Many useful things for the development and education of children: funny children's games, nursery rhymes, counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fairy tales, outdoor games, educational games, finger gymnastics, graphic dictations, etc. Scenario of the holiday "Childhood is a happy time"

Music sounds, the presenters appear.

HOST 1: Good afternoon everyone! It's time for radiant smiles and good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day!!!

VED USCH II 2: It all starts with a school bell: Dream, science, friendship - whatever you want! Road to the stars! Secrets of the Ocean! All this will come sooner or later! Everything is ahead, but for now... Do you want to go to the planet of CHILDHOOD? that our children came up with. Hold hands tight everyone! Close your eyes and move forward!

HOST 1: Friends, can you imagine, today we have a miracle, After all, we have gathered for the holiday of CHILDHOOD. Surprises are waiting for you everywhere, The magic lights are already lit! A magical country will open the doors, It's time for our friends to start the holiday, Perhaps someone will be surprised, will not believe - You will be greeted with a joke

INRIDING 2: Today, such beautiful, such grown-up boys and girls, Boys and girls, have gathered in this hall. You leave the fairyland of childhood and enter into a great life.

VED USCH II 1:: Happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How can we not love the memories of her?

INRIDING 2: What a pity it is that the days of happy childhood will not return! And each of us wants to be there at least for a moment, in this small country called "Childhood"!

INRIDING 1 : To delve into the sandbox and, as a sign of great friendship, hit Yulia on the head with a spatula.

INRIDING 2 :: Arrange a fight with Seryozha because of a tricycle or soar under the clouds on a swing. INRIDING 1: Truly believe in Santa Claus and Baba Yaga, turn into pirates...

INRIDING 2: But childhood is gone forever. If only you knew where?

INRIDING 1: Let's try to perform a miracle today, on Children's Day, and turn back time. Let's remember the golden childhood!

INRIDING 2: So, attention! The journey to the country of childhood begins! Let's remember the time when you were very, very young and did not go to kindergarten yet.

Relay "Drivers"

2 teams of 6 people are invited. The first two boys are given children's cars on strings. The task of the participants is to "drive" the distance, going around the skittles placed on the floor, and not knock them down. The team that does it faster and more accurately wins.

INRIDING 1: Perhaps the most important thing in kindergarten is friends. If there is a good company, then even tasteless porridge, an evil teacher and old toys recede into the background.

Competition "Dress the baby in kindergarten"

The girls are blindfolded and offered to dress the boys. Clothes are prepared in advance and hung on a chair (sweater, hat, scarf, jacket, plus size trousers). Whoever copes faster and more accurately wins.

INRIDING 2: Well done!!!

INRIDING 1: According to the daily routine in kindergarten, after games and lunch, it is supposed to arrange a break - “quiet time”.

INRIDING 2: We will have a musical break in such a “quiet hour”. And at the same time we will check what kind of obedient children you are.

INRIDING 1: Impressions of early childhood often remain in memory for life. And the holidays give them a special brightness. .

INRIDING 2: Joyful excitement, decorated rooms, guests, gifts, a festive table - this is remembered for a long time. And what opportunities for the flight of children's imagination !

INRIDING 1: And the fantasy of adults usually comes down to one thing: moms and dads love to brag to their guests about their beloved, smart and obedient child.

INRIDING 2: "Daughter, baby, stand on the chair and tell the guests a poem." I think that many of you fulfilled this request so as not to upset your parents. .

INRIDING 1: We invite 2 boys and 2 girls who still have a love for poetry to decorate our holiday.

Children's poetry competition Everyone comes out and reads children's poems. Prizes are awarded for artistry and originality.

INRIDING 2: Everyone knows that children and animals are the best friends. The little man simply needs someone to yelp, meow, chirp or croak next to him.

INRIDING 1: Children love to take care of our smaller brothers: they treat the cat with sweets, save fish from the aquarium so that they don’t drown, share toys with the dogs.
The cat says quietly to me:
- Have some pity on me!

INRIDING 2: I don't understand this cat
I put candy in her mouth
I put my arms around her neck.
- That's how I feel sorry for you!
Well, what do you want, cat?

INRIDING 2: She says:
- A little bit, a little bit sorry -
Release me quickly!

During the text, the facilitators distribute notes with the names of animals to the children.
INRIDING 1: Attention! Now our little brothers will appear in this hall! Anyone who has received the notes, please come to me. The cats are on the left, the pigs are on the right, and the horses are in the center.

INRIDING 2: Have you forgotten how these animals “speak”? Shall we rehearse?

Competition "Concert of animals"

Teams get acquainted with the song that they will perform:
Cats - "Two Merry Geese"
Piglets - "Grasshopper"
Horses - "I'm lying in the sun"
You need to perform songs by making sounds corresponding to animals. From the outside it looks very funny.

INRIDING 1: Ah, kindergarten! Ah, kindergarten! First friends, first love ... Yes, yes, it is in kindergarten that this feeling comes .

INRIDING 2: I really want to know which of our young men was a Don Juan in kindergarten. I ask two self-confident guys to come out.

INRIDING 1: We announce a dance break, and during the first dance, the guys must collect autographs from the girls. Who will have more fans?

Competition "Autographs"

Two participants are given sheets of paper and felt-tip pens. The task of the participants is to collect as many autographs as possible from the female half of the hall in 1-2 minutes. The one with the most signatures on the piece of paper wins.

INRIDING 2: It was good in kindergarten!

There we were loved, raised,

fed and taught to be real

But parting comes
We'll be going to school soon
And today goodbye
We speak from the heart:

INRIDING 1: Goodbye kindergarten! -
All the guys say -
We will never forget
Our favorite kindergarten!

INRIDING 2: And now we are not just children, but students. On the threshold of the school, the first teacher greets us with a smile.

INRIDING 1: The first teacher is kind, strict, sensitive, patient, the first guide to the land of Knowledge.

INRIDING 2: We invite to us two teams of five people for whom the memories of the first teacher are still dear.

INRIDING 1: Your mentors will be pleased to receive their portrait as a keepsake. And you draw it.
Relay "Portrait of the first teacher"

Two teams, at speed, blindfolded, draw a portrait of a teacher on sheets of paper. The first participant draws the oval of the face, the second - the eyes and eyebrows, the third - the nose, the fourth - the lips, the fifth - the hair. The team with the most artistic drawing wins.

INRIDING 2: Lessons are over at school
You have moved to the senior class.
Lie down in the sun
The sea invites us.
INRIDING 1: Holidays, holidays, fun time! Sea, sun, soft sand and, of course, beach volleyball. We invite you to take part in volleyball competitions - get ready for the beach season.
Competition "Air volleyball"

All team members inflate two balloons each. And then the game of volleyball with balloons begins.

INRIDING 2: Childhood is leaving, what is there to be surprised?
It gets away from everyone at some point.
And I want to cry and laugh
And I don't want to part with anyone
But childhood still leaves us.

INRIDING 1: It is a pity that we begin to understand all the charm of childhood when we become adults.
We go to youth along rainbow paths,
Through snow and thick grasses.
We are leaving in youth, we are rushing time,
And we ourselves are sad about childhood.

INRIDING 2: But don't be so sad. First, today is a holiday. And secondly, whether childhood will remain with you or leave forever, depends only on you. And even after many, many years, you can sometimes even for a moment look into childhood and take a break from adulthood there.

INRIDING 1: Here comes the moment of farewell.
Our speech will be short:
We say to you: goodbye!
And childhood memories

Try to save!

Elena Chenchenko

November 19 in our kindergarten, as part of the Week of Kindness and before World Children's Day campaign"Territory of good deeds". On this day, teachers conducted classes about kindness with children, made gifts for kids, bird feeders, read works about kindness. Parents were not left out either. This day they spent for the children « Holiday of Childhood»

Event progress:

To the cheerful music, the children gather in the hall.

Vedas: Hello guys! Today we have a wonderful day, bright and joyful! And why? Yes, because children always celebrate on November 20 holiday. What is this holiday?

Yes it World Children's Day. Everyone on Earth wants our children to grow up happy, to learn, play, be healthy, smart, the most wonderful children! And today we start our « Childhood holiday» .

Today is a wonderful day

We know everything about that.

And we congratulate everyone

Happy wonderful day!

We dance merrily

And we sing along!

Let it be joyful today

Children's eyes shine!

A song is being performed "Smile"

Leading: Oh, guys, what's the noise? I think we have guests.

(Baba Yaga runs in)

Baba Yaga: Hey babes!

Oh my legs are tired

For a long time I was going to you

And dressed up beautifully.

Scraped off the dirt

I put on the best dress

I combed my hair with a fork,

Picked her teeth with a match.

There were no scissors in the house,

I had to bite my nails.

Here, on holiday I came,

You recognize me, friends!

Yes, Baba Yaga is me!

(shakes all hands)

Baba Yaga. Do you want to play? Then repeat after me.

A game "Repeat"

How do you live? - Like this! (children put their thumbs forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (children walk in place)

How are you sailing? - Like this! (children imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

Baba Yaga: Oh, what is that sound coming from my purse). This is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are many children nearby. Will you play with him?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga: Then listen to the rules!

dance game "Merry tambourine"

While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.

The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands, dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). It's clear?

Baba Yaga: How fun I am! And you?

Children: Yes!

Baba Yaga A: Well, that's too much! After all, I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is my favorite pastime. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!

Game - grumble "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Baba Yaga: Answer loudly unanimously: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends".

answer loudly, but

there is one condition:

Somewhere you say nothing

And where it is necessary - there shout!

Which of you, tell me, children, dreamed of summer for a whole year?

How many of you will now find out, is dying of boredom here?

Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?

In summer, who surprises everyone - lying in bed resting?

Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?

Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?

Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?

Baba Yaga: Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me. Actually, I had fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always be friendly and cheerful.

Carlson flies into the hall to the music.

Carlson. Hey guys, you called me? You are not bored, you probably want to play pranks? Let's play this game. It's called "Trousers" Here are trousers for each team, choose who will wear them. And here is a basket with balls, now on command we begin to fill your friend’s pants with balls, and when the command sounds "End" we will count how many balls are in the pants, which team won the most!

An attraction game is being played "Trousers".


"Pass the balloon on the shoulder blade"

"Jumping Hops".

"Zhmurki with a bell".

A song is being performed "Inseparable Friends"

Carlson: Shine smiles, warmed by the sun!

Peace and happiness to you, children of the planet!

Grow all not frail, mobile children!

And become sweet, good children!

Goodbye friends! See you soon! (runs away).

Leading: The songs were sung and danced, and now it's time - not to sleep!

It's time for us to draw!

Now take the felt-tip pens and draw on the poster what you need for happiness.

Let in your drawings will: happiness, sun, friendship!

On this wonderful day, I invite all: draw with us!

To cheerful music, children draw with felt-tip pens, blow bubbles.

Leading: Our holiday ends but we won't be sad.

May the sky be peaceful for the joy of good people,

Let the children live on the planet, not knowing worries,

To the joy of dads, moms, rather growing up!

Dance of little ducks (together).

Related publications:

(script of the summer holiday dedicated to Children's Day) Presenter: - Hello guys! How many bright smiles we see on yours.

Scenario of entertainment "House of happy childhood!""House of Happy Childhood" "Grandmother does not jump, grandfather does not jump. It means nothing to the Convention. The child is supposed to grow up, make noise,

Scenario of entertainment "Games of our childhood" Joint entertainment with parents during the week of games and toys. "Games of our childhood" Dear parents, we welcome you to our.

Synopsis - entertainment "Hello, childhood holiday!" Structural subdivision of the state budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 6 of the city of Otradny.

Scenario of entertainment "Tea Festival" 1st buffoon: We ask, we ask, we invite, Come in, honest people! We treat you with delicious tea, The hot samovar is waiting! 2nd buffoon: Attention! Attention.

The buffoons Max and Andryushka take the stage.

- Let's start, let's start
We invite you to the holiday

- Both girls and boys
All be quiet, and rascals!

- It is forbidden to be sad today
The fun holiday begins!

(On the stage - a musical number).

- Everyone, everyone, everyone, attention!
We continue the noisy walk.

- We love those guys,
Who laughs more cheerfully

Who does not wait for an invitation,
He dances and sings!

- My friends, I think you forgot something.

- We haven't forgotten anything.

- And what?

- And did you forget to say hello to the guys?

Max, Andryushka:
- Oh…

(they run down to the hall and begin to greet the guys separately)

- No, you just need to say hello to everyone!

“Then my arm will definitely fall off.”

- Then we will have to say hello all day, so the holiday will end!

- No, come here, I'll show you how you can greet everyone at the same time.

- Well, teach.

Andryushka: (grouchily)
- Everyone can only learn something!

- You just need to face all the guys and say: Hello! All.

Andryushka, Max:
- Hello! All.

You don't have to say "everything". Max, Andryusha, let's go, I'll explain to you how to greet the guys correctly, while our viewers listen to a wonderful composition performed by Masha Sinelnik.

- Hello!

- Good afternoon, dear adults and dear children!
Today we are celebrating a wonderful holiday of childhood, traditionally coinciding with the end of the school year. For someone, this academic year was the first, for someone - the second. And some guys can rightfully consider themselves old-timers of our school.

(On the stage - a fun entertaining number).

- Childhood is a wonderful time when the sun seems big, the stars shine brighter. The song flows, the heart beats, dreams come true.

(On the stage - a musical composition).

- Andryusha, you are somehow absent-minded today. Something happened?

- I don’t understand why I forget everything today, I confuse everything?

- But because
The rooks have arrived
The streams rang
Who among you knows
When does it happen?

(children answer)

- That's right, it's spring. I even had amazing poems about this, listen.

(Reads comic poems about spring).

- Maxim, it seems to me that you are playing pranks again!
Announce the next number better.

- Now the guys will perform for you "Lozhkari" .

“But I also have many talents. I am a well-known master in various sports. On skis, on skates, on slingshots, on snowballs. Dear viewers! Does anyone want to fight me? Push each other, show strength!

- We will answer in advance, we do not need such competitions.
Our guys can compete differently. They recently returned from the city competition, where, thanks to their talents, they won the hearts of many spectators.

(A children's dance ensemble performs on stage).

- Alexander Valeryevich, do you like magic tricks?
I can do one trick! Look!

(Pulls out toy from pocket). Now I will cover the toy with a hat, but for now, think about how I can get it out of there without touching the hat? (He covers the toy with a hat and says in a “whisper” to the host). I will tell you a secret. Toys under the hat are long gone. What do you not believe? Well, look!

- Okay, now we'll check you.

(removes his hat, and Andryushka snatches out a toy)

- Are you sure? I took out the toy without touching the hat!

Are you magic again? Balagan arranged here! You just miss the balalaika.

- Not to him, but to us. After all, the next number of our program is called “Balalaika”.

- Now it's time to say goodbye. Dear friends! Rest well and gain strength so that in three months you can tell us: Hello! We have returned!
We would like to thank our cheerful hosts Andrey and Maxim, who helped me spend this wonderful evening.

Goodbye friends! See you soon!

Lyubov Rastrosa/Belogortseva

City review competition "The Scarlet Flower" on this topic « Our happy childhood»

music leader Rastrosa L. M., Khalilova A. R.

Introductory remarks by the head (Art. educator)

Children are happiness children are joy

Children are a fresh breeze in life.

They can not be earned, this is not a reward,

God gives them by grace to adults.

Entrance: Children to the soundtrack of the song by E. Cheban "White Doves" Spanish dance.

Reb. 1: Childhood is golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

Reb. 2:

Well, adults and children,

Smile quickly

To become in our hall

And warmer and more fun.

Song « Childhood» music E. Filippova, sl. V. Stepanova

A child enters "time machine".

Leading in turn:

Oh look, what is this?

It's not a plant at all.

Maybe an invention?

Everything sparkles, everything is on fire.

And not some trifle.

Time machine - that's it!

Time Machine? Wait a minute

Here's a ride on this!

Through the centuries, back and forth.

I accidentally clicked here and it suddenly shone.

I hear some ringing.

Boy (driver): What, you didn't guess?

We are in the past.

1st led. That's what you are!

What has science come to?

So here's the move.

Space music sounds, the car sparkles. The curtain opens. On stage bonfire. Children in skins dance around the fire. The teacher stands aside and watches the children.

Children go out to the music of savages.

The manager enters (child).

Head: Valentina Pavlovna, why is there noise in the cave?

Educator. Tatyana Petrovna, we are preparing for holiday.

Head: Very good, well done! Why with spears?

Educator. So there are no toys!

Head. Let them bring from their caves.

Educator. So they brought it. /shows/.

Head. What if the kids get hurt?

Educator. Yes, the spears are already dull.

The manager leaves.

Educator. Children, take spears with you for a walk. Let's play a game "Mammoth Hunt".

The curtain closes.

1 leader. Yes, it was hard for people in those distant, distant times ...

2 leading. Let's go back to the 70s.

1 leader. Attention! Turn on the Time Machine.

Space music sounds. Loud at first, then quieter and quieter.

The machine turns off.

The curtain opens.


A screen is installed (2 chairs, on which there are 2 flat pots, hanging from them children's tights, stuffed with padding polyester, small on the soles baby shoes. Children stand behind the screen so that it seems that they are sitting on potties. IN skit a girl and a boy are participating, pacifiers hang on their chests, a big bow is on the girl’s head.

Girl: I sit on the potty, I sit and cry ...

Boy: I'm sitting on a potty, I laugh and don't cry...

Girl: I don't want to go to your kindergarten, I want to go home to my mother.

Boy: What are you doing, it's great here, and the mountains of toys are here.

Songs, dances and poems, and theater and drama ...

Girl: All the same, my beloved mother is missing here!

Boy: This aunt is a teacher, everything counts us, counts.

He thinks he will lose, but we are all as one here,

We are sitting on the potty.

Aunt cook cooks soup for us and a side dish with cutlets ...

Girl: I'd rather go to the store ...

Boy: For what?

Girl: For chocolates.

Boy: Doctors taught us in the kindergarten that sweets are harmful.

Girl: So they are not healthy, their dressing gowns are pale.

Boy: That she puffed out her cheeks and sat down on a pot,

Play patty with me, don't upset these aunts.

It's boring and dull at home, just watch cartoons,

And if you get into the garden, then you will fall with laughter.

Girl: Oh, hold on! Oh hold on

I'll fall off the potty

So be persuaded

I stay in the garden.

Boy: It will be difficult - we will not cry,

Everything will pass by itself

The nanny will tie our shoelaces.

Aunt music will sing.

Together: Mom, don't worry

We will find our friends.

Every year your children

Get better and grow up

Bring up. You didn't come here in vain

Let's start with the music, folks.

Orchestra to the soundtrack of the song « Childhood is me and you» music Y. Chichkova

Vedas. Girls are in a hurry to grow up fast

I want to wear heels and beads.

Do not rush, dear, rush the year

Childhood will never return again.

Song "Fashionista" music In Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovsky

1 led. Let's look into the future. Want?

2 leading: Certainly! Let's turn on the car and see everything with our own eyes.

The hosts approach the car, turn it on, /music sounds/.

The curtain opens. Manager's office on screen kindergarten. The manager sits at a desk, equipment is on the table. The manager herself is talking on a cell phone.

Head. Yes Yes. Come, we are waiting for you.

The manager puts the phone on the table. He presses the button of the equipment and speaks.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna, has the car with toys arrived?

secretary: Yes.

Head: Order that they unload as soon as possible and make an application for a new physical education equipment. By the way, what is the water in the pool today with orange flavor or walnut flavor?

secretary: /writing down the order of the manager in the tablet/ With lavender, yesterday I had an orange scent. Tatyana Petrovna. Educators are asking to somehow adjust the temperature in groups, such a heat, how can children be hardened?

Head: And in the winter greenhouse it will not hurt the pineapples?

secretary: No. The pineapple harvest has already been harvested.

Head: Okay, I will solve this issue today.

Skype call sounds.

Head: I'm listening. What? The President will speak? Fine. /after five seconds/. Hello! Yes, old computers have been replaced with new ones. Yes, in all groups. Thank you.

/listens/. You say the dacha was built for children our garden on the Black Sea Thank you very much for this. Yes, I will definitely pass it on. Goodbye!

The manager presses a button.

Head: Svetlana Sergeevna.

secretary: What's happened?

Head: Announce to everyone that tomorrow there will be an extended teachers' council. Subject teachers' council: "Summer vacation for children our Garden on the Black Sea

secretary: All right, Tatyana Petrovna.

Head: I won't be here today, I left for Gore ONO. By the way, is the car ready?

secretary: Yes, the driver has been waiting for a long time.

The secretary leaves. A song / or soundtrack of a song about the Black Sea sounds. /

The desk is quickly removed.

Reb. They say, they say, they say...

Adults don't want to listen to us

They don't want to listen to us

Creating a ramble in the brain.

That's why we scream out loud

We cry often, stubbornly silent,

Protest again and again...

We ask adults - children to understand.

Dance "Naughty" music and sl. J. Kolmagorova

1 led. Flying, dreaming

IN our time we hit.

2 leading: A tiny lump, in this world,

Looking for protection and love

And shine with the purest light

Your surprised eyes.

1 presenter: Adults, wait, look around,

Look into baby eyes,

And in this look consider

What the baby wants to tell you!

2 leading: Radi the happiness of this child

So that it is always flooding and loud

For the peace childhood without worries,

His toothless mouth laughed!

Dance "Stomp my foot" music A. Krivoshey, sl. T. Romashko

Reb. Healthy lifestyle

We live in a kindergarten!

Getting slimmer

And more beautiful every day!

Even before the Olympians

We have a long way to go.

But we don't waste time

Let's do it for now!

love, look

For cheerful preschoolers -

Olympic hopes

Today they go to kindergarten.

Dance "Hula Hup"

Reb. - Baby: Love! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in the family

What could be more precious

In this fabulous land

Family dance to the soundtrack of the song "Welcome to childhood» sl. and music. A. Pavlovsky

Poem "What's happened happiness» N. Shirobokova, performed by mother.

What's happened happiness?

Such a simple question

Perhaps more than one philosopher asked.

And in fact happiness is simple.

It starts with half a meter of growth.

These are undershirts, booties and a bib,

A brand new described mother's sarafan.

Torn tights, knocked knees,

These are the walls painted in the corridor.

Happiness these are soft warm palms,

Behind the sofa candy wrappers, crumbs on the sofa.

It's a whole bunch of broken toys

It's a constant rattle of rattles.

Happiness These are barefoot heels on the floor.

Thermometer under the arm, tears and injections.

Abrasions and wounds, bruises on the forehead,

It's permanent: What? But why?

Happiness is a sled, snowman and slide.

A small candle on a huge cake.

It's endless... Read me a fairy tale"

These are the daily Khryusha with Stepashka.

This is a warm nose from under the blanket,

Bunny on the pillow, blue pajamas.

Spray all over the bathroom, foam on the floor.

Puppet theater, matinee in the garden.

What's happened happiness? There is simply no answer.

Everyone has it - These are our children.

"Firework" under the soundtrack of the song "Road childhood» music and sl. Elena Enverovna

Head (or senior educator):

lovely flowers,

Children of the whole Earth!

We love you very much,

We need you so much!

Don't worry, sunshine

Giving us joy

Be in this life

Happy always!