Departure of amniotic fluid. The waters have broken, but there are no contractions or how long the waterless period can be

At that moment, when the pregnancy period is already approaching the final stage, the expectant mother can only wait for the water to break, the contractions and the actual birth will begin. This is the most exciting period, therefore, in order to calm women, it is very important to have theoretical knowledge about when the waters break and what needs to be done at this moment?

What does “breaking of the waters” mean, and how can we recognize it?

Amniotic fluid - fetal or amniotic fluid, which are located inside the amnion and chorion during pregnancy. They surround the fetus from all sides, creating a safe and natural environment for it, which plays a crucial role in shaping intrauterine life.

The waters can break not only right before the birth itself, but also a few hours before this moment. They may look like incontinence or come out as a stream of water, the amount of which can reach up to 1.5 liters. This is considered quite normal.

Very often, the discharge of water is confused with strong mucous secretions. It is best to have an amniotest for such cases, thanks to which it will be possible to find out exactly whether the discharge was or the water has departed.

There are several signs that will help tell you that the water has broken:

  • contractions may begin;
  • liquid oozes almost constantly;
  • the smell may be slightly sweet;
  • there may be inclusions of "white flakes".

Attention! It is very important to be prepared for this state of affairs so that, if necessary, do not panic and take a number of necessary measures.

How does water flow in pregnant women?

In the process of childbirth or before them, the bladder, where the fetus is in the liquid, bursts. After this, there is a discharge of water, which may indicate the imminent onset of labor. If at this moment the expectant mother is still outside the hospital, then it is necessary to get there as soon as possible.

As for the specific timing of childbirth after the waters have broken, everything is determined on an individual basis and they can vary significantly. Experts identify several options for the development of the situation:

  1. Premature (prenatal) discharge.
  2. Timely release.
  3. Protracted outflow.

Important! For each of these options, not only the doctor who leads the pregnancy, but also the woman in labor should be ready.

What should be the amount and color of the outgoing waters:

The outpouring of fluid is the main symptom of water withdrawal. The expectant mother will feel how a stream of liquid gushed out of her, which is not similar to urination, since the outpouring begins and ends quickly enough. It may seem to a woman during this period that there is a lot of fluid, but often not everything comes out at once:

  • most of the water that is directly in front of the fetus is poured out immediately. Thanks to this, the baby manages to get closer to the exit from the uterus. It will not be possible to indicate a specific amount of liquid, because everything depends on individual characteristics, including the weight of the child and the expectant mother, as well as the characteristics of the organism. On average, 800-1000 ml comes out;
  • secondary outflow of fluid occurs already during childbirth. At this point, relatively little fluid comes out, about 200 ml, but the woman does not feel this, as she experiences stress during childbirth.

At this moment, the girl will feel a strong sputum in the perineum. In some especially rare cases, the water breaks slowly, which can present enough problems for further labor.

- leaks

Some time before the approximate date of birth or during the start of labor, every expectant mother can feel a strange kind of leakage. In rare cases, a situation of such a plan may also occur, when the waters do not depart immediately in large quantities, but gradually. Often this happens when a hole has formed in the amniotic sac, in which the liquid is located, for some reason.

The main problem is that often such leaks can be easily confused with incontinence or small discharges. Only a specialist in the laboratory is able to accurately determine the true cause.

- color

Amniotic fluid in the normal state should be transparent, without any inclusions or other shades. If green colors were detected, this may signal that the child is overdue and there is a risk of a lack of oxygen in the body of the fetus (hypoxia), which is why, in most cases, a decision is made to caesarean section.

The pink color of the water may indicate that during the separation of the placenta, blood got into the water. In this case, the woman must be taken to the intensive care unit as quickly as possible.

Important! If the waters depart at home, and not in the hospital under the supervision of specialists, it is necessary to remember their color, quantity and possible inclusions of white flakes or blood as accurately as possible.

It is very useful to monitor the color of the liquid, as it can indicate that pregnancy and early childbirth will proceed without complications or force emergency measures to be taken to avoid possible negative consequences. If there are any deviations from the norm, you must immediately inform the doctor about it.

Can the waters break without contractions?

It cannot be said unequivocally that after the waters break, contractions immediately begin. Often, the cervix must first open, after which the expectant mother will feel paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen, after which the bubble should burst.

There are also cases when a pregnant woman does not experience any pain until the moment when the fluid is poured out. Even rarer are cases when contractions occur only after 10-12 hours. Everything entirely depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy.

There is a certain period of time after the waters have departed, it is called safe and lasts for 6-12 hours. During this period, if the woman in labor is not in the hospital, you must immediately call an ambulance and go there without waiting for contractions. At this time, bacteria will not be able to enter the woman's body.

If the contractions did not start in the hospital, then the following measures are resorted to:

  1. Stimulation.
  2. Drop or injection with oxytocin.
  3. Caesarean section (if contractions have not started).

How can you help the waters break?

For most women, the bubble remains intact, right up to the very contractions. This is quite normal and should not be alarmed. In the case when the attempts have already begun, and the bubble has not yet burst, it is pierced. Do not be afraid, this is a completely safe and painless procedure, which is carried out with a special probe through the cervix.

The probe in appearance resembles a hook, with which the shell is pierced. After that, contractions may become more frequent and the process of childbirth will become more active.

The piercing method is used already at the stage when the woman in labor is about to give birth, and a little in advance before this period, other stimulation methods can be used:

  • daily walks in the fresh air;
  • nipple stimulation;
  • small physical activity;
  • sex;
  • eating a small amount of fresh pineapple;
  • the use of evening primrose oil (after consultation with a specialist);
  • the use of special cookies, which are designed to stimulate childbirth (sold in pharmacies).

What to do if the water breaks?

If such a situation caught a woman in the maternity hospital, then the specialists will do everything necessary and the woman in labor will have nothing to worry about and will only have to mentally and physically prepare for childbirth.

In the case when the waters began to break at home, then the woman and her close circle will need to complete a small but necessary list of measures so that further childbirth goes without complications:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Change underwear. Washing in this case is not recommended, because there is a high risk of infection.
  3. Get dressed for the hospital.
  4. Collect all necessary documents and things.
  5. During contractions, it is necessary to do breathing exercises that will ease pain attacks.
  6. If the color of the liquid is brown or red, you must take a horizontal position and try not to move until the ambulance arrives.
  7. Try to worry as little as possible and not panic.

Experts categorically do not recommend a woman to worry for the reason that the water does not leave until the last moment. If necessary, they will make a puncture. After the waters have broken, it is important not to panic, but to hurry up and call an ambulance as soon as possible in order to go to the maternity hospital, where qualified medical care will be provided.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The closer the due date for women who are expecting first-borns, the more excitement they experience: will everything be fine, how to understand that the waters have broken, what should be done after the amniotic fluid is poured out, and how long after that the birth will begin?

Why does water break before childbirth?

The fetus in the womb grows and develops inside a special membrane filled with liquid - amniotic fluid. The volume of amniotic fluid at the fortieth week of pregnancy is approximately one and a half liters. In the first stage of labor, the cervix gradually stretches and begins to open in order to push the baby through the birth canal during labor. When the cervix opens, the membranes of the fetus are torn and the amniotic fluid is poured out. In this way, if the waters have broken, it means that labor has already begun.

Sometimes the fetal membranes rupture before contractions begin; in some cases, contractions begin before the waters break. Often there are before childbirth. Normally, amniotic fluid is clear, almost odorless. Sometimes the departed waters contain small white flakes - this is the original lubricant that covers the body of the child. In different women, water can drain in different ways: in some, they pour out abundantly - up to 150-200 ml of liquid at a time, in others they leak gradually, in a few drops.

How to understand that the waters have broken

Many debutantes who are expecting their first child worry that they will not be able to understand if their water has broken. If the water leaves abundantly and the liquid gushed in a stream, then the rupture of the amniotic membranes is beyond doubt, although the process of rupture itself is completely painless. However, in the case when the liquid oozes out in a thin stream, a woman may be uncertain whether the water is leaving - after all, in the later stages, many pregnant women experience urinary incontinence because the baby's head presses on the bladder, and then the outflow of water can be confused with involuntary urination. In order to dispel doubts, you need to use a white cotton napkin or purchase a special test in advance at the pharmacy to diagnose water leakage. If we are talking about the outpouring of water, then the liquid on the napkin will be transparent, without the smell of urine. And yet, only a doctor can say for sure whether the water is leaking, so you still need to call the doctor. If this is not possible, then it is better to go to the maternity hospital without delay.

Urgently you should seek medical help even if the color of the amniotic fluid is brown, pink or greenish. A change in the color of the water may indicate oxygen starvation of the fetus or that feces have entered the amniotic fluid. Both are dangerous for the child - in this case, both the woman in labor and the fetus need urgent help from doctors.

What to do if the waters broke

The behavior of a woman in a situation where the waters have broken should depend on how pregnant she is, as well as on how much fluid has poured out and what kind of fluid it was.

If the woman is at 37-41 weeks of pregnancy and she has the waters broke transparent color in a small amount, then you can slowly pack up and go to the hospital - the pregnant woman has another 2-3 hours. A small amount should be understood as a volume of liquid about the size of a glass - 200-250 ml. Sometimes in courses for expectant mothers, pregnant women are advised to “rehearse” the outflow of amniotic fluid in advance so that when the time comes, the woman can understand how much fluid has poured out. To do this, experts advise taking a glass of warm water, getting into the bath and pouring the liquid onto your feet. Remember feelings. Then pour a one and a half to two liter jar of water over yourself. Such a rehearsal will help to understand, when the time comes, how much water has poured out at a time. In case the amniotic fluid literally rushed out, you should hurry to the hospital.

As soon as possible, you should go to the hospital even if the waters are brown or green. In order for the color of the poured waters to be obvious, doctors advise pregnant women to wear light-colored underwear and use white sheets for sleeping in the last weeks before giving birth.

Premature rupture of amniotic fluid is a dangerous situation, and in this case, a woman needs urgent medical attention. When amniotic fluid is poured out for a period of 20-24 weeks, there is a very high chance of miscarriage. If it was prevented, then the pregnant woman is given drugs that protect the fetus from infections and contribute to its further development. In this case, the expectant mother will have to observe strict bed rest until the very birth.

If waters broke at 24-28 weeks, then, with timely seeking medical help, the chances of preventing preterm birth, protecting the fetus from infections and stimulating its ripening are quite high.

For a period of 28-32 weeks in case of rupture of amniotic fluid doctors decide whether to continue the pregnancy or have a premature delivery after examining the pregnant woman. It all depends on the condition of the future mother and the fetus. After the 32nd week of pregnancy, the outflow of amniotic fluid in most cases ends in childbirth or doctors perform delivery through the operation "caesarean section".

The waters broke - when to give birth

With a full-term pregnancy and a cervix ready for childbirth, contractions begin within two to three hours after the first outpouring of amniotic fluid. During contractions, the cervix opens up in preparation for the birth itself. In women giving birth for the first time, on average, the cervix opens by a centimeter per hour. Accordingly, from the moment the contractions begin to the birth of the child, about 9-12 hours will pass. In women giving birth for the second and third time, the cervix opens faster and childbirth takes about 5-6 hours.

If the cervix is ​​not yet mature by the time the waters have broken and is not ready for childbirth, then labor may not begin even after many hours. In this case, doctors use special drugs that allow you to quickly improve the condition of the cervix, and then either wait for the natural onset of labor or stimulate the onset of contractions with the help of drugs.

The decision on whether to stimulate labor or wait for their natural onset, doctors make, depending on the condition of the child and the woman in labor. The fact is that a long anhydrous period can be dangerous for the life and health of the baby. It used to be thought that the safe waterless period for a baby was 12 hours, after which doctors would typically induce labor or perform a "caesarean section." The critical period for the fetus was determined by twenty-four hours. Now there are modern means of diagnosing the condition of the fetus, so doctors are not so categorical and they decide whether to wait for the onset of natural childbirth or conduct stimulation based on the results of the diagnosis. Of course, all this time, the expectant mother should be under the vigilant supervision of doctors. If the cervix has been prepared for childbirth and there is a need for an early delivery, then doctors can begin to stimulate labor. Labor is usually stimulated by a drip of the hormone oxytocin. If the cervix is ​​not ready for childbirth, and the baby needs to be born as soon as possible, then a "caesarean section" is performed.

What to do if the water has broken, but there are no contractions

Exemplary childbirth occurs as follows: in their first period, contractions begin, which become regular and intensify. During contractions, the cervical canal is stretched, the amniotic membranes are torn and water is drained. In the second stage of labor, the cervix fully opens and attempts begin. After several attempts in the third stage of labor, a child is born, and then the placenta completely departs. But such exemplary births do not happen often, there are, as they say, “variations”. What to do if the waters have broken, but there are still no contractions? Doctors recommend going to the maternity hospital after the waters have broken in any case, in order to be under the supervision of specialists.

It should be noted that the absence of contractions within a few hours after the outflow of amniotic fluid is also a variant of the norm. Contractions can begin both 12 and 20 hours after the waters have broken and the woman in this case will also give birth safely. So why do doctors worry and insist on the arrival of a pregnant woman to the hospital?

Firstly, violation of the amniotic membranes makes the child vulnerable to infections. In the maternity hospital, doctors will be able to control the situation and wait for the start of natural childbirth without risk to mother and child.

Secondly, a pregnant woman may have weak labor and an immature cervix. But even in this case, a woman can safely give birth naturally if she starts preparing the cervix for childbirth in time and at the same time monitors the condition of the child. And only if natural childbirth poses a danger to the woman and the fetus, doctors will do a "caesarean section."

Thirdly, in some women, the opening of the cervix is ​​so gentle and painless that she may not even realize that she is giving birth until attempts come. Of course, there are few such lucky ones, but it happens. Therefore, if the future mother's plans do not include home birth, then after the waters have broken, it is better to go to the hospital.

If water broke at 32-34 weeks of gestation, but there are no contractions, then after examining the expectant mother, the doctors will have to decide whether to take measures to continue the pregnancy or go for a premature birth. As a rule, in both cases, the woman is given drugs that stimulate the maturation of the fetal respiratory system in case preterm labor cannot be prevented.

The more the expectant mother knows about pregnancy and childbirth, the better she is prepared for the upcoming event and the more safely she will give birth. However, friends and relatives in this case are not a very suitable source of information - of course they love you, but they are not competent specialists. It will be much more useful if the expectant mother starts attending good courses for pregnant women, reading special publications and asking her doctor questions. The doctor is obliged to explain to the woman her condition, because knowledge reduces anxiety and allows you to behave calmly and correctly both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

It is interesting for every pregnant woman to know how long it will take to give birth if the water has already broken. The process of the birth of a baby is individual for any of the expectant mothers.

For some, the onset of labor activity goes without contractions, while for someone - as planned. In order for the birth to be successful, it is important prepare in advance to them, to know what to do and when.

This can happen at any time during labor - at the very beginning of the process or just before the baby is born. This is usually accompanied by palpable cramping pain.

When the waters start to break before the fights, they have the form of a jet, which can give the impression of urinary incontinence, or in the form of an abundant water stream - up to 1.5 liters in volume. In both cases, this is considered normal.

If the discharge is weak

When the waters leave gradually, they can be confused with other natural secretions, especially with mucous membranes. You can determine their composition using a special test, but it will not always be at hand. Based on external signs, amniotic fluid or amniotic fluid should be transparent, no impurities any color.

Possible deviations

In some cases, when the water drains, they have a greenish tint. This is an alarming sign, meaning that the baby is in the mother's womb longer than the due date. Then there is a danger that fetal hypoxia will begin.

If the color of the amniotic fluid is pink, this indicates blood impurities due to placental abruption. baby after that loses access to oxygen. In both cases, urgent medical care is required in a hospital setting.

General signs

There are certain differences by which it can be determined that the secreted fluid is indeed amniotic:

  • water oozes without interruption;
  • it has a characteristic sugary odor;
  • may contain impurities - white flakes;
  • contractions start at the same time.

If the discharge of water begins at home, be sure to remember their color, texture and time - the fetus cannot be in the mother's stomach more than 12 hours without amniotic fluid.

If the water has already broken, but there are no contractions yet

There are cases when, after the release of amniotic fluid, childbirth does not begin, there are no cramping pains. There are reasons for that.

It is impossible to say unequivocally what should be at the beginning of labor activity - contractions or discharge of water. Both options are considered normal - when cramping pains begin first, and then amniotic fluid is released, and vice versa.

Any pregnancy is so individual, which is impossible to predict with accuracy what exactly the birth will begin with. And if at the birth of the first child amniotic fluid came out, and only then contractions began, this does not mean that everything will be exactly the same during the second pregnancy.

The need for stimulation

Sometimes the water doesn't break right away. The liquid can be released in a small volume for 1-3 days. If the fetus is no longer washed by amniotic fluid, there comes a time when contractions should begin. They usually appear within 2-3 hours or earlier.

If this does not happen, in a hospital setting, a doctor prescribes drugs to stimulate labor. As a last resort, a caesarean section is performed.

What to do, how to behave?

The discharge of water from a woman in position always portends the onset of labor.

The safe anhydrous period can last up to 12 hours. Then comes the threat to the life of the baby. While there is no reason to panic, behave calmly, considering the following recommendations.

Record the time

Remember the exact time from the moment you first discovered release of fluid. He will need to be told to the doctor that he will take delivery from you.

Carefully study the shade of the liquid

Pay attention to color. It is advisable not to wear dark or colorful underwear in the last month of pregnancy, use only light-colored sheets. So it will be easier to see the shade of the released liquid. Normally, it should be completely transparent. If the shade of the water is greenish, the waterless period for the child should not exceed 6 hours.

Calculate approximate volume

Try to determine the amount of broken water. Usually, in the first stage, front waters- about 250-300 ml in volume, and then the rest. The total amount is in the amount of one and a half to two liters.

Try to roughly navigate the situation - it is important to understand whether all the amniotic fluid was released or only the anterior waters.

You can practice in advance - pour a glass of water on your clothes, and then another 1.5 liters. So it will be clearer how to navigate in the amount of departed waters.

Take a knee-elbow pose

This is necessary so that there are no complications in the form of prolapse of the umbilical cord or its pinching. It is enough to take such a position at least for 15 minutes for prevention purposes. The knee-elbow position is appropriate only if the waters have completely receded.

When the amniotic fluid first leaves, and then contractions come, this is a signal that the baby is ready to be born.

The time interval from the beginning of the release of water to the birth of the baby is called waterless period. At this moment, he is no longer comfortable in his mother's stomach. The sooner the baby leaves the mother's womb, the better. This will take 12 hours maximum.

If the waters of a greenish or reddish hue have departed, after stimulating drugs, childbirth is completed within 6 hours. Stimulation is also necessary when the admissible threshold of the anhydrous period is exceeded.

What can't be done?

It is important for every pregnant woman to know what absolutely should not be done after the waters have begun to break, even if the amniotic fluid is not released immediately. In this case, the expectant mother is prohibited from:

  • to take a bath- especially hot
  • have sexual contact;
  • get nervous and panic;
  • stay at home alone - the condition can get out of control at any time, outside help will be required.

A well-informed expectant mother is one of the guarantees of a successful birth.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother is worried about the question - How long does it take for contractions to start if water breaks?. The closer the birth, the more the woman worries. I would like to take into account the slightest nuances so that the time of meeting with the newborn is not overshadowed by any grief.

When will contractions start after water breaks?

The fetus floats in the amniotic fluid enclosed in a bladder. When the wall of the shell breaks, water begins to pour out. It does not hurt, because the fetal bladder has no nerve endings. In the amniotic membrane about one and a half liters of fetal fluid. The amount of fluid flowing out can be different depending on the place of rupture of the fetal bladder:
  1. If there is a complete rupture of the bladder, the amount of fluid flowing out is 100-150 ml.
  2. If the gap is small and high enough, fetal water can drip drop by drop for a long time.
Contractions can begin both before the water breaks, and after. Depending on the dilatation of the cervix, there are:
  1. premature effusion- Tribal activity has not yet begun. Contractions come in 3-4 hours;
  2. early effusion- the cervix dilated up to 4 cm, labor activity began;
  3. timely outpouring- the cervix has dilated up to 5-6 cm;
  4. belated outpouring- the cervix is ​​fully dilated, but the water does not break. In this case, the fetal bladder is pierced with medical instruments or torn with fingers.
Future women in labor are afraid to confuse the outpouring of amniotic fluid with urination. If they depart profusely, it is rather difficult to confuse. But if they drip drop by drop, a special pad will help to determine the leakage of amniotic fluid. If after use it does not change its color, then the test fluid is urine or vaginal secretions. If it changes color, your water is breaking. Urgently address to the gynecologist.

What to do if the waters have broken, but the contractions do not start?

Most of the water breaks when the contractions have already begun. But one woman in ten has a premature effusion. Most often, contractions in this case begin after 3-4 hours. But sometimes labor does not occur. In this case, the doctor decides to stimulate labor with the help of a hormone - oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.

It is believed that absence of labor activity up to 12 hours does not require stimulation. But the obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the condition of the mother and fetus. If the fetal heart rate slows down or the mother's health deteriorates sharply (blood pressure rises, tremors begin), the decision to stimulate may be made earlier. If oxytocin does not cause contractions, a caesarean section is performed.

remember, that amniotic fluid should be clear or slightly pink, odorless. If they are green, red or brown-brown, this is an occasion to urgently notify the obstetrician-gynecologist and go to the hospital. The green color of the water may indicate infections or the passage of meconium (fetal feces). Red and brown-brown - about intrauterine bleeding. To avoid risk, delivery is carried out as soon as possible. In emergency cases, a caesarean section is used.

The waters have broken - after how much to give birth? This question worries, probably, every woman who is soon expecting the birth of a long-awaited baby. However, no gynecologist can give an unambiguous answer to this question, since the process of labor activity is a purely individual process for each woman in labor. In order for everything to go smoothly, you need to know what to do when the amniotic fluid leaves, and when, after that, the first harbingers of the upcoming birth should be expected.

How to behave after the departure of the OV?

What to do after amniotic fluid breaks? First of all, there is no need to panic - this is a physiological process, which is one of the main ones. Now let's talk about what exactly needs to be done if the OVs move away.

If the water has broken, then it's time to go to the hospital
  1. Remember, or rather write down in a notebook the exact time of the departure of the OM. Then be sure to tell your gynecologist or nurse about it.
  2. Pay close attention to the color of the liquid. So that she does not change the shade, give up dark underwear and bedding a week before the birth - such actions will help you accurately determine the color of the OV.
  3. What should be the departed waters? Normally, they should not have any shade, that is, be completely transparent. If you notice an admixture of white flakes in the amniotic fluid - do not worry, this is normal.
  4. The greenish color of the OB indicates that literally in 6 hours the patient will give birth to a long-awaited baby.
  5. The amount of amniotic fluid is another important factor. According to it, you can determine after what period of time childbirth will begin. Waters can be "anterior", the volume of which does not exceed 300 ml, and real amniotic (1.5 - 2 liters).

Useful advice. If you don’t know how to determine which waters have broken, then you can practice a little before the due date. This can be done as follows: pour a glass of water on the inside of the thigh. Remember your feelings, then pour one and a half to two liters of liquid on the same part of the body. By doing this for at least a week, you will soon learn to distinguish between "front" water and amniotic fluid.

After the outpouring of amniotic fluid, it is urgent to call an ambulance, especially if there was a lot of water. With a small number of them, you have a couple of hours left, but you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Is the discharge of the mucous plug a signal of the imminent onset of labor?

A mucus plug is a clot of mucus streaked with blood. It performs an important function - it protects the uterine cavity from infection. Thus, throughout the entire period of intrauterine development, the fetus is completely safe.

It is far from always a harbinger of an approaching birth. Many women mistakenly believe that she does not leave them at all before the onset of labor. The fact is that it can depart gradually, in streaks, and not all at once in a lump. The process can begin long before the opening of the cervix and the discharge of the OB. For each pregnant woman, it depends on the characteristics of the body and the course of pregnancy.

Mucus plug during pregnancy

Important! If you notice frequent bloody or mucous discharge in your underwear, contact your doctor immediately. This may be evidence not of the release of the protective plug, but of the attachment of an infection. This condition requires immediate medical attention!

What sensations arise when the cork leaves?

The discharge of the mucous clot can be accompanied by rather unpleasant and painful sensations. However, it all depends on how acutely the body of the expectant mother reacts to the pain syndrome.

In one woman, the process of cork discharge can be very painful and accompanied by discomfort in the lumbar region. For another mom, it may happen unnoticed, such as while taking a bath, shower, swimming in the pool, or going to the restroom.

After the discharge of the mucous plug, it begins to gradually soften. The same thing happens with the birth canal. Due to this, the fetus can freely, and with minimal risk to the health of the mother, move along them.

One of the most frequently asked questions about this is the question, is it true that after the release of the protective cork, the baby immediately appears? And can this process be accelerated?

In this case, doctors give useful advice: do not try to bring the birth closer on your own - everything should happen gradually, and only in a natural way. Any intervention in the process of childbirth can lead to consequences that are dangerous for the health of life, both for the mother herself and for her unborn baby.

To understand when childbirth begins after the cork is released, you need to pay attention to some nuances:

  • color and consistency of mucus;
  • prolapse of the abdomen (if any);
  • the presence of contractions, and not false, but real;
  • increased urge to defecate.

All of these factors signal that you will meet your little miracle pretty soon, and by that time you should be ready.

Departure of OV - how does it happen, and what to do in this case?

If the expectant mother's amniotic fluid departs, this means that the time has come, and the baby is already ready to be born. But sometimes it happens that the outpouring of amniotic fluid occurs prematurely, when the term of labor activity does not come soon. Such an anomaly occurs in the presence of certain deviations, so medical intervention is required.

Any strange discharge during pregnancy should be reported to the doctor immediately.

The fact is that the discharge of fetal waters should always end in labor, since the baby cannot stay in a dry, unprotected environment for a long time. Also far from uncommon are cases when the fetal waters flow out little by little. This happens gradually, and can last for several weeks, and sometimes even months.

If the leakage of amniotic fluid began long before the planned date of delivery, then such an anomaly should be reported to the gynecologist. He will take the necessary measures, since a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid can lead to quite serious and dangerous consequences, up to hypoxia or even death of the fetus.

Remember! Any, even meager ones that have caused you suspicions and concerns, must be reported to the doctor. Especially if they have a greenish, brownish or brown color.

What to do with the departure of OV?

So what to do if the amniotic fluid has poured out completely? First of all, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital, and here's why:

  • the doctor must establish how wide the cervix has opened, and constantly record this process;
  • sometimes the outpouring of fetal fluid is not accompanied by contractions, so the expectant mother may not understand that the long-awaited moment "X" is already close;
  • in some situations, along with AF, umbilical cord loops can also fall out, and this is already a serious threat to the life of the child.

As you can see, the sooner you go to the hospital after the water breaks, the safer your baby and you will be.

When to give birth if the water has broken?

So, when to give birth if the waters broke? First of all, you need to pay attention to the features of fights. Quite often, they begin when the bubble with the amniotic fluid has already burst, and it has completely poured out.

During the anhydrous period, discomfort for the fetus inside the reproductive organ begins to increase, so the process of childbirth should occur no more than half a day after the amniotic fluid has passed. If it becomes obvious that labor will not begin so soon, the doctor will be forced to resort to the last resort - artificial stimulation of delivery.

Important! If you, while at home at the time of spontaneous opening of the bladder with water, notice blood impurities in the fluid, call an ambulance immediately! Just make sure it was really blood and not a mucus plug first.

The danger of the situation in early pregnancy

It happens that the OM is poured out for a period of 22 weeks. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. Otherwise, the woman may have a miscarriage.

If the waters poured out after 22 weeks, then the expectant mother has every chance to keep the pregnancy, or give birth, but a completely healthy baby. Of course, such babies are born prematurely, and very weak, but modern doctors can leave such a baby, giving him a chance for a healthy life.

Water discharge without contractions - is this normal?

An examination by a doctor will determine the time of onset of childbirth after the water has broken.

If your fetal waters have broken, and contractions have not yet begun, this is not a reason to panic. The body of each expectant mother is individual, therefore it is impossible to say exactly how the birth will take place in each specific case.

Gradual outpouring of amniotic fluid may also occur. In this case, it will proceed for several days, and the maximum safe length of the waterless period is only 6 hours. Its deviation upwards is allowed, but it should last no more than a day. If during this time the baby was not born, this can lead to serious complications and adverse consequences for the health of the crumbs.

In such a situation, the patient is also shown drug stimulation of labor. Often, for this purpose, special tablets are used that soften the cervix. After their use, childbirth should begin within half a day, a maximum of 24 hours.

In the absence of the effect of medications that cause contractions, the expectant mother is given an emergency caesarean section. Only in this way it will be possible to avoid adverse consequences for the child, which threaten a long anhydrous period.

Interesting fact. In women who are going to give birth for the first time, the interval between periods of water discharge and the onset of labor is from 12 to 20 hours. With the repeated process of labor activity, this gap is reduced several times.

In order not to miss an important moment, you should monitor your condition even before the OB bubble bursts. should bring you to full “combat readiness” and force you to pack a bag for the hospital, because just a little bit - and you will meet your long-awaited and so beloved baby!