Equal circles of different size. From which the breast form depends. Video: Reducing the Area and Nipple

So, if you have noticed that ...

Chest increases

1. You dial weight

After the occurrence of puberty, the chest grows when the whole body grows. Why is the weight grow? You can eat more, move less, sleep a little or live in stress. Plus-minus kilogram is natural. If the weight gain is greater, the risk is growing with cancer.

2. You are waiting for menstruation, began to take oral contraceptives or pregnant

Hormones affect the size of the chest. If both breasts increase, nothing to worry about.

Chest decreases

3. You lose weight

The chest consists of fat, so if you lose weight, it will be the first part of the body, which you will notice. If the weight and breasts are reduced without visible reasons, you do notice to the doctor. After all, it can be hyperthyroidism or other disease.

4. New menstrual cycle

If the chest increases before menstruation, then, after it, swelling will go and it will decrease. There are no reasons for concern.

One breast is more different

5. Nothing special

Breasts are not symmetric, so if they always had different size and shape, everything is in order.

6. Breast cancer

If the shape of one breast changes, it's time to check for breast cancer.

Cheek skin irritation

7. Allergy

It happens when the bones of the bra are made of nickel, soap after swimming is not flushed or you wore a sweater that annoys the skin. It will help you ointment with hydrocortisone. If after a few days the irritation did not pass, you need to see a doctor.

8. Interritonian dermatitis

Or diarmity. Very often in summer, skin under the breast is rubbed and inflamed. Ointment with antibiotic, steroids or hydrocortisone will relieve you from irritation, and the properly chosen bra will support the chest and will not allow repetition.

9. Lingerie is already not saving

Rare wash really saves underwear, but it can settle bacteria or fungi. The skin under the breast sweats greatly and it is very in hand.

You have noticeable stretching

10. You have a ride weight

When the weight jumps, the chest increases and decreases. Because of this, stretch marks. This often happens after pregnancy and in women with fine inelastic skin.

Very dark or bright nipples

11. Nothing special

No, it is not cancer. Each woman has a nipple painted in their own way. The main thing is to be symmetrically.

Very large or small nipples

12. Nothing special

Our bodies simply differ. If they are symmetrical, there are no problems.

Bugorkas on Aregol

13. Nothing special

The chest is designed to feed babies. These tubercles are the outlets of the Milky Duks. Sometimes they increase slightly, so if the nipples surround small tubercles, everything is fine with you.

One big tubercle on Aregole

14. Benign cyst or malignant neoplasm

Pass the survey as soon as possible to find out if there is a reason for anxiety.

Hair around the nipple

15. Polycystic ovarian

If you have started growing the hairs around the nipple, it may have grown testosterone levels due to polycystic. Other symptoms are acne and irregular menstruation. Polycystosis can lead to infertility, so you have to the doctor.

Nipples itch

16. The remains of shampoo or soap irritate the skin

Rinse the skin with water and smear the ointment with the hydrocortisone.

17. Allergy to clothing

It can be a reaction to the dye of a new bra or wool sweater. Lubricate the nipples with ointment with hydrocortisone and change clothes.

18. Soon the new cycle will begin

Sometimes hormonal changes cause itching.

19. Pedgeti disease

Or breast nipple cancer is a very rare disease. His symptoms: Itchy nipples and aroles, peeling leather, stubborn nipples and yellow or bleeding out of the nipple. Urgently to the doctor.

Pain and bumps in the chest

20. Soon the new cycle will begin

Depending on the cycle phase, the structure and sensitivity of the chest may change. You need a doctor. One consolation, if you have a tubercle, but there is no pain, then most likely it is not a tumor.

21. Too much caffeine

Some people have caffeine causes their chest pain, so just start drinking less coffee, tea and soda and the problem will leave.

White turbid seals from nipples

22. Something stimulates the production of milk

The chest is needed to feed babies. If the selection is similar to milk, it seems that something stimulates the production of milk, even if you are not pregnant and do not care for a small child. The doctor will pick you up the medicine.

23. Side effect of antidepressants or neuroleptics

Some medicines increase the level of prolactin, hormone, which stimulates the production of milk. In most cases, this is safe, although it is unpleasant.

Other discharge from nipple

24. Benign neoplasm

Known as papilloma. You need a doctor.

Nipples solid

25. You are excited

If the nipples are symmetrical, but solid - nothing to worry about. Muscles around the nipple simply decreased. This is usually associated with sex.

26. You have cold

If it's not in sex, the simplest explanation is cold. Just warm.

Drawn nipple or depressions on the nipple or chest

27. Breast cancer

Any dents can be a sign of cancer. You urgently to the doctor.

Seal in chest

28. You are fine

Now just the next phase of the cycle, when the chest becomes more dense. This is normal. Seals in the chest, which can mean something serious, can be identified only with the help of mammography.

Veins are visible through the skin

29. Risk of skin cancer

Light leather is usually pale and shines. If so, then you have a high risk of sunburn, but so far you do not abuse the tan and use sunscreen, there will be no serious problems.

Chest look like oranges

30. Breast cancer

If the smooth breast suddenly became uneven as an orange peel, and haloes and nipples are solid, perhaps this is cancer. You urgently to the doctor.

Bush on chest

31. Benign Cysta

If it is round and smooth, and it can be moved, perhaps it is a benign cyst filled with liquid. This is not a tumor. You need a doctor.

32. Breast cancer

Most often, pain and neoplasms in the chest are the result of hormone work. Every time you encounter them, the question arises: is it cancer or can it become cancer? Only a doctor will answer.

In many countries in Europe and America, sex education pays a lot of attention at the state level. From an early age in schools, elective classes on the human anatomy are carried out, difference in sexual signs of boys and girls, pregnancy, the birth of a new life and other topics.

We often visible a completely different picture. These topics often bypass. There were cases when in high schools in the study of the human anatomy reached the paragraphs about the differences and signs of male and female, the teacher asked to read these pages of the house, not explaining anything and not discussing these topics in the classroom.

This approach to these issues is rooted incorrect. Young people should not join the adult life morally unprepared.

The first sign of pregnancy

The current young generation quickly matures, a large flow of cognitive information collapsed on it, but despite this, a very large number of young girls goes to the operation to interrupt pregnancy. In the clinics, you can observe when the mother leads a schoolgirl on an abortion - spreads his hands and wonders, as it could happen to her child. She is not good, that most of the guilt lies on it: did not tell the child about did not teach them to use - this topic for many parents taboo.

Not all pregnancy ends so sadly, now many have begun to understand that conception and subsequent birth of a child is the gift of God, but all his time.

Therefore, every beginning to live sex life, even young, should know not only about the means of contraception, but also about signs of pregnancy, especially you need to pay great attention and in the subsequent feeding of the child.

Breast appearance

Usually on proportionally folded breast, the nipple halo is small. One of the signs of pregnancy, when the halo starts to stretch and increase in size. Not only halo increases, but also the chest itself.

Milk iron, starting with undergoes the first changes - it becomes painful, dense, an increased sensitivity of the nipples is manifested. The chest, they say in common, pouring - it increases blood circulation, and dairy ducts begin to increase.

A halo and can become just brown. Dark not only nipples, pigmentation is exposed to strip in the center of the abdomen, some women have a face, hands, shoulders. All this is individually and not entirely manifested. It is not scary, after delivery, everything comes back to normal.

In some future mothers, who have a nipple haleer quickly begins to increase in size, for several weeks at times, the skin of the nipples is also stretched, which leads to painful sensations and itching in the area of \u200b\u200bnipples. Most women have nipples itch.

All changes in the chest is to prepare it for feeding. Typically, no preparation is specifically needed, but there are cases when the nipple halo is tight and not stretched. In this case, it is necessary to stimulate nipples (if there is no threat of miscarriage), alternately pull them out and massaging with large and index fingers.

Large halo nipple

There are women who have a big halo nipple is not connected with pregnancy - this is a gift from the Mother of Nature. He, like a cap, covers most of the chest, and women, of course, do not like it, but they will not do anything about it, it will help unless surgery. But it is unlikely worth it to looped it!

Large Area is a frequent cosmetic defect. The area around the nipple can increase during life or be big from birth. Sometimes women are surprised to find that the sore breast has become more. In most cases, girls do not give this much importance. In rare cases, large sqs can become a reason for experiences and deliver considerable psychological discomfort. So why does the size of the Area may change? What does it say about? Do I need to go to the doctor and when treatment is required? Is it possible to reduce Areolas?

The reasons may be a lot:

  • Heredity. In this case, the defect may not appear immediately, but after some time, after the impact of various provoking factors.
  • Pregnancy and lactation contribute to the swelling of the nipples and the area around them. You need to know that in fact neither pregnancy nor lactation can seriously affect dimensions. But during the tooling of the child and breastfeeding, the breast swells, visually seems to be more like it.
  • Mechanical impact, allergies, diseases. Here, just also - Areola does not increase, but it seems more than usual due to swelling and inflammation.


If large aroles are due to heredity, it will become understandable only after puberty. In childhood, the chest is poorly pronounced and looks equally practically for everyone. Individual features begin to manifest themselves at the moment when the pubertal period ends and the dairy glands acquire the final outlines. Interestingly, the hormonal restructuring of the body can go under 20 years, so it is quite possible that large areal will be in a rather adult age.

Pregnancy and lactation

Two more major reasons. During the waiting for the child, the chest is rebuilt, an active growth of iron tissue begins in the tissues of the mammary glands. Of course, it affects both the appearance of the breast - Areola can become darker (hyperpigmentation is a normal phenomenon during pregnancy), more, increases nipples. This is a consequence of hormonal changes. Color may remain after delivery, but the size is usually reduced after the end of lactation. Interestingly, the increase in nipples and areas around the nipples is considered one of the signs of pregnancy.


Areola can become more because of various pathologies. With mechanical irritation and allergies, everything is simple - the chest swells, the nipple seems more. If the increase is caused by the diseases of the mammary glands, there may be other changes on the skin and in the depths of the fabrics.

Among the most frequent pathological causes are distinguished:

  • Violation of posture or breastfeeding rules.
  • Wearing close, coarse linen. Wearing bras that change the natural shape of the chest.
  • Scars after surgery or injury.
  • Tumor diseases, including breast cancer.
  • Complication after abscesses or mastitis.
  • Gynecomastia in men is often combined with large aroles.

If there is redness or inflammation - it is worth consulting a doctor. Proper therapy will reduce Areol. It is important to remember that the diagnosis can only put the attending physician. Different diseases need to be treated in different ways, so it is unacceptable to independently prescribe medicines. The inflammatory element on the skin can be a harmless infection, and may be the first evidence of the growing tumor. Mammologists have a lot of stories in the medical collection about how dismissive attitude towards his health led to sad consequences.

In most cases, large Aregol is just an individual feature that does not bear any harm to health. But since it delivers psychological discomfort, modern plastic surgery offers such a service as an operational decrease in Areola. Areola is around the nipple and consists of quite tender epithelial tissue. Therefore, surgery on nipples and around them are considered to be increased complexity procedures. It is important to remember that good plastic surgeons are only in certified clinics.

Interestingly, not only women are addressed for the correction of size and form. This problem may be disturbed by men - however, they are more commonly combined with congenital gynecomastia.

For the operation there are clear indications:

  • Asymmetric arc location, a significant change in the natural form. It may occur both after transferred diseases and in adulthood against the background of absolute breast health.
  • Uneven contours.
  • Too fat fabric of the Areal.
  • Stretched, oval or shapeless arolaas.
  • Swipping nipple and around it.
  • Too big isola.
  • Various injuries that led to the loss of natural size and shape.

At first glance, these reasons may seem not serious enough. But in fact, any visible or hidden flaws on the body can cause serious discomfort, and lead to the development of complexes. Therefore, in the absence of contraindications, plastic surgeons are ready to help fix natural imperfections. The operation will raise self-esteem and get rid of psychological problems.

Correction of size and shape

Procedures for the correction of size and form are any surgical manipulations aimed at creating a natural form. This includes a decrease and increase, and recovery. The operation can be performed only on one chest or on both.

The formation in a new place is usually carried out if there is damage after operations or injuries. Usually, without the need, such a traumatic operation does not make. Sometimes the formation of the Area in a new place is offered to girls with a strong tubular breast - and then within the framework of the general plastics of the mammary glands.

Before surgery, the patient will not necessarily visit preliminary consultations with a plastic surgeon. You can find out what kind of operation is best suited for the patient's request, clarify contraindications and morally prepare for intervention.

Correction AREOL is an extensive section of plastic surgery, which includes several fundamentally different types of operations. Correction can be corrected form, size, position. The operation can be carried out with the affect of breast tissues and nipples or only on the range.

Reducing diameter

This is a fairly simple operation, which can be done both separately and when performing a mastopexy, with an increase in the chest or during an operation to change the nipple form. Also combined with chest suspension. From a technical point of view, everything is simple, so the operation can be carried out under local anesthesia with sedation. If the patient is desired, intravenous anesthesia give. The procedure continues no more than an hour.

This technology is:

  • The surgeon performs circular cuts along the border of the Area, as well as the cuts next to the nipples, a little further from the border of the pigmentation. The first incision is carried out according to the existing circumference of the Area, the second - on the new one, which is possible after the operation.
  • The skin between two cuts is peeled with a special solution, and then removed. In some cases, peeling injections are not made, but simply cut the flap of the skin, without capturing subcutaneous tissue.
  • Then the wound is sewn. This is perhaps the most difficult stage. If you put smooth seams, folds are formed, because the new diameter is less than the previous one. And due to the folds, scars may form. In order to prevent this edge of the wound stroke with separate wide seams, which are imposed at a considerable distance from each other. Usually seams from 4 to 8.
  • At the last stage, apply the seams on top of the previous ones so as to pull all the edges of the wound.

If the operation is carried out correctly, then the area will keep a rounded shape, the nipple will remain in place and will be convex. And high-quality superimposed seams will become just on the border of pigmentation, and they will not be visible. The postoperative scar is located strictly along the edge of the Area. This operation can be carried out to girls who only plan to start a child - surgery is carried out on the top layers of the skin, the Milky Dukes are not damaged.

After the operation, a very important period occurs - rehabilitation. The final result depends on the compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. We will have to fix the scars with special plasters or strrs in order to prevent the differences in the edges of the wound. It is important to avoid unnecessary skin tension, otherwise the scars and white traces can remain.

Mastopcia is one of the most common breast lifting operations. When the suspension is suspended, the incision is performed just around the Area. The goal of mastopicia is to remove the surplus of the skin, eliminate the sorcement, return the nipples above the chest fold. Simultaneously with mastoplexia, creating an additional incision, can be reduced by Area.

The same can be performed when implantation. Installation of implants is performed differently and does not affect the range. But when performing surgery, you can make an incision and carry out the simplest reduction option. The only drawback is the likelihood of damage to Milky Duks, plus healing will continue much longer. Therefore, such an operation is not recommended to those who plan to breastfeeding.

Increase diameter

In addition to the reduction, cosmetologists offer procedures and increase diameter. This is not an operation, but rather the cosmetic procedure. In medical language, it is called the micropigmentation of the Area. In essence, this is something like a tattoo or permanent makeup, but on the skin around the Arega.

Micropigmentation allows:

  • Eliminate the defects of the form of Area, form natural circles.
  • Make the Area brighter, more expressive.
  • Change the color of the pigment.
  • Adjust small defects after operations and injuries.
  • Create arole at the place of remote nipple or chest. This is especially true for those who had to move the removal of the breast due to breast cancer.

The main advantage of micropigmentation is that it is not required to make cuts, and therefore the risk of undesirable consequences and complications. For the procedure requires local anesthesia. The pigment is scored not deep, but the skin next to the nipples is very sensitive, so local anesthetics have to use.

Healing is similar with tattoo healing. The first time requires sufficient moisture, it is important not to sink crusts and not scratch. Everything heals in less than a month, and after 5-6 weeks the final result becomes visible.

There are important rules for performing micropigmentation:

  • The procedure can be performed only under conditions of sufficient sterility. All tools and materials must be disposable or sterilized by high temperatures.
  • Pigments that are used to apply tattoos must be hypoallergenic.
  • It is important to choose the color to be combined with the color of the nipple and the surrounding skin and did not look unnatural.

Any types of operations need to be performed in profile centers that can provide all the necessary certificates, licenses and permits. Modern plastic surgery allows you to correct almost any cosmetic defect, it is enough to consult a doctor and outline the operation plan.

One of the most important decorations of the representatives of the fine sex is the chest. Girls believe that it is this outstanding part of the body directly affects the desire of men. A certain stereotypes of perfect female breast have long been imposed on various fashion and glossy magazines. Articles and advertising appear daily on how to increase breasts or change its shape, with the mandatory mention that the life of the woman will change for the better.

But why go on marketing campaigns? Every woman is beautiful and unique in its own way, just like her breasts. Well-groomed and confident woman will be able to present a bust of any form and size from the best side and will not leave men indifferent. And our article will help determine which forms, parameters and types of female breast exist how to properly pick up linen and care for bust.

What does the breast form depend on

Starting from the adolescence, the chest passes a lot of changes and only after puberty acquires its final size and shape.

However, after this period, these parameters may vary for a number of reasons:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • reception of hormonal drugs;
  • chronic and other breast diseases;
  • sports;
  • mammoplasty;
  • climax.

But still, the main factors that define the shape of the chest and its size remain the hereditary indicators that contribute to the development of the mammary glands in adolescence. Sex hormones also play a very important role. If there is interruption in their functioning, the growth of the mammary glands may stop or opposite to significantly increase. The subcutaneous layer of fat and the condition of the ligaments, the fortress of the connecting tissues and the muscle training is also determined by the shape of the chest glands.

Main settings

There are several basic parameters used to characterize the mammary glands:

  1. By arrangement on the chest, breasts are low and high landing. But you should not confuse sagging chest with low fit.
  2. The elasticity and density of the mammary glands also characterizes the shape of the breast in women. Ideally, the bust must be elastic and soft. But during pregnancy and the lactation period, it can be less elastic or even sluggish. This problem is fixed only by surgical path.
  3. By the width of the base of the breast, the shape of the female bust is classified into narrow, medium or wide.
  4. By volume, the chest can be drawn, convex or flat.

Not all girls can boast of perfect breasts.

In a variety of cases, the breast will be varied with the classic option with its parameters and characteristics:

  1. Conical. Small breast size most often has a conical shape. This form of the female bust is characterized by the fact that her foundation is usual, but above it becomes a cone-shaped.
  2. Asymmetric. This form is characterized by the fact that one breast is more different. Usually this difference is not significant, the difference is in just one size. But if the excess is 2 or more sized, then the question arises about its change using the surgeon.
  3. Incomplete. A special form in which a very narrow basis. Such mammary glands look extended and incomplete.
  4. Sharo-shaped. Another name of this form "Omega". The basis of the bust of the same size as all the milk iron. This difference is not congenital and may be present only from girls with full breasts.
  5. Low projection form. The bust of such a form has a rather small size, and the circle is standard. Thus, the inconsistency of two parameters is obtained.

Distance between breasts

There are other features that distinguish the female bust is the direction of the nipples and the distance between the left and right breast.

Distinctive features depending on the distance:

  • the chest is very tightly adjacent to each other, the distance is not visible at all;
  • between the right and left milk iron is a distance of 2-3 centimeters;
  • the left and right dairy iron from above are close to each other, and to the bottom - the interval between them is diverged, forming a triangle;
  • widely placed bust, the distance is more than 5 centimeters;
  • rarely meets a mixed situation when the mammary glands are far from each other, and diverge to the bottom in opposite sides.


Distinctive features of the direction and types of nipples in women:

  • the perfect form is considered when the nipples look clearly directly and have a small range around themselves. Some girls even resort to the surgeon services to achieve such results;
  • a common feature is when nipples look at the opposite sides;
  • at the older age (after 40 years), the chest can blame and then the nipples become directed down.

Basic forms

American experts studying the mental features of the individual conducted an analysis of physical forms of girls and made interesting conclusions. It turns out that the nature of beautiful women can have a lot of breasts. Different forms of female breast talk about different temperaments of their owners.

Let's look at what female breasts are and how it affects the character of a woman.


This form meets quite rarely and is considered the most beautiful form of the breast. The most popular of all types of female breast, which is made in plastic surgery. The lucky with such a perfect form is often lifted by the attention of men, have overestimated ambitions and are careerists. Men capable of treason immediately fall into the blacklist, as this attitude to themselves will not suffer, will never suffer because of sad love.


Most often, this type of bust has the girls-kilns. They are active, friendly, most often engaged in active sports and are fond of "male" hobby. Such girls are always a soul of a company and good girlfriends. Male attention to them does not occupy, and not rare their big mutual love appears from close friendship. They will be devoted and true to their chosen one, and for the child will become a good girlfriend.

Widely planted

Girls possessing such a form pretty sincere and open. They do not take part in women's gossip and intrigue. They can be described as honest, decent and frank. Always ready to come to the help of those in need, more often to the detriment. But sometimes they are too straightforward, but not in order to make someone to touch someone, but simply because their nature is.


The owner of such a form is an exacerbated emotional sensitivity to the outside world. The girls are predisposed to "inflate from the fly of an elephant", the little problems do large, and on this occasion is nervous and worry. Such sentimental individuals are often looking for a "Prince on a white horse" in men, idealizing partners, any grill is taken to heart. The romantic gusts of the second half are very appreciated, they make a man who protects them and manifests care. In the future, become loved by moms.


Women with such a breast do not fall into despair Never. From the part, it seems that they have inexhaustible energy and optimism, but the truth is that they openly do not show their experiences. It also happens in society: a lot of acquaintances with which you can have fun, but real friends, how can she fully trust, of which there can be only a couple of people.


The girls are very emotional, with a changeable mood, which changes without visible reasons. Nevertheless, it is these people who are creative creative nature with non-standard ideas and original approaches to resolve problems. They know how to come up with several outlets at once in the current situations.


Other varieties

In different ages of time, there was a reference to a female breast. In some times, a big and lush bust was revered, the little chest was especially valued. But one remains unchanged - the breast is always in the men's attention and is the decoration of any woman.

Therefore, not only the main varieties of the chest are allocated, but even the original names are invented:

  1. "Dulles". Exquisite charms of narrow shapes that become wider in the dark nipple area.
  2. "Buds". Chest no more than 2 sizes with a slightly elongated narrow shape and sharp nipples.
  3. "Snowy Hills". Neat chest of small size with blond little sharp nipples.
  4. "Water smooth". Pretty weighty and soft bust (4, 5 and more size) with thin skin and translucent viennes through it.
  5. "Alma Mater". Bust significant size with low projection and highly elastic nipples.
  6. "Circe". Perfect tight chest, size is a bit more medium, but not more than 3rd, with brown halo and nipples looking forward.
  7. "Ripe pears." Breasts of large size, slightly soft and sagging, with a large nipple and brown halo.
  8. "Globes". Significant size (4.5 and more) and rounded form of bust, with a clearly distinguished nipple, which is whiter along the edge and darker to the center.
  9. "Kashtanka". Slightly split, soft chest 3-4 size with large nipples and light.
  10. "Renaissance". Soft large bust with full top and slightly transparent skin.
  11. "Peach". The name speaks for itself. An adorable variety of female breast is elastic, large, with a gentle color with blond nipples.
  12. "Lady fingers". It has a large size and its shape is similar to the famous grapes.
  13. "Eyes of Turkhany." Extracted and narrow chest, with small nipples, looking at various sides.
  14. "African Savannah". It has a medium size and a clear halo around the nipple, as well as dark skin.
  15. "Sappo". Soft and even slightly sluggish chest, elongated to the bottom and no more than 2 sizes.
  16. "Chloe". Miniature and proper shape breasts with a small and light nipple.

There is still a mass of the names of this adorable part of the female body. Comparing bust in shape and size with vegetables and fruits, and such names are born: oranges, cunning, lemons, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes, repka. The most unusual and funny names: handbags, bee bites, hooks, oars, spaniel ears, pointers, saucers, bottles, chairs.

Types of Nipples

The female breast is a unique organ created by nature, to produce milk and feeding infants to them. The nipple, just, is responsible for where the accumulated milk will come from. The nipple is surrounded by Area, which has a color from light pink to dark brown. Forms of nipples are: small, medium, large.

There are five types of women's nipples according to the degree of bulge:

  1. Normal nipple. Nipple significantly protrudes from the Area, even without the use of stimulation to it. If, use the last, then it increases and becomes solid.
  2. Convex nipple. The appearance of the nipple seems a little swollen due to the fact that the area is slightly raised around it. When using stimulation, the size of the nipple increases.
  3. Distracted nipple. Almost all the time the nipple is inside the AREOLA, but when excited can become noticeable.
  4. Flat nipple. Practically does not protrude due to the Area and sometimes it may not respond to stimulation.
  5. One-sided nipple. Another name is different nipples when one nipple is convex, and the second is not.

How to choose the lingerie

When the question arises about the choice of a bra, it is necessary to follow the following recommendations:

  • the bra should always be in size;
  • the bra with cups of thick foambone more suits the owners of modest forms;
  • the bra in the form of the letter "T" is better to purchase girls and women with a large size of the bust and the fallen form;
  • the bra with horizontal seam visually makes bust more rounded.

Selection of linen depending on breast shape

Different forms of female breast imply a wearing of different linen:

  1. "Circeda" or classic form. Girls with such an ideal shape of the chest are suitable for any brass models. When choosing linen can be focused only on personal preferences.
  2. "The globe". Recommended by the carrying bra with a jumper, which will fully fit into the bone of the chest or which will be absent at all. In order to raise the bust, it is better to choose a bone bones that reach the middle of the chest, the seams in the bodies of the lift must be stitched. A good choice will be the brake bra.
  3. "Renaissance". Particular attention requires only the right choice of size.
  4. "Chestnut". Suitable bras without bones, having contour cups, or bodies with a cup, stitched from three parts, as well as bodies in which the central seam in the lower half.
  5. "Water surface". The lift cups must be full-sized and have insertion on the side, in order to freely place the chest in them and send it forward.
  6. "Alma Mater". Suitable models with bones, smoothly tight-fitting breasts and made inserts from dense tissue, to compensate for volume. Perfect brass-minimizers will be perfect.
  7. "Buds". Bras with a contour cup and additional liners are excellent for this type of breast. Lifts with Push-Apom, Bando bras will become the best choice.
  8. "Sappo". Better is best suited with push-ap, with lower and lateral liners, to give breasts volume.
  9. "Chloe". For giving volumes, bones and soft contour cups are suitable.

Formula of an ideal female breast

Scientists from Italy opened the formula of the perfect female bust. To do this, it is necessary to present the triangle ABC, as shown in the picture. Cut the AU - we will be considered for the base of the triangle, the corners are on the nipples and in the collar coast.

The speaker length should be divided into 2, then the resulting number is divided into the length of the segment AV and find out the number of breast parameters. The correct and most beautiful shape of the chest corresponds to the number from 0.4 to 0.6.

The distance of the perfect breast parameters:

  • between the nipples should be from 20 cm to 21 cm;
  • from the navel to the nipple - from 24 cm to 25 cm;
  • breast base diameter from 12 to 13 cm.

Care and preservation of breast shape

What form and parameters neither possessed bust, timely care and properly chosen underwear will be able to keep it in great shape.

Correct care is as follows:

  1. Cleansing the skin of the chest with water and soft gel agents gentling peeling;
  2. Wearing the right and comfortable bra;
  3. Exercises for strengthening muscle breast tissue;
  4. The use of creams that improve the condition of the skin;
  5. Massage;
  6. Protection of chest skin from ultraviolet rays with special means;
  7. Monitoring posture and weight.

Follow these uncomplicated rules to save and maintain beautiful and elastic forms.


How to pull the breast muscles to give her a more beautiful form, you will learn from our video.

During pregnancy, the nipples change like the whole body of a woman, and these changes can cause a number of questions. It is clear that for the successful feeding of the child, the milk iron is actively preparing, ironing fabric grow up, the chest increases in size and becomes dense.

But the nipples during pregnancy should undergo changes. In order for breastfeeding to be successful, they need to increase, react to irritation correctly, and all this should happen before the baby will be born.

The change in the nipples during pregnancy includes the appearance of the discharge, to which the skin can react with irritation, itching, the formation of crusts. And it is impossible to exclude the possibility of diseases during the tooling of the child, with no pregnancy related, their symptoms should be recognized to consult a doctor in time.

Nipples at the beginning of pregnancy change literally from the first days, in fact, by 5-6 weeks, any woman notices that they became not like before. If non-pregnant nipples are light, gently pink, in a pregnant woman it becomes dark, practically brown. Often they become very sensitive, and even hurt, and all these early changes entered the classic first signs of pregnancy.

Milk glands in the early period of pregnancy quickly change together with the breast, the second trimester is terminated, but by 20-25 weeks, many begins the products of the colostrum, and this again draws attention to the chest, there may be problems. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, the nipples are brightened, returning to the previous sizes, but they will no longer be quite the same as before.

In this article we will touch all normal changes and possible deviations from the norm, as well as we will analyze the ways to solve them.

Changes for the nipples of the mammary glands with pregnancy

Sensitivity of Nipples

Sensitivity of nipples during pregnancy appears early, from the first weeks. Why is this happening?

One of the hormones that preserve the pregnancy and allocated in early terms in large numbers is prolactin. It is also called the lactation hormone. Breast fabrics and nipples in particular have receptors to this hormone, and when it is high, they receive a team to grow and develop. In the chest sharply enhanced blood circulation, it burns and grows. The size of the AREOL increases in a matter of times at times, the skin of the nipples does not have time for these changes and is strongly stretched, which causes sensitivity and even pain. So if you hurt your nipples during pregnancy, perhaps even burning and tingling is not scary and this is not a disease, rather is a sign of pregnancy.

Nipples are hurting during pregnancy not all women, moreover, some chest almost never change, and this is also normal, it depends on the sensitivity to prolactin. It does not mean at all that later there will be little milk, just everyone is individually.

Is it possible to help yourself?

Yes of course. First of all, you need to choose a suitable soft cotton bra, and now begin to use the means from stretch marks on the chest during pregnancy.

Swelling of nipples

An increase in nipples during pregnancy can be very pronounced, look at the photo, as the nipples increase during pregnancy and what nipples do not look pregnant.

The appearance of the breast has a non-heated woman.

This is how the chest looks like during pregnancy and after childbirth, the nipples are big, with dark arole.

During pregnancy, the nipples swell due to the growing of the milky output ducts, they must become convex, so that the milk gland can easily capture the baby's mouth. Areolas are stretched simply as a consequence of the increase in the breast. At the end of breastfeeding, breast sizes are becoming smaller, and the area of \u200b\u200bArea will also decrease, but the nipples are most likely to remain more than before delivery.

In many ways, the type of mammary glands depends on heredity. Flat nipples can be an obstacle to feeding, and in order for this does not happen, the preparation of the chest to feed is needed.

Color Nipple

Number of nipples during pregnancy increases in diameter and darkest. The degree of darkening can be different, some women are becoming almost brown. At the same time, the color of the nipples during pregnancy can be the same as the Araol, or lighter.

Redness of nipples during pregnancy is less common and this is normal in women with very light skin, natural blondes.

The darkening of the nipples during pregnancy is due to the deposition of the pigment of melanin, which is produced in the skin under the influence of sex hormones.

Dates, when the nipples darken during pregnancy, are different, for example, in some women it happens in the earliest periods, already by 6-8 weeks, and someone has the color of the nipples gradually. It should be noted that the strong darkening of the nipples during the early last periods in the last months in the last months becomes less pronounced, stretching and increasing in size, Areola gradually brightens.

During pregnancy, nipples do not get darkened with all, it depends on the sensitivity to the hormones of pregnancy. If you have not darkened the nipples, there is nothing terrible in this, no other pigmentation appears, for example, a dark strip on the stomach or stains of chloasm on the face. At the same time, dark, brown nipples, the color of which you may not like so much now, so will not be left forever, they will definitely light up.

Damage of nipples during pregnancy photo

Selection of nipples

Selection of nipples during pregnancy is the most common phenomenon, it is not necessary to be afraid of this. Sometimes the colostrum appears on the first weeks, but the usual period of selection is the third trimester of pregnancy. Like other signs of pregnancy, discharge from the nipples are the usual symptom of the body's training towards childbirth, a peculiar training is happening before lactation.

What does prayer look like? It is transparent with splashes of white or yellow, sometimes just white or yellow nipple fluid.

Pregnancy does not exclude the possibility of simultaneous lactation, if you feed the child during pregnancy, then your chest will continue to produce ordinary breast milk, though the taste of it can change, and this is a frequent cause of the toddler's failure. Still, before childbirth, it is worth making a pause in breastfeeding, at least for a couple of months.

Preparation of nipples to feeding during pregnancy

Changing the nipples during pregnancy in itself prepares breasts to feed. By and large, no preparation of nipples to feeding is not specifically needed, rather, you need to psychologically tune in to breastfeeding.

Specially cooking chest only in one case, if the nipples are flat
, and Areola tight and not stretching.

Sometimes the mammary glands are normal, but react not as it should, instead of lengthened and become convex in response to irritation, are drawn. Such nipples during pregnancy also require attention, since during this period they can be accustomed to respond to stimulation correctly, but the techniques used in this case can cause cutouts due to oxytocin emission. This is the reason for the ban on any breast manipulation in the presence of a threat of interrupts, the massage of nipples during pregnancy in such cases is contraindicated.

If a woman is healthy and there is no threat to interrupt, it is recommended to pull them out to strengthen their nipples, rolling between your fingers, such a massage of the nipples during pregnancy can not be made more than 1 minute, and cannot be made aggressively, with violence.

Nipple massage during pregnancy, photo

Remember, even if you have flat nipples, it is not so important, the child still sucks nipples, and the chest, and it means to feed the breast you can in any case.

Mammar test for childbirth

Stimulation of nipples during pregnancy leads to an endogenous emission (produced in the body of a woman) oxytocin, hormone causing contractions. If pregnant is ready for childbirth, the uterus reacts to this reduction. The Mammar test readiness for childbirth is based on registration of cutting in the uterus in response to the stimulation of nipples. It is assessed as positive if the fight is recorded after 3 minutes and earlier after the start of stimulation, and at least three such abbreviations occurs within 10 minutes.

The stimulation of nipples during pregnancy during its normal flow does not pose a threat and should not provoke delivery only if the mother and child are ready for them can cause real contractions.

Problems with nipples during pregnancy and how to solve them

If they are peeling, nipples dry and crap during pregnancy

Dry dairy glands during pregnancy problem with which women are often faced. Why do nipples peel and dry?

Like other skin changes, the dryness of the nipples may be due to the lack of vitamins in a pregnant woman, for example, vitamin A and vitamins of the group in, hormonal changes and irritation of the skin constantly under the leaking colostrum.

As a rule, the dairy glands are peeling during pregnancy most often in the last months, but some have to face it in its very beginning. If you do nothing and just tolerate, the cracks of the nipples may appear, which is not at all nice.

Peeling, dryness and cracks of nipples during pregnancy are not an infracted problem. Are you care for your chest skin? Use cream? Do not deprive the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple, be sure to lubricate the cream from stretch marks and this area. Already arising cracked can be heated with fries or sea buckthorn oil.

Pain and cracks prevent breastfeeding. Collecting a bag in the maternity hospital - do not forget there to put a special care cream for nipples when feeding. Now in the Russian Federation, Bapten and Purinal is most popular, although the whole world with breastfeeding uses LansinoH HPA Ointment Lanolin, which has great advantages: it is not necessary to wash it before feeding, it allows the skin of the chest breathe and instantly relieves pain in the nipples when cracked, so often There are breastfeeding in the first days. Until recently, this ointment in Russia was not to buy - she simply did not come, today you can purchase it when ordering bags in the hospital from our partner.