How to introduce complementary foods: vegetable puree. What vegetable puree is better to choose for the first feeding of a baby

- this is a crucial moment for parents, because they must know not only what is meant by complementary foods, but also at what time it should be introduced into the child's diet. Until recently, pediatricians recommended starting complementary foods with fruit and / or vegetable juices, and giving them to the baby in an amount of a few drops from the second month of life.

  • With breastfeeding, complementary foods are introduced at 6 months, with artificial feeding - not earlier than 4 months. (in agreement with the pediatrician);
  • it's better to start complementary foods with mashed vegetables and / or fruits, but only if the child is gaining weight well;
  • if the baby is underweight, then first you need to introduce porridge into his diet, and only then fruit / vegetable purees;
  • are introduced as a last resort - not earlier than 7 months.

Important! Parents should remember the "golden" rule: the first portion of complementary foods should not exceed one teaspoon in volume. If the child does not have a negative reaction from the body to the given product, the one-time volume can be increased.

Rules for the introduction of vegetable puree into the diet of an infant

Pediatricians say that it is exactly the best option for complementary feeding, since babies rarely develop this product, and there are almost never problems with digestion. You can enter the first vegetable dishes from 6 months and you should always start with a one-component puree. This is in the future, when the baby gets used to the new product, it will be possible to diversify his diet.

Separately, it is worth emphasizing that there are types of vegetable puree that are allowed to be given to a baby from the age of four months, but without reducing the proportion of breastfeeding. These include:

  1. baby food... To cook it, you need to boil the carrots until cooked and grate on a fine grater. Then a little milk is added to the resulting mass and passed through a sieve.
  2. Cauliflower slurry... Cauliflower inflorescences are scalded with boiling water, then washed under running water and placed in hot water, boiled until tender. Then the water is drained, the inflorescences are poured with milk and crushed with a blender to a very liquid porridge.

Note:pediatricians allow adding oils to the above vegetable purees - a small amount of butter is perfect for carrot puree (literally at the tip of a knife), but for cauliflower, unrefined vegetable oil (half a teaspoon) will be the best choice.

As soon as the baby gets used to one type of vegetable puree, you can introduce another type of vegetables into the diet. Even if the baby has some preferences, it is necessary to make his menu varied and teach him to use different types of products.

We recommend reading:

Rules for making fruit puree for babies

Fruit puree from one product is recommended to be introduced into the diet of a newborn at the age of 4 months, and if the baby is breastfed and gaining weight well, then at 6 months. The basic rule is that fruit purees should in no way replace the main food, they should act as a tasty and healthy dessert. The only exception is one dish - carrot puree with added fruit mass.

In general, fruit baby food can be purchased ready-made and in retail outlets, but natural products are always better absorbed, so you should learn how to make fruit puree yourself.

Things to remember:

  1. Fruits for making mashed potatoes should not only be thoroughly washed, but also doused with boiling water.
  2. Even the softest fruits must be peeled off.
  3. It is better to grind the pulp of the fruit through a sieve, since when using a blender, it is impossible to achieve an absolutely uniform consistency of mashed potatoes.
  4. Choose sweet and sour fruit for puree.

If the baby is given complementary foods from fruit puree from the age of 4 months, then by 6-7 months you can add cream heated in a water bath, prune pulp (steamed) and boiled rice porridge to the dish.

Introduction to the diet of babies apple puree

Pediatricians recommend giving apple juice to babies at the age of six months. Only after the baby has developed an addiction to apple juice will it be possible to introduce applesauce into the diet. Why do doctors recommend starting complementary foods with an apple? Everything is explained by the truly unique properties of the fruit:

Applesauce can be made with fresh or baked fruit. It is recommended to give the baby fresh apple puree first and observe the reaction of his body. For example, if there is increased gas formation, then next time it is better to give mashed potatoes from baked apples - it will act as a mild laxative, relieving the baby from constipation. For mashed potatoes, it is better to choose green sweet and sour apples, because allergies can develop to red ones.

Note:red varieties of fruit are recommended for children with increased fragility of blood vessels. But such nuances should be explained by the pediatrician! Otherwise, parents should follow the classic scheme.

How to make applesauce: grate the fruit on a fine grater and pass through a sieve several times so that there is not even a small lump in the finished product. Of course, before preparing the dish, the apple must be thoroughly washed, peeled and removed from the seeds.

Mashed potatoes and carrots in the diet of a newborn

15-20 days after the baby is used to apples, you can begin to introduce into his diet and / or carrot puree. Usually this period coincides with the age of the baby 6, 5 months. The type of puree in question will be radically different from what adults eat!

First, you need to pay special attention to the choice of root vegetables for making mashed potatoes:

  • vegetables must be fresh and self-cultivation without chemical additives would be the best option;
  • it is strictly forbidden to use fruits with sprouts, signs of greenery or rotting under the skin for making mashed potatoes for a newborn;
  • it will be necessary to remove a sufficiently thick layer of peel from the root crop and soak it for a day in cold water. Freshly peeled potatoes cannot be cooked for a baby - they contain too much starch.

Secondly, mashed potatoes with herbs will be the best option for babies. It is simple to cook it: the prepared tuber is cut into small cubes and boiled for 10 minutes, then either greens or white cabbage in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons is added to the water and everything is boiled until tender. All that remains is to drain the water and turn the vegetables into puree either with a blender or by grinding them through a sieve. To improve the taste and consistency of the dish, you can add a tablespoon of milk to it, but it is strictly not recommended to salt the mashed potatoes.

Thirdly, mashed potatoes can be diversified, you just need to wait for the moment when the baby gets used to its original taste. For example, you can add carrot puree to mashed potatoes (they are also prepared) - this will not only add a new taste to the dish, but also provide the child's body with useful vitamins and nutrients.

Prune puree

At the age of 7 months (with artificial feeding - 5 months), doctors recommend adding dishes from. This fruit contains vitamins and nutritional components, even the most capricious children like its taste, and regular intake of prunes improves the digestion process and prevents the development of

It is advisable to start introducing the first complementary foods into the infant's diet with vegetable puree or porridge. Many pediatricians still advise opting for vegetable puree, since vegetables contain useful vitamins, organic acids and trace elements, in addition, they contain plant fibers and pectins, which normalizes the intestinal microflora and does not cause constipation. In the event that the baby does not gain weight well, has loose stools, it is better to give preference to porridge. In any case, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician regarding the choice of complementary foods for an infant.

Vegetable puree is considered one of the most optimal options for the first feeding

The procedure for introducing vegetables into the baby's diet

The order of introduction of vegetable complementary foods is determined depending on the basic qualities of vegetables. The table below will help to understand the sequence of introducing complementary foods with vegetables.

Vegetable nameCharacteristicRisk of developing allergies
Suitable for overweight children. Helps to remove toxins, has a diuretic effect, eliminates the problem of constipation.Very low
Improves digestion, effectively restores hemoglobin levels and lowered immunity.Short
It has a high calorie content and a high content of starch, an excess of which can cause bloating and pain in the tummy, increased stool frequency. The proportion of potatoes in mashed potatoes should not exceed 20-30% of the total. Before cooking, cut the potatoes in half and soak in water for 1-2 hours.Average level
Has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. It is able to improve the condition of the skin and is very beneficial for the eyes.High
It has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive system, prevents the formation of constipation, cleansing the body. Boosts immunity.High

Mashed potatoes familiar to adults should be given to a child carefully, in small quantities (for more details, see the article :)
  • 5-6 months - zucchini. Low in calories, contains copper and potassium.
  • 5-6 months - cauliflower. Differs in a high content of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • 6-7 months - potatoes. Helps to improve metabolism.
  • 7-8 months - pumpkin (more in the article :). Fortified with fiber, iron and carotene.
  • 9 months - carrots. Differs in a high content of vitamin B, carotene, potassium and phytoncides.
  • 9 months - green peas. Contains vitamins B, C and PP.
  • 9-10 months - beets (we recommend to read :). Contains vitamins B, C and iron.
  • After 1 year - cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants and bell peppers. In children younger than this age, the gastrointestinal tract cannot yet digest foods containing coarse fiber, which can contribute to the formation of gas, bloating and pain in the tummy.

The volume of vegetables during the 6th month should be in the range from 50 to 100 g, during the 7th month - 150 g, by the year the volume is increased to 200 g. Considering the age and taste of the child, the mother herself can start choosing which vegetables use for the preparation of multi-component dishes.

Zucchini puree - ideal for the first feeding of babies

Rules for the first feeding with vegetables

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If it is necessary to introduce vegetable complementary foods into the infant's diet before six months (but not earlier than 4 months of age), the choice between vegetables and porridge is made taking into account the weight of the crumbs and the nature of the stool. When introducing complementary foods, observe the following rules:

  1. To keep track of how your baby reacts to each individual ingredient, give your baby a one-way puree vegetable feed. After getting used to each individual product, try to introduce multi-component dishes into the diet.
  2. Choose zucchini, broccoli or cauliflower as your first vegetable feed (we recommend reading :). If your acquaintance with one vegetable puree was successful, try giving dishes from other vegetables, according to the age of the baby.
  3. Adhere to the standard scheme for introducing complementary foods: on the first day, the baby is allowed to taste 1/4 teaspoon, on the second day - 1/2, etc. The portion size is brought to 50 g (when replacing vegetables, feeding with a mixture of up to 100-150 g). It is optimal to introduce the child to a new product in the morning. After the child eats vegetable puree, he needs to be supplemented with breast milk or formula. The baby can try the next new dish in 1-2 weeks.
  4. Do not add salt or sugar to baby food. Although the natural taste of individual vegetables may seem dubious to adults, the child must still find out what the vegetable really is.
  5. When buying a finished product in a store, read the composition on the jar. It should contain only water and vegetables. Give preference to products from a trusted company.
  6. If the mother herself is engaged in the preparation of vegetable puree at home, it is better to use vegetables grown in her garden. Imported products (especially in winter) should not be bought, since they often contain nitrates, which are dangerous for a baby, even in small quantities. If you buy frozen vegetables, check their consistency (the mass should be crumbly, not in the form of a "lump"). Products from which puree for babies is prepared cannot be re-frozen.

Mashed potatoes

Vegetable puree should only be given fresh; it should be cooked just before feeding. When you reheat vitamins and nutrients, it becomes less, moreover, even when stored in the refrigerator, microbes are capable of reproduction. Try to choose only fresh, if possible, "home" vegetables, which have not been grown using chemical fertilizers.

To preserve the greatest amount of mineral salts and vitamins, it is better to steam the vegetables or simmer with a small amount of water (a double boiler or pressure cooker will do). Thus, the baby will receive all the valuable components of vegetables.

So the scheme for preparing any mashed potatoes is simple:

  1. rinse the vegetables well, after cleaning, rinse again with water;
  2. bring water to a boil, place vegetables in it, reduce heat (if you cook several types of vegetables in one dish at once, you need to start them in turn, according to the degree of softening);
  3. chop the finished boiled vegetables using a sieve or blender;
  4. add the remaining vegetable broth (about 1/3 or 1/4 of the total vegetables).

It is allowed to put vegetable oil in the finished vegetable puree (olive oil of the first cold pressing is perfect), starting with 1 drop and increasing the volume to 3 ml per week (at the age of 4.5 to 6 months), 5 ml (after 6 months) ... Vegetable oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and phosphatides, which the baby needs for further growth and development. Here are some simple recipes for vegetable purees.

Ingredients: small squash without any damage, water (or breast milk / formula). Cooking process:

  1. Wash the vegetable well, peel the skin. Cut into small cubes, about 1x1 cm in size.
  2. Pour the slices with a small amount of clean water, bring to a boil and reduce heat. Cook for about 15-20 minutes, until the courgette is tender.
  3. Grind the zucchini until smooth so that there are no lumps (for this purpose, you can use a sieve or blender). Add vegetable broth - bring the puree to the desired consistency.

Cabbage puree

Ingredients: 7-10 cauliflower florets, 50 ml water (or breast milk / formula). Cooking process:

  1. Wash cabbage inflorescences thoroughly.
  2. Dip in boiling water. Cook for about 10-15 minutes (the same time will go when using a double boiler).
  3. Place the boiled cabbage in a colander and cool.
  4. Grind the cabbage using a sieve or blender, add cabbage broth. The consistency should be liquid sour cream.

A child will definitely like cauliflower puree if you add a little milk or mixture to it

Carrot puree

Ingredients: 100 g carrots, 50 ml water (or breast milk / formula), 3 drops of oil. Cooking process:

  1. Wash and clean the root vegetables thoroughly. Cut into strips or grate using a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over to a level just above the carrots. Simmer over low heat until the roots are tender.
  3. Throw boiled carrots in a colander and chop them using any convenient method.
  4. Pour in the broth, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
  5. Add vegetable oil, mix thoroughly.

Carrots contain a lot of valuable elements for the baby, so it must be given in the form of puree.

If a baby has a negative reaction to a new product, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician or be examined by an allergist. In order to avoid harmful consequences for the first feeding of the child, use hypoallergenic vegetable dishes (we recommend reading :). They are perfectly absorbed, they contain all the macro- and microelements, fiber and vitamins necessary for a growing child's body. After the crumb gets used to them, you can proceed to get acquainted with mashed potatoes from other products.

Rating of ready-made vegetable purees

Preference should be given to mashed potatoes from well-known companies:

  1. "Fruto nanny". First place in the ranking. Vegetable purees practically do not cause an allergic reaction. The composition contains only natural ingredients, and during the manufacture they take into account the age of the baby. The mashed potatoes taste pleasant, and the crumb eats the new product with appetite. The assortment of the company includes vegetable purees from broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower and carrots.
  2. Gerber. It occupies one of the leading places in the rating. Makes one-component vegetable puree using only organic products. It can be given to crumbs prone to food allergies. Great taste and quality.
  3. "Grandma's basket". High quality and budget cost. There are no preservatives or starch in the composition - only water and vegetables. One-part purees include cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, and squash. This firm is often chosen for bottle-fed babies and allergy-prone babies.
  4. "Theme". For the first feeding, mashed potatoes from broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, pumpkin and zucchini are suitable. In the manufacture, except for water and vegetables, nothing is used.
  5. "Hipp". Food is made only from fresh and high quality products. Rarely leads to allergies and stool disorders. For babies, there is cauliflower, carrot, potato, vegetable marrow, parsnip or broccoli complementary foods.
  6. "Humana". Complementary foods are good for children prone to allergies and digestive problems.
  7. Agusha. The products are subject to strict quality control, due to which they have earned great popularity.

After opening, the product can be stored for no more than a day. Before using mashed potatoes, transfer the required amount from the jar to another dish and heat in a water bath.

Between the 6th and 9th months, the baby is introduced to new products. In order for this process to be successful, you need to know where to start, when to give, make yourself or buy a finished product. The puree for the first feeding should be vegetable-based.

A baby who feeds on breast milk may not need additional nutrients until 6-7 months. Bottle-fed children are advised to start complementary feeding earlier, about 4.5 months.

You can enter products in the following cases:

  1. the child's weight corresponds to age, monthly increases are normal;
  2. the baby knows how to eat in an upright position;
  3. the skills of chewing food with small particles appeared.

It is better to start introducing vegetables first. They contain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals needed for a growing body. Only after he gets used to them, they offer fruit. Vegetables have a neutral taste, do not affect the work of metabolism, do not destroy tooth enamel.

If the baby has a lack of weight, they begin to introduce cereals, and then vegetable puree.

When proposing a new dish, you need to follow the rules:

  • give it in the morning;
  • start with small portions;
  • the first complementary foods should be one-component.

In the case when the baby refuses food, turns his head away, you can try to give mashed potatoes in a couple of days. In this case, you can suggest another vegetable. There is an option to mix the vegetable puree with breast milk or formula.

You cannot offer your baby a new product if:

  1. he is capricious, does not feel well;
  2. he was vaccinated;
  3. a little time has passed since the illness;
  4. refuses to innovate.

Suitable food

Parents need to know which vegetables are best to start complementary foods. You need to take into account the state of health, weight gain. The best option would be to contact your local pediatrician.

The scheme for introducing complementary foods depends on the basic properties of vegetables. The table will help you decide which puree to give first.

Vegetable nameCharacteristicRisk of developing allergies
ZucchiniIt removes toxins, has a diuretic effect, helps to cope with constipation. Ideal for overweight children.Very low
CauliflowerIt is useful for digestion, improves immunity, increases hemoglobin.Short
PotatoThe vegetable is high in calories and contains a lot of starch. It should be consumed rarely and in small quantities.Average level
CarrotIt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Good for the eyes, improves the condition of the skin.High
PumpkinThe vegetable improves the functioning of the digestive system, copes with constipation. The vegetable cleanses the body, improves immunity.High

The first vegetable to introduce is the courgette, the second is the cauliflower.

Features of the first complementary foods

After the baby gets used to the new dish, the portion should be equal to a full meal. You can replace one of the milk feedings with vegetables. Later, by about 9-10 months, vegetable puree becomes a side dish for meat or fish.

The scheme for introducing complementary foods is as follows.
  1. Parents are often worried about how much complementary foods can be given the first time? Start with half a teaspoon in the morning before breastfeeding or formula feed. If no allergic reactions are noticed in the baby, the dosage is gradually increased.
  2. In the case when the baby refuses new food, you do not need to shout at him or be persistent. Continue feeding with your usual food.
  3. When a rash appears, a stool disorder, the vegetable is temporarily removed from the diet.
  4. If a reaction occurs after increasing the portion, then the product should not be given to the child for several days.
  5. During the week, the portion is brought to 50-100 g.
  6. It is better to introduce the second vegetable no earlier than a week later. This makes it easier to track an allergic reaction to an individual vegetable.

The slower the increase in the portion of the new product, the lower the risk of developing allergies..

A scheme that takes into account age will help decide how much to give the baby vegetable puree.

Age6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months11-12 months
Dosage, g120 140 150 170 180 200

Homemade or ready-made food from the store: the right choice

There are several positive aspects of choosing a ready-made puree.

  1. The vegetables used undergo quality control, only ripe, fresh ones are selected.
  2. To prepare mashed potatoes, manufacturers strictly adhere to the recipe and take into account age characteristics.
  3. The composition includes additional vitamins and minerals.

Stores offer a wide selection of baby food from various manufacturers. It is tested and processed correctly. Parents should themselves determine which company to choose mashed potatoes for babies, having studied in detail the composition of each. Before making a purchase, you should pay attention to some points:

  • tightness of packaging;
  • the age for which the product is intended;
  • shelf life and storage conditions;
  • natural color and consistency uniformity;
  • the composition should not contain dyes, preservatives and spices.

You can also make vegetable puree for babies at home. To do this, you should choose the right vegetables themselves. Better if they come from their own garden. The vegetable should not have blackheads and spots. There should be no skin gloss.

Before you cook any kind of vegetables for your baby, you need to follow a few principles.

  • Wash and peel the vegetable used thoroughly.
  • Process with boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  • Transfer to a container with water and cook until cooked.
  • When the vegetables are cooked, transfer to a sieve, drain off excess liquid and bring to a homogeneous consistency.
  • You can add breast milk, formula, or decoction to the puree.
  • Salt and other flavor enhancers are not added to the first complementary foods.
  • Serve the product chilled.

Better to give a freshly prepared meal. If a situation arises when you need to cook a larger portion, you can store the product in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Popular ready-to-eat meals for young children

The rating is headed by Frutonyanya puree. Rarely there is an allergic reaction to the products of this brand, the age characteristics of the body are taken into account, natural products are used. The food tastes good and the little ones are happy to start exploring new products. Vegetable puree of broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower and carrots is offered.

The Gerber puree has proved to be a good reputation. Therefore, it tops the rating of the best brands of baby food. In stock you can find a one-component vegetable puree made from organic products. Suitable for feeding children with food allergies. Taste and quality are excellent.

The rating continues with Babushkino Lukoshko puree. Differs in high quality and inexpensive price. The composition also contains no preservatives and starch. One-component puree offered by the manufacturer: cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini. They are designed for children who are bottle-fed and have allergic reactions. The composition, except for water and vegetables, does not include anything.

Mashed potatoes of the Agusha trademark are popular among parents. Food passes strict quality control, therefore it is included in the rating of the best complementary foods for babies.

The rating is closed by the Hipp trademark. Only fresh and high-quality vegetables are used in the production. Puree rarely causes allergies and stool upset. Babies are offered dishes from cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, zucchini, parsnips, broccoli.

Opened puree can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. You need to give it to the baby immediately after opening, and the rest - the next day. You cannot warm up the contents in the jar itself. The required portion is transferred to another container and heated.

The first complementary food largely determines the state of the digestive organs and the health of the baby in general. Therefore, parents should be especially careful about nutrition so that there are no problems in the future.

And our selection of recipes for the best vegetable purees for the first complementary foods that you can easily prepare at home.

Most often, the first feeding for babies begins with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. These are the most hypoallergenic vegetables, that is, those to which children usually do not have an allergic reaction. You should start with a monocomponent puree (mashed potatoes prepared from one vegetable), and then, when you have already introduced several different vegetables one at a time, and there is no allergic reaction to them, you can prepare vegetable purees from two or more proven vegetables.

In our selection, you will find 12 of the best mono and multicomponent vegetable purees for your baby's first meal, many of which can be prepared in just 15 minutes.

12 Best Veggie Puree Recipes for First Feeding

Mashed potatoes for the first feeding

Potatoes have a lot of useful properties: they have a positive effect on the state of the digestive system, stabilize metabolism and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Plus, it's just delicious, nutritious and easy to make with our recipe found here.

3 recipes for cauliflower vegetable puree for complementary foods

The best way to cook cauliflower for baby food is not to boil it, but to steam it. In our compilation here, you will find instructions on how to make cauliflower for the first meal, mashed cauliflower and broccoli, and mashed cauliflower, potatoes and zucchini.

3 fresh green pea vegetable puree recipes for complementary foods

In terms of the amount of protein, green peas are comparable to beef, while they are well absorbed. It also contains a large amount of vitamin C and selenium, and it is recommended to introduce it into the children's diet to prevent anemia. Follow the link for information on when to introduce green peas into baby foods, as well as learn how to puree fresh green peas, a recipe for mashed green peas, spinach and apple, and a recipe for mashed green peas, fennel and peach.

Carrot and broccoli vegetable puree and complementary cheese

Combining broccoli with mashed potatoes and cheese is a great recipe for vegetable complementary foods, as it will help your child eat more healthy greens. A fairly strong broccoli aroma will well set off the mild taste of mashed potatoes. Moreover, you remember that broccoli is a super vegetable: it is an excellent source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, folate, iron and potassium. You can find the complete recipe at the link:.

Pumpkin vegetable puree with prunes and yogurt for complementary foods

The main advantage of this pumpkin puree for babies is that it is rich in vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, protein and iron. And when you mix pumpkin with yogurt and prunes, your child will not only receive a large dose of beneficial bacteria that will improve his digestion, but also a lot of fiber that will help to easily cleanse the intestines, which is especially important for children who suffer from constipation. Recipe by link:.

Vegetable puree from carrots, sweet potatoes, pepper with chicken for complementary foods

If the child has already managed to try monocomponent vegetable and meat purees as the first complementary food, you can offer him this bright, tasty, and most importantly healthy, recipe for which you can find at the link.

How to introduce vegetable complementary foods into the baby's diet correctly and for the benefit of the child's health, let's try to figure it out in our article.

Lure - this is any food, except for breast milk and milk formulas, which a child receives in the first year of life.

What is it for?

Pediatricians advise to introduce the first complementary food for a baby at 6 months , moreover, this age is relevant for both breastfed and artificial babies.

Why is it important?

By about six months, the baby may lack vitamins, trace elements and minerals from breast milk or formula for normal growth and development. A growing child's body may experience a lack of vitamins C, A and D, B vitamins, folic acid, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, selenium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

Where to begin?

Before introducing complementary foods, it is better to consult a pediatrician who can recommend what exactly your baby is missing.

Pediatrician of the highest category of the Dobrobut medical network, pediatric allergist, candidate of medical sciences Ekaterina Mikhailovna Kovbasko shared with site “The World Health Organization recommends starting feeding a baby, that is, a 6 month old baby, with vegetables. But if the child or his weight is at the lower limit of the age norm, it is better to start complementary foods with cereals, consisting of one cereal, that is, with dairy-free cereals. If your baby is gaining weight well, then it is better to start complementary foods with vegetables. For the first feeding for babies, it is better to use vegetables that grow in our climatic zone, as well as those vegetables that are seasonal for a given season. "

If your pediatrician agrees, and the baby is gaining weight well, is healthy and cheerful, then you can safely start introduce complementary foods with vegetable puree .

In addition to the presence of important vitamins and minerals, vegetable complementary foods have other important benefits:

  • vegetables contain fiber, which will help the movement of food through the digestive tract and the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines;
  • vegetables contain pectin substances that absorb and remove toxins from the baby's body;
  • vegetables have a positive effect on the state of acid-base balance of the body, creating conditions for the proper functioning of all organs and systems.

Now, in the spring, it would seem that the time is right for offer the baby puree or soup made from fresh vegetables ... However, dear parents, take your time: vegetables from the supermarket or bought on the market are not always suitable for the first feeding of the baby, because the content of various chemicals in them may be higher than the allowed norm.

For the preparation of vegetable complementary foods it is better to take vegetables, of which you are 100% sure of the quality, for example, homemade, grown in ecologically clean climatic zones, without the use of pesticides, purchased from trusted sellers.

Also, for the introduction of vegetable complementary foods, you can use ready-made puree from jars ... Pros of using ready-made baby food : control over the quality of raw materials from which mashed potatoes are prepared, a small volume of a jar allows you not to buy too much, aseptic packaging retains useful properties and vitamins for as long as possible.

An important nuance : in complementary foods stick to the mono principle : do not give your baby several vegetables at the same time, stop at one and watch the baby's reaction. Everything is fine? This means that in about two weeks you can try something new.

What to give?

Experts recommend start complementary foods with hypoallergenic vegetables : squash, cauliflower, light pumpkins, broccoli, carrots. Then potatoes are added to the baby's complementary foods, which are best combined with carrots or zucchini, since mashed potatoes in themselves are quite heavy food for babies.

It is rich in potassium, copper, carotene and vitamin C. It has tonic, choleretic, diuretic, anti-allergic and antianemic properties, enhances intestinal motility, is easily absorbed, normalizes water-salt metabolism and purifies the blood.

Cauliflower contains delicate plant fiber, rich in mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus), trace elements (iron, cobalt, magnesium and iodine) and vitamins (A, C, groups B, E, PP, U), which provide immune protection to a growing organism. Cauliflower contains a sufficient amount of protein necessary for the baby's growth and amino acids, which are indispensable for the liver and gallbladder.

Pumpkin rich in vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates, as well as glucose, minerals and trace elements (potassium, calcium, iron). In terms of carotene content, pumpkin surpasses carrots by 5 times.

Contains pectin, fiber and dietary fiber that promote intestinal function, have bactericidal properties, and have a positive effect on biliary activity. Carrots contain a large amount of beta-carotene, which is transformed in the body of the crumbs into vitamin A manganese, and in terms of the content of phytoncides it is not inferior to onions and garlic.

After the baby gets acquainted with the mono-puree from vegetables, they can be combine to create different flavors ... Experiment by creating ones that your baby will like, because everyone's taste preferences are completely individual. Also, do not forget to try what happened before giving it to the child. If even an adult does not like the taste of cooked soup or mashed potatoes, the baby is unlikely to want to take even a spoon in his mouth.