How to take care of your boyfriend. Elementary male care

By the definition of "care" we usually mean the manifestation of special attention, guardianship, feelings in relation to someone. In the minds of most people, all these categories are completely identical. And what does “care” actually mean - a combination of some manifestations or is it a separate judgment?

The concept of "care" is not purely psychological, it is also studied in medicine, pedagogy, philology. Each of the scientific branches explains care in a different way. In a broad sense, the term "care" is interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this is the commission of a series of actions aimed at the good of someone or something (after all, we care not only about living beings, but also houseplants, for example). Another point of view - care - is an experience, anxiety, a burden.

We are faced with the manifestation of care from the moment of birth (and in a sense - even before it). Loving parents are ready to do everything possible to ensure the comfort and well-being of the baby - all these actions are united by the concept of “care”. Later, we ourselves learn to take care of ourselves and others. This is expressed not only in feelings and anxiety, but in concrete actions that ensure the well-being of the object of our care. We visit a sick friend, feed the cat, water the flowers, help mother and grandmother carry heavy bags - as a person grows up, this list is constantly updated.

First of all, it is natural for a person to take care of himself, his own needs. Every day we need sleep, nutritious and wholesome food, physical activity and rest - these are natural needs that, in one way or another, are dictated by our body. Satisfying them, we take care of ourselves at the most elementary level: we go to bed in a warm comfortable bed, eat fresh and appetizing food, dress for the season. Taking care of your health is correct and commendable.
But sometimes you have to deal with manifestations of excessive self-care, often to the detriment of others. Such an obsession with one's own person borders on selfishness and becomes a serious obstacle to building harmonious relationships with other people. Communication is a prerequisite for a person's self-development, so sometimes you need to take care of others. It makes us feel needed and increases our self-esteem.

First of all, parents should take care of children. All the joy and responsibility of the process rests with them. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the child's age and development, his personal needs. Sometimes it is very difficult for mom and dad to "switch" as the adored child grows up. It is also very common to find manifestations of false concern when parents indulge their own ego with excessive custody of the child. For example, they load the baby with expensive toys, trying to compensate for their unwillingness (or inability) to spend enough time with him. Let's remember that our children need moral, physical and material care in equal measure! You need to pay attention to all these areas and not try to replace one with another (not replace games and conversations with food or new toys).

Life is very relative and changeable. It would seem that only yesterday we were children and our parents took care of us. And today we have become adults, independent, and now our parents need our care and attention. Normal relationships between loved ones involve mutual concern for each other. In this way, people demonstrate their love and affection. And in the case of my parents - sincere gratitude for everything they have done for us. Therefore, taking care of elderly parents (grandmothers, grandfathers) is the moral duty of every child. And here it is also important to take into account the needs at all levels - moral, physical, material. Helping to make repairs, buy groceries, escort to the doctor, just call again and come to visit is not at all burdensome for us, but very important for the elderly.

Men and women understand caring differently. For husbands, fathers, grandfathers, care is, first of all, the material support of their family. Representatives of the stronger sex are sure that if their relatives are safe, provided with everything they need, then the task is completed. The psychological needs of wives and children are very often fading into the background. Men, do not skimp on signs of attention and communication with the family - this is no less important than the material component!

For a woman, caring is something fundamentally different. Girls, girls, wives, mothers understand care as certain actions, thanks to which the people around them - dads, husbands, children, become happier. This is a lovingly cooked dinner, neatly ironed shirts, on-time medicine, and much more.

It is because of the difference in understanding and perception of care between a man and a woman (more often between young parents) conflicts sometimes arise. Be attentive to each other and try to reach mutual understanding. There is nothing shameful in the fact that mom will take more care of the baby's nutrition and daily routine, and dad will buy toys and pay for lessons with a tutor.

When providing support and care, you should not go beyond reasonable boundaries. Overprotection has never been a healthy expression of concern. Support should be provided exactly to the extent that its object needs. Excessive caring is more likely to have a destructive effect on the personality of the person to whom it is directed, rather than be beneficial. Also, do not impose your custody on those who do not need it. It is better to direct your ambitions to another, more productive channel, and there to successfully implement.
The manifestation of tenderness, attention and participation are the natural needs of the individual. Let's be attentive not only to our loved ones, but also to other people around us!

The word "care" itself is multi-context - it is not for nothing that in Russian the word "care" is both actions aimed at the good of someone, and the definition of troublesome matters, troubles.

Z caring for the happiness of others, we find our own. Plato It's bad if there is no one to take care of you. Even worse, if you have no one to care for. Stanislav Jerzy Lec

But how does caring for others enrich? This remains a mystery to many people. It would seem that everyone has enough of their own worries to take care of someone else. In fact, in our world, the boundaries are rather blurred. For some people, caring for their own parents is a burden. And for some, taking care of completely strangers is a common thing. One thing is true - he who has in abundance shares generously. Therefore, those who are really rich are those who are sympathetic to other people and do not consider the care given to others.

Sometimes, when showing concern for other people, people praise themselves and may even feel that others owe them. In fact, this is not a genuine concern. It does not enrich a person, it impoverishes him, because he himself considers his own good deeds and, having done them, will not wait for the moment when they return to him. Perhaps they will help him too, they will take care of him, but this will be done as well - for the sake of a tick or in the form of self-sacrifice. Many people need an excuse to praise themselves - the fact of taking an act of caring, even insincere, towards someone. Sometimes the motive can be the desire of a person to appear well-intentioned in the eyes of other people.

Caring for others becomes a person's concern when it is insincere in its manifestation, or when caring is imposed on him from the outside. That is, if a person shows insincere concern to raise his status in the eyes of others, or if he feels a duty due to circumstances or moral duty.

The care is sincere and comes from the heart from love. When we love someone, we naturally begin to take care of the person. The hardest part is caring for others when it’s difficult for yourself. Even with the greatest love, showing concern in difficult times or when the soul is bad is a sign of a big heart. Because when we feel bad, we are used to concentrating on our emotions and experiences, while it is always important to take care of loved ones and loved ones. Caring is a tacitly said "I love you" to a loved one or a positive message in relation to people around you, the basis of friendly and sincere communication.

If a person, exhausted by a cruel mental storm, convulsively resisting the onslaught of unexpected disasters, not knowing whether he is alive or dead, is still capable of treating his beloved creature with careful care - this is a sure sign of a truly beautiful heart. Hugo

A caress is a sweet and gentle way to express love for your boyfriend. However, the expression of tenderness implies something deeper than just exciting touch. The best way to surround your man with love and care is to show respect and value, and to reinforce your feelings with affection and gentle touch.


Part 1

Pet a guy

    Don't touch the guy when he is angry. You may feel an overwhelming urge to hug someone when they are very tense or during an argument, because you think this will help calm them down. However, the bubble of the personal space of an angry person in most cases only expands, so many do not want to be touched or soothed at this moment. Monitor the person's mood to understand when to approach and hug them.

    • It is better not to touch your man if he needs to be alone, or he seems aloof and indifferent because of a quarrel between you. At such moments, a person needs a little time to cool down and think about what happened. Therefore, all your attempts to get closer or to touch can only drive him out of himself and force him to further increase the distance between you.
    • Ask the guy if you can hug him now if the fight is over, but you are not sure if you should approach him. Ask the question: "Do you mind if I hug you or hug you?" So you will understand if the person wants to be with you at the moment.
  1. Find out how your boyfriend reacts to touch. Some guys are very sensitive and like to be touched. Others show their feelings in a different way. Find out how your boyfriend feels about certain things, and at what times he especially wants to be touched. Some people need a hug, caress, or massage when they are intensely tense, while others want to be alone with their thoughts.

    • If you want to hug a guy when he feels bad, but he reacts negatively to all your attempts, do not take it personally. Unless, of course, he responds in this way all the time. Perhaps now the person needs to be left alone and given time to think, so do not disturb him.
    • If the guy never liked affection, or he responds to your touches with rudeness and aggression, then in this case you need to talk to him about your feelings. It’s unlikely that you will want to continue dating someone who doesn’t appreciate your concern.

Part 2

Show concern
  1. Appreciate it. The best way to show you care is to show your boyfriend how much you value him. Any person wants to feel needed and to know that he is appreciated. Periodically remind how much you worry about him and how grateful you are for your meeting.

    • When you compliment your boyfriend and show that his efforts are worthwhile, it has a positive impact on your life too. If a guy feels that his beloved girl cherishes him and notices everything he does for her, he will try even more, because he knows that the other half does not ignore or criticize his attempts.
  2. Praise him. Compliments aren't just for women. Men also love and rejoice when compliments are given to them, so constantly praise your boyfriend to give him confidence and show that you find him attractive both externally and internally. Praise not only his appearance, but also his actions. Be sure to mark with a kind word when he copes with something brilliantly or if you are just proud of him.

    • Encourage and remind the guy where he is strong and good, if he is currently experiencing difficulties or recently suffered a failure. Encourage the person when they doubt their abilities. This is a wonderful way of moral support.
  3. Help him whenever possible. Even in those moments when your beloved begins to annoy you, and you absolutely do not want to help him, pacify your pride and come to the rescue. Put in the time and effort to work together to get the job done, or to lighten the burden by showing love and concern. A healthy relationship is not about taking advantage of your partner. They are based on mutual assistance and dedication.

    • Help can come in many ways. You can do the guy's errands when his life becomes unbearable. Help him with a school assignment or workload. Or just leave the person alone so that he can figure it out for himself. The best way to help is to help the person out before they have to ask for it. By doing this, you will show that you are not helping out of a sense of duty or because of an incoming request, but because you are worried about him and want to come to the rescue.
  4. Talk to your boyfriend lovingly and show him mercy. Along with praise, you can have a gentle and affectionate conversation with your boyfriend to express your feelings and care. Share how you feel about him, trying to avoid jumping to conclusions, and show mercy if he needs it. No one is perfect, so if a guy makes a mistake or hurts your feelings, be prepared to forgive him and show your favor.

    • Compassion is manifested in letting go of all grievances, forgiving the person and continuing to love, even when it is difficult. Sometimes compassion can seem humiliating, but this will demonstrate to your boyfriend that you understand him and know your imperfections.
    • However, this does not mean at all that you should allow the other person to wipe their feet and offend you day after day, regardless of your feelings. You should discuss the problem you are experiencing if he constantly hurts you or makes mistakes. Communication is the key to a healthy relationship, and this is why the situation should be brought up for discussion if you have shown mercy and forgiven your boyfriend countless times, but his behavior still throws you off balance.


The well-established opinion that the way to a man's heart is through the stomach is rapidly losing its relevance. Today, to arrange and, you need something more than the ability to cook borscht. We offer 20 topical tips that will tell you how to conquer a man and show him you care.

Nice little things for a loved one

Unfortunately, the current rhythm of life leaves less and less time to find your soul mate and the further development of relationships. But if you managed to find the man of your dreams, you need to know how to keep him, completely capturing his attention. It's not difficult at all, you just need to please your loved one with pleasant little things every day to show that you appreciate him. And no matter how long you have been together (2 months or 20 years), such concern will strengthen your bond even more.

1. Small gifts

Does he have a sweet tooth and love chocolates? When you walk past the pastry department, don't forget to grab some of his favorite sweet treat. This will make it clear to the man that you think about him even in his absence.

2. Flirting

Which of the ladies knows how to conquer a man and keep his attention for many years without using their feminine tricks of seduction? Even if you have been together for a long time, you cannot do without flirting in a relationship. Your playful demeanor, a gentle kiss on the neck, and a shy look are great ways to show him that he is still sexually attractive and desirable.

3. Surprises

Do you know that your loved one wants to change a leaking shower hose for a long time, but does not find the time to do so because he is too busy at work? Go to the hardware store instead and buy a new replacement for your old shower yourself. This will remove some of the economic burden from the man and remove the extra family headache. Believe me, the guy will be immensely grateful to you for such a small surprise.

4. Smile

Smile at him! Your charming smile shows the man that there is no misunderstanding between you and that everything is in order in your relationship, despite sometimes conflicting situations.

5. Sex

Seriously! Sex is essential to subduing a man, but we often overlook it, especially on busy days.

6. Self-care

If you want to constantly support, then you need to stay healthy and beautiful for as long as possible. Exercise and proper nutrition are what will help you feel good and look brilliant.

7. Time for him

Even if your loved one is just watching a banal comedy on TV on Friday night, turn off your mobile phone, look away from your computer and join it at least for a while. It would seem - a trifle. But even such attention will be appreciated by a man.

8. Fashion and style

Do something interesting with your hair from time to time and change your makeup. Wear sexy dresses that he likes. To maintain male interest, you need to always look interesting, making small innovations in your image. Simply put - to be a mystery to him.

9. Snacks

Feeling tired after work? Bring him a cup of coffee and a banana. Do you know that in the evening he likes to pamper himself with something sweet? Favorite ice cream, waiting on the table, will help brighten up his difficult day.

10. Declarations of love

The words "I love you", spoken sincerely and to the point, work wonders not only with us women. Believe me, this phrase can give any guy strength and confidence, cheer him up and push him to solve difficult problems.

11. Words of gratitude

If he did something for you, even some insignificant little thing, do not forget to admit it and thank your hero. Saying "thank you" is not difficult at all, and such attention will certainly be noticed.

12. Outputs to people

Men, especially couch potatoes, need to be walked. It may not be every day, but sometimes they need to be taken out to cafes or restaurants and buy dinner for two with their own money. Plus, it's a great way to relax and have a good time together.

13. Lively interest and support

We all sometimes want to free ourselves from heavy thoughts and experiences. If you want to remain the closest person to your man, do not forget to ask your loved one how his day went. And if he wants to speak out, be sure to listen to him and support him.

14. Massage

Back massage is a great way to relieve stress. Plus, if it comes from the woman you love, it doubles the effect of relaxation, peace and tranquility. In addition, to subdue a man, you can try to do an erotic massage with all the ensuing pleasant consequences ...

15. Elementary care

Even if it is just a light morning breakfast, which you will quickly prepare with a minimum of effort, such a trifle will still show your concern and will not go unnoticed.

16. Concessions

Do you have one TV? Do you want to watch your TV series, and he has football at the same time? Give the man the remote control. If you want to keep it, you need to learn to make concessions. Surprise your loved one and sit with him to watch his favorite sports show. Believe it or not, sometimes there are football battles that are interesting even for women to follow.

17. Fun questions

Ask him funny questions, even if they are stupid. Surely your relationship has been for many years, but this does not mean at all that you know everything about your chosen one. Plus guys love to talk about themselves or teach us something new.

18. Cute hints

During the day, let your loved one know what you think of him, while he is busy with his work. But don't overdo it! One or two cute text messages will be enough. Just do not count on answers or love SMS correspondence. Any man will be pleased to know that he is remembered and expected.

19. Compliments

Male psychology is a whole science that can be studied throughout your life. But one thing we know for sure - guys love compliments as much as girls. Plus, everyone, regardless of gender, wants to feel sexy. Praise his appearance if you like. In return, you will receive many compliments, and maybe something more.

20. Cleaning

Nobody likes going back to a dirty house! Therefore, as soon as you have a free minute, use it as directed. Maintain cleanliness in the family nest, and then the man will gladly rush home from the "hunt".