When the child should gag. At how many months the child begins to speak ASU. I agree to walk when I'm in the mood

There are many more joys in parenting than fears and troubles. Perhaps parental life with a baby has become much more difficult - sleepless nights and days of anxiety for a very fragile baby have affected. But all bad memories and sadness disappear instantly when the child starts babbling. The first sounds that the baby utters in an attempt to interact with the world delight and touch all relatives, acquaintances and friends in the neighborhood, turning into an event of paramount importance.

What is humming?

But the process is actually very important. The pre-speech period of a child is called humming; before it, only a cry is available to the baby. And believe me, if the baby has already found this pleasant alternative to screaming and began to gurgle, it will not stop even babbling, and then full-fledged speech.

We do not remember our infancy, and therefore we cannot imagine how difficult speech is for a child. What seems to us elementary, the infant perceives as an endless set of sounds, hardly amenable to any sort of systematization. The only thing that the newborn catches unmistakably is intonation.

Stages of development of the infant's speech:

You cannot influence this process in any way. It begins inevitably in all babies, and in all countries and cultures, babies begin their learning of speech with the same sounds. This is quite simple to explain - children choose the simplest vowel sounds that are often found in the speech of adults, which are easy to repeat. Toddlers usually genuinely enjoy their babbling, and the babbling time often coincides with when the child begins to smile.

Everything has its time

So when should your little one start walking? In fact, the clear onset period is rather blurry and it is difficult to say at how many months the child begins to make such primary sounds. First of all, don't panic. If your child does not gurgle at 3 months, there is cause for concern, but small - the individual development of each child allows for such cases.

It is worth worrying seriously starting from 4 months - during this period, the child must learn to gag. If this does not happen, there is a great chance of getting a violation of speech development, the child will not move on to the next stage - he will not babble, put sounds into syllables and speak, naturally. Komarovsky, for example, advised not to touch children at all up to three months, only indirectly helping the baby to begin acquaintance with speech.

Observe the child's smiles. Emotions of the baby are normal, because this is not a month-old baby who can only signal his needs with a cry. When the child starts to gurgle, see if he makes sense of it. It would be foolish to require such communication from a three-month-old, but a baby at 4 months is quite capable of gagging meaningfully - this is how he expresses his emotions, or simply imitates the behavior and communication of adults.

When children start to gag, many parents rush things and think that the child is already on the way to real speech. Yes, he is on the way, of course, but he is still very far away - it will take more than one month before the child starts trying to form syllables, and he will begin to speak no less than at 2-3 years old.

The gender of the baby is also important. Remember that early girls develop much faster than boys. If your little one started babbling and smiled earlier than her boy-peer by several weeks, this is not surprising - this is how our development in infancy works. Therefore, parents of girls should be especially wary if the baby does not try to pronounce sounds - the likelihood of a problem is slightly greater.

If you want to see personal examples of other parents and find out how many months other people's babies begin to gag, watch thematic videos - happy parents lay them out in bundles.

What if the baby does not gurgle?

It is possible that he needs an examination by a speech therapist. He will not be able to teach the baby anything while he is at such a small age, but he must diagnose a possible problem. But this is an extreme case, you can quite figure it out yourself. First, think about whether your child stopped walking or did not know how to do it at all?

If the baby has already started to walk, but has stopped, you can not think about the reason. The kid could be distracted by something, he could experience some event (too happy or sad), and for a while “forget” about his newly acquired ability. Remind him of this - make light vowel sounds while playing with the child or just being around, show that you are addressing him.

Do not think about why the child stopped gagging - if your baby is healthy, cheerful and smiling, then there are no developmental abnormalities, just be patient and wait.

It's another matter if you, armed with the knowledge of when the child starts to walk and gag, waited up to 4-5 months, but nothing happened, then you can not hide suspicions that have already begun to appear. Remember how you and those around you behave next to the baby - are there any loud frightening sounds, swearing, constant muttering in raised tones around him?

The kid is guided exclusively by positive moods when he starts to walk, because negative intonations and screaming can scare him. The same effect can be if the child lacks examples of living human speech around. If you do not talk with the child, do not play with him, but leave toys and the TV in charge, then it does not matter at what age he should start to walk according to the rules - he simply has nowhere to get experience. When a baby begins to make such sounds, he hopes first of all for communication with adults in their way, as it seems to him - do not disappoint him and support him.

How to teach a child to gag if he could not himself?

Practice only. All these pre-speech instincts are very deeply embedded in us, do not be afraid to awaken them. The kid will happily imitate you, no matter what you do - this is his "program" of behavior until the age of three. Make similar sounds, encourage him with laughter and a smile, turn the process into a fun game - it's not at all difficult when the baby is so small.

Ask your parents or other older relatives who taught you and how. The older generation can be suspicious, but they have invaluable experience in solving problems on their own, which we sometimes lack.

In the event that it is already the fifth month, and your child still does not show signs of at least meaningless speech, you should definitely contact a pediatrician and speech therapist. They will be able to correctly identify a development error and, most importantly, correct it correctly.

In infancy, speech disorders are remediable in almost all cases, so the reason for panic is doubtful. The main thing is not to let this issue go adrift, hoping that the baby will figure it out on his own.


Talk to your baby! Yes, he will not understand you, but he distinguishes intonation, warmth and joy in his voice very well, as well as opposite emotions. Surround him with a pleasant speech, show that you are much more pleased with babbling than screaming, and the child will certainly want to try.

Do not be afraid to show it clearly - the instinct to copy the behavior of your parents will play into your hands. Involve grandmothers, grandfathers, any relatives and friends who communicate with the baby in the training - he will remember everyone and from everyone he will take some sound or a reason why he wants to communicate like that.

Monitor the development of your child specifically and do not look back at other people's babies in an attempt to understand what time the children start gagging - they are all different personalities even at such a young age.

Young parents tenderly bent over the bed, admiring their newborn baby. He's so defenseless now. A long and interesting learning process lies ahead. And you will be able to help him in this, sharing the joy of the successes achieved.

What mommy doesn’t dream of hearing from her little man the long-awaited word “mom” as soon as possible. But before that happens, parents will enjoy other, equally beautiful sounds. It is about the time when the baby starts to gurgle.

Who would you like to talk to?

By the end of the first month, at the beginning of the second, you can hear how newborn babies are trying to make their first sounds. The child draws out the vowels "a", "o", "y", "e". Adults, on the other hand, perceive sounds such as "agu" by ear.

First, the baby listens to himself, as if talking to himself. Over time, humming takes on a form of communication with parents. The baby is trying to conduct a dialogue in "his own language." At this time, babies are already receptive to music, and if they like the melody, they try to sing along using familiar vowels.

By the fifth month of life, the toddler is actively developing its speech abilities, and the mother can hear individual syllables, in which consonants are also present. It is impossible to watch the babbling of children without a smile, especially when the "talkative" children are chirping incessantly.

The baby begins to aguk at the age of 1-2 months

Having reached the first year of life, many babies have a few simple words in their vocabulary. They are usually related to the basic physical and emotional needs of the child. With the help of words such as "mom", "dad", "give", "na", "I want", you can express your desires much more accurately than with crying.

How to help your child start humming, then talking

You don't have to make a lot of effort to do this. The ability to hum as a process of forming speech is inherent in the child at the DNA level. Even deaf and dumb children are able to walk. However, there are guidelines to speed up this process.

Chat with your baby

Speak all your actions when you swaddle the baby, bathe him or feed him. You will notice with what attention the baby listens to your words. After all, an affectionate, calm voice plays an important role in the psychoemotional development of a child. Avoid lisping, it won't do you any good.

Reception of repetition

Repeating after adults is one of the favorite activities of children. Play with your baby in a conversation on the topic "agu", while adding new, simple sounds.

Finger games, massage

You can lightly stroke your palms, and knead your fingers in turn. It is universally recognized that by developing fine motor skills of the hands, especially the fingertips, the development of the speech centers of the brain is stimulated.

Children really like finger games. Such classes help to expand vocabulary, and if you hum rhymes, you develop an ear for music. The most famous finger games are familiar to us from childhood: "Magpie", "Ladushki", "Orange".

Finger games help your child develop

If the baby is stubbornly silent

Don't worry if your baby hasn't started gurgling by the second month. Remember that every baby is an individual that cannot be adjusted to the generally accepted framework. This is not necessarily a deviation, but rather a feature of your baby. So be patient and wait.

If the silence is long enough (more than 7-8 months), consult your pediatrician. The reason may be related to hearing impairment, or it may be neurological in nature. In this case, the pediatrician will refer you to the necessary specialist for examination.

It happens that children start to gurgle, and then stop. This may be due to fear or not feeling well. But most likely, the baby is just comprehending new speech skills and will soon surprise you with squeaks or mischievous infectious laughter.

As we learned, gagging is an important stage in speech development. Children around the world are walking in a very similar way, and only by the second half of their life the sounds of their native language begin to take on a certain form in the mouth of a baby.

Enjoy these moments. Capture them on video devices. After all, the memories of the first achievements of your baby will eventually be as pleasant to you as they are now.

The appearance of the first sounds uttered by a baby always evokes emotion, and many parents are waiting for this moment. At the same time, adults often find it difficult to say when a child starts gagging and trying to walk. There are ways to speed up the appearance of the first sounds from the crumbs, and you should know what may be the reason for contacting a speech therapist.

The first sounds spoken by a baby for adults are heard as "agu". For many, the concepts of gurgling and humming are equivalent, which is not entirely correct. At the stage of the appearance of the first sounds, small children are characterized by a guttural pronunciation, in which the letters "a" and "y" are present. The repetition of such vowels is gaggle and is the simplest form of infant speech. Gulenie belongs to the category of more complex pronunciation of sounds, in which consonants are added, and the child learns to speak to himself.

When does the baby start to gurgle?

What time children first gain the ability to gurgle depends on many factors. The main ones include the state of health of the baby, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the degree of communication between the child and adults.

The number of months that will pass before the appearance of lucid sounds depends on the individual characteristics of the baby.


The first unconsciously pronounced sounds can be heard as early as 1.5 months.

Deliberately and deliberately

The baby shows good pronunciation of sounds from 12 weeks. Moreover, he can do it on his own, even without an interlocutor in the form of an adult.

When a premature baby starts babbling

At what age a baby born earlier will begin to babble depends on many factors, including the degree of prematurity. Children with the 1st degree begin to say "agu" at the 2nd or 3rd month, with the 2nd and 3rd this period is shifted to 5 months.

What to do if the baby stops humming

At 4 months, babies walk with the use of palatine sounds in speech. Many parents start to worry in a situation where an actively speaking baby suddenly stops doing it. At 3 and 4 months, this can indicate both the norm and the presence of a problem. Many crumbs stop walking around in preparation for the pronunciation of new letters. Stress or illness can lead to a situation of refusal to speak.

What to do if the baby is stubbornly silent

In a situation of persistent silence, it is important to get expert advice and eliminate the risk of health problems. The baby should be provided with the proper level of comfort. A happy and well-fed child with no health or care issues will soon start walking again.

It is required to devote a lot of time to communication with the child, accompanying all actions performed with him with speech, nursery rhymes, songs. The kid understands perfectly well that adults communicate at such a moment with him and will strive to give a response.

How to determine that the baby hears and understands you, but is silent

Often babies are reluctant to communicate when they feel unwell. Lack of attention to the activities carried out by adults may be due to the fact that the infant is tired. It is possible to understand about the presence of problems with hearing and concentration by conducting a simple test.

With normal development, the following reactions should be observed:

  • with harsh sounds, the baby shudders;
  • a month-old baby turns his head towards the sound source that is behind him;
  • a four-month-old baby reacts by moving his head towards a toy sounding near him.

When communicating with an adult, the kid actively helps himself, moving his legs and arms. When communicating with an adult, he expresses a complex of revitalization, emotions can cause squealing and laughter.

How to make your baby talk?

The secret of the early onset of the appearance of speech in an infant lies in the quality of his communication with his parents.

Communicate more with the baby

With a three-month-old baby, during the waking period, it is required to organize games with the simplest toys - bells, bells. During this period, the baby is able to maintain attention for 1-3 minutes. Speech should sound not only at the time of the game; when putting on a diaper, washing and other procedures, one should not exclude the sound of speech. When speaking, the tone should be gentle and cheerful. From 3 months it is worth using the possibilities of emotional communication:

  • make communication mutual;
  • try to repeat the syllables pronounced by the baby;
  • experiment with facial expressions and facial expressions;
  • change intonation, rhythm, pronunciation of sounds.

When talking, it is important to show the baby the possibilities of articulation, to allow him to observe the mouth at the moment the sound is pronounced.

Add vowels

From the age of 4 months with the child, they play the so-called imitation game. When the baby pronounces the syllable, you should continue and pronounce the full word. As a result, instead of "ba" you get "baba" and other simple words. First, you should stimulate the baby, repeat the most frequently pronounced and successful syllables after him, so the child will understand that they are communicating with him. In the future, he will begin to imitate the adult himself, trying to repeat the spoken sound after him.

Massage of the palms of a newborn

There are a large number of points on the palms, through the influence of which they develop fine motor skills and speech of the child. To do this, you need to regularly use:

  • massage strokes;
  • massaging the surface of the palms;
  • flexion of the fingers;
  • use of toys with different textures, play mat.

It is useful to play finger games with toddlers. The well-known "okay", "magpie", "falling asleep fingers" perfectly develop the baby, who eventually learns to imitate an adult.

Speech games for baby

Regular communication with your baby, combined with the development of fine motor skills, will allow the baby to speak faster. It is recommended to use the following speech games:

  • singing accompanied by expressions of emotion;
  • onomatopoeia, the use of toys with musical effects;
  • complementing words spoken by tiny sounds.

Nursery rhymes and counting rhymes come to the aid of parents, which train babies' speech activity and the ability to memorize words, carried out during their pronunciation of actions.

When to contact a speech therapist

A prolonged absence of humming should alert parents. A sudden cessation of the pronunciation of sounds and their absence in the baby for several days requires an appeal to a speech therapist. You should consult a specialist in the following cases:

  • the child was 4 months old, but no gurgle occurred;
  • the baby makes abrupt sounds that have no resemblance to cooing;
  • a squeal breaks out when the sounds are pronounced;
  • the baby does not show a desire to communicate with adults in the process of humming.

Hearing loss problems may not be related to the field of speech therapy, so early detection of health problems increases the effectiveness of corrective actions.

Moms are often worried about the question "How many months is the baby ready for verbal communication?"

In the first month, the child does not hear sounds and speech addressed to him. Already at the age of 1.5 months, the baby folds sponges with a tube, unclenches them and makes vowel sounds. He pronounces them abruptly, in a chant, drawn out, combining them together or separately. Later, the labial sounds "m", "p", "b" are connected. From that moment on, it is believed that the little one began to walk.

The so-called "agu" arises from the device of the baby's speech apparatus and laryngeal sound pronunciation. When the toddler communicates, he listens to the sounds, as if "freezes", and then begins to intensively move both arms, legs and walk. A mother can stimulate the emergence of a "revitalization complex" if she invites the child to participate in the "conversation" in her benevolent tone, while stroking him at the same time.

How to encourage your baby to hum in the first months

Mom should understand that without her attention, the child will not be able to independently master the process of speech formation. No matter how many acquaintances advise not to disturb the child for 1 year, you should not listen to them. Yes, there is almost no free time throughout the year. But it is always worth talking to a baby, during the period of his wakefulness, starting from the first months. A few simple tips can help stimulate your baby's desire to communicate.

  1. Mom should affectionately address the baby during hygiene procedures, feeding, dressing, walking. After the baby reaches the age of 2 months, the mother accompanies all the baby's actions with simple onomatopoeia. It is necessary to actively encourage the humming of the toddler by adding new sounds. Later, the baby himself begins to imitate the adult, gesturing intensely, pronouncing his first "aga".
  2. After 2 months, it is recommended to show bright toys that emit melodic soft sounds, and when the child begins to gurgle, sing along softly.
  3. Don't mess with your baby. No matter how many emotions a child evokes, he must hear the correct speech of an adult for 1 year and for subsequent years.
  4. Stroking the palms and feet of the baby's legs stimulates the acupuncture points associated with the part of the brain that is responsible for the baby's speech from the first years.

Stages of speech formation in the first year of life

From 1.5 months

Mom begins to actively talk with the baby, responding to his "aga", thereby attracting his attention. Up to 4 months, children readily taste sounds and happily share them with others.

First half of the year

The child develops and develops speech hearing. He knows how to walk about his problems, using different shades of voice.

Second semester

Children know how not only to walk, but also to communicate using a combination of sounds, so at 7 months, the mother understands her baby well and responds to his requests. Babbling appears, which the child's mother encourages to repeat, making noisy sounds or using musical toys. Ringing toys for a 1 year old child should not be too loud and frightening.

End of 1 year

How many words a baby should speak is a purely individual concept. But children already understand the meanings of several dozen words, continue to walk and parents, finally, hear the first words of the child. By the end of 1 year, children develop independent speech. It usually consists of simple words. A kid of these years already consciously uses them in speech, begins to establish the simplest connections. During this period, each mother strives to teach her little one a long constructive dialogue.

The child does not walk. Looking for reasons

How long does it take after birth until the baby's 1 humming and when the baby begins to speak the first words, it is impossible to answer for sure. The process of speech development of a baby after 1 month is individual in nature, but the lack of desire to walk is a reason to show concern and attention. And the lack of speech for 1 year is a serious problem.

Reasons for delayed speech.

  1. The baby is not feeling well. Mom should remember that children walk and gurgle only when they are healthy and comfortable conditions are provided for them.
  2. Lack of attention from adults. Try not to react to the child's emotions 1-2 times and he will “forget” how to liven up and walk around for mom. When a child starts to walk, leave everything and become an active interlocutor for him.
  3. How much communication, so many smiles. The desire to walk is akin to our adult talking. When a gloomy interlocutor is nearby, any mood to communicate disappears, and the little one begins to be capricious. If the baby is silent for 2 months, it will most likely be assumed that the baby has neurological problems, or hearing impairment. After all, having once begun to "talk" with their parents, children will not stop pronouncing "agu" without good reason. In this case, you should seek the advice of a specialist and, after identifying the problem, continue teaching the baby to talk with even greater inspiration.

Play techniques to encourage the baby to hum

At the beginning of 1 year of life, parents begin situational communication with the baby, forgetting that it is possible to teach him to speak faster in the context of purposeful learning. To do this, you can use the following techniques.

  • Singing. When from an early age the baby hears melodic singing during motion sickness, he himself tries to sing along with his mother, using a simple vocabulary from sounds.
  • Onomatopoeia. Children enjoy imitating animals when they see and hear them.
  • Word completion. The kid can be taught to speak the word completely by adding the missing syllable to his speech. For many years our grandmothers added the syllable “ba” to the baby's “ba” for 1 year. It turned out to be "baba".
  • Game techniques. Children of the first year love to play "Okay, okay", "Finger wants to sleep", "Magpie-crow". They begin to play with their fingers, sometimes accompanying their actions with the pronunciation of "agu". Children of many generations played these games when it was necessary to induce them to say the first "aha".
  • Nursery rhymes and sayings, rhymes and jokes while washing, feeding and dressing. Children listen to them with pleasure at 2 months and 2 years of age. These techniques are very convenient when it is necessary to consolidate skills without causing a protest from the baby. The artistic word forms the emotionality of speech from an early age.


And finally, the wisdom of life. If a child turns 2 months old, and parents ask when to start teaching their baby to speak, you should know that they are exactly 2 months late. Painstaking work with the baby, for 1 year, will reward the mother with his first "aha" and a beautiful speech for the next years.

There are a huge number of languages ​​and dialects in the world, but for newborns this does not matter in the least. Without exception, all children begin their speech learning with the same sounds and it does not matter what nationality they belong to.

All these sounds are well known to everyone who had the good fortune to raise a small child. First of all, these are vowels: "a", "o", "y", "e" and the so-called labial sounds, which are closest to the mechanism of sucking: "m", "p", "b". They will later become the basis for pronouncing the first few words, which, by the way, will be very similar in many languages: mom, dad, baba ...

What time the child hums and starts babbling

But the first words are still far away, first the child needs to master the pronunciation of all these sounds. What he does in the first months of his life. More precisely, from about 2 months, the child begins to walk, in other words, "play" with vowels. And after a very short time, he already starts babbling with ease, that is, pronouncing the first syllables.

Please note that experts have proven that a child walks and babbles when he is in a good mood. And what does a baby need for this? Correctly, that he was full, clean and his mother was nearby. Compliance with these simple conditions creates excellent opportunities for. You just have to help him a little.

To do this, starting from 2 months, when the child begins to walk, try to support him in every possible way in this. How? It's very simple - pronounce the same sounds as he did: "wa-wa-wa", "wo-wo-wo", etc.

Moreover, try not only to support his humming, but to provoke him, for example, make the same sounds, being near the baby, even when he is silent. Just a few such workouts and he will start repeating after you. By the way, this will be especially useful for those parents whose child walks little or has stopped walking altogether.