Card file of games on legal education. Entertainment in kindergarten on the topic: The rights of the child. Preparatory group

Lesson presentations

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Every child is a small person with his own rights, which must be observed by adults. Remember that the child will respect the rights of others if they respect the rights of the child.

Target: to promote the legal education of preschoolers, to convey to the consciousness of children in an accessible form the "Convention on the Rights of the Child".


  • to promote the formation of ideas about the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child" in preschool children, to acquaint them in a form appropriate to their age with fundamental rights using the example of fairy tales;
  • contribute to the formation of self-esteem, awareness of their rights and freedoms, a sense of responsibility;
  • to contribute to the development of the intellectual and personal qualities of children - to develop respect for the dignity and personal rights of another person, regardless of his social origin, race and nationality, language, gender, age;
  • continue to build computer skills.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales: “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Buratino”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Geese-Swans”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Snow Maiden”; staging based on the fairy tales “Zayushkina izbushka” and “Masha and the Bear”; preparation of the necessary didactic material (cards with pictograms, illustrations based on fairy tales).

Materials and equipment: costumes of a fox, a hare, a bear, attributes for the game “Three Little Pigs”; cards with pictograms; presentation "Convention on the Rights of the Child", author's educational game "I am a child - I have the right"; laptops, projector.

Course of the lesson


All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And we will smile at each other.

I hope you are in a good mood!

Today, I brought an unusual book. I think you recognized her? This is a book about the rights of the child. After all, you and I know that not only adults but also children have rights. Adults understand: only a powerless, intimidated adult who cannot write poetry, compose music, launch spaceships and much more can grow from a disenfranchised, intimidated child. This means that it is important to know the rights of the adult and the rights of the child.

Guys, who of you remembered the name of the main document in which the rights of children are recorded? (Children's Answers) Convention on the Rights of the Child Presentation 1

1 slide - Convention on the Rights of the Child

I really want you guys not only to remember these rights yourself, but also to be able to tell your friends what rights every child can exercise.

Therefore, I suggest you take a walk through the pages of children's fairy tales. As we travel through fairy tales, we'll see if the rights of heroes are always respected. Where fairy-tale heroes are offended, it means that their rights are violated. And if the heroes are cheerful, happy, then their rights are respected. Do you agree to travel with me? (The music "Visiting the Fairy Tale" is played)

Then let's go. Attention to the screen.

2 slide - On screen fragment of the tale by Ch. Perrault "Little Red Riding Hood"

Did you recognize this tale? This is the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood", which was written by C. Perrault.

3 slide - Tell the guys, what is the mood of Little Red Riding Hood now?

  • And what happened to her then? (Answers of children)
  • The rights of which heroes of the tale were violated and by whom? (Answers of children)
  • So the wolf violated the rights of Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother.
  • And what right did the wolf violate? (Answers of children)

We know that no one has the right to take the life of a child or an adult. .

4 slide - The right to life.

Ilya, please choose the icon of the pictogram on the table, which we used to designate the child's right to life, and attach it to the board.

Now, attention again.

5 slide - The teacher reads an excerpt from a fairy tale:

Carlo entered the closet, sat down on the only chair at the legless table, and rubbing a piece of wood this way and that, began to carve a doll out of it.

“What should I call her? - thought Carlo. - I'll call her Buratino. This name will bring me happiness ... "

Guys, what is this fairy tale? (Answers of children)

6 slide - on the screen illustration for A. Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Buratino”.

  • What is the mood of the heroes of the tale in this passage?
  • So what can we say about the rights of heroes? They are not violated here.
  • What right can we talk about here? (Answers of children)

7 slide - Right to a name.

Yes guys every child has a right to a name.

  • Do you know that when children are born, they are very small and similar to each other. Do you think it might not be necessary to give the children names, but just call them numbers? (Reflections of children)
  • And here's another observation. Do you think everyone should refer to each other by nicknames? (Answers of children)
  • Remember if someone teased you, and how did you feel? (children's answers)

It can be offensive and unpleasant. So, Sasha, please choose the icon of the pictogram with which we designated the child's right to a name.

You all have very beautiful names. I asked you to ask your parents what your names mean. How many of you knew your name? (Answers of children)

Educator: Guys, guests are in a hurry to visit us

8 slide - illustration for the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut".

Staging with heroes from the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut".

Hare. Help! Help someone! Guys, trouble happened to me, Lisa asked me to go to a bast hut, and she kicked me out.

Fox... Am I to blame, or what? My house has melted. After all, it was icy, where should I live now? Kicked out? Yes, I kicked out, so what? Just think what, you will find another home.

Hare... But this is my home. You have no right, Lisa, you kick me out (crying).

Fox. I am the mistress of the forest, I have the right to everything!

Educator: wait, Lisa, calm down. Let's figure it out now. We will ask the guys. Tell me guys who is right here and why? (Answers of children)

Everyone has the right to the inviolability of his home.

Educator... Ilyusha, please choose the icon of the pictogram with which we designated the child's right to the inviolability of the home.

9 slide - Now Fox, you understand that you have no right to drive the Hare out of his own house.

Fox... Well, okay, I won't do it anymore. Let's go, Zayinka, let's play together.

Educator. I invite you guys to play too.

Three brothers are building a house together,
It will be warm and comfortable in it.
Brothers know a lot about work,
The wolf will not be able to get into the house.

Guys you guessed what kind of brothers we are talking about? (Answers of children)

10 slide - This is the tale of W. Disney "Three Little Pigs"

I suggest playing the game "Three Little Pigs".

We need to choose a wolf. Who remembers the rhyme?

For example:

One, two, three, four, five
We can't count friends
And life is tight without a friend,
Get out of the circle soon.

An outdoor game “Three Little Pigs” is held.

Music from the cartoon "Three Little Pigs" is played.

Children sing:

We are little pigs
We walk in the meadow, pick flowers,
We sing songs, we do not wait for the wolf in the house.

Educator: Suddenly a wolf comes out, it snapped its teeth!

Game condition: when there are three piglets in the house, the wolf cannot touch them.

Piglets run along the clearing to the music. All piglets must occupy their houses.

Guys, what right has the gray wolf violated the pigs? Children's answers. (The right to inviolability of the home).

Come on and attention again.

11 slide - The teacher reads an excerpt from a fairy tale. ... Lo and behold, Snegurochka's lips turned pink, her eyes opened; she looks at the old people and smiles. Then she nodded her head, stirred her arms, legs, shook off the snow - and a live girl came out of the snowdrift.

Old people do not get enough of their daughter, they do not like souls in her. The daughter is growing, and smart, and smart, and cheerful. And the work of the Snow Maiden in the hands of argues, and the song sings - you will listen.

Did you find out what this fairy tale is? (Answers of children)

12 slide - on the screen an illustration to the Russian folk tale "Snow Maiden".

What mood did the heroes of the fairy tale feel? And why? (Answers of children)

The Snow Maiden has a family.

  • What right can a girl say in this tale? (Answers of children)
  • What icon on the pictogram do we mark the right to be raised in a family environment or the right to have a family? (Answers of children)

Educator: We know that parents should not only love the child, but also take care of him. Tell me, do your parents care about you? But as? (Answers of children)

Good , Do you help your parents, take care of them? (Children's answers)

I have a question for you: do you think it might be necessary to separate the child from his mother, if she does not allow him to run on the street until the evening and watch TV all day, feed him semolina? And why? (Answers of children)

And now I invite you to listen to the riddle?

Fearful birds flew
The dear brother was stolen.
Nothing will happen to him -
His sister will help out.

What kind of fairy tale is the riddle talking about? (Swan geese)

13 slide - On the screen there is an illustration for the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”.

Educator. Look at the illustration, what do you think is the mood of the main characters of the tale? (Answers of children)

What children's right was violated in this tale? (Answers of children)

14 slide - The right not to be separated from your parents... Kirill, find us the icon of the pictogram with which we have designated the child's right not to be separated from his parents.

And now I invite you to remember a little poem about the family.

Finger gymnastics "Family"

This finger is a grandfather
This finger is a grandmother
This is a daddy finger
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
That's my whole family.

In what language did we recite this poem? In Russian.

Cyril, what is your native language, and what is Yegor for you. Laysan, what is your native language? Will you be able to recite this poem in your own language.

Finger gymnastics "Family" in the Tatar language.

This means that we guys can say about one more right - the right to communicate in our native language.

15 slide - Please look at this pictogram icon. He tells us that all children, of any nationality, of any skin color have equal rights and can communicate in their own language.

Educator. Fairy tale characters are rushing to us again.

16 slide - staging with the heroes of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".

Masha. Guys, I heard that you study human rights? Help me please.

Educator... And what happened?

Bear. What happened, what happened? Nothing happened. I'm tired of cooking porridge myself and cleaning up the hut - that's all.

Masha. He wants me to live with him in the forest, clean up the hut, cook porridge, and feed him with porridge. And if I run away, he will catch me and eat me.

Educator... Let the guys help the hero of the fairy tale figure out who is right and who is not.

(Answers of children).

17 slide No one should be held in slavery or servitude.

Educator. Misha violated Masha's rights.

Egor, find us a pictogram icon, with which we designated the child's right not to be in servitude.

I ask for your attention again.

18 slide - an excerpt from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key":


While Pinocchio was eating, Carlo's dad made him a jacket and pants out of paper, and a cap with a tassel out of an old sock.

Papa Carlo said: “I sold my jacket and bought you the alphabet. You have to go to school and become smart and sensible.

“I will be smart and sensible,” - said Buratino. He took the alphabet and went to school.

19 - on the screen an illustration to A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"

What mood is our fairytale hero in here? (Answers of children)

“I will be smart, kind-hearted,” - said Buratino, took the alphabet and where did he go? That's right, to school. What right did Buratino use? (Answers of children)

20 slide - Everyone has the right to education.

Guys, what do you think is education? What is it for? (Answers of children).

Let's think about where you can get an education? (Answers of children).

Educator. Do you enjoy your right to education? What are you visiting? (Answers of children - kindergarten, circles, music school, etc.).

Very soon you will go to school.

Now I propose that you go to your laptops to consolidate your knowledge of the rights of the child in the computer game “I am a child. I have a right". Presentation 2

Before you on the screen are the heroes of fairy tales. You need to select the pictogram icon, which denotes the right of the fairytale hero, or the right of the hero, which was violated in this fairy tale. If you have correctly selected the icon of the icon, then on the screen you will be able to read the name of the right. And if you have chosen the icon of the pictogram incorrectly, then it will disappear from the playing field.

Let's get started.

Individual work with children.

Well done! You have completed the task. Let's list the rights of the child that you can tell your friends about.

21 slide- I'm a child. I have the right to ... (Children list children's rights)

Thank you all, goodbye.


  1. Shorygina T.A., “Conversations about the rights of the child”, M. TC “Sfera”, 2011.
  2. Doronova T.N ., Protecting the rights and dignity of a young child: coordinating family and kindergarten efforts, M .: Education, 2006.
  3. Nishcheva N.I., My rights. Preschoolers about rights and responsibilities. LLC “Publishing house“ Childhood-press ”, 2014.
  4. Zelenova N.G., Osipova L.E. “I am a child, and I have the right”, M., 2007.

Target: give kids a reason to think about the fact that not all children have parents.


  1. To teach to see social injustice in situations with fairy-tale characters, to make suggestions for improving or correcting the situation.
  2. To consolidate the concept of "orphan".
  3. Develop a sense of empathy for children without parents.

Material: illustrations of the fairy tales "Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella", "Wild Swans", "Snow White" and others.

Rules of the game: players must explain to children about the rights, which children's rights have been violated.

Game progress:

Option 1.

2 or more children can play the game.

An adult reads an excerpt from a fairy tale, and the children-players name the fairy tale, find an appropriate illustration and explain to other children about the rights, which children's rights have been violated.

The game ends when all pictures have been reviewed and also explained.

Didactic game "Let every child know that he has different rights"

Target: to consolidate children's knowledge about the rights to love and care, rest and leisure, good nutrition, education and medical care.

Material: cube with child rights picture illustrations.

Rules of the game: players must explain the child's rights, which are shown in the picture.

Game progress:

Children stand in a circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to pass the cube into each other's hands.

When the signal sounds, the child who receives the cube looks at his picture and talks about the child's right, which is depicted on it.

The game continues until all illustrations have been reviewed.

Didactic game "Fold the flower"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the great rights of a young child. Teach children to understand their capabilities while following certain rules, rights.

To foster a negative attitude towards manifestations of aggression, cruelty, exploitation. Foster a desire to try to be fair.

Material: red and green circles depicting the faces of children, multi-colored petals on which are pasted pictures depicting the rights of a child to a good life or violation of them.

Rules of the game: Players should place petals around the green circle, on which are pasted pictures depicting the rights of the child to a dignified life, and around the red circle, place petals depicting the violation of the rights of the child.

Game progress:

Two or more children can take part in the game.

Option 1.

On the table in the middle they put 2 circles (green and red), and the petals on the table are laid out with an image to the table.

Children take turns choosing a petal, examining it, explaining: the child's right is being protected or violated.

If the petal shows a picture of the protection of the rights of the child, it is laid out around the green circle, and if the rights of the child are violated, then around the red circle.

The game ends when both flowers are completed.

Option 2.

One child is invited to fold a flower, on the petals of which there are pictures depicting the protection of the rights of the child, the second child - with pictures of the violation of the rights of the child.

The player who first composes the flower wins.

Didactic game "The chain of children's rights"

Target: reinforce children's knowledge about the rights of a young child. Improve reading skills. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. To educate attention, visual perception.

Material: parts of the "chain": on some - a graphic representation of the rights of the child, on others - a verbal explanation of the graphic images.

Rules of the game: for a verbal explanation of the rights of the child, kids select pictures with a graphic image, explaining their content, forming a chain. And vice versa.

Game progress:

Option 1

The provider or child reads a verbal explanation of the child's rights on one part of the chain. Children find the appropriate graphic, connect with a cord, and talk about the child's right, which is depicted on it.

Option 2:

Children select for themselves parts with a graphic depiction of the rights of the child and, with or independently, find an appropriate verbal explanation. And they connect with a lace.

The winner is the one who connects the chain faster.

Didactic game "We are the future first graders"

Target: to achieve awareness of their own status and place in society for older children in kindergarten.

Lead children to the conclusion that they are the eldest children in kindergarten.

To form the ability to motivate one's attitude to the role of the future student.

Learn to list those actions that are learned well, adequately assess your skills.

Material: six drawings depicting various types of motivation for a future student; six envelopes with a short story, in which each of the motives acts as a personal position of one of the characters; cube with circles from 1 to 6.

Rules of the game: the player must explain his point of view of the image in the figure.

Game progress:

From 2 to 6 children can take part in the game.

Before the start of the game, pictures are laid out on the table depicting various types of motivation for the future student and six envelopes with short stories.

With the help of a counting, it is determined which child will start the game first.

The child throws a cube with circles and names a number that corresponds to the number of circles on the cube, then finds an envelope with the same number.

An adult takes a story out of an envelope and reads it, and a card with the same number is laid out in front of the player. The child examines her and explains his point of view to other children about rights.

When all the cards have been considered, the game ends.

The winner is the player who correctly and thoroughly explains his point of view.

KVN "On playing rights" preparatory group

Target: to contribute to the development of a legal worldview and moral ideas.
- to consolidate knowledge of the Convention on the Rights of the Child;
- to generalize the knowledge of children about their civil rights and obligations;
- to contribute to the development of a legal worldview and moral ideas;
- continue to develop the ability to work in a group;
-to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, a sense of collectivism

Event progress

Dunno appears. He walks merrily, whistling under his breath and playing ball. Znayka is walking towards him. Dunno accidentally hits Znayka with a ball.
Dunno. Oh hi! Where are you going?
Know. (adjusts glasses). I'm going to kindergarten. There, children at the Legal Knowledge School study their rights.
Dunno. What, what kind of knowledge, legal? (Puzzled). Do they only go to the right there?
Know. What a stupid Dunno you are! There you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about the most important value of humanity - about rights!
Dunno. About what, what? What are these rights?
Know. In this kindergarten, dunno, there is a "School of Legal Knowledge" where children study their rights. But listen!
Children are singing a song. Music sounds to the melody of the song "They teach at school."
How right are the guys to know
Increase your intelligence,

And respect the laws
Do not offend kids
We all know, we all know, we all know.
You have the right to study
And there are rights to rest,
We all know, we all know, we all know.
There are rights to care
There are rights to work,
We all know, we all know, we all know.
Know. Clear?
Dunno. And what's wrong with that? Well, right, well, laws! I write my own laws and know everything!
Know. You don't know anything.
Educator. Znayka and Dunno, but let's check how much our guys know? I propose to conduct KVN. And you, too, join us. We have 2 teams. Team "Why Chek" and the team "Sages".

Task 1 "Business card of the team"
The emblem and motto of the "Why Much" team.
We are inquiring minds, we have questions for you
"Why?" beloved question, it helps us to grow.
The emblem and motto of the team "Wise Men"
We are almost Sages, they read to us a lot,
Smart and smart, we want to know a lot.

Task 2 "Literary quiz" The rights of literary heroes "
Educator: Residents of Zakoniya, guys, have sent you a video letter and ask you to help them find out in which fairy tales and in which of the heroes rights are violated? We look at the screen.
(viewing a fragment of the presentation "The Rights of Literary Heroes").
- In what fairy tale is the right to personal security, life and freedom violated?
(She went to visit her grandmother, brought her pies. The gray wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed her. "Little Red Riding Hood."
(They waited for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. He ate them later. Who were these little children? "The wolf and the seven kids.")
- Why was the wolf able to violate the right to life in this fairy tale? (the wolf was able to violate the right to life, because the kids did not listen to their mother and opened the door to the wolf)
(A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her. Misha does not want to let the girl go home and, without knowing it, carries her home. "Masha and the Bear").
"Kolobok", "Geese-Swans",
- In what fairy tale did the heroine use the right to seek and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries?
(A girl appeared in a flower cup. And that girl was no bigger than a marigold. And the girl ran with a swallow to the South, fleeing the pursuit of a mouse and a mole. "Thumbelina".)
- What literary heroes could complain that their right to the inviolability of their home has been violated?
(Who did not want to work, but played and sang songs? Then they ran to the third brother to a new house. And the wolf wanted to penetrate their strong dwelling, of course, they all escaped, but their tails were shaking for a long time. "Three little pigs."
- What is the violation of the right to inviolability of the home in this fairy tale? (The wolf violated the right to inviolability of the home, as he destroyed two houses, and wanted to enter the third without permission.)
"Zayushkina hut", "Winter".)
- In what fairy tale do they offend, imprison, apply physical punishment?
("The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio")
- In what fairy tale is the heroine exploited? Violate the right to a holiday, entertainment?
(They tease me with Cinderella, because by the fire, not sparing strength, in the kitchen I work, I work, I fiddle with the stove, I fiddle around. "Cinderella").

Competition 3 "Draw a Pattern"
Cheburashka enters. He has a sad face. Sit on a high chair.
Educator. I wonder who this came to us? Who are you? What is your name?
Cheburashka. I am a Toy. I don’t know my name. Nobody gave me a name.
Educator. Guys, how can it be that a child does not have a name? Every child has a right to a name. The name is given to him by his parents at birth.
Cheburashka. And I am a fairy-tale hero, so no one gave me a name.
Educator. Do not worry. The guys and I will come up with a name for you. What should we call it?
Children. Cheburashka.
Educator. Now your name is Cheburashka. Do you like your name?
Cheburashka. Like so much. Thank you guys!
Educator. You know, when Cheburashka is born, all children in our country receive a document. It's called "Birth Certificate" (shows document). This document enshrines the child's right to a name. Cheburashka, we want to make you a present. Guys, they will draw beautiful birth certificates, and you will choose the one that you like the most. And I'll write your name on it.
Drawing "Draw the pattern you want."
Children use stamps, sticks to paint the "Birth Certificate" frame. Cheburashka chooses the certificate that he liked the most. The teacher writes a name in it and shows the testimony to the children and Cheburashka.
Educator. Our beloved Cheburashka, we give you this testimony. Now you have your fabulous document.
Cheburashka. Thank you guys, I'm very glad. I'm going to show this testimony to my friends. Goodbye, guys.

Musical pause. Group "Barbariki" song "Good Man"

Competition 4 Game "Magic Chest".
Educator. I have a "magic" chest in my hands. It was presented by our friend Cheburashka. Let's see what is in it.
From the chest, in turn, the teacher takes out objects that symbolize the human rights familiar to children. Each right is briefly discussed.
Educator. What right can a heart denote?
Children. The right to love and care.
Educator. What does care mean? Who cares about you? Who do you care about?
Birth certificate.
Educator. What is this document? What right does he remind you of?
Children. The right to a name.
Educator. What does it mean to be entitled to a name? How should you address each other? How should adults be treated?
Educator. Why do you think there is a domi in the chest? What right does he remind of?
Children. On the right to property.
Educator. Do you think it is possible to take someone else's thing? How should people feel about their home?
Educator. What did this envelope remind you of?
Children. No one has the right to read other people's letters and pry.
Educator. Why do you think you can't read other people's letters?
Educator. Do you recognize this book? What right of children does it remind you of?
Children About the right to education.
Educator. Why is this right necessary?
Toy duck and duckling.
Educator. Why do you think Cheburashka put these toys in the chest? What do they remind us of?
Children. About the child's right to be with mom.

Competition 5 "Competition of captains".
Educator: You are all familiar with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Declaration of Human Rights. Try to answer the following questions, for each of which I will offer 3 possible answers. You must choose the correct answer, pick up the card with the required letter.
1. Which document sets out the rights of the child?
A. In the constitution of the Russian Federation.
B. In the convention on the rights of the child.
B. In the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
2. Who is recognized as a child under the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
A. Face under 18 years of age.
B. Face up to 14 years of age.
B. Face under 16 years of age.
3. Who in our country is called to guard the rights and freedoms of citizens?
A. Prime Minister
B. The president
B. Chairman of the State Duma.
4. What is the highest value in Russia according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation?
A. Industrial and military capital.
B. Man, his rights and freedoms.
B. State

Competition 6 "Cut picture game"
Educator: One picture was torn into 7 parts, try to assemble it.
(According to the model, children assemble a plot picture “Everyone has rights regardless of ..”. The sign is cut into 7 parts - one part for each child. Children collect it on the carpet)

1 child. As soon as a child appears
2. And he will barely breathe.
3. He is already from the cradle
4. Strong rights
5. He has the right to live
6. Develop and be friends
7. Have a spacious, kind home,
8. See a quiet, peaceful sleep
9. To receive help from doctors,
10. Learn, Relax.
11. Be cheerful and healthy
12. Admire something new
13. Both to love and to be loved
All ... He is not alone in the world.

Educator... Guys, let's let our guests exercise their right to personal opinion. Let's interview them. Dunno will be a correspondent and will be interviewing, And Znayka will be a reporter filming with a video camera
-Do you like our game?
- What do you remember the most?
- Do you like our kindergarten?
- Thanks for the interview. Come to us again. We will be glad to see you! Bye!

Summing up and presenting incentive gifts.

Tatiana Pavlenko
Scenario of entertainment on the rights of the child in the kindergarten "KVN" About playing rights "

KVN "On playing rights"

Target: contribute to the development of a legal worldview and moral ideas.


Consolidate knowledge on the Convention on the Rights of the Child;

To generalize the knowledge of children about their civil rights and obligations;

Contribute to the development of a legal worldview and moral ideas;

Continue to develop the ability to work in a group;

To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, a sense of collectivism


(Dunno appears. He walks merrily, whistling under his breath and playing the ball. Znayka is walking towards him. Dunno accidentally hits Znayka with a ball)

Dunno. Oh hi! Where are you going?

Know. (adjusts glasses). I'm going to kindergarten. She told me that children are studying their rights there.

Dunno. What, what kind of knowledge, legal? (Puzzled).

Know. What a stupid Dunno you are! There you can learn a lot of interesting and new things about the most important value of humanity - about rights!

Dunno. About what, what? What are these rights?

Know. In this kindergarten, dunno, there is a "School of Legal Knowledge" where children study their rights.

Dunno. And what's wrong with that? Well, right, well, laws! I write my own laws and know everything!

Know. You don't know anything.

Educator. Znayka and Dunno, but let's check how much our guys know? I propose to conduct KVN. And you, too, join us. We have 2 teams. Team "Why Chek" and the team "Sages".

Task 1 "Business card of the team"

So, meet the commands:

"Why Much". We are inquiring minds, we have questions for you

"Why?" beloved question, it helps us to grow.

"Sages". We are almost Sages, they read to us a lot,

Smart and smart, we want to know a lot.

Educator: Well done, so we met the teams.

Task 2 "Literary quiz" The rights of literary heroes "

Educator: Residents of Zakonija, guys, have sent you a video letter and ask you to help them find out in which fairy tales and in which of the heroes the rights are violated? We look at the screen.

(View a fragment of the presentation "The rights of literary heroes").

1. In what fairy tale is the right to security of person, life and freedom violated? (slide 2)

I went to visit my grandmother, brought her pies. The gray wolf followed her, deceived and swallowed ("Little Red Riding Hood" - slide 3)

They waited for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. He ate them later. Who were these little children? ("The wolf and the seven kids" - slide 4).

A girl is sitting in a basket with a bear behind her. Misha does not want to let the girl go home and, without knowing it, carries her home. ("Masha and the Bear" - slide 5).

2. In which fairy tale did the heroine use the right to seek and find refuge and protection from persecution in other countries? (Slide 6)

A girl appeared in a flower cup. And the girl's ball is no bigger than a marigold. And the girl with the swallow fled to the South, fleeing the pursuit of a mouse and a mole. ("Thumbelina" - slide 7.)

3. In which fairy tale is the heroine exploited? Violate the right to a holiday, entertainment? (slide 8)

They tease me with Cinderella, because by the fire, not sparing strength, in the kitchen I work, I work, I fiddle with the stove, I fiddle. ("Cinderella" - slide 9).

4. In what fairy tale do they offend, imprison, apply physical punishment? (slide 10)

What a terrible Karabas! He hurts us, he hurts us! ("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio" - slide 11)

Dunno: Eh, I knew that myself.

Know: How interesting how many fairy tales the children know. And how many rights there are!

Know: We carry on, we carry on!

Task 3 "Recognize the symbol."

(From each team in turn, one child comes up to the table, takes a card - a symbol and names the right depicted on it)

Educator: Well done! And the teams coped with this task!

(Cheburashka enters. He has a sad face. Sit on a chair.)

Educator. I wonder who this came to us? Who are you? What is your name?

Cheburashka. I'm a toy. I don’t know my name. Nobody gave me a name.

Educator. Guys, how can it be that a child does not have a name? Every child has a right to a name. The name is given to him by his parents at birth.

Cheburashka. Parents? And I don't have them ...

Educator. Do not worry. The guys and I will come up with a name for you. What should we call it?

Children. Cheburashka.

Educator. Now your name is Cheburashka. Do you like your name?

Cheburashka. Like so much. Thank you guys!

Educator. You know, when Cheburashka is born, all children in our country receive a document. It's called "Birth Certificate" (shows the document). This document enshrines the child's right to a name. Cheburashka, we want to make you a present. Guys, they will draw beautiful birth certificates, and you will choose the one that you like the most. And I'll write your name on it.

Task 4. "Draw the pattern you want."

(Children use stamps, sticks to paint the "Birth Certificate" frame. Cheburashka chooses the certificate that he liked the most.

Educator. Our dear Cheburashka, we give you this testimony. Now you have your personal fairytale document.

Cheburashka. Thank you guys, I'm very glad. And I have a gift for you. Here it is - a magic chest (gives the chest to the teacher). And, I will go and show this testimony to my friends. Goodbye, guys.

Educator... I have a "magic" chest in my hands. It was presented by our friend Cheburashka. Let's see what is in it.

Competition 5. Game "Magic Chest".

(From the chest, in turn, the teacher takes out objects that symbolize the human rights familiar to children. Each right is briefly discussed).

1. Heart

Educator. What right can a heart denote?

Children. The right to love and care.

Educator. What does care mean? Who cares about you? Who do you care about?

2. Birth certificate.

Educator. What is this document? What right does he remind you of?

Children. The right to a name.

Educator. What does it mean to be entitled to a name? How should you address each other? How should adults be treated?

3. House.

Educator. Why do you think there is a domi in the chest? What right does he remind of?

Children. On the right to property.

Educator. Do you think it is possible to take someone else's thing? How should people feel about their home?

4. Envelope.

Educator. What did this envelope remind you of?

Educator. Why do you think you can't read other people's letters?

5. Primer

Educator. Do you recognize this book? What right of children does it remind you of?

Children. On the right to education.

Educator. Why is this right necessary?

6. Toy duck and duckling.

Educator. Why do you think Cheburashka put these toys in the chest? What do they remind us of?

Children... About the child's right to be with mom.

Dunno: Yes, it's all easy. Just spit. Now I’ll come up with such a task for you that no team will complete it.

Know: But I'm wondering what this Dunno can still come up with such interesting things!

Dunno: Riddles are fairy tales. Here! I will make riddles for everyone. And you need to guess the fairy tale and name who and what right is violated in the fairy tale.

1. Ruddy round lad,

Run away from home for a day.

I wandered with a cheerful song

And I avoided all misfortunes

Until then, while in the forest

I have not met a cunning fox. (gingerbread man)

2. Once I found a mouse

A completely empty house.

I began to live and live,

Yes, let the tenants come to their place. (teremok)

3. The toothy wolf is not afraid of us,

The walls of our house are strong.

In this house, the older brother

I was glad to give shelter to the younger ones. (three pigs)

4. Who is furry, clubfoot

Walking along the forest path?

That shaggy, clubfoot

Is it in a large box? (Masha and the Bear)

5. I persuaded my brother

Elder Sister:

“Don't drink from a puddle

Turbid water. "

The boy did not obey -

He turned into a kid. (sister. Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

6. Two humps, like a camel,

Ears are like those of a donkey.

Here is a miracle, brothers

The mare brought it. (The Little Humpbacked Horse).

Znayka: Dunno, have you forgotten or something! Children know all fairy tales, respectively, and all the heroes.

Dunno: Exactly, I forgot ...

Know: Well, you probably wanted to check them out?

Dunno: Verify? Oh, yes, check it out. Summarize.

Educator. Dunno and Znayka, let's give our children the right to personal opinion. Let's interview them. Dunno will be a correspondent and will be interviewing, And Znayka will be a reporter filming with a video camera

Did you like our game?

What do you remember the most?

Do you like our kindergarten?

Educator: Thanks for the interview. Come to us again. We will be glad to see you! Bye!

Characters: Host, Dr. Pipetkin, Giant, Uncle Styopa - adults; Cheburashka, Gena the crocodile, Galya doll, Sunny Bunnies, Boy-with-Finger with brothers - children of older groups.

Under "Morning" by E. Grieg, children in pairs (among them children playing the role of Bunnies) run into the hall and stand in a circle.

Leading (V.). Guys, you, of course, recognized the music that was played. The composer himself wrote about her like this: "This is the mood of morning nature, where ... at the very first fort, the sun breaks through the clouds." The sun rises, and all living things rejoice in its shining rays. We hear how flutes imitate the chirping of birds, how light and peaceful the melody of the morning sounds.

1st child.

Morning woke up with a ray

The eyes opened a little.

Everything in the world stretched

Smiled with affection.

2nd child.

This is a sun-bell.

Reach out your palms

And it will give you

A little bit of the sun.

3rd child.

Sunny children

We looked into the house.

We invite them

We hello to them!

Children stand in pairs in a circle opposite each other.

1. Hey hey! - wave to each other.

Hello to you! - both partners move to the right.

Hey hey! - greet a new friend.

Hello to you! - move to the right again.

With the fourth partner, they perform the chorus with movements that are thought up and learned in advance, they sing: "Dyp, dyp, dy-pi-doo, dy-pee-doo, oh dy-pee-doo."

2. Nose - lightly touch each other's nose.

Ears - simultaneously touch the partner's earlobes.

Hi Hi! - move to the right (repeat 2 times).


3. Backrest - lightly pat the partner on the back.

Hi Hi! - move to the right (repeat 2 times).

Cheeks - lightly touch the partner's cheeks.

Hi Hi! - move to the right (repeat 2 times).


Movement options in the chorus: palms, touching with the side of the foot, swinging backs, "spinner", side canter in two circles.

There is a knock at the door and Cheburashka enters.

Cheburashka. Hello, I'm on the ad.

Cheburashka hands the announcement to the host, he reads: “Everyone who wants to have a friend, let him come to us. Children from kindergarten number ... "

There is a knock again, and the crocodile Gena and the doll Galya enter.

Crocodile Gena. Hello!

Doll Galya. We are on the ad.

Cheburashka. This is me according to the ad.

Doll Galya... Who are you? What is your name?

Cheburashka. Do not know.

1st Solnechny Bunny. But every child has a right to a name!

An excerpt from E. Uspensky's story-tale "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" is played.

Doll Galya. Are you, by any chance, a bear cub?

Cheburashka. Maybe I'm a bear.

Crocodile Gena. No, he's not even the least bit of a bear. Bears have small eyes, but they are so healthy!

Doll Galya(thoughtful). So maybe he's a puppy!

Cheburashka. Do puppies climb trees?

Crocodile Gena. No, they don't climb. They bark more.

Cheburashka. How?

Crocodile Gena. Like this: aw-aw!

Cheburashka. No, I can't do that. So I'm not a puppy.

Doll Galya. And I know who you are. You are probably a leopard.

Cheburashka. I guess I'm a leopard.

Crocodile Gena and doll Galya cautiously move away from Cheburashka.

Doll Galya. Let's look in the dictionary, where all the words are explained, in any letter.

Cheburashka takes a large, thick book on which the Dictionary is written.

Cheburashka. What letter are we going to look at?

Doll Galya. The letter "RR-RR-RY", because the leopards roar.

Crocodile Gena. And on the letter "K", because leopards to ... bite.

Cheburashka. But I don’t growl or bite. So I'm not a leopard. Tell me, if you still don’t know who I am, you won’t be friends with me?

Crocodile Gena. Why? If you prove to be a good companion, we will be happy to make friends with you. Right?

V. Of course. We will be very happy.

Cheburashka(jumping high). Hooray! Hooray!

Doll Galya. Guys, do you, by any chance, know his name?

Children answer that Cheburashka. Children are staggered in pairs, boys behind girls.

1. Cheburashka we are in the cinema

We have seen it many times.

Children perform inclinations in different directions, the boy looks out from behind the girl's back, both partners alternately put the palm of their right or left hand behind the ear.

We have been to Cheburashka for a long time

They were waiting for a visit.

Alternate exposure of the feet to the heel in different directions.

tra-la-la-la, la, la.

Spring to the sides.

We have been to Cheburashka for a long time

They were waiting for a visit.

Swirling in pairs.

2. Cheburashka in kindergarten

Knocking on our door

So that the guys have a holiday

Learn the polka.

They run in pairs in a circle.

Chorus: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

tra-la-la-la, la, la.

To learn a polka from the guys on a holiday.

Repeat the movements of the first chorus.

3. Cheburashka, more fun

Hit your feet.

Four triple tributaries to the sides, standing in pairs facing each other.

Now spin faster

and clap your hands.

Circling around one at a time.

Three claps each on the right and left.

Chorus: Tra-la-la, tra-la-la,

tra-la-la-la, la, la.

Spring to the sides.

Now spin faster and clap your hands.

Circling in pairs, three claps on the right and left.

V. Cheburashka, do you have a family?

Cheburashka. What is a family?

2nd Solnechny Bunny. Every child has the right to a loving and caring family.

V. We will tell you with a song what a family is.

1. What is family?

Father, mother and me,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family ...

But what about grandmothers?

But what about grandfathers?

2. What is family?

Father, mother and me,

Baba Zoya, Baba Zina,

Grandfathers: Egor, Vasily,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family.

But what about uncles?

But what about the aunt?

3. What is family?

Father, mother and me,

Baba Zoya, Baba Zina,

Grandfathers: Egor, Vasily,

Aunt Anya, Aunt Tanya.

Uncle Vova, Uncle Vanya,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family ...

And brothers and sisters

Name all cousins ​​-

Cheburashka. No, I have no family.

V. Where do you live?

Cheburashka. I live in a telephone booth.

3rd Solnechny Bunny. But every child has the right to housing!

V. Cheburashka, guys will tell you about their home.

Children read V. Stepanov's poem "I live in a new house."

1st child.

Time - floor,

Two - floor,

Ten times twice

Ours reaches the sky

The house is multi-storey.

2nd child.

One is a window

Two is a window

The sun shines in everyone

As if at the same time with us

The new house laughs.

3rd child.

I live in a new house -

I invite all my friends to visit!

4th child.


Come running -

One, two, three, four, five!


Come -

Let's sing and dance!

Characters of the staging: Dad, Mom, Granny, Child.

Dad has a hat and a big tie, Mom has a hat, beads, a handbag, Granny has a scarf, and the Child has a toy cat in her arms.

All the characters line up in front of an elegant table, served with toy dishes and chairs.

1. The best house in the world -

The house we live in.

All the characters are singing.

Dad. Dad.

Mama. Mama.

Granny. And granny.

Child. Me and our cat Musya.

They sing in roles.

Losing. All sit at the table, "drink" from cups.

2. Every morning at the table

We drink milk together.

Everyone is singing, sitting at the table.

Dad, mom and granny,

Me and our cat Musya.

They sing in roles.

Losing. They leave the table, stand in a line sideways to the audience Dad, Mom, Granny, the Child opposite them, he gives the cat to Babus.

3. Child.

I'm going to kindergarten

Seeing off the whole squad:

Dad, mom and granny.

They sing in roles.

And behind them is the cat Musya.

Everyone is singing.

Losing. The child leaves, everyone is waving goodbye.

V. Every day, children from their home come to another kind home - a kindergarten. There are many toys and different games here.

4th Solnechny Bunny. Every child has the right to play!

V. Let's invite Cheburashka to live in our kindergarten and now we will build a house for him.

Relay game "Who will build a house for Cheburashka faster."

In the relay, two teams compete who are building a house from large building materials. Together with the children, Cheburashka, the crocodile Gena and the doll Galya participate in the game.

Cheburashka. I'm glad autumn! We built, built and finally built! Yes, we are waiting! Hooray!

V. Oh, Cheburashka, as you say, it's completely wrong!

Let's teach Cheburashka to speak fluently.

Game "Tongue".

Speech game "Mouse".

Pronounce the text of the game rhythmically.

The mouse dried the dryers (rubbed palm on palm).

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu (they rustle with multicolored sultans made of corrugated paper).

The mouse invited the mice (hands are clenched into a fist, "beckoning" either with the left or with the right index finger).

Shur-shur-shur, shur-shur-shur (shake the bags of nuts).

Drying mice began to eat (rubbing with a fist on a fist).

Khrum-Khrum-Khrum, Khrum-Khrum-Khrum (matchboxes or plastic boxes from "kindersurprise" with filler).

The teeth broke immediately (chattering with their fists).

Zoom-zoom-zoom, zoom-zoom-zoom (maracas from yogurt bottles filled with cereals, beans, peas).

The mice in the mink sat down quietly (banging their index fingers against each other).

They looked at the cat through the cracks (they look through their fingers apart).

Shh-s (put a finger to their lips).

Mouse, mouse, beware (shake your finger)!

We will chase the cat away (they stomp rhythmically).

Scat (loud clap).

Children run away to their places.

You can come up with your own model of play in the classroom with the children.

V. In kindergarten, children not only play, but also develop.

1st child.

Here we are taught to be on duty, to work,

Think, build, sculpt, have fun.

5th Solnechny Bunny. Every child has the right to comprehensive and full development.

V. The guys start every day with exercises.

Cheburashka. I do not know how to do exercises at all.

V. We will teach you.

The sun looks furtively

(hands to shoulders, up, to shoulders, down),

Looks at the sky and foliage

(repeat movements),

How do we exercise

(side bends).

One, two, one, two

(two springs)!

One and two! And everything is alright

(hands to shoulders, up, to shoulders, down)!

It will rain - it doesn't matter

(repeat movements)!

The one who does the exercises

(side bends),

Never gets sick

(two springs)!

One, two! One two

(rhythmic steps in place)!

Cheburashka. Apchhi! Apchhi!

V. But if, nevertheless, someone gets sick, they will come to the rescue ...

Children. Doctors.

6th Solnechny Bunny. Because every child has a right to medical care!

The presenter calls a doctor by phone. Doctor Pipetkin arrives.

Dr. Pipetkin. Hello! Where is the patient? Breath! Do not breath. Well, we will treat Cheburashka. And you guys help me.

From illness and from boredom

Can heal us all

Sounds of mischievous melodies

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Dr. Pipetkin. What musical children you have!

V. We do not immediately or suddenly develop hearing in children.

Ready, kids,

Take the tools in hand!

We will perform the waltz.

Dr. Pipetkin.

In the art of music

You have succeeded, no doubt about it.

I wish you great health,

I wish you a good mood!

And I have to go to the patient, goodbye.

Exit Dr. Pipetkin.

B. Children develop in kindergarten, and in September they will go to school.

7th Sunny Bunny. Because every child has the right to education!

V. And education after kindergarten continues at school.

Screaming for help, Finger Boy and his brothers rush in.

V. Calm down, please, and tell us who you are and what happened to you.


I'm a well-known Boy

I'm exactly the size of a finger.

These are my brothers. The Giant is chasing us, he will be here soon!

V. Don't worry, we'll come up with something to help you.

8th Solnechny Bunny. Every child has the right to be protected from abuse and harassment!

V. How do we deal with the Giant?

Children offer their options, someone suggests calling the police.

Uncle Styopa enters.

Uncle Styopa.

All are calling the police

And she's already right there!

V. Hello, Uncle Styopa.

Uncle Styopa.

Let me introduce.

Policeman Stepanov,

Thunderstorm for hooligans.

V. Proud of Uncle Stepa

All the police in the capital.

Uncle Styopa.

I'll tell you a secret

That I serve in the police

Because this service

I find it very important!

V. Dear Uncle Styopa, please stop the Giant, he is chasing the Boy-with-Finger and his brothers.

The Giant runs in.

Giant. Where are these nasty boys ?! Oh, yes, there are a lot of boys and girls, enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Uncle Styopa(addresses the Giant). You are under arrest for child abuse.

Uncle Styopa takes the Giant away.

Finger Boy thanks the children.

Doll Galya. Dear Citizens!

Crocodile Gena. Dear citizens!

Cheburashka. Dear citizens!

Doll Galya. Now Cheburashka will give you a speech.

Cheburashka. Well what can I say? We little children are happier than anyone else in the world because we have rights.

V. So let's have a big round dance

Let everyone smile and everyone sing.

At the introduction to the dance, the children form two concentric circles.

Dance "Two tributaries, three booms" (S. Nasaulenko, "Bell").

1. We little children

Happiest in the world.

We live merrily

We dance and sing!

Children walk in the opposite direction, stop, the children of the outer circle turn their faces in the circle, the children of the inner circle turn to face the children of the outer circle.


Two flops, three flops

(perform movements over the text),

And then vice versa

(children of two circles with a stomping step turn their backs to each other):

Three flops, two flops

(perform movements over the text)

And spinning - turning

(whirling, they return to the starting position of the dance).

2. We don't sit still

We dance together together.

We'll do it 100 times

See everyone at us.

Repeat the movements of the first verse.


3. We walk like kids

(they walk in circles in the opposite direction, raising their knees high and making "horns", towards the end of the line the children of the inner circle turn to face the children of the outer circle),

We play like puppies

("Play with paws" in pairs),

Like frogs - jump

(two springs to the sides, fingers spread out, sit down on a jump)

And like mice - sniff

("Paws" in front of the chest, circle around you, sit down).


1st child.

Through the sun of daisies, through the sky of forget-me-nots

Our childhood is marching, simple, like a miracle.

2nd child.

Childhood has protection: children have rights.

Let no one violate them on the entire planet!

The presenter invites you to an exhibition of children's works.