Fiery waterfall "Horse Tail", USA (10 photos). Ponytail: a hairstyle for all occasions

How does cauda equina syndrome manifest? The symptoms of this pathological condition will be discussed below. We will also tell you about how this disease is diagnosed and treated.

basic information

It is not a secret for anyone that the transmission of certain signals to muscle tissues, as well as from them, in the human body is carried out thanks to the nerves extending from the spinal cord. In medicine, they are called nerve roots. They are able to transmit impulses, as a result of which the brain determines what hurts a person, how his body is located in space, and so on. Moreover, such roots allow the brain to fully control the entire body.

Below the waist, a person has a special bundle of nerves. It is called a ponytail. When the roots are inflamed, the cauda equina syndrome occurs. You will learn more about this phenomenon from the materials of the article in question.

Features of the disease

Cauda equina syndrome is a rather serious disease. As mentioned above, the reason for the development of such a pathological condition is the inflammatory process in the nerve roots.

It should also be noted that the disease in question may be caused by compression of nerve endings.

This pathology cannot be underestimated, since in the absence of timely and proper treatment, a person may experience such negative consequences as paresis of the lower extremities and persistent disruption of the bladder.

Cauda equina syndrome: symptoms

It is quite difficult not to notice the development of the disease in question. This is due to the fact that the "cauda equina" syndrome is manifested quite pronounced. Experts identify the following signs of this disease:

  • severe low back pain;
  • Radicular pain that manifests itself in one or both legs (usually begins in the gluteal muscles and then slowly descends down the reed, reaching the lower leg);
  • numbness in the groin area, or rather, in the coccyx area;
  • malfunctions of the bladder of the urinary and intestines;
  • muscle weakness in the legs, decreased sensitivity;
  • complete elimination or reduction of leg reflexes.

Ponytail syndrome in humans is always accompanied by back pain. Experts say that such sensations can be of two types: radicular and local. Radicular pain is acute. The cause of its occurrence is a strong compression of the nerve roots. As for local pain, this is a rather deep, and also chronic in nature, sensation that appears as a result of irritation of the soft tissues and the spinal body.

Other signs

How else does the cauda equina syndrome manifest? Above, we have already talked about the fact that such a disease is characterized by malfunctioning of the bladder. However, all variants of the manifestation of such violations should be highlighted here:

  • A person suffering from this condition may experience urinary retention.
  • Sometimes patients have difficulties that appear at the very beginning of the urination process.
  • In some people, the sensitivity of the urethral sphincter is markedly reduced.

As for bowel dysfunctions, they manifest themselves as follows:

  • the development of constipation;
  • fecal incontinence;
  • decrease in the tone of the anus, as well as its excessive sensitivity.

Having found such unpleasant symptoms in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor to start treatment. A doctor's consultation is necessary not only for the selection of the correct therapy regimen, but also for the correct diagnosis. After all, the "cauda equina" syndrome is quite easy to confuse with, for example, a herniated disc.

A positively proceeding therapy of the disease in question depends on how long the patient has been showing signs of the disease. So doctors often perform decompression if the first symptoms began to bother the patient two days ago. This procedure is the surgical removal of tissue that causes compression of the roots.

How to diagnose the disease correctly?

Cauda equina syndrome is diagnosed in the same way in dogs and humans. During the examination of a patient, doctors pay special attention to the symptoms that bother the patient. The following procedures can also be carried out:

  • Radiography. Thanks to this research method, it is quite easy to detect degenerative changes in a patient.
  • MRI, including contrast. With the help of tomography, you can make a full-fledged diagnosis, identify a hernia, a tumor, and also view the “cauda equina” itself.

Only a comprehensive examination of the patient will allow the specialist to determine the most optimal treatment.

Cauda equina syndrome: treatment

The treatment regimen for the disease in question is chosen depending on what cause caused the development of the syndrome. People who have inflammation as a result of root compression are often prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, in particular Ibuprofen. Along with these drugs, corticosteroids are also widely used.

If the patient has metastasis, then they resort to radiation therapy (especially in cases where surgery is contraindicated for the patient).

If the cause of the development of such a syndrome is infection, then the patient is prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy.

Treatment features

The general management of cauda equina syndrome should be cautious. When the first symptoms of the disease are detected, the doctor must resort to conservative therapy within one day. If, after this time, the result has not been achieved, then the syndrome is eliminated through surgical intervention.

Doctors pay special attention to those patients who suffer from a hernia of the spine. By the way, it is precisely this disease that can provoke the development of the syndrome in question. Typically, these people undergo discectomy or laminectomy.


If a person has bilateral sciatica, then the prognosis, compared with a patient who experiences unilateral pain, is unfavorable.

If a patient is found to have complete perineal anesthesia, there is a high probability that he will develop persistent bladder paresis.

The most accurate criterion by which you can make a prediction about a person's recovery is the degree of sensitivity in the area of ​​his perineum.

Disease prevention

To prevent the development of such a disease, due attention should be paid to its prevention. It is necessary to treat with special responsibility any possible signs (for example, pain in the legs, lumbar region, weakness of the limbs, etc.).

It should also be borne in mind that even after surgery, the patient's neurological deficit will not be completely eliminated. Therefore, it is better to be prepared for the fact that he will accompany the patient for some more time. In this regard, a person may need the help of specialists such as a physiotherapist, sexologist, social worker, etc.

It is also important to observe the following rules:

  • drink more fluids;
  • do enemas for constipation;
  • use a catheter to drain urine from the bladder.

The ponytail hairstyle is considered universal. It is perfect for all occasions - whether it's going to work or a romantic date. Unfortunately, many consider the tail too simple and nondescript, but a selection of these stylish master classes will convince you otherwise!

Classic version

Want to learn how to make a classic ponytail? These photos and a set of very simple hairstyle tools will help you - a comb and two elastic bands.

  1. Part the hair horizontally at the crown of the head.
  2. Stab it with a crab so it doesn't get in the way yet.
  3. Tie the lower part into a tail.
  4. Release the top from the clamp and comb at the roots.
  5. Pull it down and smooth the top layer.
  6. Connect both parts with another elastic band.
  7. Take one thin curl and wrap the elastic around it. Hide the tip in the total mass and stab it with an invisible one.
  8. Fluff the ponytail slightly to give it volume.

Elegant ponytail

An excellent choice for work that will make you look your 100 points!

1. Apply a little styling product to your hair. Comb it into the side parting.

2. At the crown, separate a small section of the hair and comb gently at the roots.

3. Gather the strands into a ponytail, shifting it slightly to the side.

4. Using the sharp tip of a comb, lift the bouffant up slightly.

5. Take a thin curl, wrap an elastic band around it, and hide the tip in the total mass and stab it with an invisible one.

Ponytail with catch on the sides

This simple styling is easy to do for yourself in just 5 minutes. Unlike the business previous MK, it looks romantic, very gentle and playful.

  1. Apply a heat protection spray and any styling agent to your hair and curl it with an iron, forming vertical curls.
  2. Comb them with a wide-toothed comb.
  3. Select a small section of hair at the crown and comb it well.
  4. Use the thin tip of a comb to separate the fleece from the hair near the forehead.
  5. Tie a ponytail.
  6. Divide the remaining hair into a straight or side parting. Twist each section into very light bundles (literally two turns).
  7. Place the harnesses at the base of the tail and wrap the ends of the elastic around them. Secure with invisible ones.
  8. Release a couple of thin curls near your face.

How do you like such a voluminous ponytail?

Ponytail with one braid

It is the best choice for long and medium strands. If you have basic weaving skills, be sure to try it at the first opportunity.

  1. On the right side, take three identical strands.
  2. Braid a spikelet, adding loose curls from below, then from above. The braid should not be too tight.
  3. When you reach ear level, continue braiding in the traditional way.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with an elastic band.
  5. Gather the remaining hair in a ponytail with an elastic band.
  6. Wrap its base obliquely. Hide the tip in the middle and pin with invisibility.

Ponytail with lanterns

This stylish hairstyle is perfect for dates, parties, or going to the movies.

  1. Tie up your hair at the top of your head.
  2. Wrap a thin curl around its base and secure it securely with invisibility.
  3. Brush the strands lightly.
  4. Tie another elastic band just below and wrap it in a thin curl. Pin the tip as well.
  5. Form the next flashlight backing the same distance.
  6. Continue to the desired length. Remember to comb your hair with a comb or stretch each section with your hands.

Tail knot

A very original way to tie a beautiful ponytail. By the way, you will have to tie it in the truest sense of the word! The only caveat is that this styling only goes with long hair.

> Romantic ponytail with bow

This perky hairstyle will not leave your person without the attention of men. Therefore, if you are going to recklessly flirt and flirt, stop at this option.

1. Gather the hair at the back of your head.

2. Wrap the elastic in a thin curl. Hide the tip in the middle and pin it with an invisible one.

3. Separate a not very large strand from the tail.

4-5. Loop it and secure with a clear elastic band.

6. Divide the loop in half to form a heart.

7-8. Attach each section of it to the hair using an invisibility, forming the contours of the bow.

9. Separate another thin strand from the tail and lift it up, placing it between the two halves of the bow.

10. Secure it with invisible ones.

11. Wrap the remaining tip around the base of the bow.

Tiered ponytail

How to create a hairstyle that would help remove hair during work and training? Believe me, there is nothing difficult in this!

  1. Separate a small part of the hair near the forehead with two vertical partings. Tie it with an elastic band.
  2. With the next parting, separate a section of the hair of exactly the same width. Connect it with the previous tail and also tie with an elastic band.
  3. Continue in this manner to the base of the neck.
  4. Comb the ends smoothly.

Retro ponytail with fleece

This retro fleece ponytail is perfect for a theme party setting. And for special occasions it can also be done.

  1. Comb it all back.
  2. Comb the strands well at the forehead and on the crown.
  3. Pull the bouffant down and smooth the top layer.
  4. Tie a high ponytail.
  5. Wrap a thin strand around its base. Hide the tip and secure it with invisibility.
  6. Toss the tail over the forehead, leaving only a thin section.
  7. Comb it with a comb.
  8. Lower another layer of hair on top - comb it also.
  9. Leave the top layer smooth.

Nicole Ricci hairstyle

Do you want to reproduce the image of a famous Hollywood actress? Believe me, nothing could be easier!

  1. Separate some of the strands at the crown, leaving loose hair near the forehead and sides.
  2. Stab her for a while.
  3. Tie the hair on the back of the head in a tight tail.
  4. Divide the hair near the forehead and ears in half. First, transfer one part to the tail and wrap the elastic around it. Repeat with the other part.
  5. Free the pinned hair from the clip and comb it lightly near the roots.
  6. Lay everything back and smooth the top layer.

Back braids styling

This ponytail will take very little time, but the results will be simply stunning!

1. Brush hair all over your head to add volume.

2. Throw everything back.

3. On the right, take three thin strands and braid a reverse French spikelet, picking up loose curls on both sides. Tie the tip with a thin elastic band and attach it with invisibility to the bulk of the hair.

4. Make the braid bulky by stretching the links with your hands.

5. Braid exactly the same spikelet on the left side.

6. Run the comb again over the strands near the forehead.

7. Collect everything with a rubber band. Neatness in this styling is completely unimportant. It should be sloppy, very light and loose, so do not be discouraged if some strands are slightly knocked out.

8. Wrap the elastic in a thin strand and secure the tip with an invisible tip.

Curled low ponytail

You only have 5 minutes? This option is for you!

  1. Comb it all back or part the hair in the middle.
  2. Gather the strands in your hand.
  3. Wrap a light tourniquet towards your head.
  4. Tie the resulting elastic band and secure with hairpins, otherwise the tourniquet will disintegrate.
  5. Wrap the elastic in a thin strand.
  6. Place the tips on your shoulder.

Another option:

Stylistic tricks

For a great hairstyle, heed the advice of experienced hairdressers:

  • Tip 1. To decorate the tail, use satin ribbons, colored shawls and chiffon scarves.
  • Tip 2. At the base of the styling, you can stab a flower - it will be very romantic. The main thing is to choose those flowers that can last at least a few hours (gerberas, orchids, lilies).
  • Tip 3. If you cannot boast of a thick head of hair, wind the tied hair with an iron or curlers - the curls will add volume.
  • Tip 4. An alternative to curls will be a curling iron with a corrugation nozzle. Such strands look better on long hair and do not go short at all.
  • Tip 5. Experiment with the level - tie the tail either high on the top of the head, then lower it to the back of the head, or even place it at the base of the neck. In this case, you should take into account the shape of your face, the length and thickness of your hair, as well as the presence of bangs.

Long hair is very difficult to care for, especially difficult to produce on a daily basis. There is a way to avoid the pain of styling - this is a ponytail. The ponytail works well for long hair, so today in our article we will offer you the top 30 best ponytail options from which you can choose the option you like. In our selection, only the most stylish and demanded options are presented today.

A ponytail is the easiest way to tuck your hair into a bun, which will free yourself up a lot of time that you would have spent styling before. It is especially important to use the tail in the morning when you are in a hurry to work or school. So, let's get down to the selection of the ponytail most suitable for you.

Top 30 Best Ponytail Options

Classic ponytail

First you need to straighten your hair well and. Use a rubber band to tie the ponytail. Select a small section of hair from the ponytail and wrap an elastic around the base of the ponytail for as long as the length of the strand. Secure the tip of the strand with an invisible one. This ponytail looks good on perfectly straight and smooth hair.

High ponytail with plait

High ponytail with a plait (decorative ribbon). Comb your hair, make a high ponytail with an elastic band. Wrap a decorative tape (tourniquet) around the elastic.

Curled ponytail

Curled ponytail. Use a rubber band to tie the ponytail. Select a small section of hair from the ponytail and wrap an elastic around the base of the ponytail for as long as the length of the strand. Secure the tip of the strand with an invisible one. The ponytail needs to be wound with a curling iron. If desired, you can use mousse, foam, varnish.

Mother of Dragons Tail

The tail of "Mother of Dragons Daenerys Stormborn". Divide your hair into three sections. Braid part from forehead to crown with an inverted French braid. Continue to weave the braid from the top of the head to the back of the head, without using the strands from the roots. Secure the braid with an elastic band. Comb through remaining hair and tie into a low ponytail. Wrap a strand of hair around the elastic and fix it. The ponytail needs to be given volume (do a bouffant). The tail can be wound a little on a large diameter curling iron.

Low, brushed ponytail

Low, brushed ponytail. Follow all the operations step by step as in the picture.

Side braided ponytail

Photo 1

Ponytail with side braiding. Separate a strand of hair near the forehead with a thin tip of the comb, braid a classic braid by tying it with an elastic band as in photo 1, comb the back of the head and tuck the hair into a ponytail. Wrap the elastic at the base with an oblique and stab with an invisible one.

Photo 2

Another option with side weaving with a spikelet in photo 2

Spikelet ponytail

Ponytail with a spikelet. Comb through your hair and tie the middle ponytail at the back of your head with an elastic band. Separate a small strand and wrap an elastic band with it at the base of the ponytail, pinning the end of the hair with an invisible hair. Braid your hair with a spikelet.

Spikelet option for medium hair:

Low ponytail

A low ponytail is perfect for a strict dress code in the office. This ponytail at the base of your neck will visually lengthen your hair.

Goddess ponytail

Video how to weave a ponytail of a goddess:

Fitness ponytail with flashlights

Fitness ponytail. For lovers of an active lifestyle, this tail will be indispensable. In order to do this hairstyle, you will need a pair of elastic bands and a comb. Comb your hair, divide it into two equal parts, as in the photo, tie the upper part of the hair with an elastic band in a ponytail and connect it to the lower part of the hair also in a ponytail. This way your hairstyle will not fall apart during vigorous exercise.

Here is another option for a fitness tail, which is perfect for both outdoor activities and everyday life (work, study, party). You need to comb your hair, tie a ponytail at the top of your head, pull back a little and tie it back with an elastic band. Loosen the gap between the elastic bands with your hands, or comb it with a comb to form a rounded shape. Thus, you need to do along the entire length of the tail.

Voluminous ponytail

Video how to make a voluminous tail:

Ponytail with braided classic plait

Ponytail with classic braided braid. The simplest and most well-known method of weaving a classic braid is increasingly used by Hollywood stars. With this braid, you will look great on long walks or while exercising in the fitness room. This hairstyle will perfectly fit into the image of a strict lady.

Ponytail "Charm"

Tail "Charm" will give your look a certain lightness, mystery and charm.

How to make a ponytail "Charm":

Wash your hair and dry it in your usual way. Brush the crown high with a comb and a little nail polish. Tie your ponytail at the base of your neck with an elastic band, sliding it slightly to the side. Take a thin section from the bottom of your ponytail and wrap it around the ponytail tie several times to give your hair a stylish finish. Use the thin end of the comb to shape your hair at the back of your head and sprinkle with a little nail polish. The ends of the tail can be twisted slightly as you wish.

Long tail illusion

Long tail illusion. Wash your hair and dry it in your usual way. Tilt your head down and comb your hair a little to add volume. Divide your hair into two equal parts and tie two ponytails with elastic bands, the first high at the crown, the second at the back of the head. The tails should be parallel to each other. Back up your ponytails starting from the bottom.

Inverted ponytail

Inverted ponytail. Make the ponytail as high as you like. At the bottom at the base of the elastic, gently divide your hair into two halves with your fingers, and thread the ponytail from top to bottom so that the elastic is not visible.

You can also experiment and make three tails in the same way as in the photo.

Ponytail with a tourniquet

Horse tail with a tourniquet. Tie a ponytail and divide your hair into two equal parts. Twist the hair into bundles from both parts, then connect them into one bundle. Tie a rubber band around the tail to keep it from unraveling (follow the instructions).

Ponytail with bangs

Nicole Ricci's tail. Try a hairstyle from the famous actress Nicole Ricci. Wash, dry, and straighten your hair. Separate the strands of hair at the forehead and temporal part of the head on both sides, secure them with a hair clip so that they do not interfere with you. Remove the rest of the hair on the back of the head in a ponytail, then you will need to secure the hair at the temples with invisible ones at the base of the tail in turn (cross to cross), wrapping it around the elastic band. The remaining hair is at the forehead, combing a little at the roots of the hair and styling over the top of your ponytail. Carefully smooth the topmost layer of hair, fix the hairstyle with varnish (follow the instructions for the photo).

Low side tail harness

Low side tail with plait. Comb your hair, part it on the side you like best (you can do it without parting). Starting from the side with more hair, from the top of the ear, twist the hair into a tourniquet, constantly adding new strands. You need to twist the tourniquet to the bottom of the second ear, stab the tail with an elastic band.

Ponytail with one braid

Low side ponytail with a braid, like the famous actress Jessica Alba. Comb your hair, make a large parting from the temporal part of the head to the side you like best. From the top of the temple, where there is a smaller parting, braid the braid with a spikelet (you can use an inner spikelet, an outer one, or an inverted French braid), as you like. The braid should drag to the base of the neck, to the opposite ear. Tie the braid into a ponytail with the rest of the hair. Wrap a thin strand of hair around the elastic to complete the stylish look.

Video on how to weave an inverted French braid:

Ponytail with catch on the sides

A ponytail with side hooks is also similar to a medium brushed ponytail with side strands. Follow all the operations step by step, as in the picture.

Tail with knots

Ponytail with knots. Distinguish yourself with originality at a party, such a tail will certainly attract the attention of others. Tie the tail on the top of the head, comb well, and start from the very top from the base of the tail, separate thin strands from the sides, one on the left side, the other on the right side, and twisting the strands into a knot, fix the strands with small crabs (hairpins). Continue to knot the entire length of your ponytail as well. Do not forget to fix (with hairpins). Tie the tail with an elastic band from below.

Ponytail with decorations

Ponytail with decorations for the celebration. Make a high ponytail and decorate it with a chain in several tiers and you are sure to draw attention to yourself.

High ponytail, coiled braid

Video how to make a high braided ponytail:

Tail with braided fish

Tail with braided fish. Weaving braids is the trend of the season, every girl knows about it and it will not be difficult to make such a hairstyle. To do this, you need to tie a high tail and braid a pigtail with a fish. This look is perfect for everyday life.

Side ponytail

Side tail. Wash, dry and straighten your hair. Comb them to the side (you can make a parting) and tie them tight with an elastic band high at the temple. Wrap a strand of hair around the elastic to complete the look. This hairstyle works well for those with long hair.

Ponytail with ribbons

Today it will be very important to decorate your ponytail with something bright, especially in the spring-summer season (multi-colored ribbons of different textures and lengths). For example, at the show of Chanel models, such a tail was set low and decorated with ribbons in a chaotic manner, as in the photo:

Long ponytail

Owners of medium length hair can lengthen their ponytail with the help of connectors and overhead strands. Stylists began to resort to such tricks at the fashion show.

Ponytail with a bright strand

A ponytail with a bright lock of hair. If you are a fan of being in the attention of others and are not afraid of experimenting with your appearance, then this current option is for you today. Paint a small strand at the base of the neck in a bright shade, tie a high ponytail and it is this bright strand that will complete your bright image.

Strict ponytail with bangs

Strict ponytail. Comb your hair, make a side part. Comb the hair at the back of the head and tie the ponytail with an elastic band, gently lift the combed hair with a thin tip of the comb to give a neat, beautiful shape to your hairstyle. Wrap the elastic at the base of the tail with a thin, highlighted strand and secure it with an invisible one.

Tail knot

Comb and divide the hair into two halves, you need to make a knot from the two halves of the hair, immediately after that you need to make a second knot and tie with an elastic band so that the knots do not fall apart (you can do it in one knot).

Video how to make a tail-knot:

Feel free to experiment with your hairstyles and decorate them with different colors, colorful ribbons, rhinestones and other decorations. Always be beautiful!

Used video materials: Suzi Sky, Vogue UA, Lilith Moon Ru, wwwFashionTimeRu, PatryJordan.

The world-famous Horse Tail Falls is located in the equally famous American National Park - Yosemite, in the state of California. The waterfall was named so unusually, as its bizarre cascade, which falls down from the cliff in two different streams, is very reminiscent of a horse's tail.

Horse Tail Waterfall

Streams of water flow down from the El Capitan mountain, from its eastern side. The river, which creates the waterfall, does not flow all year round. There are times when it dries up completely. This usually occurs in cold weather, or when prolonged dry weather sets in over the area.

The territory of Yosemite includes many rivers and lakes, but the greatest interest among tourists is precisely the Horse Tail Falls. And it's clear why. In February, the stream turns fiery and resembles streams of incandescent lava.

Such an impressive sight looks so amazing that millions of tourists from all over the world travel to the national park in February to see and capture it on their cameras at least once. An amazing and unique phenomenon in its nature excites the minds of millions, giving rise to numerous thoughts about the mysterious forces of nature.

Of course, this phenomenon of nature has a fairly real and simple explanation. It is in February, for several days in a row, that the rays from the sunset hit the streams of water at a certain angle, which ultimately paints them in fiery colors. And streams of water temporarily turn into streams of fire and hot lava.

Horse Tail Falls is best viewed from Glacier Point during its transformation. From there, a breathtaking view of the entire panorama of the waterfall opens. Huge gray rocks surrounding the waterfall make the painting even more mysterious and enigmatic. When people see this divine phenomenon with their own eyes, in spite of everything they cease to believe in scientific evidence, and begin to think of it as some unknown miracle that is happening for the first time right before their eyes.

The rest of the time, the waterfall is just as beautiful, although it does not burn with a bright flame in the sunset rays of the sun. The beautiful landscapes surrounding the waterfall, the height of the waterfall and its bizarre cascades, giant cliffs - all this also surprises and attracts tourists to visit Yosemite.

The waterfall itself is striking in its beauty, its crystal-clear water and a constant bright rainbow at its base. Around the waterfall, at the very edge of the cliff, wild forests grow, in which people rarely visit. Forests add even more mystery and mysterious beauty to the landscapes.

An unusual legend is associated with the waterfall, which is very common among local residents. Legend has it that a blacksmith lived in the distant past near the stream, at the very edge of the waterfall. One day his horse lost its horseshoe by the water. He did not want to lead her to the stall, but decided to secure the horseshoe right in place.

But the horse did not like it, and she kicked him with her hind legs. The blacksmith lost consciousness and fell into the water, and the current carried his body down the cliff. Therefore, in memory of the blacksmith, on the day of his death, streams of falling water change their appearance, turning into a fiery stream of red-hot metal.

Such a dramatic legend is associated with the Horse Tail waterfall, which is beautiful and unique in its own way. In the future, we will continue our acquaintance with the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. See you!

Niagara, Angel, and many others represent a magnificent and unforgettable sight.

But there is a special waterfall in the United States in the state of California - Horse Tail (or Ponytail) in Yosemite National Park. This fiery waterfall has been sharpening the eastern side of Mount El Capitan for thousands of years.

Jets of molten metal and volcanic lava rush from a height of 650 meters. Flaming tongues of flame try to burn through the rock. These are the thoughts that come to your mind when you first look at this waterfall. But don't worry, of course there is no metal or lava there. This is ordinary water, which in a special way refracts the rays of the setting sun, and looks like flashes of fire. Fiery orange colors become predominant in the overall range.

In these parts there is a legend that once upon a time there lived a blacksmith, a master of his craft, not far from the cliff. He forged the best horseshoes for horses. But one day, during a heavy rain, the blacksmith's house was washed into the abyss. Since then, the waterfall has become fiery red every year, recalling the events of bygone years.

This rare natural phenomenon is visible only in February and only for a few days. It is on these days that tourists fill the so-called northern road to the Yosemite Valley, as this is the most optimal place for shooting.

For the first time, the traveler Joseph Redford Walker told the world about this magnificent waterfall in 1833.

Today, Horse Tail Fire Falls is one of California's stunning and attractive landmarks.