son Dima, who phenomenally resembles Alan Dzagoev, stand out. The boy's father turns out to be Serb. He came to Russia a long time ago, found a Russian wife here, and started a family. But it seems he always has a piece of Serbia with him.

– I am a Partizan fan! – says Radomir, proudly unbuttoning his jacket and showing off his distinctive black and white T-shirt. “I also taught my son to root for army teams!” And what other club in Russia do you think I could take him to? ?!

There are nine out of ten fathers like Radomir here. Today they came to send their children to CSKA. And for some, this is generally a chance to take revenge for themselves and their unfulfilled career.

“At one time, I graduated from the CSKA school, but I couldn’t play further,” says the extremely determined and concentrated dad, as if he were the one who was going out on the field now, and not his 6-year-old child. “Now let’s try to make a football player out of our son.” We are not afraid of a harsh schedule. We managed somehow, which means they should be able to cope with it too.

The more you talk with your parents, the more it becomes clear that for most, playing for CSKA is a fixed idea. Literally every dad supports the army club, and probably their children even had diapers exclusively in red and blue colors. And little things like an hour and a half journey from home to school are not an obstacle.

“It’s a long way for us to go from Aviamotornaya to the Airport,” the pretty blonde shakes her head. – But we want to play specifically for CSKA, my son and dad support the same team together. That's why we didn't go to Lokomotiv in Perovo, although we live nearby.

There are about a hundred of those who didn’t go to Perovo, or to Sokolniki to see Spartak, or to Petrovsky Park to see Dynamo. But after a long search in the arena, it is still possible to discover a stain of unpatriotism. For the parents of 5-year-old Nikita, CSKA is, by and large, violet. The child is here because from the age of three he has been kicking a ball around the apartment and does not give anyone peace. If football doesn’t work out, Nikita’s mom and dad won’t be upset: the boy is already studying English and music with all his might.

Dmitry Kuznetsov and Roman Khristich and 13-year-olds

No time to play and learn

Children start playing football in three cases: when they want it themselves, when their parents want it and, less often, when this desire is mutual. There is no better or worse option. In the future, everything depends on the boy’s abilities and a great many nuances. What’s more important is to decide as early as possible what parents and children want to get from playing football. And here you have to either rely on professional sports, sacrificing a lot, if not everything, to it, or choose a more gentle regime. Which will allow you to combine training and normal studies - with an eye to the future, which is not closely related to hitting the “nines”.

In Moscow children's football there are four divisions that differ from each other only in their approach to business: from more professional to more amateur. The cooler the league, the better the conditions and higher the requirements. But in a club of any division, a child will participate in the championship of his year of birth, solve tournament problems and train consistently. The only difference is in what conditions and at what level all this will happen.

In top metropolitan schools this level is prohibitive. Clubs invest money in students and, naturally, want to get a return on it. Parents do not need to spend money on fees, training, or uniforms - absolutely all costs will be covered by the club. However, the child will have to devote himself entirely to football. And no matter how talented your son is, he will not be able to adequately study in the academies of the leading Premier League clubs - he will have neither the strength nor the time for this.

Nevertheless, the screenings for children, which are organized by Moscow monster schools every six months, consistently attract full houses.

Red-blue continuity

Fighting through the roaring snowstorm, the boys, armed with parents and backpacks, rush through the red and blue doors. 15 minutes before the appointed time, the stands of the arena are one third full, and everyone who wants to try on army T-shirts is arriving. The boys change their clothes on the spot, and their worried parents try to give them wise advice.

The viewing has already been delayed for twenty minutes - different age categories of the army school continue to train on the artificial field. Suddenly they remember the crowd that has arrived. One of the trainers picks up a Soviet megaphone and offers a “master class” from the school’s young students. As if hinting: look at how skilled the guys are gathered here, and quickly take your children away so as not to embarrass yourself. Does not work.

Finally the children are invited onto the field. Parents flow to its edge, the boys, in line, with passports and medical certificates, carefully step onto the artificial turf. While all this paperwork is going through, Mikhail Vasilyevich Khristich, the school’s senior coach, comes closer to the crowd.

- What, did you bring Mishka Clubfoot? - Khristich loudly addresses one of the mothers and immediately switches to her son: - Admit it, have you grown up like that or are you standing on a bench?

While young Mikhail is embarrassed, his mother comes to the rescue. Her eldest son is already studying at CSKA, and they also decided to send the little one to football. Largely, she says, because of the excellent coach. For a long time now, Mikhail Vasilievich has been entrusted with the most difficult task - working with children. The mentor accepts the youngest – 5–6 year olds – indiscriminately and invites everyone, without exception, to the first training session.

– Some are still five years old! – Mikhail Vasilyevich explains his position. – And there are so many people here, such pressure... They would all get excited and confused. It is better to work with them in a calmer environment, where they will relax and show everything they are capable of.

Mikhail Vasilievich Khristich and the little ones

Selection criteria

Fighters a year older find themselves in a separate section of the field, where, accompanied by Khristich’s perky remarks, a whole comedy unfolds.

– Why are you so slow?! You are not Danya, but Melon! – Khristich kindly scolds the boy in a CSKA T-shirt, who has his own name written above the fifth number. - So, no need to fight, the fight is here in another room. Should I take you? Are you men or what? Come on, don’t give up if something doesn’t work out!

- I won’t do this, I can’t do that! - says the boy, who cannot manage to carry the ball clamped between his knees at least a meter forward.

“So you don’t know how to do anything yet, that’s why you came here to learn!” Okay, let’s play football, since you’re all such professionals,” the coach gives up.

Mikhail Vasilyevich divides the guys into teams of three and invites them to start a small tournament. Pushing the balls with their boots, then with their knees, pushing and stumbling, each child sincerely strives for victory. The coach faces the most difficult task - to discern the makings of potential in children.

“There are few selection criteria at this age,” says Khristich. – We pay attention to three components: coordination, agility and speed. Speed ​​is a natural gift. It’s difficult to demand anything more from them; they walk like Charlie Chaplin – on their heels. During training, I crawl on all fours more often than walk—I tie my shoelaces!

Mikhail Vasilyevich is pleased with today’s selection of kids. Despite the March frosts, 30 boys born in 2007 and 18 born in 2006 made it to the arena. Two of them were immediately offered to join the main group, which has been studying for a year. Others will still be watched, while some had to say “no” right away. Khristich explains to their parents that sports life does not end with football and there are many other sports where children can find themselves.

Age limit

But today it’s not just kids who are recruited. Each age group is allocated a separate area on the field. The largest was given to the oldest - 13 years old. For them, this is the last chance to get into CSKA from the general selection. According to tradition, as many boys as possible come after the pie in the sky. Today there are more than fifty of them, but the likelihood that any of them will be accepted into the school is minimal. The older the child, the more difficult it is for him to prove his worth.

The numbers also show this. If almost all the kids were taken, then the older children were taken selectively. Among the 13-year-old coaches, only two were interested at all. One of them, who came from Omsk, was asked to come to the next training session, the second - a guest from Cherepovets - was promised to call if anything happened.

“We didn’t even hope for much in the senior age category,” says former CSKA defender Dmitry Kuznetsov, who is now responsible for selection at the club. – Our guys of this age have been training for many years, so there is practically no chance that someone better than them will come. Two stood out today, but even they hardly reach the level of the army guys. But we are not viewing it for show. There are times when boys arrive who, for some reason, no one had noticed before. Once a guy from Ivanovo was at a tryout, they immediately pushed him aside and said: “Tonight you are going against Spartak.” He came out and scored.

Stories like this make those who are almost too late come.

In addition to Kuznetsov and other people from the selection department of the army team, another Khristich is responsible for the selection of 13-year-olds - Roman, the son of Mikhail Vasilyevich. He is the head coach of the team born in this year, and he will decide the fate of those two lucky ones who were not sent home on the first day.

“In my opinion, it’s too late to come to CSKA and other leading schools in Moscow at this age,” Roman says tragically. - We need to do this earlier. It’s better from a very young age, but even at 10–11 years old it’s not too late. These are the years when you can teach. Initially, we look only at the potential, then comes the work of the coach.

- Hey, coach! - a man dressed in a sheepskin coat from the 70s creeps up from behind. - Well, why isn’t mine at all suitable for football?

“I already told you that he doesn’t suit us, and not football in principle,” Khristich Jr. calmly answers. – There are many other schools, try it!

Army mode

If your child does fit into an army school, then you should expect something like the following. Up to the age of 8, boys at CSKA train according to a fairly flexible schedule - only two or three training sessions per week. Every year, the workload increases: by the age of 12, children have only two days off per week, and then the number of training sessions and games only increases. From the age of 14, boys begin to be prepared for adult football life, so by this time it is better for parents and the child to decide what they ultimately want. This is where children's football gradually ends and smoothly moves into professional football - with comparison to the youth team.

For those who do not have the opportunity to live in Moscow or the region, there is a boarding school. If you have special talents, you can get there at the age of 10, but mostly children are accepted from the age of 12. True, up until the senior year, a child can study at his own school, the main thing is academic performance. This is closely monitored at the club; coaches may not even allow you to attend training with C marks in your diary. However, 15-year-olds have no time to study – training, games, training camps...

Children leave for their first training camp at about the age of 9–10 years. CSKA does not provide for this abroad; children are taken to the club’s base in Vatutinki. All conditions are created there for training, plus the guys have the opportunity to train next to the main squad and communicate with army stars at any time. The little ones are taken to Vatutinki once, in August, the older ones go to training camps twice a year - in summer and winter.

Army students leave the borders of their homeland for European tournaments, where they measure their strength against their peers from Bayern, Ajax and Juventus. The school admits that even young Russian players are of interest in the West, and many names are recorded in the database of European breeders.

An hour and a half later, the arena is empty, the clatter of balls and voices fade away, and only two familiar figures remain in the stands.

“I think we’ll come again in the fall,” Radomir sighs, hugging his son. - Now they said that we are not suitable. Or where else will we try to go, although we wanted to go to CSKA.

Who knows, maybe in ten years his son will move to CSKA from Partizan.

Gleb Chernyavsky

Photos: Sergey Dronyaev

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