The skin around the eyes: how to get rid of "crow's feet. How to get rid of "crow's feet" around the eyes: massage and homemade masks for wrinkles around the eyes

I will consider the question of how to remove crow's feet around the eyes. Eyes are one of the first to show age. The skin around them is the most delicate and vulnerable area on the face. Here the first rays appear, the grooves-wrinkles that bring so much grief to the female representatives.

Cause of crow's feet

If you notice unsightly crow's feet near your eyes, hurry up to start a fight. After all, over time, they will only become more noticeable, and the foundation, which used to come to the rescue, will mercilessly add a couple of years to your real age.

To begin to deal with the problem, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Wrinkles around the eyes

Here are some possible conditions for the appearance of grooves (wrinkles) and other skin defects in the corners of the eyes:

  • mobile facial expressions;
  • applying oily face cream to the eyelids;
  • long-term use of allergenic or low-quality cosmetics;
  • squinting habit (poor vision, exposure to bright sunlight);
  • age-related changes;
  • inaccurate actions near the eyes (stretching, rubbing the skin in this area);
  • bad habits that adversely affect the skin (cigarettes, alcohol);
  • unbalanced diet;
  • constant stress;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • long work at the computer;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • long stay in a room with dry air;
  • lack of walks in the fresh air;
  • inadequate water intake.

Basic Rules

How to remove crow's feet around the eyes: prevention of wrinkles

If you want to delay the appearance of grooves, crow's feet and skin defects near the eyes (mimic wrinkles), then you should take up the prevention of these problems until the age of 26.

Here are some tips:

  • wash your face with cool water for better blood circulation;
  • use high-quality cosmetic products;
  • when removing makeup in the evening, take your time, try to be as careful as possible with the eyelids and corners of the eyes;
  • use moisturizers;
  • do not forget about the daily massage of the problem area;
  • try to squint less;
  • use a cream if your skin is easily exposed to cold;
  • keep sun exposure to a minimum;
  • avoid excessive dryness of the skin.

Cosmetic procedures

Beauty salons that provide cosmetic services are full of a variety of procedures aimed at eliminating skin defects.

In order to remove crow's feet from your eyes, the following services are offered:

  1. Contour plastic - a substance in a gel-like state is injected under the skin, it contains hyaluronic acid; this procedure helps to maintain elasticity, smooth out wrinkles within six months.
  2. Mesotherapy is an injection during which vitamins get under the skin in order to enhance the production of collagen in skin cells. Mesotherapy is carried out in courses of 6-10 procedures with breaks. The period between courses is determined individually according to the condition of the skin. Further, to maintain tone, one procedure every six months is enough.
  3. Botox injections are the fastest way to get rid of wrinkles, due to the even filling of the grooves under the skin.
  4. An alternative to injections to combat such a problem as crow's feet around the eyes is non-injection mesotherapy, based on the effects of microcurrents, which help substances penetrate deep into the skin.

Ways to get rid of wrinkles at home

If you are interested in how to forget about the existence of crow's feet without leaving home, then one of the best ways to improve blood circulation and lymph outflow is.

Due to its effect on the body, cosmetic procedures achieve the most striking effect, and special products applied to the skin of the face penetrate deeper and faster into the cells.

The main condition for effective massage is the regularity of the procedures.

Irregular execution will not bring you high results.

Here are some exercises:

  • slide your finger below the eyebrow line to the temple and return to its original place in the direction of the cheekbones;
  • draw a sign of infinity with your finger in the area around the eyes, drawing from one to the other, so that the center is on the bridge of the nose;
  • with gentle light movements with fingertips, make small pats and pressure on the eyelid area;
  • gently hold your index fingers on your eyelids and try to raise your eyebrows;
  • gently hold your index fingers on your eyelids and try to open your eyes;
  • lightly press your palms on your temples and then sharply move your hands away.

In second place after the massage is the use of a set of exercises that will help you restore the previous state of the eye muscles and help eliminate the first irritating wrinkles-rays:

  • make light pressure on the base and end of the eyebrow line (gently, passing from the outer to the inner eyelid);
  • raise your eyebrows with your fingertips, and then try to close your eyes;
  • pull (be careful not to overdo it) near the lower eyelid down, then towards the cheekbone, and then close your eyes.

When doing a set of exercises, remember that the skin around the eyes is very delicate and vulnerable, any sharp, pulling movement can harm it. Perform movements carefully, avoid strong pressure.

Cold comes to the aid of the skin. It is not for nothing that water exists in three states of aggregation, each of which benefits people.

If you are not lazy and start rubbing your face and neck with a small ice cube every morning, then after a week the reflection in the mirror will thank you. Your skin will look toned and delight you with a healthy color.

You can use for wiping, as ice made from water, and a decoction of chamomile, cornflower, green tea and parsley. Adding decoctions will not only help improve the effect, but also bring additional benefits. For example, ice with chamomile will have an antiseptic effect.

An excellent moisturizing procedure that can be safely used to prevent wrinkles near the eyes can be the use of cosmetic oils:

  1. Castor oil: has a rich composition, which includes vitamins A and E, linoleic, stearic, oleic, ricinoleic and palmitic acids. This composition protects the skin from the negative effects of the external environment. It should be used with great care, after cleansing the skin of the face of cosmetics and sebum, heat the oil and apply for 10-15 minutes. No need to leave the oil overnight.
  2. Almond oil: actively used in cosmetology. It perfectly helps to restore skin cells, contains vitamins A and B2. You can use it for the skin of the eyes in the same way as castor oil, as well as as part of cosmetic masks, for example, such as egg masks.
  3. Olive oil: one of the famous oils in terms of the amount of fatty acids it contains. Cleanse the skin before use. For this procedure, heat the oil, leave for 20 minutes, wipe off the remnants with a cotton pad.

Also, apricot, rose, peach and sea buckthorn oil, wheat germ oil will help to remove crow's feet around the eyes. After the procedures, you will feel that your skin is more elastic and toned, and the rate of wrinkles has significantly decreased, fine wrinkles will be eliminated.

Folk remedies to fight wrinkles

One of the most used and indispensable means of folk cosmetology is juice. The juice of the plant should be applied in a thin layer on the skin around the eyes and left for the whole day. If you do not have a plant at home, the juice can be replaced with a gel with its addition.

In the summer season, your helpers will be the leaves of the grass from the home garden - parsley. Take a medium-sized bunch of greens, wash it, cut it and lightly crush it so that the first juice appears. Then apply the gruel to the eyes (around) for 12-15 minutes.

Another savior for the eyes is tea. Brew a tea bag with hot water (just a couple of seconds) and immediately transfer to the freezer. 12 minutes in the freezer is enough. Then take out and apply the sachet to the area with crow's feet.

Potato is an express help for fine wrinkles. Grate it with gruel, pour in a couple of teaspoons of cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the area under the eyes. After 20 minutes, you can remove the mixture.

The strawberry berry mask works wonders. A variety of vitamins will nourish the skin and help prevent wrinkles around the eyes. Take 4 strawberries and one small spoon of honey, mix them and wrap them in cheesecloth. Apply gauze swabs to the eyelids and leave for a short time (about 20 minutes). Then remove the residue with a cotton sponge dipped in milk.

A mask of banana pieces will help reduce the appearance of a network of wrinkles near the eyes due to its nutritional value. Mash a banana and half an apricot, mix, add sour cream in a one to one ratio. Apply for 15 minutes.

Remember, the health of your skin is completely in your control. Do not be lazy, follow simple tips on how to remove crow's feet around the eyes, love yourself, and your appearance will not leave anyone indifferent. Health to you and good.

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. And the skin around the eyes is a reflection of your health and age.

Writer Margaret Hungerford once said the catchphrase: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." It is unlikely that she would attribute to the beautiful dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles, hernias or swelling under the eyes, which draw all the attention to themselves.

How to cope with all these problems and make your look seductive?

Dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles, which are also called bruises under the eyes, are stagnation of blood passing through the veins under the surface of the skin in the eye area. Bruises, as a rule, form on the lower eyelid, less often in the periorbital region. They are often caused by the following factors:

If the skin of the lower eyelids is very thin, and the capillaries and blood vessels are located close to the surface, they shine through the skin and create a kind of blue. It's just an anatomical feature that some people have.
- Changes in the form of blue and dark circles are often associated with chronic lack of sleep, exhaustion, fatigue, looseness of the nervous system.
- Dark circles under the eyes can indicate problems with the liver, kidneys, hormonal imbalance, indicate an endocrine problem, insufficient lymphatic and venous outflow.
- Circles under the eyes can be genetically determined. Typically, they appear in people with olive skin tone, which has a darker shade around the eyes. It looks like a bruise, although it is just a feature of pigmentation.

How to get rid of dark circles under the eyes at home

To correct bruises under the eyes, you need products that improve blood microcirculation, promote venous outflow - these are plant extracts, hyaluronic acid, collagen, amino acids. They are mainly found in gels, creams, roll-on serums, collagen patches and sheet masks.

To achieve a positive result and get rid of dark circles under the eyes, you need to get enough sleep, rest and walk more in the fresh air. Walking before bed is helpful.

If you have a problem with dark circles under the eyes, give up stimulant drinks for a while - no energy drinks and no caffeine!

Remember that such a cosmetic defect may hide serious disorders of some body functions. And this problem is best solved in the office of a general practitioner who will refer you for tests and prescribe medication.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes with the help of salon treatments

The cosmetologist can offer you procedures that also contribute to the rapid restoration of blood microcirculation.

Microcurrent therapy has a beneficial effect on capillaries and provides drainage.

Mesotherapy stimulates the outflow of excess fluid, reduces the size of blood vessels and the appearance of blue under the eyes.

Facial improves venous and lymph flow, relieves swelling of blood vessels translucent under the eyes.

The blood circulation is also improved by hardware techniques: ultrasound, vacuum, cryotherapy, a course of treatment sessions with an athermal laser.

Puffiness under the eyes

You can find them in the morning, looking at your reflection in the mirror, immediately remembering a lack of sleep for a week or a bottle of water drunk at night.

Edema indicates problems with fluid exchange in the body. It gathers just under the eyes, where the skin is thinnest. Although there are other reasons that affect the appearance of edema. To list them briefly, the most popular are:

Fatigue, lack of sleep.
- Food and water - more precisely, excessive consumption of salty foods, as well as water before bedtime.
- Violation of lymph flow in the orbital region can occur due to diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the sinuses. Selective swelling of the upper eyelid is a sign of possible disorders of the cardiovascular system or disorders of potassium metabolism.
- on cosmetics, cigarette smoke and other provocateurs causes swelling in the eye area.
- In adulthood, edema appears due to the formation of hernias. A hernia is nothing more than a displaced fatty tissue that accumulates water and creates the appearance of swelling.
- With age, the skin loses its elasticity, begins to sag, fills with fluid and edema appears.
- Edema may occur due to a hereditary defect in which the fat around the eyeballs protrudes due to weakened muscles.

How to remove swelling under the eyes at home

From folk remedies, rubbing with ice cubes made, for example, from calendula infusion, as well as contrasting compresses from sage decoction helps to quickly remove swelling.

Tea bags will help you out. Any tea is suitable: sleeping tea left from dinner, or freshly brewed, but cooled. Place tea bags under your eyes for 10 minutes, then remove.

If you do not want to see swelling under the eyes in the morning, 2 hours before bedtime, do not eat salty and spicy foods, as well as liquids.

Cosmetics that help to quickly remove swelling should improve blood microcirculation and drainage. These processes are facilitated by such components as vitamin C, centella asiatica, arnica, caffeine.

How to remove swelling under the eyes in the cabin

If the problem of puffiness bothers you constantly, first of all, you need to take tests to understand the cause of the problem. Aesthetic medicine is also in a hurry to help you and is ready to offer a whole menu for getting rid of edema:

A draining facial massage may help. Massage improves blood circulation, tissue nutrition and normalizes metabolism, and also helps to remove decay products through the pores. At least 10 sessions are recommended.

Microcurrent therapy can help. It promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, restores the tone of mimic muscles, provides lymphatic drainage, eliminates fluid stagnation in the subcutaneous tissues. The skin becomes elastic, the oval of the face becomes clear. Requires 7-9 sessions.

You can try to take a course of professional masks. Allows you to get rid of edema very quickly. effective due to the components included in the composition, removing excess fluid from under the skin.

Hernias under the eyes

Hernias look like a swollen space filled with fat, most often they form under the lower eyelid. The main reasons for their appearance are:

Age, since hernias under the eyes are usually one of the signs of age-related changes. Over time, the tone of the circular muscles of the face decreases, the thin skin of the eyelids becomes less elastic and sags. These factors lead to the fact that the subcutaneous fat begins to irreversibly sag and "squeeze out" under the lower eyelid. The result is ugly hernias.
- Regular use of low-quality cosmetics or cosmetics that are not intended for the skin around the eyes can also cause hernias. The thin and delicate skin around the eyes requires special care.
- One of the reasons for such hernias is congenital anatomical features. In this case, hernias begin to form by the age of 25.
- An unhealthy lifestyle, stress, unhealthy diet and bad habits also affect the appearance of hernias.

How to get rid of hernias under the eyes in the salon

If hernias have already appeared, no newfangled cosmetics, and even more so folk recipes, will not help here. The situation will be corrected by blepharoplasty (an operating technique that allows you to remove various imperfections in the eye area).

If hernias have not yet appeared, and you know that you are predisposed to them (for example, you observe a problem with your mother), or if they are at an early stage, a catastrophe can be prevented. The best way of treatment is prevention with the help of hardware cosmetology (myolifting, adapted radiofrequency method) or massage courses that need to be repeated twice a year. These procedures strengthen the muscles of the ligamentous apparatus, stimulating muscle tissue and metabolic processes in tissues, preventing hernias from forming and developing.

In some cases, when hernias are at the initial stage, it is possible to use injectable lipolytics - drugs that destroy fat cells.

Wrinkles in the eye area

The first "crow's feet" in the corners of the eyes and wrinkles under the eyes can appear at the age of 25. The main reasons for their appearance are:

Active expression. If you have thin eyelid skin (thickness less than a millimeter) and you have active facial expressions, you can get facial wrinkles as early as 25 years old.
- Insufficient hydration of the skin. The skin around the eyelids is very thin and has no sebaceous glands. The lipid protective barrier in this area is often broken due to improper care, weather factors, and stress. As a result, moisture from the deep layers of the skin quickly evaporates, the dermis dries out, and a fine network of wrinkles forms in this area.
- Violation of the synthesis and restoration of protein structures, deep dehydration of the skin are often provoked by the abuse of sunbathing and solarium. As a result, wrinkles in the eye area are not long in coming.
- With age, the tone and elasticity of collagen fibers in the area around the eyes decreases, this process increases the depth and number of wrinkles.

Eliminate wrinkles with home remedies

Starting from the age of 20, as part of prevention, products that build up and restore the protective barrier of the skin, as well as moisturize well, should settle on your dressing tables.

Choose products that contain aloe vera extract, hyaluronic acid, wheat germ oil, avocado or shea butter, vitamin F, peptide complexes (tetra- and tripeptides or biomimetic peptides). Such a composition can contain good creams, masks, patches, serums and gels.

Salon wrinkle treatments

To moisturize the skin in the eye area, biorevitalization and mesotherapy procedures are carried out in salons. Both methods are aimed at saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid or useful components that not only moisturize the skin, but also stimulate the synthesis of new collagen.

Botox (botulinum toxin preparations) is also used to correct the crow's feet zone, which relaxes the circular muscle of the eye, which leads to smoothing of wrinkles.

They tone muscles and restore skin tone and hardware techniques: microcurrent therapy, radio frequency laser. CO2 laser resurfacing allows you to smooth out even the deepest wrinkles.

Various chemical peels allow you to act more aggressively on the structure of the skin, stimulate active cellular metabolism and start the formation of collagen fibers. As a result, this procedure allows you to quickly smooth out wrinkles.

overhanging eyelid

The impending eyelid is most often not considered a problem by its owners - for example, actress Blake Lively, Lucy Liu or Camilla Belle do not suffer from this natural feature. The number of make-up workshops for the impending century is in the tens of thousands, and it turns out that it is very easy to camouflage it.

But cosmetologists call this feature a problem and advise getting rid of it. The main reasons that can cause the effect of an overhanging eyelid are:

Age-related weakening of the skin ligaments that connect to the muscles that lift the upper eyelid. The skin of the upper eyelids that has lost its elasticity stretches and sags. The weakening of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the upper eyelid leads to protrusion of the orbital tissue under the skin, that is, the formation of fatty hernias. Excess skin over the upper eyelids may be exacerbated by drooping of the eyebrows along with the skin of the forehead and tissues of the temporal region.
- An overhanging eyelid can be a natural feature given from birth. This is due to the individual structural features of the integumentary tissues of the face, in particular the muscles, subcutaneous tissue and skin in the eye area. In the future, if the impending eyelid begins to affect vision and disrupt vision, it is best to get rid of this problem.

Salon treatments against the impending century

It is possible to correct this defect with the help of upper eyelid plastic surgery - blepharoplasty.

If it is skin that has stretched with age (40-45 years), then the Thermage CPT procedure will help, radiofrequency thermolifting, which will compact and compress the stretched skin in three dimensions. It can be supplemented with a Fraxel fractional laser course.

At the initial stage, when the overhanging eyelid has just appeared, this process can be restrained by therapeutic methods and injections of botulinum toxin.

Redness and inflammation of the eyes

Have you been sitting at the computer for a long time, working without stopping? Then it is not surprising that in the evening you return home with red, inflamed eyes, like Dracula's. True, there are a number of reasons that contribute to the appearance of inflammation and redness in the eye area:

The wrong eye cream. Do not use creams with fatty nutritional bases, as well as with acids. Pick up a special cream for the area around the eyes, and to enhance the effect, perhaps a serum.
- Unprotected skin in windy and frosty weather. Before going outside, apply a cream for the area around the eyes at least an hour before, and nourishing on the rest of the skin of the face. In no case do not use moisturizers in frosty weather, this will aggravate the problem.
- Lack of sleep and fatigue. Recommendation - sleep at least 8-9 hours, walk in the fresh air and relax.
- It can also be an allergic reaction to the components of cosmetics or to any other allergens, a manifestation of infections (for example, conjunctivitis).

What can be done against redness of the eyes

First of all, try to change cosmetics and avoid contact with allergens.

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Crow's feet under the eyes (or, as they are also called, “sadies”) are small facial wrinkles that make the look sad and give out a woman's age. In search of the best way to deal with them, the fair sex is often spent on expensive creams and salon treatments. Unfortunately, the result does not always live up to expectations. You should not despair, you can defeat crow's feet around the eyes without leaving your home.

Many factors influence the appearance of mimic "sadness" around the eyes:

  1. Excessive dryness of the skin, which occurs against the background of insufficient fluid intake in the body.
  2. Bad habits, which, in addition to alcohol and smoking, include an unbalanced diet, improper sleep patterns, exposure to frequent stress, and the habit of squinting.
  3. Increased emotionality, accompanied by frequent contraction of the facial muscles.
  4. Inadequate and irregular care of the epidermis, allergy to decorative cosmetics.
  5. Endocrine, gastrointestinal pathologies that develop in the body chronically or are of an acute nature.
  6. Using an uncomfortable, overly high pillow during sleep, which leads to tension in the facial muscles.
  7. Passion for aggressive diets, fraught with sharp weight loss and, as a result, leading to the appearance of sagging skin.
  8. Exposure to aggressive external factors (sun, wind, frost, chlorine in the pool, etc.).

There is nothing wrong with “sadies”, they even suit some women. However, you still want the delicate skin to remain young, toned and beautiful longer.

Methods for dealing with crow's feet

Wanting to achieve beautiful skin, devoid of wrinkles around the eyes, women are ready to resort to any methods. Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of procedures that can be performed both at home and in professional salons.

Folk methods of dealing with crow's feet include self-massage, gymnastic exercises for the face, as well as applying nourishing and moisturizing masks. The latter are made on the basis of natural products, so the risk of negative reactions after their use is minimal, and consists only in individual hypersensitivity to the components.

You should not count on an instant effect, since traditional medicine helps gradually, after a full course of procedures.

Among the salon procedures that help from the “sadness”, injections of special preparations, contouring and blepharoplasty, and photorejuvenation can be distinguished. These methods are more aggressive, but at the same time, effective. The first results can be obtained within the first days after their use.

Folk recipes for dealing with crow's feet

Folk recipes for care masks, the action of which is aimed at combating mimic wrinkles around the eyes, are quite diverse. By applying them regularly, you can achieve good results. Delicate skin will become softer and more elastic, wrinkles will be smoothed out, the face will shine with youth.

Aloe mask

The amazing healing properties of the plant are familiar to everyone. Fresh agave juice perfectly tones and moisturizes the dermis, making it smooth and elastic. It is recommended to apply aloe on the skin under the eyes daily for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. Regular repetition of the procedure will remove crow's feet around the eyes.

Mask with essential oils

Natural essential oils will help get rid of crow's feet under the eyes. It is best to use almond, apricot, cocoa, jojoba, peach oils. 2-3 drops of vitamin E are added to 1 tablespoon of the product. You can apply the mask on the eyelids and the whole face.

Healing herbs

Is it possible to remove crow's feet under the eyes with the help of medicinal plants? Of course, yes - do not underestimate them. To prepare the mask, you need to purchase dry mint, calendula and burdock at the pharmacy. Put 1 tablespoon of plants in a glass jar and mix the mixture. Add 50 ml of olive oil there.

Next, the mixture should be allowed to brew for 2 to 3 days, after which the mask can be applied to the area around the eyes. It is recommended to do this daily for two weeks. A remedy with healing herbs will quickly help get rid of crow's feet around the eyes and tighten the skin of the entire face.

Egg mask #1

Raw protein is whipped until foam appears, 2 drops of castor oil are added to it. The mass is applied to the area around the eyes 3 times a week, each time for 10-15 minutes. After it is washed off with warm water.

Egg mask №2

A tablespoon of liquid honey is added to 1 egg white. The mass is thoroughly mixed, after which it is applied to the area around the eyes with a thin layer, the remainder is distributed over the face. Such a tool will help not only remove crow's feet around the eyes, but also even out skin tone, improve its general condition.

Potato mask

One raw potato is rubbed on a fine grater. 2 tablespoons of heavy cream are added to the resulting mass and mixed thoroughly. In the fight against crow's feet, the mask gives an amazing effect. In addition, it can be spread over the entire face to even out skin tone and improve skin elasticity.

Crow's feet massage

To remove ugly wrinkles in the area around the eyes, you can resort to self-massage. In addition to the main purpose, it shows high efficiency in maintaining skin elasticity and tightening contours.

Regular facial massage contributes to:

  • activation of metabolic processes in tissues and skin cells;
  • normalization of lymph and blood flow;
  • better saturation of the skin layers with oxygen, nutrients;
  • strengthening the facial muscles of the face;
  • increased synthesis of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the dermis;
  • removing excess fluid and preventing the appearance of edema.

The technique of self-massage of the face is simple. It is recommended to carry out the procedure an hour or two before bedtime, after the implementation of daily hygiene procedures. To obtain the best effect and prevent excessive stretching of the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the hands and face with massage oil or any softening cream before starting manipulations.

It is desirable to carry out the first procedures in front of a mirror; after mastering the technique, this condition can be abandoned.

  1. Closing your eyes, rub the upper eyelids with fingertips with light movements.
  2. We conduct massage, tapping the contour of the eyes, along the upper line of the eyelids. At the same time, we move from the inner corners to the outer ones.
  3. We repeat the same exercise, but from the outer edge to the inner.
  4. Treats the area around the eyes with light tweaks.
  5. We complete the manipulation with soft, without pressure, stroking.

Self-massage of the area around the eyes for every day

To increase the effectiveness of home care procedures, it is recommended to perform them in a complex. So, after the massage, you can begin to conduct special exercises.

  1. Take a plain white sheet of paper. A green dot is drawn in the middle. Now the sheet needs to be taken away from you by about 1.5 meters. At this distance, 10 seconds to stare at a point. Then the sheet moves closer and closer, while the gaze should remain concentrated on the point.
  2. You need to close your eyes as tightly as possible and hold out for 15 to 20 seconds. Then we open our eyes and look up. The muscles must be relaxed. In this position, you need to hold out for another 15 - 20 seconds.
  3. Rotate the eyes clockwise (30 seconds), then another 30 seconds counterclockwise.

Despite the seeming simplicity, the exercises show excellent results. Giving them up to 10 minutes a day, you can achieve normalization of blood circulation, which leads to an increase in firmness and elasticity of the skin.

Salon treatments for crow's feet

Salon procedures designed to rejuvenate the skin around the eyes are most effective for older women (after 40-50 years). With their help, you can effectively get rid of the problem in a short time. But due to the high risk of adverse reactions, it is recommended that they be agreed with the attending physician, and the cosmetology salon should be chosen with great care.

Modern salon procedures for crow's feet include:

  • Application of masks based on hyaluronic acid and collagen to the problem area. The use of peels, even the most gentle, on such a delicate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is not desirable.
  • The use of mesotherapy. The procedure consists in subcutaneous administration by means of injections of preparations with a collagen or hyaluronic base.
  • Contour plastic. Wrinkles are eliminated by filling the tissues with fluids with high biological activity.
  • Photorejuvenation procedures. "Crow's feet" are treated with a special apparatus with a laser beam.
  • Blepharoplasty. The skin of the eyelids is subjected to surgical treatment, as a result of which it becomes taut and smooth.

Also, beauty salons provide professional massage services that improve blood circulation, supplying problem areas with oxygen and nutrients.

Prevention of crow's feet

In order to prevent the appearance of crow's feet and other mimic wrinkles, professionals advise paying full attention to the skin of the face, starting from the age of twenty. After 25 years, the use of care products and techniques is indispensable at all. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is dangerous to apply excessively aggressive cosmetics, since they can lead to serous consequences.

To prevent the formation of "sadness" it is enough to follow these recommendations:

  • Do not rub the skin around the eyes, including when washing.
  • Use only mild make-up removers, applying them to a cotton sponge, and then rinsing with warm water with gentle movements.
  • Along with the usual face cream, use special products for the skin around the eyes.
  • Balance your diet by including foods that help get rid of wrinkles. These include apricots, tomatoes, peaches, spinach, juices from apples, carrots, oranges.
  • Drink enough clean water daily.
  • Spend enough time at night.
  • If your vision deteriorates, take care to purchase glasses.
  • Give up bad habits (squinting, uncontrolled drinking, smoking).
  • Try to avoid stressful situations and spend time outdoors.

The so-called "crow's feet" under the eyes appear in women at a young age. Over time, they become deeper and more noticeable, and therefore, almost all the fair sex, having reached the age of 30, begin to wonder: how to remove crow's feet under the eyes and can this be done at all? Of course you can. But before we tell you how to do it, let's talk about why these wrinkles appear.

Mimic wrinkles crow's feet appear as a result of:

  1. Lack of sleep. If you do not sleep well and do not get enough sleep, it is bad for the whole body as a whole. Lack of sleep for the body is stress, and it affects all processes, including those that occur at the cellular level. As a result of their violation, the skin does not receive proper nutrition and hydration, it becomes dry and flabby. The result is the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Cosmetics. Women always want to look chic, and therefore most of them do not even go to the grocery store without makeup. But the composition of cosmetics contains a huge amount of chemicals that block the pores, thereby preventing the penetration of oxygen to the cells, and lead to disruption of metabolic processes.
  3. Crow's feet wrinkles around the eyes can also form as a result of excessive facial expressions. If you often laugh or squint your eyes, then small grooves appear on the skin over time.
  4. Sudden weight loss. If you sit on and lose a lot of extra pounds in a short time, this can also cause crow's feet. The thing is that with a sharp weight loss, the skin does not have time to tighten and sag, as a result of which it becomes wrinkled and flabby.
  5. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body can also cause premature aging of the skin and the appearance of crow's feet near the eyes. In this case, acceptance is required. But they should be taken only after prior consultation with a doctor.
  6. Lack of fluid in the body. Skin cells constantly need moisture. If you don’t drink enough water, then your cells simply begin to dry out, which is why wrinkles appear. Remember to keep your skin young and taut for many years, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

And before using the means that will help remove crow's feet on the face, you need to establish the exact cause of their appearance and, if possible, eliminate it.

Modern methods of eliminating crow's feet near the eyes

How to remove crow's feet around the eyes? You can seek help from modern cosmetology. She offers a lot of tools to help solve this problem. For example:

  1. Botox. This is the most common facial wrinkle removal procedure. Botox injections are injected under the skin. They help to relax the muscles and moisturize the cells, as a result of which the wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it is quite painful.
  2. Microcurrent. This is a modern hardware procedure for facial rejuvenation, which involves the impact on the lower layers of the epidermis of microcurrent, which provokes contraction / relaxation of the muscles of the face and activates the processes of regeneration of the skin.
  3. Laser resurfacing of the face. During this procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed, which leads to the launch of regenerating processes and cell division. As a result of this effect, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine also tells us how to remove crow's feet under the eyes. In the fight against facial wrinkles, she suggests that we use the following tools:

Now you know how to remove crow's feet under the eyes. Which of these methods to use, modern or folk, is up to you. It remains for us to wish you good luck in your difficult work and always remain beautiful and young!

Video with a recipe for a crow's feet mask

cosmetologist, founder of the Sculpture Face self-massage school, certified specialist in shiatsu acupressure, non-surgical facelift and taping

“Repeat this set of exercises twice a day (morning and evening), and in two weeks the first noticeable results will appear. And after 21 days of regular massage, the muscles will remember the algorithm for proper work and fix the desired shape. But to throw the procedure after that is still impossible. You have to keep practicing and keep up the good work. It will not be difficult, because after a few days of training, facial massage will become a pleasant habit for you, which brings not only benefits, but also pleasure.

Exercise number 1

Place your index and middle fingers on the upper part of the cheekbone exactly in the middle and press the point. Then, with a smooth movement, move your fingers to the lacrimal canal and hold pressure on this point for a few seconds. Then move your fingers to the middle of the eyebrow and also press firmly on the point. Gradually accelerate and repeat the circular motion 10 times.


Exercise number 2

The ancient Chinese Shiatsu massage technique appeared 5 thousand years ago, but is still very popular and effective. With its help, you can relieve tension from the muscles, stimulate their proper work and shape. For the area around the eyes in Shiatsu massage, there are several key exercises during which certain points are affected.

First point

Place your index, middle and ring fingers on your eyebrow. Thus, the middle one will be in the center of the eyebrow or a little closer to its beginning - you should feel for a small depression. Press with all fingers on the eyebrow and hold for 7 seconds. This exercise will help prevent sagging skin and prevent the eyelid from drooping.

Second point

This exercise will replace a dozen different creams and serums to combat the first crow's feet. Place your index finger on the outer corner of the eye and press on the point for 7 seconds. Try to seem to push up a little, but do not stretch the skin.

Third point

Now place your thumbs at the inner corners of your eyes. Without moving the skin, press on the points for 7 seconds. This exercise relieves swelling and swelling from the eyelids, relieves tension and improves vision.

fourth point

It is best to complete the work with the area around the eyes in this way - spread your fingers first along the edges of the upper, and then along the edges of the lower eye socket. But don't touch the eyeballs. Hold the pressure also for 7 seconds. This exercise helps the skin around the eyelids stay taut, reducing sagging and wrinkling.

We thank the Sculptural Face self-massage school for their help in preparing the material.