How a pregnancy test works and what to do if the test is positive. How and when is it better to do a pregnancy test

Before the invention of pregnancy tests, mankind resorted to various methods of guessing the onset of the gestational period. A kind of pregnancy tests were carried out by wetting grain with female urine, mixing urine with wine, changing the characteristics of the biological fluid under the influence of various additives, as well as injecting it into a certain type of frog. So, it was believed that at the onset of pregnancy, wheat or barley grains, watered with urine, germinate faster, which helped not only to diagnose a successful conception, but also to predict the sex of the child. A repetition of such a test in the 70s of the 20th century showed a 70% effectiveness of the method for determining pregnancy.

A modern pregnancy test makes it possible with a high probability to determine the beginning of the emergence of a new life without lengthy experiments with various compositions and grains. The variety of tests for express diagnostics, however, implies the need to know when to take a pregnancy test, how to interpret the result and which tests are best to use.

Despite the modernization of diagnostic methods, the material for testing remains the same as in the Middle Ages. Urine contains human chorionic gonadotropin, the same hormone that is assessed in the diagnosis of pregnancy by blood tests.

In the venous blood, the hCG hormone begins to be determined 2-3 days after the start of the introduction of chorionic villi to the walls of the uterus. Chorionic gonadotropin reaches a concentration sufficient for most tests in the excreted urine about a week after the start of the process of its production in the body.

If there is enough hCG concentration in the urine for the sensitivity level of the test, a reaction of a chemical preparation on the surface of the test and a hormone occurs. In the absence of the hormone or its insufficient concentration, the reaction does not occur, and the result is negative.

The average sensitivity of the tests available on the market is 25 mUI, this indicator of hCG usually reaches two weeks after fertilization. Existing tests with higher sensitivity, responding to a smaller amount of the hormone, diagnose its appearance 3-4 days earlier.

When can I use the test on a regular cycle?

If the menstrual cycle is regular and a constant number of days between the onset of bleeding, then it is not difficult to calculate the period of ovulation. The middle of the cycle (with a standard menstrual cycle of 28 days - on day 14), the egg is released.
Fertilization of an egg is possible within three days of its life cycle. After the process of fusion of the egg and sperm for 4-5 days, the embryonic cells migrate through the uterus to the placentation site, after which the production of hCG begins. Assuming fertilization within 2 days, 4 days of migration and the time necessary to achieve the desired level of concentration in the urine of the hormone, highly sensitive tests can show the onset of pregnancy 10 days after ovulation, that is, with an average cycle of 28 days - on day 24 of the cycle ... For greater confidence, experts recommend using a highly sensitive test 12 days after the release of the egg from the ovary, normal sensitivity tests - 15-16 days later.

Diagnosis of pregnancy with an irregular cycle

If the menstrual cycle is irregular, the length of the periods between periods varies, then the time to use the test depends on the date of ovulation.
Ovulation can be determined by subjective sensations (some women feel characteristic tingling in the area of ​​one of the ovaries, a feeling of fullness, swelling, sensitivity, mood changes), as well as by measuring rectal temperature and using an ovulation test. When determining the onset of ovulation and possible fertilization, a pregnancy test is used 15 days after the due date.

The morning is wiser than the evening: when is the best time to do the test

Most modern test strips do not limit the diagnostic period to any time of day: they can be used in the morning, afternoon, night. However, experts, given the possibility of a natural decrease in the concentration of hCG after drinking a large amount of liquid, recommend resorting to diagnostics in the morning, using the first portion of urine after a night's sleep, especially with a small probable period of pregnancy.

During the day, when fluid enters the body, the concentration of the hormone decreases. For periods of more than 18 days after ovulation, this factor is not decisive, however, the timing of ovulation also does not always coincide with the expected ones. For accurate indicators, it is better to follow the recommendations of specialists, and in a situation where the test needs to be carried out in the afternoon or in the evening, then the diagnosis will be optimal after four hours of abstaining from going to the toilet and limiting the use of liquid products to maintain the level of hCG concentration.

Terms of use of express tests

  • It is necessary to follow the storage rules of the tests provided by the manufacturer.
  • Using the test in damaged packaging may distort diagnostic results.
  • The package is opened immediately before diagnostics.
  • Using an expired test will produce incorrect results.
  • The optimal test time is in the morning, right after a night's sleep.
  • If the test is not a jet test, urine collection requires the use of a clean container.
  • It was recommended to carry out hygienic procedures with washing of the external genitalia before testing.
  • Strictly follow the directions for use.

Pregnancy test: instructions for use

There are different types of rapid tests. Instructions for each type are attached to the test; violation of the rules of use most often leads to the appearance of incorrect indicators.

When diagnosing pregnancy, the test is used at the time specified by the manufacturer. If testing is recommended from the first days of the delay, then there is a possibility that the sensitivity of the reagent or individual characteristics, the timing of conception will reveal pregnancy earlier than the specified period, but most often an accurate result is possible only on the specified days of the cycle.

The cost of the test most often directly correlates with its reliability: the lower the price, the lower the production cost and the cheaper the chemical reagent, respectively, the higher the number of incorrect results. On the market today, the most common tests of four modifications, each variety has its own characteristics and instructions for use. Some manufacturers produce different types of tests under a single brand (Evitest or Evitest, Frautest, etc.), when buying, you need to pay attention to the variety.

Test strip or strip test

A strip test (strip test) is one of the first options for diagnosing pregnancy, a test for independent use and quick interpretation of the results. The most common and cheapest option (for example, Itest Plus is offered at a price of 20 rubles).
A paper-plastic strip with an additional inner layer impregnated with reagents, upon contact with urine, stains in one or two places. One strip confirms the effectiveness of the test, two indicate the presence of a sufficient concentration of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone to confirm pregnancy.

Rules of use: collect the first morning urine in a clean container, lower the test to the border indicated on the strip, hold it in the liquid for the required time (most often 20-30 seconds), remove it and put it on a dry horizontal surface.

Diagnostic results appear within a period of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Some tests can also change the color of the control strip — the paler the color, the shorter the pregnancy.

Tablet type tests

Tablet tests are based on the same principle of action as strip tests: upon contact with urine of a certain part of the surface, a chemical reaction of the reagent and the hCG hormone occurs. To reduce the likelihood of an error, the volume of liquid is dosed, and the contact point is limited by a special window.
According to the instructions, urine must be collected in the attached clean container, then using the pipette from the kit, dispense 4 drops into the small window of the test tablet. The results are evaluated in the following window: depending on the variety, one or two stripes appear, or minus and plus.

Inkjet tests

This variety is considered one of the most accurate and sensitive, and also does not require additional devices and manipulations. The test strip is placed under the stream of urine for 10 seconds (if necessary, you can use a container and submerge the test in urine).
The results are to be evaluated at intervals of 1 to 10 minutes, depending on the concentration of the hormone. Unlike the above options, inkjet tests can be applied up to 5 days before the expected date of your period.

Digital pregnancy test

Electronic modification of conventional variants. The test evaluates the concentration of the hCG hormone and requires immersion in urine, but the result (depending on the type of test) is displayed either on an electronic mini-scoreboard, or appears on the computer screen, to which the test is connected via a USB port.
This option is considered the most optimal due to the impossibility of distorting the interpretation of the results. However, the sensitivity of digital tests is the same as that of inkjet tests: they can be used 3-4 days before the expected date of menstruation. When tested 2 days before the start of menstruation, an accuracy of 99% is guaranteed.

Negative test result in developing pregnancy

In most cases, tests show a negative result in pregnant women if the tests are used too early with low sensitivity, if the instructions for use or storage are not followed. A negative result is also possible due to late ovulation and late conception - in such cases, the hormonal background changes more slowly than expected in accordance with the menstrual cycle.

Diseases of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances also lead to negative results in test diagnostics. For the threat of miscarriage, an inappropriate increase in the level of the hCG hormone is characteristic of the gestational age, which, accordingly, leads to one strip on the test at a time when the concentration of hCG should be sufficient for two.

It is worth knowing that during gestation, tests can be used only in the first trimester. The concentration of hCG does not persist during the waiting period of the child, which leads to incidents: if tests are carried out for a period of more than 2-3 months, the result will turn out to be negative.

False positive results

Positive test results in non-pregnant women are much less common in the opposite situation and in most cases indicate the presence of diseases (ovarian dysfunction, the formation of a tumor formation in the reproductive organs that produces hormones, etc.). False positive diagnostic results are also noted in the first two months of the postpartum period and when using an expired test.

Testing during your period

In some women, pregnancy is accompanied by menstrual discharge, similar in abundance, timing and manifestations to normal menstruation. As a rule, the discharge ends in the first trimester, however, cases of their manifestations are known throughout the entire period of gestation. In such situations, it is recommended to resort to diagnosis by blood test, but the use of tests is also possible.
Any test is based on an assessment of the concentration of the hormone in the urine and the ingress of menstrual flow into it does not affect the effectiveness of the tests.

If the test results are in doubt

Sometimes it is not easy to interpret the results of express diagnostics: the second indicator strip is slightly outlined, shines through from the inside of the test. Sometimes this is due to poor-quality production of cheap paper test strips: when wet, the reagent becomes somewhat more noticeable than when dry.
A visible, but pale second strip most often indicates a low level of hCG, insufficient for the sensitivity of the test. In this case, it is better to postpone the check for 1-2 days or use a more highly sensitive option.

A strip with an insufficient degree of staining can also appear as a result of improper storage of the test, violation of instructions. In any case, retesting and / or a blood test for hCG is recommended.

Ectopic or non-developing pregnancy

The test results for an ectopic and / or non-developing pregnancy are also positive: on the days of the expected menstruation, the presence of a second strip on the test is most often noted. But an increase in the level of the hormone does not occur under such conditions; on repeated testing, the pregnancy indicator strip may fade or not appear, which requires immediate medical attention.

  • Home pregnancy test: how it works
  • Reason 1. Failure to observe the test check time
  • Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion
  • Reason 3. Chorionadenoma (molar pregnancy, cystic drift)
  • Reason 4. Taking medications
  • Reason 5. Diseases
  • Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?
  • What to do if a pregnancy test is positive

Home test systems for determining pregnancy are very popular today, they are so simple and reliable in use - manufacturers say about 98 and even 99% reliability of the results. If you are concerned about the question of what is wrong with that 1%, then here are five reasons why a pregnancy test can be false positive.

Home pregnancy test: how it works

Home pregnancy tests are based on determining the concentration of one of the hormones - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine. With the onset of pregnancy, the level of this hormone in a woman's blood rises sharply, and it can be detected both in the blood and in the urine.

There are several varieties of home pregnancy tests, and usually the manufacturer gives clear and detailed instructions on how to use them. So, some test strips need to be lowered to a certain level in a container with urine, others need to urinate (or drip urine onto the test contact area).

Depending on the manufacturer's choice, a "+" sign, the words "yes", "pregnancy" may appear on the test strip of a pregnant woman, but most often - two indicator lines. One of them appears in any case (this confirms that the test is working properly, and you followed the instructions exactly), the second - only with an increased level of hCG in the urine, that is, it indicates pregnancy. The second strip may be noticeably paler than the first, but it still indicates a positive result. It is with these tests that women make the most common mistake.

Reason 1. Failure to observe the test check time

All tests indicate a time interval when the result should appear clearly and distinctly - usually not earlier than 3-4 minutes after contact with urine and not later than 10-30 minutes after. If you look at the test later, after an hour or more, then for the second strip you can take the evaporation line - the border to which the urine has risen along the test strip. After the dough dries, the dividing line becomes clearly visible and can be confused with the indicator strip.

Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for the test system!

Reason 2. Recent miscarriage or abortion

After termination of pregnancy (natural or artificial), the level of hCG in a woman's body decreases, but, of course, not immediately. In some cases, it may take up to 35 days before the concentration of this hormone returns to normal, and the average time interval for the establishment of hormonal balance is 19 days. Of course, a pregnancy test during this period will show a false positive result.

If you have had a miscarriage or abortion, you have contracted pregnancy, and the pregnancy test remains positive after three weeks - this is a reason to undergo a medical examination. Placental tissue may remain partially in the uterus, which continues to produce hCG. If you do not take any measures, then in the future this will lead to inflammation and serious health problems.

Reason 3. Chorionadenoma (molar pregnancy, cystic drift)

A rare in Russia (according to various sources, one case per 1000-3000 pregnancies) but quite common in the Far East (one case per 120 pregnancies) is a genetic anomaly, in which the maternal chromosome is "lost" during conception, and an unviable embryo contains either only the father's chromosomes , or a double set of chromosomes for the father and one for the mother. The fetus may not even be at all, but at the same time, a pathological proliferation of placental tissue occurs.

This pathology is easy to identify with ultrasound, but if a woman does not go to the doctor, then she may consider herself pregnant for some time: the belly grows, she suffers from toxicosis, and the test strip results inspire confidence. However, chorionadenoma is a dangerous pathology that can provoke severe uterine bleeding and the formation of a malignant tumor. Pathology is rare, but let's not forget about it!

Reason 4. Taking medications

The vast majority of medicines, as well as food (including alcohol), do not affect the results of a pregnancy test. The only exception is drugs that contain hCG (they are used to treat infertility). If you are taking these medications on the advice of your doctor, you will have to choose another method of pregnancy screening.

Reason 5. Diseases

Various diseases can affect the level of hCG in the body. It changes when:

  • premenopause or menopause;
  • oncological diseases of the ovaries, bladder, kidneys, liver, lungs, colon, breast and stomach;
  • kidney disease or urinary tract infections;
  • ovarian cyst.

In addition, there is the so-called "phantom hCG" - the chemicals in the pregnancy test can react with them in the same way as with the hormone itself. The doctor finds out that we are talking about "phantom hCG" by determining the content of chorionic gonadotropin by other methods. If the results of different tests differ significantly (sometimes tens of times), then we are talking about just such an error.

Can pregnancy tests be trusted at all?

Can! But it must be remembered that it is very different for different women and at different times of pregnancy. It reaches its maximum at 8-9 weeks after conception. If you are anxious to know if the test is positive and you try to test before the date of your expected period, you are very likely to get a false negative result. It is much more common than false positive.

What to do if a pregnancy test is positive

If the pregnancy test shows a positive result, it is imperative to notify the doctor about this. Only a specialist can confirm if you are developing a normal pregnancy or if the test is false positive.

If the test is negative, but you still believe that pregnancy is possible, you should also consult your doctor.

The accuracy of the pregnancy test is high - 99%. But don't forget that someone gets caught in 1% of exceptions!

Based on materials from medical news today

Today, a pregnancy test helps to confirm conception at home.

A positive or negative result is not always the case in reality. Sometimes the test gives false readings. What contributes to this? And what if such a diagnosis shows 2 strips?

Read about this and much more in our new article.

How Accurate is a Pregnancy Test

Today, unfortunately, there is still no such accurate diagnosis that could 100% confirm the position of a woman at home.

All test strips are based on the detection of an increase in hCG in urine, which increases after embryo implantation. However, this hormone can rise for other reasons. As a result, test strips will often erroneously show a positive result.

The main reasons for a false positive pregnancy test are:

If the test was carried out according to the rules, and you are confident that there was no conception, but the test strip gives a positive answer, you should go to the doctor for a more thorough examination in order to find out in advance about the diseases and prescribe treatment on time.

Interestingly, even in a man, the test can show two stripes. This does not mean that he is pregnant. The fact is that in men, as in women, the hCG hormone is very low. But with some diseases, especially cancer, this hormone rises. Therefore, if the test shows a positive result, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When a woman who wants to get pregnant has the long-awaited two bands on the test indicator, it is better to do a second study after 2-3 days to confirm the answer. This is especially true for early diagnosis, a few days before the expected period.

Sometimes it happens that after the confirmation of conception, menstruation or a slight daub went.

Why this is happening can only be determined by a doctor, so it is imperative to contact him for advice. If this is not done, there may be undesirable consequences. The same should be done if your period has passed, and you have two stripes on the indicator.

General information about the tests in this video:

What does a positive diagnostic result look like?

Most women believe that there must be some signs by which a delicate situation can be determined. For some, this happens, but more often there are no signs other than a positive result during test diagnostics. Especially during lactation, it is impossible to determine anything, since there is not even a period.

The position can be reliably confirmed only with the help of an ultrasound scan after three weeks.

What should a positive stick test look like? Today there are different types of test systems: strip, tablet, inkjet and digital. The first three show 2 colored stripes during pregnancy, and in the absence - one.

Digital ones can not only confirm or deny the position, but also indicate the number of weeks from conception. If the answer is negative, the monitor will display a "-" icon, and if the answer is positive, "+" and the number of weeks next to it.

When to make a diagnosis to get a reliable answer? Usually, at ovulation at 14-15 DC (day of the cycle) and about 7 DPO (day after fertilization), the embryo is implanted into the uterus. At this point, hCG begins to increase rapidly, and after 3-4 days, hypersensitive tests will already be able to detect it.

Sometimes the test shows two stripes already at 4-5 DPO. This happens if ovulation occurred earlier than expected (not in the middle of the cycle), and conception occurred. With a cycle of 30-36 days, test diagnostics will also show an answer seven days before the delay in menstruation.

With IVF testing will show confirmation at 7dpp (day after transfer).

If the second band appears weakly on the stick, this does not mean a positive result. Rather, it is either a hormonal imbalance, or an incorrect study (poor-quality or expired stick).

How many strips on the test during pregnancy

The test system is very easy to use. To do this, it is enough just to dip the stick to the indicated level, hold it for 3-5 seconds and after 5 minutes the answer will appear - 1 (negative) or 2 (positive) stripes.

The second indicator is due to a reagent that reacts with the hCG hormone, if present in the urine. If it is absent, the indicator will not show anything, will not appear.

There are often times when the indicator does not appear completely (shows a faint strip).

The reasons may be different, but they can be divided into 2 categories:

  • a problem with the test - expired, of poor quality, or a violation during the procedure;
  • insufficiently high level of hCG - too early or inflammation, causing the production of chorionic gonadotropin.

Sticks with increased sensitivity are capable of giving a response even in the presence of a hormone in the amount of 10 IU / L. Others react at 20-25 IU / L.

What to do if a pregnancy test is positive

Even if the child is long-awaited, there is no need to rejoice violently. The first study is sometimes wrong, as all tests can be wrong.

What to do next? Pull yourself together and wait for the symptoms of pregnancy to appear, or re-test after 2-3 days. If the second diagnosis confirms the initial result, you need to contact a gynecologist, take a blood test for hormones and after 3-4 weeks undergo an ultrasound scan, without which it is impossible to get a 100% correct answer.

The doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination earlier if there are prerequisites for this - brown or bloody discharge, pain in the lower abdomen or in the side.

If the position is confirmed, it is necessary to register with the gynecologist, who will observe the entire period of gestation.

What actions to take in case of an unwanted pregnancy? It so happens that even after contraception, for example, after Postinor, women become pregnant. This happens either due to a poor-quality drug, or if the drug was taken at the wrong time (conception has already occurred).

Should pregnancy be left in this case? The decision is made by a woman, and only she. It is worth taking into account the age, existing pathologies and much more, which can cause infertility or problems with bearing in the future, if you have an abortion now.

In any case, don't panic, as this might just be a test error. Therefore, after a while, it is better to re-examine or pass tests for the level of hCG.

How to act in the early stages of pregnancy so that the baby is healthy - the doctor advises

All doctors recommend for the correct development of the fetus:

  1. At the planning stage, undergo a complete examination for the presence of diseases, and, if any, cure.
  2. Completely exclude all bad habits from your life - alcohol, smoking, etc.
  3. Correctly compose your diet. The more vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and juices there are, the more necessary vitamins and minerals the baby will receive for its development.
  4. Take a multivitamin complex, vitamin E, folic acid and iodomarin.
  5. Protect yourself from colds and viral infections.
  6. Go to the doctor's appointment in time and follow all his recommendations.
  7. Treatment with any medications should be agreed with the supervising physician. This is especially true for painkillers, for example, Pentalgin, which is available in different forms, and not everything can be taken when carrying a baby.
  8. Avoid stressful situations, get more rest and walk in the fresh air.
  9. Do not overstrain the body with physical activity, especially in the first trimester.


When using test diagnostics, it is important to follow the instructions. If, after passing the test, you are not sure of the result or the second streak is pale, there is no need to be upset, just repeat the procedure after a couple of days.

When confirming the answer, if it is positive, in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor. This is especially true for women who have used reliable contraception, and the diagnosis indicates pregnancy. Diseases that should be identified in advance and started treatment are not excluded.

Did you get a pregnancy test and it showed two strips? Congratulations, you will have a baby and you can forget about your period for as long as nine months. To confirm your expectations - go to the doctor.

All pregnancy tests have one principle - some determine the presence of the hCG hormone in female urine. Girls resort to them when they have a delay, but it can not always be caused by pregnancy, and so that they do not run to the gynecologist every time, they came up with pregnancy tests. So, at home, they quickly and easily recognize the result.

If the fertilized egg has not caught on to the lining of the uterus, the test will show nothing. Therefore, they do it only after a delay.

During menstruation, the result will be only if conception has occurred, but a hormonal failure has occurred, and a slight bleeding has begun just at the time of menstruation.

What are pregnancy tests and how to use them

  • The test is in the form of a strip.
    It is the cheapest and most affordable, easy to use. Collect urine in the morning. Lower the strip to the mark for a few seconds, and check the result after a minute. Negative one streak, positive two. This diagnostic option is not very reliable, since the strip may be poorly saturated or too much, and then the result will not be reliable.
  • Inkjet test.
    It is more convenient to use, just place its indicator under the stream of urine for a few seconds and wait a minute. These tests are considered one of the most accurate and can be done at any time of the day.
  • Electronic test.
    Instead of the usual stripes on the screen, you will see plus / minus or pregnant / not pregnant. It also shows the gestational age and expected birth. Can be applied before the delay at any time of the day. No need to peer how many stripes there are, a reliable result. The most expensive specimen of all.

All tests can "cheat" if they become unusable, the time is too short, and if the instructions are not strictly followed.

If it says that you need to look at the strips in ten minutes, and not fifteen, then do so. Otherwise, when tightening, a negative result may turn out to be positive, and you will not even be pregnant.

What to do next if the test is positive

To begin with, do a second one in a couple of days, just in case. If nothing has changed, immediately go for advice and further instructions to the gynecologist.

An important point! Two strips can be in case of hormonal failure and taking medications containing hCG. Your period may just go a couple of days after the delay.

In case of pregnancy, you can rejoice and tell the news to your future dad!
Also, take a positive test in your hands and take a photo as a keepsake!

Do you have a pregnancy in your plans for this and the next months, and even the first signs of it in the form of a delay are already there? It's time to hope for a positive pregnancy test.

In fact, they are not at all as accurate as many women would like, it would be much safer to go to a consultation and donate blood to determine the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin. However, this takes more time, and with every delay you don't run into a gynecologist.

That is why women resort to home rapid tests in the hope of getting at least an approximate result. What are tests?

How the test works

The principle of the test is simple: it contains special reagents that react to the presence of hCG in a woman's urine. This hormone is produced when a woman is pregnant, but not immediately, but only when the fertilized egg is fixed in the lining of the uterus. Pay attention to this, because implantation does not take place immediately, but only a week after the moment of conception. And for a satisfactory result, hCG in the body must still accumulate. That is, a positive pregnancy test before a delay is rare.

But a positive pregnancy test with menstruation is quite possible. The fact is that in some, rather rare cases, hormonal imbalance causes mild bleeding during pregnancy in a period that coincides with menstruation.

Types of pregnancy tests

There are several different pregnancy tests available. The most affordable and common is the test strip. It was his features that gave rise to the well-known phrase about two stripes. It is arranged very simply: a paper strip soaked in a chemical solution that reacts to HCG.

It is also very easy to use: immediately after waking up, you need to collect some urine in a clean container and dip a strip into it to the level indicated on it. After a few seconds, the test is removed from the container and after 4-5 minutes the result will be known. A positive pregnancy test result looks like two strips. The first is the control one, and it appears at least with a positive, even with a negative result. Her absence should be suggestive of marriage.

In any case, this type of test is considered not very reliable, since the end result depends on a huge number of factors, from non-compliance with production standards to improper use. For a more accurate result, it is advised to repeat the test after two days.

The second type of test is called a tablet test. It gives a much more accurate result, however, it also costs much more, therefore, in fact, it is used a little less often. It looks more impressive: a plastic case with two small windows. A certain amount of urine is placed in one of them, in the second the result will appear.

The third version of the test is perhaps the most accurate. It must be placed directly under the stream. This is convenient because the test can be done anywhere, without additional preparation. The only drawback of the test is that it is quite expensive.

What if the test is positive?

And so, you contemplate the coveted two strips on your dough. What if the pregnancy test is positive? Chances are, you are pregnant, which is cause for joy. Just in case, repeat the test two days later, and go to the antenatal clinic for confirmation and registration.

However, unfortunately, from time to time there is such a situation when the pregnancy test is positive, and the ultrasound does not show pregnancy. If we exclude defects in the production of tests and non-observance of instructions, this may be the case in several cases. For example, there is a positive pregnancy test with hormonal imbalance, taking medications containing hCG, a cyst, and a positive pregnancy test - it is also quite possible situation.