Circle work in the middle group - what is interesting to do? Work plan of the drawing circle in the middle group

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 5

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head of MBDOU kindergarten number 5


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circle work "Magic dough"

for children of the middle group

2012 - 2013 academic year

Middle group

Supervisor -


Explanatory note.

Man is by nature a creator. For this he has everything: imagination, thoughts, ideas and a body that brings it all to life. How interesting it is to observe your ideas expressed in dance, sound, paint, clay or dough! The dance of the fingers gives the matter the shape given by our imagination, and the name of this "dance" of the hands is DECORATION! There are plenty of materials for modeling: clay, plasticine, gypsum, dough, snow, sand! You can even sculpt from bread and wax.

Salted dough is becoming more and more popular in our country, successfully competing with traditional materials - clay and plasticine. In working with him, many are attracted not so much by the availability and relative cheapness, but by the endless possibilities that this material provides for the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Salted dough is a wonderful craft material. It has a number of advantages: leaves no residue and is easy to clean, safe for children, environmentally friendly natural material that does not cause allergies. You can even eat it. Both children 5-6 years old and the smallest can sculpt. The dough is very flexible and allows you to work out small details. On the test, wonderful prints remain from any objects - buttons, palms, forks, nails, combs, fabrics - any object whose relief you are interested in.

Observations of children in the younger group showed that 60% of children have a low level of development of fine motor skills of hands. They do not know how to use scissors, draw poorly with pencils and paints, and hardly hold a spoon and fork. Children are timid and shy, insecure.

Working with the test is a kind of exercise that assists in the development of fine differentiated movements, coordination, and tactile sensations in children. Everything that is so necessary for a child at school: education of perseverance, accuracy, patience; the development of manual dexterity and accuracy of the eye; mastery of technological operations and, above all, a creative approach to any work, the joy of creativity through self-expression through the manufacture of products from salted dough.

Correctional and developmental - the development and correction of all mental functions (perception, attention, thinking, motor skills and coordination of movements, etc.)
Educational - expanding knowledge and ideas about oneself, others, the world around, disclosing the creative abilities of children, the ability to see the unusual in the subject of research.
Communicative - the development of positive communication and cooperation skills.
Relaxation - transformation of destructive forms of energy into a socially adaptive form of activity, removal of psycho-emotional stress
Educational - the development of the moral aspects of the child's personality, love of work, the process of creativity and cognition.

The expected result of the mug's work:

General awareness of children will be formed

Technical skills and abilities will increase

Hand motor skills will develop

Children will be creative in the sculpting process

Interest in art in the classroom and independent activity will become stable.

GOAL OF THE WORK: to give children the joy of creativity, to show the techniques of modeling from salt dough, to help develop the child's creative and communication skills through making products from salt dough.


    Raise interest and desire to engage in arts and crafts. To develop children's aesthetic and artistic taste. Introduce testoplasty. Develop fine motor skills. Teach dough techniques and tools at hand. To acquaint with the methods and techniques of the image.

Methodical techniques

Demonstration of technological methods.

Examining toys, sculptures, etc.

Examining illustrations from books, photographs, paintings, etc.

Game techniques (the arrival of the hero, etc.).

Exercise children in the skills of using sculpting tools (stacks, seals, etc.).

Didactic material:

Audio recordings.

Use of samples. (Dummies, toys, crafts from salt dough, sculptures, models).

The use of visualization (photographs, paintings, drawings of children, illustrations from books, etc.).

Technical equipment:

Additional material for creating an expressive image (beads, beads, fishing line, sequins, pieces of fur).

Sculpting tools (stacks, seals, sculpting turnset, felt-tip pen caps, etc.).

Form of work:

· Joint activities with teachers.


· From simple to complex.

· Connection of knowledge, skills with life, with practice.

· Scientificness.

· Availability.

· Systematic knowledge.

· Educational and developmental orientation.

· Comprehensiveness, harmony in the content of knowledge, abilities, skills.

· Activity and independence.

· Taking into account age and individual characteristics.


· Rolling in straight movements;

· Rolling in a circular motion;


· Connection in the form of a ring;

· Pinching the edge of the form;

· Modeling from several parts;

· Proportions;

· Pulling back a part from the main form;

· Smoothing the surface of the form;

· Attachment of a part;

• pressing;

• smearing;

· Indentation to obtain a hollow shape;

· Use of the stack.

The "Magic dough" circle is held with children of the 5th year of life. Classes are held during the academic year (from October to May) once a week with a group of 8 children, lasting up to 20 minutes.

The program is designed for 28 lessons.

1. Germanovich Vladlena

2. Gorodetskaya Dasha

3. Makarov Danil

4. Niukhov Ilham

5. Pankov Georgy

6. Popikhina Arina

7. Tropin Maxim

8. Trunov Gleb

Topic of the lesson.

Organization method.

Month. Quantity

1. Salted dough patterns

Getting to know the dough

Creation of prints and drawings on a dough cake using cereals, bones.

2... Caterpillars sculpting caterpillars and painting with gouache.

Methodical techniques:

Fingering bones, seeds - didactic exercise "Guess by touch."

Acquaintance with plastic material (salted dough). Practical activity - modeling and painting.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: scattered, round.


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. Fruit basket

Collective panel.

2. Pies, yes buns

Creation of attributes with the role-playing game "Shop".

Methodical techniques: Examination of pictures of fruits, natural objects.

Joint practical activity - combining drawing and modeling in one plot.

Independent actions of children, teacher's assistance to children when performing.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: harvest,


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. "Christmas toys"

Creation of toys for the Christmas tree, modeling, coloring.

2. "Christmas tree beauty"

Decoration of a thematic exhibition.

Methodical techniques: Examination of postcards, illustrations, photographs.

Contour cutting "toys" as a gift to children (educator).

Practical activity - modeling and painting.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: cones, bells


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. " Hedgehogs "

Creating a hedgehog figurine, coloring

2. "Forest animals"

Collective creation of crafts forest glade.

Methodical techniques: Reading stories with descriptions of animals. Examination of illustrations, dummies of animals.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: fluffy, prickly.


1 lesson.

1 lesson.

2. "Ship" (gift to dad)

Methodical techniques: Reading poems. Examination of postcards about winter, photographs depicting winter phenomena.

Examination of illustrations depicting ships, models.

Practical activity - modeling, drawing.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: It will blaze, sparks, silvery, scattered all around, trees in the snow, a sailboat, a boat.


1 lesson

2 lessons

1. "Picture for Mom" (ballerie)

2. "Flowers in a vase"

Methodical techniques: Reading a poem about mom. Examination of pictures depicting flowers.

Practical activities - modeling, applique and painting.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: flower-seven-flower, rose, tulip, etc.


1 lesson

2 lessons

1. "Aquarium" (ballerie)

2. "Stand for an egg for Easter"

Methodical techniques: Examination of illustrations with the image of fish, dummies of fish.

Holiday story. Examining candle holders.

Practical activities - modeling, applique and painting.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: crucian carp, goldfish, algae.


2 lessons.

2 lessons

1. "Photo frame"

2. Exhibition decoration

Methodical techniques: examining photo frames.

Practical activities - sculpting, applique and painting

2 lessons

2 lessons


1. Sculpt from salted dough. Decorations. Souvenirs. Crafts. Decor.- M: Eksmo, 2004. - 160 p.

2. Kiscalt I. Salty dough / Per. with him. - M .: AST-press kniga, 2003 - 144 p.

3. Kiscalt I. Salty dough. Fascinating modding. - M .:
Profizdat 2002 .-- 80 p.

4. Kolotova O. Testoplasty // Pozashkilla. - 2007. - No. 7. - with. 40 - 42.

5. Khananova I. Salty dough. - M .: AST-press kniga, 2004 - 104 p.


"Crazy hands "

Explanatory note

Preschool childhood is a very important period in the life of children. It is at this age that each child is a little explorer, discovering with joy and surprise an unfamiliar and amazing world around him. The more diverse the children's activities, the more successful the child's diversified development is, his potential opportunities and the first manifestations of creativity are realized. That is why one of the closest and most accessible types of work in kindergarten is artistic manual labor, which creates conditions for the child to be involved in his own creativity, in the process of which something beautiful and unusual is created.

This is what I want to teach the children of my group "Pchelki". Artistic manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor coordination in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making appliques, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. Manual labor has a great influence on the mental development of the child, on the development of his thinking.

The child's direct contact with paper, natural material, or paints, elementary experiments with them allow one to know their properties, qualities, capabilities, awaken curiosity, enrich with vivid images of the world around them. In the course of creative work, the preschooler learns to observe, reflect, compare, analyze and draw conclusions. As the experience of practical work shows, productive activity not only optimizes the corrective effect on the development of the motor sphere, but also contributes to the elimination of deficiencies in speech and non-speech mental functions in preschoolers.

Relevance and novelty the circle is that different forms of work approaches are used.

Favorable emotional mood of children during manual labor lessons, pleasure experienced in the process of work are very important for general development. Gradually, the children develop such qualities as dedication, perseverance, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Observing the children in the applied arts classes, I noticed that the children of my group are poor at scissors, do not know the safety rules at work. How to safely use the glue while working with the applique. While creating the program of the "Crazy Hands" circle, I set goals and objectives for myself.


1. Develop thinking, imagination

2. Fine motor skills of hands;

3. To foster independence, confidence, initiative.


1. To form an interest in the types of work in children.

2. To acquaint with the properties of materials.

3. To develop the ability to safely use tools when working.

4. Contribute to the development of skills in working with various materials.

5. To learn to glue ready-made forms, to compose images of finished objects from them, improving the orientation on the plane.

6. Contribute to the development of constructive activities.

7. To develop firmness of hands, technical skills.

8. Promote the development of attention. Memory, imagination. Creative imagination.

Children's age: 4-5 years old.

Implementation period: 1 year.

Summarizing: carried out in the form of drawing up clamshell books with photographs of works, holding exhibitions.

The program of the "Crazy Hands" circle includes a number of sections:

Working with paper and cardboard

Working with fabric and thread

Working with natural material

Working with junk material


At the beginning of the school year, introductory classes are held for children in order to generate interest in artistic work. At the end of the school year, a photo exhibition of children's works is held in order to summarize the results of the implementation of the program.

Basic forms and methods of work.

To achieve the set goals, the selection of the main forms and methods of activity is envisaged. The following forms and methods of teaching take a special place in the program:

Reproductive (reproductive);

Explanatory - illustrative (explanation is accompanied by demonstration of visual material);

The method of problem presentation (the teacher poses a problem and, together with the children, looks for ways to solve it);

Partially search engine;


In conducting classes, both individual and group and collective forms of work are used.

Academic thematic plan


Lesson topic




Introductory lesson

Mosaic applique


Break applique


Volumetric applique from waste material


Cotton applique


Application from cereals, threads, eggs, pasta.


Natural fakes


Appliques from colored and corrugated paper


Fabric applications

Long-term plan

October (Mosaic application).

1. Introductory lesson.

2. Conversation "How did the scissors appear". Volumetric water lily.

3. "Apple".

Purpose: To learn to glue small squares of colored paper in a circular,

keeping the distance between them.

4. "Leaf".

Purpose: We continue to learn to spread glue on a small area of ​​the drawing and glue the squares, observing the distance, and so on until the entire drawing of the leaf is filled with squares.

November (breakaway applique).

1. "Trees".

Purpose: To learn how to construct an image of the crown of a deciduous tree from scraps of green paper; tear off the edges of the rounded paper, depicting leaves.

2 . "Apple Garden".

Purpose: To continue to familiarize with the properties of soft paper; learn how to roll large and small lumps (apples) out of it; develop imagination.

3. "There are many berries and flowers in the garden."

Purpose: To learn to design a landscape composition, to supplement the work begun with new elements; teach to crumple soft paper into small lumps of berries, flowers. (Teamwork).

4. "Animals".

Purpose: To teach children to do the work on their own, to invite them to invent and make animals themselves.


(volumetric applique from waste material).

1. "Winter, winter".
Target:To cultivate patience in children, to improve artistic and creative abilities.

2.Upainting on a Christmas tree (snowflake).

Target:to educate children for patience, independence and accuracy. 3. Postcard "Merry Round Dance".

Purpose: To teach children to neatly fold a sheet of paper in half along the long side, fold it like an accordion, cut out a snowman figurine and carefully glue it inside the postcard blank.

4. "Herringbone"

Purpose: nContinue to introduce children to a new type of manual labor for them.

January (cotton wool applications)

1. "Bunny"

Purpose: To teach on velvet paper to depict a bunny from cotton wool on a silhouette, complementing the landscape with details from colored paper.

2. "Lamb"

Purpose: we continue to learn how to make an applique from cotton wool.

3. "Cheerful Snowman".

Objectives: to clarify and generalize children's knowledge about winter;

4. "Painting a winter forest".

February (application of cereals, eggs, pasta).

1. "Decorative patterns on the circle." (Craft from pumpkin seeds, watermelon and seeds).

Purpose: To teach to think about the content of the picture on the circle and bring it to the end. Consolidate sculpting techniques. Develop imagination, creativity

2. "Chicken". (Applique from cereals).

Purpose: To continue teaching children to glue the rump on the finished silhouette. Sprinkle millet on the chicken, make a worm from buckwheat, grass from peas.

3. "Exotic fish". (Application from pumpkin seeds).

Purpose: To learn how to gently glue pumpkin seeds on the applique elements, placing them in a certain order.

4. "Postcard to the Defender of the Fatherland Day." (Pasta applique).

Purpose: To teach children to design a postcard with pasta, creating an airplane, a rocket, a boat at the request of the children. Gently stick to cardboard.

March "application from natural materials"

1. "Animals".

Purpose: To teach children to make animals from natural material: the body is a bump, the head is a chestnut. Use plasticine to connect parts.

2. "Hedgehog".

Purpose: To teach children how to make a chestnut hedgehog, show imagination, sculpt small parts from plasticine.

3. "Twigs with leaves"

4. “Conversation about floristry. Painting from leaves "


"Applique made of colored and corrugated paper"

    " First flowers".

Purpose: To teach children to independently cut petals from a rectangle of colored paper, make a flower out of them.

2. "Rockets and Comets".

Purpose: To teach children to create and cut rockets in a rational way: divide the square into 3 triangles (a large triangle is the nose of the rocket, two small ones are the wings).

3. "Elegant wings" (Crafts from candy wrappers, corrugated paper).

Goal: Prepare different finger-sized cylinders. And we will make various insects, the body of which resembles a tube. They have such beautiful wings. We will cut them out of candy wrappers and corrugated paper.

4. "Application basket with flowers."

May "fabric and thread applique"

1. “Conversation from where the threads came to us. ApplicationWillow "

Purpose: To acquaint children with the technique of pulling cotton wool from a lump, making branches from a thread and tying knots for thickening.

2. "Carrot". (Thread applique).

Purpose: To teach children to glue the finished shape on their own on a sheet of cardboard with the addition of yarn.

3. "Valentines". (Cut thread applique).

Purpose: To continue to acquaint with the technique of making thread appliqués. Learn to evenly smear areas of the image and sprinkle them with finely chopped threads by the teacher.

4. "Nice dress". (Fabric applique).

Purpose: To learn how to make an applique made of fabric, to place the decoration elements correctly. Develop creative imagination.

As a result of studying in a circle, children should acquire knowledge:

About materials, tools;

On the rules of labor safety and personal hygiene when processing various materials;

On the place and role of arts and crafts in human life;

About types of arts and crafts

About the features of stucco toys;

On the methods of application in folk art (cloth, paper, cloth, etc.)

About project activities.


Let us recall that abilities are manifested and formed only in activity. This means that only by properly organizing the child's activities, it is possible to identify and then develop his abilities. K. D. Ushinsky wrote "The basic law of childish nature can be expressed as follows: a child needs activity incessantly and gets tired not by activity, but by its monotony or one-sidedness."

Thus, in activities aimed at achieving a specific goal, not only this activity itself is improved, but also the child's visual perception of objects of the surrounding world. Productive activities contribute to the improvement of the speech of children, the formation of the moral qualities of the individual, such as independence, initiative, organization and responsibility when completing a task. The effectiveness of the correctional process in the course of productive activity directly depends on the methods and techniques that are used in the work. According to scientists, it is advisable to carry out special work using natural material.


    Agnieszka Bayrakovska-Przenezlo "Wonderful pasta crafts", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2013

    Green D. "Everything will come in handy", publishing house "Makhaon", 1998.

    Gulyants E.K., Bazik I.Ya. "What can be done from natural material", a book for a kindergarten teacher, 2nd edition M, "Enlightenment", 1991.

    Koshelev V.M., Afonkin S.Yu. "Cut out and fold", St. Petersburg, ed. "Crystal", 1999

    L.V. Kutsakova "Mom, I know how to tinker", M., ed. "My World", 2007

    Makarova N.R "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2007.

    Makarova N.R. "Secrets of a paper sheet", M., "Mosaic - Synthesis", 2008.

    Mashinistov V.G. "Didactic material on labor training", M., "Education", 1989.

    Roenko I.P. "Crafts, amulets, paintings, postcards, decorations, gifts from natural materials", Kharkov / Belgorod, ed. "Family Leisure Club", 2012

    Tsirulik N.A., Prosnyakova T.N. "Clever hands", publishing house "Fedorov", 2000.

"Funny crafts" / compiled by V.I. Fedorova, M .: "My world", 2008.

Explanatory note

“The world around the child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an infinite wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here, in nature, is the eternal source of the child's mind.

V. Sukhomlinsky.

The "Eco-path" circle has an ecological focus, which is determined by the special relevance of ecological education in modern conditions. With the beginning of the third millennium, environmental problems that arose earlier have not only not disappeared, but continue to deepen. In the 21st century, their solution takes on the character of a factor in the survival of mankind.

Since environmental problems have come to the fore in recent years, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of children in this area. The introduction of children to ecological culture must begin from childhood, since at this age it is easiest to introduce children to nature, teach them to love and protect nature. Children learn to observe changes in nature and draw conclusions.

Studying in a circle, children enrich their stock of knowledge with new knowledge about natural phenomena. This fosters their curiosity, respect for nature, and the desire to know more. When studying the topics provided by the circle, figurative and concrete thinking develops; visual and auditory memory; speech, attention, perception.

The main purpose of the circle - to form in children elements of ecological consciousness, the ability to understand and love the world and nature.

The work of the Eco-Lozhka circle is designed to solve the following tasks:

1. Development in children of the subjective experience of emotional and sensory generalization with nature and the socio-cultural environment, ideas and elementary concepts about the world around, interconnections and relationships in it, as the basis for the development of ecological consciousness and ecological culture of the individual.

2. Education of an emotional-value attitude to the natural environment.

3. Development of experience in practical and creative activities for the implementation and consolidation of knowledge and emotional-sensory impressions obtained in interaction with the natural environment, as well as for the reproduction and preservation of the natural environment.

The methods used to implement the work of the circle:

1. Visual methods:

Excursions, targeted walks;


Show of fairy tales (teacher, children);

Examination of book illustrations, reproductions;

Conducting didactic games;

2. Verbal methods:

Reading literary works;

Conversations with elements of dialogue, summarizing the stories of the educator.

3. Game methods:

Conducting a variety of games (sedentary, plot role-playing, didactic, games -

dramatizations, etc.);

Making riddles;

Conducting quizzes, contests, thematic evenings.

4. Practical methods:

Organization of productive activities for children;

Registration of herbarium of plants, collection of seeds, fruits;

Staging of fairy tales, excerpts from literary works;

Making visual aids with children.

When building a system for the work of an environmental circle, I paid special attention to the following main directions.

1. Cognitive and entertaining direction aims at acquainting children with the components of animate and inanimate nature, the influence of human activity on these components in a playful and entertaining way.

2. Practical direction - the study of flora and fauna, landscapes of the native land, associated with practical matters (environmental actions, work in the garden, feeding birds, planting flower beds, etc.).

3. The research direction is carried out within the framework of productive activities, excursions, observations, experiments.

Work schedule

The circle works during the academic year (September - May inclusive), once a week. The plan of the circle is designed for a year. The number of children attending the "Eco-Lozhka" club is 10 people. Children age: 4 to 5 years old.

Expected result of interaction with children:

1. Must know and follow the elementary rules of behavior in nature (the way of safe interaction with plants and animals)

2. Demonstration of interest, kindness to natural phenomena and objects;

3. Helping each other, caring, benevolent attitude to nature, the manifestation of creativity.

The long-term plan of work of the circle "Eco-Lozhka"





"Flowers on the site in autumn"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about autumn garden flowers: the difference in appearance, the stage of seed ripening. Clarify children's ideas about gardening in the fall. Activate the children's dictionary with words meaning the names of garden flowers.

Guessing riddles, the game "Guess the description", observation.

"What did autumn give us?"

Strengthen the knowledge of children about vegetables and fruits. Clarify children's knowledge of caring for vegetables. Foster hard work. To activate the children's vocabulary with words denoting vegetables and labor activities.

Reading poems "Hello, autumn!" E. Blaginina, observation, conversation "What is growing in the garden?"

"Autumn in white fogs"

Clarify children's knowledge about such a natural phenomenon as fog. Develop cognitive activity. To activate the children's dictionary: fog, damp, damp, thick cover.

Conversation "What is this - fog?", Reading poetry, making riddles, observation.

"Now a birch, now a mountain ash"

Continue acquaintance of children with the characteristic features of trees, seasonal changes. Foster a love of nature.

Reading poetry: "Birch", "Ryabinka", the game "Describe a tree", making riddles, observation


"Kind, good sun"

Clarify children's knowledge of the sun in the fall. To form the ability to determine the weather by signs. To activate the children's dictionary: water, heat, light, earth.

Reading poetry: "Four treasures ..." M. Makhanev. Observation, experience of "Ladoshka",

"Tell Piggy about houseplants"

Clarify children's ideas about plants in a group, about the living conditions necessary for them. Introduce new plants. Teach to recognize and name parts of a plant (root, stem, leaf, flower). Foster interest in research activities. Encourage the desire to care for plants, treat them with love and tenderness.

Articulatory gymnastics, the game "Find a plant", physical education minutes "flowers", did-kaya, etc. "What plant did Piggy hide behind?"

"Autumn tree"

To form the ability of children to observe natural phenomena, to analyze and draw conclusions about some relationships and patterns.

Unconventional drawing technique: blotography - experimentation


To form in children generalized ideas about pets: how to take care of them, what benefits they bring, what conditions are needed for life.

Conversation, use of the worst word, finger game "Clouds", game "Remember and Name"


"How many rains I know"

To develop the ability of children to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes. To form the ability to highlight the characteristic signs of autumn and summer rain. To activate the children's dictionary: drizzle, fine, cold.

Communicative dance game "Waltz of friends"

Singing "Cloud", "Cap, Cap ..." muses. I. "Sunbeams and a cloud" finger and. "Clouds", compendium


To acquaint children with wintering birds: sparrows. (Clarify with the children how changes in nature have affected the life of the sparrow). Develop an interest in bird watching.
To activate the dictionary of children: wintering, migratory.

An outdoor game "Who lives in the house?" Natural signs. Finger massage "Rooks". Bird calls. Speech game "Who is this?" (abstract)

To form in children a desire to be kind to wildlife. Learn to organize your own bird feeding on a regular basis.

Conversation "Guess which bird", observation, use of the artistic word, sub. game "Fox and Birds"

"Wild beasts in winter"

Continue to build knowledge about forest dwellers. To develop in children ideas about the sequence of events in the life of forest animals.

Reading poetry, creative assignments, sub. game "Hares and wolf", conversation.



To develop the ability to observe seasonal phenomena and their changes, attention and memory, to see the beauty of nature. Activate the vocabulary of children: the first snow.

Observation, conversation, reading informative stories, problem situation.

"Protect Spruce and Pine"

To acquaint children with the concept that cones contain seeds of coniferous trees. To form the ability of children to distinguish between spruce and pine cones. To activate the children's dictionary: spruce, pine.

Observation, conversation, game "Find by description"

"Clouds floated across the sky"

Expand children's ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature: tell children what kind of clouds there are.
Development of observation.
Activate the children's dictionary: cirrus, stratified, cumulus.

Conversation "What are the clouds", observation, the use of a literary word.

"Snow round dance"

Continue teaching children to observe natural phenomena: snowfall and see the beauty of the world around them.
Activate children's vocabulary: cold, white, sparkling, fabulous, etc.

Observation, viewing the painting "Winter", productive, experimental (snowballs) activity.


beauty - spruce "

To add to the desire to enjoy the smell of coniferous wood. promote the development of the ability to name the characteristic features of the structure of a spruce, the signs that distinguish it from other trees, the formation of the ability to see the difference between a toy spruce and a real one; to bring up a careful and caring attitude to wildlife.

Surprising game moment, drawing up a story-description about a spruce based on a plan, a game - imitation "Collect cones, conversation" Should a person take care of the beauty of nature? " Creative work, synopsis

"Observing snow and ice"

Form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature; to consolidate the knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice).

Experiments, outdoor games "Zateyniki", "Firefighters in training", the use of artistic words.

"Bird life in winter"

Teach children to look at birds, distinguish them by size, color of plumage, and sounds made. Introduce their names.

Conversation, game "Feed the bird", did. and. "They fly away - they don't fly away."

"Frost is an amazing artist"

Arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena. To develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the surrounding world and the desire to reflect what he saw in his work. Develop imagination and creativity.

Making riddles, observing on a walk, using the worst word, practical work (compendium)


"Growing onions on the window"

Arouse interest in growing a vegetable garden on the window, a desire to observe changes in the bulbs. Learn to create a situation of experience.

Conversation with elements of labor.

"Wild animals in the forest in winter"

Contribute to: enrichment and deepening of children's knowledge about wild animals in winter, the development of the ability to establish connections between winter conditions and the behavior of animals.

A conversation about a squirrel, a hedgehog, a hare, a fox, a bear. Completing a creative assignment. game "We are little bunnies", game "Finish sentences".

"Laboratory of Good Deeds"

Form the concept of kindness, the habit of doing good deeds; foster interest in experimental activity; teach to put forward hypotheses, assumptions; analyze phenomena, draw conclusions; develop cognitive interest, logical thinking, speech of children; create a sense of joy in children.

Conversations about natural phenomena, cataclysms (earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods), experiments with water, air; reading informative literature; conversations about good and evil.

"Observing seasonal changes"

to form ideas about changes in nature; learn to distinguish between the characteristic signs of the end of winter (first drops); to consolidate the ability to perceive the poetic description of winter.

Using the worst word, Outdoor games: "Sly fox", "Who will make fewer jumps?"


"Spring is marching towards us with brisk steps"

Continue learning to memorize the names of the spring months; to give an idea of ​​the changes occurring in early spring in nature. Develop the skills of elementary research activities, logical thinking.

Reading the verse “March”, “Spring is coming”, D.I. “Find the mood. Show your mood ”, observation.

"Our four-legged friends are a dog"

To form in children the idea that a dog is an intelligent pet, devoted to a person, it can be trained and used in various useful services.

Observation, Outdoor games

"Friendly couples", "Separate - do not fall."

"Caring for health"

Promote the education of children to respect their health; to form an idea that vitamin food (green onions, etc.) and the sun are especially useful in spring; develop in children the ability to take care of their health; foster feelings of care for a sick comrade.

The game "Enjoy the sun", "What is good for health, what is harmful", a conversation about vitamin food.

"The first flowers in nature"

Encourage children to rejoice at the first spring flowers, continue to acquaint them with the names, with the features of the structure.

Comparative story about mother-and-stepmother and dandelion, riddles, reading poetry.



Teach children to be attentive to the world around them. Raise interest in natural phenomena, clarify ideas about the external features of the bug.

Ladybug observation. Learning a nursery rhyme, productive activity, finger gymnastics "Ladybugs".

"Russian birch"

Form children's ideas about Russian birch. Expand knowledge of nature conservation. To foster in children interest and respect for nature.

Making riddles, round dance, productive activity

"Feathered guests"

Contribute to the generalization of ideas about birds in the spring: a change in their behavior - they bask in the sun, in the trees, chirp, nest, hatch chicks, etc.; cultivate curiosity, desire to take care of birds.

Conversation, making birdhouses, watching birds at the kindergarten site, viewing illustrations (different types of nests, the appearance of chicks, etc.

"Spring landscape"

To consolidate children's ideas about spring, about the characteristic features of this time of year. Draw the attention of children to the first signs of spring. To educate children to love their native land. To develop in children an interest in wildlife, emotional responsiveness.

Conversation, artistic expression, examination and comparison of paintings on the theme "Spring", riddle, the transformation of children into artists, listening to the melodies of "The Seasons".

"The sun on the grass"

To clarify the knowledge of the flower by children, the ability to find it by the leaves, the shape of the inflorescence, to form in children an interest in working with paint. Continue to spark interest in flowers in children.

Reading poetry, finger gymnastics, productive activity (compendium)

"Who lives in the pond?"

To acquaint children with the pond - a natural reservoir, its inhabitants, plants, to form the knowledge that the pond should not be littered; to generalize ideas about the main factors of the aquatic environment: the natural layer of soil, water, stones, plants that have adapted to live in water.

Examination of the painting "Pond", the game "Create your own pond". conversation, game "Imitation", competition "Who is ready to save the reservoir?" ..

"Blooming trees"

To promote familiarization of children with the peculiarities of the spring state of fruit trees, to form the ability to establish the simplest connections: changing conditions in the environment, foster interest in plants, respect and care.

conversation about apple, cherry, lilac. Game "From what tree a flower, Game - imitation" Collect nectar "

"What are clouds, rain, thunderstorm?"

Give an understanding of the evaporation of water, the formation of clouds, electrical discharges in an accessible form. To acquaint children with the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.

Observation, examination of illustrations, reading, notes.

"Sand Fantasies"

To broaden the horizons of children: to acquaint with the modern direction in art. Consolidate knowledge about the properties of sand. Exercise children in working with models. Develop imaginative and logical thinking. Develop tactile sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands. Enrich the emotional sphere of children

Reading riddles, playing "Sand telegraph", musical rhythmic exercise "Wave", finger gymnastics "Sitting on the sea sand", independent activity of children.


    Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist: Program of ecological education of preschoolers / S.N. Nikolaeva - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2002 .-- 128 p.

    Ecological education of preschool children: A guide for preschool education specialists / Author compiled by S.N. Nikolaeva. - M .: LLC "Firm" Publishing house AST "- 1998. - 320 p.

    Nikolaeva S.N. Methods of ecological education in kindergarten: Working with children of middle and senior groups of kindergarten: A book for kindergarten teachers / S.N. Nikolaev. - M .: Education - 1999. - 207 p.

    Organization of activities for children for a walk. Senior group / author-comp. T. G. Kobzeva, I. A. Kholodova, G. S. Aleksandrova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011 .-- 330 p.

Municipal preschool educational institution

kindergarten number 10 "Drop"

Circle work plan

"Magic paper" in the middle group

Firsova N.A.


Kozmodemyansk 2016

Plan of the Magic Paper mug in the middle group

Explanatory note

Currently, teachers, experts in the field of early development, insist that the development of intellectual and mental processes must begin with the development of hand movements, and in particular with the development of movements in the fingers of the hand. This is due to the fact that the development of the hand plays an important role in the formation of the brain, its cognitive abilities, and the formation of speech. This means that in order for the child and his brain to develop, it is necessary to train his hands. “Children’s creativity and talents are at their fingertips. In other words: the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child is, ”said V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Improving the personality of a child involves the development of a variety of abilities, skills, and abilities that develop in productive artistic activity. Speaking about abilities, T.S. Komarova highlighted the following properties of a person's personality, which determine his ability to work: perception and the representations formed on this basis, imagination, manual skill, an emotionally positive attitude to activity. We can develop all these qualities of a child's personality in the process with different materials.

The child learns the world through manipulations, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to learn and study their properties, while cognizing his own creative abilities, to change what he touches. One of the helpers of the child in this matter, which is most important for his development, is working with paper.

Applique is one of the simplest, most fun and effective artistic endeavors. Children are happy to work with paper, because it is easy to process. Non-traditional techniques for working with paper, with non-traditional materials are especially attractive to children: torn, crumpled paper, cotton pads, paper napkins, candy wrappers, etc. awakens a sense of joy, success, develops labor skills and abilities. Allows children of primary preschool age to quickly achieve the desired result and brings a certain novelty to the creativity of children, makes it more fun and interesting, which is very important for working with kids

Application (paper plastic technique) is a synthesis of different types of visual activity: modeling, application, drawing, paper design. Images in paper plastic are made in a semi-volumetric version, all parts and details are glued to cardboard, which serves as a color background, which allows children to create bright individual and collective compositions.

Creating beautiful applications with their own hands, seeing the result of their work, children experience positive emotions. Working with paper gives children the opportunity to show patience, perseverance, imagination and artistic taste, to show creativity, to acquire manual skill that allows them to feel independent. All this has a beneficial effect on the formation of a healthy and harmoniously developed personality.

The purpose of the program: the development of manual skills in children through strengthening the fine motor skills of the fingers and the organization of joint visual creativity of children and adults.

Main goals:

  • the formation of the ability to convey the simplest image of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world by means of volumetric application;
  • to teach the basic techniques in the application technique "paper plastic" (tearing, creasing, rolling into a ball); the ability to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;
  • learn to work in a given space (accumulation of elementary experience in composing a composition)
  • enrichment of sensory impressions (at the level of sensations, the child learns the texture, density, color of the paper);
  • development of fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, an eye;
  • development of speech skills;
  • development of creative imagination, aesthetic and color perception;
  • fostering the skills of accurate paper handling;
  • fostering the desire to participate in the creation of individual and collective works.

The program is designed for children of primary preschool age (3-4 years old)

This is due to the fact that at this age it is characterized by a significant increase in physical capabilities, especially the active development of small muscles in the hands, a change in the psychological position and a feeling of "adulthood" by preschoolers, a desire to show their individuality and creativity.

Classes of the circle are held 1 time a week for 15 minutes in the afternoon, in subgroups. The duration of productive activities with children may vary depending on the situation and the wishes of the children. The flexible form of organizing child labor in leisure activities allows taking into account the individual characteristics of children, desires, health status, the level of mastering skills, being at a certain stage in the implementation of the plan and other possible factors. Each child works at his own level of difficulty, starts work where he left off.

Classes are held in the form of a game, for playing out a certain plot, poetic forms, fairy tales, mobile and finger games, characters (toys and dolls from various theaters, images of a character that are played out) are used.

The term of the program is 8 months

Expected results of work

Solving the problems of this program will help children master the basic techniques in the "paper plastic" technique: tearing and creasing paper, coordinating their efforts and actions, conveying the image of an object, a phenomenon of the surrounding world. Mastering the skills of working with glue, and most importantly, they will develop the skill of the hands, fine motor skills, when the movements of both hands become more coordinated, and the movements of the fingers are differentiated.

The result of the implementation of the program is an exhibition of children's works in kindergarten;

days of presentation of children's works to parents (employees, kids); compilation of an album of the best works.





Autumn leaves

Teach children to neatly tear paper into pieces of different sizes and shapes, glue pieces of paper to cardboard, create an image of falling leaves, continue their acquaintance with "warm" colors (yellow, orange, red).

Double-sided paper in bright colors (yellow, orange, red), 1/2 landscape sheet, glue, brushes, napkins.

Rain, rain - drip, drip

Teach children to tear off small pieces of paper from a large one, carefully glue them onto cardboard. Spatial mastering of the sheet

Umbrella, 1/2 white cardboard, colored paper (shades of blue) glue, brushes, napkins

Apples in a basket

Learn to crumple paper, roll lumps out of it, dipping them in glue, glue them to cardboard, carefully work with glue. Sensory development.

1/2 landscape sheet with a picture of a basket, pieces of yellow, red, green paper,

PVA glue

Rowan branch


Continue to learn how to roll small pieces of paper into a tight lump and make a bunch of rowan from them. To foster a desire to make an application and bring the work started to the end. Strengthen the hands, develop fine motor skills.

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper, dry rowan leaves, red paper napkins; glue, brushes, napkins



Continue to introduce children to paper and its properties (sensory development); learn to wrinkle paper, roll lumps out of it, glue them to cardboard; to form interest and a positive attitude towards the application.

Double-sided paper in vibrant colors; round cardboard sheet (plate); PVA glue.

Ice cream in a waffle cup

Learn to consistently perform the work: roll napkins into a ball, dip in glue and apply close to each other, develop color perception.

Doll Katya, 1/2 album sheet with a picture of a waffle cone, colored paper napkins, PVA glue

Fat tummies

Teach children to form lumps out of paper, glue them in a certain place on the base; carefully paint over, without going beyond the contour with a pencil.

Double-sided paper of black and brown colors, pictures with contour images of a bear and Cheburashka; PVA glue; colour pencils

Golden comb cockerel


Exercise in crumpling and rolling strips from paper napkins into flagella (paper plastic technique). Continue to shape applique skills (sticking paper balls on the tail silhouette).

¼ a tinted sheet of Whatman paper with a silhouette of a cockerel tail, unpainted, colored paper napkins; glue, brushes, napkins


Snowdrifts, snow on trees


To consolidate the ability of children to neatly tear paper into pieces of various sizes and shapes, gently glue on the base (on the crown of trees, on the ground), spatial development of the sheet, development of imagination. Continue learning to act together.

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper with the image of trees, sheets of white paper; glue, brushes, napkins

We made a snowman (teamwork)

Strengthen the knowledge of children about the round shape, about the difference in size of objects, teach children to work with cotton pads of various sizes, compose an image, placing them correctly in size from parts. Exercise in neat gluing, proper smearing of a cotton pad.

A picture of a snowman, a picture from the previous lesson, cotton pads of different sizes, pieces of colored cardboard, felt-tip pens, glue, brushes, napkins

Fluffy collar for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Learn to tear off pieces and strips from a sheet of paper, crumple paper into lumps, use paper depending on its qualities. Cultivate interest in applique.

Blanks of drawings with the image of Santa Claus or Snow Maiden, white paper, glue, brushes.

Christmas tree

Teach children to compose an applicative image of a Christmas tree from ready-made shapes (triangles), with partial overlap. Continue to learn how to roll balls from small pieces of paper, carefully use glue. Foster independence and goodwill towards other children

½ a landscape sheet, blanks of green paper (triangles of different sizes), double-sided paper in bright colors (candy wrappers), glue, brushes, napkins.


Little white bunny is sitting


Exercise in the ability to roll a paper napkin into lumps, compose an object, complement the image with missing details. Use glue carefully. Develop a desire to work with other children, foster friendships.

Bunny toy, ¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper, white paper napkins, cut cotton pads, glue, brushes, napkins.

Snow falls quietly on the meadow on the meadow


Continue to learn how to roll balls out of small pieces of paper and glue them evenly throughout the sheet. To develop an aesthetic perception, a desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Painting from the previous lesson, pieces of foil, white paper, glue, brushes, napkins

Feed the birds

To reinforce the ability of children to neatly tear paper into small pieces, glue pieces of paper to cardboard; to form interest and a positive attitude towards the application.

Double-sided brown paper; ½ an album sheet with a contour image of a bird, a toy bird, glue, brushes, napkins


Kitten named Woof"

To strengthen the ability of children to neatly tear paper into pieces of various sizes and shapes, glue pieces of paper along the contour. Build an interest and a caring attitude towards pets.

Toy kitten, ½ landscape sheet with a contour image of a kitten, double-sided paper colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins

Curly lamb

Exercise in the ability to tear off pieces and stripes from a sheet of paper, crumple the paper into lumps, use paper depending on its quality. Cultivate interest in paper handling.

Tinted paper with a lamb outline, white paper, a lamb toy, glue, brushes, napkins.


(pyramid, tumbler)

Continue to learn how to roll napkins into lumps, carry out crafts from several balls, correctly positioning them in size, consolidate the knowledge of basic colors. To foster a respect for toys.

½ landscape sheet, colored paper napkins, PVA glue; pyramid

Planes are flying


Strengthen the ability to compose an object from several parts of different shapes and sizes (rectangles, stripes). Place the item correctly on the panel (in the form of the Russian flag). Gently use glue, spread on the entire form. Foster a sense of patriotism, the ability to rejoice at the overall result

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper (in the form of the Russian flag), blanks for aircraft

(rectangles, stripes), colored paper

glue, brushes, napkins.


Flowers as a gift for mom


Teach children to create a beautiful flower arrangement (bouquet). in mixed media: paper plastic + torn paper, develop aesthetic perception, form a figurative representation. To cultivate a caring attitude towards mom, a desire to please her.

¼ a tinted sheet of Whatman paper with a contour image of a twig, yellow napkins, green colored paper,

glue, brushes, napkins.

The sun looks out the window

Continue teaching children to work in mixed media: paper plastic + torn paper, complement missing details at will, develop imagination, sense of color and shape.

Album sheet of paper with a picture of a window, yellow paper napkins, yellow paper, felt-tip pens, glue, brushes, napkins.

A crested hen came out with her yellow chickens

(collective work 2 lessons)

Anchoring the skill neatly
and consistently carry out the work: roll lumps out of the napkin, dip them in
glue and spread along the contour. Develop color perception. Form an understanding of poultry.

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper, yellow paper napkins, pieces of colored paper, cotton pads, felt-tip pens, chicken toy, glue, brushes, napkins.


Clouds - white-maned horses

Teach children to carefully tear paper of different hardness into pieces of different sizes and shapes, to consolidate the skill of sticking; (inside the outline). Development of aesthetic perception, the ability to work together.

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper with a picture of a river, white paper napkins and paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

White ships


Learn to compose an image of a boat from ready-made shapes (trapezoids and triangles of different sizes). To form the ability to freely place parts, glue carefully, grease the edges of parts well, use a napkin

Painting from the previous lesson, blanks for boats made of colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

Cheerful clown

Making balls for a juggler clown using paper-plastic technique; gluing them, relying on a visual reference. To foster independence and a desire to bring the work begun to the end.

¼ Whatman paper with a picture of a clown, candy wrappers, brightly colored paper napkins, glue, brushes, napkins

Gingerbread man - brown side

To develop aesthetic feelings by transferring an artistic fairy-tale image in the application technique, to learn how to tear off paper of different hardness, to consolidate the knowledge of a round shape and yellow color.

Grandma (puppet theater) screen, yellow double-sided paper, yellow napkins, round cardboard, eyes, mouth, nose for a bun, PVA glue, napkin.


Festive fireworks


Exercise in the paper-plastic technique. Gluing paper balls on a prepared dark background (multi-colored fireworks lights in the sky). Develop a sense of rhythm.

Blue cardboard, brightly colored paper napkins, PVA glue


fly away to the sky

Strengthen the ability to roll lumps of different sizes out of paper, compose an image from parts, add missing details. Generate interest in insects.

Ladybug toy,

½ album sheet,

red paper napkins, black colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins


Continue to teach how to tear off pieces and strips from a sheet of paper, crumple the paper into lumps, stick them on the prepared picture, press them tightly together, complement the image with missing details. To cultivate a respect for insects.

½ a landscape sheet with a contour image of a leaf, green paper napkins, pieces of colored paper, glue, brushes, napkins.

Dandelions in the grass


To reinforce the ability of children to neatly tear paper into small pieces, glue pieces of paper along the contour, glue the workpiece partially so that it turns out to be voluminous (leaves) Develop the ability to work carefully. Foster a desire to work together.

¼ tinted sheet of Whatman paper, blanks for green paper leaves, yellow paper, glue, brushes, napkins.


  • Applications and paper crafts for children 3-4 years old-M: Dragonfly, 2010.
  • Grishina N.N., Anistratova A.A. Crafts from pieces of paper - M., Onyx, 2009
  • Nevilko N. Magic napkins - Hoop, 2003, №1
  • Ryabko N.B. Lessons in the visual activity of a preschooler - paper plastic. Educational and practical guide - M., Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2007.