Pedagogical project on traffic rules “Traffic rules - everyone needs to know, without exception! Project on traffic rules "Safe road

The project "Safe road for you and me" as one of the forms of work with parents in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Bogatova Oksana Nikolaevna - educator, MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 94", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description: the project will introduce children to the rules of the road and consolidate their skills on the road.
Purpose: the project will be of interest to educators of senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten and primary school teachers.
As one of the modern forms of work with the family in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, I present to you the experience of working with parents in the process of implementing the project "A Safe Road for You and Me".
At the present stage of updating the preschool educational policy, much attention is paid to the problems of the family, family education, cooperation between the family and the educational institution. Therefore, the most important condition for improving the system of preschool education is the activities of teachers, focused on the development of new innovative forms of interaction with parents.
Making another targeted walk to the library, I noticed that our children are not sufficiently familiar with the practical skills of behavior on the road. And also from the conversations I found out that not all children know about the rules of the road, some do not know how to analyze their actions and the actions of other people, many do not navigate road signs.
Child road traffic injuries are one of the most painful problems in modern society. Often, the perpetrators of road accidents are children themselves who play near roads, cross the street in the wrong places, enter and exit vehicles incorrectly. However, preschool children are a special category of pedestrians and passengers. That is why, from a very early age, it is necessary to introduce children to safe behavior on the streets, roads, in transport, as well as traffic rules. Both parents and preschool institutions should take part in this, and in the future, of course, the school and other educational institutions.
In close cooperation with my parents, I developed and presented a project on the topic "A safe road for you and me."
In accordance with the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" one of the main tasks facing a preschool institution is "interacting with the family to ensure the full development of the child's personality."
The development of a federal state educational standard for preschool education meets new social needs, one of which is the organization of interaction between an educational institution and children's families for the successful implementation of the main educational program of a preschool educational institution.
Prevention of road traffic injuries remains a priority problem for society, requiring a solution, with everyone's participation, and the most effective methods.
Project type: thematic, short-term (1 month)
Participants: pupils of the senior group, educator, speech therapist teacher, parents of the group.
formation and development in children of the skills of conscious safe behavior on the road, in transport and on the street.
1. To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for correct orientation on the streets and on the roads.
2. Teach children to behave safely in the road environment.
3. To form and develop in children a holistic perception of the surrounding road environment.
4. Expand the vocabulary of children in the road alphabet.
5. To educate discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, culture of behavior of pedestrians.
6. To increase the competence of parents on compliance with traffic rules.
Expected Result
Expanding children's understanding of the road environment and traffic rules.
Formation of skills for calm, confident, cultural and safe behavior in the road transport environment.
The ability of children to anticipate dangerous situations on the road and make the right decisions.
Increasing the activity of parents in ensuring the safety of children on the road and in transport.

The project consists of four main stages.
The implementation of this project will allow children to form the necessary ideas and skills of safe behavior on the streets, on the roads and in transport. A subject-developing environment will be created, methodological literature will be selected. Children will know road signs, and most importantly, a habit will be formed to follow the rules of the road.
At the preparatory stage, the problem was solved: how to tell children about traffic rules? How to present such serious and vital information in a form accessible to them and orientate them to use it in various situations. Before starting work on the project, I myself needed to know and observe traffic rules, so at this stage I studied special literature on the topic; reinforced the knowledge of the basic rules of the road, carried out diagnostics of the knowledge and skills of children and questionnaires of parents on the observance of traffic rules, which helped to determine the forms of joint activities with children.
Forms of joint activities with children
GCD; productive activity; play activity; reading fiction; methodological literature and informational booklets for parents; targeted walks, excursions, observations; entertainment and leisure.

Directly educational activities affected all educational areas.
The main stage- This is the implementation of a project that includes the cognitive, practical and productive activities of children and parents.

Planning of joint activities of children and adults for the implementation of the project.

Cognitive lessons: “Everyone is supposed to know the rules of the road”, drawing “On the streets of the city”, “Transport on the streets of the city”; "Road Alphabet".

Targeted excursions, observations: Library, Pedestrian crossing, Traffic signs on city streets, We are pedestrians, At the crossroads, Public transport stops.
Conversations: How to cross the street, Rules of conduct on the road, Types of transport, What are the cars, How to behave in transport.
Didactic games, role-playing games: Attention road, Name the car, Think - guess, Road signs, Allowed - forbidden, Young motorist.

Adjuster, Bus driver, Accident on the road (first aid), Tire fitting.
Fiction, video library: Y. Pishumova "I am sitting in the car", V. Berestov "About the car", V. Semerin "Stick to the road rules strictly" by T. A. Shorygin "Safe fairy tales", proverbs, riddles. Cartoon "ABC of Security" from the series "Smeshariki", from the cartoon series "Luntik".
Viewing: Albums "Road signs", posters on traffic rules.

Practical work: Making a board game "Streets of our city", making a model of a street, an intersection.
Outdoor games, exercises and gymnastics: Sparrows and a car, Stop - go, Traffic signals, Train, Bus.
Matinees, entertainment: Dunno and a traffic light, Our friend is a Merry traffic light.
Working with parents: - questionnaire survey on compliance with traffic rules,
-a tour of the city streets, memorials,
- conversations on traffic rules,
- production of routes for the movement "House - kindergarten",
- business game,
- production of photo reports, issue of wall newspapers,
- participation in the enrichment of the subject-developing environment.

All work was carried out in close cooperation with the speech therapist teacher and in accordance with the lexical topics "Our city" and "Transport":
- drawing up verbal illustrations for stories, poems;
- finger gymnastics - say verses with your hands:
- development of monologue speech when describing pictures and illustrations ("Transport", "Streets of our city", "Children and the road", etc.);
- observation on excursions;
- conversations;
- learning poems, reading stories;
- solving problem situations.

Interaction with institutions of society: a walk to the playground of the Raduga park, a visit to the library, a meeting between parents and a traffic police inspector.
Here is an educational activity in regime moments. Targeted excursions, observations: Library, Pedestrian crossing, Traffic signs on city streets, We are pedestrians, At the crossroads, Public transport stops. Didactic games: Attention road, Name the car, Think - guess, Traffic signs, Allowed - forbidden, Young motorist Role-playing games: Traffic controller, Bus driver, Accident on the road (first aid), Tire fitting.
Target Walk, Road Marking RPG.

Joint productive activity: Making a board game "Streets of our city", making a model of a street, an intersection.

Unfortunately, many parents have a common misconception that a child should be taught safe behavior on the streets closer to the time he starts school, but this is not so, because a whole range of habits is formed from early childhood, including the manner of behavior on the roads. cities.
Therefore, having studied the guidelines for informing parents about the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, I have identified the most effective areas and forms of interaction with the families of pupils. Based on these forms, together with the parents, we developed and carried out the following activities.
Excursion "Road signs on the streets of our city"

Role-playing game with the participation of parents.

Photo action "The health and life of children in our hands"

Drawing together with the parents of the schemes of the traffic routes "I am going to kindergarten"

The final stage

represents the result of the work on the implementation of the project.
Photo exhibition "On the way to kindergarten"
Photo exhibition "I ride in the yard"

Information and orientation folders, flyers, leaflets, stands have been designed.
The final event - "Our friend is a funny traffic light"


for the prevention of road traffic injuries:

"Road alphabet".

Problem:" Formation of the basics in childrensafe behavior on the roads. "


"eleven. 05.2011 all over the world, including Russia, the Decade of Action to Ensure Road Safety was launched. Realizing the catastrophic consequences of road accidents, the colossal economic and demographic damage, the world community calls to unite in counteracting the growing level of road accidents, "Viktor Nilov (head of the main department for road safety) recalled, noting that the overall statistics of accidents in recent years has been declining not only thanks to tougher penalties for violations on the road, but also to raising the consciousness of the country's citizens.

However, this is still not enough. V.N. Nilov cited statistics on child mortality on the roads of Russia. Since the beginning of the year, almost 260 children-pedestrians have become victims of road accidents, and more than 7.5 thousand have been injured. Most often, accidents involving children occur between 3 pm and 9 pm - more than a third of accidents in which children-pedestrians are injured occur at this time. Every fifth accident occurs between 12:00 and 15:00, when children return from school. And every tenth - from 7 to 10 in the morning, when the children go to school.

Judging by these data, it is obvious that we ourselves cripple our children. We do not provide security for them. Are there few hours devoted to road safety in schools and kindergartens? And how much time do parents devote to this issue? A common picture: mom (dad or grandmother), picking up the child under the arm, runs across the road at a red light or in the wrong place. And after that, how will the child act on the road?

“Not a single even the most perfect program, not tough laws, will fundamentally solve the problem, if the legal consciousness of road users does not change. Only then we will have much less tragic reasons for holding the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, which is celebrated on November 20, ”concluded the chief traffic inspector of Russia.

We must prepare literate, cultured and polite road users, starting from kindergarten, says Viktor Kiryanov (President of the Russian Automobile Federation (RAF).

Preschool age of children is most favorable for the formation of skills and habits. We need to develop in them the habit of stopping in front of the roadway, inspecting it from the left and right with a turn of our head, crossing the road only in a fixed place, etc. The habit of taking care of one's safety can only appear as a result of daily, painstaking work, when the theoretical knowledge gained by children on traffic rules is necessarily reinforced by numerous, systematic practical repetition. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, the presence of positive habits for them is a vital phenomenon, in another way it is called - the skills of safe behavior on the road. It is not necessary to lead your child to the road to develop a positive habit. This can be done in a group, when conducting classes on the rules of the road, having a minimum of road symbols and attributes.

It is also very important to work with parents so that they do not forget to teach children how to behave on the roads by their example. When organizing work on the prevention of road traffic injuries in kindergarten, it is impossible not to involve the parents of the pupils in it. In our preschool educational institution, a separate parent meeting is devoted to this topic, at which parents act as equal participants in the pedagogical process, bearing full responsibility for the life, health and safety of their children.

Goals and objectives of the project:

Formation of a culture of safe behavior on the roads and in public transport among children;

To acquaint children with the meaning of road signs, to teach them to understand their schematic representation for the correct orientation on the streets and roads;

Expand the vocabulary of children in road vocabulary;

To foster discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport process;

Involvement of pupils of school №20 in an active life position on the prevention of road traffic injuries;

Teach children with the help of associations (for example, in the process of educational and business games) to navigate in dangerous situations on the road;

To foster a sense of responsibility for one's own and someone else's life, one's own behavior and the behavior of others on the roads of the city;

To intensify efforts to promote traffic rules and safe lifestyles among parents;

Assistance in reducing the number of children affected by road traffic accidents, to draw public attention to the problem of road safety.

The essence of the project:

The dramatic increase in the number of cars is creating many problems, among which the increase in road traffic injuries among children is particularly worrisome. Therefore, the promotion of observance of traffic rules, rules of conduct for a walk, in the yard plays an important role in preserving the life of our future generation. In order to prevent road accidents, it is planned to use interactive and small theatrical forms, to familiarize kindergarten pupils with the rules of the road. Carrying out various games that help to consolidate the culture of behavior on the road at the subconscious level. Partner work with parents involves them in educational work on this issue and reinforces the goals of this project.

Expected results:

Reducing the severity of the consequences of child road traffic injuries;

Expanding understanding of the surrounding road environment and traffic rules;

Formation of skills for calm, confident, cultural and safe behavior in the road transport environment;

The ability of children to anticipate dangerous situations and avoid them;

Inclusion of pupils of school number 20 in an active life position on prevention

child road traffic injuries;

Increasing the activity of parents and children to ensure safe behavior on the roads.

Beneficiaries of the project:

Kindergarten pupils, parents of pupils, pedagogical staff of the preschool educational institution.

- Diagnostics (determination of the level of skills and knowledge of children according to the rules of safe behavior on the road).

- Specially organized classes.

- Acquaintance with the rules of conduct on the streets of the city through works of fiction.

- Research activities for children (practical exercises).

- Game activities (didactic, plot, amateur games, dramatization games), entertainment, sports leisure.

- Organization of thematic contests for handicrafts and drawings.

- Open viewing of classes (review-competition of posters on the topic "Safe Road").

- Exhibition of visual aids.

- Complex classes with narrow specialists.

- Arrange a meeting between parents and traffic police officers.

- Thematic conversation (parent meeting) on ​​the topic: "Safety on the road - the safety of your child!"

- Issue of a booklet for parents "Traffic rules are our true friends".

- Competition of family creative work on a given topic.

Project implementation principles:

1. The principle of an individual and differentiated approach, i.e. taking into account the personal, age characteristics of children and the level of their mental and physical development.

2. The principle of interaction “children - road environment. The younger the child is, the easier it is to develop social feelings and stable habits of safe behavior. The plasticity of the child's nervous system makes it possible to successfully solve many educational problems.

3. The principle of the relationship between the causes of dangerous behavior and its consequences: road traffic accident. Preschoolers should know what the consequences may lie in wait for them in the road environment. However, it is impossible to over-focus their attention only on this, tk. instilling fear of the street and road, you can cause a reverse reaction (the temptation to take a risk, crossing the road or uncertainty, helplessness and the usual situation on the road will seem dangerous to the child).

4. The principle of age safety. From early childhood, you should constantly explain to children the essence of the phenomena in the road environment, the danger of moving objects. It is necessary to form, develop and improve the perception of a dangerous road environment, to show specific safe actions for getting out of a dangerous situation.

5. The principle of social security. Preschoolers should understand that they live in a society where certain norms and rules of behavior must be observed. Compliance with these rules on the roads is monitored by the State Traffic Inspectorate.

6. The principle of self-organization, self-regulation and self-education. This principle is realized when children understand the rules of safe behavior. To reinforce self-education, a positive example of adults is needed, therefore, it is necessary to educate the parents of children.

Resource support of the project:

1. “Traffic” corner in group rooms.

2. Center "Svetoforik" in the gym.

3. Visual material:

Transport of various functional purposes;

Board games;

Traffic rules didactic games;

Posters, illustrations, plot pictures reflecting traffic situations;

Discs with videos on traffic rules;

Attributes for the role-playing game "Transport";

Road signs.

4. Methodical tools.

5. Library of the School of Traffic Light Sciences.

All this allows teachers to comprehensively solve the problems of teaching children safe behavior in the road environment, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the level of their mental and physical development, to foster discipline and conscientious observance of traffic rules, a culture of behavior in the road transport environment.


Carrying out weekly work with children on the topic "Road alphabet", in special classes, in the course of games (didactic, mobile, role-playing), entertainment, etc., we tried to teach children to follow the rules of the road. In the classroom, children learned to navigate in space, simulated various situations on the road, and played them. With specially selected fictional literature, we consolidated the knowledge gained in the classroom. In addition, with the help of didactic games, they tried to develop voluntary, active attention, because for safe behavior on the streets, it is necessary to form in children voluntary attention, the ability to concentrate on the road situation. Also, during a walk in the course of outdoor games, children's motor skills were formed: children should not only correctly move in accordance with the received signal or focus on an adult, but also be able to coordinate their movements with the movement of other people and the movement of objects.

We involved the parents of the pupils in our work, explaining to them that the work of teaching children the rules of the road is a long-term work. In order for it to bring results, it is not enough to study or talk with children. And this work should be carried out systematically. Various studies indicate that in preschool children there is a significant gap between the theoretical knowledge of the rules and their practical application. Even specially organized traffic monitoring alone does not provide a stable understanding of traffic rules. Thus, children should be able to apply all theoretical knowledge in practice. And if we can provide theoretical knowledge to children in kindergarten, then their practical application is the work of parents.

But, as I have already mentioned, it is necessary to remember that the formation of conscious behavior is a long-term process. We plan to continue to train literate, cultured and polite road users by improving methodological techniques in classes with children. And also involve parents in working together. We will invite school students to participate in the active activities of the kindergarten for the prevention of road traffic injuries. Seeking from children the development of a sense of responsibility for their own and others' lives.

Anna Alenicheva


In the Russian Federation, the problem of child road-transport injuries (DDTT) in scale, it has all the signs of a national catastrophe. According to analytical materials of the Security Department road traffic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the number of children who died in road accidents, per 100,000 of the population of Russia, is almost 3 times more than in Italy, and 2 times more than in France and Germany. Statistics shows: the situation with DDTT tends to deteriorate, which is associated with a sharp increase in the number of cars on roads, an increase in the power of new car models and, as a result, an increase in the speed of car traffic.

Research in this area shows that all causes of road traffic accidents involving preschoolers are largely related to their age and psychophysiological characteristics, such as immaturity, inability correctly assess the situation, the rapid formation of conditioned reflexes and their rapid disappearance, the need for movement, which prevails over caution, the desire to imitate adults, the overestimation of one's capabilities, the specificity of the reaction to an approaching car, etc.

The social acuteness of the problem of DDTT dictates the need to revitalize the activities of preschool educational institutions, to search for new forms and methods of teaching and upbringing on the prevention of DDTT, as well as to carry out preventive work with parents on the basis of modern pedagogical technologies.


In our country, as in all over the world, the number increases road-transport accidents. According to statistics, every tenth victim of an accident is a child. This is often due to non-compliance traffic rules, their ignorance. Left to their own devices, children have little regard for the real dangers in road, as they underestimate their own capabilities, considering themselves dexterous and fast. They have not yet developed the ability to anticipate the possibility of danger in a rapidly changing road conditions so it is important to teach children travel certificate, street rules.

The challenge of teaching preschoolers to safely participate in road traffic is relevant and modern, its solution helps to form a system of knowledge in children, conscious skills of safe participation in road traffic, and as a consequence - a decrease road- traffic accidents involving children.

Events dedicated to the topic of traffic rules are always relevant in preschool institutions. How else? After all, this necessity is dictated by life itself. How do you make the streets and roads become safe for our children? Of course, tell them about traffic rules, road signs and other subtleties, holding events in various forms. Any child will quickly understand and master the traffic rules, presented not only in an ordinary conversation, but also in those close to children road tale, quiz, game. And also very close to children outdoor games, safety related relay races movement... Here, the child will not only remember and learn traffic rules well, but also understand where and when it is safe and fun to play.

Material description:

Picture posters traffic rules, layout of the microdistrict, layouts of houses, people, road signs, cars, parking lot, pictures, diagrams, pictures with the image road signs; depicting situations on roads, didactic games, attributes to role-playing games (caps, baton, steering wheels, aprons with images of cars), books with illustrations.

Type of the project

Informational, practice-oriented, complex, group.

Term the project


Participants project children of the middle group, educator, parents.


To form in children of middle preschool age the basics of safe behavior on the street, knowledge traffic rules

Tasks the project

Proposed project- an attempt to organize in practice a system of activities of parents and educators of preschool educational institutions for teaching preschoolers basic traffic rules and fostering the habits and behavior of skillful and careful pedestrians. All activities are aimed at on:

1. Expanding children's knowledge about rules of conduct on the road and the ability to apply the knowledge gained about traffic rules in games, dramatized, in everyday life.

2. Pooling efforts educators and parents in the issue of familiarizing children with traffic rules and their observance in life; systematic and active dissemination of knowledge about traffic rules among parents.

3. Development of visual materials that have a developmental impact and cognitive stimulation for children of the preparatory group.

In the course of the events, such tasks:

1. To form in children of middle preschool age knowledge about the culture of behavior on road.

2. Raise responsibility for the safety of your own life and the lives of others

3. Foster the need for compliance traffic rules.

All work was built to achieve such the result:

1. Clarification and addition about traffic rules and culture of behavior on road.

2. Distinguish concepts of intersections of varying complexity, consolidate ideas about roadway, about the transition at two-way movement, road signs: service signs, warning signs, prohibiting, some prescriptive.

3. Have an idea of ​​the events, aimed at maintaining health.

4. Complete knowledge of rules for pedestrians and passengers and a culture of behavior in transport

Educational: - To acquaint children with traffic rules, the structure of the street and road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians, with the work of the State Security Inspectorate road traffic;

Teach children to foresee a dangerous event, be able to avoid it if possible, and act if necessary;

Developing: - Develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and discretion in road;

Stimulate cognitive activity, promote development

communication skills;

Speech: - To contribute to the development of children's speech, replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary of children in the process of working on project;

Develop coherent speech;

Educational: - To cultivate personal safety skills and a sense of self-preservation;

Forms of work on implementation the project:

Themed entertainment, conversations, targeted walks, reading fiction, viewing paintings, outdoor games, role-playing games, didactic games, exhibition of creative works.

The intended result

Children have formed conscious behavior on the street, in road-transport situations, attitude towards compliance rules... A sense of self-control, responsibility has been developed, the prerequisites have been formed for the readiness to be responsible for their actions. Thus, life is saved and children's health

Stages the project:

I stage preparatory:

1. To pose a problem to the children “Why is it necessary know the rules of the road

2. Define a product the project:

3.knowledge traffic rules;

4. To educate children about the importance of this Problems: "Ignorance traffic rules can lead to trouble! "

5. Select fiction, prepare visual illustrated material on the topic the project.

6. Study the methodological literature:

K. Yu. Belaya "How to ensure the safety of preschoolers"; \

Avdeeva N.N., Sterkina R.B., Knyazeva O.L., "Security";

V. A. Dobryakov "Three traffic signals";

V. E. Rublyak « Traffic Laws» ;

E. S. Smushkevich, A. Ya. Yakupov "We are walking down the street";

E. Ya. Stepankova "For preschoolers - oh traffic rules» ; other

7. Conduct conversations with children about subject: "What kind you know the traffic rules, "Attention, road signs, "Who runs the road How to behave on the street and in transport? ".

Replenish the subject-development environment.

Conduct discussions with parents, consultations.

- "Child safety is in our hands",

- workshop: "The reasons for the child road- transport injuries "

Folder decoration shifts: « regulations behavior at a bus stop! "

Information in parent corner: “It is necessary know» ,

Organize a discussion “Is it easy to teach a child behave correctly on the road

- questioning on topics:

1) Studying the attitude of parents to the need to educate children traffic rules.

2) Questionnaire for parents on traffic rules

Stage II implementation

Organize work to solve problems project through:

1) Reading fiction literature:

B. Zhitkov "Traffic lights"

Dmokhovsky A. "Wonderful Island";

-Dorokhov A. "Underground passage", "Fence along the sidewalk", "Barrier";

Kozhevnikov V. "Traffic lights";

Krivitskaya A. "Secrets road signs» ;

Marshak S. "Traffic lights";

Migunova N.A. "Traffic lights";

Mikhalkov S. "Uncle Styopa is a policeman";

Pishumov Ya. "Pedestrian traffic light", "Look, sentry",

Plyatskovsky I. "Traffic lights";

Prokofiev S. "My buddy is a traffic light";

A. "Traffic lights";

Seryakov I. "The laws of the streets and roads» ;

2) Consideration of illustrations, pictures;

3) Didactic games:

-"Traffic lights"


-"Our street"

-"Put road sign»

-"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Be careful"

- "Tell me a word"

-"Learn by description".

4) Outdoor games:

-"Pedestrians and Cars"

-« Road signs and cars»

-"Traffic lights" other.

5) Role-playing games:

-"A pedestrian",


-"Ride Home by Bus"

6) Guessing riddles

7) Learning songs by topic the project

8) Targeted walks - observing the actions of pedestrians in the street;

analysis of each situation

9) Analysis of situations:

-"What shouldn't be"

-"How cross the road correctly

-"What signs help a pedestrian on the way?"

-"What need to know if you are alone on the street? "

10) Drawing up creative stories:

“What would have happened if there had not been traffic rules?»;

"If all the signs were messed up?";

"Stories in Transport";

11) Inviting a traffic police officer to talk with children at theme: "Safe behavior on roads» .

12) Watching a video of a movie about traffic rules

13) "Joint artistic creation of parents and children

On the topic "Security on roads»

Stage III Final

Decoration of an exhibition of creative works "Security at roads»

Corner decoration « Traffic rules for children»

Organization of cognitive and play activities "Good friend - traffic light"

Making a model of the microdistrict

Use of this the project promotes deeper learning by children traffic rules, consolidation of knowledge and skills, the formation of a conscious attitude to their observance, the development of a sense of control, self-control, responsibility and the prerequisites of readiness to be responsible for their actions

Undoubtedly, such a system of work on teaching children traffic rules gives positive results, the most important thing is that parents and children are interested in this problem. Project can be used in other preschool educational institutions.

Development perspective

it direction work should always be in the field of close attention educators, parents, which means that further search and improvement in the organization of work on prevention road- transport injuries.

Create a situation for the search for new information and define the tasks of new the project: "What other dangers can we meet on the streets of the city?"


1. Bochkareva OI Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. - Volgograd: ETC "Coryphaeus", 2008.

2. Danilova T. I. Program "Traffic lights" Teaching preschool children traffic rules. - SPb., Publishing house CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2009.

3. Classes on traffic rules / Comp... N. A. Izvekova, A. F. Medvedeva and others; ed. E. A. Romanova, A. B. Malyushkina. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

4. Zenina T. N. Parents' meetings in kindergarten. - M., 2006.

5. Traffic Laws... Junior and middle groups. / Comp. L.B. Poddubnaya - Volgograd: ETC "Coryphaeus".

6. Traffic Laws... Senior and preparatory groups. / Comp. L.B. Poddubnaya - Volgograd: ETC "Coryphaeus".

7. "Three traffic signals" F. T. Saulina ed. Mosaic-Synthesis Moscow 2009

8. Formation of the foundations of safety for preschoolers "K. Yu. Belaya 2014

9. « Traffic Laws» N. A. Izbekova study guide Moscow "Education" 1987y

10. "For preschoolers about traffic rules» E. Ya. Stepankova Moscow "Education"

11. "Basics healthy lifestyle & activities " N. P. Smirnova

12.N.N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R.B.Sterkina. "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children.": Education, 2007.

13.K. Yu. Belaya "I and May safety." Subject vocabulary in pictures: The world of man. - M .: School press, 2010. -48

14.N.N. Avdeeva, O. L. Knyazeva, R.B.Sterkina, M.D. Makhaneva “Safety on the streets and roads» : a methodological guide for working with children of senior preschool age. " - M .: OOO "Publishing house AST - LTD", 1997.

15.L. A. Vdovichenko "A child on the street"., "Childhood - press", 20087

16.T.G. Khramtsova "Education of safe behavior in the life of preschool children"... Tutorial. - M .: pedagogical society of Russia, 2005

17.L.B. Podubnaya « Traffic Laws preparatory group ", - Volgograd, "Coryphaeus", 2009.

18.F.S. Mayorova “We study road alphabet» , m., "Scriptorium Publishing House 2003", 2005


"Safe road to kindergarten"

Educator of GBDOU kindergarten №30

Kholodova Natalia Vladimirovna

One child's life saved - several generations to come.
This means that there is something to live for, teach, educate.

Over the past 10 years, road traffic injuries in Russia have grown to the level of a socio-economic and demographic problem, which causes significant damage to the Russian economy.
The main types of road traffic accidents are hitting a pedestrian, collision and overturning of vehicles, violation of traffic rules, both by drivers and pedestrians, wrong choice of speed. As a result, people die, and it is especially terrible that children die.
The study of the characteristics of modern road traffic injuries shows that people have little knowledge and experience in providing first aid.
Public influence on road users in order to form stable stereotypes of law-abiding behavior is carried out at an insufficient level. The situation is aggravated by universal legal nihilism, awareness of legal irresponsibility for committed offenses, indifference to the possible consequences of a road traffic accident, insufficient involvement of the population in activities to prevent road traffic accidents.


The project is dedicated to an urgent problem - teaching preschool children the rules of the road. The urgency of the problem of child road traffic injury prevention (DDTT) is due to the growth of road traffic accidents (RTA), in which not only adults, but also the younger generation - children, die and get injured. At present, road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death and disability in people aged 3 to 35 all over the world. The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Society in the World Disasters Report (1998) defines road traffic accidents as one of the most important and aggravatinghuman health problems.

It is at the preschool age that the foundation of life orientations in the environment is laid, and everything that the child learns in kindergarten will firmly remain with him forever. Therefore, the main task - to teach children to read the road, to instill the skills of safe behavior on the road is implemented through the active work of all project participants.

Project participants:

subject teachers, educators, children, parents.

Planned results:

Create the necessary conditions for organizing the activities of preschool educational institutions for teaching preschool children traffic rules

By the end of the project, the child must:

know the algorithm for crossing the road "stop - look - go";

be able to choose the way of crossing the carriageway, distinguish between pedestrian crossings (ground, overground, underground, regulated, unregulated) and traffic control means (traffic light, traffic controller), as well as road signs;

know the rules for crossing the carriageway at regulated and unregulated pedestrian crossings;

Coordinate activities on teaching traffic rules for children between parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions;

Arouse parents' interest in the problem of teaching children how to read the road, and safe behavior on the road;

Improve the research activities of children;


Form the basics of safe behavior in preschool children

both on the road and in transport.


to teach children the necessary minimum of Traffic rules and road signs - three colors of traffic lights, pedestrian crossing - ground, overground, underground, - pedestrian path, bicycle path;

to teach the child to use the acquired knowledge competently;

Stages of project implementation:

Stage 1 - preparatory (selection of methodological literature, didactic

Kih, role-playing games, game tasks, muses. works)

Stage 2 - main (carrying out a set of events)

Stage 3 - final (sports event« Dad, mom, I am a SDA observing family. ")

Project implementation plan

2nd junior group





"Getting to know the street"

To acquaint with the concepts of "road", "street";

Clarify knowledge of where pedestrians go and where cars go.

Learn to navigate in the surrounding space

Through artistic works, include children in the study of the Rules of Dor. movement

Didactic game:

"Where are we walking?"

Role-playing game : "Garages and Cars";

Reading artistic literature:


"Traffic lights"

To acquaint children with the concept of "traffic light";

Clarify children's ideas about the designation of traffic light colors: red, yellow, green;

Teach children road safety rules

Didactic game:

« Watch out for the car";

Reading artistic literature:

A. North "Traffic Light", V. Kozhevnikov "Traffic Light";

S. Mikhalkov "Idle Traffic Light"

Role-playing game: "Cars and traffic lights"


physical instructor

Middle group






Give an idea of ​​the purpose of the street. Continue to work to protect the health of children. To acquaint with the concepts of "pedestrian crossing", "intersection". To foster a culture of behavior on the street.

Develop imagination.

Didactic games:

"What is a street?"

"Traffic lights"

Conversation " The road to kindergarten "

Painting "Children went out for a walk"

Reading artistic literature:V. Lebedev-Kumach "About smart animals"


art teacher

physical instructor

"Remember the rules of the road"

Clarify children's ideas about traffic rules and road signs ("Children", "Pedestrian crossing", "Bicycle path", "Bus stop", "Traffic light"). to consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic signals.

Didactic game:

« Collect the road sign ";

"Find a Pair";

Application: "Traffic light"

Reading artistic literature:

S. Mikhalkov "If the light turns on red"; "Uncle Styopa is a policeman"

Role-playing game:"Cars and Pedestrians"; Outdoor play:

"Traffic lights".


physical instructor

Sports holiday

"Travel to the country


Signs "

Sports holiday

physical instructor,


music director

Senior group





"Our street"

Develop rules-conscientiousness skills

Traffic safety. To expand knowledge of the rules of conduct for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions

Didactic games:

"Cheerful traffic light"

Conversation "

Application (collective):"Our street"

Reading artistic literature:

N.Nosov "Car"



art teacher

physical instructor

"School of Pedestrian Science"

Consolidate knowledge about:

Road signs;

Street crossing rules;

Didactic game:

" A pedestrian";

Reading artistic literature:

S. Mikhalkov “Idle Traffic Light”, “If the Light Turned on Red”; "Uncle Styopa is a policeman"

Role-playing game

« Traffic Laws"


physical instructor



"Travel to the country


Signs "

to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior on the road

and the Rules of the road.

Sports holiday

physical instructor,


music director

Preparatory group





"The street is full of surprises"

Find out the readiness to act correctly in the current situation on the road, street;

To expand knowledge about the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers in street conditions;

Strengthen children's ideas about traffic lights, various road signs

Didactic game:

"What will you do if ..."

Conversation " The road from home to kindergarten "

"Draw what road signs you know"

Modeling: "Regulator"

Reading artistic literature:V. Lebedev-Kumach "About smart animals";

N.Nosov "Car"



art teacher

physical instructor

"School of Pedestrian Science"

Consolidate knowledge about:

Road signs;

Street crossing rules;

Rules of conduct in public transport;

Continue to work to protect the health of children.

Didactic games:

« Guess which sign ”;

"Travel to the Country

Signs "

Reading artistic literature:

O. Bedarev "ABC of Security";

V.Semernin “Forbidden - allowed

Role-playing game

« Traffic Laws"


physical instructor

Sports holiday


to the country of Road Signs "

to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of safe behavior on the road

and the Rules of the road.

Sports holiday

physical instructor


music director

« Dad, mom, I am a SDA-observing family. "

Fun with parents

Educator Kholodova N.V.

Target: Repeat and consolidate the previously studied signs and their groups. In the form of competitions to consolidate knowledge and skills on the rules of the road.

Material (equipment):Road signs: Underpass, overpass, dangerous turn; racks; gymnastic benches; "Tunnel", split road signs.

Entertainment progress:

Hello dear friends!

Our today's entertainment will be held under the title: "Dad, Mom, I am a knowledgeable family who rules the road."

I hope we will spend a pleasant time with you, showing knowledge, skills, resourcefulness. Parents will show off their knowledge in front of us, which is especially important in front of your children. The children will show their knowledge, which they received from their parents, grandparents, as well as in kindergarten.

The course of the competition will be monitored by our distinguished jury.

The victory will be determined by the number of points scored.

So let's move on to the competition program.


I’ll ask questions now - it’s not easy to answer them. Who knows the rules of movement, he will answer without delay.


  1. What kind of transport carries people? (passenger)
  2. How to bypass transport and why?
  3. What is the correct way to walk on the sidewalk?
  4. What type of transport does the car belong to? (to the car)
  5. How many signals does a traffic light have? (3)
  6. How to walk on a road that has no sidewalk?
  7. What could be hidden behind a standing or moving vehicle?
  8. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (2)
  9. What is the name of the section of the road for the promotion of pedestrians (sidewalk)
  10. What are the pedestrian crossings?
  11. Paved road (highway)
  12. Why can't you cross the road in front of a nearby vehicle?
  13. A device for heating the car cab? (Stove)
  14. The section of the road where the paths of transport and pedestrian intersect (intersection)
  15. Traffic accident (accident)
  16. Motorized bike (moped)
  17. A vehicle moving vertically inside a large house (elevator).

2 COMPETITION "Let's collect the signs?"

Your children know very well and collect cut signs, but will parents be able to correctly assemble signs?!?

Prohibitory signs:

a) pedestrian traffic is prohibited,

b) entry is prohibited,

c) cycling is prohibited

Direction signs:

a) hotel

b) hospital

c) medical aid point

d) food point

(cards cut into 6-7 parts, on command, parents and children collect the named sign, the winner is the one who first correctly assembled the whole sign from the parts - for victory 1 point)


I start, and the parent quickly finds the opposite answer, for the correct answer and speed - 1 point.



  1. And the car can travel.
  2. In the car, you can hide from bad weather (for example: rain).
  3. Transport the sick quickly.
  4. The machine helps to extinguish the fire.
  5. The car transports food to the store.
  6. You can carry a large amount of cargo.

1. Unpleasant smell of gasoline.

2. The machine requires a lot of financial investments.

3.Can be hit by a car if not observed

Traffic Laws.

4. Machines pollute the environment.

5. Because of the car, a fire may start.

6. Can break at the most inopportune moment.


Children sing the song "Down the street, down the street from end to end."

4 COMPETITION "Attentive pedestrian".

2 teams participate at once. After explaining and showing the performance by the assistant, the children begin first (after completing the task completely, the adults begin to complete the task). It is necessary to strictly observe the road signs. Each participant needs a child + parent to pass the "pedestrian" (running is prohibited).

1. Underground passage (tunnel) - we crawl.

2. Overground passage (gymnastic bench) - passage along it.

3. Dangerous turn (5 stands) - fast walking.

The winner gets 1 point.


5 COMPETITION "Guess the riddle".

1.This horse does not eat oats,

There are two wheels instead of legs.

Sit astride and ride

You just better drive. (BIKE)

2.Does it rain

Four wheels?

Tell me what they are called

Such miracles? (WASHING MACHINE)

3. I had a cart,

Yes, only there was no horse.

And suddenly she whinnied,

Zarzhala - ran

Horseless cart (TRUCK)

4.If you are bad ... you won't get far (ROAD)

5. Here is an iron, so an iron!

Oh, how huge!

He passed-

Road - suddenly

Has become smooth new (ROLLER)

6.Long neck will turn

I'll pick up the heavy load.

Where they order, I'll put it

I serve a man (LIFTING CRANE).

7.Where you need a hundred shovels,

I'm glad to work alone! (EXCAVATOR).

(For a correct answer 1 point.)

Musical pause. Dance.

6 COMPETITION "Missing letters".

PSAI (passenger)

CEO (traffic light)

PSHHD (pedestrian)

VLSPD (bicycle)

For the speed and accuracy of the answer - 1 point.

7. COMPETITION "Drive the car into the right garage."

On command (2 teams participate), children run to the common garage, take the correct transport (for example, a passenger (1 team), freight (2 team) and bring it to their garage (hoop). For the speed and correctness of the execution, the team receives - 1 point.


Captains, captains be careful today

Watch out for defeat as drivers are driving.

Who will draw and name (correctly) road signs in more than 1 minute. For each correct answer 1 point.

9 COMPETITION "Rules of conduct in public transport".

Whoever is the last to correctly name the rule of conduct in public transport within a certain time (2 minutes) gets -1 point.

Before the jury sums up the results, we would like to thank everyone for participating in our entertainment. It doesn't matter who won, what matters is that we are all together - children and parents. Parents more often share the knowledge that you received from your dads and mothers, from teachers at school, the knowledge that you have acquired in your life - present it to your children, explain, explain, show the correct example of observance of traffic rules.

The word for summing up and announcing the winners is given by the jury.

Distribution of sweet gifts to participants and family teams:

Veda: Always be careful on the road so that trouble does not happen to you!


Thus, as a result of the work carried out on traffic rules, preschool children will become literate, disciplined pedestrians, road users. Children will develop safe road behavior skills. They will learn to apply the knowledge gained in practice and will behave adequately in any traffic situation, the percentage of DDTT with the participation of children will decrease.


1. Voronova E. A. Red. Yellow. Green. - Rostov-n / D: Phoenix, 2006.

2. Kovalko V. I. Game modular course on traffic rules. M.: VAKO, 2008.

3. Akhmadieva R. Sh., Voronova EE, Minnikhanov RN et al. Teaching preschool children the rules of safe behavior on the roads. GU, NTs BZhB, 2008.

The author of the work: Gorshkov Grigory, 10 years old, student of grade 4 "A", MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Work supervisor: Bagrova Elena Viktorovna, primary school teacher of the 1st category, class teacher, educator of the GPA of the 1st category, MBOU "Secondary School No. 1", Kashira, Moscow Region.
Purpose of material: for children 7 - 10 years old, preschool educators, class teachers, to prepare for competitions and quizzes on traffic rules.
Target: prevention of child road traffic injuries.
Tasks: to prevent the most common mistakes of children on the road, to summarize the existing knowledge on traffic rules, to promote the formation of a responsible attitude to personal safety on the road.

Project preparation plan and implementation timeline:
Stage 1- study of creative assignment issues - September 12, 2015
Stage 2- collection of material on testing issues - September 13, 14, 2015
Stage 3- design of the project - September 15 - 22, 2015
Stage 4- participation in the school round of the competition (selection round)
Stage 5- defense of the project at the district round of the competition - September 30, 2015

Design products:
Historical reference
“The rules themselves were born long ago ... Attempts to introduce rules for driving on streets and roads were created at a time when horse-drawn carriages were driving along the streets. These rules were, of course, not the same as they are now - much simpler. But even then everyone was obliged to know them. In Russia, the tsar's decree warned: "For cabbies and other people of all ranks to ride, having horses bridled, with all fear and caution, quietly." For disobedience "those guilty for the first fault will be beaten by cats, for the second with a whip, for the third they will be sent to hard labor."
“The first rules were created for cabbies and coachmen. Then bicycles appeared (two-wheeled, three-wheeled). The first car, a steam engine, was created in 1769 by the Frenchman Jean Cugno. In 1885, German inventors Karl Benz and Daimler created a car with a gasoline engine - a motorized carriage. Later, cars with an internal combustion engine appeared.
With the advent of cars, new rules have emerged. In England, for example, when the first cars appeared, a special decree was issued, which said:
"In cities, a man with a red flag must run in front of a mechanical carriage in order to warn of the danger." When the first cars appeared in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the city council ordered their owners to drive around the city no faster than 12 km / h. "
Now we cannot even imagine how it is to let a person in front of each car to run and give danger signals. No top runner can handle it. But at that time there was no other way to warn people. True, the speed of the cars was not the same as it is now. Technology developed, cars improved, their number grew, cities grew - and the rules became more and more complex.

I am a passenger today -
I am driving alone.
Didn't buy a ticket at the entrance,
He sat down between the chairs in the aisle,
I turned on the music loudly,
Already, the conductor jumped up.
Says: "Comrade, stand up
And leave our bus!
You are disturbing others - ordinary passengers!
Before you get on the bus, you need to read the rules. "
- The rules, the rules made me read!

I'm a pedestrian today -
I see a transition on the right.
But I'm in a hurry
I don’t look at the signals.
Contrived, ran,
Then the driver shouted:
“You, comrade, do not rush,
Take care of your hands and feet.
You interfere with others - pedestrians as privates.
To become a pedestrian, you have to follow the rules. "
- The rules, the rules were forced to follow!

I am the driver, under me
Two-wheeled steel horse.
I'm racing forward, pedaling
Not hoping for medals.
The guard stopped
Sternly threatened with a finger:
“You, comrade, are a violator!
And show me your rights!
You interfere with others - ordinary drivers.
If you want to become a driver, you must
TRAFFIC RULES know for sure! "
- The rules, the rules made me learn!
(author's poem-joke Bagrova E.V.)

1. Safety of pedestrian traffic on the roadway is achieved by knowledge and strict adherence to traffic rules, observance of traffic signals, road signs and markings.
2. Safety rules for cycling:
Children under 14 years old are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the roads! You can only ride on sidewalks, pedestrian, bike paths and within pedestrian areas.

Once you got behind the wheel of your bike, you became a driver! You cannot arrange races on the roadway, overtake and interfere with traffic.

A cyclist should not cross a pedestrian crossing on a bicycle! You need to get off your bike and cross the road on foot, keeping your bike nearby.

3. Urban and suburban roads are an area of ​​increased danger for pedestrians. Country roads are not equipped with pedestrian paths, and a pedestrian must move along the edge of the carriageway or along the side of the road towards traffic, which creates a danger for pedestrians. On country roads the permitted speed is higher than in the city. Therefore, one must be more careful and attentive on these roads.
4. The safest areas on roads for pedestrians are footpaths, underground and ground crosswalks.

5. The most dangerous areas of roads are pedestrian crossings that are not equipped with traffic lights; carriageways of roads that do not have a pedestrian crossing; intersections, as in these places cars travel from both sides; shoulders - they are close to the roadway.

6. At the crossroads, cars drive from both sides and it is more difficult to assess the situation on the road.

7. Crossing the road is prohibited by traffic rules! You will not have enough time to correctly assess the road situation, and the driver will not cope with the control of the vehicle.

8. It is necessary to stop to make sure that the driver saw you and stopped the car, as well as estimate the distance to the moving vehicle, and cross the road!

9. A traffic light is needed to control the movement of pedestrians and cars. A traffic light controls the movement of cars, and a pedestrian traffic light controls pedestrian traffic. RED traffic light PROHIBITS movement, YELLOW - WARNING, GREEN - ALLOWED movement.

10. Do not go out on the road if a car is approaching with a blue or blue-red flashing beacon and a sound signal on. This can be an ambulance, fire service, police, Ministry of Emergencies.

11. The bus or trolleybus bypasses from behind; the road is crossed at the nearest pedestrian crossing at a green traffic light or, if the crossing is unregulated, you must first stop, look to the left, then to the right, make sure that cars let you pass or are far from you, cross the road.
12. The driver turns into a pedestrian as soon as he gets out of the car.

13. Standard seat belts are for adults only and do not fit a child under 12 years of age.
14. To be literate - you need to learn letters and learn to read and write, and in order to behave skillfully and competently on the roads - you need to know another alphabet - ROAD RULES. This is very important in order to protect yourself and others on the road.
15. Without road signs, it would be impossible to regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads, there would be more emergencies and road accidents.

16. First of all, pedestrians need to know the following signs - road signs on which pedestrians are prohibited from moving: "Highways", "No pedestrian traffic" sign, "Automobile road", "Danger", "Road works", "Pedestrian path", "Underground passage", "Overhead passage".

17. It is dangerous to play near the roadway and at the railway tracks - you can get under the wheels of a traveling vehicle!
18. Crossing the road is possible only at the GREEN traffic light signal at the pedestrian crossing. Look left, right, make sure cars stop and let you pass. If there is no pedestrian crossing, then you need to cross the road strictly across, in the place where it is clearly visible in both directions.

19.To reduce the risk of road traffic injuries while walking in the yard, you need to: play on a specially equipped playground, and not close to the carriageway, always be careful, look around.

"How Petya Learned to Obey the Traffic Rules"
The boy Petya Ivanov was in no hurry to go home after school. He met friends who played football next to the roadway, it was a lot of fun and the guys forgot all the dangers. The ball flew onto the road, Petya rushed after him and almost got hit by a car. The driver drove well at a low speed and managed to brake.