How to make a girl jealous in order to fall in love with yourself? Methods for dealing with a jealous girl

Hello, my dear readers!
Today we will touch upon a very interesting topic - "WOMAN'S JEALY". Many men do not even realize that Female jealousy is an ideal male tool in order to test a girl's feelings for you for strength, in order to awaken her former passion, in order to draw her attention to myself or in the worst case (which I sincerely do NOT wish for you) - this is a great way to earn a couple of abrasions and bruises.But we remember that scars adorn a man and that if he hits, it means he loves

So, let's find out how to cause female jealousy. Today I want to mention 5 main ways to make a girl jealous. But remember, the FEELING OF MEASURE is very IMPORTANT here, so that instead of female jealousy it does not work, as in my article, and know that female jealousy is much “cooler” than male jealousy.

Female jealousy is heavy artillery.

Female jealousy

5 ways to make a girl jealous.

Women's jealousy. Method number 1

Naturally, the best way to make a girl jealous is, so to speak - PLAYING with other representatives of the fairer sex! You can't argue with that.
Of course, what could be worse than that? It turns out that it CAN also be - the renewal of "friendly" relations with his "ex" !!! But remember, in this situation, Women's jealousy can get out of control, and then for sure ... (and then everything is like in a song)

Therefore, if you feel a certain downturn in your relationship, then this method will help (I hope) INCREASE old feelings. If, however, this does not cause female jealousy, then your affairs are bad
As practice shows, the absence of female jealousy indicates a lack of feelings. Although anything can happen

Women's jealousy. Method number 2

A strange, at first glance, condition to cause female jealousy - GOOD SENSE OF HUMOR. I'll explain now. As a rule, people with a good sense of humor have more friends than people who lack one.
Do you agree? And, as a rule, such people are the SOUL COMPANY. I think this, too, is beyond doubt. We, women, are probably even more selfish than you - men, we just know how to hide it well And therefore, of course, we are not going to share you with anyone! We do not like it when a lot of friends (or even worse - girlfriends) are circling around you. Female jealousy “awakens” at such moments.

So, to make a girl jealous, be cheerful, funny, funny, in short - the soul of the company.

Women's jealousy. Method number 3

The next way to make a girl jealous is when you have a new HOBBY or HOBBY. Unlike male jealousy, where, as a rule, a girl is jealous of a man, female jealousy is not necessarily the presence of a rival in the form of another representative of the fair sex. This is often not necessary at all. It is enough for you to have a new hobby (sports, meeting with friends on Saturdays in a pub, electives at the institute ...), which will brazenly interfere in your daily life, and will no less brazenly “steal” you from your girlfriend.
And she thought that you were so homely and only her

Women's jealousy. Method number 4

If you do not live together, then this way to make a girl jealous is exclusively for you. Its meaning is very simple. You need to avoid her for a while! Even if you are crazy about her and cannot live a day without her, IT'S LIKE !!!
Tighten the belt and do it. I'm not talking about a complete boycott, in any case !!! You just need to keep your communication to a minimum. Do not answer your phone periodically. Come up with some ridiculous "excuses", more secrets and secrecy. Dodge face-to-face meetings under any pretext.
Intrigue and curiosity multiplied by a woman's imagination will do the trick. Let her understand that the white light has not “come together like a wedge” on her. Very, I must tell you, an effective method. I personally checked, in due time You can, for greater persuasiveness, even call her and have fun gossiping. But, again, a sense of proportion is very important !!!

These are our tips, or rather, ways to make a girl jealous.
Do you have any advice on this topic?

Probably, many (and most likely all) are familiar with this feeling - jealousy. Even in kindergarten, when a boy pays attention to the girl, and then suddenly, another girl becomes the object of his adoration, the first, when she comes home, shares her feelings with her mother with resentment, angry at the traitor boy. Most likely, at that moment, at that beautiful tender age, she still does not define her resentment as jealousy, but, nevertheless, this is her ... Understanding comes a little later, but surely it comes. And nowhere to get away from it. First love, the glances you caught at your friend and now: the pulse quickens, the eyes are covered with tears and, you are already ready to declare war on the whole world. This happens to everyone. Usually, when you retire, you wonder why this is happening at all? Why am I jealous? It would be wonderful and calm ... Many psychologists argue about jealousy: is it good or bad? Most likely, it’s bad, you might think sadly ... but we are real people, with feelings and emotions. Since jealousy is given to us, it means that it is also needed for something. But she needs it within reasonable limits, a little bit, in order, perhaps, to prove to another once again that he is not indifferent, that we care what he does. Such jealousy will dilute the blood a little with adrenaline, add a little peppercorn to your relationship.

Why are guys jealous of girls?

But there is also jealousy, equated to natural disaster, sweeping away everything in its path, blind, breaking destinies, provoking crazy actions. Here are just a burst of hormones and pride will pause, thoughts will clear up and, turning around, seeing the "ruins" of the consequences of such jealousy, you will be horrified. Alas, it will be very difficult to fix anything, and more often than not it will be impossible.

Everyone is jealous: young men and mature men, young girls and ladies of "Balzac" age, single and legalized their relationship. Why? Why are guys jealous? There may be several reasons: this is inexperience; and insolvency in physical or material terms, etc. When a stronger and more secured rival looms on the horizon. At this very moment, the fear of being rejected or betrayed literally overwhelms the young man, who should have thought that there have always been such “superior” princes, but for some reason she chose him, and there is no need to fool either her or her own head “stupid”, in this case, jealousy.

Why are men jealous of their wives?

Things are a little more complicated in adult men, although, to be honest, most of them are much less jealous than women. As a rule, it is determined solely by a sense of ownership, what is mine is mine. This feeling makes the strong "weaker" sex to hire to keep an eye on his woman, completely limit her communication with her friends, make her quit her job and literally "stifle" suspicions. It can be quite difficult to cope with such jealousy, sometimes the help of a specialist is needed.

Why is my husband jealous

And if his woman has, excuse me, a "stigma" - a wife, then any, even an insignificant reason (for him). She, as a rule, does not see any reason, leads to jealousy with a diagnosis of Othello. Why it happens? A man-husband is an owner, and there is no way to get away from it. He is constantly haunted by the fear that someone will encroach on his "property", and even worse !!! - his friends will find out about it (after all, they will laugh). There was treason here, it wasn't, you can't prove it. This is a blow to his "ego". So dear ladies, since they have decided to live "until the end of their days" in the status of the wife of this man, do not even provoke jealousy, but cherish and cherish the feelings of your chosen one.

Why is the girl jealous

Jealousy of a girl, what could be sadder ...? In general, introspection and self-examination are more developed in girls than in guys. From a young age they look for flaws, imperfections in themselves and ... FIND! AND MORE! Everywhere you look, everything is bad, but Masha's from the next desk ... and Tanya's from the parallel ..., they have everything better: their legs are longer, and there are fewer acne, and their clothes are cooler. And how can his Seryozha not be jealous of them ... And if he invited her to dance at the disco !!! He left you! Loves no more! Where do these thoughts come from? But these Masha and Tanya are just as jealous of their guys ...

If such jealousy does not cross the boundaries of reason, then it is even necessary as a stimulant for improvement, change and the desire to change. If jealousy makes you think about revenge, and, God forbid, about suicide, do not be silent, do not keep it to yourself, talk with your parents, with friends, share and give yourself time to think whether it is worth going to extreme measures, because very soon it will all pass.

Why are people jealous of each other

People in general are often jealous: children of their parents; little girls of their friends, if they play with others; boys girls and vice versa; spouses of each other, etc. You need to be careful with jealousy, because in small "doses" it proves affection, "shakes up" the relationship, makes you be better, and "wild and blind" jealousy, except for trouble and troubles, will not lead to anything.

Why is a woman jealous

Well, a little about the jealousy of women, adults, mature ... A woman, reaching a certain age, as a rule, already "overgrown" with her husband and children, obligations and habits. She is insanely afraid of losing it all. So jealousy is born: for the secretary, for the employees in the office, for the neighbors, etc. There is no limit to a woman's fantasies. A five-minute delay at work is regarded as leaving for another; a phone call in the evening is definitely a mistress. ... If all this is seasoned with women's panic about the so-called aging, then there is no limit to the woman's “grief”.

Jealous and jealous, try to take the time that you spend on jealousy with some interesting business, caring for loved ones, but you never know what is fascinating in our beautiful world, except for the endless suspicions of those who are nearby ...

We greet you! In today's article we will tell you about the reasons why are women jealous of their men, what makes a woman jealous, as well as psychological stimuli that make you experience an emotional outburst during this process. It leaves a negative imprint on the consciousness in the female brain, so we do not immediately recommend putting experiments on and on purpose (if you are already married).

The material promises to be as complete and consistent as possible, in view of this, we recommend reading to the end, because this is the only way you can understand your wife, alleviate her symptoms and save your nerves, besides, everyone knows how jealous scandals affect further mutual interaction.

Important! It will not be possible to heal or mask this mental manifestation without a highly qualified psychotherapist (and they do not always succeed), it is more expedient to find psychoactive irritants and get rid of them, then conflicts on this basis will be 10-15 times less.

Most men have a conclusion: if a woman is jealous, then either because of love, or because of a psychological illness. Where are they right? Partly in everything, but not understanding the true origins of the problem, they are mistaken in every word. So why are women jealous? Psychology talks about a variety of reasons. We have been practicing it for a long time and have collected the most complete list of all possible sources of the problem.

So, causes of jealousy in women can be as follows:

  • Natural causes;
  • Heightened self-esteem;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Psychological trauma: rejection, betrayal, unfair behavior towards a woman;
  • Obsession with a man and relationships with him;
  • Suppression of desire to change;
  • The impossibility of functioning due to the feeling of oneself as an inferior (half-hearted) organism;
  • Fears;
  • Self-interest;
  • Copying parenting behavior. (to see jealousy, see)

If we talk about what causes jealousy in a woman, then these are not always male offenses or what was said, more and more often these are images that a woman sees, they put pressure on the subconscious, provoking a surge of emotions on the object of jealousy. It may seem pretty sweet at first, but soon it gets boring and forces you to leave the marriage.

Natural causes of jealousy in women.

The need to be the one and only loved and unique is why women are jealous. men to a small or high degree. Any wrong actions of a man from the point of view of the ideology of the family fall into the natural environment. Anyone understands that any of the following male actions can be taken for inappropriateness:

  • Flirting, communication with the manifestation of sympathy with representatives of the opposite sex, who are not family members (exception: sister);
  • Actually, cheating with another woman;
  • Reluctance to spend time together;
  • and any other deliberate exclusion from marriage without valid reasons.

Sometimes jealousy is caused by damage to parts of the brain, such as a concussion.

Heightened self-esteem.

The imaginary fantasies "put on" on the husband smoothly flow into a crude form of jealousy, accompanied by aggressive and hysterical fits. If there was no betrayal, in the woman's head there is the thought “Why did I do this, after all, I’m the queen, he has no right,” from these thoughts the search for evidence of the committed marriage crime begins. She tries to take control of everything:

  • Accounts in social networks (reads correspondence, looks through friends in search of a new beauty);
  • Husband's mobile phone (checks SMS messages, calls);
  • Husband's location (bothers with calls with inquiries);
  • An unexpected appearance where she was not expected (for example, on a fishing trip with friends, where the spouse believes that not only men are with you);
  • and other exhausting actions ...

"Queens of the world" consider themselves the only owners of the object of love, which is why women are jealous their husbands and do not realize what kind of psychological discomfort the loved one and the tension in the relationship are.

Low self-esteem.

Trying to figure out why are the wives of their husbands jealous, many psychologists referred precisely to the lowered self-esteem, as a result of which the “martyr” felt as if she had been defeated in a game that had not yet begun. Hence the manic neurosis, accompanied by a feeling of loss, depression and (comparable to a participant in the Olympiad, claiming first place, and receiving the last).

The main difference from the previous type of self-esteem is the obsession with thoughts such as: "I can't smile at luck", "This well-to-do handsome man will never look at me", "I will definitely be used and abandoned" and other thoughts of a jealous woman indicating weakness in temperament.

Ladies tend to pretend to be a victim without intent and not seeing the full picture of their behavior. They get married early, considering the stamp in the passport as a tool confirming full rights and the legal ability to manipulate and own a husband. At the slightest sign of interest in another lady, claims, tears, tantrums begin. This method allows you to disarm a loving man, he humbly begins to make excuses, pity and prove his love.

You cannot blame her for this manipulation, because it contributes to the rapid settlement of her psycho-emotional state due to the gradual accumulation of confidence that you really find her attractive, valuable and fully aware of the correct choice of your spouse.

Important! If you do not treat this ailment, you may expect a side effect in the form of constant jealousy of a fictitious mistress, since the spouse will need an "addition" in the form of the same words and tenderness for a calmed state. You will just get bored of it.

Psychological trauma.

Everything comes from childhood: from the use of wrong methods of education, from failed relationships with peers in kindergarten, school, institute, and even from the first love experience received during the formation of the personality.

As a result, jealousy includes a whole complex of simultaneously accompanied emotional states, which include:

  • Fear;
  • Sadness;
  • Love;
  • Resentment;
  • Anger;
  • Hopelessness;
  • Despair.

Based on this complex, it is impossible to eradicate the ailment, and if you start, the process can drag on for years, because it needs to immerse yourself in childhood psycho-traumatic memories, which are to be experienced again along with the same emotions. They will tell you why the woman is jealous, and will contribute to finding the true problem that needs to be treated.


People are not perfect, but there is a small percentage of women who idealize relationships, marriage and family, but when a man's mistake is made, not comparable to their idea of ​​an ideal relationship, they start debriefing.

As an example, you can take an elementary delay (you came five minutes later from work, and a different reality drew in her head) that's also why wives are jealous husbands, although they are trying to keep their "inner bull". At the moment of a scandal, a woman begins to turn on the "teacher" and dictate the rules from which every man sooner or later wants to escape. As a result, a man often avoids contact with his wife, which is why the jealousy "for the air" becomes tougher, moral pressure intensifies ... And so on in a circle ... Until the divorce. (example:)

Suppression of the desire to change.

Very often the fact of an unconscious predisposition to adultery, clouded by moral foundations, causes jealousy in a woman. She will see potential lovers in all other women to "play pranks" on the side, condemn passing ladies for their appearance, not noticing how her own gaze will be directed at the male genitals, and, having noticed, will deliberately take him aside.

This practice is healthy because it heals the gaze of the girls who have heard the judgment. It is normal to suppress the need for a variety of partners, if only because the absence of left-wing contacts preserves hopeless marriages.

Basically, this cause of jealousy in women is the result of being betrayed in a previous relationship.

"Half organism".

High-frequency cause of jealousy in women: the unintentional creation of a world called "We". 70% experience this at the time of their first love, when an apathetic state sets in, if there is no loved one nearby. Comparable to energy supply.

At the moment when both partners are close, the woman gets inspiration (begins to cook, do homework), becomes overly cheerful and resourceful. At the moment when the partners are apart, she seems to go into hibernation, does nothing, like a discharged smartphone - it does not function, from which thoughts come to mind:

  • Nobody needs me;
  • He is now on the other;
  • He left, so he doesn't love ...

The same is observed in newborn babies who “break down” from crying if the mother has moved away for a couple of minutes, which is why children who have undergone “motherless” loneliness from 0 to 4 years old grow up as detached individuals who are not able to interact well with people and stay in social environment without an "additional shoulder", they begin an early search for love (from 12 to 18 years old) and burn themselves - hence the subconscious is replenished with psychological trauma.


Numerous phobias and fears, which is why women are jealous of men, the most famous, of course, is the fear of betrayal, however, this is due to jealousy. However, there is a certain paradox: if a man is often accused of betrayal, he will end up breaking the law of marriage, and the woman will calm down, because there is no need to fear that she will be deceived.

If we recall primitive times, then the woman's jealousy reflected the fear of losing a male, on which her life, offspring and the fact of satiety of all family members directly depended. In our century, ladies are not threatened by anything; rather, having a husband in the form of money, a place of settlement and the absence of loneliness has a significant priority. Yes, girls are afraid of being lonely, so they hold on to even the most careless men.

The next fear: "What will they think of me?" Today unmarried people are too prejudiced: “If she cannot keep the man, then something is wrong with her…”. It is unlikely that you will ever hear: “Oooh! Are you not married? Cool! Well done! ”Rather unobtrusive, mild condemnation with a hint of bad luck will follow. What to say about society, for example, going to nightclubs:

  • If a woman goes to a club without a male escort, then she is in a one-time search for a random adventure;
  • If you are with your husband, then you have to rest.

Why are women jealous of their husbands, because their main fear is to become an outcast of society, because respectable girls are offered to marry, while indecent ones remain “in an active search” or with the status of “Divorced”.

Parental model of behavior.

Many cannot understand why women are jealous of their husbands, although this predisposition is easy to consider by paying attention to the behavior of the parents during the period when the girl was still young, moreover, already at a transitional age, no one indicated the correct form of relationship.

  1. The first thing a girl can do is use an existing model, clearly demonstrated by her parents;
  2. Second, seek recommendations on the Internet;
  3. Third, gain independent experience.

If the father's mother was oppressed by constant suspicions of infidelity, or he really loved to take a walk, or went to another family and did not interact well with her (daughter), in any case it would be deposited on the girl's subconscious level and the created mechanism will be used in life until he meets a person. capable of dispelling established principles through psycho-methods.

Test. Wife jealousy coefficient.

Find out how much your spouse is jealous of other women by taking the test. The result depends on honest answers, answer truthfully, please.

1. Does she set conditions if you do not stop communicating "with her", she will file for divorce?

Almost all women in our time are subject to jealousy. For some, it manifests itself within reasonable limits and, by its presence, even warms up the relationship of the couple. However, it also happens that for no apparent reason and it is not clear why a woman is jealous so much that with her jealousy she literally strangles you, not giving even a step to step without her knowledge.

Of course, sometimes a man himself, consciously or unconsciously, provokes his chosen one to the behavior of a real Othello in a skirt, and in such cases the situation can be quite simply corrected by stopping attempts to cause jealousy.

If a woman is jealous who is the man or she to blame?

But in order to take any effective and efficient steps in this direction, it is worth determining: are you, as a man, a “provocateur” of this jealousy, or is the woman herself, by nature or by virtue of attachment, excessively jealous? And last time, we have already written in detail the main cases of "righteous" cases why a woman can be jealous of a man and will be right, you will receive a link to the article at the end.

And our article today will help you determine in which cases it is far from you, as a man, who are to blame for the feeling of jealousy in your girlfriend, as well as what kind of female jealousy should be feared and avoided with maximum efforts, and what to do if jealousy is not justified?

Self-doubt is the main cause of a woman's jealousy

Most often, the main reason why a woman can be unreasonably jealous of a man is female self-doubt. Then she constantly compares herself with others, and very often not at all in her favor, and from this she spoils life for herself - with unhappy thoughts, and for her partner - with constant jealousy, checks and attempts to find out if he has another.

Next, we will give you examples of behavior that gives a woman a lack of self-confidence. If the behavior of your chosen one falls under the descriptions below, then the reason why your woman is jealous is most likely not in you, but in herself.

Obsessive behavior

A striking example of self-doubt is when your girlfriend or woman does not let you breathe with her constant presence in your life. When you are at work, your phone is bursting with hundreds of calls and sms from her, and as soon as you enter the Internet, endless messages are poured from her.

If you are not sleeping or working, in her opinion, you must be by her side. She insists that in social networks you must put a joint photo with her on your avatar and fill all your photo albums with such pictures.

She imposes on you absolutely any event, even those that are completely uninteresting to her: fishing, gathering over a beer or a football match.

She tries with all her might, I’m not afraid of this word, to “mark” you, giving you sweaters, T-shirts and souvenirs with the words “Sasha + Masha” or “I love only my girl”. It seems to you that a little more - and she will begin to follow you to the toilet, just not for a second to leave you alone, without her intrusive presence.

Should you close your eyes to the jealousy of your girlfriend?

If your girlfriend behaves like this, and you have never given her a reason for jealousy, talk to her seriously about her behavior, and if it doesn't work, run before it's too late.

And if at the initial stage of a relationship, such behavior may even be touching, but take my word for it - a little later, when the passion and euphoria subside a little, this girlish jealousy will start to be wildly annoying. Such a woman will sooner or later begin to be jealous of "any pillar" and even your friends, and you are unlikely to become happy in such a relationship.

Woman brawler

Or maybe your chosen one herself is looking for reasons for jealousy, and this can be seen with the naked eye? For example, she can tell you that "quite by accident she went to your ex's page and saw there your declaration of love for her ten years ago, and it just killed her."

Or she didn't like some "strange" phone number that appeared in your address book. Also, the reason for the scandal for her may even be the memory of how once upon a time you "not so" looked at a passing girl.

Here you are most likely dealing with a conflicted person who simply cannot live without quarrels, disputes, swearing and other similar energy shocks, and due to this, he increases his self-esteem and throws out negativity.

Often, after a quarrel, such people walk around contented, happy and ruddy, while their "victims" feel no better than squeezed lemons. Think about whether you need such a girl, and subsequently, perhaps, a wife, an "energetic and emotional vampire"?

She crosses your personal boundaries

Another alarming sign of paranoid female jealousy is that your loved one constantly crosses your personal boundaries, and she believes that she has every right to do so. For example, she may well answer a call or SMS on your phone, at her discretion, delete someone's number from your phone book or friends from your page on a social network.

She can easily fail to convey important information for you if she thinks that you (or rather, she) does not need it: for example, she accidentally "forgets" to say that your classmate from the institute called and offered to arrange a meeting of graduates. Or maybe she even calls or writes to your friends, acquaintances or colleagues and orders “not to call or write here anymore,” and sometimes on your behalf and behind your back.

This behavior is totally disrespectful to you. Perhaps your girlfriend observed this in the relationship of her parents or relatives, maybe she once experienced a painful breakup or betrayal of a young man. However, in no case should you pay for someone else's mistakes.

What to do if a woman (girl) is not justifiably jealous?

And when asked what to do if a woman is unreasonably jealous of you, I again advise you to seriously talk to your girlfriend, to set your personal boundaries and not let her cross them.

You may even have to make an appointment with a psychologist to understand the reasons for this behavior and times and get rid of Othello's syndrome in a skirt. Or disperse, until your lady, with her jealousy and attempts to get into your life, has not set you up seriously or made a complete fool of you in front of colleagues, bosses or business partners.

However, if you truly love your girlfriend or woman, try to resolve all your conflicts in a calm conversation, without screaming and recriminations. In addition, perhaps an unpleasant situation is just your life test, and if the two of you pass it with honor, your relationship will only become stronger and more trusting, which is what we wish you.

Well, our portal sincerely wishes you goodness and trust in your relationship with your girlfriend. If you did not have enough information about female jealousy and its reasons, or you did not find out your personal situation, and suspect that you yourself are partially to blame for the jealousy of your girlfriend, then I strongly recommend reading our other article:. Stay with us! On our portal of self-development and improvement, you can always find interesting and very useful materials.

Dating and Pickup

How to make a girl jealous

While jealousy is not a positive feeling, some guys still try to develop a mild form of this green monster in their girlfriend. And, as a rule, they justify this by the desire to make their girlfriend much more passionate than she is at the moment.

But either they manage to do this very weakly and ineffectively, or they overdo it with provocations so much that the girl turns into a warden of the prison camp, where she puts her lover, or simply leaves this traitor. Naturally, in such cases, we not only do not get what we want, but we also lose absolutely everything.

That is why we will offer you in this article ways that will not only help warm up your girlfriend, but also help to avoid an inappropriate reaction in the future. After all, you don't want to lose your girlfriend over advice from guys who just say, “This is cool! It will start. "

What you can get from a jealous girl

One focus. After the girl begins to be jealous of you, she begins to spend all her resources (time, strength and connections) to find any compromising evidence on you. At this moment, she not only completely focuses on you, but also penetrates into your life. This is necessary in moments when you get the impression that the girl is absolutely not interested in your life and hobbies. Believe me, after such an outbreak, she will know all your friends, and all your "tricks". However, if she finds compromising evidence on you, then the consequences can be critical.

Passion in bed. You must understand that the passion caused by the temperament and feelings of a girl and the passion caused by jealousy are not the same. In the first case, she is reinforced by the desire to get maximum pleasure from the opportunity to be with you, and in the second case, the girl seeks to avenge your infidelity and show that you are not worthy of her. It is zealous passion that is accompanied by bites, nails, blows and other domination. Those. it's actually not such a good passion.

Increase your importance in the eyes of the girl. If you think that the girl has ceased to appreciate you and began to treat you as a given, then there is an opportunity to show her some insecurity of such a situation. With the help of jealousy, you can make her appreciate and worry about your mood, business and overall satisfaction. Those. make it bend under you so that you don't leave.

What you can't get from a jealous girl

Stable relationship. A girl cannot date a boyfriend for a long time if she is constantly depressed, that her boyfriend is "spinning" with someone else. Therefore, if you want to constantly enjoy her fear and jealous sex, then this will not happen for a long time. Sooner or later, the girl will burn out and either completely cool off to you, or start "eating your brain."

Revenge and retaliation. Guys believe that if a girl becomes jealous of them, then they can thus teach her a lesson or take revenge on her. Perhaps there will be a short period of time during which the girl will be bogged down in the abyss of suffering and meditation. But revenge will not work, the girl will quickly “block” and cool off. These are the women who don't really suffer!

How can you make a girl jealous?

Passion and deeds. Many of us actually spend most of our time at home within four walls, sitting in front of a computer. We don't have many interesting and exciting things to do. This applies to both girls and guys.

And now imagine that at one point you stop surfing the net all the time, and start going to the stadium, riding a bike, going to the gym or something else. Those. the girl understands that you have some kind of occupation that not only captivates you, but also completely absorbs you.

At first, the girl treats this neutrally, and then thoughts appear:

- "Why does he go there so happy?"

- "And what is he doing there?"

- "Are there any women with whom he flirts behind my back?"

As soon as such thoughts begin to appear in her, then you follow a double strategy:

1) Assure your girlfriend that you are faithful to her and that nothing is really there. You love only her and you cannot imagine anyone else in your arms.

2) You continue to bombard the girl with phrases about this hobby, which is great and cool. You just found meaning in life, and this activity helps you.

The girl will begin to be jealous, follow and worry every time you go there. After you achieve what you want, you just need to stop talking about this hobby and the girl will cool down.

Girls and attention. The most common and dangerous method that guys often try to provoke jealousy. It lies in the fact that a guy begins to communicate with other girls, maintaining warm relations with them, and creates a "threat" for his girlfriend.

You must clearly understand that you must communicate with a large number of girls at the same time so that the "threat" is from everyone, but in small parties. If you start communicating with any one friend, then your girlfriend will perceive it as pure betrayal, and irreparable will happen.

Try to always keep such communication light and relaxed, preferably either openly on the Internet or in a large company of friends. If you start pouring out your soul to a friend, or go for a walk with her only together, then again it will be too much for your girlfriend.

You will need to avoid calls and any frank messages so that the girl does not see them as a clear "threat" that some other woman is trying to get into her territory. Then the girl will do everything possible to destroy either you or her, or all taken together. And nobody needs it.

Therefore, your choice: easy communication with a large number of girls, so to speak, "the soul of the company" and no more.

Decreased intensity. This method consists in the fact that you reduce the number of meetings with the girl, but at the same time increase the brightness of each meeting. You actually teach that every meeting with you is a real holiday and the girl begins to prepare for it in advance and wait!

But at the same time, you do not see her so often, thereby forcing her to think and worry: "What if you are giving such a holiday to someone else?" You know how much girls love to be possessive towards guys.

This method can be practiced exclusively in relationships that have lasted at least 5-6 months. Since at the beginning of a relationship, in order to win a girl, you do almost the same thing. And then gradually the spirit of the hunter disappears from you, and you become comfortable and boring. This way, in fact, just imitates your behavior when "conquering" the girl. "

How you don't need to make a girl jealous

Intimacy and sex. You should not make changes to sex with your girlfriend, so that she does not start cheating herself by finding another. After all, this is such a thing with which you cannot joke. This is serious, a huge number of guys got burned out on this.

Stealth and hide and seek. Your girlfriend should have a clear idea of ​​what you are doing and where you are now. If you start speculating on this topic, then the girl will also decide that you are cheating on her with someone. Then either you will return it, or you will receive a return from it in the form: “I thought we parted, you started disappearing and hiding, so I found myself another guy, I'm sorry.”

Falling in love with your girlfriend. Often, guys start using a girl to make them jealous, and then suddenly fall in love with her and ruin everything. Therefore, you must clearly understand that either you are initially looking for a new girl for yourself, or you do not cross the line of available topics. Keep this in mind before asking intimate questions to your provocative friend.