DIY tea for the New Year. How to arrange tea for the New Year. New Year's handmade gifts

If your friend is a tea lover, then a definitely win-win gift option would be... well, tea, of course. It is impossible to offend a person with a tea gift; such a gift is a wish for long years and health. And if you are giving a rare type of tea (it does not have to be expensive), then the gift will be doubly successful, and you can be sure that the tea will be drunk, and you will certainly be remembered with a kind word.

You can also choose dishes to go with your tea. This can be a complete set with a teapot for several people, or a modest cup, saucer and teaspoon. Giving a tea set means demonstrating your excellent taste and showing deep respect.

In order to assemble an original gift set in oriental style, we will need:

- a beautiful jar of tea,
- several tea bags,
- cup and saucer (set),
- cellophane for gift wrapping,
- satin ribbons – 2 pieces (length 50 centimeters),
- tea spoon,
- wicker basket.

First, let's put all the parts of the future tea gift together. If you are taking some kind of exclusive tea - for example, pu-erh, dahong pao, or any other oolong tea - then it is advisable to select all the components of the gift in a single oriental style.

Place a tin can of tea in a wicker basket and place 3-4 additional tea bags next to it. They do not have to be the same type as the canned tea. On the contrary, this is a chance to give a unique opportunity to try several types of tea at once.

We place a ceramic tea saucer in the basket at the back.

To make the whole composition more stable, tie one of the satin ribbons around the tea jar and saucer. You can tie a regular cute bow at the front.

Now we carefully place the almost finished composition in gift wrapping. It is more convenient to place the set in the palm of your hand and carefully place it sideways in the package than to assemble the entire set directly in the package. Place a teaspoon between the ribbon and the tea can. If you tighten the tape tightly enough, the spoon will not fall.

The final touch is to place a cup on top of the tea can, then collect the gift wrapping on top and tie it with a second satin ribbon. We tie a beautiful bow.

If desired, you can add a few more elegant ribbons. If the gift is given on the occasion of the upcoming New Year 2015, then you can add a small symbol - a goat or a sheep, on an adhesive basis.

Are you trying to choose New Year's gifts for family and friends? Experts from the elite tea and coffee store “Cup” tell you what and to whom you should give for the New Year and why the gift should be “delicious”.

New Year's holidays are not only the shine of the Christmas tree and tinsel, the aroma of tangerines and a feeling of miracle, it is also a tiring bustle. You need to buy gifts for family and friends, colleagues and partners... You can buy gift sets of sweets, cards and chocolates from year to year, or you can change traditions and choose New Year's gifts that will be a pleasant surprise for your loved ones.

Why coffee or tea as a gift is the perfect choice

In ancient times, tea and coffee were delivered from distant countries. They were given to each other by representatives of the nobility and royal families of Europe and Russia. Now the wonderful aromas of coffee and tea have become familiar. And before, a drink that was made on the other side of the earth and that absorbed the sun's rays and high mountain air was considered a rarity and a gift from the gods.

When you give a set of tea or coffee, it’s as if you are introducing the recipient to age-old traditions and giving the joy of new tastes. But what gift should you choose for a friend or colleague? We suggest...

Gift sets for tea lovers

Sets that include two types of tea will be a real gift for true connoisseurs. If a person cannot imagine a day without a cup of aromatic tea, he will like such a gift. This small sign of attention will not oblige you to anything, will not cause much damage to the budget, but will bring pleasure to your acquaintances or friends to whom you did not plan to give a grand gift, but wanted to please. Sometimes a small, beautifully wrapped gift is enough to lift a person's spirits.

Small boxes with tea, coffee and sweets for family and friends

Friends and family will definitely love the gift sets, which include two types of tea, coffee and sweets. You can choose your favorite flavor from the wide assortment of the Chashka store. Marzipan bars and chocolates will highlight the refined taste of elite varieties of tea and coffee and will make you feel the approaching holiday. Such gifts will cheer up both you and the person for whom they are intended.

Presentable baskets for friends and partners

Special gifts will help give your company's partners a New Year's mood: baskets with tea, coffee and sweets. And your manager will definitely like this option: a small basket in the shape of Santa Claus’s New Year’s sleigh, containing several types of aromatic tea and exclusive sweets. Such a gift will not only demonstrate your respect to your boss, but will also give the boss a boost of cheerfulness and positivity on the eve of a wonderful holiday.

And give your partner a large basket of coffee, tea and sweets. Your gift will “sound” delicious and harmonious!

Bouquets of... tea and coffee

You will find unusual collections of tea and coffee in special bouquets. Traditionally, tea was a gift for households; it symbolizes calm and comfort, while coffee is more associated with business, work and activity; it is believed to give cheerfulness and optimism. However, buying coffee or tea as a gift for both a friend and a colleague is always a great idea.

Would you like to please your beloved? Or maybe you want to thank a colleague for a service provided with an original bouquet? And it won’t be flowers and soft toys. We will select wonderful bouquets that will delight you with the aroma of natural coffee and tea, give you the taste of sweets and charm with elegant packaging.

Branding for the New Year, or How to prepare individual gifts

Does price always determine the value of a gift? No, you can give your partners a present that will not go beyond your budget, but will show the depth of your respect and create a feeling of celebration.

When giving corporate gifts, you don’t have to worry about violating etiquette: the packaging will match the contents. Elegant baskets, stylish boxes, original decorations will be a worthy frame for gift sets of tea and coffee. Elegant details will add a special charm.

We offer an additional service - branding of New Year's gifts. For your gifts, we will produce individual packaging with your company logo. Branding will make the gift exclusive and unique.

Tea or coffee: what to choose?

What does it take to make the right choice? Find out the tastes of the person you want to surprise and choose a set especially for him. When ordering a gift set, you can choose what type of tea or coffee will be included in the gift, what type of sweets will go with a cup of aromatic coffee or strong tea.

In the Chashka store you will find tea for every taste: classic black and green teas, tea blends with berry, fruit and herbal additives, oolong teas, teas with cream and spices. And also Colombia Supremo coffee with a rich taste, Irish Cream with the taste of cream and whiskey and many other varieties - you have plenty to choose from.

Gifts with tea and coffee - a pleasant surprise for gourmets

An excellent option for almost all occasions is gifts with tea or coffee. They will be a pleasant surprise both for experts who are well versed in these drinks, and for gourmets who appreciate everything new and unusual.

There is very little left until the New Year, hurry to buy gifts before someone else beats you to it. We will help you choose the right gift options and put together the perfect compositions for your family and friends.

Stole from my teacher's blog

It's winter outside, cold and very little sun. In such weather, you always want something cozy and warming, for example, friendly gatherings with aromatic tea and buns. And when I run out of decent tea at home, and I need to treat my guests with something, I prepare tea myself from what I always have on hand. And, you know, this is one of my favorite teas. Very wintery, fragrant and really warming. You can also go on a visit with this tea and give it as a treat or a nice little present)

So, I’m telling you how to make your own incomparable Spicy Winter Tea!

We will need:
- a glass of the most ordinary black tea (loose or at least *May*)
- a handful of dried orange peels
- 4-5 cinnamon sticks
- 5-6 cardamom grains
-1-2 tablespoons of cloves
- a sheet of craft paper
- double-sided tape or glue
- scissors and ruler
as well as a kitchen towel and a hammer

Full leaf black tea:

A couple of days before you decide to make tea, dry the orange peels: simply cut them into small pieces, place them in a plate and wait until they dry out slowly. There is another, faster way: dry the sliced ​​rinds in the oven over very low heat.

Spices: cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.

The first thing I did was make the tea packaging. I have this bag made of craft paper.

Now we need to grind the spices. This can be done in a simple folk way: take a kitchen towel or any thick rag, put the spices in the middle, wrap it tightly like a bag and hit the bag of spices with a hammer until the spices are crushed enough. The aroma at this time will be simply dizzying!

This is roughly what they should look like after hammering:

Vika Di November 28, 2018, 16:28

Today it is rare to find families with a real samovar, but the Russian tradition of tea drinking is passed down from generation to generation. This is why tea in a gift box can be considered a truly universal gift, which will open up new facets of taste, color and aroma of tea even to avid coffee lovers.

An inexpensive gift set of tea bags along with a mug can be presented to a work colleague, and it will be a very useful and practical gift.

In general, gift sets of tea and/or coffee are becoming increasingly popular, as they are compiled by specialists in beautiful decorative design

Online stores offer more than one original tea gift set. These sets often contain teas that we had no idea about, and thus, it becomes possible to taste the famous varieties in their countries of origin teas – Chinese, Indian, Ceylon, etc.

Original gift set with tea and chocolate

How to choose elite tea as a gift for a man?

Many men prefer coffee, but this choice can be explained by the fact that they simply have not tasted the taste of real, high-quality tea. That's why an expensive tea set as a gift for a man will be very useful - elite varieties with magnificent color, rich taste and delicate aroma will reveal to him not only tonic properties, but also all the charm of this drink.

If a man is a tea lover, then you should carefully choose and give him, depending on his preferences, the best black tea in gift packaging or collectible green gift tea in an iron can. Tea should only be loose, and not in bags, which, according to experts, are related to real tea in the same way as instant coffee is to ground coffee.

Collectible green gift tea in an iron can

An assortment of tea would also be a good choice, but only the best varieties. This tea can be purchased in tea boutiques, where it is packaged in small bags made of thick paper with a window covered with film, through which the composition of the tea, the size of the tea leaves, their color can be seen - all this can tell a lot to a tea connoisseur. Sometimes the packaging contains information about this particular variety.

IN tea boutiques There is an incredible variety of the most famous varieties of tea, and you can give a unique gift: make a set of a dozen varieties, each of which will be packaged in a paper bag, and attach to each such bag your own description of the tea, information about which is easy to find on the Internet.

Usually there is some kind of legend associated with each famous variety, this will also be interesting

Print this information on small pieces of paper and attach them to each package in the form of a booklet or, better yet, rolled them into a scroll and tied with a ribbon, like an old letter. It is better to present all this luxury in a beautifully packaged box or basket, and rest assured that both your gift and, most importantly, the attention that you showed in creating it will be appreciated.

What tea should you give a woman?

Women, as you know, pay much more attention to their health than men, and therefore often prefer green and herbal teas. IN green tea has more antioxidants, helping to maintain youth and health, and herbal teas are a real storehouse of vitamins and micro- and macroelements necessary for our body, so a set of herbal teas in a wooden package will be a wonderful gift.

Gift set in a wooden box

A gift set of Chinese teas should certainly include green tea. If you include a description of each variety (see above), this will make the gift even more valuable. A great idea is a tea gift basket that you can decorate with fresh or artificial flowers and greens, bows, etc., and add a jar of honey, chocolates and/or candies to the basket to make tea drinking even more enjoyable. Such a gift set with honey and tea can be ordered in an online store or made with your own hands, but in any case a woman will be delighted with such a gift.

If you want to present tea in an original way, you can make a tea bouquet as a gift with your own hands. For this purpose, tea bags are used in packaging made from foil.

The easiest way is to cut a circle out of cardboard and then shape it into a cone by removing one segment

You can cover the edges of the circle with corrugated paper or lace, and then, starting from the outer edge, glue tea bags onto it so that they slightly overlap each other and, like serpentine, reached the center. You can take the same type of bags for each circle or different ones, combining them by color.

The center of the composition can be filled with a small bouquet of sweets tied at the ends of the candy wrappers. To decorate the bouquet, corrugated colored paper is used, which is used to wrap it from the bottom and form a stem; On top of the bouquet you can decorate it with artificial flowers, berries and greenery, ribbons, bows, small lace flowers, etc., and wrap all this luxury in plastic so that the bouquet does not become deformed.

This tea composition looks unusually impressive and will remind you of your love and attention for a long time.

Tea Bouquet “Candy Clay”

How to beautifully package tea as a gift with your own hands?

Options for presenting tea as a gift in unusual packaging have already been described above. Even the most expensive gift teas in tins need beautiful packaging so that the gift does not look like it was purchased in a hurry. Gift wrapping tea is a sign of the giver’s special attention, and if you don’t have enough time or imagination to do it yourself, trust the professionals– in a special department the gift will be impressively wrapped and decorated for you.

Gift decoration for tea

Elite varieties of tea can be purchased in a tin or ceramic jar; sometimes it is packaged in wooden boxes, but never in plastic bags; such packaging is only suitable for ordinary varieties.

An excellent choice would be a tea composition, that is, a set of several elite varieties of tea, both black and green, so that you can compare their taste and aromatic bouquet. Some people believe that black tea is stronger and more tonic than green, but this is a deep misconception, apparently due to the richer color of the infusion of black tea compared to green, usually a light greenish-yellow color.

In fact, green tea has a powerful tonic effect, not to mention the greater amount of antioxidants it contains.

You just need to go to him get used to it and taste the delicate taste and the invigorating aroma of meadow herbs. You can often find green tea with aromatic additives in the form of jasmine or tropical fruits, which makes its taste even more interesting.

Pack tea as a gift with your own hands not difficult. The best choice for this is a small wicker basket in which you can place tin and ceramic jars, and between them - small chocolates, sweets and other sweets. The handle of the basket can be entwined with a sprig of artificial greenery with berries, and the composition itself can be decorated with artificial flowers, lace flowers, etc.

What else can you give to a tea lover?

An excellent addition to any tea gift would be a tea pair or mug with name or wish to the one to whom it is presented. Today, such inscriptions are easy to order; many companies produce such souvenirs, so all you have to do is choose the graphic design and text.

Tea souvenirs will also look very cute:

  • tea d omik for tea bags;

Tea bag house

  • cup with a patterned metal cup holder, which used to be used everywhere, but now they have become rarities;
  • original custard teapot;
  • panel with the image of a traditional Russian tea party;
  • woman-hotty for a teapot, which is easy to make with your own hands using a small doll and bright scraps of fabric; such a woman will also become a wonderful piece of kitchen decor;
  • small ceramic figurines or wooden figurines of a corresponding theme.

But the highest aerobatics is to present a tea ceremony to a true connoisseur and tea lover

The traditions of the Chinese tea ceremony have a thousand-year history, it filled with deep philosophical meaning and goes far beyond simple tea drinking. It requires a strictly defined set of accessories, including:

  • tea table with holes where water drains;
  • special capacity for storing tea;
  • box, into which dry tea is poured so that guests can appreciate its appearance and aroma;
  • a cup with a lid intended for brewing tea for one person;
  • clay teapots(separately for black and green tea; teapots made from Yixing clay are considered the best), in which tea is brewed for several people;
  • special cup, into which tea is poured to evaluate its aroma and color.
  • "cup of justice" from which brewed tea is poured so that all guests have the same strength;
  • kettle, in which water is boiled;
  • low cups, similar to bowls from which they drink tea;
  • the same bowl, but with a saucer.

Yixing clay teapots

(We do not give the names of accessories in Chinese, since they are unlikely to mean anything to non-specialists). At the same time it is worth giving video real chinese tea ceremony in compliance with all rules of etiquette. It will take a lot of time to complete it, but it will be worth it.

Gather a group of friends, explain to them the philosophical essence of the Chinese tea ceremony, and you can be sure that for everyone present it will become a unforgettable event, because tea is not just a drink; This is vital energy and true pleasure, if you drink it not on the go, but, as they say, with feeling, with sense, with balance. Enjoy your tea!

You will learn how to make a tea bouquet with your own hands by watching the video:

It's winter outside, cold and very little sun. In such weather, you always want something cozy and warming, for example, friendly gatherings with aromatic tea and buns. And when I run out of decent tea at home, and I need to treat my guests with something, I prepare tea myself from what I always have on hand. And, you know, this is one of my favorite teas. Very wintery, fragrant and really warming. You can also go on a visit with this tea and give it as a treat or a nice little present)

So, I’m telling you how to make your own incomparable Spicy Winter Tea!

N you will need:
- a glass of the most ordinary black tea (loose or at least *May*)
- a handful of dried orange peels
- 4-5 cinnamon sticks
- 5-6 cardamom grains
-1-2 tablespoons of cloves
- a sheet of craft paper
- double-sided tape or glue
- scissors and ruler
as well as a kitchen towel and a hammer;)

Full leaf black tea:

A couple of days before you decide to make tea, dry the orange peels: simply cut them into small pieces, place them in a plate and wait until they dry out slowly. There is another, faster way: dry the sliced ​​rinds in the oven over very low heat.

The first thing I did was make the tea packaging. I have this bag made of craft paper.

Now we need to grind the spices. This can be done in a simple folk way: take a kitchen towel or any thick rag, put the spices in the middle, wrap it tightly like a bag and hit the bag of spices with a hammer until the spices are crushed enough :) The aroma at this time will be simply dizzying!