New Year's days of the year. State status of holidays in January in Russia

Perhaps it will be honest to say that January is one of the most long-awaited months of the year, because already at its beginning we can have a good rest from the hardships of the previous year and gain strength for accomplishments in the new one. In addition, usually the weekend in January 2017 is the longest of the whole year, and this provides a great opportunity to take yourself an additional vacation or trip.

Weekend in January 2017 in Russia

The most important and favorite holidays fall in January - New Year, Christmas Eve and - the days that we enjoy spending both with our friends and relatives, and on long trips. This year we will immediately have 10 days of rest - until January 9, 2017 inclusive. Due to the fact that the year starts on Sunday, the holidays are postponed, giving such a long winter break.

At this time, you can go to the mountains and go down the steep slopes on skis and snowboards, or conquer the next peak if you are a fan of this type of recreation, or you can go to a place where there is no snow at all and enjoy the summer in the middle of winter. Also, tourist routes to the capitals of different countries are open to the public: you can study the Christmas traditions of your neighbors and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a European or Asian holiday.

And although the holiday calendar has not been finally approved by the relevant resolution, these long weekends have already been fixed in the project.

Also, the holidays in January 2017 in Russia are complemented by two holidays that are opposite in meaning: Tatyana's Day (January 25) - when the All-Russian Student's Day is celebrated and a terrible tragic day in history - the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad, which falls on January 27.

New Year - January 1

Everyone expects magic and change from this holiday. All year long we work and fulfill our duties in the hope that luck will smile, but only on New Year's Eve do we allow ourselves to truly believe in miracles and magic. This holiday is especially dearly loved by children who prepare poems and songs for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to tell them when they bring the long-awaited gifts.

On the eve, we prepare various dishes and treats, decorate the house and put up a New Year tree, which, in turn, is hung with toys - balls, cones, icicles - garlands and tinsel. It is believed that the spruce is the main symbol of the holiday.

However, this tradition appeared relatively recently, given that they began to celebrate the new year in ancient Mesopotamia. But the date of the New Year was completely different. The year was tied to agricultural work, and then the new year was considered the year when the sowing of fields with grain began. Therefore, they celebrated it in the spring, usually in March. But travelers liked the tradition, and they brought it to Ancient Rome and Greece. When the holiday took root and began to acquire new signs of celebration, the calendar was changed and the date shifted several months ahead, finally settling on the first of January.

But the tradition of celebrating the New Year with a festive table and a large number of dishes has been preserved since those very ancient times. Today, they also necessarily focus on which animal is the symbol of the year. This tradition came to us from China.

So, according to the eastern calendar, the symbol of 2017 is the Fire Rooster, which means that red color should prevail in clothes, home decorations and dishes on the table. You also need to decorate the room with a lot of bright shiny things: garlands, balls and "rain". You need to meet the year in a cheerful and active company of old and new friends, this is a time of joyful festivities and entertainment.

Undoubtedly, the most beloved tradition associated directly with the New Year is the long weekend in January 2017 and the postponement of holidays to ensure this. Indeed, often the holiday falls on a weekday, not a weekend, and then, in order not to interrupt the working week, it is reduced or another day is appointed on which the holiday will be worked out.

Christmas holidays in January 2017

One of the biggest Orthodox holidays - the Nativity of Christ - is inseparable from the previous day - Christmas Eve, popularly referred to as "evenings". On the 6th of January, the Advent fast held by believers comes to an end. The strictest day of fasting is this one, because it is forbidden to eat until the first star appears. For dinner, 12 different dishes are served - according to the number of the apostles of Christ, one of the dishes is kutya. According to popular belief, the godchildren should treat their godparents with this dish, visiting them in the evening. Dinner begins with this dish. There are several different recipes, but the main ingredients are the same: wheat, honey, poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, which are crushed and boiled together.

Weekends also fall in January 2017 in Russia on the very bright holiday of Christmas - January 7th. In the Orthodox calendar, this holiday is marked as the one that marks the coming into the world of the savior of sinners - Jesus Christ. The parable claims that the Virgin Mary gave birth to him in a manger and the first to know about this joyful event were the shepherds who were nearby. The angels sang the first song to the baby, and he received his gifts from the Magi, who went especially to him to bow to the newborn savior.

Believers on this day also give gifts to each other, arrange a holiday and chants. Also, people like to arrange fairs, festivals and processions, they sing Christmas carols. The next twelve days after Christmas are called Christmas time.

Old New Year - January 14

The Old New Year is a completely unique phenomenon and is common only in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Since a new calendar was introduced after the revolution, the date of the new year was shifted two weeks ahead, but the tradition of celebrating the new year and the old style took root quite quickly. The holiday is celebrated, of course, not on such a grand scale as the traditional New Year, but they certainly gather with the family. And although it refers to holidays in January 2017 in Russia, these days are not considered days off.

A cheerful tradition of the old new year is the singing of generous people. These are special short songs in which the New Year and the owner of the house are famous, who is wished prosperity, a fruitful year and prosperity, health to him and his family. Usually singing is accompanied by sowing the house with grain (wheat or rice). Children go from house to house, whom adults should thank with sweets or money.

Baptism of the Lord - January 19

Another Orthodox holiday that is celebrated by all believers -. This is one of the permanent holidays, the date of which does not change. On January 19, the twelve-day Christmas time ends. By government standards, Epiphany is not a public holiday in January 2017.

In churches on Epiphany, they bless the water and hold a special service - the procession, which usually ends at a reservoir or a prepared font, where Christians can take a dip and wash their sins off. They believe that water from the font, as well as consecrated by the ministers of the church, can heal any disease. But the main purpose of this holiday is the purification of the human spirit.

On this day, among the people, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed (although any fortune-telling is strictly prohibited by the church). Signs associate the holiday with severe cold, called Epiphany frosts, it is believed that this is the coldest time of the year.

Students' Day (Tatyana's Day) - January 25

Tatyana's Day has always been considered an unofficial student's day, but everything changed in 2005, the day added to the list of holidays in January 2017. The history of the holiday has more than two hundred and sixty years and dates back to the decree of Empress Elizabeth, who founded the first higher educational institution in the then Russian Empire, giving it a name - Moscow University. It happened exactly on the day of honoring the Great Martyr Tatyana, and since then she has also been considered the patroness of all students.

The holiday was held on a large scale in the capital, and then became widespread throughout the country. Today, students arrange concerts and competitions, games and competitions to celebrate their now legal holiday. In addition, winter holidays begin in most universities from this day.

Day of the liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade - January 27

This date ends the tragic period in the history of the Second World War and Russia as a whole, on January 27, the hero city of Leningrad was liberated from a long blockade, which now bears the new name of St. Petersburg. In the autumn of 1941, the city was encircled by the Germans, which began a long siege of the northern capital.

During the constant shelling and bombardment in Leningrad, not only historical monuments were destroyed, but also food warehouses, because of which famine soon began in the city and more than 2.5 million people were left without provisions. Historians are still counting and arguing about the number of deaths in besieged Leningrad during those terrible 900 days that the siege lasted. According to some data - and these are the most conservative estimates - about four hundred people died, while others call an even more horrifying figure - 1.5 million inhabitants.

January has always been characterized by an abundance of days off. It's all about the January holidays, because the big celebrations - the New Year and - are celebrated in the first month of the year. Many people know this and look forward to the time when the number of days off exceeds all norms. In order to properly plan a vacation, buy tickets in advance and arrange a vacation, Russian residents are already looking on the Internet for when the holidays are coming in January 2017. According to the production calendar, there are many carefree days ahead. Let's find out how we relax in January 2017, and how to plan a vacation based on the schedule of public holidays.

How do we relax in January 2017 in Russia?

According to, out of 31 calendar days, Russians will have to rest 14 days. But you still have to work hard, because 17 days remain working. It should be borne in mind that the official weekend schedule in January 2017 applies only to officially employed people and students: the rest will have to work depending on the whim of the employer. Next, we will consider in detail every day of official rest, which is due to the Russians.

Official holidays in Russia in January 2017

In 2017, the government of the Russian Federation will please the population of the country by making a full-fledged vacation out of the New Year holidays. So, working people will rest the following calendar days in January:

  • January 1 is the first day of 2017, which is assigned the status of an official holiday. On this day, the population of Russia always rests. Moreover, this year the 1st is Sunday, so the rest is simply shown;
  • January 2.3 - traditionally are also non-working days. The government gives the population time to gain strength and energy after the celebration of the New Year. In 2017, these numbers fall on Monday and Tuesday, so recognizing them as official days off is just in time;
  • January 4.5 - in 2017 will also be non-working. The thing is that the government decided not to make only two days working, but to give people the opportunity to fully relax. Thus Wednesday and Thursday are out of the week;
  • January 6, 7 are official holidays in the Russian Federation. The 6th is not a non-working day in all state institutions, but politicians give employers the opportunity to release their subordinates on this day. However, it is in 2017 that January 6, like January 7, is an official day off;
  • January 8 - falls on a Sunday. In addition, this day is always an official holiday, because the population needs to recover from the winter festivities. Therefore, if you are wondering when to go to work in January 2017, the answer is January 9;
  • 14-15, 21-22, 28-29 - scheduled weekends that fall on Saturday-Sunday.

Thus, a total of 14 non-working days is obtained. Considering that December 31 is a Saturday, in total there are 9 continuous days off. From December 31 to January 8, 2017 inclusive, the residents of Russia will have a real vacation, during which you can go on a long vacation or just have a good rest.

Production calendar for January 2017

For clarity, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the production calendar for January 2017:

in red public holidays are marked

yellow- weekend

In the summer, our government every year raises the issue of winter holidays, decides at the highest level the number of days off and the issue of transferring any days off to another time. The Ministry of Labor, after the decision of the government, will publish this information in newspapers and official Internet portals.

This January weekend plan passed all three readings in the government, but everything can be changed at the autumn session if the deputies decide that there are too many holidays. This can happen due to the recalculation of working days, if the country loses too much tax revenue, then the number of days off will be reduced.

The production calendar has been confirmed in all instances, only the last government approval remains.

Weekends in January 2017 in Russia are non-working days:

January 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Holidays in honor of the new year. Fall on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

January 7, 8- Holidays that fall on Saturday, Sunday. In addition, on January 7, a well-known religious holiday is celebrated in Russia,.

The January holidays are the most important and longest of the year, which is confirmed by the Labor Code of Russia itself.

Hello! All holidays from January 1 to January 8, 2017, inclusive, are subject to increased payment, if your work shifts fall on these days. That is, all your shifts are on January 1,4,5, 8. According to the ORDER of August 13, 2009 N 588n ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATION OF THE NORMS OF WORKING TIME FOR CERTAIN CALENDAR TIME PERIODS (MONTH, QUARTER, YEAR) DEPENDING ON THE SET DURATION OF WORKING TIME IN WEEK due to production, technical and organizational conditions (for example, continuously operating production, daily services to the population, etc.), the transfer of holidays provided for by part 2 of Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is not carried out Article 112. Non-working holidays [Labor Code of the Russian Federation] [ Chapter 18] [Article 112] Public holidays in the Russian Federation are: January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 - New Year holidays; January 7 - Christmas;..." Article 153 - not less than at double piece rates; for employees whose work is paid at daily and hourly tariff rates - in the amount of at least a double daily or hourly tariff rate; for employees receiving a salary (official salary) - in the amount of at least a single daily or hourly rate (part of the salary (official salary) for a day or hour of work) in excess of the salary (official salary), if work on a weekend or non-working holiday was carried out within the monthly norm of working time, and in the amount of at least a double daily or hourly rate (part of salary (official salary) per day or hour of work) in excess of the salary (official salary), if the work was performed in excess of the monthly norm of working time. work on a weekend or non-working holiday can be established by a collective agreement, a local normative act adopted taking into account the opinion of the representative body of workers, an employment contract ... "However, this article spells out one more important detail: in order to pay an employee on a salary, you first need to determine , whether he processed the monthly norm of working time on a holiday. After all, this directly affects the procedure for calculating salaries. The issue of payment is considered in detail in the next consultation. The employee worked on a holiday The calculation of the salary of an employee who has a monthly salary, perhaps, raises the most questions. Although the general rule is simple: the salary on holidays is paid at least twice as much. This is required by article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. However, another important detail is spelled out in the norm: in order to pay off an employee on a salary, you first need to determine whether he processed the monthly norm of working time on a holiday. After all, this directly affects the procedure for calculating salaries. Suppose an employee worked on a holiday, since work on this day is scheduled. In this case, for work on a holiday, at least a single daily or hourly rate must be paid in addition to the salary. I advise you to fix the procedure for calculating the tariff (per day or hour) in local acts. This will allow you to avoid disputes with both employees and labor inspectors. I will give a clear example. Example How to calculate a salary if work on a holiday is scheduled In OJSC "Toy Factory" drivers work on a shift schedule, they have a summarized accounting of working time with an accounting period of a calendar month. The salary of the driver Ivanov A.V. is 40,000 rubles. per month. According to the schedule, he should work 159 hours in March, 12 of them on a holiday, on the 8th. Ivanov worked all month according to the schedule. This means that he worked on a holiday within the monthly norm of working hours. The collective agreement stipulates that in this case, work on the day of rest is paid in the amount of the hourly rate, which must be calculated based on the average monthly number of working hours. In 2014, with a 40-hour work week, the average monthly number of working hours is 164.25 hours. Therefore, Ivanov's hourly rate is: 40,000 rubles. : 164.25 h = 243.53 rubles. Surcharge for work on a holiday - March 8 - is equal to: 243.53 rubles. ? 12 hours = 2922.40 rubles. Thus, the accountant accrued Ivanov's salary for March in the amount of: 40,000 rubles. + RUB 2922.40 = 42,922.40 rubles. Now let's move on to a situation where, due to work on a holiday, an employee reworked the monthly norm. As a rule, this happens when an employee works in the classic five-day work mode. Then the salary on holidays is calculated as a double daily or hourly minimum rate. Let's look at an example. Example How to pay for work on a holiday outside the schedule At JSC Toy Factory, sales managers work according to a 40-hour work week with two days off - Saturday and Sunday. The director of the organization offered the manager Nikitin M.A. to hold an advertising and marketing campaign on Friday, March 8th. The employee agreed and worked 5 hours that day. According to the time sheet, Nikitin worked 164 hours in March. Moreover, on the holiday he worked outside the monthly norm, which in March is 159 hours. The collective agreement stipulates that work on the day of rest for those employees who have a classic five-day work is paid in the amount of a double hourly rate. At the same time, it must be calculated based on the norm of hours of the month in which the employee worked on the day of rest. Nikitin's salary - 25,000 rubles. per month. This means that the hourly rate of the manager is: 25,000 rubles. : 159 h \u003d 157.23 rubles. Surcharge for work on March 8 is: 157.23 rubles. ? 2? 5 hours = 1572.30 rubles The accountant calculated Nikitin's March salary as follows: 25,000 rubles. + RUB 1572.30 = RUB 26,572.30 QUESTION - Is it possible to calculate the additional payment for work on a holiday based on the salary, taking into account all accruals to the employee? Say, bonuses, allowances and compensation. – Yes, you can. As a general rule, for an employee who has a monthly salary, additional payments for work on holidays are calculated based on this amount (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). But the head of the company can expand the list of payments from which such surcharges must be calculated and approve it (Article 135 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Only the specific procedure for calculating the additional payment for work on holidays must be prescribed in the local act. For example, in a collective agreement or Regulations on remuneration. Only in this case, the accountant will necessarily include bonuses, allowances and compensation payments in the calculation of additional payments. It happens that an employee for some good reason was absent from work. For example, he was on vacation or sick. But in the same month he worked on a holiday - according to the schedule or in excess of it. It is important to remember here: the working time norm is reduced by the number of working hours according to the schedule that the employee did not work for a good reason (Rostrud letter dated March 1, 2010 No. 550-6-1). This means that in this situation, the employee will need to pay a salary for the time actually worked and an additional payment for working on a holiday. To make it clear, consider a specific situation. Example How to calculate a salary for a month if an employee worked on a holiday, but did not work one day according to the schedule. Let's take the conditions from example No. 2. But with one difference - the manager Nikitin M.A. did not work on Friday, March 1 - this is 8 working hours, as on that day he was on vacation at his own expense. The employee wrote an application for such leave in February. This means that Nikitin's working time norm in March is: 159 hours - 8 hours \u003d 151 hours. In fact, the manager worked 156 hours in March. On the holiday of the 8th, Nikitin still worked in excess of the monthly norm. Still, the schedule did not provide for work that day. In March, according to the schedule of the classical five-day period, 20 working days. This means that the salary for the time actually worked this month will be calculated by the accountant as follows: 25,000 rubles. : 20 days ? 19 days = 23,750 rubles. Thus, the accountant calculated Nikitin's March salary in the amount of: 23,750 rubles. + RUB 1572.30 = RUB 25,322.30 Do not forget that double payment is made for hours actually worked on a weekend or non-working holiday. When a part of the work shift falls on a holiday, the hours actually worked on a holiday (from 0:00 to 24:00) are paid double. holidays” 1. In continuously operating enterprises (workshops, sections, units), as well as in the case of summarized accounting of working time, work on holidays is included in the monthly norm of working time. 2. Payment for work on holidays is made as follows: a) pieceworkers - at double piece rates; b) employees paid at hourly or daily rates - in the amount of double the hourly or daily rate; c) employees receiving a monthly salary - in the amount of a single hourly or daily rate in excess of the salary, if work on a holiday was carried out within the monthly norm of working hours, and in the amount of a double hourly or daily rate - if the work was performed in excess of the monthly norm. Payment in the specified amount is made to all employees for hours actually worked on a holiday. When part of a shift falls on a holiday, the hours actually worked on the holiday (from 0 to 24 hours) are paid double...." and holidays are not taken into account, unless it is provided by the local regulation of the enterprise.It will be accrued as usual.

The closer the New Year holidays, the more often we think about how to spend them. It's good when the winter holidays last a long time - you can even plan a trip to another country. 2017 is ideal in this regard, because we will have to rest for 9 whole days.

The symbol of 2017 is a restless bird

The upcoming year 2017 according to the eastern calendar is called the “Year of the Rooster”. A very active bird does not like to sleep for a long time and constantly pulls at its feathered girlfriends. It is recommended to celebrate the holiday under this symbol in a very cheerful company and preferably outside the house - you can go to the country or go on a trip. A large number of holidays even allow you to combine these two types of vacation: a couple of days outside the city, five days in Prague or Bali, the other two at home to prepare for working days.

How to relax on New Year's holidays in January 2017

New Year holidays in 2017 begin on December 31, which is often a working day in other years. Why? Because it falls on Saturday. So, all New Year's holidays:

  • December 31, 2016. Saturday is a common day off.
  • January 1, 2017. Sunday is also a generally accepted day off, but in addition it is also a generally accepted holiday. Due to the fact that these two days off coincide, the festive January 1 is postponed to January 6.
  • January 2, 2017. Monday is a holiday.
  • January 3, 2017. Tuesday is a holiday.
  • January 4, 2017. Wednesday is a public holiday.
  • January 5, 2017. Thursday is a holiday.
  • January 6, 2017. Friday is a public holiday on January 1st. This day is called “Christmas Eve”, which is celebrated before Orthodox Christmas.
  • January 7, 2017. Saturday is a generally accepted day off, but in addition, a generally accepted holiday “Christmas Day”. In theory, due to the coincidence of two days off, the festive January 7 should have been postponed to Monday January 9, but the Ministry of Labor in 2017 decided not to do this.
  • January 8, 2017. Sunday is a common day off.

The result - 9 days of continuous celebration and good mood.

How we relax on New Year's holidays in 2017 - an initiative of State Duma deputies

Some Russian deputies believe that long New Year holidays have a negative impact on people's health (they eat too much food and drink) and that the country's economy suffers from long downtime of equipment. In this regard, the Duma is considering a bill, which, perhaps, will approve only one official holiday (January 1). In return, people are going to be given an additional 10 days of paid vacation. These days can be taken at any convenient time or added to the main vacation. If this law is passed, it will come into force on January 1, 2017. But while the deputies are working on this innovation, the citizens of Russia are already planning their nine-day New Year holidays.