Chinese New Year. - all the elements of the Personality - their character - their behavior - what to pay special attention to. Rice noodles with shrimps

According to the Chinese lunar calendar, New Year is celebrated in the spring. It is called that - Chunjie, which means the Spring Festival. By far, the New Year is the most important event for all people in China, and this is almost 1.5 billion people.

Traditionally, the Chinese New Year is between 20 January and February according to the Gregorian calendar. Chunjie Festival has an ancient history that goes back to ancient rituals and commemoration of ancestors performed before our era.

V Chinese New Year residents are pasting paired paper signs on both sides of the entrance to their house, and the interior is decorated with special New Year's pictures. Previously, such decorations and the launch of holiday firecrackers were considered a way to drive out evil spirits and evil spirits. Since then, this is a solemn ritual of the Chinese, which is incredibly popular.

How is Chinese New Year celebrated?

On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve, all family members should get together. The festive table is laid, the performances of famous artists are shown on TV - preparation for the celebration is practically no different from the classic European New Year. Young Chinese people stay awake all night, spending time playing games and drinking table conversations. This time is called "Show sui", which means "waiting for the New Year".

The morning of the Chinese New Year begins with a meal of traditional Jiaozi dumplings. Their shape resembles gold bars, making them symbols of wealth and prosperity. After such a breakfast, it is customary to visit friends, relatives and colleagues, and give gifts for chinese new year.

In China, in honor of this holiday, it is customary to give children small coins, which are wrapped in red paper. Such souvenirs are presented with wishes of prosperity in the family and the successful development of the child. According to an ancient legend, this gift drives away the evil spirit from the baby and brings him happiness.

Of course, every Chinese New Year is accompanied by vibrant events and concerts. Here you can see dragon dance, lion dance and even stilt performances.

Corporate New Year gifts in China

If your partner is in China, then you should take care of a corporate gift for the Chinese New Year. This will serve not only as a sign that you value the relationship with your partner, but also become a unique chance to remind you of yourself. Ceremonies are highly valued in China, sometimes they are even more important than the souvenir itself. That is why the Chinese need to be careful when choosing a New Year's gift.

As in any other country in the world, in China there is a certain fashion for gifts, there are trends and preferences. More recently, the best corporate gift for chinese new year could become food, alcoholic beverages or tobacco. However, today it is better for your partner to present a bouquet of fresh flowers, made by a florist, taking into account all the peculiarities of the color scheme, or, for example, a lottery ticket.

Modern ways of congratulating you will save you from having to be personally present when presenting a New Year's gift to your Chinese business partner. The delivery service will cope with this no worse than you, and you can supplement the selected souvenir with a phone call or an electronic postcard.

Not a single New Year can be complete without sweets. Gourmet fruit baskets, sweet chocolate gifts and gastronomic delights will not leave anyone indifferent on this festive day. Most importantly, do not forget to put your company logo on the packaging or on the souvenir itself. Personalization will make it incredibly profitable to highlight your corporate gift for chinese new year among the rest!

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Chinese New Year is a time of gifts, both traditional red money envelopes (红包 hóngbāo) and ordinary things. But be careful: the impression of even the most generous gift can be spoiled if you give it without observing special etiquette.

There are basic rules to follow when choosing and presenting a gift at any time of the year, but they are especially important during the Chinese New Year.

Happy ts veta吉祥颜色 jíxiáng yánsè

When preparing a gift for the Chinese New Year, you should pay attention to its color, as well as to the wrapping paper or gift bag. The rules are simple: avoid white, as it is associated with funerals, and black or blue, as they are synonymous with death. The best choices are red, yellow and gold: they all symbolize wealth and prosperity.

If you want to give an envelope with money for Chinese New Year, do not buy a white envelope: this is used when donating money for a funeral.

Happy ts ifry吉祥数字 jíxiáng shùzì

Another important factor when choosing a gift is Chinese superstitions associated with certain numbers. Never give a sum of money that includes a four, as the pronunciation of 四 sì (“four”) is very close to 死 sǐ (“death”). Eight is considered a lucky number in China, so 88 or 888 is the ideal amount for a gift.

In addition to money, this rule also applies to sets of gifts: do not give sets of four things, but eight gifts are believed to bring good luck.

· Gift giving rules礼品礼仪 lǐ pǐ n lǐ

After you have chosen a gift or settled on a certain amount of money, it is important to remember a few rules that must be followed when giving (or receiving).

First, always use two hands when giving or receiving a gift. This custom traditionally also applies to money (when buying something) and business cards. If you are giving a gift, say 这个 小 礼物 我 想 送给 你 (zhège xiǎo lǐwù wǒ xiǎng sònggěi nǐ) - this little gift I want to give you. If a gift is given to you - be sure to thank : 好 漂亮 , 谢谢! 你 太 客气 了 (hǎo piàoliang, xièxie, nǐ tài kèqi le) - how beautiful, thank you, you are very kind!

Second, if you are donating money, make sure the notes are new. People all over China spend the weeks leading up to the New Year to get new banknotes from banks. donating old or torn ones is considered a sign of disrespect. If you are giving money to a large group of people or a family, always start with the most important (or oldest) person.

It is also known that in China it is considered bad form to open a gift immediately after receiving it. Whoever receives the gift is more likely to express their gratitude and put the gift aside to open it later in private. Don't mistake this for disrespect.

What gifts should you give to the Chinese for Chinese New Year?

If you are invited to celebrate Chinese New Year in China - in fact, this holiday is called the Spring Festival - your gifts should not be too expensive, there will be enough fruit or good alcohol. Do not forget to put them in a beautiful box or bag and remember that red and gold are considered the colors of luck, while white and black are taboo for the holiday.

Gifts for friends

Choosing a New Year's gift mainly depends on the closeness of your friendship. Most often they give alcohol, tobacco products, flowers, tea, fruits. If you want something unusual, you should think carefully about everything.

Alcohol 酒 jiǔ

If your friends are connoisseurs of good liquor, a bottle of quality alcohol can be a great choice.

  • Tobacco products香烟 xiāngyān

If the owner smokes, find out what products he prefers. He will be delighted with the packaging of his favorite brand.

  • Tea chá

Most Chinese people love tea. Tea is always a beautiful gesture, whether the Chinese are your masters or not. A box of loose leaf tea wrapped in wrapping paper is much better than a bagged one.

  • Fruits水果 shuǐguǒ

Fruit baskets are a common gift for the Chinese and can be found in many supermarkets. But some sellers in the markets at the bottom of the finished baskets may "hide" spoiled fruits. Therefore, it is better to buy fresh fruits and wrap them in a gift wrap with a red ribbon. Giving a box of oranges or tangerines is also a good idea, as they symbolize welfare and security.

Gifts for the elderly Chinese

Instead of alcohol and tobacco for seniors, it is better to choose a New Year's gift that will help them feel healthier and make their life more enjoyable.

  • Hat, gloves, scarf or clothing
  • Massage brush or foot massage bath

Gifts for children

A New Year's gift for a child should express your wishes to grow up healthy and smart.

  • Sweets, books, school supplies, toys, clothes
  • Red envelopes for children红包 hóngbāo

10 things that not accepted give for New Year in China

  • Sharp objects dāo

Giving someone a sharp object means hinting that you want to end (“cut off”) a relationship with that person. According to the Chinese proverb, "one sharp blow, two parts", which means the end of the relationship between people.

  • Number 4四字 sìzì

In China, the number 4 (四 sì) sounds similar to the word “death” (死 sǐ). Therefore, everything related to this figure is considered to be bad luck. Don’t give 4-piece sets. The Chinese dislike this figure so much that some buildings, such as hotels, do not have a fourth floor. Often on the doors of the rooms of hotels located on this floor, 8 is written in front of the four.

  • Shoes鞋子 xiézi

Giving shoes to people in China for New Year is a bad idea because the word for shoes (鞋 xié) sounds exactly like evil (邪 xié) in Chinese. Plus, shoes are what we wear. As a gift, this is not the best option. Better to choose something else.

  • Handkerchiefs手帕 shǒupà

The Chinese usually donate handkerchiefs at the end of the funeral to symbolize goodbye forever. By handing over such a present to your friend, you seem to be hinting that you want to part with him, to break the connection forever.

  • Watchzhōng

In Chinese, the expression “to give a watch” (送 钟 sòng zhōng) sounds the same as “attend a funeral” (送终 sòng zhōng), and therefore it is believed that such a gift promises bad luck. In addition, watches often symbolize a lack of time. This is especially emphasized if the person to whom you are planning to make a gift is older than you. Both wrist and wall clocks should not be gifted to friends from China.

  • Pears

Giving fruit is a good idea, but pears are an exception. The Chinese word for pears (梨 lí) sounds the same as leave or break (离 lí).

  • Cut flowershuā

It is customary to give cut flowers for funerals, but not for the New Year! This is especially true for yellow chrysanthemums and any white flowers that symbolize death. In Chinese culture, white is considered a bad color (funeral), so you should not choose white flowers for the New Year.

  • Umbrellas雨伞 yǔ sǎ n

Umbrellas are also not a good idea, since the word for umbrella (伞 sǎn) in Chinese is consonant with the word for parting (散 sàn). Such a gift may mean that you want to stop communicating with this person.

Typical Chinese New Year greetings

Any wish must begin with the words: 我 想 祝 你 …… wǒ xiǎng zhù nǐ, and then add a wish of four characters. This is the traditional version of congratulations in China. If you want to wish a happy holiday in advance, use the phrase 我 想 预祝 你 …… wǒ xiǎng yùzhù nǐ ……

  • 恭喜 发财 - gōng xǐ fā cái Happiness and prosperity
  • 万事如意 - wàn shì rú yì - Fulfillment of all your desires
  • 长命 百岁 - cháng mìng bǎi suì - Long life!
  • 天天 开心 - tiān tiān kāi xīn - every day, daily to enjoy life
  • 合家欢 乐 - hé jiā huān lè - May your whole family be happy!
  • 心想事成 - xīn xiǎng shì chéng - May all your wishes come true!
  • 好运 连连 - hǎo yùn liánlián - May good luck always accompany you!
  • 财源广进 - cái yuán guǎng jìn Much money
  • 年年 有余 - nián nián yǒu yú Annual profit
  • 吉星高照 - jí xīng gāo zhào - Good luck (shining lucky star)
  • 吉祥如意 - jí xiáng rú yì Good luck (I wish you all the best)
  • 金玉满堂 - jīn yù mǎn táng - "let wealth fill your home"
  • 迎春 接 福 - yíng chún jiē fú - "New Year's luck"

New Year's greetings related to health

  • 龙马 精神 - lóng mǎ jīng shén Dragon and horse powers
  • 身文 健康 - shēn tǐ jiàn kāng Healthy body
  • 精灵 活泼 - jīng líng huó pō Cheerful spirit (especially used in relation to children under 10 years old, wishing them to be active and smart)

Chinese New Year greetings for work and business

  • 生意 兴隆 (shēng yì xīng lóng) A thriving business
  • 万事如意 (wàn shì rú yì) Good luck in all matters
  • 工作 顺利 (gōng zuò shùn lì) Smooth work
  • 事业有成 (shì yè yǒu chéng) Success in your career
  • 平步青云 (píng bù qīng yún) Rapid ascent (career)

Congratulations on your studies

  • 学业有成 (xué yè yǒu chéng) Successfully complete school
  • 学习 进步 (xué xí jìn bù) Academic success


  • 祝贺 大家 …… (zhù hè dàjiā ……) - congratulate everyone on something
  • 过 春节 (guò chūnjié) - to celebrate Chinese New Year (Spring Festival)
  • 贴 对联 (tiē duì lián) - stick paired inscriptions
  • 贴 福 字 (tiē fú zì) - glue the hieroglyph of Happiness
  • 放 鞭炮 (fàng biānpào) - shoot firecrackers
  • 给 …… 送 礼物 (gěi …… sòng lǐwù) - to give gifts
  • 给 …… 送 红包 (gěi …… sòng hóngbāo) - give red envelopes
  • 打 灯笼 (dǎ dēnglong) - light and carry out red lanterns
  • 吃 年夜饭 (chī nián yè fàn) - eat New Year's Eve dinner

An amazing country China: a magical combination of modern technology and age-old traditions. And a culture that has remained unchanged since its inception.

National holidays are something special in general. for example, the eastern calendar does not have a constant date and depends on the movement of the moon. It is one of the most important and ancient traditional holidays in the Middle Kingdom.

When is New Year in China?

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It usually falls on the first new moon of the year somewhere between January 21st and February 21st. Each coming year symbolizes one of the twelve animals, which correspond to the five elements. 2018 will be held under the sign of the Earth Dog and will begin on February 16.

How is New Year celebrated in China?

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The Chinese people are preparing very carefully for the holiday. Streets are decorated with red lanterns, flowers, and houses and apartments with thematic pictures and garlands.

These days the country hosts theatrical performances, spectacular carnivals, fairs and pyrotechnic shows. The Chinese are generally noisy people, so there is no way without loud firecrackers and fireworks. It is believed that they scare away evil spirits, and the louder they clap, the further the unclean will run away.

This belief is associated with the ancient legend of the monster Nian, which every year emerged from the raging depths of the sea and devastated Chinese villages, eating all living things in its path. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, local residents tried to leave their homes and hid in the mountains. Until one day an elder came to one of these villages. He asked to be sheltered, but everyone was very busy and did not pay much attention to him. And only one old woman received him in her house. She began to tell him about the monster and persuade him to flee with them. But the old man asked permission to stay, promising in return to rid the inhabitants of the terrible beast once and for all.

In the evening, when everyone had left, he put on red clothes, took firecrackers and went out into the street to meet the monster. And when Nian came to the village, he was terribly frightened by the bright red color, lights and noise. He rushed out of the village and never appeared again.

Since then, the people of China have celebrated the holiday in red outfits and with a huge number of firecrackers and fireworks. The celebration lasts 2 weeks, and these days the country looks bright and beautiful.

Chinese New Year: Traditions and Customs.

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A couple of days before the New Year, the Chinese arrange a global cleaning in the house, after which all brooms and mops must be hidden in a secluded place and not touched until the end of the holiday. Because there is a belief that the gods on this night shower the inhabitants of China with gold dust, which brings good luck and prosperity. And if this dust is accidentally cleaned up, then it will turn into ash and expect trouble.

On the eve of the holiday, everyone gathers with the family. Most Chinese people return home during this period to celebrate with their parents in the place where they grew up.

We have already spoken about the love of red. But this is also an important tradition. On New Year's Eve, it can be found everywhere: red lanterns, firecrackers. And even congratulations for friends and loved ones are written by the Chinese on paper of red shades.

Another interesting custom is to hang New Year's paired inscriptions and hieroglyphs with wishes of good and good luck on the doors and gates.

At midnight or early the next morning, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom eat a dish very similar to our dumplings. They sculpt them themselves, try to make them with the whole family. Children especially like this activity, because in the process of sculpting dates or coins are laid in them, for good luck.

What is customary to give for the new year in China?

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Traditionally, this is money in red envelopes, or paired things, symbolizing harmony and unity in the family.

The word mandarin is consonant with the Chinese word for gold, which means it attracts wealth and success. Therefore, a basket with tangerines is also one of the most popular gifts for the New Year.

If you are not indifferent to the East, to antiquity, you miss the kind and light traditions, then you can safely go to this amazing country. The Chinese New Year will bring you a lot of incredible positive emotions and wonderful memories.

Based on the traditions that have developed over the centuries, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in China twice. For the first time, the Chinese celebrate the holiday traditionally together with the whole world, on the night of January 1.

The second time - according to its style, and the date of the holiday changes annually and depends on the data of the lunar calendar. The Chinese calculate the first day of the full moon in the first month of the year, which then becomes the beginning of the New Year's calculation.

The Celestial Empire is famous for its unusual New Year's customs and views, which are unusual for representatives of the Slavic peoples. So, what are the features of preparing and celebrating the New Year 2018 in China?

Chinese New Year 2018 will begin on February 16, 2018 and will end on February 4, 2019. Each year has its own patron - an animal that will become a full-fledged owner of a certain period.

2018 will be ruled by the Dog. Also, the Chinese choose a color and element for each year. In the coming year, the ruling color will be yellow, and the element will be the Earth.

Where and how to celebrate Chinese New Year 2018?

In China, the main holiday is celebrated in a different way than in Europe. The New Year's celebration lasts 15 days. So, in 2018 it will last from February 16 to March 3 inclusive.

The Chinese style New Year is a great occasion not only to please loved ones with gifts and pleasant surprises, but also to gather the whole family for a festive evening meal.

And if we consider that the hostess of the year - the Dog - teaches to honor traditions, to be the keeper of the family hearth, and the elements of the Earth symbolize abundance, fertility and rebirth, the best option for celebrating the New Year would be to stay at home.

If the traditional version of the New Year's celebration (on the night of January 1) involves a more grandiose celebration, then on February 16, 2018 it is better to be exclusively in the circle of the closest people. The Chinese identify this day with the unity of all relatives and the reunification of the clan.

In order for the year to be successful, you need to observe this tradition. Then the yellow earthen Dog during the entire period of his reign will protect from troubles, bestowing happy moments.

On February 16, you should not arrange a chic, hours-long feast with loud chants and dancing until you drop. Ideally, this should be a relaxed family dinner with small gifts and pleasantries.

Do not forget to once again tell your relatives that you love and appreciate them. In other words, the holiday should take place practically according to the classic scenario of the traditional New Year, only in miniature.

Chinese New Year preparation rules

The Chinese begin to prepare for the upcoming celebration in a few days. Literally everywhere - in dwellings, work offices, on city streets - total order is being established. Unnecessary, broken and old things are thrown away.

In order to neutralize stagnant energy, literally everything in the house / apartment is washed out - from the attic with its most secluded places to the entrance gate located on the personal plot. In this way, the Chinese are clearing the way for the flow of renewed life energy.

Instead of the traditional New Year tree, the Chinese use the Light Wood. All premises of the dwelling are decorated with garlands, images, figurines and figurines of an animal that rules the coming year.

Multicolored ribbons are always hung on the front door. There should be 5 of them. They symbolize success in five main areas of life: family; business; financial; love; in the field of health.

In the evening, a festive table is set in every Chinese family. The central dishes, without which no Chinese will sit down at the New Year's table, are all kinds of sweets, rice slices seasoned with spices, as well as national dumplings.

Rice represents material well-being. Dumplings are also considered a symbol of abundance and wealth. They must be in the form of real gold bars. And sweets are the personification of the fact that every family member in the new year will have a very “sweet” life, that is, he will be accompanied by good luck in everything.

The table for the Chinese New Year is served taking into account the allocation of seats even for those family members who, for some reason, could not join the joint festive meal.

Plates and cutlery are displayed for them, glasses of drinks are placed, and napkins are placed next to them. The Chinese custom of celebrating the New Year purely in the family circle is very important and is rarely violated.

After the New Year has been celebrated with the whole family, many Chinese people go to visit friends on the following holidays.

History of the Chinese New Year

The origins of this holiday go back to the Middle Ages. There are 3 legends explaining its origin.

The first legend

In ancient times, there was a childless woman who grieved over her inability to conceive a child. But a miracle happened! She was able to get pregnant after her husband had a prophetic dream. The man dreamed that a Phoenix bird flew to him and brought a grain of rice in its beak. The husband ate the grain. After 9 months, the woman had a son. The guy's fate was difficult. The mother died immediately after giving birth, the father married a second time.

The stepmother turned out to be an evil person. An insidious plan ripened in her soul: to drive the little boy out of the world. She managed to persuade her husband to kill his son. But the idea failed, the guy found out about the insidious plans and ran away from home. The boy fell into the service of the emperor, who was conquered by youthful wisdom and kindness.

As a sign of recognition, the emperor married his two daughters to a guy, and also handed over the throne to the young man instead of his son. The imperial crown touched the guy's head on the first day of the new moon. After that, 10 "suns" were lit in the sky - this was a sign that the young man was chosen by the Gods themselves.

When the guy got older, and it was time to hand over the reins of government, he, like his predecessor ruler, passed the crown not to his son, but to a completely outsider man, who was also crowned on the first day of the new moon.

This is how the tradition arose to celebrate the New Year in memory of all emperors, thanks to whose wisdom the Celestial Empire flourished for many centuries. This holiday has always personified hopes for new achievements and victories, both in the whole country and in the life of an individual.

Second legend

The ancestors of the modern Chinese believed that the awakening of nature and all life on Earth after a long winter sleep begins after the first new moon. Due to the fact that the New Year has always been considered a symbol of rebirth and renewal, the beginning of this holiday was timed to coincide with the day of the first new moon. It is said that this period is the origin of the new annual cycle.

The third legend

This version of the origin of the New Year is the most popular among the Chinese. However, it is he who is considered the most mythical of all existing options. They say that a bloodthirsty monster lives at the bottom of the deep sea, which can come ashore only once a year - on the new moon.

Having escaped from the depths of the sea, the creature begins to devour all living things that come across in its path: animals, fruits of trees and shrubs, vegetables, and even people and children. Once a monster knocked on the door of one of the residential buildings. The door was opened by a little boy wearing bright red pajamas. The boy's mother saw that there was a monster on the doorstep, and began to knock on the walls with a stick.

As a result, the monster got scared and ran away. Then people realized that the creature is afraid of red and loud sounds. Hence the tradition of making New Year's decorations with a predominance of red color. Also on New Year's Eve, people hung up the windows and front doors of their houses with red cloth and threw bamboo sticks into the fireplace, which, when burned, emit a loud characteristic crackle.

What and how to give for Chinese New Year?

It is not customary in China to present grandiose New Year's gifts. As a rule, parents give their children money in red envelopes. These envelopes are called "lucky sum", which is designed to bring prosperity in the new year.

Small gifts in the form of:

All kinds of souvenirs;
amulets, talismans, amulets;
sets of sweets;
figures of the owner of the year (in the coming 2018 these are figures of Dogs and puppies);
cards with congratulatory words and New Year's wishes.

But when presenting gifts for the Chinese New Year, there are some rules to keep in mind:

In China, it is not customary to give gifts wrapped in paper or packed in a blue and white box. These colors are considered a symbol of mourning.

Also, the number "4" should not be present anywhere during the celebration of the New Year - it personifies death.

It is unacceptable to present a present to the addressee in the presence of others. This process is very personal and should be done in private. In this case, the gift is transferred not with one, but with two hands.

Any gift should be in the form of paired items. For example, if you are giving a figurine of the symbol of the year, there should be two of them.

Presentations must be given by seniority. The first to receive his gift is the one who is older than everyone else. The last gift is presented to the youngest addressee.

Chinese New Year traditions for every holiday

1 day. At midnight, the whole family sits down at a table where traditional dishes are present - rice, sweets, dumplings, fish and meat products. Families in the southern regions of the country enjoy lobster, duck, jerky and Chinese sausage.

After the family feast, people go to visit with gifts. Many Chinese people give each other two tangerines - a symbol of happiness, love and prosperity. On the streets, mass festivities are organized with explosions of firecrackers, fireworks, lighting of bamboo sticks and sparklers.

Day 2. The most important tradition of this day is morning prayer to the Gods. Everyone asks for what they dream about the most. Further, the Chinese continue to visit friends and relatives, giving and receiving gifts. If on this day, near the front door to their home, the Chinese see beggars, they will certainly help them out of their power. Some take out food, some - clothes, and some give money.

Day 3.
On this day, it is not customary to visit and invite guests to your home. They do not give gifts, do not make congratulatory speeches and do not set the festive table. The third day of the New Year is called "Red Dog" or "Red Mouth". All family members should be at home in a calm and comfortable environment.

Day 4. The Chinese continue to visit their friends, colleagues, acquaintances and distant relatives, presenting them with gifts. This day becomes the finale for the employees of the largest corporations, since in such organizations only 2-4 days are allocated for celebrating the New Year. The workflow is returning to its usual course.

5 and 6 days. Today a national New Year's dish called "Bobo" is being prepared. Visually, it resembles Ukrainian dumplings, but its taste is more similar to that of dumplings. In ancient China, bobo was eaten for 5 days. But modern Chinese people eat it for only two days. Gradually, people begin to join their everyday life, many go to their jobs. But the first working day is always marked by a beautiful fireworks display.

Day 7.
For many centuries, the 7th day of New Year's holidays has been considered the day of the appearance of mankind on Earth. All Chinese people celebrate this event, order prayer services, send words of gratitude to God for creating people. A festive meal is expected in the evening. On the table there is always a dish like "Yusheng" (raw fish). If you eat a slice of this dish, the whole year will be successful and profitable.

Day 8. It is believed that it was on the 8th New Year's day that the world's first rice grain was born. The Chinese believe that the quality and quantity of the future harvest can be judged by the weather of that day. If the weather is good, the harvest will be rich, if it rains, it is windy and cold - scarce.

Also on this day, the stars are glorified, in their honor people go to temples and light smoking scented candles. In the evening, the family will have another feast, where the main dish is national "koloboks".

Day 9.
Today, most of the Chinese are already at their workplace. Those who continue to rest pray and burn incense all day. This day marks the liberation of the Chinese people from the Japanese pirate invaders.

Even today, the Chinese celebrate the day of heaven and the birth of the Jade Emperor. On this occasion, they visit temples, ask for welfare and present sacrificial food to the Gods. Officially, the 9th day is the beginning of the New Year. At dinner they eat pork, vegetarians are served tea, fruits, sweets.

Day 10.
In all churches, candles and incense burn in the name of the stone day. Today, none of the Chinese people use objects for the manufacture of which the stone was used. People continue to visit and receive guests at their homes. Time is spent mainly playing games (chess, checkers, dice, etc.).

Day 11.
Son-in-law's day. All the father-in-law arrange a real celebration in honor of the spouses of their daughters. All the rules are observed: congratulatory words are spoken, gifts are presented, the table is laid in the evening.

Day 12.
The day of cleansing, when the body must be freed from eating too much food. Indeed, in the previous days, people consumed a lot of fatty and high-calorie foods. It is accepted to eat only vegetarian food. Entrepreneurs go to the temple and pray to the Gods, asking them for business success, protection from competitors and victory over them.

13 and 14 days. These days are a preparatory period for the last New Year's day - the holiday of lanterns. The Chinese acquire and independently make various decorations, lanterns and awnings for them. Used paper, clay, cloth, live plants. Cleansing the body continues, so people eat mostly vegetarian food.

Day 15.
The final New Year's day is the Lantern Festival. It is considered a family one. In the evening, all the household members gather in the large living room and make lanterns with their own hands. Then a dinner is arranged in honor of the end of the holiday.

Dishes such as dumplings, rice sweet porridge, and rice flour balls with a sweet filling inside are displayed on the table. After the gala dinner, the whole family goes out into the street holding the manufactured lanterns. They give funny performances and concerts on street stages.

What do the Chinese expect from 2018?

In China, it is generally accepted that each year is endowed with the features of an animal that ascends to the throne. Due to the fact that the coming year will be ruled by the yellow earth Dog, the year promises to be an ambiguous period in many areas.

Despite the fact that this animal has the most noble character traits - friendliness, justice, honesty, loyalty - sometimes it has such traits as unpredictable behavior and laziness. But the Chinese believe that a non-leap year 2018, enhanced by the elements of the Earth and yellow, will be predominantly calm and stable.

This period should bring harmony and peace to every family. Professional Chinese astrologers are confident that this year the economic situation in the world will improve, violent confrontations and wars will end, and many people will be able to improve their quality of life.

And 2018 is considered the most favorable period for creating a family and serious relationships, getting married, conceiving and having children.

Also, the Chinese believe that if on a holiday to feed all the dogs that meet on the street, the year will bring unprecedented good luck, will give you good health and success in love.

According to the Chinese calendar, the New Year begins between January 21 and the end of February. It is believed that in this case, winter ends, warms up, and nature begins to awaken. For this reason, the Spring Festival has long been associated with hopes for health, grace and prosperity.

What to gift?

On the Chinese New Year, exteriors with oriental symbols are often presented - jewelry boxes, balls to calm the nerves. In addition, gifts with meaning are presented - Feng Shui candles, designed to significantly improve life; a bowl of wealth; abacus, giving success in business; bells to cleanse the room from bad energy; hourglass ordering thoughts.

It is important to think over the number of presents for absolutely all guests: they are usually given either to absolutely everyone, or to no one person.

Another presentation idea borrowed from Chinese families is a red money envelope. Instead of real cash, it is possible to put a souvenir coin for good luck. Companions and family members are also presented with classic sweets, tea, pies, seeds, fruits and flowers. There is also a custom to present wine as a present. It should be wrapped in high quality silk and tied with a ribbon with a tassel. On the Chinese New Year, warm items are usually presented that represent integrity and harmony at home. An excellent present can be, for example, two vases, two mugs or two bottles of wine.

And in order to exclude unpleasant situations in which the presentations turned out to be abruptly not enough, prepare Chinese rice cookies nyan-gao. It is very appetizing and is considered an adored treat for both children and adults, for this very reason it can be an extremely cute present. A couple of tangerines are a must-have for the Chinese New Year. If you go on a visit, then by all means take with you a couple of tangerines for each family member! The sound of the word "tangerine" is commensurate with the sound of the phrase "gold" in Chinese, for this reason, bringing tangerines as a presentation, you conventionally present gold. In return for your present, the owners of the house will also present you with a couple of tangerines.

gifts for the elderly.

Instead of alcohol and cigarettes, it is more correct for the elderly to make a present in the form of a hat, gloves, stole or clothes.
If a person is familiar with an elderly person, then you can donate a massage brush, massage foot bath or other item.

In classical Chinese medicine, massage is a simple and productive method to maintain health for many years. A brush can be used to massage the head, and a foot bath can be used to improve circulation in the legs.

Gifts for children.

A New Year's present for children is obliged to express wishes to grow strong and smart. During the Chinese New Year, take some goodies with you to please the kids you meet.

If there are kids in the family, do not forget to prepare a set of classic red envelopes. Both family members and children will be happy that you understand their traditions.

You can make a nice present for the kids by visiting with school accessories, for example, attractive pencils, notebooks or a set of brushes (in case the kids are creative).
Books that coincide with the interests of children, for example, a reference book or essays by the famous world classics, can also be recommended as a presentation: this will be your ideal contribution to his future.

The toys of the highest quality will be a great present for your friends' child. For example, a Barbie doll for a little girl or a car with remote control for no bigger boy. Chess or other similar games will be an excellent gift for a child.
If you are very close to a Chinese surname, then you can buy a set of children's clothes as a present: it will be very practical.

What does not need to be presented in any way?

Any present - expensive or inexpensive, with or without meaning, is always a pleasure. However, the Chinese are very careful and selective in their choice of presentation. If you want to make a gift to a close friend from China, you need to carefully read the main taboos in order to exclude an uncomfortable situation and not spoil the solemn mood of both him and yourself. So, on the Chinese New Year, one should not give: gifts in the shape of an egg (the problem is that in Chinese the term "testicle" is used in many curses and for this reason is not a completely decent gift), weapons or imitation weapons watches ( the term "clock" (in Chinese "zhong") in Chinese is very similar in sound to the word "death"), snow-white or yellowish flowers, since these colors are the colors of mourning, the Chinese usually bring them to the cemetery. Remember these tips so you don't look ridiculous.

So, take advantage of this article, pick the right gifts for each person for the Chinese New Year, and enjoy this wonderful holiday.