We wash the windows correctly and quickly. How and what is the best way to wash wooden frames. How to clean windows streak-free

How to wash plastic windows is a pressing issue today. Openings are considered a special part of any building. They not only act as a source of natural light in the room, but also open up the view to the outside.

At the same time, they are considered the most vulnerable place in the house, because it is their damage that can become an easy way for intruders to enter the house, and also in cold weather it is through them that cold and frost enters the house.



The use of advanced technologies in the production of windows allowed the disadvantages to be minimized. The most popular for them is PVC. They can differ in size, types of glass units, functionality, but at the same time they have the following qualities:

  • high level of thermal insulation properties;
  • unique properties of sound insulation;
  • strength;
  • resistance to damage, which ensures durability and reliability;
  • resistance to climatic conditions to temperature extremes, increased humidity levels, exposure to sunlight, etc.;
  • aesthetics, which allows the products to fit into any interior.

In addition to the above criteria, manufacturers also note that their products are fire resistant, environmentally friendly and hygienic.

Today's window opening consists of many little things, each of which needs a special approach. Let's consider them in detail:

  • PVC profile is a base, it is considered an analogue of a conventional window frame. Acts as a bearing part of double-glazed windows.
  • A double-glazed window is a structure of several layers of modern improved thick glass, which includes additional impurities.
  • The seal is a rubber band designed to fix the glass unit in the frame. Fittings are additional segments that make the device more functional and aesthetic. These include awnings, handles, etc.

Note that the opening segments should be equipped with a mosquito net, which minimizes the possibility of insects entering the building during the warm season.

The functionality and ease of use depend on the quality of the add-ons.

Let's take a closer look at how to care for each of the above devices.

Glass unit cleaning

A complete window cleaning is usually carried out every three months. It is especially important to do this in the off-season. Cleanliness is not just an aesthetic effect.

It will ensure that the right amount of natural sunlight gets into the room. In addition to saving energy, this will also provide a certain amount of solar heat.

Most housewives believe that washing can be called the most difficult cleaning procedure. But due to the peculiarity of this design, a modern double-glazed unit is not difficult.

A big mistake can be called the use of chemical detergents, since most of them contain solvents and abrasives.

The consequence of their exposure is glass cloudiness. In order to get rid of foreign contamination, you need to use a regular detergent that is also suitable for washing dishes.

Today manufacturers offer a variety of them. They are simply applied to a pre-soaked cloth and spread with light movements over the glass area.

After that, the soap is washed off with clean water, then wiped dry with a cloth.

Before cleaning plastic windows at home, we recommend using microfiber cloths. It is a modern product specially designed for cleaning glass surfaces. You can use a piece of terry cloth, which also removes streaks.

Many people ask the question "how to wash the types of windows on which tinting is applied?" Caring for them is the same as usual.

Since it is necessary to wash not only from the inside, but also from the outside, many people have a question "how to do this correctly if they are located on the upper floors of an apartment building?"

In this case, one of two common methods is used.

In the first case, you need to purchase a special T-shaped scraper. Its peculiarity is that it has a long handle. This allows you to safely clean the structure from the outside.

But the disadvantage of the technology is that when using it, you have to bend outward.

A safer, but at the same time, expensive tool is a magnetic brush. It allows you to clean the surface from both sides at the same time.

The accessory consists of two halves with a built-in magnet. Putting rags on them, we place one inside, and the second outside and carry out all the required actions.

Profile processing

The frame, which is a special PVC profile, must be washed without fail. It is resistant to a wide variety of chemicals.

Therefore, the choice of detergent depends on the degree of soiling. If the dust level is low, you can use regular soapy water.

If there are stubborn stains on the square, which is typical for a kitchen, more active substances should be used.

Despite the fact that plastic is resistant to mechanical damage, you should not use hard materials for processing it, which can be washcloths and scrapers. This can cause scratches and reduce the aesthetics of your profile.

Seal processing

When carrying out general cleaning, which includes working with window openings, most housewives make the mistake of processing only two segments.

Emphasize that all parts, even invisible ones, can be processed.

One of these is a rubber band. It is a rubber gasket located between the glass unit and the main frame.

This small and inconspicuous element plays a very important role in the design, as it provides heat and sound insulation.

To make it last longer, it must also be cleaned. Like most other parts, it can be treated with soap.

Make sure that debris does not fall into the joints and is not under the seal.

If the maintenance procedure for the seal is not carried out, the dirt accumulating on it contributes to the drying out of the material, the appearance of cracks and failure.

As a result, the device loses its functionality. In addition to washing, a simple procedure will allow you to extend the life of such an element.

To prevent drying out in the warm season, the tourniquet should be treated with glycerin. If there is a risk of freezing, then petroleum jelly should be used.

Also for this purpose, you can use silicone oil, which is lubricated 2-3 times a year. Such attention will allow this part to last more than five years.

As for the fittings

Many housewives, carefully processing their window opening, ask themselves the question "what to do with the fittings?" It does not need to be washed, but it does need to be lubricated annually.

Perhaps the most common mistake is applying a lubricant over the remains of a used one.

It should be applied only on a clean surface, therefore, before lubricating the mechanism, it is worth removing the old grease, as well as the dirt that could have accumulated on it during the service.

To do this, you need to use a soft material that will not leave excess pile on the surface.

Degreasing the element will get rid of traces of the old grease. The best way to do this is to use rubbing alcohol or acetone-based nail polish remover.

New grease is applied to the already cleaned element and the mechanism is activated.

An aerosol water-repellent anti-corrosion agent VD-40 is suitable for cleaning the fittings.


PVC structures are considered a priority today. They meet the requirements of the modern consumer both from the technical side and the aesthetic one.

Such pleasure has become available, but in comparison with other materials, it is not the cheapest.

Long-term high-quality functioning can be ensured only if the rules of operation and maintenance are observed.

It is important that most housewives unknowingly make a mistake, treating them with specialized chemicals.

If you are wondering “how to wash a plastic window without streaks?”, Ordinary soap and a soft piece of cloth or microfiber will come to your aid.

With soapy water, you can treat both the glass unit and the bases and harnesses.

To clean the outside of the glass, use a special tool such as a T-brush or a magnetic brush.

They will ensure the safety of your work during the general cleaning. The choice of model depends on your preference.

Clean window panes in the apartment are the pride of a zealous hostess. Knowing how to properly clean windows and what to use for this, you can turn this element of general cleaning into an easy task. Cleaning windows after renovation will also become much easier if you know what to use for this. This information is also useful in order to make it easier and better to clean mirrors, cabinet doors and interior doors with glass inserts.

We stock up on everything you need

To quickly and well wash the windows in the apartment, in the rooms and on the balcony, you need to prepare just a few things:

  • container with water;
  • several sponges;
  • microfiber napkins or a scraper with a rubberized nozzle;
  • washing solution.

For glasses, there are special products that do not leave streaks: Cif, Mister Muscle, Clin and others. For a profile, non-aggressive household chemicals without acids and strong alkalis are suitable. The plastic window sill and the profile must be washed with products that say “for plastic” on the label - “Pemolux”, “Sanelit”, Cif.

A convenient wiper is a key factor in making windows easy to clean. The model with a long handle will allow you to clean windows of any height without a stepladder. This is especially true in an apartment with high ceilings and on the balcony, where the windows can be up to the ceiling. If you buy a double-sided model - with a foam sponge and a rubber pad (a plastic scraper with a rubberized pad) - this will further simplify the washing process.

My windows

How you clean your windows depends on how dirty they are. With light dirt, this can be done quickly: just spray with a streak-free detergent and then wipe the glass with a microfiber cloth. The frame and window sill - plastic or wooden - just wipe with a clean, damp cloth. In other cases, you will have to devote a little more time.

How to clean windows without streaks in an apartment - step by step instructions.

  • Free the windowsill: remove flowerpots and other items.
  • Wash the frame with detergent solution and then wipe with a damp, clean sponge.
  • Apply the detergent to the glass with a sponge and wait a few minutes until the active ingredients destroy the persistent compounds.
  • Then wipe the surface with a damp, wet sponge or foam rubber wiper blade. Both the sponge and the nozzle should be periodically rinsed in clean water.
  • If a non-specialized glass detergent was used as a detergent, then it is necessary to spray a solution with ammonia: 10 ml of ammonia per 200 ml of water.
  • Wipe dry with a tissue or rubber scraper.
  • Wipe the frame again - clean.
  • Wash the windowsill in the same way as the frame.

To avoid streaks, you need to start washing from the bottom up. One more nuance - the solution with the detergent on the window must not be allowed to dry. Dried soap particles rubbed with a dry cloth and form most of the streaks. It is better to bleach a yellowed plastic window sill with a mixture of whitening gel and hydrogen peroxide, but you should not rub it with abrasive sponges.

When using a window squeegee, the corners of the panes remain poorly cleaned. You need to wipe them by hand, especially at the bottom, where all the water flows, with napkins or an ordinary cotton rag.

How to clean windows outside?

If the window sashes open inward, then washing them is as easy as the inside, but there is a situation when one of the sashes is deaf, that is, it does not open at all, or the sashes open outward. This situation is especially common in an apartment on the balcony. Most often, the windows open outward precisely on the balcony (to save space) and a blind profile is also installed there - already in order to save money. In a private house, a stepladder may be the solution, but how to clean windows of this type outside in a high-rise apartment? Sponges and napkins are not suitable for washing here, only a telescopic glass cleaner can be the way out. It has a long handle that bends to the right angle and allows you to clean hard-to-reach areas of blind windows.

Another peculiarity of glass washing from the outside occurs in an apartment on the ground floor, where sand and other contaminants get into. If the sand is stuck, then you need to wash it carefully: you need to remember that this is an abrasive that can scratch the surface of the glass. As a result, it will become cloudy and transmit less light. Such adhered particles should never be cleaned off with hard brushes or abrasive sponges. It is better in this case to wash with a washing vacuum cleaner. However, if it is not there, you just need to arm yourself with patience, moisten the dirt with a cleaning solution and wait 10-15 minutes until they “soak off” (while re-moistening the glass from time to time). Then the window is washed in the usual way.

How to clean glass after repair?

The peculiarities of cleaning windows after renovation are to select a substance that can dissolve paint, whitewash or wallpaper glue. There are also questions about how to clean the windows in the rooms and on the balcony, if they have masking tape, dried plaster or putty mortar on them.

Here is a list of what will help you to keep your windows spotless after renovating your apartment.

  • Drying oil, vegetable oil, turpentine, solvent R-5 or R-4 will help to clean the masking tape or adhesive traces from it. Thinner cannot be used to clean the window sill and profile.
  • Regular scotch tape can be removed with isopropyl alcohol (can be used on a plastic frame) or a special Sticker Remover.
  • Lime and chalky whitewash on the window is washed off with Cif Glitter Gel. The same tool can be used to clean the windowsill.
  • Dried water-based acrylic paint (modern whitewash) can be removed with "White Spirit" or gasoline.
  • Acetone and "Thinner 646" will help wash away enamel and nitro enamel stains.
  • Dried cement-based mortar remaining after renovation in the apartment can be removed with phosphoric acid or Atlas Szop. These substances must not be allowed to fall on the profile.
  • The Macroflex and Thinner 646 remover will cope with the softening of the polyurethane foam that gets on the window. First, you need to cut off the maximum possible layer, and then soften the remainder with dissolving agents and remove using a plastic spatula or scraper.

Grandma's ways

Previously, there were completely different ideas about how to properly clean windows. Back then, window mops, rubber scrapers, and wizard-based stain removers did not exist. Everything had to be done with great effort and patience; it was impossible to quickly clean the windows. If you imagine how much effort our grandmothers spent to clean the glass in the entire apartment and on the balcony, then the modern arsenal is especially pleasing.

But there are situations when there are no household chemicals and necessary appliances at hand, then the time comes to remember the folk methods.

  • A mixture of any detergent, vinegar and water will deal with dirt on the glass and frame. Ratio: 70 ml of vinegar and 0.5 tsp of washing powder per 500 ml of water.
  • Another mixture: 1 teaspoon of borax, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, ¼ teaspoon of powder or grated washing soap in 250 ml of hot water.
  • A mild saline solution was used to clean the windows, after which the glass was wiped off with newspapers.
  • Ammonia (ammonia) from the arsenal of grandmothers passed into household chemicals. It is the most effective stain-free glass cleaner. It is diluted in a ratio of 10 ml to 200 ml of water.
  • A solution of water and glycerin was used to keep the glass clean for longer. It was especially important to apply it in hard-to-reach places - outside on the balcony and on the glass of blind windows.

What means to choose so that the windows in the apartment shine with cleanliness - household chemicals or folk methods - each housewife decides. The main thing is that the selected products correspond to the type of pollution and window profile.

Washing windows is seemingly such a simple process that it can be difficult !? But only those who either never washed the windows, or did it poorly and without effort, say so. Today we will tell you how to wash your windows so that they are thoroughly washed and free from streaks.

We will consider the process of washing windows in two blocks:


First, you must prepare all the necessary window cleaning products. There are two ways to clean windows: manually and using a window cleaner. For hand washing, use ordinary fabrics, newspapers or special microfiber rags. In turn, the window cleaner includes a handle, at the end of which there is a holder, on one side of which there is a sponge, and on the other a special rubber scraper (they can be separate objects: a separate sponge and a separate scraper). We will talk about how to wash using either method a little later, but for now, about the preparation.

We will definitely need detergents to clean the windows. There are a lot of special detergents for windows, you can buy them in any supermarket, and we recommend that you give preference to them. If you do not have such a tool at hand, then you can prepare it at home: one drop of dishwashing liquid per liter of water, or make a regular soap solution. Washing windows with ammonia is also popular, adding it to water in a ratio of 1:10, but there is no point in this, since special means for washing windows are many times better.

For more detailed tips, check out the video below.

Washing process

When everything is ready, we will tell you about the washing process itself.

One of the main mistakes of many is that they first wash the glass, and then the profile - this is wrong. First, you must wash the profile (frame) well, and only then proceed with the glass itself.

If a large amount of dirt has accumulated in the corners of the windows, then use brushes or brushes. A detergent is also used to wash the frame. First, the profile is washed from the outside, and then from the inside.

You can clearly learn about the process of washing windows from the video below.

Mine with rags

To clean windows, it is best to use special microfiber rags, they wash windows well and efficiently, leaving no lint or streaks.

It doesn't matter where the detergent is applied: on a cloth or on a profile / window. Apply a small amount of window cleaner and thoroughly wash the profile, then take a dry cloth and wipe the washed areas dry. Then perform the same operation with the glasses.

My window washer

Washing windows with a window washer is as easy as shelling pears, while you still have to wash the profile with rags if you want to achieve perfect cleanliness. A window washer is an excellent solution for large windows, as well as for a loggia, and in cases where there is a blind part of the window. It also allows you to quickly clean windows, which is very practical.

To wash the windows with a window cleaner, you must use a special solution, you can either dilute it in a bucket or immediately apply it to the glass. Carefully scrub the glass surface with a sponge and then use a rubber scraper to remove soapy water and streaks. Move the scraper from side to side. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that thanks to the scraper, after washing the windows you will not have any streaks. By the way, the rubber scraper can also be used when cleaning with rags.

It is necessary to wash the windows 2 times a year: in the middle of spring, when the weather is warm outside, and in the middle of autumn.

That's all, actually! We wish you success in putting things in order!

Instructions for cleaning windows without streaks using folk methods and special means.

Cleaning companies are very popular now. They are famous for the impeccable quality of the services they provide. Service workers will quickly clean any surfaces from old dirt. Often they are assigned to clean windows.

Why do stains remain on the windows after washing?

There are many reasons due to which there are cloudy spots and plaque on the glasses after washing. Even if you do everything right, divorce is possible. This is for reasons that may not be within your control.

Causes of glass clouding:

  • Very hot and windy weather. Due to direct sunlight, moisture evaporates very quickly, which is the reason for stains. It is because of the high rate of moisture evaporation that you should not wash windows in windy weather.
  • Incorrectly selected cleaning agents. That is, substances with abrasive particles often scratch glass, which causes cloudiness.
  • Incorrect technique. All dust must be removed initially. That is, to carry out cleaning in several stages. Only after removing the dust layer, the surface is washed using special means.

How to wash plastic windows streak-free with folk remedies: a recipe

There are many folk remedies for cleaning glass. The algorithm of work is approximately the same with the use of all substances. A solution is prepared and a sponge is dipped into it. After that, the surface is cleaned with a wet sponge. Further, the solution is washed off with water. Residual moisture is removed with a rubber scraper.

Review and folk remedies:

  • Dissolve 5 tablespoons of starch or crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water
  • In 2.5 liters of water, add 4 tablespoons of shavings of laundry soap
  • 120 g of lime is dissolved in 3 l of water
  • 3 tablespoons of tooth powder are added to 2500 ml of water and stirred

How to wash plastic windows with vinegar: a recipe

Vinegar is a 9 or 6% acid solution that successfully dissolves all grease and stubborn stains from glass surfaces.


  • Pour 240 ml of water and 55 ml of ordinary vinegar into a saucepan. Inject 5 ml dish detergent and stir
  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and shake. Remove dust with dry towel or brush
  • Now apply the product to the glass using a spray bottle. Next, use a soft cloth to clean the surface in a circular motion.
  • Then use a rubber scraper. It is necessary to carry out processing from top to bottom, as if removing the remains of the solution

How to wash plastic windows with ammonia: a recipe

Liquid ammonia is often added to professional products. It helps to remove even old dirt.


  • Dissolve 5 ml of ammonia in 5000 ml of warm water
  • Then wipe off dust and dirt from the glass with a dry cloth.
  • Wash the profiles and the window sill with plain warm water and soap
  • After that, proceed to cleaning the glasses. To do this, immerse a sponge in a solution of ammonia
  • Wipe the windows with it in a circular direction
  • Next, use dry paper towels to remove any remaining moisture from top to bottom.

How to wash plastic windows with newspaper: a recipe

The newspaper, even by our grandmothers, was used to clean windows. The main advantage of the newspaper is that it leaves almost no streaks.


  • Use a dry brush to remove dust from glass and window frames
  • After that, soak a cloth in water and rinse the frames, if necessary, use dishwashing liquid
  • Next, soak a sponge in a window cleaner or one of the solutions indicated in the paragraph about folk methods
  • Wipe the surface with a damp sponge
  • After that, take a newspaper and crumple it, dry the glass in a circular motion
  • After that, take a clean newspaper and wipe the window from top to bottom.

How to clean windows streak-free with store products?

Alcohol, ammonia and blue are specially introduced into professional window cleaners. All of these supplements allow you to achieve good results with minimal effort. It is necessary to wash the frames with soap and water, and wipe the dust from the glasses. After that, the product is applied from a spray bottle and wiped off with a paper towel.

Review of funds:

  • Mister Muscle. There are many options that allow you to quickly deal with even very dirty glass. There are both foaming substances and liquids with ammonia.
  • Clean. The tool is sold in spray bottles. The composition contains alcohol and dyes. Also organic solvents to help remove dirt.
  • Sarma. The product contains ammonia and detergents. Copes well with greasy stains and insect marks.

What rag, napkin to wipe, wipe, wash the windows so that there are no streaks?

First you need to choose the right fabric. Microfiber and napkins with a minimum amount of lint are perfect. Now on sale you can find special rags for cleaning windows.

Features of window cleaning wipes:

  • The package usually contains 2 napkins. They differ in weaving
  • It is necessary to soak a microfiber cloth in plain water and wash off all dirt and debris
  • The peculiarity of the fabric is that it absorbs all debris and dirt
  • Copes well with streaks and insect marks
  • After that, a second napkin is taken, it has a high content of terry
  • The glass is wiped dry with this cloth.
  • Also on sale are sponges for cleaning glasses, they also collect debris and dust well

How to buy a rag, napkin on Aliexpress for cleaning windows without streaks: links to the catalog

In household chemicals stores, such wipes are not cheap. This is due to the fact that the goods are brought from abroad. Accordingly, you can save money by using the Aliexpress website. there is a huge selection of napkins and glass cleaning brushes.

Cloth for washing windows and mirrors from Aliexpress

How to properly and quickly clean windows without streaks in winter?

In winter, windows are rarely washed. Warming is most often expected. You cannot wash windows in severe frost. So, all the liquid that you apply will freeze.


  • Dissolve the salt in the water. It is necessary to prepare a warm solution in which 500 ml of water and 50 g of salt
  • This liquid can be used to wipe the glass from the outside. They help defrost ice
  • Next, apply a special liquid. It can be purchased at an automotive chemistry store.
  • After that, quickly wipe it off with a microfiber sponge.
  • Begin cleaning from the inside
  • To do this, prepare a solution of 10 parts alcohol and 1 part glycerin
  • Rub the inner surface with this solution and polish to a shine with a microfiber sponge.

Cleaning the windows is easy enough. Stock up on glass sponges and special cleaning solutions.

VIDEO: My windows quickly


It is believed that plastic windows need to be washed only a couple of times a year. In order not to damage the frames and glass, you need to carefully approach the choice of cleaning agents and know what is better and how to properly wash plastic windows.

This article will cover the issue of cleaning windows.

The main mistakes when caring for plastic windows

First, you need to familiarize yourself with the main mistakes when caring for PVC windows.

Usually errors are associated with the use of:

Plastic windows cannot be washed with hard sponges, otherwise, instead of smooth, you will get patterned glass

1. Aggressive cleaning products. They must be free of abrasives, for example, do not use Pemolux cleaning powder, which can leave scratches on fragile glasses and on a plastic profile.

Also, do not use gasoline, alcohol, or acidic solvents to clean windows. Otherwise, your windows will turn yellow soon.

2. Hard sponges with abrasives so that there are no numerous scratches on the plastic window.

3. Sharp objects when scraping dirt from a window - no knives, chisels or screwdrivers if you do not want to get scratches both on the frame and on the glass.

Observe precautions when cleaning plastic windows... There are several of them:

When you wash the window, lean on something "reliable" - a window sill or your husband

1. Do not lean out of the window too much or protrude onto the outside of the window sill

2. Ask you to hold back for a safety net when you wash the window from the outside.

3. Choose a stable surface as an access to the window

You can quickly and correctly wash plastic windows without streaks and stains with your own hands in several effective ways.

The first way to care for a plastic window

Washing a plastic window using a special spray, soft cloth and paper.

This method is useful for those who have small and slightly dirty plastic windows.

To better wash plastic windows, you will need: soft cotton cloth or sponge, window care spray (with spray nozzle), newspaper or paper, bucket or basin (for water), household gloves.

The instruction is as follows:

If the windows are not high, they are washed with a soft cloth.

1. Put on gloves and put some warm water in any container and soak a soft cloth (so that there are no scratches on the window) or a sponge. Squeeze it harder so that the water does not drip from the cloth, but the latter would be damp.

2. Wipe off dust and dirt from the window frame.

3. Use a zigzag motion to spread the wiper over the entire window. First wash the plastic windows outside and then inside the apartment.

4. Take a clean cotton cloth or sponge and proceed directly to cleaning the plastic window. Wipe in a circular motion.

5. To make the window shine, wipe it with newspaper or paper, that is, polish it properly.

If you want to know why plastic windows turn yellow and how to avoid it,.

The second way to care for a plastic window

It is better to wash the plastic window using a special solution and a special screed with a sponge on a long handle (25-30 cm). This is much more convenient, especially if your windows are high above the floor.

And to wash tall windows, or windows from the outside, you can use a screed with a sponge

1. Prepare a cleaning solution. There is several options for making a cleaning agent:

  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch
  • 1 glass of vinegar per liter of water
  • per liter of water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia
  • per liter of water 50 g of chlorine lime
  • 2 liters 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia

Or get a special window cleaner without abrasives. For example, "Aos", "Mister Muscle" or "Ajax". It is necessary to drop 7 drops of such a product into a bucket of warm water (2 liters).

2. Dip a sponge into the prepared solution. Squeeze well. So that there are no divorces.

To remove water from the glass, the rubber end of the screed with a sponge is guided along or across it - whichever is more convenient

3. First wash the frame of the plastic window outside, then inside the room. Gently wipe off dust and dirt from all corners and edges of the window.

4. Change the water to clean, warm water and dip the screed with a sponge in it.

5. Walk with a sponge, and then with a tie (rubber edge) along the entire height of the plastic window, that is, from top to bottom, without touching the bottom - about 2-5 cm. Periodically dip the sponge into water.

Wipe the rubber edges of the screed every time you pass over the glass to avoid streaks on the window.

6. After making sure the windows are clean, wipe the screed with a dry cloth. Move left to right across the glass to remove water from the lower edges of the window.

7. Wipe hard-to-reach places (edges, corners) and the sill of a plastic window with a clean cloth or paper towels.

Use a synthetic suede or microfiber cloth to clean the windows. It will not leave lint behind.

How and what to clean windows from scotch tape

You can remove pieces of adhesive tape from the surface of the plastic window in several ways:

Using scotch tape

Glue a piece of new tape to the marks of the old one.

Then pull off this piece abruptly. If you did not immediately succeed in removing the remnants of the old adhesive tape, then repeat this procedure several times.

Oil use

Scotch marks can be removed with ordinary sunflower oil.

Tea and citrus tree oils, as well as mint, sunflower and vegetable oils are suitable.

  1. Place a drop of oil (vegetable or sunflower) on a sponge and apply to the part of the window where there are traces of scotch tape. Leave it on for 10 minutes: the glue will soak in the oil and swell.
  2. Wipe the window with a clean, soft cloth.

Using rubbing alcohol

Apply a cotton swab soaked in alcohol to the tape. But first apply this solution on a small area. Since different types of plastic can react differently to such an impact.

To make the window shine ... and not break

Washing the glass inside and outside is sometimes not enough. To make it look like new and work with a bang, do the following:

A little alcohol won't hurt glass

1. For durability, wipe them with a solution of 30 g of water, a couple of drops of ammonia, 70 g of glycerin.

2. Rub the glasses with a solution (1 teaspoon of copper sulfate per liter of water) so that they have an attractive greenish tint. Or use dry ultramarine to make the window blue.

3. If a small crack appears on the glass, then cover it with colorless varnish. She won't bother you for a long time.

4. Treat the glasses with vinegar to get rid of annoying flies.

5. Do not forget to lubricate the fittings (moving parts of the window) with machine oil twice a year.

Consumer opinions: the better to wash plastic windows

On the site "Everything for Home" user Vera shares: "Soap solution is an excellent tool to easily and quickly wash plastic windows from dust and dirt."

Many people still wash their windows with ordinary soapy water.

Indeed, this is the way out. But for more effective cleaning, experts recommend a glass cleaner. Your windows will shine clean for several months.

On the "Sibmam" forum, user Lorochka advises: "Do not wipe the stains on them with acetone or any other solvent."

On the same forum, user Lenochka writes that "traces of adhesive tape can be removed with a glass ceramic scraper."

It is, but it is very difficult to clean the windows from the adhesive tape in this way and not to scratch.

On the say7 forum, user Svetochka advises how and how best to wash plastic windows from yellow stains: “You need to take a damp sponge and a pinch of baking soda. Rub it a little and dry it with a paper towel. "

Indeed, baking soda can help combat the yellowing of plastic windows.