Pulse rates in children of different ages. Indicators of the pulse rate in children of different ages, the reasons for its violation What is the pulse of a child 9

Heart rate (HR) is the number of heart beats per minute. The definition of this indicator provides important information to doctors about the state of human health.

Normal heart rate on an ECG in an adult

Due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body, in children, the normal heart rate is higher than the norm in adults. The smaller the baby, the higher the heart rate. As they grow older, the rate of heart rate in children gradually decreases, reaching normal values ​​for an adult. Also, children's heart rate is highly dependent on age, stress level and physical activity.

Sometimes babies can also develop heart rhythm disturbances, manifested by irregularity, increased or decreased heart rate. To assess the danger of these conditions, you need to know the rate of heart rate in children of different ages.

Problems associated with abnormal heart rate in children are dealt with by pediatricians and pediatric cardiologists.

Normal heart rate in children

The table will give an idea of ​​the heart rate by age.

In most children and adults, the heart rhythm is regular, that is, when determining the pulse, rhythmic beats are felt with different intervals of time between them. However, in children, a respiratory arrhythmia is quite common, during which the frequency of contractions increases during inhalation and decreases during exhalation. As they grow older, this phenomenon disappears. The exact cause of respiratory arrhythmia is unknown, but its occurrence is associated with a close relationship between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Such a violation of the children's heart rhythm is a physiological norm, therefore, no treatment is required.

How to calculate heart rate in a child?

To determine the heart rate, you need a watch with a second hand or a stopwatch on your phone. If the baby was active immediately before the measurement (running, jumping, crying), you need to wait at least 5 minutes, since this time is needed to normalize the heart rate. To feel the pulsation, you need to press two fingers - index and middle - to the baby's large artery. The thumb should not be used for this, as the pulsation of the measurer's own arteries may be mistaken for a pulse.

Places where it is easiest for children to find a pulse:

  • On the neck (on the carotid artery). The carotid arteries run on both sides of the neck, on the sides of the larynx. To find them, place your fingers in the middle of the neck, to the left or right of the larynx, and gently press until a pulsation is felt. You can not click on the Adam's apple in boys. If you can't find a pulse, try it on the other side of your neck.
  • On the wrist (on the radial artery). At this point, heart rate is measured in most adults. Place your fingers at the base of your baby's thumb and move them toward the wrist, where you press lightly until you feel a pulse.
  • In the armpits (on the axillary artery). Place your fingers under the armpit so that you can feel the baby's humerus underneath them. At the same time, it is also possible to feel the pulsation of the axillary artery. This method has proven itself well for determining heart rate in infants.
  • In the elbow (on the brachial artery). This heart rate measurement site is most commonly used in infants. Position the baby on his back with an outstretched arm along the body, upward with the elbow crease. In this crease, place your fingers on the inside of the baby's arm and feel for the pulse.

If this method of determining heart rate is very difficult for parents, there is another option. There are smartphone apps that can detect your heart rate. To do this, you just need to press the baby's finger to the camera lens.

When to see a doctor?

If the heart rate is within the age norm, there is no need to seek medical help. There is also no particular cause for concern if the pulse readings are not very much outside the normal range. For example, rapid heartbeats can be explained by activity (running, jumping) or fear. An unexpressed slowing of the pulse can be observed in children involved in sports.

If the baby's heart is beating too fast, you need to wait a few minutes and count the pulse again. If the results are still outside the age range, you should consult a doctor.

If, in addition to an increased or decreased heart rate, other symptoms are observed (fainting, shortness of breath, chest pain), it is urgent to seek medical help - call an ambulance or take the baby to the emergency room.

When do you need to monitor the pulse in children?

It is usually not necessary to count the heart rate in healthy children. But there are diseases in which parents have to regularly determine the heart rate of the baby. It is necessary to consider the heart rate if he complains of an accelerated heartbeat, a feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart. Some children describe a feeling of buzzing, vibration, or fluttering in the chest. Most often, these sensations are not something serious and are not connected with the heart at all. Pain or spasms in the muscles of the neck or chest can lead to their appearance. However, it is still necessary to count the pulse in such situations.

It is also necessary to determine the heart rate in children in the following situations:

  • fainting;
  • chest pain;
  • breathing problems not related to asthma
  • sudden onset of pale or gray skin;
  • blue lip color.

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Pulse in children - the norm (table)

Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is an important component of a child's health. Her indicators: blood pressure and pulse, which in children should be normal. Heart rate (HR) can be easily measured and monitored at home.

Pulse measurements should be taken when the child is at rest, in the same position (for example, sitting) for several days, so that the picture is clearer. It is better to do this in the morning, you can after breakfast. To measure the pulse, you need to find a large artery on the wrist, in the temporal region or neck. Record one minute on the stopwatch and count the number of beats during this time. You can detect 15 seconds, and multiply the number by four.

The pulse in children changes with age. The younger the child, the faster the heart rate. The rate of heart rate in children by age can be seen in the table.

Over 15 years of age, the indicators are equal to the heart rate of an adult and average 70 beats per minute.

Pulse and pressure fluctuate throughout the day. This is normal and necessary so that the human body can adapt to the world around it.

Significant deviations in heart rate indicators may indicate any disturbances in the functioning of the body.

If the pulse in children significantly exceeds the norms of the table, according to age, this can happen for various reasons:

  • overwork;
  • emotional outburst;
  • the room is hot and stuffy;
  • any diseases of the child (respiratory, cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders, low hemoglobin).
  • When a child's pulse is higher than normal and at rest, it is called tachycardia.

    The opposite situation is when the heart rate is less than the average, which is often the case with athletes. This indicates a good work of the heart and fitness of the body. An important condition here is the well-being of the child. If he feels unwell, complains of dizziness and weakness, then it is better to seek the advice of a specialist. It must be borne in mind that a slowdown in the pulse of a child during sleep is the norm.

    Heart rate in premature babies

    Let's talk about what heart rate indicators for premature babies are the norm. When a child is born prematurely, it often has a certain immaturity of some organs. Therefore, the time of its adaptation to life outside the womb is somewhat different and viability indicators may differ. So, for example, the pulse of a premature baby can reach 180 beats per minute and still not be a pathology. In some cases, the heart rate of such children remains within the same range as for other infants. It should be borne in mind that children born prematurely are more sensitive to external stimuli, which markedly increase heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, a premature baby needs to create a calm environment and try to protect him from too loud sounds or bright lights.

    Heart rate in child athletes

    As mentioned above, trained children have a lower pulse rate and this is good. A child who plays sports should know how to calculate the maximum heart rate, which is the norm for him. To do this, you can use the formula: 220-age. The answer will show the valid upper bound. You also need to know that the heart rate should return to its normal values ​​10 minutes after the end of the workout. This is an indicator of good heart function.

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    What should be the pulse of a teenager: norms and causes of deviations

    During adolescence, the human body undergoes significant changes. They are associated with the processes of intensive growth, puberty, the formation of social relationships.

    Different organs and parts of the body develop at different rates, these are the so-called disproportions.

    It often happens that a fifteen-year-old boy has a height of 180 cm, while his heart corresponds to the age of twelve.

    Such anatomical and functional features impose a certain responsibility on parents and teachers, it becomes necessary to control the amount of physical activity. The pulse rate in a teenager is a significant indicator of the maturity of the cardiovascular system.

    To reduce pressure while preserving blood vessels, it is better to add it to tea in the morning before breakfast.

    Resting heart rate

    For teenagers (ages 13 to 19), normal heart rates are between 50 and 90 beats per minute.

    In connection with the peculiarities of the structure of the body of a teenager, these values ​​may be subject to pronounced daily fluctuations.

    For example, individuals who experience frequent psycho-emotional experiences, use nicotine or caffeine may have a heart rate at the upper limit of normal (90 bpm). While trained teenagers, especially those who swim, row, or run long distances, often show a heart rate in the range of 50 to 60 per minute.

    If the cause of tachycardia could not be identified, it is necessary to carefully monitor the behavior of the teenager. Often, under this innocent symptom, the use of drugs or psychotropic substances (marijuana, cocaine) is hidden.

    Maximum heart rate during exercise

    For the heart at any age there is a limit of productive activity. After exceeding this threshold, it no longer copes with its function, lacks nutrients (including oxygen).

    Such a rhythm often borders on pathological conditions and is potentially life-threatening.

    No matter how terrifying it sounds, the heart of a teenager with high physical activity can contract at a frequency of up to 200 - 205 beats / min, while maintaining a good stroke volume.

    Such a rhythm is very energy-consuming and can be maintained for only a few minutes (sprint jerk). It is curious that with each decade the maximum value decreases by about 10 beats. So at 20 years old, the threshold will be 190 beats / min, at 30 - 180 beats / min.

    Target heart rate during training

    This definition refers to the heart rate at which the maximum efficiency of muscle tissue and the utilization of energy substrates will develop.

    To burn fat cells, a person must maintain heart rate during exercise within 50 - 70% of the maximum.

    For example, in a sixteen-year-old guy, the optimal frequency is 102 - 143 beats / min. Here the fitness of the body is of great importance.

    With the help of constant dosed loads, the maximum efficiency of the myocardium is shifted to the mark of 70 - 85%. The same young man, after a year in the pool, will be forced to maintain a heart rate of 143 to 173 beats / min for good fat utilization and muscle growth.

    Functional disorders in the work of the heart of adolescents

    Due to growth imbalances, stress, underdosed physical activity or against the background of complete well-being, young people may experience chest discomfort or interruptions in the work of the heart.

    The vast majority of pulse problems do not have serious organic or functional causes and completely disappear by adulthood:

    • precordial pinching (eng. precordial catch). It manifests itself as a sudden attack of acute chest pain, which is accompanied by tachycardia, cooling of the skin, excessive sweating. With an in-depth examination of the heart and endocrine system, no violations are detected;
    • respiratory arrhythmia. Fluctuations in heart rate during the respiratory cycle. The most common finding on a teenager's ECG, increased heart rate on inspiration is associated with increased blood flow to the atria (the suction action of the chest);
    • sinus tachycardia. An increase in heart rate at rest without provoking factors. It is explained by an increased concentration of adrenal and thyroid hormones. Does not require treatment;
    • VSD by cardiac type (NCD). The diagnosis, which exists in the ICD-10, is set for disorders of the autonomic nervous system. The usual clinical manifestations are: headache, fainting, panic attacks, tachycardia, high blood pressure.

    All of the above scenarios are accompanied by tachycardia, the teenager must be comprehensively examined in order to exclude organic pathology.

    Arrhythmias and conduction disorders

    Unlike functional conditions, arrhythmia is a pathology and requires treatment:

    • supraventricular tachycardia (with narrow ventricular complexes, paroxysmal). It is characterized by sudden attacks of palpitations, heart rate exceeds 200 beats / min. In this case, a teenager may complain of chest discomfort. The most common cause is the presence of an abnormal pathway for the conduction of the heart impulse;
    • ventricular tachycardia (with wide complexes). A potentially life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention;
    • atrial fibrillation (atrial fibrillation). It often accompanies congenital and acquired heart defects, which are accompanied by chamber hypertrophy. This type of rhythm disturbance in children and adolescents is quite rare, but can be the cause of thromboembolic complications;
    • ventricular and atrial extrasystole. The borderline state between the norm and pathology in adolescents. Against the background of an excess of pressor hormones, a teenager can normally experience up to 3 extrasystoles per minute. Dynamic observation by a cardiologist or family doctor is recommended;
    • atrioventricular block. When the heart impulse passes through the tendon ring, which separates the atria from the ventricles, it is normally delayed. With infective endocarditis, heart defects, myocarditis of various origins, an abnormal slowing of the signal may occur. 1st degree AV block is considered by many clinicians to be normal in children and adolescents. More severe disorders require examination and treatment.

    The line between the norm and the disease is very thin, any negative factors can shift it in favor of pathology.

    So, alcohol, household stimulants (caffeine), various energy drinks, tobacco and drugs cause irreversible disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

    Such a frequent physiological phenomenon as mitral valve regurgitation normally goes unnoticed and does not require correction.

    It is important to note that excessive training also does not bring benefits, the heart does not have enough time to restore energy resources.

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    Pulse in a child of 9 years is normal

    When there is a contraction of the heart, this is the impetus for periodic oscillations of the arterial and venous walls of the blood vessels. This phenomenon is called a pulse. If we talk about the pulse rate of children, then the age of small patients should be taken into account, which varies depending on how old the child is. For example, if a baby has just been born, then the heartbeat of a newborn is very different from that of an adult - his heart beats twice as often.

    But gradually, year by year, the pulse becomes slower, and only somewhere on the border of adulthood, the heart rate begins to be compared with normal adult rates, which are up to 80 beats per minute.

    Not only age, but also gender factors can affect the frequency of contractions. As you know, boys have a lower heart rate than girls, and at any age. But especially such differences are visible during puberty.

    It is also necessary to note such a feature that affects the heart rate, like normal sleep. In small patients with sleep disorders, the heart beats more often. And in general, by noon, the pulse becomes higher than immediately after waking up. The pulse frequency is also affected by:

    • intensity of physical activity;
    • the presence of emotional components. For example, finding a child in a state
    • fright or in great agitation, can contribute to an increase in heart rate;
    • blood pressure indicators.

    The position of the child also plays an important role. So, for example, a state of rest and a horizontal position reduces the heart rate, and if the child is standing or sitting, it, on the contrary, rises. If you follow the advice of experts, then you need to measure the pulse in children of any age in a supine position.

    • immediately after eating a small patient;
    • if the room is cold enough.

    All these factors can affect the reliability of the readings, since in such situations there is an increase in the pressure of the walls of the arteries.

    How to measure

    The child should be in a calm, relaxed state. In the event that measurements are taken frequently, it is recommended to do this in the morning when the child is still in bed. In this case, it is desirable that at the same time, without changing the position of the body. Strict implementation of simple recommendations will allow you to measure your pulse much more accurately. When carrying out this procedure, one should consider not only the beats of heart contractions, but also how rhythmic they are.

    If they alternate unevenly, then this phenomenon is commonly called an arrhythmic pulse or arrhythmia. It is clear that any norm has its own permissible limits of deviations. For example, in small patients, pulse indicators with deviations both upward and downward within twenty beats per minute may be acceptable limits.

    In order to be able to more accurately determine the heart rate, it is advisable to buy a handy finger-type heart rate monitor. It can be used to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood and the pulse rate. The indicator, which serves as the norm for children, will need to be compared with the results that the device will show within five days of measurements. That is, to display the average result by dividing the total amount by five measurements.

    Also, the pulse is measured in a simpler way, without using instruments. For this, a watch is suitable (it is imperative that it has a second hand) or you can use a stopwatch.

    For each age, you need to choose the best option for the measurement site. Practice shows that in infants, the pulse is best measured by finding the carotid or temporal arteries, since probing it on this part of the body is more clear.

    To do this, you need to find the location of the carotid artery. First you need to lightly press the thyroid cartilage with your fingers, then slowly shifting them, find a small depression, here the pulse should be felt. When carrying out these manipulations, care should be taken, since if the artery is clamped, the child may lose consciousness.

    As noted above, palpation of large arteries is most convenient for determining the arterial pulse. The radial artery lying on the surface (the lower part of the forearm in front of the articulation with the wrist joint) can be easily pressed against the bone. At the same time, it is necessary that the muscles on the arm of the one who examines are relaxed, since tension will complicate the palpation of the pulse.

    With two or three fingers placed on the artery, it is necessary to squeeze it to the limit until the flow of blood flow stops; after that, they begin to gradually ease the pressure while simultaneously evaluating the main parameters for measuring the pulse: frequency, rhythm, tension. The latter property is characterized by the intensity of the resistance of the artery to compression.

    It is not difficult to calculate the pulse, for this you can take 15 or 30 seconds with the estimated time, multiplying the result by four or two, respectively. But, as a rule, it is traditionally customary to sum up the pulse in a minute, this is especially recommended in cases of a child with arrhythmia.

    • if the child is not one year old - you can count the pulsation on the chest or fontanel, for this you need to put it in these places;
    • for babies who are older than a year, the pulse can be controlled in such areas of the body as the neck, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple, elbow, groin, and also behind the ear;
    • if the child is at the age of seven years and older, then a more convenient place for counting the pulse that does not cause any difficulties is the radial artery.

    It is necessary that the child's hand be located at the level of the heart, while it is necessary to monitor the state of the muscles, they must be in a relaxed state. To find the place of pulsation on the arm, place your fingers a little higher than the carpal crease is located - about one and a half centimeters. If you have difficulty in finding the pulse, then try using your index, middle and ring fingers to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact, placing them along the radial artery. Then press the artery against the radius and start counting the pulse.


    If we say what is the pulse rate in children, then it is not possible to name any one number. Since, firstly, for each age there is a certain norm, and it differs very much, for example, in a newborn from a child who is over 12 years old - almost twice; secondly, there are many other factors that affect the heart rate. An example of how the age of a child affects the pulse is visible in the table. In the first line - how many months (in brackets - years) the young patient, in the second - beats per minute:

    Cause for concern

    If a child complains of pain in the chest, shortness of breath at rest and during exertion, he has a rapid heartbeat, a cardiologist's consultation is required.

    Parents of nervous, easily excitable children should pay special attention to the performance of the heart, also after infectious diseases and during the period of active growth.

    Often in young children, especially the first month of life, the pulse rate fluctuates, there is a violation of the heart rhythm. For many, this goes away without any consequences. But we must remember that in children there are the same as in adults, cardiac arrhythmias. A pulse will help track the onset of a possible disease.

    What is an arrhythmia?

    Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by disorders of the heart rhythms, and can be present in children of any age, but in most cases in older children. It can be congenital or acquired. When there is a disorder of the automatic function of the heart, symptoms of bradycardia or sinus tachycardia appear. These two diseases are characterized by a deviation from the normal pulse, expressed by an increase or slowdown in the contraction of the heart muscle by an average of twenty beats or a little more per minute. Specific indicators are specified according to the number of years of a small patient.

    As we have already said, the rate of a child's pulse depends on many reasons and among the determining factors, for example, such as the age of the child. It usually gets smaller with age. In addition, the heart rate is affected by:

    • the general health of a small patient;
    • the degree of physical fitness of the body;
    • body temperature also affects this indicator;
    • environmental conditions,
    • other factors, such as previous illnesses that affect heart rate;
    • genetic predisposition factors.

    This circumstance can be explained by the fact that such fluctuations help the child's body to go through the period of adaptation to the changed conditions of the internal or external environment faster and easier.

    The pulse is a kind of reflector of the state of health of the child's body, the work of all organs, but to a greater extent, of course, the work of the heart and blood vessels. In view of this, it is extremely important for parents to regularly measure the pulse of a child and, if abnormalities are found that may signal the development of pathologies, take appropriate measures.

    High and low ripple

    The heart is the main organ of the entire circulatory system - it tirelessly works in the interests of the entire human body throughout the entire period of its life. For this reason, even the most minor failures of the heart rhythm, among which both rapid and slow pulses, should cause due concern and alarm. It is desirable that the causes of such phenomena be identified as soon as possible so that the cardiologist can take measures to eliminate them. All this will help to maintain calm and the parents of the little patient, and himself.

    Rapid pulse

    What can the presence of a rapid heartbeat in a small patient indicate? If the child's pulse exceeds the normal number of contractions by twenty percent or more, then this phenomenon is considered to be tachycardia. The reasons that affect the increase in heart rate are, as already mentioned, very different, some of these reasons are listed below:

    • as a result of anemia that has developed in a child, then a low content of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • as a result of intense physical activity;
    • stressful situations, emotional overload;
    • increased temperature due to colds;
    • due to physical and mental overwork;
    • certain cardiovascular disorders,
    • diseases of the respiratory organs;
    • difficulties in working in the endocrine system, various disorders;
    • as a result of infection of the body;
    • anemia.

    With all this, it should be noted that the mere presence of a high heart rate in a child is not enough to immediately talk about any deviations in the work of the vascular system. Since such a phenomenon can be quite normal, for example, when a child performs any physical activity. And only in the case of the manifestation of tachycardia in a calm state or when it has a permanent character, this is a cause for concern and seeking advice from an appropriate specialist.

    Low heart rate

    The pulsation in the arteries tends not only to increase, but also to decrease. When this happens, experts talk about a similar phenomenon as bradycardia. However, it does not necessarily indicate signs of any disease. Very often it can be observed in younger and adolescence children who regularly engage in sports exercises.

    In a word, the manifestation of bradycardia with the general well-being of the child indicates good fitness. In the case when a reduced pulse is accompanied, for example, by rapid fatigue, this should alert.

    And not only this undesirable sign should excite. Symptoms of the disease can be different. It is expressed, as a rule, in the following most important manifestations:

    • the child has a feeling of general malaise, often dizzy;
    • a small patient quickly gets tired even from a slight load;
    • the child complains of a bad mood, weakness;
    • there is blanching not only of the face, but also of the rest of the skin;
    • often with a decrease in heart rate, there is also a decrease in blood pressure.

    Parents should always remember that bradycardia is not a short-term decrease in heart rate, which sometimes occurs and may even, in some cases, as mentioned above, be a completely normal condition. This is a formidable disease, which, if urgent measures are not taken, up to surgery, often leads to serious complications, one of which is heart failure.

    During physical activity

    As already noted, the normal pulse of a teenager should be approximately 75 beats. Slight fluctuations are allowed, as a rule, in some cases it can be 60 strokes, in others - 80, which in principle corresponds to the patient's norm in adulthood.

    Parents should monitor the child's pulse rate not only when he is in a calm state, but also when he performs any physical activity. In such a situation, this procedure is also of great importance for controlling the general condition of the body. The indicator of the heart rate during exercise or work can reveal how optimal this type of exercise is for the child, and parents can clearly see this.

    Yes, and the teenager himself can and should, during training or doing physical work, learn a simple procedure to control the state of his body. And one of these, the easiest ways to self-control is precisely the pulse count. It is advisable to do this before and after training. At the same time, you need to learn how to count not only the number of beats per minute, but also pay attention to the rhythm of the pulse.

    You need to know about the direct relationship that exists between physical activity and pulsation frequency - that is, about their increase. It is important that sports do not affect the allowable heart rate, for which there is a special formula:

    That is, in order to obtain an indicator of the optimal heart rate, when a child performs certain physical activities, it is necessary to subtract the number of years of a teenager from the value of 220.

    In the event that the pulsation in the arteries drops below what should be normal, you can try to increase the load without fear for your health. But when the pulse jumps to twenty or more beats per minute, here you should think about reducing physical activity. Since the work of the heart muscle directly depends on physical activity, you need to be careful and control the pulse more often, approaching it in a complex way, and check the pulse not only before and after training, as mentioned above, but during them.

    You need to know that if the pulse beats without disturbances, does not have any pathologies, then in order to return to normal, for example, after running, it will take no more than five, a maximum of ten minutes, but more often less time is enough. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the load norms and, if necessary, reduce it. It can also be a gadfly for seeking medical advice.

    Therefore, when doing physical activity or sports training, a young patient must understand both the upper and lower limits of the heart rate. The lowest heart rate during training is calculated using the formula below:

    • X \u003d ((220 - Y) - Z) x 0.5 + Z
    • Y - means the number of years of the child;
    • Z - The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle before exercise, recorded a minute before it.


    In order for the pulse to be always normal, the following measures should be taken:

    • Lead an active life, strive for a healthy lifestyle, engage in moderate physical exercise, temper the body. Try to spend more time with your child on the street, do morning exercises. Swimming helps a lot. Light running and skiing is an excellent prevention against arrhythmia.
    • Follow a diet. If a child has a tendency to arrhythmia, then it is necessary that the diet was more saturated with plant foods, and fatty foods were present as little as possible. Eat preferably in small portions, avoid eating at night. Try to have a varied menu, and include foods rich in magnesium and potassium.
    • Try to keep your child as little emotional stress as possible.
    • To the extent possible, rest during the day, and night sleep should be at least eight hours.


    Parents are fully responsible for their children, including their health. Therefore, they should regularly engage in prevention, ensure that babies are protected from the influence of harmful factors that can cause significant harm to their fragile body, and also regularly take the child to medical examinations. Parents should know that one of the indicators of a child's health is a normal pulse. To measure the pulse in children in a timely manner means to avoid unnecessary problems and, if such a need arises, visit a specialist in heart disorders in time. And then it will be much easier to deal with any diseases.

    Pulse rates in children are much higher than adults due to the characteristics of the developing organism. Focusing on them, one can suspect the development of arrhythmia in a timely manner. An increase in heart rate (HR) is characteristic of tachycardia, and a slowdown is characteristic of bradycardia. Both disorders can be physiological or pathological, depending on the causative factor. When they are detected, it is necessary to show the child to the attending physician in order to avoid the development of complications.

    Heart rate is not a constant parameter and depends on many factors, therefore, when determining the permissible norm in children, the following nuances must be taken into account:

    • physical activity;
    • the presence of other pathologies;
    • the body's reaction to weather conditions;
    • psycho-emotional state.

    The highest number of heart rates in newborns. Their heart beats 2 times faster than that of adults. Already by the age of one year, the figure begins to decline. Closer to 15 years, the heart rate rate stabilizes. An increase in heart rate is observed only after 50 years, when age-related changes take effect.

    Premature babies are characterized by a labile pulse. Any load (shouting, feeding, stress) contributes to an increase in heart rate. It is advisable to measure it in the morning, as sleep helps to relax. If the child was brought to the doctor, then you need to calculate the heart rate at the very beginning of the examination.

    In addition to counting the number of pulse waves per minute, young children measure the respiratory rate (RR). This indicator is important for assessing the development of the child. Newborns breathe approximately 50-60 times per minute. A five-year-old baby already makes no more than 30 respiratory movements in a similar period of time.

    The increase in the number of heartbeats per minute in adolescence is associated with an increase in hormonal activity against the background of puberty. Any stress and overload against the background of hormonal activity cause changes in heart rate. The child begins to feel signs of arrhythmia in combination with symptoms of vegetovascular dystonia (VSD). As he grows older, his condition normalizes.

    According to the well-known pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, a slight deviation of the heart rate from the norm is characteristic of virtually all children. It should not be considered dangerous, because it is often associated with training, stress, family conflicts and other factors. With age, the baby's body will become stronger and will steadfastly resist various irritants.

    The impact of physical activity

    During exercise, the heart rate rises. For example, after 20 squats or walking, it rises by about 15-20%. Parents should ensure that the pulse remains within the normal range. To determine it, it is necessary to subtract the age of the young athlete from 220. The resulting value is the maximum allowed. If the pulse approaches it, then you should rest.

    Against the background of tachycardia, blood pressure may slightly rise, which will manifest itself in the corresponding clinical picture. The return of indicators to normal should occur after 10-15 minutes of rest. If the heart rate remains at the same level or decreases extremely slowly, then it is necessary to revise the training program.

    Initially, it is better to start with basic exercises and gradually add new exercises to it. It is advisable to contact a pediatrician to advise on how to properly increase the load. You can independently calculate it using the Karvonen method, knowing the pulse before the lesson and before its completion. If the parameters match, then the training program should be adjusted. The minimum heart rate is calculated by the formula: ((220 - age) - heart rate before training) * 0.5.

    Features of counting the pulse

    Experienced parents understand that it is important to know not only what the child’s pulse should be, but also the features of its definition. Measurement is carried out in 3 ways:

    The child must lie down during the measurement to avoid distorting the results. You can evaluate the pulsation according to the following criteria:

    • frequency of contractions;
    • rhythm;

    • the fullness of the vessel;
    • degree of stress.

    In the absence of pathologies, the intervals between pulse waves are the same, the rhythm is stable, the vessel is full, and the tension is moderate. The presence of suspicion or non-compliance with any of the criteria becomes a reason for going to the doctor. He will tell you what the normal pulse should be for the child, and will conduct an examination, on the basis of which he will refute or confirm the presence of a heartbeat failure.

    Features of bradycardia

    A pulse slowing below 50 beats per minute indicates the presence of bradycardia. It is characterized by the following features:

    • arterial hypotension (low pressure);
    • blanching of the skin;
    • general weakness;
    • bouts of dizziness.

    Infrequent seizures will not particularly harm the child, but if they occur frequently, then the likelihood of developing heart failure increases. Timely assistance can change the situation.

    Arrhythmia is divided into pathological and physiological forms. The first occurs for the following reasons:

    • myocarditis;
    • myocardial infarction;
    • high intracranial pressure;
    • hypotension;
    • the impact of medications;
    • hypothyroidism;
    • heart block.

    Physiological bradycardia is a consequence of the influence of the following factors:

    • long stay in the cold;
    • impact on reflex zones;
    • constant physical activity.

    Only pathological bradycardia should be treated. Its physiological form will pass on its own if the irritating factor is eliminated.

    Features of tachycardia

    With an increase in heart rate, even at rest, we are talking about pathological tachycardia, which occurs for the following reasons:

    • infectious diseases;
    • oncological pathologies;
    • disruptions in the hormonal system;
    • ischemia of the heart;
    • pathology of the nervous system;
    • hypertonic disease;
    • developmental defects.

    If the pulse stabilizes after 5-10 minutes of rest, then the child is worried about the physiological form of tachycardia. It is the result of such factors:

    • influence of high temperature;
    • pain;
    • stress;
    • the impact of drugs;
    • physical overload.

    The following symptoms are associated with heart palpitations:

    • lack of air;
    • uncontrollable fear;
    • pulsation of the cervical vessels;
    • dyspnea;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • dizziness;

    • insomnia;
    • pain in the region of the heart;
    • irritability;
    • feeling of heartbeat.

    Physiological tachycardia is considered normal, as sinus rhythm is maintained and the attack resolves on its own. It is enough for parents to protect the child from the annoying factor. Its pathological form is much more dangerous. It is characterized by the rapid development of complications. Treatment will focus on addressing the cause.

    Age limit tables

    The number of heart beats per minute is affected by age-related changes. The pulse rate in a 5-year-old child is already half as much as in a newborn. This phenomenon is associated with the gradual development of the body. Over the years, the heart muscle increases and it no longer needs to contract as often as before. Heart rate stabilizes and changes only under the influence of various factors.

    You can see what normal pulse by age should be in children in the table:

    You can hear the heartbeat even in a fetus developing in the womb, with the help of an ultrasound machine (ultrasound). Pregnancy rates are usually as follows:

    Termheart rate
    Up to 1.5 months75-90
    1.5-2 months100-150
    2-2.5 months150-190
    From 3 months135-155

    A child's heart rate changes rapidly as they grow. Stabilization occurs closer to 15-16 years. Knowing how many pulse waves should be per minute, you can avoid the development of many diseases and detect arrhythmia in a timely manner. If symptoms of tachycardia or bradycardia are found, it is necessary to show the child to a pediatrician or cardiologist so that the specialist can examine and schedule an examination. The results obtained will help determine the causative factor.

    For the health of the baby, it is important that the cardiovascular system functions properly. From time to time, parents need to measure blood pressure and pulse. How to do this at home and what are the norms for children of different ages, read the article.

    Norms of pressure and pulse

    It is best to measure pressure in the morning, when external stimuli have not yet affected the child. It is desirable that the baby at the same time sit and be calm. If measurements are taken during the day, he should be allowed to sit quietly for 10 minutes. Measurements should be done within 3-4 days so that the indicators are more accurate.

    With age, pressure, like the pulse in children, change, especially from the age of 12, when puberty and rapid growth begin. In medicine, there is such a thing as upper and lower pressure. And the pulse is

    Blood passing through numerous blood vessels exerts significant pressure on their elastic walls. The strength of its impact depends on the size of the vessel - the larger it is, the greater the pressure created inside it. Normal indicators of blood pressure are considered to be pressure in the brachial artery, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich it is measured. For these purposes, a modern analogue of a well-known device called a sphygmomanometer, which was proposed for use in 1905 by the Russian surgeon Korotkov, serves. The unit of measurement is the pressure of one millimeter of mercury, which is equal to 0.00133.

    High blood pressure in children is observed at any age. There is such a thing as lower and upper pressure. When the heart muscle relaxes, little pressure occurs, and when the heart muscle contracts, the greatest pressure occurs. Pulse is the difference between relaxation and contraction of the heart muscle.

    The pressure in children is always lower than in an adult, especially during sleep. And the younger the age, the lower the pressure indicator due to the level of elasticity of the vascular walls.


    High pressure

    High blood pressure occurs with hypertension. Hypertension appears due to increased work of the muscles of the heart and an increase in the tone of small arteries. Signs that characterize high blood pressure, which require mandatory treatment:

    Endocrine pathologies; Hypertension; Dystonia; CNS lesions.

    Hypertension, which causes high blood pressure, is characterized by a short duration. With hypertension, there are signs that do not always require treatment:

    It can be difficult to judge the state of the child's body. The most accessible indicators for quick assessment are pressure and pulse in children. Most diseases affecting children are accompanied by changes in both heart rate (reflected in the pulse) and changes in blood pressure numbers.

    Normal values

    To understand that disease-causing changes are taking place in the baby's body, you need to get an idea of ​​​​the pulse and pressure that are normal for the child's body.

    Normal heart rate

    In children of different age groups, the normal values ​​​​of the pulse rate may be in the following acceptable ranges:

    Newborn: 140 to 160 (bpm) 1-year-old: 120 to 128 (bpm) 1 to 2 years old: 110 to 120 (bpm) 2 to 3 year olds: 105 to 115 (bpm) beats/minute) From three to seven years: from 90 to 108.

    The pulse in children should be measured regularly, since it is he who is the main indicator of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Any deviations from the norm may indicate the development of pathologies that require urgent treatment.

    Normal heart rate

    It is impossible to say with accuracy what pulse should be in healthy children, since it depends on several factors at once, including the age of the child, the air temperature in the room, as well as on existing diseases that affect the functioning of the heart.

    Every year the heart rate becomes less frequent.

    An example of this is seen in the table:

    In adolescents, the heart rate approaches 75 bpm. or be in the range of 60 - 80 bpm, which is already the norm for an adult.

    How to calculate the pulse correctly?

    Measurement of the pressure of the walls of the arteries is carried out by two methods: with the help of special hardware equipment or with.

    » Child 9 years old

    Pulse in children - the norm (table)

    Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is an important component of a child's health. Her indicators: blood pressure and pulse, which in children should be normal. Heart rate (HR) can be easily measured and monitored at home.

    Pulse measurements should be taken when the child is at rest, in the same position (for example, sitting) for several days, so that the picture is clearer. It is better to do this in the morning, you can after breakfast. To measure the pulse, you need to find a large artery on the wrist, in the temporal region or neck. Record one minute on the stopwatch and count the number of beats during this time. You can detect 15 seconds, and multiply the number by four.

    The pulse in children changes with age. The younger the child, the faster the heart rate. The norm of heart rate in children by age.


    According to recent medical statistics, the number of children with high blood pressure has increased markedly. Moreover, this indicator has grown not only in the teenage group. Among children of primary school age and even among preschoolers, hypertension can also develop.

    Before we learn about the most common diseases associated with a violation of the cardiovascular system in children, let's look at the important indicators of blood pressure.

    There is a lower (diastolic) pressure and an upper (systolic) pressure. When the heart muscle relaxes during the heartbeat, then the least pressure is exerted on the walls of the vessels, and when the heart muscle contracts, the maximum pressure is exerted on the walls of the vessels. Pulse pressure is defined as the difference between the two.

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    What should be the child's pulse? The heart rate (HR) is not constant.

    To monitor the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the child needs to check this parameter regularly. Such an examination may also be prescribed by a doctor. Observations are carried out for a certain time.

    The characteristics of the pulse are associated with various factors - the age of children, physical form, health, mood, air temperature during measurement, and other criteria.

    Age differences in the measurement are clearly visible in children. So, when a baby is born, the heart beats 2 times more often than in a teenager.

    As the mechanisms of adaptation and an increase in the volume of blood in the body are developed, the frequency of strokes decreases, and by the age of 16 (sometimes earlier) is set within the adult norm.

    The heart rate increases again after 50, when the heart muscle weakens in untrained people with an unhealthy lifestyle. Each age has its own rules.

    Blood pressure is another extremely important indicator, in combination with.

    Age, gender and type of nervous system have a significant impact on blood pressure, which varies depending on the time of day and physical activity. Averages in 120/80 mm Hg. Art. refer exclusively to adults with a formed body. A baby, a schoolboy and a teenager are different categories of patients that need a special approach. Knowing how the circulatory system works at a certain age, many serious pathologies can be avoided. If a child complains of weakness, headache, fatigue and absent-mindedness, the first step in treatment is to measure blood pressure.

    What is blood pressure

    The blood in the body moves every second through a system of tubes of various diameters, providing each organ with useful substances and the amount of oxygen it needs. The leading mechanism is the heart, which plays the role of a living pump. Due to the contraction of myocardial muscle fibers, blood is ejected into the arteries. their pressure level.

    Blood pressure is an extremely important factor. This is a litmus test of the state of the heart and blood vessels, evidence of their performance, as well as the speed of blood flow. On the one hand, blood pressure is affected by the force with which the heart muscle contracts, on the other hand, by the resistance of the walls of blood vessels. For a long and healthy life, it is necessary to maintain these indicators in the normal range. At the same time, when in adulthood people are faced with pathology in this area, few people realize that all their problems very often originate from childhood. What was the pressure of a 12 year old child? The norm for an adult is sometimes determined by the processes experienced in adolescence.

    Age factor and blood pressure

    Pressure is a very unstable and highly dependent indicator, including age. So, for example, after 50 years, you can feel quite healthy, having a pressure of 150/90. Such an increase is considered physiological, it reflects the loss of elasticity of large vessels.

    Pulse is normal in a child of 9 years

    When there is a contraction of the heart, this is the impetus for periodic oscillations of the arterial and venous walls of the blood vessels. This phenomenon is called a pulse. If we talk about the pulse rate of children, then the age of small patients should be taken into account, which varies depending on how old the child is. For example, if a baby has just been born, then the heartbeat of a newborn is very different from that of an adult - his heart beats twice as often.

    But gradually, year by year, the pulse becomes slower, and only somewhere on the border of adulthood, the heart rate begins to be compared with normal adult rates, which are up to 80 beats per minute.

    Not only age, but also gender factors can affect the frequency of contractions. As you know, boys have a lower heart rate than girls, and at any age. But especially such differences are visible during puberty.

    It is also necessary to note such a feature that affects the heart rate, like normal sleep. In small patients with sleep disorders, the heart beats more often. And in general, by noon, the pulse becomes higher than immediately after waking up. The pulse frequency is also affected by:

    • intensity of physical activity;
    • the presence of emotional components. For example, finding a child in a state
    • fright or in great agitation, can contribute to an increase in heart rate;
    • blood pressure indicators.

    The position of the child also plays an important role. So, for example, a state of rest and a horizontal position reduces the heart rate, and if the child is standing or sitting, it, on the contrary, rises. If you follow the advice of experts, then you need to measure the pulse in children of any age in a supine position.

    • immediately after eating a small patient;
    • if the room is cold enough.

    All these factors can affect the reliability of the readings, since in such situations there is an increase in the pressure of the walls of the arteries.

    How to measure

    The child should be in a calm, relaxed state. In the event that measurements are taken frequently, it is recommended to do this in the morning when the child is still in bed. In this case, it is desirable that at the same time, without changing the position of the body. Strict implementation of simple recommendations will allow you to measure your pulse much more accurately. When carrying out this procedure, one should consider not only the beats of heart contractions, but also how rhythmic they are.

    If they alternate unevenly, then this phenomenon is commonly called an arrhythmic pulse or arrhythmia. It is clear that any norm has its own permissible limits of deviations. For example, in small patients, pulse indicators with deviations both upward and downward within twenty beats per minute may be acceptable limits.

    In order to be able to more accurately determine the heart rate, it is advisable to buy a handy finger-type heart rate monitor. It can be used to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood and the pulse rate. The indicator, which serves as the norm for children, will need to be compared with the results that the device will show within five days of measurements. That is, to display the average result by dividing the total amount by five measurements.

    Also, the pulse is measured in a simpler way, without using instruments. For this, a watch is suitable (it is imperative that it has a second hand) or you can use a stopwatch.

    For each age, you need to choose the best option for the measurement site. Practice shows that in infants, the pulse is best measured by finding the carotid or temporal arteries, since probing it on this part of the body is more clear.

    To do this, you need to find the location of the carotid artery. First you need to lightly press the thyroid cartilage with your fingers, then slowly shifting them, find a small depression, here the pulse should be felt. When carrying out these manipulations, care should be taken, since if the artery is clamped, the child may lose consciousness.

    As noted above, palpation of large arteries is most convenient for determining the arterial pulse. The radial artery lying on the surface (the lower part of the forearm in front of the articulation with the wrist joint) can be easily pressed against the bone. At the same time, it is necessary that the muscles on the arm of the one who examines are relaxed, since tension will complicate the palpation of the pulse.

    With two or three fingers placed on the artery, it is necessary to squeeze it to the limit until the flow of blood flow stops; after that, they begin to gradually ease the pressure while simultaneously evaluating the main parameters for measuring the pulse: frequency, rhythm, tension. The latter property is characterized by the intensity of the resistance of the artery to compression.

    It is not difficult to calculate the pulse, for this you can take 15 or 30 seconds with the estimated time, multiplying the result by four or two, respectively. But, as a rule, it is traditionally customary to sum up the pulse in a minute, this is especially recommended in cases of a child with arrhythmia.

    • if the child is not one year old - you can count the pulsation on the chest or fontanel, for this you need to put it in these places;
    • for babies who are older than a year, the pulse can be controlled in such areas of the body as the neck, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple, elbow, groin, and also behind the ear;
    • if the child is at the age of seven years and older, then a more convenient place for counting the pulse that does not cause any difficulties is the radial artery.

    It is necessary that the child's hand be located at the level of the heart, while it is necessary to monitor the state of the muscles, they must be in a relaxed state. To find the place of pulsation on the arm, place your fingers a little higher than the carpal crease is located - about one and a half centimeters. If you have difficulty in finding the pulse, then try using your index, middle and ring fingers to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact, placing them along the radial artery. Then press the artery against the radius and start counting the pulse.


    If we say what is the pulse rate in children, then it is not possible to name any one number. Since, firstly, for each age there is a certain norm, and it differs very much, for example, in a newborn from a child who is over 12 years old - almost twice; secondly, there are many other factors that affect the heart rate. An example of how the age of a child affects the pulse is visible in the table. In the first line - how many months (in brackets - years) the young patient, in the second - beats per minute:

    Cause for concern

    If a child complains of pain in the chest, shortness of breath at rest and during exertion, he has a rapid heartbeat, a cardiologist's consultation is required.

    Parents of nervous, easily excitable children should pay special attention to the performance of the heart, also after infectious diseases and during the period of active growth.

    Often in young children, especially the first month of life, the pulse rate fluctuates, there is a violation of the heart rhythm. For many, this goes away without any consequences. But we must remember that in children there are the same as in adults, cardiac arrhythmias. A pulse will help track the onset of a possible disease.

    What is an arrhythmia?

    Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by disorders of the heart rhythms, and can be present in children of any age, but in most cases in older children. It can be congenital or acquired. When there is a disorder of the automatic function of the heart, symptoms of bradycardia or sinus tachycardia appear. These two diseases are characterized by a deviation from the normal pulse, expressed by an increase or slowdown in the contraction of the heart muscle by an average of twenty beats or a little more per minute. Specific indicators are specified according to the number of years of a small patient.

    As we have already said, the rate of a child's pulse depends on many reasons and among the determining factors, for example, such as the age of the child. It usually gets smaller with age. In addition, the heart rate is affected by:

    • the general health of a small patient;
    • the degree of physical fitness of the body;
    • body temperature also affects this indicator;
    • environmental conditions,
    • other factors, such as previous illnesses that affect heart rate;
    • genetic predisposition factors.

    This circumstance can be explained by the fact that such fluctuations help the child's body to go through the period of adaptation to the changed conditions of the internal or external environment faster and easier.

    The pulse is a kind of reflector of the state of health of the child's body, the work of all organs, but to a greater extent, of course, the work of the heart and blood vessels. In view of this, it is extremely important for parents to regularly measure the pulse of a child and, if abnormalities are found that may signal the development of pathologies, take appropriate measures.

    High and low ripple

    The heart is the main organ of the entire circulatory system - it tirelessly works in the interests of the entire human body throughout the entire period of its life. For this reason, even the most minor failures of the heart rhythm, among which both rapid and slow pulses, should cause due concern and alarm. It is desirable that the causes of such phenomena be identified as soon as possible so that the cardiologist can take measures to eliminate them. All this will help to maintain calm and the parents of the little patient, and himself.

    Rapid pulse

    What can the presence of a rapid heartbeat in a small patient indicate? If the child's pulse exceeds the normal number of contractions by twenty percent or more, then this phenomenon is considered to be tachycardia. The reasons that affect the increase in heart rate are, as already mentioned, very different, some of these reasons are listed below:

    • as a result of anemia that has developed in a child, then a low content of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • as a result of intense physical activity;
    • stressful situations, emotional overload;
    • increased temperature due to colds;
    • due to physical and mental overwork;
    • certain cardiovascular disorders,
    • diseases of the respiratory organs;
    • difficulties in working in the endocrine system, various disorders;
    • as a result of infection of the body;
    • anemia.

    With all this, it should be noted that the mere presence of a high heart rate in a child is not enough to immediately talk about any deviations in the work of the vascular system. Since such a phenomenon can be quite normal, for example, when a child performs any physical activity. And only in the case of the manifestation of tachycardia in a calm state or when it has a permanent character, this is a cause for concern and seeking advice from an appropriate specialist.

    Low heart rate

    The pulsation in the arteries tends not only to increase, but also to decrease. When this happens, experts talk about a similar phenomenon as bradycardia. However, it does not necessarily indicate signs of any disease. Very often it can be observed in younger and adolescence children who regularly engage in sports exercises.

    In a word, the manifestation of bradycardia with the general well-being of the child indicates good fitness. In the case when a reduced pulse is accompanied, for example, by rapid fatigue, this should alert.

    And not only this undesirable sign should excite. Symptoms of the disease can be different. It is expressed, as a rule, in the following most important manifestations:

    • the child has a feeling of general malaise, often dizzy;
    • a small patient quickly gets tired even from a slight load;
    • the child complains of a bad mood, weakness;
    • there is blanching not only of the face, but also of the rest of the skin;
    • often with a decrease in heart rate, there is also a decrease in blood pressure.

    Parents should always remember that bradycardia is not a short-term decrease in heart rate, which sometimes occurs and may even, in some cases, as mentioned above, be a completely normal condition. This is a formidable disease, which, if urgent measures are not taken, up to surgery, often leads to serious complications, one of which is heart failure.

    During physical activity

    As already noted, the normal pulse of a teenager should be approximately 75 beats. Slight fluctuations are allowed, as a rule, in some cases it can be 60 strokes, in others - 80, which in principle corresponds to the patient's norm in adulthood.

    Parents should monitor the child's pulse rate not only when he is in a calm state, but also when he performs any physical activity. In such a situation, this procedure is also of great importance for controlling the general condition of the body. The indicator of the heart rate during exercise or work can reveal how optimal this type of exercise is for the child, and parents can clearly see this.

    Yes, and the teenager himself can and should, during training or doing physical work, learn a simple procedure to control the state of his body. And one of these, the easiest ways to self-control is precisely the pulse count. It is advisable to do this before and after training. At the same time, you need to learn how to count not only the number of beats per minute, but also pay attention to the rhythm of the pulse.

    You need to know about the direct relationship that exists between physical activity and pulsation frequency - that is, about their increase. It is important that sports do not affect the allowable heart rate, for which there is a special formula:

    That is, in order to obtain an indicator of the optimal heart rate, when a child performs certain physical activities, it is necessary to subtract the number of years of a teenager from the value of 220.

    In the event that the pulsation in the arteries drops below what should be normal, you can try to increase the load without fear for your health. But when the pulse jumps to twenty or more beats per minute, here you should think about reducing physical activity. Since the work of the heart muscle directly depends on physical activity, you need to be careful and control the pulse more often, approaching it in a complex way, and check the pulse not only before and after training, as mentioned above, but during them.

    You need to know that if the pulse beats without disturbances, does not have any pathologies, then in order to return to normal, for example, after running, it will take no more than five, a maximum of ten minutes, but more often less time is enough. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the load norms and, if necessary, reduce it. It can also be a gadfly for seeking medical advice.

    Therefore, when doing physical activity or sports training, a young patient must understand both the upper and lower limits of the heart rate. The lowest heart rate during training is calculated using the formula below:

    • X \u003d ((220 - Y) - Z) x 0.5 + Z
    • Y - means the number of years of the child;
    • Z - The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle before exercise, recorded a minute before it.


    In order for the pulse to be always normal, the following measures should be taken:

    • Lead an active life, strive for a healthy lifestyle, engage in moderate physical exercise, temper the body. Try to spend more time with your child on the street, do morning exercises. Swimming helps a lot. Light running and skiing is an excellent prevention against arrhythmia.
    • Follow a diet. If a child has a tendency to arrhythmia, then it is necessary that the diet was more saturated with plant foods, and fatty foods were present as little as possible. Eat preferably in small portions, avoid eating at night. Try to have a varied menu, and include foods rich in magnesium and potassium.
    • Try to keep your child as little emotional stress as possible.
    • To the extent possible, rest during the day, and night sleep should be at least eight hours.


    Parents are fully responsible for their children, including their health. Therefore, they should regularly engage in prevention, ensure that babies are protected from the influence of harmful factors that can cause significant harm to their fragile body, and also regularly take the child to medical examinations. Parents should know that one of the indicators of a child's health is a normal pulse. To measure the pulse in children in a timely manner means to avoid unnecessary problems and, if such a need arises, visit a specialist in heart disorders in time. And then it will be much easier to deal with any diseases.

    Table of heart rate in children

    Pulse and pressure are among the most important values ​​that are necessary in the detection of many diseases. By their changes and the nature of the changes, much can be said about the state of the cardiovascular system and the human body as a whole. Pulse and pressure indicators in children usually differ from adult values, it is worth knowing about the characteristics of the pulse in children, a table by age will help you better navigate them.

    The pulse rate in children depends on age. This indicator tells how many beats per minute the heart makes; for adults, the optimal value is a pulse from 60 to 90 beats per minute. The rhythm of the heart can be accelerated under the influence of physical activity, due to emotional, mental stress, and for other reasons. If the pulse is constantly elevated, they talk about tachycardia, if on the contrary, it means that the person has bradycardia.

    Blood pressure is another extremely important indicator, combined with heart rate values, it gives the most complete picture of the health of the cardiovascular system. Pressure is usually measured in two types - systolic, upper, and diastolic, lower. Both indicators are extremely important, the difference between them can also be used to judge human health.

    However, it is worth remembering that normal indicators can be different for each person. Therefore, if a child has deviations from the norm during measurements for a long time, it is imperative to undergo an examination and make sure that there are no serious pathologies.

    It is likely that deviations from normal values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be acceptable if the child does not begin to feel ill. You need to be concerned if the following symptoms occur:

    • dizziness, headaches, incoordination;
    • respiratory disorders, pain in the chest, especially on the left side;
    • visual impairment, “flies”, “stars” before the eyes;
    • fatigue, sleep disturbances, stamina disappears;
    • pallor, chills, cold extremities.

    Important! For tachycardia and other cardiac arrhythmias, you should contact a cardiologist or a pediatrician if the cause of this condition may be different.

    Not only cardiac pathologies can cause fluctuations in the pulse. The heart rhythm and pressure in a child can be disturbed with endocrine diseases, pathologies of the nervous system. In each individual case, a full diagnosis is required.

    Norm of pressure and pulse in children

    The younger the child, the higher his pulse rate. Over time, by the age of 12 - 15, each child's indicators are approaching adults 60 - 90. Before that, an increased heart rate is an absolutely normal condition. After five squats or some other minor load, it can increase by 5 to 15 points, depending on the individual characteristics of the child. In newborns, the pulse is usually huge, in general, this indicator depends on the size of the person, the volume of his heart. The smaller it is, the faster the heart rate.

    With pressure, the situation is different. The younger the child, the lower his blood pressure, with age it constantly increases. Periodically, it is advised to measure it during preventive medical examinations. Any deviations from the norms of development may indicate the development of pathology.

    In general, to make it easier to navigate the indicators, they can be presented in the form of a table by age:

    These are the most normal indicators for each age. If a deviation is suddenly detected, it is imperative to look at why it arose. In most cases, no special violations are detected, but it is best to play it safe.

    It is worth remembering that adolescents often experience various fluctuations in indicators. This is due to many factors. First of all, fluctuations in heart rate and blood pressure in adolescents are associated with puberty. Due to the influence of hormones on the body, constant growth, various disorders occur. Most often they are combined into a syndrome called vegetative-vascular dystonia. This complex of symptoms is extremely typical for people of adolescence.

    Also, for many schoolchildren, the pulse and pressure can jump due to the load, physical and mental, that they receive during training. Strong emotional and physical stress always leads to fluctuations in heart rate and pressure.

    In a dream, the child's pulse must necessarily fall and drop to the lower limit of the norm. If this does not happen, various sleep disorders will occur, insomnia may occur, or vice versa, constant drowsiness will be provoked.

    Important! So that during sleep there are no disturbances, it is advised not to eat tight at night, physical activity and any activities should be stopped an hour or two before going to bed. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to fall asleep.

    What to do with violations of the pulse?

    First of all, you should consult a doctor. You can start with a pediatrician, you need to accurately describe to the specialist the symptoms that are present in addition to disturbed heart rhythm indicators. A full examination should be scheduled, during which it will be possible to identify the cause of the violations.

    If you need to urgently raise the pulse, there are several methods suitable for children. First of all, you can do exercises, a few minutes of not very intense exercises are enough. You can also take a contrast shower, drink strong tea with sugar and lemon. You should not give any medication to your child. The following spices may also be useful: cinnamon, cloves, cumin. Cloves and cinnamon can be added to tea in small amounts. For tea, you can offer honey and walnuts.

    If the heart rate, on the contrary, is too high, it must be lowered. First of all, you should calm the child, he should lie down, straighten his back, breathe deeply. You can make weak green tea with mint. Also, the child can be given a tincture or any other preparations based on motherwort, valerian, sage. These things help to lower your heart rate. Other medicines should not be given to the child.

    If the pulse drops sharply in a newborn, the child's condition worsens despite the measures taken, a pre-fainting condition occurs, it is worth calling an ambulance. It is especially important to do this if there is a temperature, swelling, skin rashes, and other symptoms.

    Questions and answers.

    When there is a contraction of the heart, this is the impetus for periodic oscillations of the arterial and venous walls of the blood vessels. This phenomenon is called a pulse. If we talk about the pulse rate of children, then the age of small patients should be taken into account, which varies depending on how old the child is. For example, if a baby has just been born, then the heartbeat of a newborn is very different from that of an adult - his heart beats twice as often.

    But gradually, year by year, the pulse becomes slower, and only somewhere on the border of adulthood, the heart rate begins to be compared with normal adult rates, which are up to 80 beats per minute.

    Not only age, but also gender factors can affect the frequency of contractions. As you know, boys have a lower heart rate than girls, and at any age. But especially such differences are visible during puberty.

    It is also necessary to note such a feature that affects the heart rate, like normal sleep. In small patients with sleep disorders, the heart beats more often. And in general, by noon, the pulse becomes higher than immediately after waking up. The pulse frequency is also affected by:

    • intensity of physical activity;
    • the presence of emotional components. For example, finding a child in a state
    • fright or in great agitation, can contribute to an increase in heart rate;
    • blood pressure indicators.

    The position of the child also plays an important role. So, for example, a state of rest and a horizontal position reduces the heart rate, and if the child is standing or sitting, it, on the contrary, rises. If you follow the advice of experts, then you need to measure the pulse in children of any age in a supine position.

    • immediately after eating a small patient;
    • if the room is cold enough.

    All these factors can affect the reliability of the readings, since in such situations there is an increase in the pressure of the walls of the arteries.

    How to measure

    The child should be in a calm, relaxed state. In the event that measurements are taken frequently, it is recommended to do this in the morning when the child is still in bed. In this case, it is desirable that at the same time, without changing the position of the body. Strict implementation of simple recommendations will allow you to measure your pulse much more accurately. When carrying out this procedure, one should consider not only the beats of heart contractions, but also how rhythmic they are.

    If they alternate unevenly, then this phenomenon is commonly called an arrhythmic pulse or arrhythmia. It is clear that any norm has its own permissible limits of deviations. For example, in small patients, pulse indicators with deviations both upward and downward within twenty beats per minute may be acceptable limits.

    In order to be able to more accurately determine the heart rate, it is advisable to buy a handy finger-type heart rate monitor. It can be used to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood and the pulse rate. The indicator, which serves as the norm for children, will need to be compared with the results that the device will show within five days of measurements. That is, to display the average result by dividing the total amount by five measurements.

    Also, the pulse is measured in a simpler way, without using instruments. For this, a watch is suitable (it is imperative that it has a second hand) or you can use a stopwatch.

    For each age, you need to choose the best option for the measurement site. Practice shows that in infants, the pulse is best measured by finding the carotid or temporal arteries, since probing it on this part of the body is more clear.

    To do this, you need to find the location of the carotid artery. First you need to lightly press the thyroid cartilage with your fingers, then slowly shifting them, find a small depression, here the pulse should be felt. When carrying out these manipulations, care should be taken, since if the artery is clamped, the child may lose consciousness.

    As noted above, palpation of large arteries is most convenient for determining the arterial pulse. The radial artery lying on the surface (the lower part of the forearm in front of the articulation with the wrist joint) can be easily pressed against the bone. At the same time, it is necessary that the muscles on the arm of the one who examines are relaxed, since tension will complicate the palpation of the pulse.

    With two or three fingers placed on the artery, it is necessary to squeeze it to the limit until the flow of blood flow stops; after that, they begin to gradually ease the pressure while simultaneously evaluating the main parameters for measuring the pulse: frequency, rhythm, tension. The latter property is characterized by the intensity of the resistance of the artery to compression.

    It is not difficult to calculate the pulse, for this you can take 15 or 30 seconds with the estimated time, multiplying the result by four or two, respectively. But, as a rule, it is traditionally customary to sum up the pulse in a minute, this is especially recommended in cases of a child with arrhythmia.

    • if the child is not one year old - you can count the pulsation on the chest or fontanel, for this you need to put it in these places;
    • for babies who are older than a year, the pulse can be controlled in such areas of the body as the neck, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temple, elbow, groin, and also behind the ear;
    • if the child is at the age of seven years and older, then a more convenient place for counting the pulse that does not cause any difficulties is the radial artery.

    It is necessary that the child's hand be located at the level of the heart, while it is necessary to monitor the state of the muscles, they must be in a relaxed state. To find the place of pulsation on the arm, place your fingers a little higher than the carpal crease is located - about one and a half centimeters. If you have difficulty in finding the pulse, then try using your index, middle and ring fingers to expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact, placing them along the radial artery. Then press the artery against the radius and start counting the pulse.


    If we say what is the pulse rate in children, then it is not possible to name any one number. Since, firstly, for each age there is a certain norm, and it differs very much, for example, in a newborn from a child who is over 12 years old - almost twice; secondly, there are many other factors that affect the heart rate. An example of how the age of a child affects the pulse is visible in the table. In the first line - how many months (in brackets - years) the young patient, in the second - beats per minute:

    • first days - 140;
    • from 0 to 12 - 130;
    • 12 to 24 (1 - 2) - 125;
    • 24 – 48 (2 – 4) — 115;
    • 48 – 72 (4 – 6) — 105;
    • 72 – 96 (6 – 8) — 95;
    • 96 – 120 (8 – 10) — 85;
    • 120 – 144 (10 – 12) — 80;
    • from 144 (from 12 and older) - 75;

    Cause for concern

    If a child complains of pain in the chest, shortness of breath at rest and during exertion, he has a rapid heartbeat, a cardiologist's consultation is required.
    Parents of nervous, easily excitable children should pay special attention to the performance of the heart, also after infectious diseases and during the period of active growth.

    Often in young children, especially the first month of life, the pulse rate fluctuates, there is a violation of the heart rhythm. For many, this goes away without any consequences. But we must remember that in children there are the same as in adults, cardiac arrhythmias. A pulse will help track the onset of a possible disease.

    What is an arrhythmia?

    Arrhythmia is a disease characterized by disorders of the heart rhythms, and can be present in children of any age, but in most cases in older children. It can be congenital or acquired. When there is a disorder of the automatic function of the heart, symptoms of bradycardia or sinus tachycardia appear. These two diseases are characterized by a deviation from the normal pulse, expressed by an increase or slowdown in the contraction of the heart muscle by an average of twenty beats or a little more per minute. Specific indicators are specified according to the number of years of a small patient.

    As we have already said, the rate of a child's pulse depends on many reasons and among the determining factors, for example, such as the age of the child. It usually gets smaller with age. In addition, the heart rate is affected by:

    • the general health of a small patient;
    • the degree of physical fitness of the body;
    • body temperature also affects this indicator;
    • environmental conditions,
    • other factors, such as previous illnesses that affect heart rate;
    • genetic predisposition factors.

    This circumstance can be explained by the fact that such fluctuations help the child's body to go through the period of adaptation to the changed conditions of the internal or external environment faster and easier.

    The pulse is a kind of reflector of the state of health of the child's body, the work of all organs, but to a greater extent, of course, the work of the heart and blood vessels. In view of this, it is extremely important for parents to regularly measure the pulse of a child and, if abnormalities are found that may signal the development of pathologies, take appropriate measures.

    High and low ripple

    The heart is the main organ of the entire circulatory system - it tirelessly works in the interests of the entire human body throughout the entire period of its life. For this reason, even the most minor failures of the heart rhythm, among which both rapid and slow pulses, should cause due concern and alarm. It is desirable that the causes of such phenomena be identified as soon as possible so that the cardiologist can take measures to eliminate them. All this will help to maintain calm and the parents of the little patient, and himself.

    Rapid pulse

    What can the presence of a rapid heartbeat in a small patient indicate? If the child's pulse exceeds the normal number of contractions by twenty percent or more, then this phenomenon is considered to be tachycardia. The reasons that affect the increase in heart rate are, as already mentioned, very different, some of these reasons are listed below:

    • as a result of anemia that has developed in a child, then a low content of hemoglobin in the blood;
    • as a result of intense physical activity;
    • stressful situations, emotional overload;
    • increased temperature due to colds;
    • due to physical and mental overwork;
    • certain cardiovascular disorders,
    • diseases of the respiratory organs;
    • difficulties in working in the endocrine system, various disorders;
    • as a result of infection of the body;
    • anemia.

    With all this, it should be noted that the mere presence of a high heart rate in a child is not enough to immediately talk about any deviations in the work of the vascular system. Since such a phenomenon can be quite normal, for example, when a child performs any physical activity. And only in the case of the manifestation of tachycardia in a calm state or when it has a permanent character, this is a cause for concern and seeking advice from an appropriate specialist.

    Low heart rate

    The pulsation in the arteries tends not only to increase, but also to decrease. When this happens, experts talk about a similar phenomenon as bradycardia. However, it does not necessarily indicate signs of any disease. Very often it can be observed in younger and adolescence children who regularly engage in sports exercises.

    In a word, the manifestation of bradycardia with the general well-being of the child indicates good fitness. In the case when a reduced pulse is accompanied, for example, by rapid fatigue, this should alert.

    And not only this undesirable sign should excite. Symptoms of the disease can be different. It is expressed, as a rule, in the following most important manifestations:

    • the child has a feeling of general malaise, often dizzy;
    • a small patient quickly gets tired even from a slight load;
    • the child complains of a bad mood, weakness;
    • there is blanching not only of the face, but also of the rest of the skin;
    • often with a decrease in heart rate, there is also a decrease in blood pressure.

    Parents should always remember that bradycardia is not a short-term decrease in heart rate, which sometimes occurs and may even, in some cases, as mentioned above, be a completely normal condition. This is a formidable disease, which, if urgent measures are not taken, up to surgery, often leads to serious complications, one of which is heart failure.

    During physical activity

    As already noted, the normal pulse of a teenager should be approximately 75 beats. Minor fluctuations are allowed, as a rule, in some cases it can be 60 strokes, in others - 80, which in principle corresponds to the patient's norm in adulthood.

    Parents should monitor the child's pulse rate not only when he is in a calm state, but also when he performs any physical activity. In such a situation, this procedure is also of great importance for controlling the general condition of the body. The indicator of the heart rate during exercise or work can reveal how optimal this type of exercise is for the child, and parents can clearly see this.

    Yes, and the teenager himself can and should, during training or doing physical work, learn a simple procedure to control the state of his body. And one of these, the easiest ways to self-control is precisely the pulse count. It is advisable to do this before and after training. At the same time, you need to learn how to count not only the number of beats per minute, but also pay attention to the rhythm of the pulse.

    You need to know about the direct relationship that exists between physical activity and pulsation frequency - that is, about their increase. It is important that sports do not affect the allowable heart rate, for which there is a special formula:

    • X=220 - teenager's age.

    That is, in order to obtain an indicator of the optimal heart rate, when a child performs certain physical activities, it is necessary to subtract the number of years of a teenager from the value of 220.

    In the event that the pulsation in the arteries drops below what should be normal, you can try to increase the load without fear for your health. But when the pulse jumps to twenty or more beats per minute, here you should think about reducing physical activity. Since the work of the heart muscle directly depends on physical activity, you need to be careful and control the pulse more often, approaching it in a complex way, and check the pulse not only before and after training, as mentioned above, but during them.

    You need to know that if the pulse beats without disturbances, does not have any pathologies, then in order to return to normal, for example, after running, it will take no more than five, a maximum of ten minutes, but more often less time is enough. Otherwise, it is necessary to revise the load norms and, if necessary, reduce it. It can also be a gadfly for seeking medical advice.

    Therefore, when doing physical activity or sports training, a young patient must understand both the upper and lower limits of the heart rate. The lowest heart rate during training is calculated using the formula below:

    • X \u003d ((220 - Y) - Z) x 0.5 + Z
    • Y - means the number of years of the child;
    • Z - The frequency of contractions of the heart muscle before exercise, recorded a minute before it.


    In order for the pulse to be always normal, the following measures should be taken:

    • Lead an active life, strive for a healthy lifestyle, engage in moderate physical exercise, temper the body. Try to spend more time with your child on the street, do morning exercises. Swimming helps a lot. Light running and skiing is an excellent prevention against arrhythmia.
    • Follow a diet. If a child has a tendency to arrhythmia, then it is necessary that the diet was more saturated with plant foods, and fatty foods were present as little as possible. Eat preferably in small portions, avoid eating at night. Try to have a varied menu, and include foods rich in magnesium and potassium.
    • Try to keep your child as little emotional stress as possible.
    • To the extent possible, rest during the day, and night sleep should be at least eight hours.


    Parents are fully responsible for their children, including their health. Therefore, they should regularly engage in prevention, ensure that babies are protected from the influence of harmful factors that can cause significant harm to their fragile body, and also regularly take the child to medical examinations. Parents should know that one of the indicators of a child's health is a normal pulse. To measure the pulse in children in a timely manner means to avoid unnecessary problems and, if such a need arises, visit a specialist in heart disorders in time. And then it will be much easier to deal with any diseases.

    Proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is an important component of a child's health. Her indicators: blood pressure and pulse, which in children should be normal. Heart rate (HR) can be easily measured and monitored at home.

    Pulse measurements should be taken when the child is at rest, in the same position (for example, sitting) for several days, so that the picture is clearer. It is better to do this in the morning, you can after breakfast. To measure the pulse, you need to find a large artery on the wrist, in the temporal region or neck. Record one minute on the stopwatch and count the number of beats during this time. You can detect 15 seconds, and multiply the number by four.

    The pulse in children changes with age. The younger the child, the faster the heart rate. The rate of heart rate in children by age can be seen in the table.

    Over 15 years of age, the indicators are equated to the heart rate and average 70 beats per minute.

    Pulse and pressure fluctuate throughout the day. This is normal and necessary so that the human body can adapt to the world around it.

    Significant deviations in heart rate indicators may indicate any disturbances in the functioning of the body.

    If the pulse in children significantly exceeds the norms of the table, according to age, this can happen for various reasons:

  • overwork;
  • emotional outburst;
  • the room is hot and stuffy;
  • any diseases of the child (respiratory, cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders, low hemoglobin).
  • When the baby's pulse is higher than normal and at rest, this is called

    The opposite situation is when the heart rate is less than the average, which is often the case with athletes. This indicates a good work of the heart and fitness of the body. An important condition here is the well-being of the child. If he feels unwell, complains of dizziness and weakness, then it is better to seek the advice of a specialist. It must be borne in mind that a slowdown in the pulse of a child during sleep is the norm.

    Heart rate in premature babies

    Let's talk about what heart rate indicators for premature babies are the norm. When a child is born prematurely, it often has a certain immaturity of some organs. Therefore, the time of its adaptation to life outside the womb is somewhat different and viability indicators may differ. So, for example, the pulse of a premature baby can reach 180 beats per minute and still not be a pathology. In some cases, the heart rate of such children remains in the range of 120-160, as for other infants. It should be borne in mind that children born prematurely are more sensitive to external stimuli, which markedly increase heart rate and blood pressure. Therefore, a premature baby needs to create a calm environment and try to protect it from too loud sounds or bright lights.

    Heart rate in child athletes

    As mentioned above, trained children have a lower pulse rate and this is good. A child who plays sports should know how to calculate the maximum heart rate, which is the norm for him. To do this, you can use the formula: 220-age. The answer will show the valid upper bound. You also need to know that the heart rate should return to its normal values ​​10 minutes after the end of the workout. This is an indicator of good heart function.