Nutrition children aged 1 year. Power of a one-year-old child eating breast. From pumpkins and cottage cheese

In year? This question is asked every mother when the kid will grow up, and breastfeeding is stopped. Of course, the first lures should be on the recommendation of pediatricians in the desired quantity. But after a year, the baby can already be enough to diversify the menu.

It must be properly compiled so that the child with the products get the necessary trace elements and vitamins for full growth and development.


Despite the fact that the baby has several teeth in this age and is more active to know the world, including with food, the mother must still seriously refer to the feeding schedule.

One-year-old kid per day should eat on average 1100 g of a variety of food. This amount is divided into 5 meals. All the same main dishes in the diet should be dairy.

If the baby is still drinking breast milk, then you do not need to sharply refuse it in this. Mixtures of artificials are still offered, but adapted for the age of the child. Dairy porridge should be in the daily menu of the child. What to feed in the year of the kid?

It can be purchased dairy porridges in boxes from the children's nutrition department or cooked at home. Which option to use, solves the mother depending on the taste preferences of the baby and its features of health.

It is necessary to feed the child at approximately the same time. Then the gastric juice and the necessary enzymes will be produced to the presidency and problems with its digestion will not occur.

What products are required after a year

In the daily menu, the baby must necessarily be present vegetables and fruits. They give the child organism the required amount of vitamins and trace elements. And the gastrointestinal tract gradually gets used to digesting a new type of food.

Taking into account the fact that many children are inclined to the emergence of various diathesis, for the first time the product is introduced in a minimum number. Every day, with a normal reaction, the amount of food proposed is increasing.

Many parents believe that the baby can already eat, as they say, from the total boiler. This is a categorically incorrect solution. At this age, the child requires a separate menu by special recipes.

How much baby feed per year? The intervals between meals should not exceed 4 hours. Between the main meals are required to have snacks.

Be sure to present in the weekly menu:

  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • porridge;
  • meat;
  • a fish.

It is impossible to give all the products in one day. They must be distributed evenly in the menu for 7 days.

Soup with meatballs

What to feed the child per year? The recipe of this soup will help make a delicious first dish for the baby. For its preparation, diet type of meat (rabbit, turkey, chicken) are used.

From fresh meakty, you need to prepare 100 g of minced meat. At this time, 30 g of the ball from the baton soften in water. Then you need to squeeze it and add to the mince. This is also thrown on the shallow nozzle 1/4 of the onion bulbs. The minced meat is mixed and small meatballs are formed.

They drop into a saucepan with boiling water and boil 10-15 minutes. Then this broth merges. Fresh water is poured into the pan. One average potato is cut into small cubes, 1/2 carrots are processed in the same way. Vegetables are added to the soup.

After boiling dish, the dish is satisfied (minimum) and boiled up to the readiness of potatoes and carrots. Then the pan is removed from the fire and set down to the side so that the soup with meatballs fill.

If the baby still chews badly, then the thick can be chopped by a fork. It is not worth using a blender at this age, otherwise the chewing reflex is not produced.

Dietary borsch

What can feed the child after a year? The baby gradually needs to teach the full menu. Therefore, it will be one of the steps to adult nutrition.

For its preparation, you need to put a saucepan with 1 liter of water on fire. All vegetables are cleaned before use and are rinsed well. Two medium potatoes are cut into small cubes. Carrots and medium beet rubbed on the middle nozzle. Little bulb is well crushed.

Vegetables are put in a saucepan and boil on a small fire. One medium sweet pepper cuts into small cubes. Cabbage (100 g) crumble finely and added to borsch when other vegetables boil.

Two small tomatoes are blanch and skin removed from them. They will also crumble with small cubes. Peppers and tomatoes are added to the dish 10 minutes before readiness. Ready borsch is preferably to blame for a fork, because the baby is still difficult to chew cabbage.

For taste and interest in the child, it is possible to draw a funny face of a funny face with sour cream.

Cutlets in the oven

What to feed the child per year for dinner? In the evening, the baby can be offered a cutlet with a side dish. Meat must be present in the diet of a one-year-old child. For the preparation of the kitlet can be used turkey or chicken.

Polkylogram of meakty and 200 g pumpkins twisted on the meat grinder. 1 egg and 1 bulb (grated on a small nozzle) are added to the stuffing. Mass is saturated and mixed well.

So that the cutlets do not disintegrate, you need to add a bit of breadtime superstar into the mince. Now you can proceed to the formation of a small size of the blanks. The required amount is laid out on the baking sheet (covered with parchment paper).

The remaining cutlets can be sent to the freezer until the next cooking. Candying the dish should be 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees, the baking sheet is needed to cover the foil. Then it is cleaned, and the cutlets are preparing for another 20 minutes.


How to feed the child in the year between the main meals? To do this, you can use fruit puree or dishes from cottage cheese. Casserole will become a delicious and useful dessert for the baby.

For its preparation you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • cottage cheese 60 g;
  • manka 4 g;
  • milk 15 ml;
  • sour cream 10 g

The resulting mass is larched by a fork to a homogeneous consistency. It goes here 5 g of sugar. The mixture is laid out in a small mold, which is pre-lubricated with butter and is sprinkled with breadcrumbs.

Casserole is in the oven until readiness at 180 degrees.

Dairy Kashi.

Such dishes must necessarily be present in the daily menu of the child up to 3-5 years. Moms are often wondering than feeding a child per year for breakfast. Dairy porridge are ideal for this purpose.

They can be prepared on the stove or in a slow cooker. In the second case, cereal is obtained by lush and gentle to taste. For cooking, 100 g of cereals are needed (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) rinse and put in a multicooker bowl. Pour 0.5 liters of milk and add sugar to taste here.

Multi-cooker is displayed "Kashi" mode. After 40 minutes, the signal of cooking will be performed. The porridge is placed in a plate and a small piece of creamy oil is placed on top. Optionally, crushed fruits can be added to the finished dish.

Manna porridge

Some since childhood have not very pleasant memories of the cake. But it can be prepared so tasty that this porridge will become a favorite baby breakfast. For her preparation, 200 g pumpkins clean and rinse well. Vegetable rubbed on a shallow grater.

A 200 ml of milk is poured into the sovereign and is brought to a boil. A pumpkin goes here, and the mixture is brewed for 15 minutes. Then here is gradually introduced 2 hours. L. Manki with constant stirring.

Porridge is boiled for another 15 minutes. Sugar is added to taste and before removing the shill from the fire a small piece of butter. Porridge will acquire a beautiful orange color and will be delicate consistency.

Souffle from the liver

In the year, the child is introduced gradually new products. The liver is necessarily present in the Toddler menu 1-2 times a week. How to feed the child a year to make the food bring maximum benefit? Souffle from the liver will be the perfect option for this purpose.

Sub-products of chicken, beef, turkey are also used for cooking. 100 g of the liver is needed to rinse and remove all veins. Then it is cut into small cubes.

Also bold 50 g of carrots. From 1 eggs separated by yolks. All ingredients are placed in one container. Milk (1 \\ 5 glasses) and 2 tbsp are added here. l. oatmeal.

The whole mixture is well interrupted by a blender. Separately whipped protein and slowly poured into a common mass. The mixture is poured into the mold and put in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Souffle can also be prepared in a slow cooker in "Couples" mode. Baking time is the same - 30 minutes.

Fish Teftelki.

What can feed the child per year? In the diet, by this time there should be a pretty good range of different dishes. Fish is a mandatory product in the kid menu. Dishes from it are offered 2 times a week.

You can simply boil the low-fat species and mix with potato mashed potatoes. But it looks somewhat trite and not very tasty. The child initially should be accustomed to full-fledged dishes so that in the future did not command mom in terms of food.

Fish themecakes can be prepared from any white low-fat fish. It is better to use sea, because there are practically no bones in it. For cooking, 60 g of fish without bones grind in a meat grinder with the addition of 10 g of white bread (soak in advance).

The mince is added yolks and 1/4 h. L. vegetable oil. The mass is solted to taste, small balls are formed. They laid out on the tray, poured with a bottom with water (you can add a little sliced \u200b\u200btomato or tomato juice of your own preparation).

Templates are baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes. You can feed them with any puree or small pasta.

Delicious manual pudding

This dish can be offered to the baby to the afternoon. Such a dessert will enjoy the whole family, and the child, among other things. It can be submitted to unexpected guests to tea.

For its preparation, it is necessary to mix 150 g of semolina and 100 g of sugar in a small container. This also adds a small choping of salt. This mixture is gradually introduced into hot milk (4 cups), and a thick porridge is cooked on a slow fire with constant stirring.

Pot retarded from the plate, and the mass completely cools. It contains 250 g of maskarpone cheese and 1 bag of vanilla sugar. This mass is whipped with a mixer, eggs are gradually introduced (3 pieces).

Silicone molds are lubricated with butter and put on a small amount of flour. The prepared mass is poured here. Dessert bakes 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

When puddings are a little cool, they will fall asleep and small recesses are formed. Here you can put your favorite fruit puree baby.

What and how to feed the child in a year, discussed in detail in this article. These tips will help the mother to make a balanced and tasty menu to the baby for a week.

Annual kid is already familiar with many products from an adult. He knows the taste of meat and fish. He was gradually taught to soups and porridges, fermented milk products. However, for some children, breast milk is still important in nutrition. During feeding, the kid not only enjoys the delicious and usual food, but also communicates with her mother, her love feels, calm down. No need to deprive it of such a useful product. Breastfeeding can last up to 2.5-3 years, when the child is fully translated into adult food.


The principles of one year old baby

Food should be diverse and helpful. The diet includes all the components necessary for the development. During the preparation of children's meals, the physiological features of the development of the digestive system are taken into account. In addition, the baby until he can chew food, to 1.5- 2 years it is given in crushed form. Soups and stewed vegetables are turned into a puree, the meat is grinding. Porridge can give more thick than before.

For feeding the baby, it is recommended to use dishes from special food plastics. The advantage of such dishes is a small thermal conductivity of the material. The child does not burn, as the dishes are not heated, besides, the food remains warm for a long time. If the baby accidentally drops a plate to the floor, then it will not break, and when it drops it, he does not be afraid of loud sound.

It is advisable to observe feeding mode: feed 4-5 times a day at about the same time. Then the appetite will be better, and the digestive system will prepare for food processing. If feeding mode does not follow, the child will not form a food reflex that promotes the production of gastric juice and enzymes for food processing. Having used to the power regimen, the baby will be less capricious for meals. It develops the need to use simple and necessary dishes. Between feeding it is not recommended to pack it with biscuits, buns, sweet fruit.

Breast milk is better to give after the kid ate solid food. It is advisable to feed it with breasts in the morning or before night bed. In the intervals between meals, it is not recommended to ride a kid with juices or sweet tea so as not to kill appetite. Food is prepared with a minimum sugar. The kids are easily getting used to sweet, then they are harder to feed them simple and necessary for normal digestion with dishes.

Up to 3 years old dishes are better not to shed, and not to use spices in them. You can add a little onion and garlic to food. All new products are introduced little, preferably in the first half of the day, since the kid can be allergic to them or the intestinal disorder occur.

Video: How long feed baby breasts

What products include in the diet

In 1 year, the following products can be included in the child's diet:

  • chicken and low-fat beef meat;
  • eggs;
  • fish low-fat varieties (heck or polytya);
  • vegetables and fruits in boiled and raw form;
  • whole milk;
  • cottage cheese and fermented products. It is recommended to include in the diet of the baby only special children's dairy products (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheerleh), since their quality is controlled more carefully than the products for adults.

It is impossible to give whole milk milk to the kids to 1 year, since the digestive system is not developed enough to process one-piece milk. After a year, the child should receive up to 0.5 liters of pasteurized milk, which contains necessary for the growth of teeth and the development of the calcium bone system. The fatty milk is 3.2-4%, since such milk contains amino acids necessary for the development of the brain and nerve tissues.

It must be remembered: Cow's milk, eggs, honey, citrus, fresh strawberries often cause an allergic reaction. They are given them at the beginning only in minimal doses and in such a manner so that in the event of allergies, it was possible to understand which of its products caused.

Some children have congenital milk intolerance due to lack of milk enzyme in the body. In the diet, in this case, only special milk, not containing lactose, is introduced.

In a year old, the dishes are needed for children are cereal rich in microelements. First, soluble porridges that do not contain lumps are given, and then gradually go to conventional, cooked from croup. It is useful to give oatmeal, buckwheat, rice porridge. In the manna caress, the plant protein contains gluten, which is poorly absorbed by the low-profile digestive system of a small child. Therefore, it is not recommended to give it up to 3 years of age.

Video: How to teach the child to eat right

Menu for baby 1 year

The approximate menu should look like this:
1st meal: Dairy porridge (150 g) with adding 5 g of butter, 1/2 yolk, fruit puree (50 g);
2nd: Stew vegetables on vegetable oil (150 g), 2 meat steam cutlets (2 times a week - fish), bread, fruit juice;
3rd: cottage cheese (30 g), fruit puree with cookies (70 g), yogurt;
4th: boiled vegetables or porridge without milk on vegetable oil (150 g), rubbed meat (50 g), compote;
5th: Yoghurt or kefir (1 cup).

Tip: So that the child eating with an appetite should not force him to eat against the will. You can not entertain while eating. Meals are not worth stretching for a long time, it should last about 15-30 minutes. If a healthy baby refuses to eat, you need to postpone feeding until it gets hungry. The child will gradually get used to the power regime.

How much must have a baby 1 year

For the normal development of the child, which was 1 year old, per day is required (per 1 kg of body weight) in 4 g of protein and fats and 16 g of carbohydrates. At the same time, most of the proteins and fats (70%) should have an animal origin. It is necessary to give low-fat meat, as well as the liver and other offal.

Creamy oil is added to the dishes (approximately 12 g per day). Fresh oil without heat treatment into the diet is introduced very carefully, otherwise there may have an intestinal disorder in a child. The total caloric content of products per day is 1200-1300 kcal with a total volume of food eaten 1000-1200 ml (including water and drinks).

What products can not be given to children

By catching a child to adult food, it is necessary to remember that fatty foods, fried foods, sausages and sausages are required from the diet (they contain toxic kid preservatives and other additives), smoked products, mushrooms.

Fruits need to be cleaned and give as mashed potatoes so that the baby is not suppressed.

© Inna Volodina / Photobank Laurie

The child's child over a year should be different from food until the year. The kid can already chew food with teeth, the stomach becomes more, and the digestion is better. During this period, the child is actively developing, the needs of the body are changing. Now almost half of the energy coming from food is spent on physical activity. Food will gradually become approaching adult, but you do not need to immediately translate the baby to the shared table.

What can feed the child in 1 year

If the mother continues to breastfeeding, then at this age it is possible to make a decision on termination. Mothermary milk can no longer fill the children's organism with the necessary useful substances and it is now easier to wean a child from the chest.

With the development of chewing skills and the appearance of chewing teeth, it is necessary to introduce more hard food, but the consistency should be such that the child can easily be chewed. Kashevaya food still occupies the main position in the kid's diet.

At this age, the role of dairy products is still important.

Daily in the Child menu must be attended by:

  • milk,
  • cottage cheese,
  • sour cream or cream.

Milk products May be made of cow milk if there is no allergy. But pediatricians are more often inclined to use goat milk products. It should be remembered that the milk must undergo heat treatment.

Products rich in animal protein are needed to grow and rapidly developing organism.

In the diet of a one-year-old child must be present meat dishes:

  • veal
  • low-fat pork,
  • chickens
  • turkey
  • a rabbit.

It is not advisable to give meat dishes fried. It is better to cook for a couple or boil.

  • A fish. It is very useful to a child and fish, 2 or 3 days a week meat dish better replace fish.
  • Eggs. If only a chicken egg yolk could be given before a year, then after a year you can give an egg every day. But when you detect allergies to the protein, it is better to exclude it.
  • Kashi.. Continue to give a baby porridge, buckwheat and oatmeal is especially useful.
  • Bread products and cereals. Many kids love pasta. But you should not feed the child with them often, there are many carbohydrates and there are no vitamins. The average daily kits of the anema should include 15-20 grams of cereals, 5 grams of pasta and bread not more than 100 grams.
  • Vegetables. Very useful for a variety of vegetables in any form. In summer, it is better fresh in the form of salads. Children are happy to eat various puree. Good and stewed and baked vegetables.
  • Fruits. Fruits and berries must be present on the children's table. It is they that make the required amount of minerals and vitamins, as well as sugar. And confectionery is better minimized. Fruit and vegetable juices can be made industrial production intended for baby food. The carbonated drinks under the categorical prohibition.

Table with an exemplary menu for a child from 1 year (increases by clicking):

Than feeding a child in 2 years

In 2 years, food must still differ from the adult, the toddler's stomach is not yet able to digest the dishes of adult dishes. Pediatricians do not recommend eating fatty and fried food. Although once a week you can already give fried fish in a chicken or pancakes. Under the ban all fast food, and sweets should be limited.

  • Milk and dairy products Important and in this period of life, but the fat content of milk is already desirable to reduce, give less fat.
  • Cottage cheese It is better to give raw, but you can prepare in the form of casserole.
  • Vegetables and fruits Must be in a diet in large quantities. They can no longer be peathed in puree, but to give boiled or stewed pieces. Many children love salads from fresh vegetables or fruits, filled with sour cream. Now dill, parsley may be present in vegetable salads.
  • Meat and fish Stay important in the Child menu. If the child refuses to eat meat, prepare a potato casserole with minced meat. This dish loves many children. Omelet with fish has a soft consistency and also like small convictions. Sausage and salt fish pediatricians give a child not recommended.
  • In the diet of a two year old child, you can enter the liver. It is very useful for blood formation and digestion, as well as rich in easily dismissed proteins. It is good to combine in dishes with vegetables.
  • Kashi. They can already get bored with a child, but do not exclude them. It is enough to diversify the usual porridge by adding fruits and berries into it.
  • Soups Vegetable or on meat broth should be present at least three times a week. Pediatricians believe that the most useful borsch for child digestion. Only during cooking does not need to add spices and roasted vegetables.
  • Bread In the diet of the child must be present daily, and it is better to give a sdob. As a light snack, it is better to offer babies to the baby.
  • Can be destroyed by marmalade or marshmallow. Chocolate can be given in limited quantities if there is no allergies.

Approximate menu in the table, for children from 2 years (increases by clicking):

Than you can feed the baby in 3 years

Many parents mistakenly believe that since 3 years old is time to have all the dishes from an adult table. But the digestion at this age is not yet sufficiently developed and it is necessary to continue carefully towards meals. It must remain balanced and useful.

Already wipe food is not needed not to lead to an incorrect bite. The food must be pieces, to force the chewing muscles to work and strengthen. But hard food should not be, the child will not be able to chew it well or completely refuses such a meal.

  • Liver. Continue to give the baby dishes from the liver. It can be hung with vegetables or make pate. Children willingly eat pasta from liver with bread.
  • Meat and fish. Diverse meat and fish dishes. Now you can already fry, and not just cook for a couple. Sausage products are still limited. Salted fish is desirable not to give.
  • Cottage cheese You can prepare in the form of cheesery or lazy dumplings. So he likes more to children, but raw cottage cheese is preferable. Good to add raisins or chopped dried to it.
  • Milk And kefir should not be excluded from the children's diet. Although the daily rate of milk is already much lower than in early years.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Still, vegetables make up most of the diet. Especially in the raw form, it is so that all vitamins and minerals are preserved. In addition, the child is already able to warm them well. Stewed and baked vegetables and fruits must necessarily be present on the children's table. And vegetable beams can be used as a basis for sauces.

Fats in baby diet are also important, they help to assimilate some vitamins. But not all fats are equally useful. It should not be given to a child food, fried in large amounts of oil, as well as margarine and products where it is present.

Each mother wants her baby to grow healthy and strong. One of the most important conditions for normal physical and is the correctly selected menu. Most children at this age are already translated from on artificial. Even if the baby continues to receive maternal milk, it is necessary to include other foods in its diet.

Note: Some one-year-old children show a kind of food conservatism, refusing any other eating other than breast milk.

Child feeding mode per year

Annoyed child must be fed 4-5 times during the day. Food recovery mode to make up the time intervals between feedings were not more than 4 hours. On the day, the kid should consume an average of 1000-1200 ml of food; The amount of fluid consumed in this case is not taken into account. A quarter of volume should be for breakfast, 35% - for lunch, 15% - for afternoon and 25% - for dinner.

Such a regime is considered optimal for children from 1 year to one and a half years. It is desirable that the second dishes have a grape consistency, but if chewing teeth have already appeared, it is possible to give dense pieces of about 2-3 cm in size.

Note: In practice, only a few parents measure time and volume; Small errors do not have much importance.

Approximate meal mode:

Extremely undesirable "snacks" between the main feedings. If a child is capricious, because he was hungry, you can offer him fruit, but, in no case, not sweetness or flour. These "fast carbohydrates" are only. In addition, such errors in the diet over time can cause the development of metabolic disorders.

Child's diet per year

For breakfast, it is best to offer a baby porridge. For cooking suitable, or. Very useful for digestion, for example, known to all "Hercules". Kinda preferably add a small cube of butter, berries or sliced \u200b\u200bfresh fruits. You can cook a child, etc. Multuallylakovaya porridge, but only provided that all kinds of crucibles are already given earlier. After eating a child, you can give a cup of compote or tea. If he refuses - not trouble; So the body does not experience the need for an additional volume of fluid.

Important: Be sure to follow the elementary rules of hygiene when cooking. Follow the cleanliness of your hands and teach the child thoroughly wash your arms before meals. This will reduce the likelihood of intestinal disorders.

The optimal set of products for the second breakfast is fermented milk products, buns or cookies and fruits (pear or apple). It is advisable to prepare the kefir on their own, but if preference is given to factory products, carefully examine their composition. The presence of dyes or flavors in dairy products is extremely undesirable. Baking is also desirable to prepare independently - in the purchase may contain preservatives for a one-year-old child and other unwanted additives.

Full dinner should consist of the first and second dish, as well as a salad of fresh vegetables. Soups are preferably cooking on a vegetable broth (optimal choice or beetter). Steam cutlets or meatballs will be suitable for the second. It is advisable 1-2 times during the week to offer the kid fish dishes instead of meat. Preference in this case should be given to low-fat sea fish (white). For the preparation of salad, it is recommended to use local vegetables (preferably - seasonal). Berry juice, compote or water can be given after meals if the child will ask.

After a day sleep, an easy afternoon is needed. It is best to feed the one-year-old child with a vegetable puree or a children's curd, as an option - to offer a glass of ryazhenka or with a fresh bun.

For dinner, you need to give the baby an omelet on a pair or puree from vegetables with meat. A good option is a pumpkin porridge with a millet cereal.

Immediately before bedtime, it is useful to drink 100-200 g of kefir or other sour milk drink.

Important: Feed a one-year-old child need only freshly prepared dishes. Do not leave the first and second in the refrigerator "for tomorrow"!

Remember: than a variety of menu, the better your baby will have.

What products do you need to refuse?

Many ordinary for adults products can provoke from a one-year-old child disorder of digestion, metabolic disorders and other troubles.

List of products that should not be offered to the kid of one year old age:

Recipes of delicious and useful dishes for a one-year-old child

We have prepared you recipes for several simple, but very useful dishes, who are glad to eat children aged one year.

Lazy dumplings from curd dough with cherry

This is a wonderful dish for the second breakfast or afternoon.

For its preparation, the following ingredients will be required:

  • 200 g of cottage cheese (preferable - dry);
  • 5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • one egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sugar sand;
  • cherries without bones (fresh or frozen) - 12-15 pcs.

Egg swallute with sugar to the maximum homogeneous consistency, then add cottage cheese and thoroughly mix. Then gradually pour flour to obtain a thick dough. Wet your hands and make a cake from the cottage cheese dough with a palm, put a cherry in the middle of 1 and a little sugar. Now blind edges, and roll the ball. When all lazy dumplings are ready, place them in a double boiler for 20 minutes. Delicious and useful dish for a one-year-old child!

Fish with vegetable garnish

Fish dishes are advisable to include the kid in the diet, at least once a week. The product is a valuable source of vitamins and trace elements. Fish with vegetables can be given for lunch as a second dish or for dinner.


  • white fish fillet of non-fat varieties;
  • half of the medium carrot;
  • third small bulbs;
  • 1 Tomato "Cherry".

Boil fish or prepare it for a couple. Clean the carrots and onions thoroughly, grind and extinguish in a pan until readiness. In a deep plate, put a layer of finely sliced \u200b\u200bboiled fish and cover it with a layer of stewed vegetables. Tomato Cut into slices or circles, and use it to decorate this tasty and healthy dish. Even children who are not delighted with fish will eat it with pleasure!

Sweet Apple Vitamin Salad

This useful dish is very simple and fast. It can be given to the baby for lunch and dinner.


  • half of the apple;
  • half a small beet;
  • vegetable oil.

Pre-welded beets Clean the peel, and cut the straw or small cubes. Remove the skin from the apple, and cut the core, then also cut it into small pieces. Stir the ingredients and add an teaspoon of oil.

From what dishes will be offered to a child in 1 year, it will largely depend on the formation of its food habits. The diet should be balanced, and the products contain a normal amount of calories, vitamins and trace elements, important for the growth and development of the baby.

Plan the daily menu of the child in 1 year can already be tailored to the foods that adult family members are taken. Gradually transferring crumb into a shared table, it is necessary to thoroughly think over a balanced and full-fledged nutrition of the baby. The health and development of Karapuza directly depends on the right diet.

Features of feeding

The digestive system at the age of 12 months is able to absorb a new food, in the mouth there is already some kind of teeth, ready to actively chew it. So far, not all products can be introduced into the children's diet, but gradually disappears the need to grind all the ingredients. It should be remembered that children of this age are already forming their taste addictions. They learn to choose which dishes they like, and from what to refuse.

If the child is still on breastfeeding, it is not necessary to deprive its nutrients in maternal milk. The feeding process ensures the baby sense of security and close relationship with a close man. Evening portion of maternal milk will help the crumb to fall asleep faster. It should be collected from the chest in stages, having reduced the number of sessions to the morning and evening, with a gradual full refusal of breastfeeding.

The child's nutrition mode is almost no change in 1 year. 4-5 one-time meals should be adhered - every 3-4 hours. During this time, the Karapuz will have time to get drunk. 5-6 one-time feeding, taking into account the applying to the chest, is allowed. Depending on the appetite, the baby Mom will decide how many times a day giving him food. It is important not to violate the set mode for the proper operation of the digestive system. From night feeding it is necessary to gradually refuse.


The morning awakening is accompanied by a gradual translation from breast milk or dairy mixes on a full-fledged breakfast. Porridge remain the main product in the diet. In addition to familiar oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge, you can offer corn or wheat, which are no less useful.

If necessary, dairy cereals are replaced with water cooked on water. You can also use vegetable broth.

The volume of serving a one-year-old child is from 150 to 200 ml. 5 g of butter is put in porridge. You can add crushed fruits in a plate, and separately cooked fruit puree is suitable. Boiled yolk will complement the morning diet. Porridge can be replaced by an omelet cooked for a couple. For sandwich with butter, you should choose wheat bread: rye flour products can provoke fermentation processes in the intestine.

In a diet for a child of 1 year, up to 3 chicken eggs per week. When counting the norms, it should be remembered that the eggs are also present in the souffle, they are added to the cutlets and cheesecakes. From drinks you can offer juice or tea.


You can start dinner with salads prepared from fresh or boiled vegetables and leaf greenery, refueling them with sour cream or sunflower oil. Soups or broths are prepared from a fillet low-fat meat. To refuel soups, vegetables, cereals and pasta are used. An annual child can be given a puree soup, cooked from vegetables, soup or borsch, milk soup, as well as soup with meat or fish meatballs.

What to cook the child for the second? You can make meat casserole. As a second dish, themeters, cutlets or zrazy, using fish or meat are prepared. A vegetable puree is suitable for a garnish. Diversify the menu will help calf and chicken liver dishes. Of these valuable products, delicious puddings and beneficial pies are obtained. You can complete lunch with juice, oxygen, compote from fresh fruits and berries or dried fruits.

Afternoon person

After daytime sleep, you can eat cottage cheese with sour cream or yogurt, cottages, casserole or milk soufflies. To obtain a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium, 70 g of cottage cheese per day will be required. Children will also be happy to eat puree made of fresh fruit, or drink juice.


The dinner of the kid consists of vegetables with the addition of cereals or some amount of meat. It can be added to porridge pumpkin or carrot puree, vegetable stew with meat. Complete berry dinner or fruit. From drinks - juice or tea.

Before bedtime, it is useful to drink kefir or spoke. The daily rate of fermented milk drink is 200 ml. The baby, still on breastfeeding, will be enough maternal milk.

About fish and meat

By purchasing fish for the baby, who was marked by a year, should pay attention to non-large varieties. Fillet fillets, cod or thermal fillets. Pieces of fish are boiled, carefully choose all bones and crushed. The baby is enough from 40 to 80 g fish dishes per week cooked as a souffle or a kitlet.

Meat is required to enter into a daily diet in the amount of 60-80 g. When buying it is recommended to choose a rabbit meat or bird. Veal is suitable and low-fat beef. Of the carefully wired meat prepare a pate or soup. Mince will go to steam meatballs, zrazy, meatballs and casseroles. It is allowed to enter a chicken or calf liver in the monthly diet, as well as language and heart.

About vegetables and fruits

Salads and puree from vegetables and fruits must be present in the menu of children to provide the body with vitamins and microelements and improve the work of the digestive organs. In seasonal time, it is preferable to use fresh products grown in your region. Vegetables with high tissue content must be carefully managed to avoid the appearance of colic in the intestine and the bloating of the child.

For cooking vegetable salads are used:

  • boiled potatoes;
  • green pea;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • boiled beet;
  • boiled pumpkin;
  • raw or boiled carrots;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • cucumbers.

Fruit salad for the kid consists of crushed apples or pears. Bananas, peaches or apricots can be cut by slices. Fresh-plated berries are added to porridge, salads and fruit masses.

Pay attention to a number of tips that pediatricians give young parents.

  1. Strange components are recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually, watching the body's response to products.
  2. Vegetables and fruits of bright colors can cause an allergic reaction, so offer their baby should be caution.
  3. Meat dishes are recommended for lunch, so that during the day they managed to be worried about the body.
  4. Solid variety cheese can be added to dishes in small volumes - for example, sprinkle casserole cheese or serve it together with pasta.
  5. The nutritional value of pasta is not very high, so in the diet of a 12-month-old child they can appear no more than 1 or 2 times a week.
  6. The dishes are recommended slightly climb, but if possible, it is better to do without salt.
  7. Sugar in a daily diet should not exceed the norm in 30-40 g, it is preferable to replace it with fructose.
  8. Cookies, grazing, marmalade and jam are allowed from confectionery.
  9. The right drinking mode is necessary for the health of the child. The baby can only be given clean bottled or boiled water in the volume that it wishes.
  10. You can feed the child only freshly prepared food.

Features of the nutrition of young children

By making the menu of the child in 1 year, it is necessary to take into account certain norms. To feed the karapuz, it will take 1200-1250 ml of food daily. It is necessary to alternate dishes during the week to provide a children's body with the right amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The largest calorie accounted for lunch, smaller - for breakfast and dinner, and the smallest one - afternooner.

Products are distributed so that every day the child gets about 35% for about 35%, in breakfast and dinner about 25%, at the afternoon snack about 15% of the total daily volume of food.

Culinary processing of dishes is carried out by extinguishing, baking and cooking in water or for a pair. From half a trip dish, the child gradually moves to the rubbed, then - on crushed and pass, learns to chew food with a dense consistency. For the development of chewing skills, it is recommended to offer pieces of fruits and vegetables. Some kids are enough 2 or 3 months to begin to cope on their own products. In children who were 1 year and 6 months and 6 months, thanks to an increase in the amount of teeth there are more opportunities to absorb more coarse food.

How to make a menu?

When making a menu for a child in 1 year, it is necessary to navigate not only on the recommendations of the specialists. It is necessary to take into account the preferences of the kid himself. After the morning awakening, he can offer breast milk or a mixture. Before bedtime - any milk product or maternal milk. The volume of portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be counted taking into account the morning and evening feeding.

We offer you several options for the approximate menu for a one-year-old baby with recipes.

Menu No. 1.

Menu No. 2.

Menu No. 3.

Than feeding a one-year-old child: recipes

Tefators from turkey

  1. 300 g turkey fillets pass through the meat grinder.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. Rice twist in water and add to mincedors.
  3. Push the crushed bow head.
  4. Slightly satten.
  5. Stuffed balls for a couple of 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

  1. 2 eggs beat with 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and Vanillina Baby.
  2. Mix with 2 tbsp. l. Manki and 500 g of cottage cheese
  3. Grease the shape of baking cream oil.
  4. Pour the cottage cheese and bake half an hour at 170 degrees.

Milk Pudding

  1. Manna porridge weld from 50 g of cereals, 150 ml of milk and 150 ml of water.
  2. Mix with 10 g of butter and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.
  3. Drink egg.
  4. All ingredients mix thoroughly.
  5. A shape lubricate with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.
  6. Put the dough and bake for 20 minutes at 175 degrees.

Do not hurry to translate crumb into a shared table. It is much more useful to make an individual feeding mode. It is important to comply with all nutritional recommendations so that the child grow and develops in accordance with age.