Easy tricks for kids

Children love to play jokes, to amaze us adults. It is not only interesting, but also polite, develops the logic and thinking of the child, develops dexterity, ingenuity, memory, ingenuity. And how children love applause! Here are how many interesting tricks were found - all of them are within the power of children:

1. Magic wand: glue a cylinder out of paper, decorate with a magic wand. Fill one part inside with a serpentine, the other with confetti, now the kid turns into a wizard. In front of everyone, he wraps his wand in a newspaper, shakes it. Confetti sprinkles out of the bundle, then turns over the newspaper and takes out the streamer. After that, you need to crumple the newspaper with a stick.

2. Match in balance: the child puts an ordinary match on the index finger, holding it from above with his thumb. Removes thumb. The match remains upright.
SECRET: you need to moisten your fingers a little, press the match harder with your thumb to your index finger. When the child carefully removes the thumb, the match, with its lower end glued to the index finger, will maintain balance for a while.

3. LIVING water: on a clean sheet of paper, the baby draws a contour of a flower with a simple pencil, then pours it with water. And then the plant gradually blooms (becomes colored).
SECRET: Take a white paper, put a cardboard flower stencil on it. Cover the entire volume of the flower with bright red aniline powder, covering the rest of it for a while. Cover the leaf and stem with green aniline powder. Without removing the stencil, carefully blow everything off the paper. In places where there was powder, imperceptible tiny particles of paint will remain. On the back of the sheet, where the child will then draw a flower, mark the outline with barely noticeable points. When displayed, water must be poured slowly, from the side of the stem. The paper will get wet from the water, and the paint through it will gradually color the flower!

4. Deceiving water: if you put a transparent glass on a large copper coin, the coin will be clearly visible through its walls. Pour water into a glass - the coin will "disappear" (of course, if you do not look into the glass from above). Based on this optical effect, you can come up with a number. Take a coin and glue it to the bottom of the glass beforehand. The child shows the audience a glass of water. There is nothing in it. Put the glass down and hold it so that the audience looks at it from above - a coin has appeared in the glass!

5. Obedient newspaper: our young magician announces that he can make the newspaper stand upright.
THE SECRET: unfold an entire newspaper and take it by opposite corners - with one hand on top and the other on the bottom. After that, pull the newspaper so that a fold forms in the center.

6. Compliant Button: Pour soda into the glass. The young magician takes a small button and lowers it into the glass. The button will be at the bottom. Immediately or a little later, he moves his hand over the glass and says: "Button, to me!" The button slowly rises up. Again he runs his hand over the glass and says: "Button, down!" She obediently lowers.
SECRET: when the button is at the bottom of the glass, gas bubbles collect around it and when there are a lot of them, they will lift the button. Then the bubbles will disappear and the button will drop down again. This movement will continue as long as carbon dioxide is released. But pre-practice, calculate the time before commanding the button "up" or "down".

7. Luminous ball: the young sorcerer shows a tennis ball, count to 3 and a light appears inside the ball. The light is moving! It is very easy to achieve this effect.
SECRET: there should be a light source three meters from the ball. And in the ball there is a round hole with a diameter of up to 1 cm. When showing the ball, viewers need to cover the hole with their finger. Counting to three, turn the hole towards the light bulb, and, removing your finger, open it. One gets the impression that light appears in the ball. And in order for it to move, you need to move the ball up and down, left and right, without turning it.

8. Through the table: the child sits at a table covered with a tablecloth. The audience is on the other side of the table. There is a glass on the table. The kid covers it with a sheet of foil and squeezes it from all sides so that it looks like a case. Then he pushes the case with the glass towards him, showing the audience that there are no holes in the table, and returns to its original place. After that, he hits the foil with his palm - the foil is crumpled, and from under the table you can hear the sound of a glass falling on the floor.
SECRET: pushing the case with the glass to the edge of the table, the child drops the glass on his lap. Then he hits the empty foil with his palm and at the same time allows the glass to fall to the floor.

9. Paper will endure everything: the child puts two glasses on the table, puts a sheet of paper on them and asks: "If you put the third glass on top, will the sheet of paper withstand its weight?" Everyone will say no. Then you need to fold the sheet of paper like an accordion. Now you can safely put a glass on it.

10. "I knew that you would guess this number!" The viewer confesses that he has thought, for example, 3. The magician asks to go to the piano, on which the card is and turn it over (the number 3 is written on it). Next, the number of the next viewer is guessed, etc.
SECRET: you need to write cards with numbers in advance and hide them in different places. The most important thing is to remember where the card with which number is.

11. What no one has seen: the child says to the audience - "Do you want to see what none of you have ever seen and what neither you nor I will ever see?" Then he calmly takes a nut out of his pocket, frees it from the shell (pre-split), gives everyone the opportunity to look at the kernel of the nut (no one really has ever seen this kernel) and then just as calmly eats this kernel (no one really will ever see it).

12. Self-standing box: the child opens the matchbox halfway out of the case and shows it to the audience. Turns the boxes with the hole down. Here the box appeared from the other side of the case, but again with a hole up. As if it had not been turned over! You can repeat it again - the effect is the same. SECRET: cut the boxes into 2 equal parts. Turn one of them upside down, and the other upside down. In this position, glue both parts with a thin strip of paper (you won't see it in the case).

13. Instant transformation of an orange into an apple: the young wizard shows everyone an orange, covers it with a bright handkerchief, casts magic spells, pulls off the handkerchief, and there is already an apple on his palm!
SECRET: Carefully remove the peel from the orange beforehand. Then from the apple (it should be slightly smaller than the orange) place in this peel. When showing, the child, tightly clutching an apple in an orange peel, shows everyone what is in his hand. Then, with a dexterous movement, he removes the handkerchief with the peel from the apple.

14. Paper and a paper clip: The child shows the audience a piece of paper with a paper clip attached to it. Asks viewers to remove the paper clip without touching it. Nothing will work if there is no ingenuity. And it's easy to do. You need to fold the sheet in half in advance, and put a paper clip in the place of the fold. if you then stretch the ends of the sheet to the sides, the paper itself will throw off the paper clip.

15. Trick with a mug and ice: The baby pours some water into the mug. Then he says a few magic words and turns it over, only instead of water, a piece of ice falls out of the mug.
SECRET: you need a high opaque glass, a thick sponge (sponge) and a piece of ice, a jug from where you need to pour water. Place the sponge in the mug in advance, make sure it is securely attached and does not fall out. Place a piece of ice on top of the sponge and you can demonstrate focus. Pour some water into a mug. You, of course, should experiment in advance with the amount of water that the sponge can absorb - the more, the more effective the focus. Just not too much, otherwise, together with the ice, a lot of "unfrozen" water will pour out. having pronounced the magic word and turning the mug over, after a piece of ice falls out instead of water, you need to try to hide the mug with a sponge as soon as possible.

16. Rising pencil: the magician places a pencil in a vase - and, following the commands of the young magician, the pencil slowly rises and falls inside the vase.
SECRET: the pencil moves with a thin, inconspicuous thread. Prepare a very thin nylon string and tie and glue to one end of the pencil. Tie the other end of the thread to the button on the magician's clothes. Dip the end of the tied thread into the vase. Moving away or approaching the vase, the magician pulls the thread, setting the pencil inside the vase in motion. "

Do you want to surprise your children, make them wonder, joyful smiles and real delight?

Give them real magic, which is easy to do at home without special skills with a little preparation.

Magic water

The magician draws a flower on a blank sheet of paper. Watering the flower with water, and it becomes colored before our eyes.

The secret of focus: in order for the focus to succeed, you need to prepare a stencil of the flower (you only need the outline of the flower, so that the inside of the flower simply does not exist). Then the outline of the flower must be put on a leaf and covered with aniline powder. Choose the color yourself. You can also make several flowers of different colors.

Leaving the outline of the flower, blow off the aniline powder. Where there was a powder, the smallest particles will still remain. Holding the outline of the flower, carefully turn the leaf over and mark the outline of the flower on the other side of the leaf with subtle dots.

Accordingly, during the focus, the magician will circle the flower point by point, and then slowly pour water onto the flower (preferably from the side of the stem). In this way, the dye from the aniline powder will gradually develop and the flower will become colored.

Velcro spoon

It is very easy to make the spoon stick to the body part! We dip the spoon in sweet tea, take it out and press it against the convex part of the body, for example, to the finger, nose or chin. We are waiting for the tea to dry a little, and "voila-la!" the spoon is stuck.

The secret is that the sweet tea will firmly adhere the spoon to the selected body part.

Miracle banana

Want to easily surprise your guests at the table? Show your guests a whole banana that is wonderfully sliced ​​into pieces!

Trick Secret: You need to pierce the banana in several places with a long needle. When piercing a banana in one place, you need to make several up and down movements, as if cutting the inside of the banana. And so that the places where we pierced the peel do not turn black, pour a little lemon juice there. That's all! The miracle banana is ready.

Magic water coloring

The magician takes turns taking several closed glass jars with plain water inside. Shakes each jar in turn and says magic words, and the water inside becomes colored: red, blue, green, etc.

The secret of the trick is very simple: We spread gouache of any color on the inside of the jar lid, pour water into the jar and tighten the lid. When we shake the water in the jar, it reaches the gouache and the water turns to the color of the gouache. Easy and simple, and the kids love it!

Ball magnet

The magician takes a ball and sprinkles confetti on top. Confetti sticks to the balloon and the balloon becomes decorated with colorful confetti. The secret of the trick: you need to inflate the balloon and electrify it with fur or wool (rub against the balloon), after which the balloon will begin to attract paper objects to itself. The effect will be quite long.

Coin Dancer

The magician places a coin on the neck of the bottle, and the coin starts jumping on the neck.

Secret trick: you need to prepare a coin that will completely cover the neck of the bottle, a bottle with a narrow neck and water. Then the open bottle should be placed in the freezer for 60 minutes. We take out the bottle and put a coin moistened with water on the neck. And she starts jumping. This is because gases expand when heated.

Colorful milk

The magician takes a bowl of milk and drips colored dyes into it. Children watch as various multi-colored stains and patterns appear. Then the magician drips a drop of liquid soap into the milk and then the real magic begins! The paint runs away from a drop as if by magic!

After that, the children themselves can add some dyes, take the leaves and print the colorful beauty on pieces of paper.

There will be no limit to the delight of children from magic tricks! And if you teach your child to do these tricks with their own hands, then they will be able to amaze their friends with their magical abilities!

Wish you a great holiday,
Ekaterina Akhmetzyanova, article author.

A script for a holiday or ask any questions you can.

Any viewer at least once in his life wanted to know the secrets of illusionists and magicians, in this article we will tell you how to make simple tricks for children at home. For beginner magicians 8 - 10 years old, you can come up with a whole performance and an unforgettable show for peers on their birthday at home and not only.

Interesting tricks for children do not require special skills and special equipment, a child of 8 - 10 years old can easily cope with them. To start a show, you need to carefully prepare and hone your skills to make the focus perfect. An amazing birthday trick will make your sibling bathe in applause and applause, as well as boost his self-esteem.

  1. In order for the tricks to be performed according to all the rules, the kid should come up with a costume and a stage image. Ask your child who he wants to be more, a street magician - performing card tricks, an illusionist like David Copperfield, or even a real magician and wizard. Judging by your child's preferences, make the right props and costume to match the look.
  2. It is not difficult to learn to amaze the audience with tricks, the main thing is to develop dexterity and mastery of distraction. Simple tricks for children can be based on the physical and chemical properties of objects and substances.

For example, light chemical tricks are performed using liquids (water, oil, soda, milk, etc.). By showing such simple miracles in kindergarten or on a birthday at home for 10 year old children, you can simultaneously teach them science. At the age of 10, children become more socialized, and such tricks perfectly develop communication skills and leadership qualities.

How to pierce a bag of water so that water does not spill

For this scientific trick, you will need a thick plastic bag, a pencil, and water. Ordinary tap water is poured into the bag, for showiness, you can tint it with food dyes or just watercolors. Then we tie a bag with the collected water and pierce it with a pencil. And voila! The bag does not leak and the liquid remains in place.

The whole trick lies in the property of the liquid, this is just physics, but from the outside it looks like an extraordinary miracle.

How to slip a coin through a table

Tricks with coins for children are probably the most popular. How often do we see in films how adult uncles from behind their ears take out a coin from little toddlers? But this is just sleight of hand, but being at home you can slightly change the focus with a coin. This requires an ordinary table and a coin. The highlight of this magic lies in the penetration of the coin through the surface of the table. It is quite simple to execute.

  • The first step is to sit at the table so that the viewer does not see your legs under the table. The whole action is performed with two hands. The active hand (right) is constantly in sight, and the left hand is under the table (we create the appearance that we are catching a coin). The most difficult moment is to discreetly slip a coin from the edge of the table into your left hand.
  • By doing this movement with three fingers, we create the appearance of holding a coin. Then we simultaneously slap the palm of our right hand on the table, and with the left we knock a coin from under the bottom. Then we just take out a coin and set it all up as magic.

Focus coin through the table

The balloon that can't burst

This shenanigans are similar to the previous one with water and a pencil. Only instead of a bag, we use a balloon, and a pencil - a long, thin and sharp knitting needle. To make the trick work, you first need to stick a tiny piece of transparent tape on the ball. You need to glue on both sides symmetrically. You can take a few more balls, but without the tape. This is done in order to show that the balls are ordinary and burst from the needle.

Then the baby inflates the "enchanted" balloon, and pierces it through and through in the places of the glued tape. And lo and behold! The ball did not burst, you just need to practice in advance.

Water turns to ice

A funny trick with freezing a liquid, based on the chemical properties of water. As you know, at temperatures below 0 degrees, the liquid turns into ice. But this trick is spectacular, especially if you perform it on the birthday of 10 year old peers who do not yet know the laws of physics and chemistry.

  • You need to take a plastic bottle to fill it with tap water and put it in the freezer in the refrigerator for about two hours. Be sure to make sure that the water does not freeze, but only becomes very cold, close to solidification. Then you can get ice for drinks and start pouring ice liquid from a bottle onto it, everyone will be delighted with what they see freezing and turning the liquid into a solid state, i.e. into ice.
  • You can also invite the public to try ice cream from your favorite carbonated drink. First, before your show, shake the soda bottle and place in the cold as indicated above. Always make sure that the drink does not harden, this is the time for different refrigerators individually. So go and check from time to time to make sure no ice builds up.
  • Then, when the time has come for the performance, take out the soda bottle (the main thing is not to shake, so as not to spoil the focus), open the lid, gradually releasing the gas. Then quietly pour the drink into a chilled container, and you will see how it turns into ice cream before our eyes. Also, this magic can be arranged right in the bottle. To do this, shake the chilled soda.
  • If you prefer to experiment with water, you can pour it into a cold cup and throw a piece of ice into it. The effect will be the same, only the liquid does not freeze immediately, but as if it is glued to the piece of ice. Stir with a spoon or straw and you will get a homogeneous mass. If you use a sweet drink, then it is quite possible to eat it as ice cream and offer it to those who wish. It turns out a kind of molecular cooking.


  • Even a kid in kindergarten will make the funny and simplest trick with the help of a matchbox. First you need to prepare the props, take the matchbox and take out the inner box for storing matches from it, cut it in the center and turn one of the halves upside down. Then, using tape or paper, glue the box so that it consists of two halves turned in different directions.
  • Next, put matches in the glued box and put them back in the box. The following actions: take the box and slide the inner box halfway (so that the gluing is not visible) observers see matches, then the box is closed and turned with its back to the viewer.

Everyone thinks that by turning the box over and opening it, all the matches will fall out. But it was not there! You slide the box out, but the matches remain in place, and for the viewer, the magic lies in the fact that the box inside has turned over by itself.

Trick with ropes

You will need two participants and two identical strings. To begin with, one participant (No. 1) is tied with a string on the wrists in the form of handcuffs. The second participant is tied with a rope on one hand, the rope itself is passed through the “fetters” of the first (crosswise) and the second end of the rope is tied to participant No. 2. They are then asked to free themselves from the restraints without removing the rope from their wrists or cutting them.

From the outside, this case does not look very tricky, and it seems that it is impossible to free oneself. But there is a way out and this is how: a rope is taken from participant No. 2 somewhere in the middle and his loop is threaded through the loop on the wrist of the first participant. Then the threaded loop No. 2, the participant No. 1 puts on himself on the hand through which the loop of the second was passed. And participant # 2 throws off the loop at # 1 and frees himself up.

Trick with rope

Magic trick kits

A set of tricks for children can be presented to your baby for a birthday or simply bought for logical development and thinking. Ready-made kits can be purchased in online stores, as a rule, instructions for performing tricks are attached to such kits.

These can be chemical or physical experiments, illusions, card tricks, practical jokes, and much more. These simple tricks at home prepare the child for science and play with his parents, he develops oratory skills and develops creativity.

The soda experience

The clever gibberish with soda at first glance bewitches and confuses the onlookers. The trick itself consists in restoring a crumpled aluminum soda can and then pouring a drink from an allegedly "empty" container.

To get started, you need a half liter jar of your favorite drink (not opened). And also a needle, scotch tape and a black circle of paper (the size of a hole in a jar). The first step is to pierce the jar with a needle in some place (preferably higher and closer to the top).

  • Thus, we release the pressure and part of the drink from the can. After, when the drink comes out by about one third, we glue the hole with tape. Then gently crush the jar itself, giving it a used look. Put the black circle of paper on the lid. From a distance, it will appear that the can is open and there is a hole in it.
  • Everything is ready for the performance, now you tell the audience that with the help of magic you can restore the jar of the desired soda. You take a crumpled container and gently show that it seems to be empty.
  • Then, with the words - abracadabra, lightly shake the bottle and make mysterious gestures with your hands (due to the internal gas pressure in the shaking can, it will begin to expand and the remaining drink will straighten out the bent aluminum). Then, distracting with other hands and words, gently and imperceptibly remove the black circle with your thumb. Next, you open the bottle cap (opening the ring) and pour the drink into the glass.

Paper cover

Another experience built on science and physics. Again liquid, a glass, but now also paper. Fill the glass with water (about halfway), and cut a piece of paper slightly larger than the diameter of the neck of the glass. Then cover the glass with a piece of paper and flip it over quickly while holding the paper.

And lo and behold, the water did not spill, but remained in the glass. This experiment can be modified with a liquid dye and different vessel volumes can be taken. It can be a small glass, a liter jar, a vase, etc. The main thing is that the neck of the vessels is even.

Cool trick with water in a glass

Every child is looking forward to his birthday. And it is not surprising, because it is on this day that all cherished desires come true, guests come and give the desired gifts.

In order for the child to remember the birthday for a long time and give only the most positive emotions, parents should think in advance how they will entertain the little birthday boy and his guests.

Fun contests the most excellent ideas

The first thing parents need to remember when thinking through the details of any competition is the prize.

In order for the child and his guests to take part in the competition with pleasure, it is necessary that some kind of reward awaits the winner.

These can be sweets, small plastic toys (cars for boys, dolls for girls), badges, key chains, etc. It is best to wrap such a small present in gift paper and decorate with ribbons.

The first competition can be held directly with a gift. To do this, the present must be wrapped in several layers of multi-colored gift paper (up to ten layers can be used).

While the music is playing, the guys should give each other a gift, but as soon as the music stops, the child who has a bundle at the moment must remove one layer of wrapping paper.

The participant who removes the last layer of the wrapper becomes the winner and receives a prize.

You can run a contest with balloons and sweets

Two or three small candies or gum should be placed in a balloon, inflated and tied.

Then a competition for the best wishes to the hero of the occasion is announced. All wishes must be written on a ball with a marker. You can also draw some kind of drawing.

When all the guys and their parents express their wishes and the ball is covered with writing, you need to pierce it with a sharp toothpick or pin. Children will be delighted with the sweets that will emerge from the balloon.

Another Balloon Idea

On small multi-colored pieces of paper, you need to write interesting and funny tasks (you can in the form of poetry) and put them in small balls.

Then the balls should be inflated and tied. Each child must choose a ball for himself and complete the task that he finds in it. The one who does the best job wins.

Competition with chairs

It can be carried out both indoors and outdoors.

It is necessary to put chairs in a semicircle. Their number depends on the number of guests invited.

For example, if there are ten children in total, then nine chairs need to be prepared. While the music is playing, the children walk around the chairs, as soon as the music stops - each child should take an empty chair as soon as possible.

The one who did not have time is eliminated. The next round involves nine children and eight chairs. And so on until there is one chair and two participants.

Another competition is a competition for the best drawing on a given topic.

For example, you can draw a magical animal or a birthday present. The child who does the best job wins.

The first game is designed for children aged five to ten. Together with the guests, you can make a joint greeting card.

Any black and white picture with a festive drawing will do (balloons are best, but you can also draw funny animals, cake, etc.).

On colored A4 cardboard you need to stick the selected picture. Then little guests need to be given finger paints. Each of the children dips his finger in paint and paints the ball he has chosen.

The second game requires a balloon, guests and a birthday boy. Children who stand in a circle need to be told that this is not a simple ball, but a magic one, and it is very hot.

Therefore, the ball must be passed to each other very quickly. While the music is playing, the children pass the ball, when the music stops, the child who has the ball in his hands should say pleasant and kind words to the birthday boy.

You can also play mummy

This game is suitable for both the smallest children and teenagers.

All the guys must be divided into several teams (the number of teams depends on the number of guests).

From all team members, you need to choose one child who will play the role of a mummy. Then the children need to be given a roll of toilet paper, which will be used as bandages for the mummy.

The winner is the team of guys that will wrap the mummy from head to toe faster and better. By the way, you need to buy high-quality and expensive paper, as cheap paper can quickly tear.

The fourth game is a game that will help guests get to know the birthday boy better. The presenter asks the children if they know the hero of the occasion well and in turn asks each guest a question about him.

For example, the host asks: "Is it true that the birthday boy received a gold medal last year?" The guest must answer whether this is true or not.

Dwarfs and Giants

Another interesting game that will help children develop dexterity is the game of dwarfs and giants. All the guys get into a circle, and when the presenter says "dwarfs", they have to sit down.

If the presenter says "giants", the children should stand on tiptoe. Out of the game is the one who did not have time to sit down or stand on his fingers. In addition, the presenter can say other words to which the guys should not react in any way.

Simple and fun tricks for guys

Children love mysterious and magic tricks. The most popular is the "egg in a bottle" trick.

It is necessary to prepare a liter glass bottle of juice, the neck of which should be smaller than an egg, a hard-boiled egg, a crumpled piece of paper or cardboard, matches and a small amount of vegetable oil.

The neck of the bottle must be greased with vegetable oil, then with the help of matches, set fire to the paper and throw it into the bottle. The egg should be immediately inserted into the neck. It will easily fall into the inside of the bottle.

The second trick will help the guys get rich!

It is necessary to collect plain water in a liter jar and toss a coin there. After a while, if you look into the jar from above, there will be several times more coins!

How did it happen? The thing is that, due to the refraction of light, those coins that were under the bottom of the can are simply not visible.

The third focus is called “Stop! Who goes?". To carry it out, you need to take a small plastic jar (for example, from under the pills), whose lid does not twist, but snaps into place, an effervescent tablet of aspirin or other medicine, and water in a ladle.

Pour a little water into a jar (1/3 jars), throw in an effervescent tablet and immediately cover the jar with a cap.

The jar should be turned upside down. Everything must be done very quickly! After a while, the jar will shoot and turn into a real fireworks!

For the fourth focus, you need to prepare a small basin, a liter jar, a sheet of paper and water.

A small amount of water must be poured into the jar, then cover the neck of the jar with a sheet and quickly turn it over the basin. The water will keep it hanging in the jar and will not pour out anywhere!

The fifth trick is called Magic Milk. You need to take a wide plate of milk, three thick paints and ear sticks, which should first be dipped in dishwashing liquid.

Dilute the paints in a little water: each paint in a separate glass. Then they must be poured into milk. The stick must be dipped in a bowl of milk and paints! Wonderful patterns are guaranteed!

Ideas to help make children's party unforgettable

In addition to contests, games and dances, you can also rent a life size puppet, either with an animator or without. It is best to choose the character that the birthday boy likes the most.

  1. For a girl, entertainment for a children's party Rapunzel, Winx fairies, Barbie, Monster High, etc. is ideal.
  2. Boys, on the other hand, like pirates, Harry Potter, the formidable bear, etc. The birthday boy will be delighted with the fabulous guest who will come to him for the holiday.
  3. Also, children of all ages love bubbles. You can rent a car that generates soap bubbles of different sizes.
  4. Dances with iridescent bubbles will be remembered by the hero of the occasion and his guests for a long time.

Idea: cotton candy or a chocolate fountain for a holiday

All the guys have a sweet tooth, so an apparatus for making cotton candy or a chocolate fountain will be quite appropriate for a children's party.

They can be rented instead of buying. Such a sweet and cheerful holiday will give the children the most positive and unforgettable impressions that they will remember for a long time.

Interesting tricks for a children's party are suggested in the following video:

Here are some great magic tricks that kids will love.
you yourself can show up to scale, but older children at their holiday can "reincarnate" (putting on a mantle and taking a magic wand) into a magician or magician and surprise their guests!

Invisible ink
To carry out the experiment, you will need: half a lemon, cotton wool, a match, a cup of water, a sheet of paper.
1. Squeeze lemon juice into a cup, add the same amount of water.
2. Dip a match or a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped in a solution of lemon juice and water and write something on paper with this match.
3. When the "ink" is dry, heat the paper over a table lamp that is on. On paper, previously invisible words will appear.

Lemon inflates a balloon
For the experiment you will need: 1 tsp. baking soda, lemon juice, 3 tbsp. vinegar, balloon, electrical tape, glass and bottle, funnel.
1. Pour water into a bottle and dissolve a teaspoon of baking soda in it.

2. In a separate bowl, mix lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of vinegar and pour into a bottle through a funnel.
3. Quickly put the ball on the neck of the bottle and secure it tightly with electrical tape.
See what's going on! Baking soda and lemon juice mixed with vinegar react chemically to release carbon dioxide and create pressure, which inflates the balloon.

Lemon launches a rocket into space
To carry out the experiment, you will need: a bottle (glass), a wine bottle cork, colored paper, glue, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 tsp. baking soda, a piece of toilet paper.

1. Cut out from colored paper and glue strips of paper on both sides of the wine cork so that you get a rocket mockup. We try on the "rocket" on the bottle so that the cork enters the neck of the bottle without effort.
2. Pour and mix water and lemon juice in a bottle.

3. Wrap the baking soda in a piece of toilet paper so that you can slip it into the neck of the bottle and wrap it with threads.

4. Put a bag of soda in the bottle and plug it with a rocket cork, but not too tightly.
5. We put the bottle on a plane and move away to a safe distance. Our rocket will take off with a loud bang. Just don't put it under the chandelier!

Spreading toothpicks
To carry out the experiment, you will need: a bowl of water, 8 wooden toothpicks, a dropper, a piece of refined sugar (not instant sugar), and liquid for washing dishes.

1. We place toothpicks with rays in a bowl of water.
2. Gently drop a piece of sugar into the center of the bowl - the toothpicks will begin to gather towards the center.
3. Remove the sugar with a teaspoon and drip a few drops of dishwashing liquid into the center of the bowl with a pipette - the toothpicks will "run away"!
What's going on? Sugar sucks in water, creating a movement that moves the toothpicks towards the center. The soap, spreading over the water, carries away particles of water, and they make the toothpicks scatter. Explain to the children that you showed them a trick, and that all tricks are based on certain natural physical phenomena that they will learn in school.

Mighty shell
To carry out the experiment, you will need: 4 halves of an eggshell, scissors, a narrow sticky tape, several full cans.
1. Wrap the duct tape around the middle of each egg shell half.

2. Cut off the excess shells with scissors so that the edges are even.
3. Place the four halves of the shell, dome up, so that they form a square.
4. Carefully place a jar on top, then another and another ... until the shell bursts.

How many jars could the fragile shells hold? Add up the weight indicated on the labels and find out how many cans you can put in for the focus to work. The secret of strength lies in the domed shape of the shell.

Teach an egg to swim
To carry out the experiment, you will need: a raw egg, a glass of water, a few tablespoons of salt.
1. Put a raw egg in a glass of clean tap water - the egg will sink to the bottom of the glass.
2. Remove the egg from the glass and dissolve a few tablespoons of salt in water.
3. Put the egg in a glass of salt water - the egg will float on the surface of the water.

Salt increases the density of the water. The more salt there is in the water, the more difficult it is to drown in it. In the famous Dead Sea, the water is so salty that a person can lie on its surface without any effort, without fear of drowning.

"Bait" for ice
To carry out the experiment, you will need: a thread, an ice cube, a glass of water, a pinch of salt.

Argue with a buddy that you can use a string to pull an ice cube out of a glass of water without getting your hands wet.

1. Let's put the ice in the water.

2. Place the thread on the edge of the glass so that one end of it lies on an ice cube floating on the surface of the water.
3. Put some salt on ice and wait 5-10 minutes.
4. Take the free end of the thread and pull out the ice cube from the glass.

Salt, when it gets on the ice, slightly melts a small part of it. Within 5-10 minutes, the salt dissolves in water, and pure water on the ice surface is frozen together with the thread.

Record weight
For the experiment you will need: 2 coffee or canned food cans, a sheet of paper, an empty glass jar.

1. Place two cans at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
2. Put a sheet of paper on top to make a "bridge".
3. Put an empty glass jar on the sheet. The paper will not support the weight of the can and will bend downward.
4. Now fold the sheet of paper with an accordion.
5. Put this "accordion" on two cans and put a glass jar on it. The accordion does not bend!