Paint for hair headlight palette colors. Hair cosmetics from brand headlight fare Natural blond

Each girl wants to look stylish and attractive. That is why fashionista is always experimenting with their own style, changing. One of the popular tools that help solve this task is Fara. Through this product, you can paint strands, completely changing your appearance.

The main types and features of the face of hair headlight

All dyes are divided into several categories - chemical and physical. There are also natural means. Currently, the Fara brand offers the two first varieties. Physical dyes include means that do not include ammonia, and balms for creating beautiful shades. Chemical compounds include cream paints and mousses.

There is no ammonia in the brand balm, but it gives a persistent result. Even after the sixth wash, the scalp does not lose its saturation.

Another advantage is the pricing policy of the company. This tool can buy every girl.

However, it is important to take into account that such balsam is strong. To prevent such a result, the curls are treated with nutritional masks. In addition, moisturizing compositions are suitable.

Farma's hair paint also has a lot of advantages. With its creation, new technologies were used, which ensures deep penetration of pigment into the structure of strands. In addition, the remedy does not destroy the structure of the hair. Thanks to the application of the composition, it will be possible to get a great result.

To give curls a healthy look, you should use proteins of wheat. Protecting strands from stress will help oil jojoba, wine extract and aloe. At the same time, the paint does not suit the owners of brittle strands. You should not use the tool and sensitive skin girls.

To get an excellent result, before painting it is worth familiar with the instruction. Before applying, it is recommended to do tolerability test. This procedure will take literally a quarter of an hour. At the same time, you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

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Color palette: blonde, ash, black, milk chocolate, red classic, chestnut, brown

This means is striking by its diversity. With this composition, it is easy to get a rich shade and look at the same way as possible.

  • Fara Classic;
  • Fara Natural Color.

These funds provide a stable result. However, in each of them is ammonia. The Fara Classic also has natural components - argan oil and wheat proteins.

Headlight contains quite bright colors. Girls can choose different tones. To them, cherry, ruby, etc. Blind-haired beauties can afford white gold or golden-blonde color. Golden-chestnut or dark brown tone suitable brunettes.

I paint the headache for many years. Previously, the girlfriend asked, then the very beginning to get. There are no subtleties, I do everything according to the instructions for the paint and always get a great result. Hair after staining is alive, color is obtained saturated and uniform. But most importantly, it is not flushed for a long time. In general, the spotlight from me is a solid five.

I have a light tone of the hair and I paint into the ashes shade at the headlight. Only this paint does not turn from ash in yellowness. Forgive paints tried to paint hair into the ash and a week later, the redhead appeared. The headlight is also not injured, I like it very much.

Painted the headlight Classic 3 weeks ago. Honestly, under the strongest positive impression of this paint. To date, this is the best result of staining. Previously, the paint was not delayed for more than a week, and the headlights and the color retained and shine. Now I will buy only her.

My girlfriend always painted hair painted. When I started the floor, I also bought it. It turned out and was amazed how everything is still the hair begins when their paint is painted. I also liked that the hair became softer and obedient. Well, gray headlight clasik perfectly paints and does not wash off for a long time.

I buy tint balms when I want to change the image a little and then go out without problems. The last three times took Fara. I tried the shade of "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "red tree". If after the paint such shades only wash can be removed, then the scene of the balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that hair after it is not painted clothes and bed linen, on ... I buy tint balms when I want to change the image a little and then go out without problems. The last three times took Fara. I tried the shade of "dark ruby", "wild cherry" and "red tree". If after the paint such shades only wash can be removed, then the scene of the balm itself was washed off within two weeks. I like that the hair after it does not paint clothes and bed linen, standing on the hair. Does not spoil the hair, does not dry, the price is available. I just liked everything. Therefore, from me, the headlight is deserved 5 stars.

The first time painted with a spotlight, I liked the color on the package and decided to try. Not disappointing definitely, I was tuned to the result worse, but he surpassed my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is alive, shiny and silky, they were not close to staining. Two weeks have passed, and the color is still bright and saturated, my old paint to ... The first time painted with a spotlight, I liked the color on the package and decided to try. Not disappointing definitely, I was tuned to the result worse, but he surpassed my expectations. The color is really like on the package, the hair is alive, shiny and silky, they were not close to staining. Two weeks have passed, and the color holds and still bright and rich, my old paint by this time was already washed away. Can I advise Faro Classic - Definitely yes!

In general, the paint is good. It tastes well, the hair color is alive, bright and natural. Color I get the most approximately approached on the box. The paint does not spoil the hair and does not take them. I really like the headlight Classic, I will advise it to everyone.

The headlight Classic is very resistant paint. Not one paint on my hair does not hold so much as the headlight. And they like their shades. Such bright always and natural. I love chestnut shades at the headlight. Well, according to the cost, it is not very expensive, this is also a plus.

Three years painting the classic headlash. I am all satisfied with the paint resistant, looks well with the hair. Hair after color is easily combed and overflow. And at the cost of me this paint suits me. From the paints for home use the headlight is the best.

Literally a week ago, Fara Classic painted. She took the color of 509a (grenade). In real life, the tone turned out one to one as on the package. The result is more than satisfied. The headlight has a good cream texture, it is convenient to apply it, I coped yourself. Projas came out the monophonic, smooth. Hair smooth and shiny. Received what she was striving for.

I got acquainted with the paint headlight even in student times. There was no money then on hiking to the salon, but for expensive paint, so I chose an option in my finances. Paint liked, persistent, well passed the color, so I did not change it for a long time. Over time, the diversity wanted, I tried to paint with different colors, from different firms, Masmarket and which ... I got acquainted with the paint headlight even in student times. There was no money then on hiking to the salon, but for expensive paint, so I chose an option in my finances. Paint liked, persistent, well passed the color, so I did not change it for a long time. Over time, a diversity wanted, I tried to paint with different colors, from different firms, the Masmarket and which were positioned as professional and realized that there was no difference, except for a wallet. And again returned to the spotlight. My favorite color tone 502a "Dark-Ruby", it is bright, rich, alive. And they say that he really goes.

I have never paid attention to this paint. But one day my girlfriend advised me and I bought it. The shade was not difficult to choose a very large selection. I stopped on the line of Fara Claxik. After the color, I realized that really paint is normal and at the same time it is not expensive! She did not work the skin, hair shine. Everything suits me. I think now I will be a pilot ... I have never paid attention to this paint. But one day my girlfriend advised me and I bought it. The shade was not difficult to choose a very large selection. I stopped on the line of Fara Claxik. After the color, I realized that really paint is normal and at the same time it is not expensive! She did not work the skin, hair shine. Everything suits me. I think now I will be painted to paint and continue.

Please please us with high-quality products? Definitely yes! Doubt? Then an article for you.

Do not everyone know that hair paints, the color assortment of which we are considering today, is a subsidiary of the popular Russian brand "Red Line".

The series of this product has changed more than once for the previous 10 years, and we hope that the tool that today is represented on the counters called "Headlight" Does not lag behind its available price segment.

Views and features

The advantages of FARA paint are that its derived in agreement with the latest technological advances, the formula, will give the opportunity to penetrate the hair much deeper, without destroying its structure.

Paint features:

  • The Fara Classic formula is currently included with the useful - boar oil and proteins of wheat stem, as well as proteins of wheat stalk, thanks to which the hair becomes shiny and silky.
  • A set of colors of Fara Classic and FaranaturalColor are provided with bright shades, in which relatively little natural. Among these shades of ruby, emerald, walnut tree, pomegranate, cherry and the like.

Do not neglect reading instructions for use, before staining, spend compatibility test. Such a procedure takes no more than 15 minutes, but relieves all sorts of trouble.

To date, paint provides two products for coloring - Fara Classic and Fara Natural Color. Both means are designed for, respectively, each of them contains a small proportion of ammonia.

Today, on the counter of coloring agents, you can see more modern and technological resistant paints, where they replaced safer components, but not all the goods on the pocket. The paints are gently acting on the hair, provide full and rich color, as well as a mirror smooth surface.

Hair Frame Palette

Select the desired shade of hair, not to get lost in the variety of color solutions you can with the help of the original palette of the paints. In contrast, the tone which is specified on the turnover of the pack (it does not always correspond to reality) the palette will give the opportunity to see the color that you accurately gain after using paint.

The samples of synthetic hair provided in it can be viewed when the room in the room, in the same way, how to look like a shade in daylight.

That is, fully appreciate all the advantages of the selected color.

Choosing your shade, do not forget about the exterior color, so that it does not have to rebel, thereby applying them an additional damage.

Color catalog:

  • golden-blonde;
  • naturally blond;
  • light-blond;
  • gray-blond;
  • red ruby;
  • fire-red;
  • ash-blond;
  • scandinavian blonde;
  • platinum blonde;
  • dark chestnut;
  • luxurious red-chestnut;
  • chestnut;
  • golden chestnut;
  • light-chestnut.:
  • red rosehip;
  • the Red tree;
  • light red tree;
  • copper-red;
  • the Red tree;
  • milk chocolate;
  • natural chocolate;
  • hazelnut;
  • golden copper tone.

Such an abundance certainly does not cause discontent among customers. Shades of headlight no worse than famous

After staining, always use for the hair, so that the strands are obedient and smooth when placing.

Mode of application

  1. Stir paint with an oxidizing agent in the proportion indicated in the instruction.
  2. Take the hair with a brush.
  3. Stand out 30 minutes.
  4. Wash off with water and shampoo.

Despite the whole skepticism and stereotypes about Russian cosmetics, this company showed that even for a low price, an acceptable product quality can be obtained.

(No ratings no)

The Trend Hair Tint of 2018 is natural ash-blonde. The fashionista is chosen gray not only for light and medium blond tones, but also pick up the right hair paint to achieve a beautiful shade and in a dark palette.

Ash shade gray. It refers to cold colors. Removes the yellowness of the total hair color, gives him naturalness. The ash-blonde tones prefer women who want to paint their hair into the colors close to their natural. In the palettes of most paints, the presence of an ashton is marked with a number 1 in the second or third place of the total cipher.

Avon Advance Techniques has 3 ash-blond color in its assortment:

The greatest choice of tones is presented in the Londa Professional set, where amazing combinations of ash and beige, brown and even copper elements are located. Colors exist in various light versions: bright, medium and dark, - from the main color depth from 6 to 12.

Copper tones:

Pearl blondes:

  • 8/81;
  • 12/81;
  • 10/81.

Pure ash blondes:

Brown, are also denoted as blondes:

In all series from Garnier, there are colors with ashes, but the greatest variety in the Garnier Color Naturals palette, while Garnier Color Shine includes only one shade.

Garnier Olia is represented by two ash blondes and one rusia tone:

Garnier Color Sensation has 3 gray tones:

Garnier Color Naturals is also shown in the form of blond and blond tones:

Fara Classic has 4 cold blond shades and one blond:

And in the Natural Color series from Fara, the advantage is given to the ash blonde:

In the palette of cream paint Palette, gray notes in colors are denoted by the capital letter S.


And also quite dark and blonde - C6.

Studio 3D Holography presents a small range of blond and blond without yellowness:

How to achieve ash tint

Staining the hair into ash tones, often the problem of uneven color occurs, which falls on the hair completely differently is expected.

For example:

  • green shade appears;
  • gray matte color is possible - "dirty";
  • awesome yellowness;
  • red, red and purple notes are saved.

Therefore, there are rules to achieve the desired cold shade, both in the cabin and at home:

When preliminary clarification is required

The most common eye preparation option for staining in ash blonde tone is their lightening.

The reasons for selecting this method are as follows:

  • it is necessary to move from a dark color to lighter, that is, to increase by 1 or more tones;
  • align color strands along the entire length or volume in the event that the roots industry or previously used one of the fashionable coloring techniques, such as amber;
  • apply fashionable staining techniques with color transitions in ash tones;
  • reduce the difference between gray and natural hair;
  • remove the bright or dark pigment in the previously colored hair.

In the latter case, most of the red, copper and red pigments can remain and affect the end result of the transition to ash color. Then it is worth using the washing procedure.

How to Lighten Locks

Lightening can be carried out in several ways:

Staining procedure at home

Hair paint is an ash-blond shade: requires a clear observance of the staining procedure so that the expected result is.

At home, staining can be carried out without prior clarification, or having prepared hair.

To cut off the pains of the roots of ash blonde hair, it is necessary to carry out the following steps:

To move from any tone to ash colors, the staining procedure from the above is distinguished by several nuances.

They are:

  • before applying paint, conduct preparatory procedures for washing the pigment or discoloration selected method;
  • after clarifying hair tinting with ash color, for this time its excerpts on the hair significantly reduce from the recommended to 10-15 minutes;
  • the paint is also applied to the roots and distribute over the entire length, but it is important to take very thin strands for a better wrinkling.

How to cause coloring agents

Hair paint (light-blonde and other tones) at home can be applied on the head in the process of staining in several ways.

For example:

Light-blond shade

The ash-blonde light tone is a color inherent in most girls at a young age. Such hair paint is worth choosing to women whose hair almost completely switched to her hair. Lightly blond mans, adds radiance image.

Perfectly suitable for white translucent skin. Complements blond eyes - blue, gray and green. SERO GREEN AND CARY The eye color will stand out in a shock of light cold hair. Young girls will emphasize her youth. Mature - add youth, hobs wrinkles.

Light ash and blonde is an excellent choice for tinting color transitions when placing, amber and other staining techniques.

To achieve light tones, a preliminary clarification is usually necessary. It is not recommended to carry out staining in light ash, if the original colors are below 7, red or red. Bright pigments, as a rule, even after clarification remain in the rod and interfere with staining in ash tones.


The naturalness of the ash-blond color is indisputable. This shade is difficult to distinguish from natural. It is universal for any age and even the floor. Contraindications include only the redheads of nature, because the gray of ashes will give them an unhealthy appearance.

The mid-blonde will not fall on the hair of dark tones, ranging from dark blossom. Does not block copper and red pigments. But it goes well on any other color.

  • Ton1 Avon Advance Techniques.
  • Londa Professional 8/41;
  • Londa Professional 8/81;
  • Londa Professional 8/1;
  • Londa Professional 8/71.
  • Garnier Olia - 8.13.
  • Garnier Color Sensation - 7.12;
  • Garnier Color Naturals - 8.1;
  • Garnier Color Naturals - 7.1.
  • Garnier Color Shine - 8.1.
  • Fara Classic - 514
  • Studio 3D HOLOGRAPHY - 6.1.


Hair paint The ash-bliny golden shade is an option for autumn-type girls. Gold and copper in hair can also be cold. Brown or gray eyes, dark or white leather - all this is combined with golden notes. Do not choose such shades of paint women of old age. This is the color of confident middle-aged women.

Golden shade is applied to light and blond hair. It will not suit the browsing or brunettes.

Golden and copper ash tones in palettes are indicated by numbers 3 and 4:

  • Avon Advance Techniques - Golden (9.13).
  • Londa Professional - copper blond (7/41).
  • Garnier Olia - Cold Golden Blond (8.31).
  • Fara Classic - Golden (513).
  • Fara Natural Color - Wheat (350).

Dark gamma

The difference between the dark-russes ash and bright chatene is almost imperceptible. Especially if the brown element is present in the paint. These colors are suitable for young and mature women with both white and dark skin. With dark and bright eyes. Girls Dark palette will make expressive.

Colors are able to overlap all the bright, natural and dark blond shades. It is even suitable for light-gluten. Do not require preliminary lightening during repainting.

Tones with ash notes, which are present in the Dark Londa Professional Palette:

  • 6/41;
  • 7/71;
  • 6/71.

Despite the periodically emerging fashion of the red and red shades - women are still returned to natural colors, which provide ash notes in the composition of hair paints. This season is confirmed by the universal love this season to the ash and blond color in all its manifestations.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about ash-blond hair paint

Ash blonde hair color at home:

Professional advice: